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rev 6663 : imported patch 8008576

 594     const jchar *langtag = (*env)->GetStringChars(env, jlangtag, JNI_FALSE);
 595     int got = 0;
 597     switch (type) {
 598     case sun_util_locale_provider_HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl_CD_FIRSTDAYOFWEEK:
 599         got = getLocaleInfoWrapper(langtag, LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, buf, BUFLEN);
 600         break;
 601     }
 603     (*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, jlangtag, langtag);
 605     if (got) {
 606         return _wtoi(buf);
 607     } else {
 608         return -1;
 609     }
 610 }
 612 int getLocaleInfoWrapper(const jchar *langtag, LCTYPE type, LPWSTR data, int buflen) {
 613     if (pGetLocaleInfoEx) {

 614         return pGetLocaleInfoEx((LPWSTR)langtag, type, data, buflen);

 615     } else {
 616         // If we ever wanted to support WinXP, we will need extra module from
 617         // MS...
 618         // return GetLocaleInfo(DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID(langtag, 0), type, data, buflen);
 619         return 0;
 620     }
 621 }
 623 int getCalendarInfoWrapper(const jchar *langtag, CALID id, LPCWSTR reserved, CALTYPE type, LPWSTR data, int buflen, LPDWORD val) {
 624     if (pGetCalendarInfoEx) {

 625         return pGetCalendarInfoEx((LPWSTR)langtag, id, reserved, type, data, buflen, val);

 626     } else {
 627         // If we ever wanted to support WinXP, we will need extra module from
 628         // MS...
 629         // return GetCalendarInfo(DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID(langtag, 0), ...);
 630         return 0;
 631     }
 632 }
 634 jint getCalendarID(const jchar *langtag) {
 635     WCHAR type[BUFLEN];
 636     int got = getLocaleInfoWrapper(langtag, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, type, BUFLEN);
 638     if (got) {
 639         return _wtoi(type);
 640     } else {
 641         return 0;
 642     }
 643 }
 645 void replaceCalendarArrayElems(JNIEnv *env, jstring jlangtag, jobjectArray jarray, CALTYPE* pCalTypes, int offset, int length) {

 594     const jchar *langtag = (*env)->GetStringChars(env, jlangtag, JNI_FALSE);
 595     int got = 0;
 597     switch (type) {
 598     case sun_util_locale_provider_HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl_CD_FIRSTDAYOFWEEK:
 599         got = getLocaleInfoWrapper(langtag, LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, buf, BUFLEN);
 600         break;
 601     }
 603     (*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, jlangtag, langtag);
 605     if (got) {
 606         return _wtoi(buf);
 607     } else {
 608         return -1;
 609     }
 610 }
 612 int getLocaleInfoWrapper(const jchar *langtag, LCTYPE type, LPWSTR data, int buflen) {
 613     if (pGetLocaleInfoEx) {
 614         if (wcscmp(L"und", (LPWSTR)langtag) == 0) {
 615             // defaults to "en"
 616             return pGetLocaleInfoEx(L"en", type, data, buflen);
 617         } else {
 618             return pGetLocaleInfoEx((LPWSTR)langtag, type, data, buflen);
 619         }
 620     } else {
 621         // If we ever wanted to support WinXP, we will need extra module from
 622         // MS...
 623         // return GetLocaleInfo(DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID(langtag, 0), type, data, buflen);
 624         return 0;
 625     }
 626 }
 628 int getCalendarInfoWrapper(const jchar *langtag, CALID id, LPCWSTR reserved, CALTYPE type, LPWSTR data, int buflen, LPDWORD val) {
 629     if (pGetCalendarInfoEx) {
 630         if (wcscmp(L"und", (LPWSTR)langtag) == 0) {
 631             // defaults to "en"
 632             return pGetCalendarInfoEx(L"en", id, reserved, type, data, buflen, val);
 633         } else {
 634             return pGetCalendarInfoEx((LPWSTR)langtag, id, reserved, type, data, buflen, val);
 635         }
 636     } else {
 637         // If we ever wanted to support WinXP, we will need extra module from
 638         // MS...
 639         // return GetCalendarInfo(DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID(langtag, 0), ...);
 640         return 0;
 641     }
 642 }
 644 jint getCalendarID(const jchar *langtag) {
 645     WCHAR type[BUFLEN];
 646     int got = getLocaleInfoWrapper(langtag, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, type, BUFLEN);
 648     if (got) {
 649         return _wtoi(type);
 650     } else {
 651         return 0;
 652     }
 653 }
 655 void replaceCalendarArrayElems(JNIEnv *env, jstring jlangtag, jobjectArray jarray, CALTYPE* pCalTypes, int offset, int length) {