1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 /*
  26  *******************************************************************************
  27  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. and others, 1996-2009 - All Rights Reserved         *
  28  *                                                                             *
  29  * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted   *
  30  * and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License     *
  31  * Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple     *
  32  * US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not    *
  33  * to removed.                                                                 *
  34  *******************************************************************************
  35  */
  37 /* FOOD FOR THOUGHT: currently the reordering modes are a mixture of
  38  * algorithm for direct BiDi, algorithm for inverse Bidi and the bizarre
  39  * concept of RUNS_ONLY which is a double operation.
  40  * It could be advantageous to divide this into 3 concepts:
  41  * a) Operation: direct / inverse / RUNS_ONLY
  42  * b) Direct algorithm: default / NUMBERS_SPECIAL / GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_L
  43  * c) Inverse algorithm: default / INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT / NUMBERS_SPECIAL
  44  * This would allow combinations not possible today like RUNS_ONLY with
  46  * Also allow to set INSERT_MARKS for the direct step of RUNS_ONLY and
  47  * REMOVE_CONTROLS for the inverse step.
  48  * Not all combinations would be supported, and probably not all do make sense.
  49  * This would need to document which ones are supported and what are the
  50  * fallbacks for unsupported combinations.
  51  */
  53 package sun.text.bidi;
  55 import java.io.IOException;
  56 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
  57 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  58 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  59 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  60 import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
  61 import java.text.Bidi;
  62 import java.util.Arrays;
  63 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
  64 import sun.text.normalizer.UBiDiProps;
  65 import sun.text.normalizer.UCharacter;
  66 import sun.text.normalizer.UTF16;
  68 /**
  69  *
  70  * <h2>Bidi algorithm for ICU</h2>
  71  *
  72  * This is an implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional algorithm. The
  73  * algorithm is defined in the <a
  74  * href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>,
  75  * version 13, also described in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 .
  76  * <p>
  77  *
  78  * Note: Libraries that perform a bidirectional algorithm and reorder strings
  79  * accordingly are sometimes called "Storage Layout Engines". ICU's Bidi and
  80  * shaping (ArabicShaping) classes can be used at the core of such "Storage
  81  * Layout Engines".
  82  *
  83  * <h3>General remarks about the API:</h3>
  84  *
  85  * The &quot;limit&quot; of a sequence of characters is the position just after
  86  * their last character, i.e., one more than that position.
  87  * <p>
  88  *
  89  * Some of the API methods provide access to &quot;runs&quot;. Such a
  90  * &quot;run&quot; is defined as a sequence of characters that are at the same
  91  * embedding level after performing the Bidi algorithm.
  92  * <p>
  93  *
  94  * <h3>Basic concept: paragraph</h3>
  95  * A piece of text can be divided into several paragraphs by characters
  96  * with the Bidi class <code>Block Separator</code>. For handling of
  97  * paragraphs, see:
  98  * <ul>
  99  * <li>{@link #countParagraphs}
 100  * <li>{@link #getParaLevel}
 101  * <li>{@link #getParagraph}
 102  * <li>{@link #getParagraphByIndex}
 103  * </ul>
 104  *
 105  * <h3>Basic concept: text direction</h3>
 106  * The direction of a piece of text may be:
 107  * <ul>
 108  * <li>{@link #LTR}
 109  * <li>{@link #RTL}
 110  * <li>{@link #MIXED}
 111  * </ul>
 112  *
 113  * <h3>Basic concept: levels</h3>
 114  *
 115  * Levels in this API represent embedding levels according to the Unicode
 116  * Bidirectional Algorithm.
 117  * Their low-order bit (even/odd value) indicates the visual direction.<p>
 118  *
 119  * Levels can be abstract values when used for the
 120  * <code>paraLevel</code> and <code>embeddingLevels</code>
 121  * arguments of <code>setPara()</code>; there:
 122  * <ul>
 123  * <li>the high-order bit of an <code>embeddingLevels[]</code>
 124  * value indicates whether the using application is
 125  * specifying the level of a character to <i>override</i> whatever the
 126  * Bidi implementation would resolve it to.</li>
 127  * <li><code>paraLevel</code> can be set to the
 128  * pseudo-level values <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR</code>
 129  * and <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL</code>.</li>
 130  * </ul>
 131  *
 132  * <p>The related constants are not real, valid level values.
 133  * <code>DEFAULT_XXX</code> can be used to specify
 134  * a default for the paragraph level for
 135  * when the <code>setPara()</code> method
 136  * shall determine it but there is no
 137  * strongly typed character in the input.<p>
 138  *
 139  * Note that the value for <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR</code> is even
 140  * and the one for <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL</code> is odd,
 141  * just like with normal LTR and RTL level values -
 142  * these special values are designed that way. Also, the implementation
 143  * assumes that MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL is odd.
 144  *
 145  * <ul><b>See Also:</b>
 146  * <li>{@link #LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR}
 147  * <li>{@link #LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL}
 148  * <li>{@link #LEVEL_OVERRIDE}
 149  * <li>{@link #MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL}
 150  * <li>{@link #setPara}
 151  * </ul>
 152  *
 153  * <h3>Basic concept: Reordering Mode</h3>
 154  * Reordering mode values indicate which variant of the Bidi algorithm to
 155  * use.
 156  *
 157  * <ul><b>See Also:</b>
 158  * <li>{@link #setReorderingMode}
 159  * <li>{@link #REORDER_DEFAULT}
 160  * <li>{@link #REORDER_NUMBERS_SPECIAL}
 161  * <li>{@link #REORDER_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R}
 162  * <li>{@link #REORDER_RUNS_ONLY}
 163  * <li>{@link #REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L}
 164  * <li>{@link #REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT}
 166  * </ul>
 167  *
 168  * <h3>Basic concept: Reordering Options</h3>
 169  * Reordering options can be applied during Bidi text transformations.
 170  * <ul><b>See Also:</b>
 171  * <li>{@link #setReorderingOptions}
 172  * <li>{@link #OPTION_DEFAULT}
 173  * <li>{@link #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS}
 174  * <li>{@link #OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS}
 175  * <li>{@link #OPTION_STREAMING}
 176  * </ul>
 177  *
 178  *
 179  * @author Simon Montagu, Matitiahu Allouche (ported from C code written by Markus W. Scherer)
 180  * @stable ICU 3.8
 181  *
 182  *
 183  * <h4> Sample code for the ICU Bidi API </h4>
 184  *
 185  * <h5>Rendering a paragraph with the ICU Bidi API</h5>
 186  *
 187  * This is (hypothetical) sample code that illustrates how the ICU Bidi API
 188  * could be used to render a paragraph of text. Rendering code depends highly on
 189  * the graphics system, therefore this sample code must make a lot of
 190  * assumptions, which may or may not match any existing graphics system's
 191  * properties.
 192  *
 193  * <p>
 194  * The basic assumptions are:
 195  * </p>
 196  * <ul>
 197  * <li>Rendering is done from left to right on a horizontal line.</li>
 198  * <li>A run of single-style, unidirectional text can be rendered at once.
 199  * </li>
 200  * <li>Such a run of text is passed to the graphics system with characters
 201  * (code units) in logical order.</li>
 202  * <li>The line-breaking algorithm is very complicated and Locale-dependent -
 203  * and therefore its implementation omitted from this sample code.</li>
 204  * </ul>
 205  *
 206  * <pre>
 207  *
 208  *  package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.bidi;
 209  *
 210  *  import com.ibm.icu.text.Bidi;
 211  *  import com.ibm.icu.text.BidiRun;
 212  *
 213  *  public class Sample {
 214  *
 215  *      static final int styleNormal = 0;
 216  *      static final int styleSelected = 1;
 217  *      static final int styleBold = 2;
 218  *      static final int styleItalics = 4;
 219  *      static final int styleSuper=8;
 220  *      static final int styleSub = 16;
 221  *
 222  *      static class StyleRun {
 223  *          int limit;
 224  *          int style;
 225  *
 226  *          public StyleRun(int limit, int style) {
 227  *              this.limit = limit;
 228  *              this.style = style;
 229  *          }
 230  *      }
 231  *
 232  *      static class Bounds {
 233  *          int start;
 234  *          int limit;
 235  *
 236  *          public Bounds(int start, int limit) {
 237  *              this.start = start;
 238  *              this.limit = limit;
 239  *          }
 240  *      }
 241  *
 242  *      static int getTextWidth(String text, int start, int limit,
 243  *                              StyleRun[] styleRuns, int styleRunCount) {
 244  *          // simplistic way to compute the width
 245  *          return limit - start;
 246  *      }
 247  *
 248  *      // set limit and StyleRun limit for a line
 249  *      // from text[start] and from styleRuns[styleRunStart]
 250  *      // using Bidi.getLogicalRun(...)
 251  *      // returns line width
 252  *      static int getLineBreak(String text, Bounds line, Bidi para,
 253  *                              StyleRun styleRuns[], Bounds styleRun) {
 254  *          // dummy return
 255  *          return 0;
 256  *      }
 257  *
 258  *      // render runs on a line sequentially, always from left to right
 259  *
 260  *      // prepare rendering a new line
 261  *      static void startLine(byte textDirection, int lineWidth) {
 262  *          System.out.println();
 263  *      }
 264  *
 265  *      // render a run of text and advance to the right by the run width
 266  *      // the text[start..limit-1] is always in logical order
 267  *      static void renderRun(String text, int start, int limit,
 268  *                            byte textDirection, int style) {
 269  *      }
 270  *
 271  *      // We could compute a cross-product
 272  *      // from the style runs with the directional runs
 273  *      // and then reorder it.
 274  *      // Instead, here we iterate over each run type
 275  *      // and render the intersections -
 276  *      // with shortcuts in simple (and common) cases.
 277  *      // renderParagraph() is the main function.
 278  *
 279  *      // render a directional run with
 280  *      // (possibly) multiple style runs intersecting with it
 281  *      static void renderDirectionalRun(String text, int start, int limit,
 282  *                                       byte direction, StyleRun styleRuns[],
 283  *                                       int styleRunCount) {
 284  *          int i;
 285  *
 286  *          // iterate over style runs
 287  *          if (direction == Bidi.LTR) {
 288  *              int styleLimit;
 289  *              for (i = 0; i < styleRunCount; ++i) {
 290  *                  styleLimit = styleRuns[i].limit;
 291  *                  if (start < styleLimit) {
 292  *                      if (styleLimit > limit) {
 293  *                          styleLimit = limit;
 294  *                      }
 295  *                      renderRun(text, start, styleLimit,
 296  *                                direction, styleRuns[i].style);
 297  *                      if (styleLimit == limit) {
 298  *                          break;
 299  *                      }
 300  *                      start = styleLimit;
 301  *                  }
 302  *              }
 303  *          } else {
 304  *              int styleStart;
 305  *
 306  *              for (i = styleRunCount-1; i >= 0; --i) {
 307  *                  if (i > 0) {
 308  *                      styleStart = styleRuns[i-1].limit;
 309  *                  } else {
 310  *                      styleStart = 0;
 311  *                  }
 312  *                  if (limit >= styleStart) {
 313  *                      if (styleStart < start) {
 314  *                          styleStart = start;
 315  *                      }
 316  *                      renderRun(text, styleStart, limit, direction,
 317  *                                styleRuns[i].style);
 318  *                      if (styleStart == start) {
 319  *                          break;
 320  *                      }
 321  *                      limit = styleStart;
 322  *                  }
 323  *              }
 324  *          }
 325  *      }
 326  *
 327  *      // the line object represents text[start..limit-1]
 328  *      static void renderLine(Bidi line, String text, int start, int limit,
 329  *                             StyleRun styleRuns[], int styleRunCount) {
 330  *          byte direction = line.getDirection();
 331  *          if (direction != Bidi.MIXED) {
 332  *              // unidirectional
 333  *              if (styleRunCount <= 1) {
 334  *                  renderRun(text, start, limit, direction, styleRuns[0].style);
 335  *              } else {
 336  *                  renderDirectionalRun(text, start, limit, direction,
 337  *                                       styleRuns, styleRunCount);
 338  *              }
 339  *          } else {
 340  *              // mixed-directional
 341  *              int count, i;
 342  *              BidiRun run;
 343  *
 344  *              try {
 345  *                  count = line.countRuns();
 346  *              } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
 347  *                  e.printStackTrace();
 348  *                  return;
 349  *              }
 350  *              if (styleRunCount <= 1) {
 351  *                  int style = styleRuns[0].style;
 352  *
 353  *                  // iterate over directional runs
 354  *                  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
 355  *                      run = line.getVisualRun(i);
 356  *                      renderRun(text, run.getStart(), run.getLimit(),
 357  *                                run.getDirection(), style);
 358  *                  }
 359  *              } else {
 360  *                  // iterate over both directional and style runs
 361  *                  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
 362  *                      run = line.getVisualRun(i);
 363  *                      renderDirectionalRun(text, run.getStart(),
 364  *                                           run.getLimit(), run.getDirection(),
 365  *                                           styleRuns, styleRunCount);
 366  *                  }
 367  *              }
 368  *          }
 369  *      }
 370  *
 371  *      static void renderParagraph(String text, byte textDirection,
 372  *                                  StyleRun styleRuns[], int styleRunCount,
 373  *                                  int lineWidth) {
 374  *          int length = text.length();
 375  *          Bidi para = new Bidi();
 376  *          try {
 377  *              para.setPara(text,
 378  *                           textDirection != 0 ? Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL
 379  *                                              : Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR,
 380  *                           null);
 381  *          } catch (Exception e) {
 382  *              e.printStackTrace();
 383  *              return;
 384  *          }
 385  *          byte paraLevel = (byte)(1 & para.getParaLevel());
 386  *          StyleRun styleRun = new StyleRun(length, styleNormal);
 387  *
 388  *          if (styleRuns == null || styleRunCount <= 0) {
 389  *              styleRuns = new StyleRun[1];
 390  *              styleRunCount = 1;
 391  *              styleRuns[0] = styleRun;
 392  *          }
 393  *          // assume styleRuns[styleRunCount-1].limit>=length
 394  *
 395  *          int width = getTextWidth(text, 0, length, styleRuns, styleRunCount);
 396  *          if (width <= lineWidth) {
 397  *              // everything fits onto one line
 398  *
 399  *              // prepare rendering a new line from either left or right
 400  *              startLine(paraLevel, width);
 401  *
 402  *              renderLine(para, text, 0, length, styleRuns, styleRunCount);
 403  *          } else {
 404  *              // we need to render several lines
 405  *              Bidi line = new Bidi(length, 0);
 406  *              int start = 0, limit;
 407  *              int styleRunStart = 0, styleRunLimit;
 408  *
 409  *              for (;;) {
 410  *                  limit = length;
 411  *                  styleRunLimit = styleRunCount;
 412  *                  width = getLineBreak(text, new Bounds(start, limit),
 413  *                                       para, styleRuns,
 414  *                                       new Bounds(styleRunStart, styleRunLimit));
 415  *                  try {
 416  *                      line = para.setLine(start, limit);
 417  *                  } catch (Exception e) {
 418  *                      e.printStackTrace();
 419  *                      return;
 420  *                  }
 421  *                  // prepare rendering a new line
 422  *                  // from either left or right
 423  *                  startLine(paraLevel, width);
 424  *
 425  *                  if (styleRunStart > 0) {
 426  *                      int newRunCount = styleRuns.length - styleRunStart;
 427  *                      StyleRun[] newRuns = new StyleRun[newRunCount];
 428  *                      System.arraycopy(styleRuns, styleRunStart, newRuns, 0,
 429  *                                       newRunCount);
 430  *                      renderLine(line, text, start, limit, newRuns,
 431  *                                 styleRunLimit - styleRunStart);
 432  *                  } else {
 433  *                      renderLine(line, text, start, limit, styleRuns,
 434  *                                 styleRunLimit - styleRunStart);
 435  *                  }
 436  *                  if (limit == length) {
 437  *                      break;
 438  *                  }
 439  *                  start = limit;
 440  *                  styleRunStart = styleRunLimit - 1;
 441  *                  if (start >= styleRuns[styleRunStart].limit) {
 442  *                      ++styleRunStart;
 443  *                  }
 444  *              }
 445  *          }
 446  *      }
 447  *
 448  *      public static void main(String[] args)
 449  *      {
 450  *          renderParagraph("Some Latin text...", Bidi.LTR, null, 0, 80);
 451  *          renderParagraph("Some Hebrew text...", Bidi.RTL, null, 0, 60);
 452  *      }
 453  *  }
 454  *
 455  * </pre>
 456  */
 458 public class BidiBase {
 460     class Point {
 461         int pos;    /* position in text */
 462         int flag;   /* flag for LRM/RLM, before/after */
 463     }
 465     class InsertPoints {
 466         int size;
 467         int confirmed;
 468         Point[] points = new Point[0];
 469     }
 471     /** Paragraph level setting<p>
 472      *
 473      * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
 474      * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
 475      * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
 476      * then set the paragraph level to 0 (left-to-right).<p>
 477      *
 478      * If this value is used in conjunction with reordering modes
 479      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT</code> or
 480      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code>, the text to reorder
 481      * is assumed to be visual LTR, and the text after reordering is required
 482      * to be the corresponding logical string with appropriate contextual
 483      * direction. The direction of the result string will be RTL if either
 484      * the righmost or leftmost strong character of the source text is RTL
 485      * or Arabic Letter, the direction will be LTR otherwise.<p>
 486      *
 487      * If reordering option <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> is set, an RLM may
 488      * be added at the beginning of the result string to ensure round trip
 489      * (that the result string, when reordered back to visual, will produce
 490      * the original source text).
 493      * @stable ICU 3.8
 494      */
 495     public static final byte INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR = (byte)0x7e;
 497     /** Paragraph level setting<p>
 498      *
 499      * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
 500      * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
 501      * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
 502      * then set the paragraph level to 1 (right-to-left).<p>
 503      *
 504      * If this value is used in conjunction with reordering modes
 505      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT</code> or
 506      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code>, the text to reorder
 507      * is assumed to be visual LTR, and the text after reordering is required
 508      * to be the corresponding logical string with appropriate contextual
 509      * direction. The direction of the result string will be RTL if either
 510      * the righmost or leftmost strong character of the source text is RTL
 511      * or Arabic Letter, or if the text contains no strong character;
 512      * the direction will be LTR otherwise.<p>
 513      *
 514      * If reordering option <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code> is set, an RLM may
 515      * be added at the beginning of the result string to ensure round trip
 516      * (that the result string, when reordered back to visual, will produce
 517      * the original source text).
 520      * @stable ICU 3.8
 521      */
 522     public static final byte INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL = (byte)0x7f;
 524     /**
 525      * Maximum explicit embedding level.
 526      * (The maximum resolved level can be up to <code>MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+1</code>).
 527      * @stable ICU 3.8
 528      */
 529     public static final byte MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL = 61;
 531     /**
 532      * Bit flag for level input.
 533      * Overrides directional properties.
 534      * @stable ICU 3.8
 535      */
 536     public static final byte INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = (byte)0x80;
 538     /**
 539      * Special value which can be returned by the mapping methods when a
 540      * logical index has no corresponding visual index or vice-versa. This may
 541      * happen for the logical-to-visual mapping of a Bidi control when option
 542      * <code>OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> is
 543      * specified. This can also happen for the visual-to-logical mapping of a
 544      * Bidi mark (LRM or RLM) inserted by option
 545      * <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
 546      * @see #getVisualIndex
 547      * @see #getVisualMap
 548      * @see #getLogicalIndex
 549      * @see #getLogicalMap
 550      * @see #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS
 551      * @see #OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS
 552      * @stable ICU 3.8
 553      */
 554     public static final int MAP_NOWHERE = -1;
 556     /**
 557      * Mixed-directional text.
 558      * @stable ICU 3.8
 559      */
 560     public static final byte MIXED = 2;
 562     /**
 563      * option bit for writeReordered():
 564      * replace characters with the "mirrored" property in RTL runs
 565      * by their mirror-image mappings
 566      *
 567      * @see #writeReordered
 568      * @stable ICU 3.8
 569      */
 570     public static final short DO_MIRRORING = 2;
 572     /** Reordering mode: Regular Logical to Visual Bidi algorithm according to Unicode.
 573      * @see #setReorderingMode
 574      * @stable ICU 3.8
 575      */
 576     private static final short REORDER_DEFAULT = 0;
 578     /** Reordering mode: Logical to Visual algorithm which handles numbers in
 579      * a way which mimicks the behavior of Windows XP.
 580      * @see #setReorderingMode
 581      * @stable ICU 3.8
 582      */
 583     private static final short REORDER_NUMBERS_SPECIAL = 1;
 585     /** Reordering mode: Logical to Visual algorithm grouping numbers with
 586      * adjacent R characters (reversible algorithm).
 587      * @see #setReorderingMode
 588      * @stable ICU 3.8
 589      */
 590     private static final short REORDER_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R = 2;
 592     /** Reordering mode: Reorder runs only to transform a Logical LTR string
 593      * to the logical RTL string with the same display, or vice-versa.<br>
 594      * If this mode is set together with option
 595      * <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>, some Bidi controls in the source
 596      * text may be removed and other controls may be added to produce the
 597      * minimum combination which has the required display.
 598      * @see #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS
 599      * @see #setReorderingMode
 600      * @stable ICU 3.8
 601      */
 602     private static final short REORDER_RUNS_ONLY = 3;
 604     /** Reordering mode: Visual to Logical algorithm which handles numbers
 605      * like L (same algorithm as selected by <code>setInverse(true)</code>.
 606      * @see #setInverse
 607      * @see #setReorderingMode
 608      * @stable ICU 3.8
 609      */
 610     private static final short REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L = 4;
 612     /** Reordering mode: Visual to Logical algorithm equivalent to the regular
 613      * Logical to Visual algorithm.
 614      * @see #setReorderingMode
 615      * @stable ICU 3.8
 616      */
 617     private static final short REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT = 5;
 619     /** Reordering mode: Inverse Bidi (Visual to Logical) algorithm for the
 620      * <code>REORDER_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code> Bidi algorithm.
 621      * @see #setReorderingMode
 622      * @stable ICU 3.8
 623      */
 624     private static final short REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL = 6;
 626     /* Reordering mode values must be ordered so that all the regular logical to
 627      * visual modes come first, and all inverse Bidi modes come last.
 628      */
 629     private static final short REORDER_LAST_LOGICAL_TO_VISUAL =
 632     /**
 633      * Option bit for <code>setReorderingOptions</code>:
 634      * insert Bidi marks (LRM or RLM) when needed to ensure correct result of
 635      * a reordering to a Logical order
 636      *
 637      * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
 638      * <code>setPara</code>.</p>
 639      *
 640      * <p>This option is significant only with reordering modes which generate
 641      * a result with Logical order, specifically.</p>
 642      * <ul>
 643      *   <li><code>REORDER_RUNS_ONLY</code></li>
 644      *   <li><code>REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code></li>
 645      *   <li><code>REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT</code></li>
 646      *   <li><code>REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL</code></li>
 647      * </ul>
 648      *
 649      * <p>If this option is set in conjunction with reordering mode
 650      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code> or with calling
 651      * <code>setInverse(true)</code>, it implies option
 652      * <code>INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls to method
 653      * <code>writeReordered()</code>.</p>
 654      *
 655      * <p>For other reordering modes, a minimum number of LRM or RLM characters
 656      * will be added to the source text after reordering it so as to ensure
 657      * round trip, i.e. when applying the inverse reordering mode on the
 658      * resulting logical text with removal of Bidi marks
 659      * (option <code>OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code> set before calling
 660      * <code>setPara()</code> or option
 661      * <code>REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> in
 662      * <code>writeReordered</code>), the result will be identical to the
 663      * source text in the first transformation.
 664      *
 665      * <p>This option will be ignored if specified together with option
 666      * <code>OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS</code>. It inhibits option
 667      * <code>REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> in calls to method
 668      * <code>writeReordered()</code> and it implies option
 669      * <code>INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls to method
 670      * <code>writeReordered()</code> if the reordering mode is
 671      * <code>REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L</code>.</p>
 672      *
 673      * @see #setReorderingMode
 674      * @see #setReorderingOptions
 675      * @see #INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC
 676      * @see #REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS
 677      * @see #OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS
 678      * @see #REORDER_RUNS_ONLY
 682      * @stable ICU 3.8
 683      */
 684     private static final int OPTION_INSERT_MARKS = 1;
 686     /**
 687      * Option bit for <code>setReorderingOptions</code>:
 688      * remove Bidi control characters
 689      *
 690      * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
 691      * <code>setPara</code>.</p>
 692      *
 693      * <p>This option nullifies option
 694      * <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>. It inhibits option
 695      * <code>INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code> in calls to method
 696      * <code>writeReordered()</code> and it implies option
 697      * <code>REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code> in calls to that method.</p>
 698      *
 699      * @see #setReorderingMode
 700      * @see #setReorderingOptions
 701      * @see #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS
 702      * @see #INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC
 703      * @see #REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS
 704      * @stable ICU 3.8
 705      */
 706     private static final int OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS = 2;
 708     /**
 709      * Option bit for <code>setReorderingOptions</code>:
 710      * process the output as part of a stream to be continued
 711      *
 712      * <p>This option must be set or reset before calling
 713      * <code>setPara</code>.</p>
 714      *
 715      * <p>This option specifies that the caller is interested in processing
 716      * large text object in parts. The results of the successive calls are
 717      * expected to be concatenated by the caller. Only the call for the last
 718      * part will have this option bit off.</p>
 719      *
 720      * <p>When this option bit is on, <code>setPara()</code> may process
 721      * less than the full source text in order to truncate the text at a
 722      * meaningful boundary. The caller should call
 723      * <code>getProcessedLength()</code> immediately after calling
 724      * <code>setPara()</code> in order to determine how much of the source
 725      * text has been processed. Source text beyond that length should be
 726      * resubmitted in following calls to <code>setPara</code>. The
 727      * processed length may be less than the length of the source text if a
 728      * character preceding the last character of the source text constitutes a
 729      * reasonable boundary (like a block separator) for text to be continued.<br>
 730      * If the last character of the source text constitutes a reasonable
 731      * boundary, the whole text will be processed at once.<br>
 732      * If nowhere in the source text there exists
 733      * such a reasonable boundary, the processed length will be zero.<br>
 734      * The caller should check for such an occurrence and do one of the following:
 735      * <ul><li>submit a larger amount of text with a better chance to include
 736      *         a reasonable boundary.</li>
 737      *     <li>resubmit the same text after turning off option
 738      *         <code>OPTION_STREAMING</code>.</li></ul>
 739      * In all cases, this option should be turned off before processing the last
 740      * part of the text.</p>
 741      *
 742      * <p>When the <code>OPTION_STREAMING</code> option is used, it is
 743      * recommended to call <code>orderParagraphsLTR()</code> with argument
 744      * <code>orderParagraphsLTR</code> set to <code>true</code> before calling
 745      * <code>setPara()</code> so that later paragraphs may be concatenated to
 746      * previous paragraphs on the right.
 747      * </p>
 748      *
 749      * @see #setReorderingMode
 750      * @see #setReorderingOptions
 751      * @see #getProcessedLength
 752      * @see #orderParagraphsLTR
 753      * @stable ICU 3.8
 754      */
 755     private static final int OPTION_STREAMING = 4;
 757     /*
 758      *   Comparing the description of the Bidi algorithm with this implementation
 759      *   is easier with the same names for the Bidi types in the code as there.
 760      *   See UCharacterDirection
 761      */
 762     private static final byte L   = 0;
 763     private static final byte R   = 1;
 764     private static final byte EN  = 2;
 765     private static final byte ES  = 3;
 766     private static final byte ET  = 4;
 767     private static final byte AN  = 5;
 768     private static final byte CS  = 6;
 769     static final byte B   = 7;
 770     private static final byte S   = 8;
 771     private static final byte WS  = 9;
 772     private static final byte ON  = 10;
 773     private static final byte LRE = 11;
 774     private static final byte LRO = 12;
 775     private static final byte AL  = 13;
 776     private static final byte RLE = 14;
 777     private static final byte RLO = 15;
 778     private static final byte PDF = 16;
 779     private static final byte NSM = 17;
 780     private static final byte BN  = 18;
 782     private static final int MASK_R_AL = (1 << R | 1 << AL);
 784     private static final char CR = '\r';
 785     private static final char LF = '\n';
 787     static final int LRM_BEFORE = 1;
 788     static final int LRM_AFTER = 2;
 789     static final int RLM_BEFORE = 4;
 790     static final int RLM_AFTER = 8;
 792     /*
 793      * reference to parent paragraph object (reference to self if this object is
 794      * a paragraph object); set to null in a newly opened object; set to a
 795      * real value after a successful execution of setPara or setLine
 796      */
 797     BidiBase                paraBidi;
 799     final UBiDiProps    bdp;
 801     /* character array representing the current text */
 802     char[]              text;
 804     /* length of the current text */
 805     int                 originalLength;
 807     /* if the option OPTION_STREAMING is set, this is the length of
 808      * text actually processed by <code>setPara</code>, which may be shorter
 809      * than the original length. Otherwise, it is identical to the original
 810      * length.
 811      */
 812     public int                 length;
 814     /* if option OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS is set, and/or Bidi
 815      * marks are allowed to be inserted in one of the reordering modes, the
 816      * length of the result string may be different from the processed length.
 817      */
 818     int                 resultLength;
 820     /* indicators for whether memory may be allocated after construction */
 821     boolean             mayAllocateText;
 822     boolean             mayAllocateRuns;
 824     /* arrays with one value per text-character */
 825     byte[]              dirPropsMemory = new byte[1];
 826     byte[]              levelsMemory = new byte[1];
 827     byte[]              dirProps;
 828     byte[]              levels;
 830     /* must block separators receive level 0? */
 831     boolean             orderParagraphsLTR;
 833     /* the paragraph level */
 834     byte                paraLevel;
 836     /* original paraLevel when contextual */
 837     /* must be one of DEFAULT_xxx or 0 if not contextual */
 838     byte                defaultParaLevel;
 840     /* the following is set in setPara, used in processPropertySeq */
 842     ImpTabPair          impTabPair;  /* reference to levels state table pair */
 844     /* the overall paragraph or line directionality*/
 845     byte                direction;
 847     /* flags is a bit set for which directional properties are in the text */
 848     int                 flags;
 850     /* lastArabicPos is index to the last AL in the text, -1 if none */
 851     int                 lastArabicPos;
 853     /* characters after trailingWSStart are WS and are */
 854     /* implicitly at the paraLevel (rule (L1)) - levels may not reflect that */
 855     int                 trailingWSStart;
 857     /* fields for paragraph handling */
 858     int                 paraCount;       /* set in getDirProps() */
 859     int[]               parasMemory = new int[1];
 860     int[]               paras;           /* limits of paragraphs, filled in
 861                                           ResolveExplicitLevels() or CheckExplicitLevels() */
 863     /* for single paragraph text, we only need a tiny array of paras (no allocation) */
 864     int[]               simpleParas = {0};
 866     /* fields for line reordering */
 867     int                 runCount;     /* ==-1: runs not set up yet */
 868     BidiRun[]           runsMemory = new BidiRun[0];
 869     BidiRun[]           runs;
 871     /* for non-mixed text, we only need a tiny array of runs (no allocation) */
 872     BidiRun[]           simpleRuns = {new BidiRun()};
 874     /* mapping of runs in logical order to visual order */
 875     int[]               logicalToVisualRunsMap;
 877     /* flag to indicate that the map has been updated */
 878     boolean             isGoodLogicalToVisualRunsMap;
 880     /* for inverse Bidi with insertion of directional marks */
 881     InsertPoints        insertPoints = new InsertPoints();
 883     /* for option OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS */
 884     int                 controlCount;
 886     /*
 887      * Sometimes, bit values are more appropriate
 888      * to deal with directionality properties.
 889      * Abbreviations in these method names refer to names
 890      * used in the Bidi algorithm.
 891      */
 892     static int DirPropFlag(byte dir) {
 893         return (1 << dir);
 894     }
 896     /*
 897      * The following bit is ORed to the property of characters in paragraphs
 898      * with contextual RTL direction when paraLevel is contextual.
 899      */
 900     static final byte CONTEXT_RTL_SHIFT = 6;
 901     static final byte CONTEXT_RTL = (byte)(1<<CONTEXT_RTL_SHIFT);   // 0x40
 902     static byte NoContextRTL(byte dir)
 903     {
 904         return (byte)(dir & ~CONTEXT_RTL);
 905     }
 907     /*
 908      * The following is a variant of DirProp.DirPropFlag() which ignores the
 909      * CONTEXT_RTL bit.
 910      */
 911     static int DirPropFlagNC(byte dir) {
 912         return (1<<(dir & ~CONTEXT_RTL));
 913     }
 915     static final int DirPropFlagMultiRuns = DirPropFlag((byte)31);
 917     /* to avoid some conditional statements, use tiny constant arrays */
 918     static final int DirPropFlagLR[] = { DirPropFlag(L), DirPropFlag(R) };
 919     static final int DirPropFlagE[] = { DirPropFlag(LRE), DirPropFlag(RLE) };
 920     static final int DirPropFlagO[] = { DirPropFlag(LRO), DirPropFlag(RLO) };
 922     static final int DirPropFlagLR(byte level) { return DirPropFlagLR[level & 1]; }
 923     static final int DirPropFlagE(byte level)  { return DirPropFlagE[level & 1]; }
 924     static final int DirPropFlagO(byte level)  { return DirPropFlagO[level & 1]; }
 926     /*
 927      *  are there any characters that are LTR?
 928      */
 929     static final int MASK_LTR =
 930         DirPropFlag(L)|DirPropFlag(EN)|DirPropFlag(AN)|DirPropFlag(LRE)|DirPropFlag(LRO);
 932     /*
 933      *  are there any characters that are RTL?
 934      */
 935     static final int MASK_RTL = DirPropFlag(R)|DirPropFlag(AL)|DirPropFlag(RLE)|DirPropFlag(RLO);
 937     /* explicit embedding codes */
 938     private static final int MASK_LRX = DirPropFlag(LRE)|DirPropFlag(LRO);
 939     private static final int MASK_RLX = DirPropFlag(RLE)|DirPropFlag(RLO);
 940     private static final int MASK_EXPLICIT = MASK_LRX|MASK_RLX|DirPropFlag(PDF);
 941     private static final int MASK_BN_EXPLICIT = DirPropFlag(BN)|MASK_EXPLICIT;
 943     /* paragraph and segment separators */
 944     private static final int MASK_B_S = DirPropFlag(B)|DirPropFlag(S);
 946     /* all types that are counted as White Space or Neutral in some steps */
 947     static final int MASK_WS = MASK_B_S|DirPropFlag(WS)|MASK_BN_EXPLICIT;
 948     private static final int MASK_N = DirPropFlag(ON)|MASK_WS;
 950     /* types that are neutrals or could becomes neutrals in (Wn) */
 951     private static final int MASK_POSSIBLE_N = DirPropFlag(CS)|DirPropFlag(ES)|DirPropFlag(ET)|MASK_N;
 953     /*
 954      * These types may be changed to "e",
 955      * the embedding type (L or R) of the run,
 956      * in the Bidi algorithm (N2)
 957      */
 958     static final int MASK_EMBEDDING = DirPropFlag(NSM)|MASK_POSSIBLE_N;
 960     /*
 961      *  the dirProp's L and R are defined to 0 and 1 values in UCharacterDirection.java
 962      */
 963     private static byte GetLRFromLevel(byte level)
 964     {
 965         return (byte)(level & 1);
 966     }
 968     private static boolean IsDefaultLevel(byte level)
 969     {
 971     }
 973     byte GetParaLevelAt(int index)
 974     {
 975         return (defaultParaLevel != 0) ?
 976                 (byte)(dirProps[index]>>CONTEXT_RTL_SHIFT) : paraLevel;
 977     }
 979     static boolean IsBidiControlChar(int c)
 980     {
 981         /* check for range 0x200c to 0x200f (ZWNJ, ZWJ, LRM, RLM) or
 982                            0x202a to 0x202e (LRE, RLE, PDF, LRO, RLO) */
 983         return (((c & 0xfffffffc) == 0x200c) || ((c >= 0x202a) && (c <= 0x202e)));
 984     }
 986     public void verifyValidPara()
 987     {
 988         if (this != this.paraBidi) {
 989             throw new IllegalStateException("");
 990         }
 991     }
 993     public void verifyValidParaOrLine()
 994     {
 995         BidiBase para = this.paraBidi;
 996         /* verify Para */
 997         if (this == para) {
 998             return;
 999         }
1000         /* verify Line */
1001         if ((para == null) || (para != para.paraBidi)) {
1002             throw new IllegalStateException();
1003         }
1004     }
1006     public void verifyRange(int index, int start, int limit)
1007     {
1008         if (index < start || index >= limit) {
1009             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value " + index +
1010                       " is out of range " + start + " to " + limit);
1011         }
1012     }
1014     public void verifyIndex(int index, int start, int limit)
1015     {
1016         if (index < start || index >= limit) {
1017             throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + index +
1018                       " is out of range " + start + " to " + limit);
1019         }
1020     }
1022     /**
1023      * Allocate a <code>Bidi</code> object with preallocated memory
1024      * for internal structures.
1025      * This method provides a <code>Bidi</code> object like the default constructor
1026      * but it also preallocates memory for internal structures
1027      * according to the sizings supplied by the caller.<p>
1028      * The preallocation can be limited to some of the internal memory
1029      * by setting some values to 0 here. That means that if, e.g.,
1030      * <code>maxRunCount</code> cannot be reasonably predetermined and should not
1031      * be set to <code>maxLength</code> (the only failproof value) to avoid
1032      * wasting  memory, then <code>maxRunCount</code> could be set to 0 here
1033      * and the internal structures that are associated with it will be allocated
1034      * on demand, just like with the default constructor.
1035      *
1036      * @param maxLength is the maximum text or line length that internal memory
1037      *        will be preallocated for. An attempt to associate this object with a
1038      *        longer text will fail, unless this value is 0, which leaves the allocation
1039      *        up to the implementation.
1040      *
1041      * @param maxRunCount is the maximum anticipated number of same-level runs
1042      *        that internal memory will be preallocated for. An attempt to access
1043      *        visual runs on an object that was not preallocated for as many runs
1044      *        as the text was actually resolved to will fail,
1045      *        unless this value is 0, which leaves the allocation up to the implementation.<br><br>
1046      *        The number of runs depends on the actual text and maybe anywhere between
1047      *        1 and <code>maxLength</code>. It is typically small.
1048      *
1049      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if maxLength or maxRunCount is less than 0
1050      * @stable ICU 3.8
1051      */
1052     public BidiBase(int maxLength, int maxRunCount)
1053      {
1054         /* check the argument values */
1055         if (maxLength < 0 || maxRunCount < 0) {
1056             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1057         }
1059         /* reset the object, all reference variables null, all flags false,
1060            all sizes 0.
1061            In fact, we don't need to do anything, since class members are
1062            initialized as zero when an instance is created.
1063          */
1064         /*
1065         mayAllocateText = false;
1066         mayAllocateRuns = false;
1067         orderParagraphsLTR = false;
1068         paraCount = 0;
1069         runCount = 0;
1070         trailingWSStart = 0;
1071         flags = 0;
1072         paraLevel = 0;
1073         defaultParaLevel = 0;
1074         direction = 0;
1075         */
1076         /* get Bidi properties */
1077         try {
1078             bdp = UBiDiProps.getSingleton();
1079         }
1080         catch (IOException e) {
1081             throw new MissingResourceException(e.getMessage(), "(BidiProps)", "");
1082         }
1084         /* allocate memory for arrays as requested */
1085         if (maxLength > 0) {
1086             getInitialDirPropsMemory(maxLength);
1087             getInitialLevelsMemory(maxLength);
1088         } else {
1089             mayAllocateText = true;
1090         }
1092         if (maxRunCount > 0) {
1093             // if maxRunCount == 1, use simpleRuns[]
1094             if (maxRunCount > 1) {
1095                 getInitialRunsMemory(maxRunCount);
1096             }
1097         } else {
1098             mayAllocateRuns = true;
1099         }
1100     }
1102     /*
1103      * We are allowed to allocate memory if object==null or
1104      * mayAllocate==true for each array that we need.
1105      *
1106      * Assume sizeNeeded>0.
1107      * If object != null, then assume size > 0.
1108      */
1109     private Object getMemory(String label, Object array, Class<?> arrayClass,
1110             boolean mayAllocate, int sizeNeeded)
1111     {
1112         int len = Array.getLength(array);
1114         /* we have at least enough memory and must not allocate */
1115         if (sizeNeeded == len) {
1116             return array;
1117         }
1118         if (!mayAllocate) {
1119             /* we must not allocate */
1120             if (sizeNeeded <= len) {
1121                 return array;
1122             }
1123             throw new OutOfMemoryError("Failed to allocate memory for "
1124                                        + label);
1125         }
1126         /* we may try to grow or shrink */
1127         /* FOOD FOR THOUGHT: when shrinking it should be possible to avoid
1128            the allocation altogether and rely on this.length */
1129         try {
1130             return Array.newInstance(arrayClass, sizeNeeded);
1131         } catch (Exception e) {
1132             throw new OutOfMemoryError("Failed to allocate memory for "
1133                                        + label);
1134         }
1135     }
1137     /* helper methods for each allocated array */
1138     private void getDirPropsMemory(boolean mayAllocate, int len)
1139     {
1140         Object array = getMemory("DirProps", dirPropsMemory, Byte.TYPE, mayAllocate, len);
1141         dirPropsMemory = (byte[]) array;
1142     }
1144     void getDirPropsMemory(int len)
1145     {
1146         getDirPropsMemory(mayAllocateText, len);
1147     }
1149     private void getLevelsMemory(boolean mayAllocate, int len)
1150     {
1151         Object array = getMemory("Levels", levelsMemory, Byte.TYPE, mayAllocate, len);
1152         levelsMemory = (byte[]) array;
1153     }
1155     void getLevelsMemory(int len)
1156     {
1157         getLevelsMemory(mayAllocateText, len);
1158     }
1160     private void getRunsMemory(boolean mayAllocate, int len)
1161     {
1162         Object array = getMemory("Runs", runsMemory, BidiRun.class, mayAllocate, len);
1163         runsMemory = (BidiRun[]) array;
1164     }
1166     void getRunsMemory(int len)
1167     {
1168         getRunsMemory(mayAllocateRuns, len);
1169     }
1171     /* additional methods used by constructor - always allow allocation */
1172     private void getInitialDirPropsMemory(int len)
1173     {
1174         getDirPropsMemory(true, len);
1175     }
1177     private void getInitialLevelsMemory(int len)
1178     {
1179         getLevelsMemory(true, len);
1180     }
1182     private void getInitialParasMemory(int len)
1183     {
1184         Object array = getMemory("Paras", parasMemory, Integer.TYPE, true, len);
1185         parasMemory = (int[]) array;
1186     }
1188     private void getInitialRunsMemory(int len)
1189     {
1190         getRunsMemory(true, len);
1191     }
1193 /* perform (P2)..(P3) ------------------------------------------------------- */
1195     private void getDirProps()
1196     {
1197         int i = 0, i0, i1;
1198         flags = 0;          /* collect all directionalities in the text */
1199         int uchar;
1200         byte dirProp;
1201         byte paraDirDefault = 0;   /* initialize to avoid compiler warnings */
1202         boolean isDefaultLevel = IsDefaultLevel(paraLevel);
1203         /* for inverse Bidi, the default para level is set to RTL if there is a
1204            strong R or AL character at either end of the text                */
1205         lastArabicPos = -1;
1206         controlCount = 0;
1208         final int NOT_CONTEXTUAL = 0;         /* 0: not contextual paraLevel */
1209         final int LOOKING_FOR_STRONG = 1;     /* 1: looking for first strong char */
1210         final int FOUND_STRONG_CHAR = 2;      /* 2: found first strong char       */
1212         int state;
1213         int paraStart = 0;                    /* index of first char in paragraph */
1214         byte paraDir;                         /* == CONTEXT_RTL within paragraphs
1215                                                  starting with strong R char      */
1216         byte lastStrongDir=0;                 /* for default level & inverse Bidi */
1217         int lastStrongLTR=0;                  /* for STREAMING option             */
1219         if (isDefaultLevel) {
1220             paraDirDefault = ((paraLevel & 1) != 0) ? CONTEXT_RTL : 0;
1221             paraDir = paraDirDefault;
1222             lastStrongDir = paraDirDefault;
1223             state = LOOKING_FOR_STRONG;
1224         } else {
1225             state = NOT_CONTEXTUAL;
1226             paraDir = 0;
1227         }
1228         /* count paragraphs and determine the paragraph level (P2..P3) */
1229         /*
1230          * see comment on constant fields:
1231          * the LEVEL_DEFAULT_XXX values are designed so that
1232          * their low-order bit alone yields the intended default
1233          */
1235         for (i = 0; i < originalLength; /* i is incremented in the loop */) {
1236             i0 = i;                     /* index of first code unit */
1237             uchar = UTF16.charAt(text, 0, originalLength, i);
1238             i += Character.charCount(uchar);
1239             i1 = i - 1; /* index of last code unit, gets the directional property */
1241             dirProp = (byte)bdp.getClass(uchar);
1243             flags |= DirPropFlag(dirProp);
1244             dirProps[i1] = (byte)(dirProp | paraDir);
1245             if (i1 > i0) {     /* set previous code units' properties to BN */
1246                 flags |= DirPropFlag(BN);
1247                 do {
1248                     dirProps[--i1] = (byte)(BN | paraDir);
1249                 } while (i1 > i0);
1250             }
1251             if (state == LOOKING_FOR_STRONG) {
1252                 if (dirProp == L) {
1253                     state = FOUND_STRONG_CHAR;
1254                     if (paraDir != 0) {
1255                         paraDir = 0;
1256                         for (i1 = paraStart; i1 < i; i1++) {
1257                             dirProps[i1] &= ~CONTEXT_RTL;
1258                         }
1259                     }
1260                     continue;
1261                 }
1262                 if (dirProp == R || dirProp == AL) {
1263                     state = FOUND_STRONG_CHAR;
1264                     if (paraDir == 0) {
1265                         paraDir = CONTEXT_RTL;
1266                         for (i1 = paraStart; i1 < i; i1++) {
1267                             dirProps[i1] |= CONTEXT_RTL;
1268                         }
1269                     }
1270                     continue;
1271                 }
1272             }
1273             if (dirProp == L) {
1274                 lastStrongDir = 0;
1275                 lastStrongLTR = i;      /* i is index to next character */
1276             }
1277             else if (dirProp == R) {
1278                 lastStrongDir = CONTEXT_RTL;
1279             }
1280             else if (dirProp == AL) {
1281                 lastStrongDir = CONTEXT_RTL;
1282                 lastArabicPos = i-1;
1283             }
1284             else if (dirProp == B) {
1285                 if (i < originalLength) {   /* B not last char in text */
1286                     if (!((uchar == (int)CR) && (text[i] == (int)LF))) {
1287                         paraCount++;
1288                     }
1289                     if (isDefaultLevel) {
1290                         state=LOOKING_FOR_STRONG;
1291                         paraStart = i;        /* i is index to next character */
1292                         paraDir = paraDirDefault;
1293                         lastStrongDir = paraDirDefault;
1294                     }
1295                 }
1296             }
1297         }
1298         if (isDefaultLevel) {
1299             paraLevel = GetParaLevelAt(0);
1300         }
1302         /* The following line does nothing new for contextual paraLevel, but is
1303            needed for absolute paraLevel.                               */
1304         flags |= DirPropFlagLR(paraLevel);
1306         if (orderParagraphsLTR && (flags & DirPropFlag(B)) != 0) {
1307             flags |= DirPropFlag(L);
1308         }
1309     }
1311     /* perform (X1)..(X9) ------------------------------------------------------- */
1313     /* determine if the text is mixed-directional or single-directional */
1314     private byte directionFromFlags() {
1315         /* if the text contains AN and neutrals, then some neutrals may become RTL */
1316         if (!((flags & MASK_RTL) != 0 ||
1317               ((flags & DirPropFlag(AN)) != 0 &&
1318                (flags & MASK_POSSIBLE_N) != 0))) {
1319             return Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
1320         } else if ((flags & MASK_LTR) == 0) {
1321             return Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
1322         } else {
1323             return MIXED;
1324         }
1325     }
1327     /*
1328      * Resolve the explicit levels as specified by explicit embedding codes.
1329      * Recalculate the flags to have them reflect the real properties
1330      * after taking the explicit embeddings into account.
1331      *
1332      * The Bidi algorithm is designed to result in the same behavior whether embedding
1333      * levels are externally specified (from "styled text", supposedly the preferred
1334      * method) or set by explicit embedding codes (LRx, RLx, PDF) in the plain text.
1335      * That is why (X9) instructs to remove all explicit codes (and BN).
1336      * However, in a real implementation, this removal of these codes and their index
1337      * positions in the plain text is undesirable since it would result in
1338      * reallocated, reindexed text.
1339      * Instead, this implementation leaves the codes in there and just ignores them
1340      * in the subsequent processing.
1341      * In order to get the same reordering behavior, positions with a BN or an
1342      * explicit embedding code just get the same level assigned as the last "real"
1343      * character.
1344      *
1345      * Some implementations, not this one, then overwrite some of these
1346      * directionality properties at "real" same-level-run boundaries by
1347      * L or R codes so that the resolution of weak types can be performed on the
1348      * entire paragraph at once instead of having to parse it once more and
1349      * perform that resolution on same-level-runs.
1350      * This limits the scope of the implicit rules in effectively
1351      * the same way as the run limits.
1352      *
1353      * Instead, this implementation does not modify these codes.
1354      * On one hand, the paragraph has to be scanned for same-level-runs, but
1355      * on the other hand, this saves another loop to reset these codes,
1356      * or saves making and modifying a copy of dirProps[].
1357      *
1358      *
1359      * Note that (Pn) and (Xn) changed significantly from version 4 of the Bidi algorithm.
1360      *
1361      *
1362      * Handling the stack of explicit levels (Xn):
1363      *
1364      * With the Bidi stack of explicit levels,
1365      * as pushed with each LRE, RLE, LRO, and RLO and popped with each PDF,
1366      * the explicit level must never exceed MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL==61.
1367      *
1368      * In order to have a correct push-pop semantics even in the case of overflows,
1369      * there are two overflow counters:
1370      * - countOver60 is incremented with each LRx at level 60
1371      * - from level 60, one RLx increases the level to 61
1372      * - countOver61 is incremented with each LRx and RLx at level 61
1373      *
1374      * Popping levels with PDF must work in the opposite order so that level 61
1375      * is correct at the correct point. Underflows (too many PDFs) must be checked.
1376      *
1377      * This implementation assumes that MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL is odd.
1378      */
1379     private byte resolveExplicitLevels() {
1380         int i = 0;
1381         byte dirProp;
1382         byte level = GetParaLevelAt(0);
1384         byte dirct;
1385         int paraIndex = 0;
1387         /* determine if the text is mixed-directional or single-directional */
1388         dirct = directionFromFlags();
1390         /* we may not need to resolve any explicit levels, but for multiple
1391            paragraphs we want to loop on all chars to set the para boundaries */
1392         if ((dirct != MIXED) && (paraCount == 1)) {
1393             /* not mixed directionality: levels don't matter - trailingWSStart will be 0 */
1394         } else if ((paraCount == 1) &&
1395                    ((flags & MASK_EXPLICIT) == 0)) {
1396             /* mixed, but all characters are at the same embedding level */
1397             /* or we are in "inverse Bidi" */
1398             /* and we don't have contextual multiple paragraphs with some B char */
1399             /* set all levels to the paragraph level */
1400             for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
1401                 levels[i] = level;
1402             }
1403         } else {
1404             /* continue to perform (Xn) */
1406             /* (X1) level is set for all codes, embeddingLevel keeps track of the push/pop operations */
1407             /* both variables may carry the LEVEL_OVERRIDE flag to indicate the override status */
1408             byte embeddingLevel = level;
1409             byte newLevel;
1410             byte stackTop = 0;
1412             byte[] stack = new byte[MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL];    /* we never push anything >=MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL */
1413             int countOver60 = 0;
1414             int countOver61 = 0;  /* count overflows of explicit levels */
1416             /* recalculate the flags */
1417             flags = 0;
1419             for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
1420                 dirProp = NoContextRTL(dirProps[i]);
1421                 switch(dirProp) {
1422                 case LRE:
1423                 case LRO:
1424                     /* (X3, X5) */
1425                     newLevel = (byte)((embeddingLevel+2) & ~(INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE | 1)); /* least greater even level */
1426                     if (newLevel <= MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL) {
1427                         stack[stackTop] = embeddingLevel;
1428                         ++stackTop;
1429                         embeddingLevel = newLevel;
1430                         if (dirProp == LRO) {
1431                             embeddingLevel |= INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
1432                         }
1433                         /* we don't need to set LEVEL_OVERRIDE off for LRE
1434                            since this has already been done for newLevel which is
1435                            the source for embeddingLevel.
1436                          */
1437                     } else if ((embeddingLevel & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) == MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL) {
1438                         ++countOver61;
1439                     } else /* (embeddingLevel & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) == MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL-1 */ {
1440                         ++countOver60;
1441                     }
1442                     flags |= DirPropFlag(BN);
1443                     break;
1444                 case RLE:
1445                 case RLO:
1446                     /* (X2, X4) */
1447                     newLevel=(byte)(((embeddingLevel & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) + 1) | 1); /* least greater odd level */
1448                     if (newLevel<=MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL) {
1449                         stack[stackTop] = embeddingLevel;
1450                         ++stackTop;
1451                         embeddingLevel = newLevel;
1452                         if (dirProp == RLO) {
1453                             embeddingLevel |= INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
1454                         }
1455                         /* we don't need to set LEVEL_OVERRIDE off for RLE
1456                            since this has already been done for newLevel which is
1457                            the source for embeddingLevel.
1458                          */
1459                     } else {
1460                         ++countOver61;
1461                     }
1462                     flags |= DirPropFlag(BN);
1463                     break;
1464                 case PDF:
1465                     /* (X7) */
1466                     /* handle all the overflow cases first */
1467                     if (countOver61 > 0) {
1468                         --countOver61;
1469                     } else if (countOver60 > 0 && (embeddingLevel & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) != MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL) {
1470                         /* handle LRx overflows from level 60 */
1471                         --countOver60;
1472                     } else if (stackTop > 0) {
1473                         /* this is the pop operation; it also pops level 61 while countOver60>0 */
1474                         --stackTop;
1475                         embeddingLevel = stack[stackTop];
1476                     /* } else { (underflow) */
1477                     }
1478                     flags |= DirPropFlag(BN);
1479                     break;
1480                 case B:
1481                     stackTop = 0;
1482                     countOver60 = 0;
1483                     countOver61 = 0;
1484                     level = GetParaLevelAt(i);
1485                     if ((i + 1) < length) {
1486                         embeddingLevel = GetParaLevelAt(i+1);
1487                         if (!((text[i] == CR) && (text[i + 1] == LF))) {
1488                             paras[paraIndex++] = i+1;
1489                         }
1490                     }
1491                     flags |= DirPropFlag(B);
1492                     break;
1493                 case BN:
1494                     /* BN, LRE, RLE, and PDF are supposed to be removed (X9) */
1495                     /* they will get their levels set correctly in adjustWSLevels() */
1496                     flags |= DirPropFlag(BN);
1497                     break;
1498                 default:
1499                     /* all other types get the "real" level */
1500                     if (level != embeddingLevel) {
1501                         level = embeddingLevel;
1502                         if ((level & INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) != 0) {
1503                             flags |= DirPropFlagO(level) | DirPropFlagMultiRuns;
1504                         } else {
1505                             flags |= DirPropFlagE(level) | DirPropFlagMultiRuns;
1506                         }
1507                     }
1508                     if ((level & INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) == 0) {
1509                         flags |= DirPropFlag(dirProp);
1510                     }
1511                     break;
1512                 }
1514                 /*
1515                  * We need to set reasonable levels even on BN codes and
1516                  * explicit codes because we will later look at same-level runs (X10).
1517                  */
1518                 levels[i] = level;
1519             }
1520             if ((flags & MASK_EMBEDDING) != 0) {
1521                 flags |= DirPropFlagLR(paraLevel);
1522             }
1523             if (orderParagraphsLTR && (flags & DirPropFlag(B)) != 0) {
1524                 flags |= DirPropFlag(L);
1525             }
1527             /* subsequently, ignore the explicit codes and BN (X9) */
1529             /* again, determine if the text is mixed-directional or single-directional */
1530             dirct = directionFromFlags();
1531         }
1533         return dirct;
1534     }
1536     /*
1537      * Use a pre-specified embedding levels array:
1538      *
1539      * Adjust the directional properties for overrides (->LEVEL_OVERRIDE),
1540      * ignore all explicit codes (X9),
1541      * and check all the preset levels.
1542      *
1543      * Recalculate the flags to have them reflect the real properties
1544      * after taking the explicit embeddings into account.
1545      */
1546     private byte checkExplicitLevels() {
1547         byte dirProp;
1548         int i;
1549         this.flags = 0;     /* collect all directionalities in the text */
1550         byte level;
1551         int paraIndex = 0;
1553         for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
1554             if (levels[i] == 0) {
1555                 levels[i] = paraLevel;
1556             }
1557             if (MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL < (levels[i]&0x7f)) {
1558                 if ((levels[i] & INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) != 0) {
1559                     levels[i] =  (byte)(paraLevel|INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE);
1560                 } else {
1561                     levels[i] = paraLevel;
1562                 }
1563             }
1564             level = levels[i];
1565             dirProp = NoContextRTL(dirProps[i]);
1566             if ((level & INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) != 0) {
1567                 /* keep the override flag in levels[i] but adjust the flags */
1568                 level &= ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;     /* make the range check below simpler */
1569                 flags |= DirPropFlagO(level);
1570             } else {
1571                 /* set the flags */
1572                 flags |= DirPropFlagE(level) | DirPropFlag(dirProp);
1573             }
1575             if ((level < GetParaLevelAt(i) &&
1576                     !((0 == level) && (dirProp == B))) ||
1577                     (MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL <level)) {
1578                 /* level out of bounds */
1579                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("level " + level +
1580                                                    " out of bounds at index " + i);
1581             }
1582             if ((dirProp == B) && ((i + 1) < length)) {
1583                 if (!((text[i] == CR) && (text[i + 1] == LF))) {
1584                     paras[paraIndex++] = i + 1;
1585                 }
1586             }
1587         }
1588         if ((flags&MASK_EMBEDDING) != 0) {
1589             flags |= DirPropFlagLR(paraLevel);
1590         }
1592         /* determine if the text is mixed-directional or single-directional */
1593         return directionFromFlags();
1594     }
1596     /*********************************************************************/
1597     /* The Properties state machine table                                */
1598     /*********************************************************************/
1599     /*                                                                   */
1600     /* All table cells are 8 bits:                                       */
1601     /*      bits 0..4:  next state                                       */
1602     /*      bits 5..7:  action to perform (if > 0)                       */
1603     /*                                                                   */
1604     /* Cells may be of format "n" where n represents the next state      */
1605     /* (except for the rightmost column).                                */
1606     /* Cells may also be of format "_(x,y)" where x represents an action */
1607     /* to perform and y represents the next state.                       */
1608     /*                                                                   */
1609     /*********************************************************************/
1610     /* Definitions and type for properties state tables                  */
1611     /*********************************************************************/
1612     private static final int IMPTABPROPS_COLUMNS = 14;
1613     private static final int IMPTABPROPS_RES = IMPTABPROPS_COLUMNS - 1;
1614     private static short GetStateProps(short cell) {
1615         return (short)(cell & 0x1f);
1616     }
1617     private static short GetActionProps(short cell) {
1618         return (short)(cell >> 5);
1619     }
1621     private static final short groupProp[] =          /* dirProp regrouped */
1622     {
1623         /*  L   R   EN  ES  ET  AN  CS  B   S   WS  ON  LRE LRO AL  RLE RLO PDF NSM BN  */
1624         0,  1,  2,  7,  8,  3,  9,  6,  5,  4,  4,  10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10
1625     };
1626     private static final short _L  = 0;
1627     private static final short _R  = 1;
1628     private static final short _EN = 2;
1629     private static final short _AN = 3;
1630     private static final short _ON = 4;
1631     private static final short _S  = 5;
1632     private static final short _B  = 6; /* reduced dirProp */
1634     /*********************************************************************/
1635     /*                                                                   */
1636     /*      PROPERTIES  STATE  TABLE                                     */
1637     /*                                                                   */
1638     /* In table impTabProps,                                             */
1639     /*      - the ON column regroups ON and WS                           */
1640     /*      - the BN column regroups BN, LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF         */
1641     /*      - the Res column is the reduced property assigned to a run   */
1642     /*                                                                   */
1643     /* Action 1: process current run1, init new run1                     */
1644     /*        2: init new run2                                           */
1645     /*        3: process run1, process run2, init new run1               */
1646     /*        4: process run1, set run1=run2, init new run2              */
1647     /*                                                                   */
1648     /* Notes:                                                            */
1649     /*  1) This table is used in resolveImplicitLevels().                */
1650     /*  2) This table triggers actions when there is a change in the Bidi*/
1651     /*     property of incoming characters (action 1).                   */
1652     /*  3) Most such property sequences are processed immediately (in    */
1653     /*     fact, passed to processPropertySeq().                         */
1654     /*  4) However, numbers are assembled as one sequence. This means    */
1655     /*     that undefined situations (like CS following digits, until    */
1656     /*     it is known if the next char will be a digit) are held until  */
1657     /*     following chars define them.                                  */
1658     /*     Example: digits followed by CS, then comes another CS or ON;  */
1659     /*              the digits will be processed, then the CS assigned   */
1660     /*              as the start of an ON sequence (action 3).           */
1661     /*  5) There are cases where more than one sequence must be          */
1662     /*     processed, for instance digits followed by CS followed by L:  */
1663     /*     the digits must be processed as one sequence, and the CS      */
1664     /*     must be processed as an ON sequence, all this before starting */
1665     /*     assembling chars for the opening L sequence.                  */
1666     /*                                                                   */
1667     /*                                                                   */
1668     private static final short impTabProps[][] =
1669     {
1670 /*                        L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B,    ES,    ET,    CS,    BN,   NSM,    AL,  Res */
1671 /* 0 Init        */ {     1,     2,     4,     5,     7,    15,    17,     7,     9,     7,     0,     7,     3,  _ON },
1672 /* 1 L           */ {     1,  32+2,  32+4,  32+5,  32+7, 32+15, 32+17,  32+7,  32+9,  32+7,     1,     1,  32+3,   _L },
1673 /* 2 R           */ {  32+1,     2,  32+4,  32+5,  32+7, 32+15, 32+17,  32+7,  32+9,  32+7,     2,     2,  32+3,   _R },
1674 /* 3 AL          */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+6,  32+6,  32+8, 32+16, 32+17,  32+8,  32+8,  32+8,     3,     3,     3,   _R },
1675 /* 4 EN          */ {  32+1,  32+2,     4,  32+5,  32+7, 32+15, 32+17, 64+10,    11, 64+10,     4,     4,  32+3,  _EN },
1676 /* 5 AN          */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+4,     5,  32+7, 32+15, 32+17,  32+7,  32+9, 64+12,     5,     5,  32+3,  _AN },
1677 /* 6 AL:EN/AN    */ {  32+1,  32+2,     6,     6,  32+8, 32+16, 32+17,  32+8,  32+8, 64+13,     6,     6,  32+3,  _AN },
1678 /* 7 ON          */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+4,  32+5,     7, 32+15, 32+17,     7, 64+14,     7,     7,     7,  32+3,  _ON },
1679 /* 8 AL:ON       */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+6,  32+6,     8, 32+16, 32+17,     8,     8,     8,     8,     8,  32+3,  _ON },
1680 /* 9 ET          */ {  32+1,  32+2,     4,  32+5,     7, 32+15, 32+17,     7,     9,     7,     9,     9,  32+3,  _ON },
1681 /*10 EN+ES/CS    */ {  96+1,  96+2,     4,  96+5, 128+7, 96+15, 96+17, 128+7,128+14, 128+7,    10, 128+7,  96+3,  _EN },
1682 /*11 EN+ET       */ {  32+1,  32+2,     4,  32+5,  32+7, 32+15, 32+17,  32+7,    11,  32+7,    11,    11,  32+3,  _EN },
1683 /*12 AN+CS       */ {  96+1,  96+2,  96+4,     5, 128+7, 96+15, 96+17, 128+7,128+14, 128+7,    12, 128+7,  96+3,  _AN },
1684 /*13 AL:EN/AN+CS */ {  96+1,  96+2,     6,     6, 128+8, 96+16, 96+17, 128+8, 128+8, 128+8,    13, 128+8,  96+3,  _AN },
1685 /*14 ON+ET       */ {  32+1,  32+2, 128+4,  32+5,     7, 32+15, 32+17,     7,    14,     7,    14,    14,  32+3,  _ON },
1686 /*15 S           */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+4,  32+5,  32+7,    15, 32+17,  32+7,  32+9,  32+7,    15,  32+7,  32+3,   _S },
1687 /*16 AL:S        */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+6,  32+6,  32+8,    16, 32+17,  32+8,  32+8,  32+8,    16,  32+8,  32+3,   _S },
1688 /*17 B           */ {  32+1,  32+2,  32+4,  32+5,  32+7, 32+15,    17,  32+7,  32+9,  32+7,    17,  32+7,  32+3,   _B }
1689     };
1691     /*********************************************************************/
1692     /* The levels state machine tables                                   */
1693     /*********************************************************************/
1694     /*                                                                   */
1695     /* All table cells are 8 bits:                                       */
1696     /*      bits 0..3:  next state                                       */
1697     /*      bits 4..7:  action to perform (if > 0)                       */
1698     /*                                                                   */
1699     /* Cells may be of format "n" where n represents the next state      */
1700     /* (except for the rightmost column).                                */
1701     /* Cells may also be of format "_(x,y)" where x represents an action */
1702     /* to perform and y represents the next state.                       */
1703     /*                                                                   */
1704     /* This format limits each table to 16 states each and to 15 actions.*/
1705     /*                                                                   */
1706     /*********************************************************************/
1707     /* Definitions and type for levels state tables                      */
1708     /*********************************************************************/
1709     private static final int IMPTABLEVELS_COLUMNS = _B + 2;
1710     private static final int IMPTABLEVELS_RES = IMPTABLEVELS_COLUMNS - 1;
1711     private static short GetState(byte cell) { return (short)(cell & 0x0f); }
1712     private static short GetAction(byte cell) { return (short)(cell >> 4); }
1714     private static class ImpTabPair {
1715         byte[][][] imptab;
1716         short[][] impact;
1718         ImpTabPair(byte[][] table1, byte[][] table2,
1719                    short[] act1, short[] act2) {
1720             imptab = new byte[][][] {table1, table2};
1721             impact = new short[][] {act1, act2};
1722         }
1723     }
1725     /*********************************************************************/
1726     /*                                                                   */
1727     /*      LEVELS  STATE  TABLES                                        */
1728     /*                                                                   */
1729     /* In all levels state tables,                                       */
1730     /*      - state 0 is the initial state                               */
1731     /*      - the Res column is the increment to add to the text level   */
1732     /*        for this property sequence.                                */
1733     /*                                                                   */
1734     /* The impact arrays for each table of a pair map the local action   */
1735     /* numbers of the table to the total list of actions. For instance,  */
1736     /* action 2 in a given table corresponds to the action number which  */
1737     /* appears in entry [2] of the impact array for that table.          */
1738     /* The first entry of all impact arrays must be 0.                   */
1739     /*                                                                   */
1740     /* Action 1: init conditional sequence                               */
1741     /*        2: prepend conditional sequence to current sequence        */
1742     /*        3: set ON sequence to new level - 1                        */
1743     /*        4: init EN/AN/ON sequence                                  */
1744     /*        5: fix EN/AN/ON sequence followed by R                     */
1745     /*        6: set previous level sequence to level 2                  */
1746     /*                                                                   */
1747     /* Notes:                                                            */
1748     /*  1) These tables are used in processPropertySeq(). The input      */
1749     /*     is property sequences as determined by resolveImplicitLevels. */
1750     /*  2) Most such property sequences are processed immediately        */
1751     /*     (levels are assigned).                                        */
1752     /*  3) However, some sequences cannot be assigned a final level till */
1753     /*     one or more following sequences are received. For instance,   */
1754     /*     ON following an R sequence within an even-level paragraph.    */
1755     /*     If the following sequence is R, the ON sequence will be       */
1756     /*     assigned basic run level+1, and so will the R sequence.       */
1757     /*  4) S is generally handled like ON, since its level will be fixed */
1758     /*     to paragraph level in adjustWSLevels().                       */
1759     /*                                                                   */
1761     private static final byte impTabL_DEFAULT[][] = /* Even paragraph level */
1762         /*  In this table, conditional sequences receive the higher possible level
1763             until proven otherwise.
1764         */
1765     {
1766         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1767         /* 0 : init       */ {     0,     1,     0,     2,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1768         /* 1 : R          */ {     0,     1,     3,     3,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  1 },
1769         /* 2 : AN         */ {     0,     1,     0,     2,  0x15,  0x15,     0,  2 },
1770         /* 3 : R+EN/AN    */ {     0,     1,     3,     3,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  2 },
1771         /* 4 : R+ON       */ {  0x20,     1,     3,     3,     4,     4,  0x20,  1 },
1772         /* 5 : AN+ON      */ {  0x20,     1,  0x20,     2,     5,     5,  0x20,  1 }
1773     };
1775     private static final byte impTabR_DEFAULT[][] = /* Odd  paragraph level */
1776         /*  In this table, conditional sequences receive the lower possible level
1777             until proven otherwise.
1778         */
1779     {
1780         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1781         /* 0 : init       */ {     1,     0,     2,     2,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1782         /* 1 : L          */ {     1,     0,     1,     3,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  1 },
1783         /* 2 : EN/AN      */ {     1,     0,     2,     2,     0,     0,     0,  1 },
1784         /* 3 : L+AN       */ {     1,     0,     1,     3,     5,     5,     0,  1 },
1785         /* 4 : L+ON       */ {  0x21,     0,  0x21,     3,     4,     4,     0,  0 },
1786         /* 5 : L+AN+ON    */ {     1,     0,     1,     3,     5,     5,     0,  0 }
1787     };
1789     private static final short[] impAct0 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
1791     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_DEFAULT = new ImpTabPair(
1792             impTabL_DEFAULT, impTabR_DEFAULT, impAct0, impAct0);
1794     private static final byte impTabL_NUMBERS_SPECIAL[][] = { /* Even paragraph level */
1795         /* In this table, conditional sequences receive the higher possible
1796            level until proven otherwise.
1797         */
1798         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1799         /* 0 : init       */ {     0,     2,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1800         /* 1 : L+EN/AN    */ {     0,     2,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  2 },
1801         /* 2 : R          */ {     0,     2,     4,     4,  0x13,     0,     0,  1 },
1802         /* 3 : R+ON       */ {  0x20,     2,     4,     4,     3,     3,  0x20,  1 },
1803         /* 4 : R+EN/AN    */ {     0,     2,     4,     4,  0x13,  0x13,     0,  2 }
1804     };
1805     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_NUMBERS_SPECIAL = new ImpTabPair(
1806             impTabL_NUMBERS_SPECIAL, impTabR_DEFAULT, impAct0, impAct0);
1808     private static final byte impTabL_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R[][] = {
1809         /* In this table, EN/AN+ON sequences receive levels as if associated with R
1810            until proven that there is L or sor/eor on both sides. AN is handled like EN.
1811         */
1812         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1813         /* 0 init         */ {     0,     3,  0x11,  0x11,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1814         /* 1 EN/AN        */ {  0x20,     3,     1,     1,     2,  0x20,  0x20,  2 },
1815         /* 2 EN/AN+ON     */ {  0x20,     3,     1,     1,     2,  0x20,  0x20,  1 },
1816         /* 3 R            */ {     0,     3,     5,     5,  0x14,     0,     0,  1 },
1817         /* 4 R+ON         */ {  0x20,     3,     5,     5,     4,  0x20,  0x20,  1 },
1818         /* 5 R+EN/AN      */ {     0,     3,     5,     5,  0x14,     0,     0,  2 }
1819     };
1820     private static final byte impTabR_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R[][] = {
1821         /*  In this table, EN/AN+ON sequences receive levels as if associated with R
1822             until proven that there is L on both sides. AN is handled like EN.
1823         */
1824         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1825         /* 0 init         */ {     2,     0,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1826         /* 1 EN/AN        */ {     2,     0,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  1 },
1827         /* 2 L            */ {     2,     0,  0x14,  0x14,  0x13,     0,     0,  1 },
1828         /* 3 L+ON         */ {  0x22,     0,     4,     4,     3,     0,     0,  0 },
1829         /* 4 L+EN/AN      */ {  0x22,     0,     4,     4,     3,     0,     0,  1 }
1830     };
1831     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R = new
1832             ImpTabPair(impTabL_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R,
1833                        impTabR_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R, impAct0, impAct0);
1835     private static final byte impTabL_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L[][] = {
1836         /* This table is identical to the Default LTR table except that EN and AN
1837            are handled like L.
1838         */
1839         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1840         /* 0 : init       */ {     0,     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1841         /* 1 : R          */ {     0,     1,     0,     0,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  1 },
1842         /* 2 : AN         */ {     0,     1,     0,     0,  0x15,  0x15,     0,  2 },
1843         /* 3 : R+EN/AN    */ {     0,     1,     0,     0,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  2 },
1844         /* 4 : R+ON       */ {  0x20,     1,  0x20,  0x20,     4,     4,  0x20,  1 },
1845         /* 5 : AN+ON      */ {  0x20,     1,  0x20,  0x20,     5,     5,  0x20,  1 }
1846     };
1847     private static final byte impTabR_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L[][] = {
1848         /* This table is identical to the Default RTL table except that EN and AN
1849            are handled like L.
1850         */
1851         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1852         /* 0 : init       */ {     1,     0,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1853         /* 1 : L          */ {     1,     0,     1,     1,  0x14,  0x14,     0,  1 },
1854         /* 2 : EN/AN      */ {     1,     0,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  1 },
1855         /* 3 : L+AN       */ {     1,     0,     1,     1,     5,     5,     0,  1 },
1856         /* 4 : L+ON       */ {  0x21,     0,  0x21,  0x21,     4,     4,     0,  0 },
1857         /* 5 : L+AN+ON    */ {     1,     0,     1,     1,     5,     5,     0,  0 }
1858     };
1859     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L = new ImpTabPair
1860             (impTabL_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L, impTabR_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L,
1861              impAct0, impAct0);
1863     private static final byte impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT[][] = {  /* Odd  paragraph level */
1864         /*  In this table, conditional sequences receive the lower possible level
1865             until proven otherwise.
1866         */
1867         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1868         /* 0 : init       */ {     1,     0,     2,     2,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1869         /* 1 : L          */ {     1,     0,     1,     2,  0x13,  0x13,     0,  1 },
1870         /* 2 : EN/AN      */ {     1,     0,     2,     2,     0,     0,     0,  1 },
1871         /* 3 : L+ON       */ {  0x21,  0x30,     6,     4,     3,     3,  0x30,  0 },
1872         /* 4 : L+ON+AN    */ {  0x21,  0x30,     6,     4,     5,     5,  0x30,  3 },
1873         /* 5 : L+AN+ON    */ {  0x21,  0x30,     6,     4,     5,     5,  0x30,  2 },
1874         /* 6 : L+ON+EN    */ {  0x21,  0x30,     6,     4,     3,     3,  0x30,  1 }
1875     };
1876     private static final short[] impAct1 = {0,1,11,12};
1877     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT = new ImpTabPair(
1878             impTabL_DEFAULT, impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT, impAct0, impAct1);
1880     private static final byte impTabL_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS[][] = {
1881         /* The case handled in this table is (visually):  R EN L
1882          */
1883         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1884         /* 0 : init       */ {     0,  0x63,     0,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1885         /* 1 : L+AN       */ {     0,  0x63,     0,     1,  0x12,  0x30,     0,  4 },
1886         /* 2 : L+AN+ON    */ {  0x20,  0x63,  0x20,     1,     2,  0x30,  0x20,  3 },
1887         /* 3 : R          */ {     0,  0x63,  0x55,  0x56,  0x14,  0x30,     0,  3 },
1888         /* 4 : R+ON       */ {  0x30,  0x43,  0x55,  0x56,     4,  0x30,  0x30,  3 },
1889         /* 5 : R+EN       */ {  0x30,  0x43,     5,  0x56,  0x14,  0x30,  0x30,  4 },
1890         /* 6 : R+AN       */ {  0x30,  0x43,  0x55,     6,  0x14,  0x30,  0x30,  4 }
1891     };
1892     private static final byte impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS[][] = {
1893         /* The cases handled in this table are (visually):  R EN L
1894                                                             R L AN L
1895         */
1896         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1897         /* 0 : init       */ {  0x13,     0,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1898         /* 1 : R+EN/AN    */ {  0x23,     0,     1,     1,     2,  0x40,     0,  1 },
1899         /* 2 : R+EN/AN+ON */ {  0x23,     0,     1,     1,     2,  0x40,     0,  0 },
1900         /* 3 : L          */ {    3 ,     0,     3,  0x36,  0x14,  0x40,     0,  1 },
1901         /* 4 : L+ON       */ {  0x53,  0x40,     5,  0x36,     4,  0x40,  0x40,  0 },
1902         /* 5 : L+ON+EN    */ {  0x53,  0x40,     5,  0x36,     4,  0x40,  0x40,  1 },
1903         /* 6 : L+AN       */ {  0x53,  0x40,     6,     6,     4,  0x40,  0x40,  3 }
1904     };
1905     private static final short impAct2[] = {0,1,7,8,9,10};
1906     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS =
1907             new ImpTabPair(impTabL_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS,
1908                            impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS, impAct0, impAct2);
1910     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL = new ImpTabPair(
1911             impTabL_NUMBERS_SPECIAL, impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT, impAct0, impAct1);
1913     private static final byte impTabL_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL_WITH_MARKS[][] = {
1914         /*  The case handled in this table is (visually):  R EN L
1915         */
1916         /*                         L,     R,    EN,    AN,    ON,     S,     B, Res */
1917         /* 0 : init       */ {     0,  0x62,     1,     1,     0,     0,     0,  0 },
1918         /* 1 : L+EN/AN    */ {     0,  0x62,     1,     1,     0,  0x30,     0,  4 },
1919         /* 2 : R          */ {     0,  0x62,  0x54,  0x54,  0x13,  0x30,     0,  3 },
1920         /* 3 : R+ON       */ {  0x30,  0x42,  0x54,  0x54,     3,  0x30,  0x30,  3 },
1921         /* 4 : R+EN/AN    */ {  0x30,  0x42,     4,     4,  0x13,  0x30,  0x30,  4 }
1922     };
1923     private static final ImpTabPair impTab_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL_WITH_MARKS = new
1925                        impTabR_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS, impAct0, impAct2);
1927     private class LevState {
1928         byte[][] impTab;                /* level table pointer          */
1929         short[] impAct;                 /* action map array             */
1930         int startON;                    /* start of ON sequence         */
1931         int startL2EN;                  /* start of level 2 sequence    */
1932         int lastStrongRTL;              /* index of last found R or AL  */
1933         short state;                    /* current state                */
1934         byte runLevel;                  /* run level before implicit solving */
1935     }
1937     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1939     static final int FIRSTALLOC = 10;
1940     /*
1941      *  param pos:     position where to insert
1942      *  param flag:    one of LRM_BEFORE, LRM_AFTER, RLM_BEFORE, RLM_AFTER
1943      */
1944     private void addPoint(int pos, int flag)
1945     {
1946         Point point = new Point();
1948         int len = insertPoints.points.length;
1949         if (len == 0) {
1950             insertPoints.points = new Point[FIRSTALLOC];
1951             len = FIRSTALLOC;
1952         }
1953         if (insertPoints.size >= len) { /* no room for new point */
1954             Point[] savePoints = insertPoints.points;
1955             insertPoints.points = new Point[len * 2];
1956             System.arraycopy(savePoints, 0, insertPoints.points, 0, len);
1957         }
1958         point.pos = pos;
1959         point.flag = flag;
1960         insertPoints.points[insertPoints.size] = point;
1961         insertPoints.size++;
1962     }
1964     /* perform rules (Wn), (Nn), and (In) on a run of the text ------------------ */
1966     /*
1967      * This implementation of the (Wn) rules applies all rules in one pass.
1968      * In order to do so, it needs a look-ahead of typically 1 character
1969      * (except for W5: sequences of ET) and keeps track of changes
1970      * in a rule Wp that affect a later Wq (p<q).
1971      *
1972      * The (Nn) and (In) rules are also performed in that same single loop,
1973      * but effectively one iteration behind for white space.
1974      *
1975      * Since all implicit rules are performed in one step, it is not necessary
1976      * to actually store the intermediate directional properties in dirProps[].
1977      */
1979     private void processPropertySeq(LevState levState, short _prop,
1980             int start, int limit) {
1981         byte cell;
1982         byte[][] impTab = levState.impTab;
1983         short[] impAct = levState.impAct;
1984         short oldStateSeq,actionSeq;
1985         byte level, addLevel;
1986         int start0, k;
1988         start0 = start;                 /* save original start position */
1989         oldStateSeq = levState.state;
1990         cell = impTab[oldStateSeq][_prop];
1991         levState.state = GetState(cell);        /* isolate the new state */
1992         actionSeq = impAct[GetAction(cell)];    /* isolate the action */
1993         addLevel = impTab[levState.state][IMPTABLEVELS_RES];
1995         if (actionSeq != 0) {
1996             switch (actionSeq) {
1997             case 1:                     /* init ON seq */
1998                 levState.startON = start0;
1999                 break;
2001             case 2:                     /* prepend ON seq to current seq */
2002                 start = levState.startON;
2003                 break;
2005             case 3:                     /* L or S after possible relevant EN/AN */
2006                 /* check if we had EN after R/AL */
2007                 if (levState.startL2EN >= 0) {
2008                     addPoint(levState.startL2EN, LRM_BEFORE);
2009                 }
2010                 levState.startL2EN = -1;  /* not within previous if since could also be -2 */
2011                 /* check if we had any relevant EN/AN after R/AL */
2012                 if ((insertPoints.points.length == 0) ||
2013                         (insertPoints.size <= insertPoints.confirmed)) {
2014                     /* nothing, just clean up */
2015                     levState.lastStrongRTL = -1;
2016                     /* check if we have a pending conditional segment */
2017                     level = impTab[oldStateSeq][IMPTABLEVELS_RES];
2018                     if ((level & 1) != 0 && levState.startON > 0) { /* after ON */
2019                         start = levState.startON;   /* reset to basic run level */
2020                     }
2021                     if (_prop == _S) {              /* add LRM before S */
2022                         addPoint(start0, LRM_BEFORE);
2023                         insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size;
2024                     }
2025                     break;
2026                 }
2027                 /* reset previous RTL cont to level for LTR text */
2028                 for (k = levState.lastStrongRTL + 1; k < start0; k++) {
2029                     /* reset odd level, leave runLevel+2 as is */
2030                     levels[k] = (byte)((levels[k] - 2) & ~1);
2031                 }
2032                 /* mark insert points as confirmed */
2033                 insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size;
2034                 levState.lastStrongRTL = -1;
2035                 if (_prop == _S) {           /* add LRM before S */
2036                     addPoint(start0, LRM_BEFORE);
2037                     insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size;
2038                 }
2039                 break;
2041             case 4:                     /* R/AL after possible relevant EN/AN */
2042                 /* just clean up */
2043                 if (insertPoints.points.length > 0)
2044                     /* remove all non confirmed insert points */
2045                     insertPoints.size = insertPoints.confirmed;
2046                 levState.startON = -1;
2047                 levState.startL2EN = -1;
2048                 levState.lastStrongRTL = limit - 1;
2049                 break;
2051             case 5:                     /* EN/AN after R/AL + possible cont */
2052                 /* check for real AN */
2053                 if ((_prop == _AN) && (NoContextRTL(dirProps[start0]) == AN)) {
2054                     /* real AN */
2055                     if (levState.startL2EN == -1) { /* if no relevant EN already found */
2056                         /* just note the righmost digit as a strong RTL */
2057                         levState.lastStrongRTL = limit - 1;
2058                         break;
2059                     }
2060                     if (levState.startL2EN >= 0)  { /* after EN, no AN */
2061                         addPoint(levState.startL2EN, LRM_BEFORE);
2062                         levState.startL2EN = -2;
2063                     }
2064                     /* note AN */
2065                     addPoint(start0, LRM_BEFORE);
2066                     break;
2067                 }
2068                 /* if first EN/AN after R/AL */
2069                 if (levState.startL2EN == -1) {
2070                     levState.startL2EN = start0;
2071                 }
2072                 break;
2074             case 6:                     /* note location of latest R/AL */
2075                 levState.lastStrongRTL = limit - 1;
2076                 levState.startON = -1;
2077                 break;
2079             case 7:                     /* L after R+ON/EN/AN */
2080                 /* include possible adjacent number on the left */
2081                 for (k = start0-1; k >= 0 && ((levels[k] & 1) == 0); k--) {
2082                 }
2083                 if (k >= 0) {
2084                     addPoint(k, RLM_BEFORE);    /* add RLM before */
2085                     insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size; /* confirm it */
2086                 }
2087                 levState.startON = start0;
2088                 break;
2090             case 8:                     /* AN after L */
2091                 /* AN numbers between L text on both sides may be trouble. */
2092                 /* tentatively bracket with LRMs; will be confirmed if followed by L */
2093                 addPoint(start0, LRM_BEFORE);   /* add LRM before */
2094                 addPoint(start0, LRM_AFTER);    /* add LRM after  */
2095                 break;
2097             case 9:                     /* R after L+ON/EN/AN */
2098                 /* false alert, infirm LRMs around previous AN */
2099                 insertPoints.size=insertPoints.confirmed;
2100                 if (_prop == _S) {          /* add RLM before S */
2101                     addPoint(start0, RLM_BEFORE);
2102                     insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size;
2103                 }
2104                 break;
2106             case 10:                    /* L after L+ON/AN */
2107                 level = (byte)(levState.runLevel + addLevel);
2108                 for (k=levState.startON; k < start0; k++) {
2109                     if (levels[k] < level) {
2110                         levels[k] = level;
2111                     }
2112                 }
2113                 insertPoints.confirmed = insertPoints.size;   /* confirm inserts */
2114                 levState.startON = start0;
2115                 break;
2117             case 11:                    /* L after L+ON+EN/AN/ON */
2118                 level = levState.runLevel;
2119                 for (k = start0-1; k >= levState.startON; k--) {
2120                     if (levels[k] == level+3) {
2121                         while (levels[k] == level+3) {
2122                             levels[k--] -= 2;
2123                         }
2124                         while (levels[k] == level) {
2125                             k--;
2126                         }
2127                     }
2128                     if (levels[k] == level+2) {
2129                         levels[k] = level;
2130                         continue;
2131                     }
2132                     levels[k] = (byte)(level+1);
2133                 }
2134                 break;
2136             case 12:                    /* R after L+ON+EN/AN/ON */
2137                 level = (byte)(levState.runLevel+1);
2138                 for (k = start0-1; k >= levState.startON; k--) {
2139                     if (levels[k] > level) {
2140                         levels[k] -= 2;
2141                     }
2142                 }
2143                 break;
2145             default:                        /* we should never get here */
2146                 throw new IllegalStateException("Internal ICU error in processPropertySeq");
2147             }
2148         }
2149         if ((addLevel) != 0 || (start < start0)) {
2150             level = (byte)(levState.runLevel + addLevel);
2151             for (k = start; k < limit; k++) {
2152                 levels[k] = level;
2153             }
2154         }
2155     }
2157     private void resolveImplicitLevels(int start, int limit, short sor, short eor)
2158     {
2159         LevState levState = new LevState();
2160         int i, start1, start2;
2161         short oldStateImp, stateImp, actionImp;
2162         short gprop, resProp, cell;
2163         short nextStrongProp = R;
2164         int nextStrongPos = -1;
2167         /* check for RTL inverse Bidi mode */
2168         /* FOOD FOR THOUGHT: in case of RTL inverse Bidi, it would make sense to
2169          * loop on the text characters from end to start.
2170          * This would need a different properties state table (at least different
2171          * actions) and different levels state tables (maybe very similar to the
2172          * LTR corresponding ones.
2173          */
2174         /* initialize for levels state table */
2175         levState.startL2EN = -1;        /* used for INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS */
2176         levState.lastStrongRTL = -1;    /* used for INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT_WITH_MARKS */
2177         levState.state = 0;
2178         levState.runLevel = levels[start];
2179         levState.impTab = impTabPair.imptab[levState.runLevel & 1];
2180         levState.impAct = impTabPair.impact[levState.runLevel & 1];
2181         processPropertySeq(levState, sor, start, start);
2182         /* initialize for property state table */
2183         if (dirProps[start] == NSM) {
2184             stateImp = (short)(1 + sor);
2185         } else {
2186             stateImp = 0;
2187         }
2188         start1 = start;
2189         start2 = 0;
2191         for (i = start; i <= limit; i++) {
2192             if (i >= limit) {
2193                 gprop = eor;
2194             } else {
2195                 short prop, prop1;
2196                 prop = NoContextRTL(dirProps[i]);
2197                 gprop = groupProp[prop];
2198             }
2199             oldStateImp = stateImp;
2200             cell = impTabProps[oldStateImp][gprop];
2201             stateImp = GetStateProps(cell);     /* isolate the new state */
2202             actionImp = GetActionProps(cell);   /* isolate the action */
2203             if ((i == limit) && (actionImp == 0)) {
2204                 /* there is an unprocessed sequence if its property == eor   */
2205                 actionImp = 1;                  /* process the last sequence */
2206             }
2207             if (actionImp != 0) {
2208                 resProp = impTabProps[oldStateImp][IMPTABPROPS_RES];
2209                 switch (actionImp) {
2210                 case 1:             /* process current seq1, init new seq1 */
2211                     processPropertySeq(levState, resProp, start1, i);
2212                     start1 = i;
2213                     break;
2214                 case 2:             /* init new seq2 */
2215                     start2 = i;
2216                     break;
2217                 case 3:             /* process seq1, process seq2, init new seq1 */
2218                     processPropertySeq(levState, resProp, start1, start2);
2219                     processPropertySeq(levState, _ON, start2, i);
2220                     start1 = i;
2221                     break;
2222                 case 4:             /* process seq1, set seq1=seq2, init new seq2 */
2223                     processPropertySeq(levState, resProp, start1, start2);
2224                     start1 = start2;
2225                     start2 = i;
2226                     break;
2227                 default:            /* we should never get here */
2228                     throw new IllegalStateException("Internal ICU error in resolveImplicitLevels");
2229                 }
2230             }
2231         }
2232         /* flush possible pending sequence, e.g. ON */
2233         processPropertySeq(levState, eor, limit, limit);
2234     }
2236     /* perform (L1) and (X9) ---------------------------------------------------- */
2238     /*
2239      * Reset the embedding levels for some non-graphic characters (L1).
2240      * This method also sets appropriate levels for BN, and
2241      * explicit embedding types that are supposed to have been removed
2242      * from the paragraph in (X9).
2243      */
2244     private void adjustWSLevels() {
2245         int i;
2247         if ((flags & MASK_WS) != 0) {
2248             int flag;
2249             i = trailingWSStart;
2250             while (i > 0) {
2251                 /* reset a sequence of WS/BN before eop and B/S to the paragraph paraLevel */
2252                 while (i > 0 && ((flag = DirPropFlagNC(dirProps[--i])) & MASK_WS) != 0) {
2253                     if (orderParagraphsLTR && (flag & DirPropFlag(B)) != 0) {
2254                         levels[i] = 0;
2255                     } else {
2256                         levels[i] = GetParaLevelAt(i);
2257                     }
2258                 }
2260                 /* reset BN to the next character's paraLevel until B/S, which restarts above loop */
2261                 /* here, i+1 is guaranteed to be <length */
2262                 while (i > 0) {
2263                     flag = DirPropFlagNC(dirProps[--i]);
2264                     if ((flag & MASK_BN_EXPLICIT) != 0) {
2265                         levels[i] = levels[i + 1];
2266                     } else if (orderParagraphsLTR && (flag & DirPropFlag(B)) != 0) {
2267                         levels[i] = 0;
2268                         break;
2269                     } else if ((flag & MASK_B_S) != 0){
2270                         levels[i] = GetParaLevelAt(i);
2271                         break;
2272                     }
2273                 }
2274             }
2275         }
2276     }
2278     private int Bidi_Min(int x, int y) {
2279         return x < y ? x : y;
2280     }
2282     private int Bidi_Abs(int x) {
2283         return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
2284     }
2286     /**
2287      * Perform the Unicode Bidi algorithm. It is defined in the
2288      * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>,
2289      * version 13,
2290      * also described in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 .<p>
2291      *
2292      * This method takes a piece of plain text containing one or more paragraphs,
2293      * with or without externally specified embedding levels from <i>styled</i>
2294      * text and computes the left-right-directionality of each character.<p>
2295      *
2296      * If the entire text is all of the same directionality, then
2297      * the method may not perform all the steps described by the algorithm,
2298      * i.e., some levels may not be the same as if all steps were performed.
2299      * This is not relevant for unidirectional text.<br>
2300      * For example, in pure LTR text with numbers the numbers would get
2301      * a resolved level of 2 higher than the surrounding text according to
2302      * the algorithm. This implementation may set all resolved levels to
2303      * the same value in such a case.<p>
2304      *
2305      * The text can be composed of multiple paragraphs. Occurrence of a block
2306      * separator in the text terminates a paragraph, and whatever comes next starts
2307      * a new paragraph. The exception to this rule is when a Carriage Return (CR)
2308      * is followed by a Line Feed (LF). Both CR and LF are block separators, but
2309      * in that case, the pair of characters is considered as terminating the
2310      * preceding paragraph, and a new paragraph will be started by a character
2311      * coming after the LF.
2312      *
2313      * Although the text is passed here as a <code>String</code>, it is
2314      * stored internally as an array of characters. Therefore the
2315      * documentation will refer to indexes of the characters in the text.
2316      *
2317      * @param text contains the text that the Bidi algorithm will be performed
2318      *        on. This text can be retrieved with <code>getText()</code> or
2319      *        <code>getTextAsString</code>.<br>
2320      *
2321      * @param paraLevel specifies the default level for the text;
2322      *        it is typically 0 (LTR) or 1 (RTL).
2323      *        If the method shall determine the paragraph level from the text,
2324      *        then <code>paraLevel</code> can be set to
2325      *        either <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR</code>
2326      *        or <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL</code>; if the text contains multiple
2327      *        paragraphs, the paragraph level shall be determined separately for
2328      *        each paragraph; if a paragraph does not include any strongly typed
2329      *        character, then the desired default is used (0 for LTR or 1 for RTL).
2330      *        Any other value between 0 and <code>MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>
2331      *        is also valid, with odd levels indicating RTL.
2332      *
2333      * @param embeddingLevels (in) may be used to preset the embedding and override levels,
2334      *        ignoring characters like LRE and PDF in the text.
2335      *        A level overrides the directional property of its corresponding
2336      *        (same index) character if the level has the
2337      *        <code>LEVEL_OVERRIDE</code> bit set.<br><br>
2338      *        Except for that bit, it must be
2339      *        <code>paraLevel<=embeddingLevels[]<=MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>,
2340      *        with one exception: a level of zero may be specified for a
2341      *        paragraph separator even if <code>paraLevel&gt;0</code> when multiple
2342      *        paragraphs are submitted in the same call to <code>setPara()</code>.<br><br>
2343      *        <strong>Caution: </strong>A reference to this array, not a copy
2344      *        of the levels, will be stored in the <code>Bidi</code> object;
2345      *        the <code>embeddingLevels</code>
2346      *        should not be modified to avoid unexpected results on subsequent
2347      *        Bidi operations. However, the <code>setPara()</code> and
2348      *        <code>setLine()</code> methods may modify some or all of the
2349      *        levels.<br><br>
2350      *        <strong>Note:</strong> the <code>embeddingLevels</code> array must
2351      *        have one entry for each character in <code>text</code>.
2352      *
2353      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the values in embeddingLevels are
2354      *         not within the allowed range
2355      *
2356      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR
2357      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL
2358      * @see #LEVEL_OVERRIDE
2359      * @see #MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL
2360      * @stable ICU 3.8
2361      */
2362     void setPara(String text, byte paraLevel, byte[] embeddingLevels)
2363     {
2364         if (text == null) {
2365             setPara(new char[0], paraLevel, embeddingLevels);
2366         } else {
2367             setPara(text.toCharArray(), paraLevel, embeddingLevels);
2368         }
2369     }
2371     /**
2372      * Perform the Unicode Bidi algorithm. It is defined in the
2373      * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>,
2374      * version 13,
2375      * also described in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 .<p>
2376      *
2377      * This method takes a piece of plain text containing one or more paragraphs,
2378      * with or without externally specified embedding levels from <i>styled</i>
2379      * text and computes the left-right-directionality of each character.<p>
2380      *
2381      * If the entire text is all of the same directionality, then
2382      * the method may not perform all the steps described by the algorithm,
2383      * i.e., some levels may not be the same as if all steps were performed.
2384      * This is not relevant for unidirectional text.<br>
2385      * For example, in pure LTR text with numbers the numbers would get
2386      * a resolved level of 2 higher than the surrounding text according to
2387      * the algorithm. This implementation may set all resolved levels to
2388      * the same value in such a case.<p>
2389      *
2390      * The text can be composed of multiple paragraphs. Occurrence of a block
2391      * separator in the text terminates a paragraph, and whatever comes next starts
2392      * a new paragraph. The exception to this rule is when a Carriage Return (CR)
2393      * is followed by a Line Feed (LF). Both CR and LF are block separators, but
2394      * in that case, the pair of characters is considered as terminating the
2395      * preceding paragraph, and a new paragraph will be started by a character
2396      * coming after the LF.
2397      *
2398      * The text is stored internally as an array of characters. Therefore the
2399      * documentation will refer to indexes of the characters in the text.
2400      *
2401      * @param chars contains the text that the Bidi algorithm will be performed
2402      *        on. This text can be retrieved with <code>getText()</code> or
2403      *        <code>getTextAsString</code>.<br>
2404      *
2405      * @param paraLevel specifies the default level for the text;
2406      *        it is typically 0 (LTR) or 1 (RTL).
2407      *        If the method shall determine the paragraph level from the text,
2408      *        then <code>paraLevel</code> can be set to
2409      *        either <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR</code>
2410      *        or <code>LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL</code>; if the text contains multiple
2411      *        paragraphs, the paragraph level shall be determined separately for
2412      *        each paragraph; if a paragraph does not include any strongly typed
2413      *        character, then the desired default is used (0 for LTR or 1 for RTL).
2414      *        Any other value between 0 and <code>MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>
2415      *        is also valid, with odd levels indicating RTL.
2416      *
2417      * @param embeddingLevels (in) may be used to preset the embedding and
2418      *        override levels, ignoring characters like LRE and PDF in the text.
2419      *        A level overrides the directional property of its corresponding
2420      *        (same index) character if the level has the
2421      *        <code>LEVEL_OVERRIDE</code> bit set.<br><br>
2422      *        Except for that bit, it must be
2423      *        <code>paraLevel<=embeddingLevels[]<=MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL</code>,
2424      *        with one exception: a level of zero may be specified for a
2425      *        paragraph separator even if <code>paraLevel&gt;0</code> when multiple
2426      *        paragraphs are submitted in the same call to <code>setPara()</code>.<br><br>
2427      *        <strong>Caution: </strong>A reference to this array, not a copy
2428      *        of the levels, will be stored in the <code>Bidi</code> object;
2429      *        the <code>embeddingLevels</code>
2430      *        should not be modified to avoid unexpected results on subsequent
2431      *        Bidi operations. However, the <code>setPara()</code> and
2432      *        <code>setLine()</code> methods may modify some or all of the
2433      *        levels.<br><br>
2434      *        <strong>Note:</strong> the <code>embeddingLevels</code> array must
2435      *        have one entry for each character in <code>text</code>.
2436      *
2437      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the values in embeddingLevels are
2438      *         not within the allowed range
2439      *
2440      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR
2441      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL
2442      * @see #LEVEL_OVERRIDE
2443      * @see #MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL
2444      * @stable ICU 3.8
2445      */
2446     public void setPara(char[] chars, byte paraLevel, byte[] embeddingLevels)
2447     {
2448         /* check the argument values */
2449         if (paraLevel < INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR) {
2450             verifyRange(paraLevel, 0, MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL + 1);
2451         }
2452         if (chars == null) {
2453             chars = new char[0];
2454         }
2456         /* initialize the Bidi object */
2457         this.paraBidi = null;          /* mark unfinished setPara */
2458         this.text = chars;
2459         this.length = this.originalLength = this.resultLength = text.length;
2460         this.paraLevel = paraLevel;
2461         this.direction = Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
2462         this.paraCount = 1;
2464         /* Allocate zero-length arrays instead of setting to null here; then
2465          * checks for null in various places can be eliminated.
2466          */
2467         dirProps = new byte[0];
2468         levels = new byte[0];
2469         runs = new BidiRun[0];
2470         isGoodLogicalToVisualRunsMap = false;
2471         insertPoints.size = 0;          /* clean up from last call */
2472         insertPoints.confirmed = 0;     /* clean up from last call */
2474         /*
2475          * Save the original paraLevel if contextual; otherwise, set to 0.
2476          */
2477         if (IsDefaultLevel(paraLevel)) {
2478             defaultParaLevel = paraLevel;
2479         } else {
2480             defaultParaLevel = 0;
2481         }
2483         if (length == 0) {
2484             /*
2485              * For an empty paragraph, create a Bidi object with the paraLevel and
2486              * the flags and the direction set but without allocating zero-length arrays.
2487              * There is nothing more to do.
2488              */
2489             if (IsDefaultLevel(paraLevel)) {
2490                 this.paraLevel &= 1;
2491                 defaultParaLevel = 0;
2492             }
2493             if ((this.paraLevel & 1) != 0) {
2494                 flags = DirPropFlag(R);
2495                 direction = Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
2496             } else {
2497                 flags = DirPropFlag(L);
2498                 direction = Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
2499             }
2501             runCount = 0;
2502             paraCount = 0;
2503             paraBidi = this;         /* mark successful setPara */
2504             return;
2505         }
2507         runCount = -1;
2509         /*
2510          * Get the directional properties,
2511          * the flags bit-set, and
2512          * determine the paragraph level if necessary.
2513          */
2514         getDirPropsMemory(length);
2515         dirProps = dirPropsMemory;
2516         getDirProps();
2518         /* the processed length may have changed if OPTION_STREAMING is set */
2519         trailingWSStart = length;  /* the levels[] will reflect the WS run */
2521         /* allocate paras memory */
2522         if (paraCount > 1) {
2523             getInitialParasMemory(paraCount);
2524             paras = parasMemory;
2525             paras[paraCount - 1] = length;
2526         } else {
2527             /* initialize paras for single paragraph */
2528             paras = simpleParas;
2529             simpleParas[0] = length;
2530         }
2532         /* are explicit levels specified? */
2533         if (embeddingLevels == null) {
2534             /* no: determine explicit levels according to the (Xn) rules */
2535             getLevelsMemory(length);
2536             levels = levelsMemory;
2537             direction = resolveExplicitLevels();
2538         } else {
2539             /* set BN for all explicit codes, check that all levels are 0 or paraLevel..MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL */
2540             levels = embeddingLevels;
2541             direction = checkExplicitLevels();
2542         }
2544         /*
2545          * The steps after (X9) in the Bidi algorithm are performed only if
2546          * the paragraph text has mixed directionality!
2547          */
2548         switch (direction) {
2549         case Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
2550             /* make sure paraLevel is even */
2551             paraLevel = (byte)((paraLevel + 1) & ~1);
2553             /* all levels are implicitly at paraLevel (important for getLevels()) */
2554             trailingWSStart = 0;
2555             break;
2556         case Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
2557             /* make sure paraLevel is odd */
2558             paraLevel |= 1;
2560             /* all levels are implicitly at paraLevel (important for getLevels()) */
2561             trailingWSStart = 0;
2562             break;
2563         default:
2564             this.impTabPair = impTab_DEFAULT;
2566             /*
2567              * If there are no external levels specified and there
2568              * are no significant explicit level codes in the text,
2569              * then we can treat the entire paragraph as one run.
2570              * Otherwise, we need to perform the following rules on runs of
2571              * the text with the same embedding levels. (X10)
2572              * "Significant" explicit level codes are ones that actually
2573              * affect non-BN characters.
2574              * Examples for "insignificant" ones are empty embeddings
2575              * LRE-PDF, LRE-RLE-PDF-PDF, etc.
2576              */
2577             if (embeddingLevels == null && paraCount <= 1 &&
2578                 (flags & DirPropFlagMultiRuns) == 0) {
2579                 resolveImplicitLevels(0, length,
2580                         GetLRFromLevel(GetParaLevelAt(0)),
2581                         GetLRFromLevel(GetParaLevelAt(length - 1)));
2582             } else {
2583                 /* sor, eor: start and end types of same-level-run */
2584                 int start, limit = 0;
2585                 byte level, nextLevel;
2586                 short sor, eor;
2588                 /* determine the first sor and set eor to it because of the loop body (sor=eor there) */
2589                 level = GetParaLevelAt(0);
2590                 nextLevel = levels[0];
2591                 if (level < nextLevel) {
2592                     eor = GetLRFromLevel(nextLevel);
2593                 } else {
2594                     eor = GetLRFromLevel(level);
2595                 }
2597                 do {
2598                     /* determine start and limit of the run (end points just behind the run) */
2600                     /* the values for this run's start are the same as for the previous run's end */
2601                     start = limit;
2602                     level = nextLevel;
2603                     if ((start > 0) && (NoContextRTL(dirProps[start - 1]) == B)) {
2604                         /* except if this is a new paragraph, then set sor = para level */
2605                         sor = GetLRFromLevel(GetParaLevelAt(start));
2606                     } else {
2607                         sor = eor;
2608                     }
2610                     /* search for the limit of this run */
2611                     while (++limit < length && levels[limit] == level) {}
2613                     /* get the correct level of the next run */
2614                     if (limit < length) {
2615                         nextLevel = levels[limit];
2616                     } else {
2617                         nextLevel = GetParaLevelAt(length - 1);
2618                     }
2620                     /* determine eor from max(level, nextLevel); sor is last run's eor */
2621                     if ((level & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) < (nextLevel & ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE)) {
2622                         eor = GetLRFromLevel(nextLevel);
2623                     } else {
2624                         eor = GetLRFromLevel(level);
2625                     }
2627                     /* if the run consists of overridden directional types, then there
2628                        are no implicit types to be resolved */
2629                     if ((level & INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE) == 0) {
2630                         resolveImplicitLevels(start, limit, sor, eor);
2631                     } else {
2632                         /* remove the LEVEL_OVERRIDE flags */
2633                         do {
2634                             levels[start++] &= ~INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
2635                         } while (start < limit);
2636                     }
2637                 } while (limit  < length);
2638             }
2640             /* reset the embedding levels for some non-graphic characters (L1), (X9) */
2641             adjustWSLevels();
2643             break;
2644         }
2646         resultLength += insertPoints.size;
2647         paraBidi = this;             /* mark successful setPara */
2648     }
2650     /**
2651      * Perform the Unicode Bidi algorithm on a given paragraph, as defined in the
2652      * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/">Unicode Standard Annex #9</a>,
2653      * version 13,
2654      * also described in The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 .<p>
2655      *
2656      * This method takes a paragraph of text and computes the
2657      * left-right-directionality of each character. The text should not
2658      * contain any Unicode block separators.<p>
2659      *
2660      * The RUN_DIRECTION attribute in the text, if present, determines the base
2661      * direction (left-to-right or right-to-left). If not present, the base
2662      * direction is computed using the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm,
2663      * defaulting to left-to-right if there are no strong directional characters
2664      * in the text. This attribute, if present, must be applied to all the text
2665      * in the paragraph.<p>
2666      *
2667      * The BIDI_EMBEDDING attribute in the text, if present, represents
2668      * embedding level information. Negative values from -1 to -62 indicate
2669      * overrides at the absolute value of the level. Positive values from 1 to
2670      * 62 indicate embeddings. Where values are zero or not defined, the base
2671      * embedding level as determined by the base direction is assumed.<p>
2672      *
2673      * The NUMERIC_SHAPING attribute in the text, if present, converts European
2674      * digits to other decimal digits before running the bidi algorithm. This
2675      * attribute, if present, must be applied to all the text in the paragraph.
2676      *
2677      * If the entire text is all of the same directionality, then
2678      * the method may not perform all the steps described by the algorithm,
2679      * i.e., some levels may not be the same as if all steps were performed.
2680      * This is not relevant for unidirectional text.<br>
2681      * For example, in pure LTR text with numbers the numbers would get
2682      * a resolved level of 2 higher than the surrounding text according to
2683      * the algorithm. This implementation may set all resolved levels to
2684      * the same value in such a case.<p>
2685      *
2686      * @param paragraph a paragraph of text with optional character and
2687      *        paragraph attribute information
2688      * @stable ICU 3.8
2689      */
2690     public void setPara(AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph)
2691     {
2692         byte paraLvl;
2693         char ch = paragraph.first();
2694         Boolean runDirection =
2695             (Boolean) paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttributeConstants.RUN_DIRECTION);
2696         Object shaper = paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttributeConstants.NUMERIC_SHAPING);
2697         if (runDirection == null) {
2698             paraLvl = INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR;
2699         } else {
2700             paraLvl = (runDirection.equals(TextAttributeConstants.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR)) ?
2701                         (byte)Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT : (byte)Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
2702         }
2704         byte[] lvls = null;
2705         int len = paragraph.getEndIndex() - paragraph.getBeginIndex();
2706         byte[] embeddingLevels = new byte[len];
2707         char[] txt = new char[len];
2708         int i = 0;
2709         while (ch != AttributedCharacterIterator.DONE) {
2710             txt[i] = ch;
2711             Integer embedding =
2712                 (Integer) paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttributeConstants.BIDI_EMBEDDING);
2713             if (embedding != null) {
2714                 byte level = embedding.byteValue();
2715                 if (level == 0) {
2716                     /* no-op */
2717                 } else if (level < 0) {
2718                     lvls = embeddingLevels;
2719                     embeddingLevels[i] = (byte)((0 - level) | INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE);
2720                 } else {
2721                     lvls = embeddingLevels;
2722                     embeddingLevels[i] = level;
2723                 }
2724             }
2725             ch = paragraph.next();
2726             ++i;
2727         }
2729         if (shaper != null) {
2730             NumericShapings.shape(shaper, txt, 0, len);
2731         }
2732         setPara(txt, paraLvl, lvls);
2733     }
2735     /**
2736      * Specify whether block separators must be allocated level zero,
2737      * so that successive paragraphs will progress from left to right.
2738      * This method must be called before <code>setPara()</code>.
2739      * Paragraph separators (B) may appear in the text.  Setting them to level zero
2740      * means that all paragraph separators (including one possibly appearing
2741      * in the last text position) are kept in the reordered text after the text
2742      * that they follow in the source text.
2743      * When this feature is not enabled, a paragraph separator at the last
2744      * position of the text before reordering will go to the first position
2745      * of the reordered text when the paragraph level is odd.
2746      *
2747      * @param ordarParaLTR specifies whether paragraph separators (B) must
2748      * receive level 0, so that successive paragraphs progress from left to right.
2749      *
2750      * @see #setPara
2751      * @stable ICU 3.8
2752      */
2753     private void orderParagraphsLTR(boolean ordarParaLTR) {
2754         orderParagraphsLTR = ordarParaLTR;
2755     }
2757     /**
2758      * Get the directionality of the text.
2759      *
2760      * @return a value of <code>LTR</code>, <code>RTL</code> or <code>MIXED</code>
2761      *         that indicates if the entire text
2762      *         represented by this object is unidirectional,
2763      *         and which direction, or if it is mixed-directional.
2764      *
2765      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2766      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2767      *
2768      * @see #LTR
2769      * @see #RTL
2770      * @see #MIXED
2771      * @stable ICU 3.8
2772      */
2773     private byte getDirection()
2774     {
2775         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2776         return direction;
2777     }
2779     /**
2780      * Get the length of the text.
2781      *
2782      * @return The length of the text that the <code>Bidi</code> object was
2783      *         created for.
2784      *
2785      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2786      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2787      * @stable ICU 3.8
2788      */
2789     public int getLength()
2790     {
2791         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2792         return originalLength;
2793     }
2795     /* paragraphs API methods ------------------------------------------------- */
2797     /**
2798      * Get the paragraph level of the text.
2799      *
2800      * @return The paragraph level. If there are multiple paragraphs, their
2801      *         level may vary if the required paraLevel is LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR or
2802      *         LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL.  In that case, the level of the first paragraph
2803      *         is returned.
2804      *
2805      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2806      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2807      *
2808      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR
2809      * @see #LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL
2810      * @see #getParagraph
2811      * @see #getParagraphByIndex
2812      * @stable ICU 3.8
2813      */
2814     public byte getParaLevel()
2815     {
2816         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2817         return paraLevel;
2818     }
2820     /**
2821      * Get the index of a paragraph, given a position within the text.<p>
2822      *
2823      * @param charIndex is the index of a character within the text, in the
2824      *        range <code>[0..getProcessedLength()-1]</code>.
2825      *
2826      * @return The index of the paragraph containing the specified position,
2827      *         starting from 0.
2828      *
2829      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2830      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2831      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if charIndex is not within the legal range
2832      *
2833      * @see com.ibm.icu.text.BidiRun
2834      * @see #getProcessedLength
2835      * @stable ICU 3.8
2836      */
2837     public int getParagraphIndex(int charIndex)
2838     {
2839         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2840         BidiBase bidi = paraBidi;             /* get Para object if Line object */
2841         verifyRange(charIndex, 0, bidi.length);
2842         int paraIndex;
2843         for (paraIndex = 0; charIndex >= bidi.paras[paraIndex]; paraIndex++) {
2844         }
2845         return paraIndex;
2846     }
2848     /**
2849      * <code>setLine()</code> returns a <code>Bidi</code> object to
2850      * contain the reordering information, especially the resolved levels,
2851      * for all the characters in a line of text. This line of text is
2852      * specified by referring to a <code>Bidi</code> object representing
2853      * this information for a piece of text containing one or more paragraphs,
2854      * and by specifying a range of indexes in this text.<p>
2855      * In the new line object, the indexes will range from 0 to <code>limit-start-1</code>.<p>
2856      *
2857      * This is used after calling <code>setPara()</code>
2858      * for a piece of text, and after line-breaking on that text.
2859      * It is not necessary if each paragraph is treated as a single line.<p>
2860      *
2861      * After line-breaking, rules (L1) and (L2) for the treatment of
2862      * trailing WS and for reordering are performed on
2863      * a <code>Bidi</code> object that represents a line.<p>
2864      *
2865      * <strong>Important: </strong>the line <code>Bidi</code> object may
2866      * reference data within the global text <code>Bidi</code> object.
2867      * You should not alter the content of the global text object until
2868      * you are finished using the line object.
2869      *
2870      * @param start is the line's first index into the text.
2871      *
2872      * @param limit is just behind the line's last index into the text
2873      *        (its last index +1).
2874      *
2875      * @return a <code>Bidi</code> object that will now represent a line of the text.
2876      *
2877      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2878      *         call to <code>setPara</code>
2879      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if start and limit are not in the range
2880      *         <code>0&lt;=start&lt;limit&lt;=getProcessedLength()</code>,
2881      *         or if the specified line crosses a paragraph boundary
2882      *
2883      * @see #setPara
2884      * @see #getProcessedLength
2885      * @stable ICU 3.8
2886      */
2887     public Bidi setLine(Bidi bidi, BidiBase bidiBase, Bidi newBidi, BidiBase newBidiBase, int start, int limit)
2888     {
2889         verifyValidPara();
2890         verifyRange(start, 0, limit);
2891         verifyRange(limit, 0, length+1);
2893         return BidiLine.setLine(bidi, this, newBidi, newBidiBase, start, limit);
2894     }
2896     /**
2897      * Get the level for one character.
2898      *
2899      * @param charIndex the index of a character.
2900      *
2901      * @return The level for the character at <code>charIndex</code>.
2902      *
2903      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2904      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2905      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if charIndex is not in the range
2906      *         <code>0&lt;=charIndex&lt;getProcessedLength()</code>
2907      *
2908      * @see #getProcessedLength
2909      * @stable ICU 3.8
2910      */
2911     public byte getLevelAt(int charIndex)
2912     {
2913         if (charIndex < 0 || charIndex >= length) {
2914             return (byte)getBaseLevel();
2915         }
2916         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2917         verifyRange(charIndex, 0, length);
2918         return BidiLine.getLevelAt(this, charIndex);
2919     }
2921     /**
2922      * Get an array of levels for each character.<p>
2923      *
2924      * Note that this method may allocate memory under some
2925      * circumstances, unlike <code>getLevelAt()</code>.
2926      *
2927      * @return The levels array for the text,
2928      *         or <code>null</code> if an error occurs.
2929      *
2930      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2931      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2932      * @stable ICU 3.8
2933      */
2934     private byte[] getLevels()
2935     {
2936         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2937         if (length <= 0) {
2938             return new byte[0];
2939         }
2940         return BidiLine.getLevels(this);
2941     }
2943     /**
2944      * Get the number of runs.
2945      * This method may invoke the actual reordering on the
2946      * <code>Bidi</code> object, after <code>setPara()</code>
2947      * may have resolved only the levels of the text. Therefore,
2948      * <code>countRuns()</code> may have to allocate memory,
2949      * and may throw an exception if it fails to do so.
2950      *
2951      * @return The number of runs.
2952      *
2953      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2954      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2955      * @stable ICU 3.8
2956      */
2957     public int countRuns()
2958     {
2959         verifyValidParaOrLine();
2960         BidiLine.getRuns(this);
2961         return runCount;
2962     }
2964     /**
2965      * Get a visual-to-logical index map (array) for the characters in the
2966      * <code>Bidi</code> (paragraph or line) object.
2967      * <p>
2968      * Some values in the map may be <code>MAP_NOWHERE</code> if the
2969      * corresponding text characters are Bidi marks inserted in the visual
2970      * output by the option <code>OPTION_INSERT_MARKS</code>.
2971      * <p>
2972      * When the visual output is altered by using options of
2973      * <code>writeReordered()</code> such as <code>INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC</code>,
2974      * <code>KEEP_BASE_COMBINING</code>, <code>OUTPUT_REVERSE</code>,
2975      * <code>REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS</code>, the logical positions returned may not
2976      * be correct. It is advised to use, when possible, reordering options
2977      * such as {@link #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS} and {@link #OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS}.
2978      *
2979      * @return an array of <code>getResultLength()</code>
2980      *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.<br><br>
2981      *        The index map will result in
2982      *        <code>indexMap[visualIndex]==logicalIndex</code>, where
2983      *        <code>indexMap</code> represents the returned array.
2984      *
2985      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
2986      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
2987      *
2988      * @see #getLogicalMap
2989      * @see #getLogicalIndex
2990      * @see #getResultLength
2991      * @see #MAP_NOWHERE
2992      * @see #OPTION_INSERT_MARKS
2993      * @see #writeReordered
2994      * @stable ICU 3.8
2995      */
2996     private int[] getVisualMap()
2997     {
2998         /* countRuns() checks successful call to setPara/setLine */
2999         countRuns();
3000         if (resultLength <= 0) {
3001             return new int[0];
3002         }
3003         return BidiLine.getVisualMap(this);
3004     }
3006     /**
3007      * This is a convenience method that does not use a <code>Bidi</code> object.
3008      * It is intended to be used for when an application has determined the levels
3009      * of objects (character sequences) and just needs to have them reordered (L2).
3010      * This is equivalent to using <code>getVisualMap()</code> on a
3011      * <code>Bidi</code> object.
3012      *
3013      * @param levels is an array of levels that have been determined by
3014      *        the application.
3015      *
3016      * @return an array of <code>levels.length</code>
3017      *        indexes which will reflect the reordering of the characters.<p>
3018      *        The index map will result in
3019      *        <code>indexMap[visualIndex]==logicalIndex</code>, where
3020      *        <code>indexMap</code> represents the returned array.
3021      *
3022      * @stable ICU 3.8
3023      */
3024     private static int[] reorderVisual(byte[] levels)
3025     {
3026         return BidiLine.reorderVisual(levels);
3027     }
3029     /**
3030      * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
3031      * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
3032      * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present, the base
3033      * direction is left-to-right.
3034      * @stable ICU 3.8
3035      */
3036     private static final int INTERNAL_DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0x7e;
3038     /**
3039      * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
3040      * directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional
3041      * Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present, the base
3042      * direction is right-to-left.
3043      * @stable ICU 3.8
3044      */
3045     private static final int INTERMAL_DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 0x7f;
3047     /**
3048      * Create Bidi from the given text, embedding, and direction information.
3049      * The embeddings array may be null. If present, the values represent
3050      * embedding level information. Negative values from -1 to -61 indicate
3051      * overrides at the absolute value of the level. Positive values from 1 to
3052      * 61 indicate embeddings. Where values are zero, the base embedding level
3053      * as determined by the base direction is assumed.<p>
3054      *
3055      * Note: this constructor calls setPara() internally.
3056      *
3057      * @param text an array containing the paragraph of text to process.
3058      * @param textStart the index into the text array of the start of the
3059      *        paragraph.
3060      * @param embeddings an array containing embedding values for each character
3061      *        in the paragraph. This can be null, in which case it is assumed
3062      *        that there is no external embedding information.
3063      * @param embStart the index into the embedding array of the start of the
3064      *        paragraph.
3065      * @param paragraphLength the length of the paragraph in the text and
3066      *        embeddings arrays.
3067      * @param flags a collection of flags that control the algorithm. The
3068      *        algorithm understands the flags DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT,
3070      *        DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT. Other values are reserved.
3071      *
3072      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the values in embeddings are
3073      *         not within the allowed range
3074      *
3075      * @see #DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
3076      * @see #DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT
3079      * @stable ICU 3.8
3080      */
3081     public BidiBase(char[] text,
3082              int textStart,
3083              byte[] embeddings,
3084              int embStart,
3085              int paragraphLength,
3086              int flags)
3087      {
3088         this(0, 0);
3089         byte paraLvl;
3090         switch (flags) {
3091         case Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
3092         default:
3093             paraLvl = Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
3094             break;
3095         case Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
3096             paraLvl = Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
3097             break;
3099             paraLvl = INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR;
3100             break;
3102             paraLvl = INTERNAL_LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL;
3103             break;
3104         }
3105         byte[] paraEmbeddings;
3106         if (embeddings == null) {
3107             paraEmbeddings = null;
3108         } else {
3109             paraEmbeddings = new byte[paragraphLength];
3110             byte lev;
3111             for (int i = 0; i < paragraphLength; i++) {
3112                 lev = embeddings[i + embStart];
3113                 if (lev < 0) {
3114                     lev = (byte)((- lev) | INTERNAL_LEVEL_OVERRIDE);
3115                 } else if (lev == 0) {
3116                     lev = paraLvl;
3117                     if (paraLvl > MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL) {
3118                         lev &= 1;
3119                     }
3120                 }
3121                 paraEmbeddings[i] = lev;
3122             }
3123         }
3124         if (textStart == 0 && embStart == 0 && paragraphLength == text.length) {
3125             setPara(text, paraLvl, paraEmbeddings);
3126         } else {
3127             char[] paraText = new char[paragraphLength];
3128             System.arraycopy(text, textStart, paraText, 0, paragraphLength);
3129             setPara(paraText, paraLvl, paraEmbeddings);
3130         }
3131     }
3133     /**
3134      * Return true if the line is not left-to-right or right-to-left. This means
3135      * it either has mixed runs of left-to-right and right-to-left text, or the
3136      * base direction differs from the direction of the only run of text.
3137      *
3138      * @return true if the line is not left-to-right or right-to-left.
3139      *
3140      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3141      *         call to <code>setPara</code>
3142      * @stable ICU 3.8
3143      */
3144     public boolean isMixed()
3145     {
3146         return (!isLeftToRight() && !isRightToLeft());
3147     }
3149     /**
3150     * Return true if the line is all left-to-right text and the base direction
3151      * is left-to-right.
3152      *
3153      * @return true if the line is all left-to-right text and the base direction
3154      *         is left-to-right.
3155      *
3156      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3157      *         call to <code>setPara</code>
3158      * @stable ICU 3.8
3159      */
3160     public boolean isLeftToRight()
3161     {
3162         return (getDirection() == Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT && (paraLevel & 1) == 0);
3163     }
3165     /**
3166      * Return true if the line is all right-to-left text, and the base direction
3167      * is right-to-left
3168      *
3169      * @return true if the line is all right-to-left text, and the base
3170      *         direction is right-to-left
3171      *
3172      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3173      *         call to <code>setPara</code>
3174      * @stable ICU 3.8
3175      */
3176     public boolean isRightToLeft()
3177     {
3178         return (getDirection() == Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT && (paraLevel & 1) == 1);
3179     }
3181     /**
3182      * Return true if the base direction is left-to-right
3183      *
3184      * @return true if the base direction is left-to-right
3185      *
3186      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3187      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
3188      *
3189      * @stable ICU 3.8
3190      */
3191     public boolean baseIsLeftToRight()
3192     {
3193         return (getParaLevel() == Bidi.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
3194     }
3196     /**
3197      * Return the base level (0 if left-to-right, 1 if right-to-left).
3198      *
3199      * @return the base level
3200      *
3201      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3202      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
3203      *
3204      * @stable ICU 3.8
3205      */
3206     public int getBaseLevel()
3207     {
3208         return getParaLevel();
3209     }
3211     /**
3212      * Compute the logical to visual run mapping
3213      */
3214     private void getLogicalToVisualRunsMap()
3215     {
3216         if (isGoodLogicalToVisualRunsMap) {
3217             return;
3218         }
3219         int count = countRuns();
3220         if ((logicalToVisualRunsMap == null) ||
3221             (logicalToVisualRunsMap.length < count)) {
3222             logicalToVisualRunsMap = new int[count];
3223         }
3224         int i;
3225         long[] keys = new long[count];
3226         for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3227             keys[i] = ((long)(runs[i].start)<<32) + i;
3228         }
3229         Arrays.sort(keys);
3230         for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3231             logicalToVisualRunsMap[i] = (int)(keys[i] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
3232         }
3233         keys = null;
3234         isGoodLogicalToVisualRunsMap = true;
3235     }
3237     /**
3238      * Return the level of the nth logical run in this line.
3239      *
3240      * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>countRuns()-1</code>
3241      *
3242      * @return the level of the run
3243      *
3244      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3245      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
3246      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>run</code> is not in
3247      *         the range <code>0&lt;=run&lt;countRuns()</code>
3248      * @stable ICU 3.8
3249      */
3250     public int getRunLevel(int run)
3251     {
3252         verifyValidParaOrLine();
3253         BidiLine.getRuns(this);
3254         if (run < 0 || run >= runCount) {
3255             return getParaLevel();
3256         }
3257         getLogicalToVisualRunsMap();
3258         return runs[logicalToVisualRunsMap[run]].level;
3259     }
3261     /**
3262      * Return the index of the character at the start of the nth logical run in
3263      * this line, as an offset from the start of the line.
3264      *
3265      * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>countRuns()</code>
3266      *
3267      * @return the start of the run
3268      *
3269      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3270      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
3271      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>run</code> is not in
3272      *         the range <code>0&lt;=run&lt;countRuns()</code>
3273      * @stable ICU 3.8
3274      */
3275     public int getRunStart(int run)
3276     {
3277         verifyValidParaOrLine();
3278         BidiLine.getRuns(this);
3279         if (runCount == 1) {
3280             return 0;
3281         } else if (run == runCount) {
3282             return length;
3283         }
3284         verifyIndex(run, 0, runCount);
3285         getLogicalToVisualRunsMap();
3286         return runs[logicalToVisualRunsMap[run]].start;
3287     }
3289     /**
3290      * Return the index of the character past the end of the nth logical run in
3291      * this line, as an offset from the start of the line. For example, this
3292      * will return the length of the line for the last run on the line.
3293      *
3294      * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>countRuns()</code>
3295      *
3296      * @return the limit of the run
3297      *
3298      * @throws IllegalStateException if this call is not preceded by a successful
3299      *         call to <code>setPara</code> or <code>setLine</code>
3300      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>run</code> is not in
3301      *         the range <code>0&lt;=run&lt;countRuns()</code>
3302      * @stable ICU 3.8
3303      */
3304     public int getRunLimit(int run)
3305     {
3306         verifyValidParaOrLine();
3307         BidiLine.getRuns(this);
3308         if (runCount == 1) {
3309             return length;
3310         }
3311         verifyIndex(run, 0, runCount);
3312         getLogicalToVisualRunsMap();
3313         int idx = logicalToVisualRunsMap[run];
3314         int len = idx == 0 ? runs[idx].limit :
3315                                 runs[idx].limit - runs[idx-1].limit;
3316         return runs[idx].start + len;
3317     }
3319     /**
3320      * Return true if the specified text requires bidi analysis. If this returns
3321      * false, the text will display left-to-right. Clients can then avoid
3322      * constructing a Bidi object. Text in the Arabic Presentation Forms area of
3323      * Unicode is presumed to already be shaped and ordered for display, and so
3324      * will not cause this method to return true.
3325      *
3326      * @param text the text containing the characters to test
3327      * @param start the start of the range of characters to test
3328      * @param limit the limit of the range of characters to test
3329      *
3330      * @return true if the range of characters requires bidi analysis
3331      *
3332      * @stable ICU 3.8
3333      */
3334     public static boolean requiresBidi(char[] text,
3335             int start,
3336             int limit)
3337     {
3338         final int RTLMask = (1 << Bidi.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT |
3339                 1 << AL |
3340                 1 << RLE |
3341                 1 << RLO |
3342                 1 << AN);
3344         if (0 > start || start > limit || limit > text.length) {
3345             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value start " + start +
3346                       " is out of range 0 to " + limit);
3347         }
3348         for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
3349             if (Character.isHighSurrogate(text[i]) && i < (limit-1) &&
3350                 Character.isLowSurrogate(text[i+1])) {
3351                 if (((1 << UCharacter.getDirection(Character.codePointAt(text, i))) & RTLMask) != 0) {
3352                     return true;
3353                 }
3354             } else if (((1 << UCharacter.getDirection(text[i])) & RTLMask) != 0) {
3355                 return true;
3356             }
3357         }
3358         return false;
3359     }
3361     /**
3362      * Reorder the objects in the array into visual order based on their levels.
3363      * This is a utility method to use when you have a collection of objects
3364      * representing runs of text in logical order, each run containing text at a
3365      * single level. The elements at <code>index</code> from
3366      * <code>objectStart</code> up to <code>objectStart + count</code> in the
3367      * objects array will be reordered into visual order assuming
3368      * each run of text has the level indicated by the corresponding element in
3369      * the levels array (at <code>index - objectStart + levelStart</code>).
3370      *
3371      * @param levels an array representing the bidi level of each object
3372      * @param levelStart the start position in the levels array
3373      * @param objects the array of objects to be reordered into visual order
3374      * @param objectStart the start position in the objects array
3375      * @param count the number of objects to reorder
3376      * @stable ICU 3.8
3377      */
3378     public static void reorderVisually(byte[] levels,
3379             int levelStart,
3380             Object[] objects,
3381             int objectStart,
3382             int count)
3383     {
3384         if (0 > levelStart || levels.length <= levelStart) {
3385             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value levelStart " +
3386                       levelStart + " is out of range 0 to " +
3387                       (levels.length-1));
3388         }
3389         if (0 > objectStart || objects.length <= objectStart) {
3390             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value objectStart " +
3391                       levelStart + " is out of range 0 to " +
3392                       (objects.length-1));
3393         }
3394         if (0 > count || objects.length < (objectStart+count)) {
3395             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value count " +
3396                       levelStart + " is out of range 0 to " +
3397                       (objects.length - objectStart));
3398         }
3399         byte[] reorderLevels = new byte[count];
3400         System.arraycopy(levels, levelStart, reorderLevels, 0, count);
3401         int[] indexMap = reorderVisual(reorderLevels);
3402         Object[] temp = new Object[count];
3403         System.arraycopy(objects, objectStart, temp, 0, count);
3404         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
3405             objects[objectStart + i] = temp[indexMap[i]];
3406         }
3407     }
3409     /**
3410      * Display the bidi internal state, used in debugging.
3411      */
3412     public String toString() {
3413         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(getClass().getName());
3415         buf.append("[dir: ");
3416         buf.append(direction);
3417         buf.append(" baselevel: ");
3418         buf.append(paraLevel);
3419         buf.append(" length: ");
3420         buf.append(length);
3421         buf.append(" runs: ");
3422         if (levels == null) {
3423             buf.append("none");
3424         } else {
3425             buf.append('[');
3426             buf.append(levels[0]);
3427             for (int i = 1; i < levels.length; i++) {
3428                 buf.append(' ');
3429                 buf.append(levels[i]);
3430             }
3431             buf.append(']');
3432         }
3433         buf.append(" text: [0x");
3434         buf.append(Integer.toHexString(text[0]));
3435         for (int i = 1; i < text.length; i++) {
3436             buf.append(" 0x");
3437             buf.append(Integer.toHexString(text[i]));
3438         }
3439         buf.append("]]");
3441         return buf.toString();
3442     }
3444     /**
3445      * A class that provides access to constants defined by
3446      * java.awt.font.TextAttribute without creating a static dependency.
3447      */
3448     private static class TextAttributeConstants {
3449         private static final Class<?> clazz = getClass("java.awt.font.TextAttribute");
3451         /**
3452          * TextAttribute instances (or a fake Attribute type if
3453          * java.awt.font.TextAttribute is not present)
3454          */
3455         static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute RUN_DIRECTION =
3456             getTextAttribute("RUN_DIRECTION");
3457         static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute NUMERIC_SHAPING =
3458             getTextAttribute("NUMERIC_SHAPING");
3459         static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute BIDI_EMBEDDING =
3460             getTextAttribute("BIDI_EMBEDDING");
3462         /**
3463          * TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR
3464          */
3465         static final Boolean RUN_DIRECTION_LTR = (clazz == null) ?
3466             Boolean.FALSE : (Boolean)getStaticField(clazz, "RUN_DIRECTION_LTR");
3469         private static Class<?> getClass(String name) {
3470             try {
3471                 return Class.forName(name, true, null);
3472             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
3473                 return null;
3474             }
3475         }
3477         private static Object getStaticField(Class<?> clazz, String name) {
3478             try {
3479                 Field f = clazz.getField(name);
3480                 return f.get(null);
3481             } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException x) {
3482                 throw new AssertionError(x);
3483             }
3484         }
3486         @SuppressWarnings("serial")
3487         private static AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute
3488             getTextAttribute(String name)
3489         {
3490             if (clazz == null) {
3491                 // fake attribute
3492                 return new AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute(name) { };
3493             } else {
3494                 return (AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute)getStaticField(clazz, name);
3495             }
3496         }
3497     }
3499     /**
3500      * A class that provides access to java.awt.font.NumericShaping without
3501      * creating a static dependency.
3502      */
3503     private static class NumericShapings {
3504         private static final Class<?> clazz =
3505             getClass("java.awt.font.NumericShaper");
3506         private static final Method shapeMethod =
3507             getMethod(clazz, "shape", char[].class, int.class, int.class);
3509         private static Class<?> getClass(String name) {
3510             try {
3511                 return Class.forName(name, true, null);
3512             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
3513                 return null;
3514             }
3515         }
3517         private static Method getMethod(Class<?> clazz,
3518                                         String name,
3519                                         Class<?>... paramTypes)
3520         {
3521             if (clazz != null) {
3522                 try {
3523                     return clazz.getMethod(name, paramTypes);
3524                 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
3525                     throw new AssertionError(e);
3526                 }
3527             } else {
3528                 return null;
3529             }
3530         }
3532         /**
3533          * Invokes NumericShaping shape(text,start,count) method.
3534          */
3535         static void shape(Object shaper, char[] text, int start, int count) {
3536             if (shapeMethod == null)
3537                 throw new AssertionError("Should not get here");
3538             try {
3539                 shapeMethod.invoke(shaper, text, start, count);
3540             } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
3541                 Throwable cause = e.getCause();
3542                 if (cause instanceof RuntimeException)
3543                     throw (RuntimeException)cause;
3544                 throw new AssertionError(e);
3545             } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
3546                 throw new AssertionError(iae);
3547             }
3548         }
3549     }
3550 }