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rev 10180 : 8039317: Read currency.data as a resource

  48                 while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
  49                     if (line.startsWith(FILEVERSIONKEY)) {
  50                         fileVersion = line.substring(FILEVERSIONKEY.length());
  51                     }
  52                     if (line.startsWith(DATAVERSIONKEY)) {
  53                         dataVersion = line.substring(DATAVERSIONKEY.length());
  54                     }
  55                     if (fileVersion != null && dataVersion != null) {
  56                         break;
  57                     }
  58                 }
  59             } catch (IOException ioe) {
  60                 throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
  61             }
  63             AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
  64                 public Object run() {
  65                     try {
  66                         String sep = File.separator;
  67                         DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("java.home")+sep+"lib"+sep+"currency.data"));

  68                         int magic = dis.readInt();
  69                         if (magic != 0x43757244) {
  70                             throw new RuntimeException("The magic number in the JRE's currency data is incorrect.  Expected: 0x43757244, Got: 0x"+magic);
  71                         }
  72                         int fileVerNumber = dis.readInt();
  73                         int dataVerNumber = dis.readInt();
  74                         if (Integer.parseInt(fileVersion) != fileVerNumber ||
  75                             Integer.parseInt(dataVersion) != dataVerNumber) {
  76                             throw new RuntimeException("Test data and JRE's currency data are inconsistent.  test: (file: "+fileVersion+" data: "+dataVersion+"), JRE: (file: "+fileVerNumber+" data: "+dataVerNumber+")");
  77                         }
  78 System.out.println("test: (file: "+fileVersion+" data: "+dataVersion+"), JRE: (file: "+fileVerNumber+" data: "+dataVerNumber+")");
  79                     } catch (IOException ioe) {
  80                         throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
  81                     }
  82                     return null;
  83                 }
  84             });
  85             checked = true;
  86         }
  87     }

  48                 while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
  49                     if (line.startsWith(FILEVERSIONKEY)) {
  50                         fileVersion = line.substring(FILEVERSIONKEY.length());
  51                     }
  52                     if (line.startsWith(DATAVERSIONKEY)) {
  53                         dataVersion = line.substring(DATAVERSIONKEY.length());
  54                     }
  55                     if (fileVersion != null && dataVersion != null) {
  56                         break;
  57                     }
  58                 }
  59             } catch (IOException ioe) {
  60                 throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
  61             }
  63             AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
  64                 public Object run() {
  65                     try {
  66                         String sep = File.separator;
  67                         DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
  68                              new BufferedInputStream(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/java/util/currency.data")));
  69                         int magic = dis.readInt();
  70                         if (magic != 0x43757244) {
  71                             throw new RuntimeException("The magic number in the JRE's currency data is incorrect.  Expected: 0x43757244, Got: 0x"+magic);
  72                         }
  73                         int fileVerNumber = dis.readInt();
  74                         int dataVerNumber = dis.readInt();
  75                         if (Integer.parseInt(fileVersion) != fileVerNumber ||
  76                             Integer.parseInt(dataVersion) != dataVerNumber) {
  77                             throw new RuntimeException("Test data and JRE's currency data are inconsistent.  test: (file: "+fileVersion+" data: "+dataVersion+"), JRE: (file: "+fileVerNumber+" data: "+dataVerNumber+")");
  78                         }
  79 System.out.println("test: (file: "+fileVersion+" data: "+dataVersion+"), JRE: (file: "+fileVerNumber+" data: "+dataVerNumber+")");
  80                     } catch (IOException ioe) {
  81                         throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
  82                     }
  83                     return null;
  84                 }
  85             });
  86             checked = true;
  87         }
  88     }