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 199  *
 200  * <p>
 201  * The implementation of a {@code ResourceBundle} subclass must be thread-safe
 202  * if it's simultaneously used by multiple threads. The default implementations
 203  * of the non-abstract methods in this class, and the methods in the direct
 204  * known concrete subclasses {@code ListResourceBundle} and
 205  * {@code PropertyResourceBundle} are thread-safe.
 206  *
 207  * <h3><a id="bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a></h3>
 208  *
 209  * When resource bundles are deployed in named modules, the following
 210  * module-specific requirements and restrictions are applied.
 211  *
 212  * <ul>
 213  * <li>Code in a named module that calls {@link #getBundle(String, Locale)}
 214  * will locate resource bundles in the caller's module (<em>caller module</em>).</li>
 215  * <li>If resource bundles are deployed in named modules separate from
 216  * the caller module, those resource bundles need to be loaded from service
 217  * providers of {@link ResourceBundleProvider}. The caller module must declare
 218  * "{@code uses}" and the service interface name is the concatenation of the
 219  * package name of the base name, string "(@code .spi.}, the simple class
 220  * name of the base name, and the string "{@code Provider}". The
 221  * <em>bundle provider modules</em> containing resource bundles must
 222  * declare "{@code provides}" with the service interface name and
 223  * its implementation class name. For example, if the base name is
 224  * "{@code com.example.app.MyResources}", the caller module must declare
 225  * "{@code uses com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider;}" and a module containing resource
 226  * bundles must declare "{@code provides com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider
 227  * with com.example.app.internal.MyResourcesProviderImpl;}"
 228  * where {@code com.example.app.internal.MyResourcesProviderImpl} is an
 229  * implementation class of {@code com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider}.</li>
 230  * <li>If you want to use non-standard formats in named modules, such as XML,
 231  * {@link ResourceBundleProvider} needs to be used.</li>
 232  * <li>The {@code getBundle} method with a {@code ClassLoader} may not be able to
 233  * find resource bundles using the given {@code ClassLoader} in named modules.
 234  * The {@code getBundle} method with a {@code Module} can be used, instead.</li>
 235  * <li>{@code ResourceBundle.Control} is <em>not</em> supported in named modules.
 236  * If the {@code getBundle} method with a {@code ResourceBundle.Control} is called
 237  * in a named module, the method will throw an {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
 238  * Any service providers of {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} are ignored in
 239  * named modules.
 240  * </li>
 241  * </ul>
 242  *
 243  * <h3><a id="RBP_support">ResourceBundleProvider Service Providers</a></h3>
 244  *
 245  * The {@code getBundle} factory methods load service providers of
 246  * {@link ResourceBundleProvider}, if available, using {@link ServiceLoader}.
 247  * The service type is designated by {@code package name + ".spi." + simple name +"Provider"}. For

 248  * example, if the base name is "{@code com.example.app.MyResources}", the service
 249  * type is {@code com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider}.
 250  * <p>
 251  * In named modules, the loaded service providers for the given base name are
 252  * used to load resource bundles. If no service provider is available, or if
 253  * none of the service providers returns a resource bundle and the caller module
 254  * doesn't have its own service provider, the {@code getBundle} factory method
 255  * searches for resource bundles that are local in the caller module and that
 256  * are visible to the class loader of the caller module.  The resource bundle
 257  * formats for local module searching are "java.class" and "java.properties".
 258  *
 259  * <h3>ResourceBundle.Control</h3>
 260  *
 261  * The {@link ResourceBundle.Control} class provides information necessary
 262  * to perform the bundle loading process by the <code>getBundle</code>
 263  * factory methods that take a <code>ResourceBundle.Control</code>
 264  * instance. You can implement your own subclass in order to enable
 265  * non-standard resource bundle formats, change the search strategy, or
 266  * define caching parameters. Refer to the descriptions of the class and the
 267  * {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader, Control) getBundle}

 907      */
 908     @CallerSensitive
 909     public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName,
 910                                                  Locale locale)
 911     {
 912         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 913         return getBundleImpl(baseName, locale,
 914                              caller, getDefaultControl(caller, baseName));
 915     }
 917     /**
 918      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and the default locale
 919      * on behalf of the specified module. This method is equivalent to calling
 920      * <blockquote>
 921      * <code>getBundle(baseName, Locale.getDefault(), module)</code>
 922      * </blockquote>
 923      *
 924      * <p> Resource bundles in named modules may be encapsulated.  When
 925      * the resource bundle is loaded from a provider, the caller module
 926      * must have an appropriate <i>uses</i> clause in its <i>module descriptor</i>
 927      * to declare that the module uses implementations of {@code "baseName"Provider}.

 928      * When the resource bundle is loaded from the specified module, it is
 929      * subject to the encapsulation rules specified by
 930      * {@link Module#getResourceAsStream Module.getResourceAsStream}.
 931      *
 932      * @param baseName the base name of the resource bundle,
 933      *                 a fully qualified class name
 934      * @param module   the module for which the resource bundle is searched
 935      * @throws NullPointerException
 936      *         if {@code baseName} or {@code module} is {@code null}
 937      * @throws SecurityException
 938      *         if a security manager exists and the caller is not the specified
 939      *         module and doesn't have {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")}
 940      * @throws MissingResourceException
 941      *         if no resource bundle for the specified base name can be found in the
 942      *         specified module
 943      * @return a resource bundle for the given base name and the default locale
 944      * @since 9
 945      * @spec JPMS
 946      * @see ResourceBundleProvider
 947      */
 948     @CallerSensitive
 949     public static ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Module module) {
 950         return getBundleFromModule(Reflection.getCallerClass(), module, baseName,
 951                                    Locale.getDefault(),
 952                                    getDefaultControl(module, baseName));
 953     }
 955     /**
 956      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and locale
 957      * on behalf of the specified module.
 958      *
 959      * <p> Resource bundles in named modules may be encapsulated.  When
 960      * the resource bundle is loaded from a provider, the caller module
 961      * must have an appropriate <i>uses</i> clause in its <i>module descriptor</i>
 962      * to declare that the module uses implementations of {@code "baseName"Provider}.

 963      * When the resource bundle is loaded from the specified module, it is
 964      * subject to the encapsulation rules specified by
 965      * {@link Module#getResourceAsStream Module.getResourceAsStream}.
 966      *
 967      * <p>
 968      * If the given {@code module} is a named module, this method will
 969      * load the service providers for {@link java.util.spi.ResourceBundleProvider}
 970      * and also resource bundles that are local in the given module or that
 971      * are visible to the class loader of the given module (refer to the
 972      * <a href="#bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a> section
 973      * for details).
 974      *
 975      * <p>
 976      * If the given {@code module} is an unnamed module, then this method is
 977      * equivalent to calling {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader)
 978      * getBundle(baseName, targetLocale, module.getClassLoader()} to load
 979      * resource bundles that are visible to the class loader of the given
 980      * unnamed module. Custom {@link java.util.spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider}
 981      * implementations, if present, will only be invoked if the specified
 982      * module is an unnamed module.
 983      *
 984      * @param baseName the base name of the resource bundle,
 985      *                 a fully qualified class name
 986      * @param targetLocale the locale for which a resource bundle is desired
 987      * @param module   the module for which the resource bundle is searched
 988      * @throws NullPointerException
 989      *         if {@code baseName}, {@code targetLocale}, or {@code module} is
 990      *         {@code null}
 991      * @throws SecurityException
 992      *         if a security manager exists and the caller is not the specified
 993      *         module and doesn't have {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")}
 994      * @throws MissingResourceException
 995      *         if no resource bundle for the specified base name and locale can

1054     }
1056     /**
1057      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class
1058      * loader.
1059      *
1060      * <p>This method behaves the same as calling
1061      * {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader, Control)} passing a
1062      * default instance of {@link Control} unless another {@link Control} is
1063      * provided with the {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} SPI. Refer to the
1064      * description of <a href="#modify_default_behavior">modifying the default
1065      * behavior</a>.
1066      *
1067      * <p><a id="default_behavior">The following describes the default
1068      * behavior</a>.
1069      *
1070      * <p>
1071      * Resource bundles in a named module are private to that module.  If
1072      * the caller is in a named module, this method will find resource bundles
1073      * from the service providers of {@link java.util.spi.ResourceBundleProvider}
1074      * and also find resource bundles that are in the caller's module or
1075      * that are visible to the given class loader.

1076      * If the caller is in a named module and the given {@code loader} is
1077      * different than the caller's class loader, or if the caller is not in
1078      * a named module, this method will not find resource bundles from named
1079      * modules.
1080      *
1081      * <p><code>getBundle</code> uses the base name, the specified locale, and
1082      * the default locale (obtained from {@link java.util.Locale#getDefault()
1083      * Locale.getDefault}) to generate a sequence of <a
1084      * id="candidates"><em>candidate bundle names</em></a>.  If the specified
1085      * locale's language, script, country, and variant are all empty strings,
1086      * then the base name is the only candidate bundle name.  Otherwise, a list
1087      * of candidate locales is generated from the attribute values of the
1088      * specified locale (language, script, country and variant) and appended to
1089      * the base name.  Typically, this will look like the following:
1090      *
1091      * <pre>
1092      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script + "_" + country + "_" + variant
1093      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script + "_" + country
1094      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script
1095      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + country + "_" + variant

 199  *
 200  * <p>
 201  * The implementation of a {@code ResourceBundle} subclass must be thread-safe
 202  * if it's simultaneously used by multiple threads. The default implementations
 203  * of the non-abstract methods in this class, and the methods in the direct
 204  * known concrete subclasses {@code ListResourceBundle} and
 205  * {@code PropertyResourceBundle} are thread-safe.
 206  *
 207  * <h3><a id="bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a></h3>
 208  *
 209  * When resource bundles are deployed in named modules, the following
 210  * module-specific requirements and restrictions are applied.
 211  *
 212  * <ul>
 213  * <li>Code in a named module that calls {@link #getBundle(String, Locale)}
 214  * will locate resource bundles in the caller's module (<em>caller module</em>).</li>
 215  * <li>If resource bundles are deployed in named modules separate from
 216  * the caller module, those resource bundles need to be loaded from service
 217  * providers of {@link ResourceBundleProvider}. The caller module must declare
 218  * "{@code uses}" and the service interface name is the concatenation of the
 219  * package name of the base name, string "{@code .spi.}", the simple class
 220  * name of the base name, and the string "{@code Provider}". The
 221  * <em>bundle provider modules</em> containing resource bundles must
 222  * declare "{@code provides}" with the service interface name and
 223  * its implementation class name. For example, if the base name is
 224  * "{@code com.example.app.MyResources}", the caller module must declare
 225  * "{@code uses com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider;}" and a module containing resource
 226  * bundles must declare "{@code provides com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider
 227  * with com.example.app.internal.MyResourcesProviderImpl;}"
 228  * where {@code com.example.app.internal.MyResourcesProviderImpl} is an
 229  * implementation class of {@code com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider}.</li>
 230  * <li>If you want to use non-standard formats in named modules, such as XML,
 231  * {@link ResourceBundleProvider} needs to be used.</li>
 232  * <li>The {@code getBundle} method with a {@code ClassLoader} may not be able to
 233  * find resource bundles using the given {@code ClassLoader} in named modules.
 234  * The {@code getBundle} method with a {@code Module} can be used, instead.</li>
 235  * <li>{@code ResourceBundle.Control} is <em>not</em> supported in named modules.
 236  * If the {@code getBundle} method with a {@code ResourceBundle.Control} is called
 237  * in a named module, the method will throw an {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
 238  * Any service providers of {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} are ignored in
 239  * named modules.
 240  * </li>
 241  * </ul>
 242  *
 243  * <h3><a id="RBP_support">ResourceBundleProvider Service Providers</a></h3>
 244  *
 245  * The {@code getBundle} factory methods load service providers of
 246  * {@link ResourceBundleProvider}, if available, using {@link ServiceLoader}.
 247  * The service type is designated by
 248  * {@code <package name> + ".spi." + <simple name> + "Provider"}. For
 249  * example, if the base name is "{@code com.example.app.MyResources}", the service
 250  * type is {@code com.example.app.spi.MyResourcesProvider}.
 251  * <p>
 252  * In named modules, the loaded service providers for the given base name are
 253  * used to load resource bundles. If no service provider is available, or if
 254  * none of the service providers returns a resource bundle and the caller module
 255  * doesn't have its own service provider, the {@code getBundle} factory method
 256  * searches for resource bundles that are local in the caller module and that
 257  * are visible to the class loader of the caller module.  The resource bundle
 258  * formats for local module searching are "java.class" and "java.properties".
 259  *
 260  * <h3>ResourceBundle.Control</h3>
 261  *
 262  * The {@link ResourceBundle.Control} class provides information necessary
 263  * to perform the bundle loading process by the <code>getBundle</code>
 264  * factory methods that take a <code>ResourceBundle.Control</code>
 265  * instance. You can implement your own subclass in order to enable
 266  * non-standard resource bundle formats, change the search strategy, or
 267  * define caching parameters. Refer to the descriptions of the class and the
 268  * {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader, Control) getBundle}

 908      */
 909     @CallerSensitive
 910     public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName,
 911                                                  Locale locale)
 912     {
 913         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 914         return getBundleImpl(baseName, locale,
 915                              caller, getDefaultControl(caller, baseName));
 916     }
 918     /**
 919      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and the default locale
 920      * on behalf of the specified module. This method is equivalent to calling
 921      * <blockquote>
 922      * <code>getBundle(baseName, Locale.getDefault(), module)</code>
 923      * </blockquote>
 924      *
 925      * <p> Resource bundles in named modules may be encapsulated.  When
 926      * the resource bundle is loaded from a provider, the caller module
 927      * must have an appropriate <i>uses</i> clause in its <i>module descriptor</i>
 928      * to declare that the module uses implementations of
 929      * {@code <package name> + ".spi." + <simple name> + "Provider"}.
 930      * Otherwise, it will load the resource bundles that are local in the
 931      * given module or that are visible to the class loader of the given module
 932      * (refer to the <a href="#bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a>
 933      * section for details).
 934      * When the resource bundle is loaded from the specified module, it is
 935      * subject to the encapsulation rules specified by
 936      * {@link Module#getResourceAsStream Module.getResourceAsStream}.
 937      *
 938      * @param baseName the base name of the resource bundle,
 939      *                 a fully qualified class name
 940      * @param module   the module for which the resource bundle is searched
 941      * @throws NullPointerException
 942      *         if {@code baseName} or {@code module} is {@code null}
 943      * @throws SecurityException
 944      *         if a security manager exists and the caller is not the specified
 945      *         module and doesn't have {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")}
 946      * @throws MissingResourceException
 947      *         if no resource bundle for the specified base name can be found in the
 948      *         specified module
 949      * @return a resource bundle for the given base name and the default locale
 950      * @since 9
 951      * @spec JPMS
 952      * @see ResourceBundleProvider
 953      */
 954     @CallerSensitive
 955     public static ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Module module) {
 956         return getBundleFromModule(Reflection.getCallerClass(), module, baseName,
 957                                    Locale.getDefault(),
 958                                    getDefaultControl(module, baseName));
 959     }
 961     /**
 962      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and locale
 963      * on behalf of the specified module.
 964      *
 965      * <p> Resource bundles in named modules may be encapsulated.  When
 966      * the resource bundle is loaded from a provider, the caller module
 967      * must have an appropriate <i>uses</i> clause in its <i>module descriptor</i>
 968      * to declare that the module uses implementations of
 969      * {@code <package name> + ".spi." + <simple name> + "Provider"}.
 970      * Otherwise, it will load the resource bundles that are local in the
 971      * given module or that are visible to the class loader of the given module
 972      * (refer to the <a href="#bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a>
 973      * section for details).
 974      * When the resource bundle is loaded from the specified module, it is
 975      * subject to the encapsulation rules specified by
 976      * {@link Module#getResourceAsStream Module.getResourceAsStream}.
 977      *
 978      * <p>

 979      * If the given {@code module} is an unnamed module, then this method is
 980      * equivalent to calling {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader)
 981      * getBundle(baseName, targetLocale, module.getClassLoader()} to load
 982      * resource bundles that are visible to the class loader of the given
 983      * unnamed module. Custom {@link java.util.spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider}
 984      * implementations, if present, will only be invoked if the specified
 985      * module is an unnamed module.
 986      *
 987      * @param baseName the base name of the resource bundle,
 988      *                 a fully qualified class name
 989      * @param targetLocale the locale for which a resource bundle is desired
 990      * @param module   the module for which the resource bundle is searched
 991      * @throws NullPointerException
 992      *         if {@code baseName}, {@code targetLocale}, or {@code module} is
 993      *         {@code null}
 994      * @throws SecurityException
 995      *         if a security manager exists and the caller is not the specified
 996      *         module and doesn't have {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")}
 997      * @throws MissingResourceException
 998      *         if no resource bundle for the specified base name and locale can

1057     }
1059     /**
1060      * Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class
1061      * loader.
1062      *
1063      * <p>This method behaves the same as calling
1064      * {@link #getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader, Control)} passing a
1065      * default instance of {@link Control} unless another {@link Control} is
1066      * provided with the {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} SPI. Refer to the
1067      * description of <a href="#modify_default_behavior">modifying the default
1068      * behavior</a>.
1069      *
1070      * <p><a id="default_behavior">The following describes the default
1071      * behavior</a>.
1072      *
1073      * <p>
1074      * Resource bundles in a named module are private to that module.  If
1075      * the caller is in a named module, this method will find resource bundles
1076      * from the service providers of {@link java.util.spi.ResourceBundleProvider}
1077      * if any. Otherwise, it will load the resource bundles that are visible to
1078      * the given {@code loader} (refer to the
1079      * <a href="#bundleprovider">Resource Bundles in Named Modules</a> section
1080      * for details).
1081      * If the caller is in a named module and the given {@code loader} is
1082      * different than the caller's class loader, or if the caller is not in
1083      * a named module, this method will not find resource bundles from named
1084      * modules.
1085      *
1086      * <p><code>getBundle</code> uses the base name, the specified locale, and
1087      * the default locale (obtained from {@link java.util.Locale#getDefault()
1088      * Locale.getDefault}) to generate a sequence of <a
1089      * id="candidates"><em>candidate bundle names</em></a>.  If the specified
1090      * locale's language, script, country, and variant are all empty strings,
1091      * then the base name is the only candidate bundle name.  Otherwise, a list
1092      * of candidate locales is generated from the attribute values of the
1093      * specified locale (language, script, country and variant) and appended to
1094      * the base name.  Typically, this will look like the following:
1095      *
1096      * <pre>
1097      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script + "_" + country + "_" + variant
1098      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script + "_" + country
1099      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + script
1100      *     baseName + "_" + language + "_" + country + "_" + variant

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