/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package java.util.regex; import java.util.Objects; final class Grapheme { /** * Look for the next extended grapheme cluster boundary in a CharSequence. It assumes * the start of the char sequence is a boundary. *

* See Unicode Standard Annex #29 Unicode Text Segmentation for the specification * for the extended grapheme cluster boundary rules. The following implementation * is based on version 12.0 of the annex. * (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-35.html) * * @param src the {@code CharSequence} to be scanned * @param off offset to start looking for the next boundary in the src * @param limit limit offset in the src (exclusive) * @return the next possible boundary */ static int nextBoundary(CharSequence src, int off, int limit) { Objects.checkFromToIndex(off, limit, src.length()); int ch0 = Character.codePointAt(src, 0); int ret = Character.charCount(ch0); int ch1; // indicates whether gb11 or gb12 is underway boolean gb11 = EmojiData.isExtendedPictographic(ch0); int riCount = getType(ch0) == RI ? 1 : 0; while (ret < limit) { ch1 = Character.codePointAt(src, ret); int t0 = getType(ch0); int t1 = getType(ch1); if (gb11 && t0 == ZWJ && t1 == EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC) { gb11 = false; } else if (riCount % 2 == 1 && t0 == RI && t1 == RI) { // continue for gb12 } else if (rules[t0][t1]) { if (ret > off) { break; } else { gb11 = EmojiData.isExtendedPictographic(ch1); riCount = 0; } } riCount += getType(ch1) == RI ? 1 : 0; ch0 = ch1; ret += Character.charCount(ch1); } return ret; } // types private static final int OTHER = 0; private static final int CR = 1; private static final int LF = 2; private static final int CONTROL = 3; private static final int EXTEND = 4; private static final int ZWJ = 5; private static final int RI = 6; private static final int PREPEND = 7; private static final int SPACINGMARK = 8; private static final int L = 9; private static final int V = 10; private static final int T = 11; private static final int LV = 12; private static final int LVT = 13; private static final int EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC = 14; private static final int FIRST_TYPE = 0; private static final int LAST_TYPE = 14; private static boolean[][] rules; static { rules = new boolean[LAST_TYPE + 1][LAST_TYPE + 1]; // GB 999 Any + Any -> default for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++) for (int j = FIRST_TYPE; j <= LAST_TYPE; j++) rules[i][j] = true; // GB 6 L x (L | V | LV | VT) rules[L][L] = false; rules[L][V] = false; rules[L][LV] = false; rules[L][LVT] = false; // GB 7 (LV | V) x (V | T) rules[LV][V] = false; rules[LV][T] = false; rules[V][V] = false; rules[V][T] = false; // GB 8 (LVT | T) x T rules[LVT][T] = false; rules[T][T] = false; // GB 9 x (Extend|ZWJ) // GB 9a x Spacing Mark // GB 9b Prepend x for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++) { rules[i][EXTEND] = false; rules[i][ZWJ] = false; rules[i][SPACINGMARK] = false; rules[PREPEND][i] = false; } // GB 4 (Control | CR | LF) + // GB 5 + (Control | CR | LF) for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++) for (int j = CR; j <= CONTROL; j++) { rules[i][j] = true; rules[j][i] = true; } // GB 3 CR x LF rules[CR][LF] = false; // GB 11 Exended_Pictographic x (Extend|ZWJ) rules[EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC][EXTEND] = false; rules[EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC][ZWJ] = false; } // Hangul syllables private static final int SYLLABLE_BASE = 0xAC00; private static final int LCOUNT = 19; private static final int VCOUNT = 21; private static final int TCOUNT = 28; private static final int NCOUNT = VCOUNT * TCOUNT; // 588 private static final int SCOUNT = LCOUNT * NCOUNT; // 11172 // #tr29: SpacingMark exceptions: The following (which have // General_Category = Spacing_Mark and would otherwise be included) // are specifically excluded private static boolean isExcludedSpacingMark(int cp) { return cp == 0x102B || cp == 0x102C || cp == 0x1038 || cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x1064 || cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x106D || cp == 0x1083 || cp >= 0x1087 && cp <= 0x108C || cp == 0x108F || cp >= 0x109A && cp <= 0x109C || cp == 0x1A61 || cp == 0x1A63 || cp == 0x1A64 || cp == 0xAA7B || cp == 0xAA7D; } @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private static int getType(int cp) { if (EmojiData.isExtendedPictographic(cp)) { return EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC; } int type = Character.getType(cp); switch(type) { case Character.CONTROL: if (cp == 0x000D) return CR; if (cp == 0x000A) return LF; return CONTROL; case Character.UNASSIGNED: // NOTE: #tr29 lists "Unassigned and Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" as Control // but GraphemeBreakTest.txt lists u+0378/reserved-0378 as "Other" // so type it as "Other" to make the test happy if (cp == 0x0378) return OTHER; case Character.LINE_SEPARATOR: case Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: case Character.SURROGATE: return CONTROL; case Character.FORMAT: if (cp == 0x200C || cp >= 0xE0020 && cp <= 0xE007F) return EXTEND; if (cp == 0x200D) return ZWJ; if (cp >= 0x0600 && cp <= 0x0605 || cp == 0x06DD || cp == 0x070F || cp == 0x08E2 || cp == 0x110BD || cp == 0x110CD) return PREPEND; return CONTROL; case Character.NON_SPACING_MARK: case Character.ENCLOSING_MARK: // NOTE: // #tr29 "plus a few General_Category = Spacing_Mark needed for // canonical equivalence." // but for "extended grapheme clusters" support, there is no // need actually to diff "extend" and "spackmark" given GB9, GB9a return EXTEND; case Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK: if (isExcludedSpacingMark(cp)) return OTHER; // NOTE: // 0x11720 and 0x11721 are mentioned in #tr29 as // OTHER_LETTER but it appears their category has been updated to // COMBING_SPACING_MARK already (verified in ver.8) return SPACINGMARK; case Character.OTHER_SYMBOL: if (cp >= 0x1F1E6 && cp <= 0x1F1FF) return RI; return OTHER; case Character.MODIFIER_LETTER: case Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL: // WARNING: // not mentioned in #tr29 but listed in GraphemeBreakProperty.txt if (cp == 0xFF9E || cp == 0xFF9F || cp >= 0x1F3FB && cp <= 0x1F3FF) return EXTEND; return OTHER; case Character.OTHER_LETTER: if (cp == 0x0E33 || cp == 0x0EB3) return SPACINGMARK; // hangul jamo if (cp >= 0x1100 && cp <= 0x11FF) { if (cp <= 0x115F) return L; if (cp <= 0x11A7) return V; return T; } // hangul syllables int sindex = cp - SYLLABLE_BASE; if (sindex >= 0 && sindex < SCOUNT) { if (sindex % TCOUNT == 0) return LV; return LVT; } // hangul jamo_extended A if (cp >= 0xA960 && cp <= 0xA97C) return L; // hangul jamo_extended B if (cp >= 0xD7B0 && cp <= 0xD7C6) return V; if (cp >= 0xD7CB && cp <= 0xD7FB) return T; // Prepend switch (cp) { case 0x0D4E: case 0x111C2: case 0x111C3: case 0x11A3A: case 0x11A84: case 0x11A85: case 0x11A86: case 0x11A87: case 0x11A88: case 0x11A89: case 0x11D46: return PREPEND; } } return OTHER; } }