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rev 56742 : [mq]: 8231273

*** 5,15 **** CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html --> <ldmlBCP47> ! <version number="$Revision: 14742 $"/> <keyword> <key name="tz" description="Time zone key" alias="timezone"> <type name="adalv" description="Andorra" alias="Europe/Andorra"/> <type name="aedxb" description="Dubai, United Arab Emirates" alias="Asia/Dubai"/> <type name="afkbl" description="Kabul, Afghanistan" alias="Asia/Kabul"/> --- 5,15 ---- CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html --> <ldmlBCP47> ! <version number="$Revision$"/> <keyword> <key name="tz" description="Time zone key" alias="timezone"> <type name="adalv" description="Andorra" alias="Europe/Andorra"/> <type name="aedxb" description="Dubai, United Arab Emirates" alias="Asia/Dubai"/> <type name="afkbl" description="Kabul, Afghanistan" alias="Asia/Kabul"/>
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