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rev 56742 : [mq]: 8231273
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 605                         <language type="yav">洋卞文</language>
 606                         <language type="ybb">耶姆巴文</language>
 607                         <language type="yi">意第緒文</language>
 608                         <language type="yo">約魯巴文</language>
 609                         <language type="yrl">奈恩加圖文</language>
 610                         <language type="yue">粵語</language>

 611                         <language type="za">壯文</language>
 612                         <language type="zap">薩波特克文</language>
 613                         <language type="zbl">布列斯符號</language>
 614                         <language type="zea">西蘭文</language>
 615                         <language type="zen">澤納加文</language>
 616                         <language type="zgh">標準摩洛哥塔馬塞特文</language>
 617                         <language type="zh">中文</language>

 618                         <language type="zh_Hans">簡體中文</language>

 619                         <language type="zh_Hant">繁體中文</language>

 620                         <language type="zu">祖魯文</language>
 621                         <language type="zun">祖尼文</language>
 622                         <language type="zxx">無語言內容</language>
 623                         <language type="zza">扎扎文</language>
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 625                 <scripts>
 626                         <script type="Afak" draft="contributed">阿法卡文字</script>
 627                         <script type="Aghb" draft="contributed">高加索阿爾巴尼亞文</script>
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 639                         <script type="Bopo">注音符號</script>

 853                         <territory type="BM">百慕達</territory>
 854                         <territory type="BN">汶萊</territory>
 855                         <territory type="BO">玻利維亞</territory>
 856                         <territory type="BQ">荷蘭加勒比區</territory>
 857                         <territory type="BR">巴西</territory>
 858                         <territory type="BS">巴哈馬</territory>
 859                         <territory type="BT">不丹</territory>
 860                         <territory type="BV">布威島</territory>
 861                         <territory type="BW">波札那</territory>
 862                         <territory type="BY">白俄羅斯</territory>
 863                         <territory type="BZ">貝里斯</territory>
 864                         <territory type="CA">加拿大</territory>
 865                         <territory type="CC">科科斯(基林)群島</territory>
 866                         <territory type="CD">剛果(金夏沙)</territory>
 867                         <territory type="CD" alt="variant">剛果民主共和國</territory>
 868                         <territory type="CF">中非共和國</territory>
 869                         <territory type="CG">剛果(布拉薩)</territory>
 870                         <territory type="CG" alt="variant">剛果共和國</territory>
 871                         <territory type="CH">瑞士</territory>
 872                         <territory type="CI">象牙海岸</territory>

 873                         <territory type="CK">庫克群島</territory>
 874                         <territory type="CL">智利</territory>
 875                         <territory type="CM">喀麥隆</territory>
 876                         <territory type="CN">中華人民共和國</territory>
 877                         <territory type="CO">哥倫比亞</territory>
 878                         <territory type="CP">克里派頓島</territory>
 879                         <territory type="CR">哥斯大黎加</territory>
 880                         <territory type="CU">古巴</territory>
 881                         <territory type="CV">維德角</territory>
 882                         <territory type="CW">庫拉索</territory>
 883                         <territory type="CX">聖誕島</territory>
 884                         <territory type="CY">賽普勒斯</territory>
 885                         <territory type="CZ">捷克</territory>
 886                         <territory type="CZ" alt="variant">捷克共和國</territory>
 887                         <territory type="DE">德國</territory>
 888                         <territory type="DG">迪亞哥加西亞島</territory>
 889                         <territory type="DJ">吉布地</territory>
 890                         <territory type="DK">丹麥</territory>
 891                         <territory type="DM">多米尼克</territory>
 892                         <territory type="DO">多明尼加共和國</territory>

1035                         <territory type="SB">索羅門群島</territory>
1036                         <territory type="SC">塞席爾</territory>
1037                         <territory type="SD">蘇丹</territory>
1038                         <territory type="SE">瑞典</territory>
1039                         <territory type="SG">新加坡</territory>
1040                         <territory type="SH">聖赫勒拿島</territory>
1041                         <territory type="SI">斯洛維尼亞</territory>
1042                         <territory type="SJ">斯瓦爾巴特群島同揚馬延島</territory>
1043                         <territory type="SK">斯洛伐克</territory>
1044                         <territory type="SL">獅子山</territory>
1045                         <territory type="SM">聖馬利諾</territory>
1046                         <territory type="SN">塞內加爾</territory>
1047                         <territory type="SO">索馬利亞</territory>
1048                         <territory type="SR">蘇利南</territory>
1049                         <territory type="SS">南蘇丹</territory>
1050                         <territory type="ST">聖多美同普林西比</territory>
1051                         <territory type="SV">薩爾瓦多</territory>
1052                         <territory type="SX">荷屬聖馬丁</territory>
1053                         <territory type="SY">敘利亞</territory>
1054                         <territory type="SZ">史瓦濟蘭</territory>

1055                         <territory type="TA">特里斯坦達庫尼亞群島</territory>
1056                         <territory type="TC">土克斯及開科斯群島</territory>
1057                         <territory type="TD">查德</territory>
1058                         <territory type="TF">法屬南方屬地</territory>
1059                         <territory type="TG">多哥</territory>
1060                         <territory type="TH">泰國</territory>
1061                         <territory type="TJ">塔吉克</territory>
1062                         <territory type="TK">托克勞群島</territory>
1063                         <territory type="TL">東帝汶</territory>

1064                         <territory type="TM">土庫曼</territory>
1065                         <territory type="TN">突尼西亞</territory>
1066                         <territory type="TO">東加</territory>
1067                         <territory type="TR">土耳其</territory>
1068                         <territory type="TT">千里達同多巴哥</territory>
1069                         <territory type="TV">吐瓦魯</territory>
1070                         <territory type="TW">台灣</territory>
1071                         <territory type="TZ">坦尚尼亞</territory>
1072                         <territory type="UA">烏克蘭</territory>
1073                         <territory type="UG">烏干達</territory>
1074                         <territory type="UM">美國本土外小島嶼</territory>
1075                         <territory type="UN">聯合國</territory>
1076                         <territory type="US">美國</territory>
1077                         <territory type="US" alt="short">美國</territory>
1078                         <territory type="UY">烏拉圭</territory>
1079                         <territory type="UZ">烏茲別克</territory>
1080                         <territory type="VA">梵蒂岡</territory>
1081                         <territory type="VC">聖文森特同格林納丁斯</territory>
1082                         <territory type="VE">委內瑞拉</territory>
1083                         <territory type="VG">英屬維京群島</territory>
1084                         <territory type="VI">美屬維京群島</territory>
1085                         <territory type="VN">越南</territory>
1086                         <territory type="VU">萬那杜</territory>
1087                         <territory type="WF">瓦利斯同富圖納群島</territory>
1088                         <territory type="WS">薩摩亞</territory>
1089                         <territory type="XA">偽口音</territory>

1090                         <territory type="XK">科索沃</territory>
1091                         <territory type="YE">葉門</territory>
1092                         <territory type="YT">馬約特</territory>
1093                         <territory type="ZA">南非</territory>
1094                         <territory type="ZM">尚比亞</territory>
1095                         <territory type="ZW">辛巴威</territory>
1096                         <territory type="ZZ">未知區域</territory>
1097                 </territories>
1098                 <variants>
1099                         <variant type="1901">傳統德語拼字學</variant>
1100                         <variant type="1994" draft="contributed">標準雷西亞拼字</variant>
1101                         <variant type="1996">1996 年的德語拼字學</variant>
1102                         <variant type="1606NICT" draft="contributed">中世紀晚期法文(至1606年)</variant>
1103                         <variant type="1694ACAD" draft="contributed">早期現代法文</variant>
1104                         <variant type="1959ACAD" draft="contributed">白俄羅斯文(學術)</variant>
1105                         <variant type="ALALC97" draft="contributed">美國國會圖書館標準方案羅馬化(1997年版)</variant>
1106                         <variant type="ALUKU" draft="contributed">阿魯庫方言</variant>
1107                         <variant type="AREVELA">亞美尼亞東部</variant>
1108                         <variant type="AREVMDA">亞美尼亞西部</variant>
1109                         <variant type="BAKU1926" draft="contributed">統一土耳其拉丁字母</variant>

1140                         <variant type="RUMGR" draft="contributed">羅曼什文</variant>
1141                         <variant type="SAAHO" draft="contributed">薩霍文</variant>
1142                         <variant type="SCOTLAND" draft="contributed">蘇格蘭標準英語</variant>
1143                         <variant type="SCOUSE" draft="contributed">利物浦方言</variant>
1144                         <variant type="SOLBA" draft="contributed">雷西亞史托維薩方言</variant>
1145                         <variant type="SURMIRAN" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇邁拉方言</variant>
1146                         <variant type="SURSILV" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇瑟瓦方言</variant>
1147                         <variant type="SUTSILV" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇希瓦方言</variant>
1148                         <variant type="TARASK" draft="contributed">白俄羅斯文傳統拼字</variant>
1149                         <variant type="UCCOR" draft="contributed">統一康沃爾文拼字</variant>
1150                         <variant type="UCRCOR" draft="contributed">統一康沃爾文修訂拼字</variant>
1151                         <variant type="ULSTER" draft="contributed">愛爾蘭阿爾斯特方言</variant>
1152                         <variant type="VAIDIKA" draft="contributed">吠陀梵文</variant>
1153                         <variant type="VALENCIA" draft="contributed">瓦倫西亞文</variant>
1154                         <variant type="VALLADER" draft="contributed">瑞士瓦勒德方言</variant>
1155                         <variant type="WADEGILE">威妥瑪式拼音</variant>
1156                 </variants>
1157                 <keys>
1158                         <key type="calendar">曆法</key>
1159                         <key type="cf">貨幣格式</key>
1160                         <key type="colAlternate" draft="contributed">略過符號排序</key>
1161                         <key type="colBackwards" draft="contributed">反向重音排序</key>
1162                         <key type="colCaseFirst" draft="contributed">大寫/小寫排列</key>
1163                         <key type="colCaseLevel" draft="contributed">區分大小寫排序</key>
1164                         <key type="collation">排序</key>
1165                         <key type="colNormalization" draft="contributed">正規化排序</key>
1166                         <key type="colNumeric" draft="contributed">數字排序</key>
1167                         <key type="colStrength" draft="contributed">排序強度</key>
1168                         <key type="currency">貨幣</key>
1169                         <key type="hc">時間週期(12 小時制與 24 小時制)</key>
1170                         <key type="lb">換行樣式</key>
1171                         <key type="ms">度量單位系統</key>
1172                         <key type="numbers">數字</key>
1173                         <key type="timezone" draft="contributed">時區</key>
1174                         <key type="va" draft="contributed">區域變異</key>
1175                         <key type="x" draft="contributed">專用區</key>
1176                 </keys>
1177                 <types>
1178                         <type key="calendar" type="buddhist">佛曆</type>
1179                         <type key="calendar" type="chinese">農曆</type>
1180                         <type key="calendar" type="coptic">科普特曆</type>
1181                         <type key="calendar" type="dangi">檀紀曆</type>
1182                         <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic">衣索比亞曆</type>
1183                         <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic-amete-alem">衣索比亞曆 (Amete Alem)</type>
1184                         <type key="calendar" type="gregorian">公曆</type>
1185                         <type key="calendar" type="hebrew">希伯來曆</type>
1186                         <type key="calendar" type="indian">印度國曆</type>
1187                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic">伊斯蘭曆</type>
1188                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-civil">伊斯蘭民用曆</type>
1189                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-rgsa" draft="contributed">伊斯蘭新月曆</type>
1190                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-tbla" draft="contributed">伊斯蘭天文曆</type>
1191                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-umalqura" draft="contributed">烏姆庫拉曆</type>
1192                         <type key="calendar" type="iso8601">國際標準 ISO 8601</type>
1193                         <type key="calendar" type="japanese">日本曆</type>
1194                         <type key="calendar" type="persian">波斯曆</type>
1195                         <type key="calendar" type="roc">民國曆</type>

1304                         <type key="numbers" type="thai">泰文數字</type>
1305                         <type key="numbers" type="tibt">西藏數字</type>
1306                         <type key="numbers" type="traditional" draft="contributed">傳統數字</type>
1307                         <type key="numbers" type="vaii" draft="contributed">瓦伊文數字</type>
1308                 </types>
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1310                         <measurementSystemName type="metric">公制</measurementSystemName>
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2875                                                 <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="other">Y年第w個星期</dateFormatItem>
2876                                         </availableFormats>
2877                                         <appendItems>
2878                                                 <appendItem request="Timezone">{0} {1}</appendItem>
2879                                         </appendItems>
2880                                         <intervalFormats>
2881                                                 <intervalFormatFallback>{0}至{1}</intervalFormatFallback>
2882                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="Bh">
2883                                                         <greatestDifference id="B">Bh時至Bh時</greatestDifference>
2884                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">Bh至h時</greatestDifference>
2885                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2886                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm">
2887                                                         <greatestDifference id="B">Bh:mm至Bh:mm</greatestDifference>
2888                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">Bh:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2889                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">Bh:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2890                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2891                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="d">
2892                                                         <greatestDifference id="d">d日至d日</greatestDifference>
2893                                                 </intervalFormatItem>

2894                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="h">
2895                                                         <greatestDifference id="a">ah時至ah時</greatestDifference>
2896                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">ah時至h時</greatestDifference>
2897                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2898                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="H">
2899                                                         <greatestDifference id="H">HH–HH</greatestDifference>
2900                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2901                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="hm">
2902                                                         <greatestDifference id="a">ah:mm至ah:mm</greatestDifference>
2903                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">ah:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2904                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">ah:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2905                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2906                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="Hm">
2907                                                         <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference>
2908                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm至HH:mm</greatestDifference>
2909                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2910                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="hmv">
2911                                                         <greatestDifference id="a">ah:mm至ah:mm [v]</greatestDifference>
2912                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">ah:mm至h:mm [v]</greatestDifference>
2913                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">ah:mm至h:mm [v]</greatestDifference>

5050                                 <exemplarCity>首爾</exemplarCity>
5051                         </zone>
5052                         <zone type="Asia/Kuwait">
5053                                 <exemplarCity>科威特</exemplarCity>
5054                         </zone>
5055                         <zone type="America/Cayman">
5056                                 <exemplarCity>開曼群島</exemplarCity>
5057                         </zone>
5058                         <zone type="Asia/Aqtau">
5059                                 <exemplarCity>阿克套</exemplarCity>
5060                         </zone>
5061                         <zone type="Asia/Oral">
5062                                 <exemplarCity>烏拉爾</exemplarCity>
5063                         </zone>
5064                         <zone type="Asia/Atyrau">
5065                                 <exemplarCity>阿特勞</exemplarCity>
5066                         </zone>
5067                         <zone type="Asia/Aqtobe">
5068                                 <exemplarCity>阿克托比</exemplarCity>
5069                         </zone>

5070                         <zone type="Asia/Qyzylorda">
5071                                 <exemplarCity>克孜勒奧爾達</exemplarCity>
5072                         </zone>
5073                         <zone type="Asia/Almaty">
5074                                 <exemplarCity>阿拉木圖</exemplarCity>
5075                         </zone>
5076                         <zone type="Asia/Vientiane">
5077                                 <exemplarCity>永珍</exemplarCity>
5078                         </zone>
5079                         <zone type="Asia/Beirut">
5080                                 <exemplarCity>貝魯特</exemplarCity>
5081                         </zone>
5082                         <zone type="America/St_Lucia">
5083                                 <exemplarCity>聖露西亞</exemplarCity>
5084                         </zone>
5085                         <zone type="Europe/Vaduz">
5086                                 <exemplarCity>瓦都茲</exemplarCity>
5087                         </zone>
5088                         <zone type="Asia/Colombo">
5089                                 <exemplarCity>可倫坡</exemplarCity>

6630                                         <standard>瓦利斯和富圖納群島時間</standard>
6631                                 </long>
6632                         </metazone>
6633                         <metazone type="Yakutsk">
6634                                 <long>
6635                                         <generic>雅庫次克時間</generic>
6636                                         <standard>雅庫次克標準時間</standard>
6637                                         <daylight>雅庫次克夏令時間</daylight>
6638                                 </long>
6639                         </metazone>
6640                         <metazone type="Yekaterinburg">
6641                                 <long>
6642                                         <generic>葉卡捷琳堡時間</generic>
6643                                         <standard>葉卡捷琳堡標準時間</standard>
6644                                         <daylight>葉卡捷琳堡夏令時間</daylight>
6645                                 </long>
6646                         </metazone>
6647                 </timeZoneNames>
6648         </dates>
6649         <numbers>

6650                 <otherNumberingSystems>
6651                         <native>hanidec</native>
6652                         <traditional>hant</traditional>
6653                         <finance>hantfin</finance>
6654                 </otherNumberingSystems>

6655                 <symbols numberSystem="hanidec">

6656                         <percentSign>%</percentSign>

6657                         <exponential>E</exponential>
6658                         <superscriptingExponent>×</superscriptingExponent>
6659                         <perMille>‰</perMille>
6660                         <infinity>∞</infinity>
6661                         <nan>非數值</nan>
6662                 </symbols>
6663                 <symbols numberSystem="latn">

6664                         <list>;</list>
6665                         <percentSign>%</percentSign>

6666                         <exponential>E</exponential>
6667                         <superscriptingExponent>×</superscriptingExponent>
6668                         <perMille>‰</perMille>
6669                         <infinity>∞</infinity>
6670                         <nan>非數值</nan>
6671                         <timeSeparator draft="contributed">:</timeSeparator>
6672                 </symbols>

6673                 <decimalFormats numberSystem="latn">

6674                         <decimalFormatLength type="long">
6675                                 <decimalFormat>
6676                                         <pattern type="1000" count="other">0</pattern>
6677                                         <pattern type="10000" count="other">0萬</pattern>
6678                                         <pattern type="100000" count="other">00萬</pattern>
6679                                         <pattern type="1000000" count="other">000萬</pattern>
6680                                         <pattern type="10000000" count="other">0000萬</pattern>
6681                                         <pattern type="100000000" count="other">0億</pattern>
6682                                         <pattern type="1000000000" count="other">00億</pattern>
6683                                         <pattern type="10000000000" count="other">000億</pattern>
6684                                         <pattern type="100000000000" count="other">0000億</pattern>
6685                                         <pattern type="1000000000000" count="other">0兆</pattern>
6686                                         <pattern type="10000000000000" count="other">00兆</pattern>
6687                                         <pattern type="100000000000000" count="other">000兆</pattern>
6688                                 </decimalFormat>
6689                         </decimalFormatLength>
6690                         <decimalFormatLength type="short">
6691                                 <decimalFormat>
6692                                         <pattern type="1000" count="other">0</pattern>
6693                                         <pattern type="10000" count="other">0萬</pattern>

6758                                         <pattern type="100000000" count="other">¤0億</pattern>
6759                                         <pattern type="1000000000" count="other">¤00億</pattern>
6760                                         <pattern type="10000000000" count="other">¤000億</pattern>
6761                                         <pattern type="100000000000" count="other">¤0000億</pattern>
6762                                         <pattern type="1000000000000" count="other">¤0兆</pattern>
6763                                         <pattern type="10000000000000" count="other">¤00兆</pattern>
6764                                         <pattern type="100000000000000" count="other">¤000兆</pattern>
6765                                 </currencyFormat>
6766                         </currencyFormatLength>
6767                         <unitPattern count="other">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
6768                 </currencyFormats>
6769                 <currencies>
6770                         <currency type="ADP">
6771                                 <displayName>安道爾陪士特</displayName>
6772                                 <displayName count="other">安道爾陪士特</displayName>
6773                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ADP</symbol>
6774                         </currency>
6775                         <currency type="AED">
6776                                 <displayName>阿拉伯聯合大公國迪爾汗</displayName>
6777                                 <displayName count="other">阿拉伯聯合大公國迪爾汗</displayName>

6778                         </currency>
6779                         <currency type="AFA">
6780                                 <displayName>阿富汗尼 (1927–2002)</displayName>
6781                                 <displayName count="other">阿富汗尼 (1927–2002)</displayName>
6782                                 <symbol draft="contributed">AFA</symbol>
6783                         </currency>
6784                         <currency type="AFN">
6785                                 <displayName>阿富汗尼</displayName>
6786                                 <displayName count="other">阿富汗尼</displayName>

6787                         </currency>
6788                         <currency type="ALK">
6789                                 <displayName draft="contributed">阿爾巴尼亞列克 (1946–1965)</displayName>
6790                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">阿爾巴尼亞列克 (1946–1965)</displayName>
6791                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ALK</symbol>
6792                         </currency>
6793                         <currency type="ALL">
6794                                 <displayName>阿爾巴尼亞列克</displayName>
6795                                 <displayName count="other">阿爾巴尼亞列克</displayName>

6796                         </currency>
6797                         <currency type="AMD">
6798                                 <displayName>亞美尼亞德拉姆</displayName>
6799                                 <displayName count="other">亞美尼亞德拉姆</displayName>

6800                         </currency>
6801                         <currency type="ANG">
6802                                 <displayName>荷屬安地列斯盾</displayName>
6803                                 <displayName count="other">荷屬安地列斯盾</displayName>

6804                         </currency>
6805                         <currency type="AOA">
6806                                 <displayName>安哥拉寬扎</displayName>
6807                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉寬扎</displayName>

6808                         </currency>
6809                         <currency type="AOK">
6810                                 <displayName>安哥拉寬扎 (1977–1990)</displayName>
6811                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉寬扎 (1977–1990)</displayName>
6812                                 <symbol draft="contributed">AOK</symbol>
6813                         </currency>
6814                         <currency type="AON">
6815                                 <displayName>安哥拉新寬扎 (1990–2000)</displayName>
6816                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉新寬扎 (1990–2000)</displayName>
6817                                 <symbol draft="contributed">AON</symbol>
6818                         </currency>
6819                         <currency type="AOR">
6820                                 <displayName>安哥拉新調寬扎 (1995–1999)</displayName>
6821                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉新調寬扎 (1995–1999)</displayName>
6822                                 <symbol draft="contributed">AOR</symbol>
6823                         </currency>
6824                         <currency type="ARA">
6825                                 <displayName>阿根廷奧斯特納爾</displayName>
6826                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷奧斯特納爾</displayName>
6827                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ARA</symbol>
6828                         </currency>
6829                         <currency type="ARL">
6830                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1970–1983)</displayName>
6831                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1970–1983)</displayName>
6832                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ARL</symbol>
6833                         </currency>
6834                         <currency type="ARM">
6835                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1881–1970)</displayName>
6836                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1881–1970)</displayName>
6837                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ARM</symbol>
6838                         </currency>
6839                         <currency type="ARP">
6840                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1983–1985)</displayName>
6841                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1983–1985)</displayName>
6842                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ARP</symbol>
6843                         </currency>
6844                         <currency type="ARS">
6845                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索</displayName>
6846                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索</displayName>

6847                         </currency>
6848                         <currency type="ATS">
6849                                 <displayName>奧地利先令</displayName>
6850                                 <displayName count="other">奧地利先令</displayName>
6851                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ATS</symbol>
6852                         </currency>
6853                         <currency type="AUD">
6854                                 <displayName>澳幣</displayName>
6855                                 <displayName count="other">澳幣</displayName>
6856                                 <symbol>AU$</symbol>

6857                         </currency>
6858                         <currency type="AWG">
6859                                 <displayName>阿路巴盾</displayName>
6860                                 <displayName count="other">阿路巴盾</displayName>

6861                         </currency>
6862                         <currency type="AZM">
6863                                 <displayName>亞塞拜然馬納特 (1993–2006)</displayName>
6864                                 <displayName count="other">亞塞拜然馬納特 (1993–2006)</displayName>
6865                                 <symbol draft="contributed">AZM</symbol>
6866                         </currency>
6867                         <currency type="AZN">
6868                                 <displayName>亞塞拜然馬納特</displayName>
6869                                 <displayName count="other">亞塞拜然馬納特</displayName>

6870                         </currency>
6871                         <currency type="BAD">
6872                                 <displayName>波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納第納爾</displayName>
6873                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納第納爾</displayName>
6874                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BAD</symbol>
6875                         </currency>
6876                         <currency type="BAM">
6877                                 <displayName>波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納可轉換馬克</displayName>
6878                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納可轉換馬克</displayName>

6879                         </currency>
6880                         <currency type="BAN">
6881                                 <displayName>波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納新第納爾</displayName>
6882                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納新第納爾</displayName>
6883                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BAN</symbol>
6884                         </currency>
6885                         <currency type="BBD">
6886                                 <displayName>巴貝多元</displayName>
6887                                 <displayName count="other">巴貝多元</displayName>

6888                         </currency>
6889                         <currency type="BDT">
6890                                 <displayName>孟加拉塔卡</displayName>
6891                                 <displayName count="other">孟加拉塔卡</displayName>

6892                         </currency>
6893                         <currency type="BEC">
6894                                 <displayName>比利時法郎(可轉換)</displayName>
6895                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎(可轉換)</displayName>
6896                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BEC</symbol>
6897                         </currency>
6898                         <currency type="BEF">
6899                                 <displayName>比利時法郎</displayName>
6900                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎</displayName>
6901                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BEF</symbol>
6902                         </currency>
6903                         <currency type="BEL">
6904                                 <displayName>比利時法郎(金融)</displayName>
6905                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎(金融)</displayName>
6906                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BEL</symbol>
6907                         </currency>
6908                         <currency type="BGL">
6909                                 <displayName>保加利亞硬列弗</displayName>
6910                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞硬列弗</displayName>
6911                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BGL</symbol>
6912                         </currency>
6913                         <currency type="BGM">
6914                                 <displayName draft="contributed">保加利亞社會黨列弗</displayName>
6915                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">保加利亞社會黨列弗</displayName>
6916                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BGM</symbol>
6917                         </currency>
6918                         <currency type="BGN">
6919                                 <displayName>保加利亞新列弗</displayName>
6920                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞新列弗</displayName>

6921                         </currency>
6922                         <currency type="BGO">
6923                                 <displayName>保加利亞列弗 (1879–1952)</displayName>
6924                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞列弗 (1879–1952)</displayName>
6925                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BGO</symbol>
6926                         </currency>
6927                         <currency type="BHD">
6928                                 <displayName>巴林第納爾</displayName>
6929                                 <displayName count="other">巴林第納爾</displayName>

6930                         </currency>
6931                         <currency type="BIF">
6932                                 <displayName>蒲隆地法郎</displayName>
6933                                 <displayName count="other">蒲隆地法郎</displayName>

6934                         </currency>
6935                         <currency type="BMD">
6936                                 <displayName>百慕達幣</displayName>
6937                                 <displayName count="other">百慕達幣</displayName>

6938                         </currency>
6939                         <currency type="BND">
6940                                 <displayName>汶萊元</displayName>
6941                                 <displayName count="other">汶萊元</displayName>

6942                         </currency>
6943                         <currency type="BOB">
6944                                 <displayName>玻利維亞諾</displayName>
6945                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞諾</displayName>

6946                         </currency>
6947                         <currency type="BOL">
6948                                 <displayName>玻利維亞玻利維亞諾 (1863–1963)</displayName>
6949                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞玻利維亞諾 (1863–1963)</displayName>
6950                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOL</symbol>
6951                         </currency>
6952                         <currency type="BOP">
6953                                 <displayName>玻利維亞披索</displayName>
6954                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞披索</displayName>
6955                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOP</symbol>
6956                         </currency>
6957                         <currency type="BOV">
6958                                 <displayName>玻利維亞幕多</displayName>
6959                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞幕多</displayName>
6960                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOV</symbol>
6961                         </currency>
6962                         <currency type="BRB">
6963                                 <displayName>巴西克魯薩多農瓦 (1967–1986)</displayName>
6964                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯薩多農瓦 (1967–1986)</displayName>
6965                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRB</symbol>
6966                         </currency>
6967                         <currency type="BRC">
6968                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1986–1989)</displayName>
6969                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1986–1989)</displayName>
6970                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRC</symbol>
6971                         </currency>
6972                         <currency type="BRE">
6973                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1990–1993)</displayName>
6974                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1990–1993)</displayName>
6975                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRE</symbol>
6976                         </currency>
6977                         <currency type="BRL">
6978                                 <displayName>巴西里拉</displayName>
6979                                 <displayName count="other">巴西里拉</displayName>

6980                         </currency>
6981                         <currency type="BRN">
6982                                 <displayName>巴西克如爾達農瓦</displayName>
6983                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克如爾達農瓦</displayName>
6984                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRN</symbol>
6985                         </currency>
6986                         <currency type="BRR">
6987                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1993–1994)</displayName>
6988                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1993–1994)</displayName>
6989                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRR</symbol>
6990                         </currency>
6991                         <currency type="BRZ">
6992                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1942 –1967)</displayName>
6993                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1942 –1967)</displayName>
6994                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRZ</symbol>
6995                         </currency>
6996                         <currency type="BSD">
6997                                 <displayName>巴哈馬元</displayName>
6998                                 <displayName count="other">巴哈馬元</displayName>

6999                         </currency>
7000                         <currency type="BTN">
7001                                 <displayName>不丹那特倫</displayName>
7002                                 <displayName count="other">不丹那特倫</displayName>

7003                         </currency>
7004                         <currency type="BUK">
7005                                 <displayName>緬甸基雅特</displayName>
7006                                 <displayName count="other">緬甸基雅特</displayName>
7007                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BUK</symbol>
7008                         </currency>
7009                         <currency type="BWP">
7010                                 <displayName>波札那普拉</displayName>
7011                                 <displayName count="other">波札那普拉</displayName>

7012                         </currency>
7013                         <currency type="BYB">
7014                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯新盧布 (1994–1999)</displayName>
7015                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯新盧布 (1994–1999)</displayName>
7016                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BYB</symbol>
7017                         </currency>
7018                         <currency type="BYN">
7019                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7020                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7021                                 <symbol>BYN</symbol>
7022                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">р.</symbol>
7023                         </currency>
7024                         <currency type="BYR">
7025                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯盧布 (2000–2016)</displayName>
7026                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯盧布 (2000–2016)</displayName>

7027                         </currency>
7028                         <currency type="BZD">
7029                                 <displayName>貝里斯元</displayName>
7030                                 <displayName count="other">貝里斯元</displayName>

7031                         </currency>
7032                         <currency type="CAD">
7033                                 <displayName>加幣</displayName>
7034                                 <displayName count="other">加幣</displayName>

7035                         </currency>
7036                         <currency type="CDF">
7037                                 <displayName>剛果法郎</displayName>
7038                                 <displayName count="other">剛果法郎</displayName>

7039                         </currency>
7040                         <currency type="CHE">
7041                                 <displayName draft="contributed">歐元 (WIR)</displayName>
7042                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">歐元 (WIR)</displayName>
7043                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CHE</symbol>
7044                         </currency>
7045                         <currency type="CHF">
7046                                 <displayName>瑞士法郎</displayName>
7047                                 <displayName count="other">瑞士法郎</displayName>

7048                         </currency>
7049                         <currency type="CHW">
7050                                 <displayName draft="contributed">法郎 (WIR)</displayName>
7051                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">法郎 (WIR)</displayName>
7052                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CHW</symbol>
7053                         </currency>
7054                         <currency type="CLE">
7055                                 <displayName draft="contributed">智利埃斯庫多</displayName>
7056                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">智利埃斯庫多</displayName>
7057                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CLE</symbol>
7058                         </currency>
7059                         <currency type="CLF">
7060                                 <displayName>卡林油達佛曼跎</displayName>
7061                                 <displayName count="other">卡林油達佛曼跎</displayName>
7062                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CLF</symbol>
7063                         </currency>
7064                         <currency type="CLP">
7065                                 <displayName>智利披索</displayName>
7066                                 <displayName count="other">智利披索</displayName>

7067                         </currency>
7068                         <currency type="CNH">
7069                                 <displayName>人民幣 (離岸)</displayName>
7070                                 <displayName count="other">人民幣 (離岸)</displayName>

7071                         </currency>
7072                         <currency type="CNX">
7073                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CNX</symbol>
7074                         </currency>
7075                         <currency type="CNY">
7076                                 <displayName>人民幣</displayName>
7077                                 <displayName count="other">人民幣</displayName>

7078                         </currency>
7079                         <currency type="COP">
7080                                 <displayName>哥倫比亞披索</displayName>
7081                                 <displayName count="other">哥倫比亞披索</displayName>

7082                         </currency>
7083                         <currency type="COU">
7084                                 <displayName>哥倫比亞幣 (COU)</displayName>
7085                                 <displayName count="other">哥倫比亞幣 (COU)</displayName>
7086                                 <symbol draft="contributed">COU</symbol>
7087                         </currency>
7088                         <currency type="CRC">
7089                                 <displayName>哥斯大黎加科朗</displayName>
7090                                 <displayName count="other">哥斯大黎加科朗</displayName>

7091                         </currency>
7092                         <currency type="CSD">
7093                                 <displayName draft="contributed">舊塞爾維亞第納爾</displayName>
7094                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">舊塞爾維亞第納爾</displayName>
7095                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CSD</symbol>
7096                         </currency>
7097                         <currency type="CSK">
7098                                 <displayName>捷克斯洛伐克硬克朗</displayName>
7099                                 <displayName count="other">捷克斯洛伐克硬克朗</displayName>
7100                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CSK</symbol>
7101                         </currency>
7102                         <currency type="CUC">
7103                                 <displayName>古巴可轉換披索</displayName>
7104                                 <displayName count="other">古巴可轉換披索</displayName>

7105                         </currency>
7106                         <currency type="CUP">
7107                                 <displayName>古巴披索</displayName>
7108                                 <displayName count="other">古巴披索</displayName>

7109                         </currency>
7110                         <currency type="CVE">
7111                                 <displayName>維德角埃斯庫多</displayName>
7112                                 <displayName count="other">維德角埃斯庫多</displayName>

7113                         </currency>
7114                         <currency type="CYP">
7115                                 <displayName>賽普勒斯鎊</displayName>
7116                                 <displayName count="other">賽普勒斯鎊</displayName>
7117                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CYP</symbol>
7118                         </currency>
7119                         <currency type="CZK">
7120                                 <displayName>捷克克朗</displayName>
7121                                 <displayName count="other">捷克克朗</displayName>

7122                         </currency>
7123                         <currency type="DDM">
7124                                 <displayName draft="contributed">東德奧斯特馬克</displayName>
7125                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">東德奧斯特馬克</displayName>
7126                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DDM</symbol>
7127                         </currency>
7128                         <currency type="DEM">
7129                                 <displayName>德國馬克</displayName>
7130                                 <displayName count="other">德國馬克</displayName>
7131                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DEM</symbol>
7132                         </currency>
7133                         <currency type="DJF">
7134                                 <displayName>吉布地法郎</displayName>
7135                                 <displayName count="other">吉布地法郎</displayName>

7136                         </currency>
7137                         <currency type="DKK">
7138                                 <displayName>丹麥克朗</displayName>
7139                                 <displayName count="other">丹麥克朗</displayName>

7140                         </currency>
7141                         <currency type="DOP">
7142                                 <displayName>多明尼加披索</displayName>
7143                                 <displayName count="other">多明尼加披索</displayName>

7144                         </currency>
7145                         <currency type="DZD">
7146                                 <displayName>阿爾及利亞第納爾</displayName>
7147                                 <displayName count="other">阿爾及利亞第納爾</displayName>

7148                         </currency>
7149                         <currency type="ECS">
7150                                 <displayName>厄瓜多蘇克雷</displayName>
7151                                 <displayName count="other">厄瓜多蘇克雷</displayName>
7152                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ECS</symbol>
7153                         </currency>
7154                         <currency type="ECV">
7155                                 <displayName>厄瓜多爾由里達瓦康斯坦 (UVC)</displayName>
7156                                 <displayName count="other">厄瓜多爾由里達瓦康斯坦 (UVC)</displayName>
7157                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ECV</symbol>
7158                         </currency>
7159                         <currency type="EEK">
7160                                 <displayName>愛沙尼亞克朗</displayName>
7161                                 <displayName count="other">愛沙尼亞克朗</displayName>
7162                                 <symbol draft="contributed">EEK</symbol>
7163                         </currency>
7164                         <currency type="EGP">
7165                                 <displayName>埃及鎊</displayName>
7166                                 <displayName count="other">埃及鎊</displayName>

7167                         </currency>
7168                         <currency type="ERN">
7169                                 <displayName>厄立特里亞納克法</displayName>
7170                                 <displayName count="other">厄立特里亞納克法</displayName>

7171                         </currency>
7172                         <currency type="ESA">
7173                                 <displayName draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(會計單位)</displayName>
7174                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(會計單位)</displayName>
7175                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESA</symbol>
7176                         </currency>
7177                         <currency type="ESB">
7178                                 <displayName draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(可轉換會計單位)</displayName>
7179                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(可轉換會計單位)</displayName>
7180                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESB</symbol>
7181                         </currency>
7182                         <currency type="ESP">
7183                                 <displayName>西班牙陪士特</displayName>
7184                                 <displayName count="other">西班牙陪士特</displayName>
7185                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESP</symbol>
7186                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₧</symbol>
7187                         </currency>
7188                         <currency type="ETB">
7189                                 <displayName>衣索比亞比爾</displayName>
7190                                 <displayName count="other">衣索比亞比爾</displayName>

7191                         </currency>
7192                         <currency type="EUR">
7193                                 <displayName>歐元</displayName>
7194                                 <displayName count="other">歐元</displayName>

7195                         </currency>
7196                         <currency type="FIM">
7197                                 <displayName>芬蘭馬克</displayName>
7198                                 <displayName count="other">芬蘭馬克</displayName>
7199                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FIM</symbol>
7200                         </currency>
7201                         <currency type="FJD">
7202                                 <displayName>斐濟元</displayName>
7203                                 <displayName count="other">斐濟元</displayName>

7204                         </currency>
7205                         <currency type="FKP">
7206                                 <displayName>福克蘭群島鎊</displayName>
7207                                 <displayName count="other">福克蘭群島鎊</displayName>

7208                         </currency>
7209                         <currency type="FRF">
7210                                 <displayName>法國法郎</displayName>
7211                                 <displayName count="other">法國法郎</displayName>
7212                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FRF</symbol>
7213                         </currency>
7214                         <currency type="GBP">
7215                                 <displayName>英鎊</displayName>
7216                                 <displayName count="other">英鎊</displayName>

7217                         </currency>
7218                         <currency type="GEK">
7219                                 <displayName draft="contributed">喬治亞庫旁拉里</displayName>
7220                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">喬治亞庫旁拉里</displayName>
7221                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GEK</symbol>
7222                         </currency>
7223                         <currency type="GEL">
7224                                 <displayName>喬治亞拉里</displayName>
7225                                 <displayName count="other">喬治亞拉里</displayName>

7226                                 <symbol alt="variant" draft="contributed">₾</symbol>
7227                         </currency>
7228                         <currency type="GHC">
7229                                 <displayName>迦納賽地 (1979–2007)</displayName>
7230                                 <displayName count="other">迦納賽地 (1979–2007)</displayName>
7231                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GHC</symbol>
7232                         </currency>
7233                         <currency type="GHS">
7234                                 <displayName>迦納塞地</displayName>
7235                                 <displayName count="other">迦納塞地</displayName>

7236                         </currency>
7237                         <currency type="GIP">
7238                                 <displayName>直布羅陀鎊</displayName>
7239                                 <displayName count="other">直布羅陀鎊</displayName>

7240                         </currency>
7241                         <currency type="GMD">
7242                                 <displayName>甘比亞達拉西</displayName>
7243                                 <displayName count="other">甘比亞達拉西</displayName>

7244                         </currency>
7245                         <currency type="GNF">
7246                                 <displayName>幾內亞法郎</displayName>
7247                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞法郎</displayName>

7248                         </currency>
7249                         <currency type="GNS">
7250                                 <displayName>幾內亞西里</displayName>
7251                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞西里</displayName>
7252                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GNS</symbol>
7253                         </currency>
7254                         <currency type="GQE">
7255                                 <displayName>赤道幾內亞埃奎勒</displayName>
7256                                 <displayName count="other">赤道幾內亞埃奎勒</displayName>
7257                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GQE</symbol>
7258                         </currency>
7259                         <currency type="GRD">
7260                                 <displayName>希臘德拉克馬</displayName>
7261                                 <displayName count="other">希臘德拉克馬</displayName>
7262                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GRD</symbol>
7263                         </currency>
7264                         <currency type="GTQ">
7265                                 <displayName>瓜地馬拉格查爾</displayName>
7266                                 <displayName count="other">瓜地馬拉格查爾</displayName>

7267                         </currency>
7268                         <currency type="GWE">
7269                                 <displayName>葡屬幾內亞埃斯庫多</displayName>
7270                                 <displayName count="other">葡屬幾內亞埃斯庫多</displayName>
7271                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GWE</symbol>
7272                         </currency>
7273                         <currency type="GWP">
7274                                 <displayName>幾內亞比索披索</displayName>
7275                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞比索披索</displayName>
7276                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GWP</symbol>
7277                         </currency>
7278                         <currency type="GYD">
7279                                 <displayName>圭亞那元</displayName>
7280                                 <displayName count="other">圭亞那元</displayName>

7281                         </currency>
7282                         <currency type="HKD">
7283                                 <displayName>港幣</displayName>
7284                                 <displayName count="other">港幣</displayName>

7285                         </currency>
7286                         <currency type="HNL">
7287                                 <displayName>洪都拉斯倫皮拉</displayName>
7288                                 <displayName count="other">洪都拉斯倫皮拉</displayName>

7289                         </currency>
7290                         <currency type="HRD">
7291                                 <displayName>克羅埃西亞第納爾</displayName>
7292                                 <displayName count="other">克羅埃西亞第納爾</displayName>
7293                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HRD</symbol>
7294                         </currency>
7295                         <currency type="HRK">
7296                                 <displayName>克羅埃西亞庫納</displayName>
7297                                 <displayName count="other">克羅埃西亞庫納</displayName>

7298                         </currency>
7299                         <currency type="HTG">
7300                                 <displayName>海地古德</displayName>
7301                                 <displayName count="other">海地古德</displayName>

7302                         </currency>
7303                         <currency type="HUF">
7304                                 <displayName>匈牙利福林</displayName>
7305                                 <displayName count="other">匈牙利福林</displayName>

7306                         </currency>
7307                         <currency type="IDR">
7308                                 <displayName>印尼盾</displayName>
7309                                 <displayName count="other">印尼盾</displayName>

7310                         </currency>
7311                         <currency type="IEP">
7312                                 <displayName>愛爾蘭鎊</displayName>
7313                                 <displayName count="other">愛爾蘭鎊</displayName>
7314                                 <symbol draft="contributed">IEP</symbol>
7315                         </currency>
7316                         <currency type="ILP">
7317                                 <displayName>以色列鎊</displayName>
7318                                 <displayName count="other">以色列鎊</displayName>
7319                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ILP</symbol>
7320                         </currency>
7321                         <currency type="ILR">
7322                                 <displayName draft="contributed">以色列謝克爾 (1980–1985)</displayName>
7323                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">以色列謝克爾 (1980–1985)</displayName>
7324                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ILR</symbol>
7325                         </currency>
7326                         <currency type="ILS">
7327                                 <displayName>以色列新謝克爾</displayName>
7328                                 <displayName count="other">以色列新謝克爾</displayName>

7329                         </currency>
7330                         <currency type="INR">
7331                                 <displayName>印度盧比</displayName>
7332                                 <displayName count="other">印度盧比</displayName>

7333                         </currency>
7334                         <currency type="IQD">
7335                                 <displayName>伊拉克第納爾</displayName>
7336                                 <displayName count="other">伊拉克第納爾</displayName>

7337                         </currency>
7338                         <currency type="IRR">
7339                                 <displayName>伊朗里亞爾</displayName>
7340                                 <displayName count="other">伊朗里亞爾</displayName>

7341                         </currency>
7342                         <currency type="ISJ">
7343                                 <displayName draft="contributed">冰島克朗 (1918–1981)</displayName>
7344                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">冰島克朗 (1918–1981)</displayName>
7345                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ISJ</symbol>
7346                         </currency>
7347                         <currency type="ISK">
7348                                 <displayName>冰島克朗</displayName>
7349                                 <displayName count="other">冰島克朗</displayName>

7350                         </currency>
7351                         <currency type="ITL">
7352                                 <displayName>義大利里拉</displayName>
7353                                 <displayName count="other">義大利里拉</displayName>
7354                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ITL</symbol>
7355                         </currency>
7356                         <currency type="JMD">
7357                                 <displayName>牙買加元</displayName>
7358                                 <displayName count="other">牙買加元</displayName>

7359                         </currency>
7360                         <currency type="JOD">
7361                                 <displayName>約旦第納爾</displayName>
7362                                 <displayName count="other">約旦第納爾</displayName>

7363                         </currency>
7364                         <currency type="JPY">
7365                                 <displayName>日圓</displayName>
7366                                 <displayName count="other">日圓</displayName>
7367                                 <symbol>¥</symbol>

7368                         </currency>
7369                         <currency type="KES">
7370                                 <displayName>肯尼亞先令</displayName>
7371                                 <displayName count="other">肯尼亞先令</displayName>

7372                         </currency>
7373                         <currency type="KGS">
7374                                 <displayName>吉爾吉斯索姆</displayName>
7375                                 <displayName count="other">吉爾吉斯索姆</displayName>

7376                         </currency>
7377                         <currency type="KHR">
7378                                 <displayName>柬埔寨瑞爾</displayName>
7379                                 <displayName count="other">柬埔寨瑞爾</displayName>

7380                         </currency>
7381                         <currency type="KMF">
7382                                 <displayName>科摩羅法郎</displayName>
7383                                 <displayName count="other">科摩羅法郎</displayName>

7384                         </currency>
7385                         <currency type="KPW">
7386                                 <displayName>北韓圓</displayName>
7387                                 <displayName count="other">北韓圓</displayName>

7388                         </currency>
7389                         <currency type="KRH">
7390                                 <displayName draft="contributed">南韓圜</displayName>
7391                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">南韓圜</displayName>
7392                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KRH</symbol>
7393                         </currency>
7394                         <currency type="KRO">
7395                                 <displayName draft="contributed">南韓圓</displayName>
7396                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">南韓圓</displayName>
7397                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KRO</symbol>
7398                         </currency>
7399                         <currency type="KRW">
7400                                 <displayName>韓圓</displayName>
7401                                 <displayName count="other">韓圓</displayName>
7402                                 <symbol>₩</symbol>

7403                         </currency>
7404                         <currency type="KWD">
7405                                 <displayName>科威特第納爾</displayName>
7406                                 <displayName count="other">科威特第納爾</displayName>

7407                         </currency>
7408                         <currency type="KYD">
7409                                 <displayName>開曼群島元</displayName>
7410                                 <displayName count="other">開曼群島元</displayName>

7411                         </currency>
7412                         <currency type="KZT">
7413                                 <displayName>卡扎克斯坦坦吉</displayName>
7414                                 <displayName count="other">卡扎克斯坦坦吉</displayName>

7415                         </currency>
7416                         <currency type="LAK">
7417                                 <displayName>寮國基普</displayName>
7418                                 <displayName count="other">寮國基普</displayName>

7419                         </currency>
7420                         <currency type="LBP">
7421                                 <displayName>黎巴嫩鎊</displayName>
7422                                 <displayName count="other">黎巴嫩鎊</displayName>

7423                         </currency>
7424                         <currency type="LKR">
7425                                 <displayName>斯里蘭卡盧比</displayName>
7426                                 <displayName count="other">斯里蘭卡盧比</displayName>

7427                         </currency>
7428                         <currency type="LRD">
7429                                 <displayName>賴比瑞亞元</displayName>
7430                                 <displayName count="other">賴比瑞亞元</displayName>

7431                         </currency>
7432                         <currency type="LSL">
7433                                 <displayName>賴索托洛蒂</displayName>
7434                                 <displayName count="other">賴索托洛蒂</displayName>
7435                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LSL</symbol>
7436                         </currency>
7437                         <currency type="LTL">
7438                                 <displayName>立陶宛立特</displayName>
7439                                 <displayName count="other">立陶宛立特</displayName>
7440                                 <symbol>LTL</symbol>
7441                         </currency>
7442                         <currency type="LTT">
7443                                 <displayName>立陶宛特羅</displayName>
7444                                 <displayName count="other">立陶宛特羅</displayName>
7445                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LTT</symbol>
7446                         </currency>
7447                         <currency type="LUC">
7448                                 <displayName draft="contributed">盧森堡可兌換法郎</displayName>
7449                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">盧森堡可兌換法郎</displayName>
7450                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUC</symbol>

7455                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUF</symbol>
7456                         </currency>
7457                         <currency type="LUL">
7458                                 <displayName draft="contributed">盧森堡金融法郎</displayName>
7459                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">盧森堡金融法郎</displayName>
7460                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUL</symbol>
7461                         </currency>
7462                         <currency type="LVL">
7463                                 <displayName>拉脫維亞拉特銀幣</displayName>
7464                                 <displayName count="other">拉脫維亞拉特銀幣</displayName>
7465                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LVL</symbol>
7466                         </currency>
7467                         <currency type="LVR">
7468                                 <displayName>拉脫維亞盧布</displayName>
7469                                 <displayName count="other">拉脫維亞盧布</displayName>
7470                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LVR</symbol>
7471                         </currency>
7472                         <currency type="LYD">
7473                                 <displayName>利比亞第納爾</displayName>
7474                                 <displayName count="other">利比亞第納爾</displayName>

7475                         </currency>
7476                         <currency type="MAD">
7477                                 <displayName>摩洛哥迪拉姆</displayName>
7478                                 <displayName count="other">摩洛哥迪拉姆</displayName>

7479                         </currency>
7480                         <currency type="MAF">
7481                                 <displayName>摩洛哥法郎</displayName>
7482                                 <displayName count="other">摩洛哥法郎</displayName>
7483                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MAF</symbol>
7484                         </currency>
7485                         <currency type="MCF">
7486                                 <displayName draft="contributed">摩納哥法郎</displayName>
7487                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">摩納哥法郎</displayName>
7488                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MCF</symbol>
7489                         </currency>
7490                         <currency type="MDC">
7491                                 <displayName draft="contributed">摩爾多瓦券</displayName>
7492                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">摩爾多瓦券</displayName>
7493                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MDC</symbol>
7494                         </currency>
7495                         <currency type="MDL">
7496                                 <displayName>摩杜雲列伊</displayName>
7497                                 <displayName count="other">摩杜雲列伊</displayName>

7498                         </currency>
7499                         <currency type="MGA">
7500                                 <displayName>馬達加斯加阿里亞里</displayName>
7501                                 <displayName count="other">馬達加斯加阿里亞里</displayName>

7502                         </currency>
7503                         <currency type="MGF">
7504                                 <displayName>馬達加斯加法郎</displayName>
7505                                 <displayName count="other">馬達加斯加法郎</displayName>
7506                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MGF</symbol>
7507                         </currency>
7508                         <currency type="MKD">
7509                                 <displayName>馬其頓第納爾</displayName>
7510                                 <displayName count="other">馬其頓第納爾</displayName>

7511                         </currency>
7512                         <currency type="MKN">
7513                                 <displayName>馬其頓第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
7514                                 <displayName count="other">馬其頓第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
7515                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MKN</symbol>
7516                         </currency>
7517                         <currency type="MLF">
7518                                 <displayName>馬里法郎</displayName>
7519                                 <displayName count="other">馬里法郎</displayName>
7520                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MLF</symbol>
7521                         </currency>
7522                         <currency type="MMK">
7523                                 <displayName>緬甸元</displayName>
7524                                 <displayName count="other">緬甸元</displayName>

7525                         </currency>
7526                         <currency type="MNT">
7527                                 <displayName>蒙古圖格里克</displayName>
7528                                 <displayName count="other">蒙古圖格里克</displayName>

7529                         </currency>
7530                         <currency type="MOP">
7531                                 <displayName>澳門元</displayName>
7532                                 <displayName count="other">澳門元</displayName>

7533                         </currency>
7534                         <currency type="MRO">
7535                                 <displayName>茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞 (1973–2017)</displayName>
7536                                 <displayName count="other">茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞 (1973–2017)</displayName>

7537                         </currency>
7538                         <currency type="MRU">
7539                                 <displayName>茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞</displayName>
7540                                 <displayName count="other">茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞</displayName>
7541                         </currency>
7542                         <currency type="MTL">
7543                                 <displayName>馬爾他里拉</displayName>
7544                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾他里拉</displayName>
7545                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MTL</symbol>
7546                         </currency>
7547                         <currency type="MTP">
7548                                 <displayName>馬爾他鎊</displayName>
7549                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾他鎊</displayName>
7550                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MTP</symbol>
7551                         </currency>
7552                         <currency type="MUR">
7553                                 <displayName>模里西斯盧比</displayName>
7554                                 <displayName count="other">模里西斯盧比</displayName>

7555                         </currency>
7556                         <currency type="MVP">
7557                                 <displayName draft="contributed">馬爾地夫盧比</displayName>
7558                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">馬爾地夫盧比</displayName>
7559                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MVP</symbol>
7560                         </currency>
7561                         <currency type="MVR">
7562                                 <displayName>馬爾地夫盧非亞</displayName>
7563                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾地夫盧非亞</displayName>

7564                         </currency>
7565                         <currency type="MWK">
7566                                 <displayName>馬拉維克瓦查</displayName>
7567                                 <displayName count="other">馬拉維克瓦查</displayName>

7568                         </currency>
7569                         <currency type="MXN">
7570                                 <displayName>墨西哥披索</displayName>
7571                                 <displayName count="other">墨西哥披索</displayName>

7572                         </currency>
7573                         <currency type="MXP">
7574                                 <displayName>墨西哥銀披索 (1861–1992)</displayName>
7575                                 <displayName count="other">墨西哥銀披索 (1861–1992)</displayName>
7576                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MXP</symbol>
7577                         </currency>
7578                         <currency type="MXV">
7579                                 <displayName draft="contributed">墨西哥轉換單位 (UDI)</displayName>
7580                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">墨西哥轉換單位 (UDI)</displayName>
7581                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MXV</symbol>
7582                         </currency>
7583                         <currency type="MYR">
7584                                 <displayName>馬來西亞令吉</displayName>
7585                                 <displayName count="other">馬來西亞令吉</displayName>

7586                         </currency>
7587                         <currency type="MZE">
7588                                 <displayName>莫三比克埃斯庫多</displayName>
7589                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克埃斯庫多</displayName>
7590                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MZE</symbol>
7591                         </currency>
7592                         <currency type="MZM">
7593                                 <displayName>莫三比克梅蒂卡爾 (1980–2006)</displayName>
7594                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克梅蒂卡爾 (1980–2006)</displayName>
7595                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MZM</symbol>
7596                         </currency>
7597                         <currency type="MZN">
7598                                 <displayName>莫三比克梅蒂卡爾</displayName>
7599                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克梅蒂卡爾</displayName>

7600                         </currency>
7601                         <currency type="NAD">
7602                                 <displayName>納米比亞元</displayName>
7603                                 <displayName count="other">納米比亞元</displayName>

7604                         </currency>
7605                         <currency type="NGN">
7606                                 <displayName>奈及利亞奈拉</displayName>
7607                                 <displayName count="other">奈及利亞奈拉</displayName>

7608                         </currency>
7609                         <currency type="NIC">
7610                                 <displayName>尼加拉瓜科多巴</displayName>
7611                                 <displayName count="other">尼加拉瓜科多巴</displayName>
7612                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NIC</symbol>
7613                         </currency>
7614                         <currency type="NIO">
7615                                 <displayName>尼加拉瓜金科多巴</displayName>
7616                                 <displayName count="other">尼加拉瓜金科多巴</displayName>

7617                         </currency>
7618                         <currency type="NLG">
7619                                 <displayName>荷蘭盾</displayName>
7620                                 <displayName count="other">荷蘭盾</displayName>
7621                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NLG</symbol>
7622                         </currency>
7623                         <currency type="NOK">
7624                                 <displayName>挪威克朗</displayName>
7625                                 <displayName count="other">挪威克朗</displayName>

7626                         </currency>
7627                         <currency type="NPR">
7628                                 <displayName>尼泊爾盧比</displayName>
7629                                 <displayName count="other">尼泊爾盧比</displayName>

7630                         </currency>
7631                         <currency type="NZD">
7632                                 <displayName>紐西蘭幣</displayName>
7633                                 <displayName count="other">紐西蘭幣</displayName>

7634                         </currency>
7635                         <currency type="OMR">
7636                                 <displayName>阿曼里亞爾</displayName>
7637                                 <displayName count="other">阿曼里亞爾</displayName>

7638                         </currency>
7639                         <currency type="PAB">
7640                                 <displayName>巴拿馬巴波亞</displayName>
7641                                 <displayName count="other">巴拿馬巴波亞</displayName>

7642                         </currency>
7643                         <currency type="PEI">
7644                                 <displayName>祕魯因蒂</displayName>
7645                                 <displayName count="other">祕魯因蒂</displayName>
7646                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PEI</symbol>
7647                         </currency>
7648                         <currency type="PEN">
7649                                 <displayName>秘魯太陽幣</displayName>
7650                                 <displayName count="other">秘魯太陽幣</displayName>

7651                         </currency>
7652                         <currency type="PES">
7653                                 <displayName>秘魯索爾 (1863–1965)</displayName>
7654                                 <displayName count="other">秘魯索爾 (1863–1965)</displayName>
7655                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PES</symbol>
7656                         </currency>
7657                         <currency type="PGK">
7658                                 <displayName>巴布亞紐幾內亞基那</displayName>
7659                                 <displayName count="other">巴布亞紐幾內亞基那</displayName>

7660                         </currency>
7661                         <currency type="PHP">
7662                                 <displayName>菲律賓披索</displayName>
7663                                 <displayName count="other">菲律賓披索</displayName>

7664                         </currency>
7665                         <currency type="PKR">
7666                                 <displayName>巴基斯坦盧比</displayName>
7667                                 <displayName count="other">巴基斯坦盧比</displayName>

7668                         </currency>
7669                         <currency type="PLN">
7670                                 <displayName>波蘭茲羅提</displayName>
7671                                 <displayName count="other">波蘭茲羅提</displayName>

7672                         </currency>
7673                         <currency type="PLZ">
7674                                 <displayName>波蘭茲羅提 (1950–1995)</displayName>
7675                                 <displayName count="other">波蘭茲羅提 (1950–1995)</displayName>
7676                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PLZ</symbol>
7677                         </currency>
7678                         <currency type="PTE">
7679                                 <displayName>葡萄牙埃斯庫多</displayName>
7680                                 <displayName count="other">葡萄牙埃斯庫多</displayName>
7681                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PTE</symbol>
7682                         </currency>
7683                         <currency type="PYG">
7684                                 <displayName>巴拉圭瓜拉尼</displayName>
7685                                 <displayName count="other">巴拉圭瓜拉尼</displayName>

7686                         </currency>
7687                         <currency type="QAR">
7688                                 <displayName>卡達里亞爾</displayName>
7689                                 <displayName count="other">卡達里亞爾</displayName>

7690                         </currency>
7691                         <currency type="RHD">
7692                                 <displayName draft="contributed">羅德西亞元</displayName>
7693                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">羅德西亞元</displayName>
7694                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RHD</symbol>
7695                         </currency>
7696                         <currency type="ROL">
7697                                 <displayName draft="contributed">舊羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7698                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">舊羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7699                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ROL</symbol>
7700                         </currency>
7701                         <currency type="RON">
7702                                 <displayName>羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7703                                 <displayName count="other">羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>

7704                         </currency>
7705                         <currency type="RSD">
7706                                 <displayName>塞爾維亞戴納</displayName>
7707                                 <displayName count="other">塞爾維亞戴納</displayName>

7708                         </currency>
7709                         <currency type="RUB">
7710                                 <displayName>俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7711                                 <displayName count="other">俄羅斯盧布</displayName>

7712                         </currency>
7713                         <currency type="RUR">
7714                                 <displayName>俄羅斯盧布 (1991–1998)</displayName>
7715                                 <displayName count="other">俄羅斯盧布 (1991–1998)</displayName>
7716                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RUR</symbol>
7717                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">р.</symbol>
7718                         </currency>
7719                         <currency type="RWF">
7720                                 <displayName>盧安達法郎</displayName>
7721                                 <displayName count="other">盧安達法郎</displayName>

7722                         </currency>
7723                         <currency type="SAR">
7724                                 <displayName>沙烏地里亞爾</displayName>
7725                                 <displayName count="other">沙烏地里亞爾</displayName>

7726                         </currency>
7727                         <currency type="SBD">
7728                                 <displayName>索羅門群島元</displayName>
7729                                 <displayName count="other">索羅門群島元</displayName>

7730                         </currency>
7731                         <currency type="SCR">
7732                                 <displayName>塞席爾盧比</displayName>
7733                                 <displayName count="other">塞席爾盧比</displayName>

7734                         </currency>
7735                         <currency type="SDD">
7736                                 <displayName>蘇丹第納爾</displayName>
7737                                 <displayName count="other">蘇丹第納爾</displayName>
7738                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SDD</symbol>
7739                         </currency>
7740                         <currency type="SDG">
7741                                 <displayName>蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7742                                 <displayName count="other">蘇丹鎊</displayName>

7743                         </currency>
7744                         <currency type="SDP">
7745                                 <displayName>舊蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7746                                 <displayName count="other">舊蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7747                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SDP</symbol>
7748                         </currency>
7749                         <currency type="SEK">
7750                                 <displayName>瑞典克朗</displayName>
7751                                 <displayName count="other">瑞典克朗</displayName>

7752                         </currency>
7753                         <currency type="SGD">
7754                                 <displayName>新加坡幣</displayName>
7755                                 <displayName count="other">新加坡幣</displayName>

7756                         </currency>
7757                         <currency type="SHP">
7758                                 <displayName>聖赫勒拿鎊</displayName>
7759                                 <displayName count="other">聖赫勒拿鎊</displayName>

7760                         </currency>
7761                         <currency type="SIT">
7762                                 <displayName>斯洛維尼亞托勒</displayName>
7763                                 <displayName count="other">斯洛維尼亞托勒</displayName>
7764                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SIT</symbol>
7765                         </currency>
7766                         <currency type="SKK">
7767                                 <displayName>斯洛伐克克朗</displayName>
7768                                 <displayName count="other">斯洛伐克克朗</displayName>
7769                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SKK</symbol>
7770                         </currency>
7771                         <currency type="SLL">
7772                                 <displayName>獅子山利昂</displayName>
7773                                 <displayName count="other">獅子山利昂</displayName>

7774                         </currency>
7775                         <currency type="SOS">
7776                                 <displayName>索馬利亞先令</displayName>
7777                                 <displayName count="other">索馬利亞先令</displayName>

7778                         </currency>
7779                         <currency type="SRD">
7780                                 <displayName>蘇利南元</displayName>
7781                                 <displayName count="other">蘇利南元</displayName>

7782                         </currency>
7783                         <currency type="SRG">
7784                                 <displayName>蘇利南基爾</displayName>
7785                                 <displayName count="other">蘇利南基爾</displayName>
7786                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SRG</symbol>
7787                         </currency>
7788                         <currency type="SSP">
7789                                 <displayName>南蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7790                                 <displayName count="other">南蘇丹鎊</displayName>

7791                         </currency>
7792                         <currency type="STD">
7793                                 <displayName>聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉 (1977–2017)</displayName>
7794                                 <displayName count="other">聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉 (1977–2017)</displayName>

7795                         </currency>
7796                         <currency type="STN">
7797                                 <displayName>聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉</displayName>
7798                                 <displayName count="other">聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉</displayName>
7799                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Db</symbol>
7800                         </currency>
7801                         <currency type="SUR">
7802                                 <displayName>蘇聯盧布</displayName>
7803                                 <displayName count="other">蘇聯盧布</displayName>
7804                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SUR</symbol>
7805                         </currency>
7806                         <currency type="SVC">
7807                                 <displayName draft="contributed">薩爾瓦多科郎</displayName>
7808                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">薩爾瓦多科郎</displayName>
7809                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SVC</symbol>
7810                         </currency>
7811                         <currency type="SYP">
7812                                 <displayName>敘利亞鎊</displayName>
7813                                 <displayName count="other">敘利亞鎊</displayName>

7814                         </currency>
7815                         <currency type="SZL">
7816                                 <displayName>史瓦濟蘭里朗吉尼</displayName>
7817                                 <displayName count="other">史瓦濟蘭里朗吉尼</displayName>

7818                         </currency>
7819                         <currency type="THB">
7820                                 <displayName>泰銖</displayName>
7821                                 <displayName count="other">泰銖</displayName>

7822                         </currency>
7823                         <currency type="TJR">
7824                                 <displayName>塔吉克盧布</displayName>
7825                                 <displayName count="other">塔吉克盧布</displayName>
7826                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TJR</symbol>
7827                         </currency>
7828                         <currency type="TJS">
7829                                 <displayName>塔吉克索莫尼</displayName>
7830                                 <displayName count="other">塔吉克索莫尼</displayName>

7831                         </currency>
7832                         <currency type="TMM">
7833                                 <displayName>土庫曼馬納特 (1993–2009)</displayName>
7834                                 <displayName count="other">土庫曼馬納特 (1993–2009)</displayName>
7835                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TMM</symbol>
7836                         </currency>
7837                         <currency type="TMT">
7838                                 <displayName>土庫曼馬納特</displayName>
7839                                 <displayName count="other">土庫曼馬納特</displayName>

7840                         </currency>
7841                         <currency type="TND">
7842                                 <displayName>突尼西亞第納爾</displayName>
7843                                 <displayName count="other">突尼西亞第納爾</displayName>

7844                         </currency>
7845                         <currency type="TOP">
7846                                 <displayName>東加潘加</displayName>
7847                                 <displayName count="other">東加潘加</displayName>

7848                         </currency>
7849                         <currency type="TPE">
7850                                 <displayName draft="contributed">帝汶埃斯庫多</displayName>
7851                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">帝汶埃斯庫多</displayName>
7852                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TPE</symbol>
7853                         </currency>
7854                         <currency type="TRL">
7855                                 <displayName>土耳其里拉</displayName>
7856                                 <displayName count="other">土耳其里拉</displayName>
7857                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TRL</symbol>
7858                         </currency>
7859                         <currency type="TRY">
7860                                 <displayName>新土耳其里拉</displayName>
7861                                 <displayName count="other">新土耳其里拉</displayName>

7862                         </currency>
7863                         <currency type="TTD">
7864                                 <displayName>千里達及托巴哥元</displayName>
7865                                 <displayName count="other">千里達及托巴哥元</displayName>

7866                         </currency>
7867                         <currency type="TWD">
7868                                 <displayName>新台幣</displayName>
7869                                 <displayName count="other">新台幣</displayName>

7870                         </currency>
7871                         <currency type="TZS">
7872                                 <displayName>坦尚尼亞先令</displayName>
7873                                 <displayName count="other">坦尚尼亞先令</displayName>

7874                         </currency>
7875                         <currency type="UAH">
7876                                 <displayName>烏克蘭格里夫納</displayName>
7877                                 <displayName count="other">烏克蘭格里夫納</displayName>

7878                         </currency>
7879                         <currency type="UAK">
7880                                 <displayName draft="contributed">烏克蘭卡本瓦那茲</displayName>
7881                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">烏克蘭卡本瓦那茲</displayName>
7882                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UAK</symbol>
7883                         </currency>
7884                         <currency type="UGS">
7885                                 <displayName>烏干達先令 (1966–1987)</displayName>
7886                                 <displayName count="other">烏干達先令 (1966–1987)</displayName>
7887                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UGS</symbol>
7888                         </currency>
7889                         <currency type="UGX">
7890                                 <displayName>烏干達先令</displayName>
7891                                 <displayName count="other">烏干達先令</displayName>

7892                         </currency>
7893                         <currency type="USD">
7894                                 <displayName>美元</displayName>
7895                                 <displayName count="other">美元</displayName>

7896                         </currency>
7897                         <currency type="USN">
7898                                 <displayName>美元(次日)</displayName>
7899                                 <displayName count="other">美元(次日)</displayName>
7900                                 <symbol draft="contributed">USN</symbol>
7901                         </currency>
7902                         <currency type="USS">
7903                                 <displayName>美元(當日)</displayName>
7904                                 <displayName count="other">美元(當日)</displayName>
7905                                 <symbol draft="contributed">USS</symbol>
7906                         </currency>
7907                         <currency type="UYI">
7908                                 <displayName draft="contributed">烏拉圭披索(指數單位)</displayName>
7909                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">烏拉圭披索(指數單位)</displayName>
7910                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UYI</symbol>
7911                         </currency>
7912                         <currency type="UYP">
7913                                 <displayName>烏拉圭披索 (1975–1993)</displayName>
7914                                 <displayName count="other">烏拉圭披索 (1975–1993)</displayName>
7915                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UYP</symbol>
7916                         </currency>
7917                         <currency type="UYU">
7918                                 <displayName>烏拉圭披索</displayName>
7919                                 <displayName count="other">烏拉圭披索</displayName>

7920                         </currency>
7921                         <currency type="UZS">
7922                                 <displayName>烏茲別克索姆</displayName>
7923                                 <displayName count="other">烏茲別克索姆</displayName>

7924                         </currency>
7925                         <currency type="VEB">
7926                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (1871–2008)</displayName>
7927                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (1871–2008)</displayName>
7928                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VEB</symbol>
7929                         </currency>
7930                         <currency type="VEF">
7931                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (VEF)</displayName>
7932                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (VEF)</displayName>

7933                         </currency>
7934                         <currency type="VES">
7935                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦</displayName>
7936                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦</displayName>

7937                         </currency>
7938                         <currency type="VND">
7939                                 <displayName>越南盾</displayName>
7940                                 <displayName count="other">越南盾</displayName>

7941                         </currency>
7942                         <currency type="VNN">
7943                                 <displayName>越南盾 (1978–1985)</displayName>
7944                                 <displayName count="other">越南盾 (1978–1985)</displayName>
7945                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VNN</symbol>
7946                         </currency>
7947                         <currency type="VUV">
7948                                 <displayName>萬那杜瓦圖</displayName>
7949                                 <displayName count="other">萬那杜瓦圖</displayName>

7950                         </currency>
7951                         <currency type="WST">
7952                                 <displayName>西薩摩亞塔拉</displayName>
7953                                 <displayName count="other">西薩摩亞塔拉</displayName>

7954                         </currency>
7955                         <currency type="XAF">
7956                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFA–BEAC)</displayName>
7957                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFA–BEAC)</displayName>

7958                         </currency>
7959                         <currency type="XAG">
7960                                 <displayName draft="contributed">白銀</displayName>
7961                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">白銀</displayName>
7962                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XAG</symbol>
7963                         </currency>
7964                         <currency type="XAU">
7965                                 <displayName>黃金</displayName>
7966                                 <displayName count="other">黃金</displayName>
7967                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XAU</symbol>
7968                         </currency>
7969                         <currency type="XBA">
7970                                 <displayName>歐洲綜合單位</displayName>
7971                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲綜合單位</displayName>
7972                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBA</symbol>
7973                         </currency>
7974                         <currency type="XBB">
7975                                 <displayName>歐洲貨幣單位 (XBB)</displayName>
7976                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲貨幣單位 (XBB)</displayName>
7977                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBB</symbol>
7978                         </currency>
7979                         <currency type="XBC">
7980                                 <displayName>歐洲會計單位 (XBC)</displayName>
7981                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲會計單位 (XBC)</displayName>
7982                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBC</symbol>
7983                         </currency>
7984                         <currency type="XBD">
7985                                 <displayName>歐洲會計單位 (XBD)</displayName>
7986                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲會計單位 (XBD)</displayName>
7987                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBD</symbol>
7988                         </currency>
7989                         <currency type="XCD">
7990                                 <displayName>格瑞那達元</displayName>
7991                                 <displayName count="other">格瑞那達元</displayName>

7992                         </currency>
7993                         <currency type="XDR">
7994                                 <displayName>特殊提款權</displayName>
7995                                 <displayName count="other">特殊提款權</displayName>
7996                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XDR</symbol>
7997                         </currency>
7998                         <currency type="XEU">
7999                                 <displayName>歐洲貨幣單位 (XEU)</displayName>
8000                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲貨幣單位 (XEU)</displayName>
8001                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XEU</symbol>
8002                         </currency>
8003                         <currency type="XFO">
8004                                 <displayName>法國金法郎</displayName>
8005                                 <displayName count="other">法國金法郎</displayName>
8006                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XFO</symbol>
8007                         </currency>
8008                         <currency type="XFU">
8009                                 <displayName>法國法郎 (UIC)</displayName>
8010                                 <displayName count="other">法國法郎 (UIC)</displayName>
8011                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XFU</symbol>
8012                         </currency>
8013                         <currency type="XOF">
8014                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFA–BCEAO)</displayName>
8015                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFA–BCEAO)</displayName>

8016                         </currency>
8017                         <currency type="XPD">
8018                                 <displayName draft="contributed">帕拉狄昂</displayName>
8019                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">帕拉狄昂</displayName>
8020                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XPD</symbol>
8021                         </currency>
8022                         <currency type="XPF">
8023                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFP)</displayName>
8024                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFP)</displayName>

8025                         </currency>
8026                         <currency type="XPT">
8027                                 <displayName draft="contributed">白金</displayName>
8028                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">白金</displayName>
8029                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XPT</symbol>
8030                         </currency>
8031                         <currency type="XRE">
8032                                 <displayName>RINET 基金</displayName>
8033                                 <displayName count="other">RINET 基金</displayName>
8034                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XRE</symbol>
8035                         </currency>
8036                         <currency type="XSU">
8037                                 <displayName draft="contributed">蘇克雷貨幣</displayName>
8038                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">蘇克雷貨幣</displayName>
8039                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XSU</symbol>
8040                         </currency>
8041                         <currency type="XTS">
8042                                 <displayName draft="contributed">測試用貨幣代碼</displayName>
8043                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">測試用貨幣代碼</displayName>
8044                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XTS</symbol>
8045                         </currency>
8046                         <currency type="XUA">
8047                                 <displayName draft="contributed">亞洲開發銀行計價單位</displayName>
8048                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">亞洲開發銀行計價單位</displayName>
8049                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XUA</symbol>
8050                         </currency>
8051                         <currency type="XXX">
8052                                 <displayName>未知貨幣</displayName>
8053                                 <displayName count="other">(未知貨幣)</displayName>
8054                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XXX</symbol>
8055                         </currency>
8056                         <currency type="YDD">
8057                                 <displayName>葉門第納爾</displayName>
8058                                 <displayName count="other">葉門第納爾</displayName>
8059                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YDD</symbol>
8060                         </currency>
8061                         <currency type="YER">
8062                                 <displayName>葉門里亞爾</displayName>
8063                                 <displayName count="other">葉門里亞爾</displayName>

8064                         </currency>
8065                         <currency type="YUD">
8066                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫第納爾硬幣</displayName>
8067                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫第納爾硬幣</displayName>
8068                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUD</symbol>
8069                         </currency>
8070                         <currency type="YUM">
8071                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫挪威亞第納爾</displayName>
8072                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫挪威亞第納爾</displayName>
8073                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUM</symbol>
8074                         </currency>
8075                         <currency type="YUN">
8076                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫可轉換第納爾</displayName>
8077                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫可轉換第納爾</displayName>
8078                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUN</symbol>
8079                         </currency>
8080                         <currency type="YUR">
8081                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫改革第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
8082                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫改革第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
8083                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUR</symbol>
8084                         </currency>
8085                         <currency type="ZAL">
8086                                 <displayName>南非蘭特(金融)</displayName>
8087                                 <displayName count="other">南非蘭特(金融)</displayName>
8088                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZAL</symbol>
8089                         </currency>
8090                         <currency type="ZAR">
8091                                 <displayName>南非蘭特</displayName>
8092                                 <displayName count="other">南非蘭特</displayName>

8093                         </currency>
8094                         <currency type="ZMK">
8095                                 <displayName>尚比亞克瓦查 (1968–2012)</displayName>
8096                                 <displayName count="other">尚比亞克瓦查 (1968–2012)</displayName>
8097                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZMK</symbol>
8098                         </currency>
8099                         <currency type="ZMW">
8100                                 <displayName>尚比亞克瓦查</displayName>
8101                                 <displayName count="other">尚比亞克瓦查</displayName>

8102                         </currency>
8103                         <currency type="ZRN">
8104                                 <displayName>薩伊新扎伊爾</displayName>
8105                                 <displayName count="other">薩伊新扎伊爾</displayName>
8106                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZRN</symbol>
8107                         </currency>
8108                         <currency type="ZRZ">
8109                                 <displayName>薩伊扎伊爾</displayName>
8110                                 <displayName count="other">薩伊扎伊爾</displayName>
8111                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZRZ</symbol>
8112                         </currency>
8113                         <currency type="ZWD">
8114                                 <displayName>辛巴威元 (1980–2008)</displayName>
8115                                 <displayName count="other">辛巴威元 (1980–2008)</displayName>
8116                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZWD</symbol>
8117                         </currency>
8118                         <currency type="ZWL">
8119                                 <displayName>辛巴威元 (2009)</displayName>
8120                                 <displayName count="other">辛巴威元 (2009)</displayName>
8121                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZWL</symbol>

8294                         <unit type="digital-kilobyte">
8295                                 <displayName>kB</displayName>
8296                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern>
8297                         </unit>
8298                         <unit type="digital-kilobit">
8299                                 <displayName>kb</displayName>
8300                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern>
8301                         </unit>
8302                         <unit type="digital-byte">
8303                                 <displayName>byte</displayName>
8304                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} byte</unitPattern>
8305                         </unit>
8306                         <unit type="digital-bit">
8307                                 <displayName>bit</displayName>
8308                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern>
8309                         </unit>
8310                         <unit type="duration-century">
8311                                 <displayName>世紀</displayName>
8312                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個世紀</unitPattern>
8313                         </unit>

8314                         <unit type="duration-year">
8315                                 <displayName>年</displayName>
8316                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 年</unitPattern>
8317                                 <perUnitPattern>每年 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8318                         </unit>
8319                         <unit type="duration-month">
8320                                 <displayName>月</displayName>
8321                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個月</unitPattern>
8322                                 <perUnitPattern>每月 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8323                         </unit>
8324                         <unit type="duration-week">
8325                                 <displayName>週</displayName>
8326                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 週</unitPattern>
8327                                 <perUnitPattern>每週 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8328                         </unit>
8329                         <unit type="duration-day">
8330                                 <displayName>天</displayName>
8331                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 天</unitPattern>
8332                                 <perUnitPattern>每天 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8333                         </unit>

8389                         <unit type="energy-kilojoule">
8390                                 <displayName>千焦耳</displayName>
8391                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千焦耳</unitPattern>
8392                         </unit>
8393                         <unit type="energy-joule">
8394                                 <displayName>焦耳</displayName>
8395                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 焦耳</unitPattern>
8396                         </unit>
8397                         <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour">
8398                                 <displayName>千瓦小時</displayName>
8399                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦小時</unitPattern>
8400                         </unit>
8401                         <unit type="energy-electronvolt">
8402                                 <displayName>電子伏特</displayName>
8403                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 電子伏特</unitPattern>
8404                         </unit>
8405                         <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit">
8406                                 <displayName>英制熱量單位</displayName>
8407                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英制熱量單位</unitPattern>
8408                         </unit>

8409                         <unit type="force-pound-force">
8410                                 <displayName>磅力</displayName>
8411                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 磅力</unitPattern>
8412                         </unit>
8413                         <unit type="force-newton">
8414                                 <displayName>牛頓</displayName>
8415                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 牛頓</unitPattern>
8416                         </unit>
8417                         <unit type="frequency-gigahertz">
8418                                 <displayName>吉赫</displayName>
8419                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 吉赫</unitPattern>
8420                         </unit>
8421                         <unit type="frequency-megahertz">
8422                                 <displayName>兆赫</displayName>
8423                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆赫</unitPattern>
8424                         </unit>
8425                         <unit type="frequency-kilohertz">
8426                                 <displayName>千赫</displayName>
8427                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千赫</unitPattern>
8428                         </unit>
8429                         <unit type="frequency-hertz">
8430                                 <displayName>赫茲</displayName>
8431                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 赫茲</unitPattern>
8432                         </unit>

8433                         <unit type="length-kilometer">
8434                                 <displayName>公里</displayName>
8435                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公里</unitPattern>
8436                                 <perUnitPattern>每公里 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8437                         </unit>
8438                         <unit type="length-meter">
8439                                 <displayName>米</displayName>
8440                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 米</unitPattern>
8441                                 <perUnitPattern>每米 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8442                         </unit>
8443                         <unit type="length-decimeter">
8444                                 <displayName>公寸</displayName>
8445                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公寸</unitPattern>
8446                         </unit>
8447                         <unit type="length-centimeter">
8448                                 <displayName>厘米</displayName>
8449                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 厘米</unitPattern>
8450                                 <perUnitPattern>每厘米 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8451                         </unit>
8452                         <unit type="length-millimeter">

8594                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
8595                                 <displayName>百萬瓦特</displayName>
8596                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬瓦特</unitPattern>
8597                         </unit>
8598                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
8599                                 <displayName>千瓦特</displayName>
8600                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦特</unitPattern>
8601                         </unit>
8602                         <unit type="power-watt">
8603                                 <displayName>瓦特</displayName>
8604                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 瓦特</unitPattern>
8605                         </unit>
8606                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
8607                                 <displayName>毫瓦特</displayName>
8608                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫瓦特</unitPattern>
8609                         </unit>
8610                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
8611                                 <displayName>匹</displayName>
8612                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 匹</unitPattern>
8613                         </unit>
8614                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
8615                                 <displayName>百帕</displayName>
8616                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百帕</unitPattern>
8617                         </unit>
8618                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
8619                                 <displayName>毫米汞柱</displayName>
8620                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫米汞柱</unitPattern>
8621                         </unit>
8622                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
8623                                 <displayName>磅力/平方英吋</displayName>
8624                                 <unitPattern count="other">每平方吋 {0} 磅</unitPattern>
8625                         </unit>
8626                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
8627                                 <displayName>英吋汞柱</displayName>
8628                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英吋汞柱</unitPattern>
8629                         </unit>

8630                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
8631                                 <displayName>毫巴</displayName>
8632                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫巴</unitPattern>
8633                         </unit>
8634                         <unit type="pressure-atmosphere">
8635                                 <displayName>atm</displayName>
8636                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern>
8637                         </unit>

8638                         <unit type="pressure-kilopascal">
8639                                 <displayName>千帕</displayName>
8640                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千帕</unitPattern>
8641                         </unit>
8642                         <unit type="pressure-megapascal">
8643                                 <displayName>兆帕</displayName>
8644                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆帕</unitPattern>
8645                         </unit>
8646                         <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour">
8647                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
8648                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時 {0} 公里</unitPattern>
8649                         </unit>
8650                         <unit type="speed-meter-per-second">
8651                                 <displayName>米/秒</displayName>
8652                                 <unitPattern count="other">每秒 {0} 米</unitPattern>
8653                         </unit>
8654                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
8655                                 <displayName>英里/小時</displayName>
8656                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時 {0} 英里</unitPattern>
8657                         </unit>

8960                         <unit type="digital-kilobyte">
8961                                 <displayName>kB</displayName>
8962                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern>
8963                         </unit>
8964                         <unit type="digital-kilobit">
8965                                 <displayName>kb</displayName>
8966                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern>
8967                         </unit>
8968                         <unit type="digital-byte">
8969                                 <displayName>byte</displayName>
8970                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} byte</unitPattern>
8971                         </unit>
8972                         <unit type="digital-bit">
8973                                 <displayName>bit</displayName>
8974                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern>
8975                         </unit>
8976                         <unit type="duration-century">
8977                                 <displayName>世紀</displayName>
8978                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 世紀</unitPattern>
8979                         </unit>

8980                         <unit type="duration-year">
8981                                 <displayName>年</displayName>
8982                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 年</unitPattern>
8983                                 <perUnitPattern>每年{0}</perUnitPattern>
8984                         </unit>
8985                         <unit type="duration-month">
8986                                 <displayName>月</displayName>
8987                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個月</unitPattern>
8988                                 <perUnitPattern>每月{0}</perUnitPattern>
8989                         </unit>
8990                         <unit type="duration-week">
8991                                 <displayName>週</displayName>
8992                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 週</unitPattern>
8993                                 <perUnitPattern>每週{0}</perUnitPattern>
8994                         </unit>
8995                         <unit type="duration-day">
8996                                 <displayName>天</displayName>
8997                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 天</unitPattern>
8998                                 <perUnitPattern>每天{0}</perUnitPattern>
8999                         </unit>

9055                         <unit type="energy-kilojoule">
9056                                 <displayName>千焦耳</displayName>
9057                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千焦</unitPattern>
9058                         </unit>
9059                         <unit type="energy-joule">
9060                                 <displayName>焦耳</displayName>
9061                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 焦耳</unitPattern>
9062                         </unit>
9063                         <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour">
9064                                 <displayName>千瓦小時</displayName>
9065                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦小時</unitPattern>
9066                         </unit>
9067                         <unit type="energy-electronvolt">
9068                                 <displayName>電子伏特</displayName>
9069                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 電子伏特</unitPattern>
9070                         </unit>
9071                         <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit">
9072                                 <displayName>英制熱量單位</displayName>
9073                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英制熱量單位</unitPattern>
9074                         </unit>

9075                         <unit type="force-pound-force">
9076                                 <displayName>磅力</displayName>
9077                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 磅力</unitPattern>
9078                         </unit>
9079                         <unit type="force-newton">
9080                                 <displayName>牛頓</displayName>
9081                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 牛頓</unitPattern>
9082                         </unit>
9083                         <unit type="frequency-gigahertz">
9084                                 <displayName>吉赫</displayName>
9085                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 吉赫</unitPattern>
9086                         </unit>
9087                         <unit type="frequency-megahertz">
9088                                 <displayName>兆赫</displayName>
9089                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆赫</unitPattern>
9090                         </unit>
9091                         <unit type="frequency-kilohertz">
9092                                 <displayName>千赫</displayName>
9093                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千赫</unitPattern>
9094                         </unit>
9095                         <unit type="frequency-hertz">
9096                                 <displayName>赫茲</displayName>
9097                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 赫茲</unitPattern>
9098                         </unit>

9099                         <unit type="length-kilometer">
9100                                 <displayName>公里</displayName>
9101                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公里</unitPattern>
9102                                 <perUnitPattern>每公里{0}</perUnitPattern>
9103                         </unit>
9104                         <unit type="length-meter">
9105                                 <displayName>米</displayName>
9106                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 米</unitPattern>
9107                                 <perUnitPattern>每米{0}</perUnitPattern>
9108                         </unit>
9109                         <unit type="length-decimeter">
9110                                 <displayName>公寸</displayName>
9111                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公寸</unitPattern>
9112                         </unit>
9113                         <unit type="length-centimeter">
9114                                 <displayName>厘米</displayName>
9115                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 厘米</unitPattern>
9116                                 <perUnitPattern>每厘米{0}</perUnitPattern>
9117                         </unit>
9118                         <unit type="length-millimeter">

9260                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
9261                                 <displayName>百萬瓦特</displayName>
9262                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬瓦特</unitPattern>
9263                         </unit>
9264                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
9265                                 <displayName>千瓦特</displayName>
9266                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦特</unitPattern>
9267                         </unit>
9268                         <unit type="power-watt">
9269                                 <displayName>瓦特</displayName>
9270                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 瓦特</unitPattern>
9271                         </unit>
9272                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
9273                                 <displayName>毫瓦特</displayName>
9274                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫瓦特</unitPattern>
9275                         </unit>
9276                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
9277                                 <displayName>匹</displayName>
9278                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 匹</unitPattern>
9279                         </unit>
9280                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
9281                                 <displayName>百帕</displayName>
9282                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百帕</unitPattern>
9283                         </unit>
9284                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
9285                                 <displayName>毫米汞柱</displayName>
9286                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫米汞柱</unitPattern>
9287                         </unit>
9288                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
9289                                 <displayName>磅力/平方英吋</displayName>
9290                                 <unitPattern count="other">每平方吋{0}磅</unitPattern>
9291                         </unit>
9292                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
9293                                 <displayName>英吋汞柱</displayName>
9294                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英吋汞柱</unitPattern>
9295                         </unit>

9296                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
9297                                 <displayName>毫巴</displayName>
9298                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫巴</unitPattern>
9299                         </unit>
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9301                                 <displayName>atm</displayName>
9302                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern>
9303                         </unit>

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9306                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千帕</unitPattern>
9307                         </unit>
9308                         <unit type="pressure-megapascal">
9309                                 <displayName>兆帕</displayName>
9310                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆帕</unitPattern>
9311                         </unit>
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9313                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
9314                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時{0}公里</unitPattern>
9315                         </unit>
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9317                                 <displayName>米/秒</displayName>
9318                                 <unitPattern count="other">每秒{0}米</unitPattern>
9319                         </unit>
9320                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
9321                                 <displayName>英里/小時</displayName>
9322                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時{0}英里</unitPattern>
9323                         </unit>

9746                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}CD</unitPattern>
9747                         </unit>
9748                         <unit type="power-gigawatt">
9749                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}GW</unitPattern>
9750                         </unit>
9751                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
9752                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}MW</unitPattern>
9753                         </unit>
9754                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
9755                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}千瓦</unitPattern>
9756                         </unit>
9757                         <unit type="power-watt">
9758                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}瓦特</unitPattern>
9759                         </unit>
9760                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
9761                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}mW</unitPattern>
9762                         </unit>
9763                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
9764                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}匹</unitPattern>
9765                         </unit>
9766                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
9767                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}百帕</unitPattern>
9768                         </unit>
9769                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
9770                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}mmHg</unitPattern>
9771                         </unit>
9772                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
9773                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}psi</unitPattern>
9774                         </unit>
9775                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
9776                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}″ Hg</unitPattern>
9777                         </unit>
9778                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
9779                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}毫巴</unitPattern>
9780                         </unit>

9781                         <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour">
9782                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
9783                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}公里/小時</unitPattern>
9784                         </unit>
9785                         <unit type="speed-meter-per-second">
9786                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}m/s</unitPattern>
9787                         </unit>
9788                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
9789                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}英里/小時</unitPattern>
9790                         </unit>
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9792                                 <displayName>°C</displayName>
9793                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}°C</unitPattern>
9794                         </unit>
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9796                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}°F</unitPattern>
9797                         </unit>
9798                         <unit type="temperature-kelvin">
9799                                 <displayName draft="contributed">K</displayName>
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9882                         <durationUnitPattern>h:mm:ss</durationUnitPattern>
9883                 </durationUnit>
9884                 <durationUnit type="ms">
9885                         <durationUnitPattern>m:ss</durationUnitPattern>
9886                 </durationUnit>
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9925                 <listPattern type="unit-short">
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 882                         <territory type="CO">哥倫比亞</territory>
 883                         <territory type="CP">克里派頓島</territory>
 884                         <territory type="CR">哥斯大黎加</territory>
 885                         <territory type="CU">古巴</territory>
 886                         <territory type="CV">維德角</territory>
 887                         <territory type="CW">庫拉索</territory>
 888                         <territory type="CX">聖誕島</territory>
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 891                         <territory type="CZ" alt="variant">捷克共和國</territory>
 892                         <territory type="DE">德國</territory>
 893                         <territory type="DG">迪亞哥加西亞島</territory>
 894                         <territory type="DJ">吉布地</territory>
 895                         <territory type="DK">丹麥</territory>
 896                         <territory type="DM">多米尼克</territory>
 897                         <territory type="DO">多明尼加共和國</territory>

1040                         <territory type="SB">索羅門群島</territory>
1041                         <territory type="SC">塞席爾</territory>
1042                         <territory type="SD">蘇丹</territory>
1043                         <territory type="SE">瑞典</territory>
1044                         <territory type="SG">新加坡</territory>
1045                         <territory type="SH">聖赫勒拿島</territory>
1046                         <territory type="SI">斯洛維尼亞</territory>
1047                         <territory type="SJ">斯瓦爾巴特群島同揚馬延島</territory>
1048                         <territory type="SK">斯洛伐克</territory>
1049                         <territory type="SL">獅子山</territory>
1050                         <territory type="SM">聖馬利諾</territory>
1051                         <territory type="SN">塞內加爾</territory>
1052                         <territory type="SO">索馬利亞</territory>
1053                         <territory type="SR">蘇利南</territory>
1054                         <territory type="SS">南蘇丹</territory>
1055                         <territory type="ST">聖多美同普林西比</territory>
1056                         <territory type="SV">薩爾瓦多</territory>
1057                         <territory type="SX">荷屬聖馬丁</territory>
1058                         <territory type="SY">敘利亞</territory>
1059                         <territory type="SZ">史瓦濟蘭</territory>
1060                         <territory type="SZ" alt="variant">斯威士蘭</territory>
1061                         <territory type="TA">特里斯坦達庫尼亞群島</territory>
1062                         <territory type="TC">土克斯及開科斯群島</territory>
1063                         <territory type="TD">查德</territory>
1064                         <territory type="TF">法屬南方屬地</territory>
1065                         <territory type="TG">多哥</territory>
1066                         <territory type="TH">泰國</territory>
1067                         <territory type="TJ">塔吉克</territory>
1068                         <territory type="TK">托克勞群島</territory>
1069                         <territory type="TL">東帝汶</territory>
1070                         <territory type="TL" alt="variant">東帝汶</territory>
1071                         <territory type="TM">土庫曼</territory>
1072                         <territory type="TN">突尼西亞</territory>
1073                         <territory type="TO">東加</territory>
1074                         <territory type="TR">土耳其</territory>
1075                         <territory type="TT">千里達同多巴哥</territory>
1076                         <territory type="TV">吐瓦魯</territory>
1077                         <territory type="TW">台灣</territory>
1078                         <territory type="TZ">坦尚尼亞</territory>
1079                         <territory type="UA">烏克蘭</territory>
1080                         <territory type="UG">烏干達</territory>
1081                         <territory type="UM">美國本土外小島嶼</territory>
1082                         <territory type="UN">聯合國</territory>
1083                         <territory type="US">美國</territory>
1084                         <territory type="US" alt="short">美國</territory>
1085                         <territory type="UY">烏拉圭</territory>
1086                         <territory type="UZ">烏茲別克</territory>
1087                         <territory type="VA">梵蒂岡</territory>
1088                         <territory type="VC">聖文森特同格林納丁斯</territory>
1089                         <territory type="VE">委內瑞拉</territory>
1090                         <territory type="VG">英屬維京群島</territory>
1091                         <territory type="VI">美屬維京群島</territory>
1092                         <territory type="VN">越南</territory>
1093                         <territory type="VU">萬那杜</territory>
1094                         <territory type="WF">瓦利斯同富圖納群島</territory>
1095                         <territory type="WS">薩摩亞</territory>
1096                         <territory type="XA">偽口音</territory>
1097                         <territory type="XB">偽 Bidi</territory>
1098                         <territory type="XK">科索沃</territory>
1099                         <territory type="YE">葉門</territory>
1100                         <territory type="YT">馬約特</territory>
1101                         <territory type="ZA">南非</territory>
1102                         <territory type="ZM">尚比亞</territory>
1103                         <territory type="ZW">辛巴威</territory>
1104                         <territory type="ZZ">未知區域</territory>
1105                 </territories>
1106                 <variants>
1107                         <variant type="1901">傳統德語拼字學</variant>
1108                         <variant type="1994" draft="contributed">標準雷西亞拼字</variant>
1109                         <variant type="1996">1996 年的德語拼字學</variant>
1110                         <variant type="1606NICT" draft="contributed">中世紀晚期法文(至1606年)</variant>
1111                         <variant type="1694ACAD" draft="contributed">早期現代法文</variant>
1112                         <variant type="1959ACAD" draft="contributed">白俄羅斯文(學術)</variant>
1113                         <variant type="ALALC97" draft="contributed">美國國會圖書館標準方案羅馬化(1997年版)</variant>
1114                         <variant type="ALUKU" draft="contributed">阿魯庫方言</variant>
1115                         <variant type="AREVELA">亞美尼亞東部</variant>
1116                         <variant type="AREVMDA">亞美尼亞西部</variant>
1117                         <variant type="BAKU1926" draft="contributed">統一土耳其拉丁字母</variant>

1148                         <variant type="RUMGR" draft="contributed">羅曼什文</variant>
1149                         <variant type="SAAHO" draft="contributed">薩霍文</variant>
1150                         <variant type="SCOTLAND" draft="contributed">蘇格蘭標準英語</variant>
1151                         <variant type="SCOUSE" draft="contributed">利物浦方言</variant>
1152                         <variant type="SOLBA" draft="contributed">雷西亞史托維薩方言</variant>
1153                         <variant type="SURMIRAN" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇邁拉方言</variant>
1154                         <variant type="SURSILV" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇瑟瓦方言</variant>
1155                         <variant type="SUTSILV" draft="contributed">瑞士蘇希瓦方言</variant>
1156                         <variant type="TARASK" draft="contributed">白俄羅斯文傳統拼字</variant>
1157                         <variant type="UCCOR" draft="contributed">統一康沃爾文拼字</variant>
1158                         <variant type="UCRCOR" draft="contributed">統一康沃爾文修訂拼字</variant>
1159                         <variant type="ULSTER" draft="contributed">愛爾蘭阿爾斯特方言</variant>
1160                         <variant type="VAIDIKA" draft="contributed">吠陀梵文</variant>
1161                         <variant type="VALENCIA" draft="contributed">瓦倫西亞文</variant>
1162                         <variant type="VALLADER" draft="contributed">瑞士瓦勒德方言</variant>
1163                         <variant type="WADEGILE">威妥瑪式拼音</variant>
1164                 </variants>
1165                 <keys>
1166                         <key type="calendar">曆法</key>
1167                         <key type="cf">貨幣格式</key>
1168                         <key type="colAlternate">略過符號排序</key>
1169                         <key type="colBackwards">反向重音排序</key>
1170                         <key type="colCaseFirst">大寫/小寫排列</key>
1171                         <key type="colCaseLevel">區分大小寫排序</key>
1172                         <key type="collation">排序</key>
1173                         <key type="colNormalization">正規化排序</key>
1174                         <key type="colNumeric">數字排序</key>
1175                         <key type="colStrength">排序強度</key>
1176                         <key type="currency">貨幣</key>
1177                         <key type="hc">時間週期(12 小時制與 24 小時制)</key>
1178                         <key type="lb">換行樣式</key>
1179                         <key type="ms">度量單位系統</key>
1180                         <key type="numbers">數字</key>
1181                         <key type="timezone">時區</key>
1182                         <key type="va">區域變異</key>
1183                         <key type="x">專用區</key>
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1185                 <types>
1186                         <type key="calendar" type="buddhist">佛曆</type>
1187                         <type key="calendar" type="chinese">農曆</type>
1188                         <type key="calendar" type="coptic">科普特曆</type>
1189                         <type key="calendar" type="dangi">檀紀曆</type>
1190                         <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic">衣索比亞曆</type>
1191                         <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic-amete-alem">衣索比亞曆 (Amete Alem)</type>
1192                         <type key="calendar" type="gregorian">公曆</type>
1193                         <type key="calendar" type="hebrew">希伯來曆</type>
1194                         <type key="calendar" type="indian">印度國曆</type>
1195                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic">伊斯蘭曆</type>
1196                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-civil">伊斯蘭民用曆</type>
1197                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-rgsa" draft="contributed">伊斯蘭新月曆</type>
1198                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-tbla" draft="contributed">伊斯蘭天文曆</type>
1199                         <type key="calendar" type="islamic-umalqura" draft="contributed">烏姆庫拉曆</type>
1200                         <type key="calendar" type="iso8601">國際標準 ISO 8601</type>
1201                         <type key="calendar" type="japanese">日本曆</type>
1202                         <type key="calendar" type="persian">波斯曆</type>
1203                         <type key="calendar" type="roc">民國曆</type>

1312                         <type key="numbers" type="thai">泰文數字</type>
1313                         <type key="numbers" type="tibt">西藏數字</type>
1314                         <type key="numbers" type="traditional" draft="contributed">傳統數字</type>
1315                         <type key="numbers" type="vaii" draft="contributed">瓦伊文數字</type>
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1318                         <measurementSystemName type="metric">公制</measurementSystemName>
1319                         <measurementSystemName type="UK">英制</measurementSystemName>
1320                         <measurementSystemName type="US">美制</measurementSystemName>
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1330                 <exemplarCharacters type="auxiliary">[乍 仂 伏 佐 侶 僳 兆 兌 兹 凸 别 券 勳 卑 卞 占 叶 嘅 堤 墎 壤 奥 孜 峇 嶼 巽 栗 楔 涅 渾 澎 灘 燦 狄 琳 瑚 甫 碑 礁 纜 艇 芒 苗 茨 蓬 蚩 蜀 裘 謬 酋 隴 雀 髪]</exemplarCharacters>
1331                 <exemplarCharacters type="index">[一 丁 丈 不 且 丞 並 串 乘 乾 亂 亭 傀 僎 僵 儐 償 儳 儷 儻 叢 嚴 囌 囑 廳]</exemplarCharacters>
1332                 <exemplarCharacters type="numbers">[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 〇 一 七 三 九 二 五 八 六 四]</exemplarCharacters>
1333                 <exemplarCharacters type="punctuation">[‾ ﹉﹊﹋﹌ _ _ ﹍﹎﹏ ︳︴ \- - ﹣ ‐ ‑ – ︲ — ﹘ ︱ , , ﹐ 、 ﹑ ; ; ﹔ \: : ﹕ ! ! ﹗ ? ? ﹖ . . ﹒ ‥ ︰ … 。 · ' ‘ ’ &quot; " “ ” 〝 〞 ( ( ﹙ ︵ ) ) ﹚ ︶ \[ [ \] ] \{ { ﹛ ︷ \} } ﹜ ︸ 〈 ︿ 〉 ﹀ 《 ︽ 》 ︾ 「 ﹁ 」 ﹂ 『 ﹃ 』 ﹄ 【 ︻ 】 ︼ 〔 ﹝ ︹ 〕 ﹞ ︺ § @ @ ﹫ * * ﹡ / / \\ \ ﹨ \&amp; & ﹠ # # ﹟ % % ﹪ ‰ † ‡ ‧ ′ ″ ‵ 〃 ※]</exemplarCharacters>
1334                 <ellipsis type="final">{0}…</ellipsis>
1335                 <ellipsis type="initial">…{0}</ellipsis>
1336                 <ellipsis type="medial">{0}…{1}</ellipsis>
1337                 <ellipsis type="word-final">{0} …</ellipsis>
1338                 <ellipsis type="word-initial">… {0}</ellipsis>
1339                 <ellipsis type="word-medial">{0} … {1}</ellipsis>
1340                 <moreInformation>?</moreInformation>

1341         </characters>
1342         <delimiters>
1343                 <quotationStart>「</quotationStart>
1344                 <quotationEnd>」</quotationEnd>
1345                 <alternateQuotationStart>『</alternateQuotationStart>
1346                 <alternateQuotationEnd>』</alternateQuotationEnd>
1347         </delimiters>
1348         <dates>
1349                 <calendars>
1350                         <calendar type="buddhist">
1351                                 <eras>
1352                                         <eraAbbr>
1353                                                 <era type="0" draft="contributed">佛曆</era>
1354                                         </eraAbbr>
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1358                                                 <dateFormat>
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1360                                                 </dateFormat>

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2872                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">Bh:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2873                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">Bh:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2874                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2875                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="d">
2876                                                         <greatestDifference id="d">d日至d日</greatestDifference>
2877                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
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2880                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">Gy年至y年</greatestDifference>
2881                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2882                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="GyM">
2883                                                         <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGGy年M月至y年M月</greatestDifference>
2884                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGGy年M月至y年M月</greatestDifference>
2885                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGGy年M月至y年M月</greatestDifference>
2886                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
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2888                                                         <greatestDifference id="d">GGGGGy年M月dd日至y年M月dd日</greatestDifference>
2889                                                         <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGGy年M月dd日y年M月dd日</greatestDifference>
2890                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGGy年M月dd日至y年M月dd日</greatestDifference>
2891                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGGy年M月dd日至y年M月dd日</greatestDifference>
2892                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
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2895                                                         <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGGy年M月dd日E至GGGGGy年M月dd日E</greatestDifference>
2896                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGGy年M月dd日E至y年M月dd日E</greatestDifference>
2897                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGGy年M月dd日E至y年M月dd日E</greatestDifference>
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2901                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">G y年MMM至MMM</greatestDifference>
2902                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">Gy年MMM至y年MMM</greatestDifference>
2903                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
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2905                                                         <greatestDifference id="d">Gy年MMMd至d日</greatestDifference>
2906                                                         <greatestDifference id="G">Gy年MMMd日至Gy年MMMd日</greatestDifference>
2907                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">Gy年MMMd日至MMMd日</greatestDifference>
2908                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">Gy年MMMd日至y年MMMd日</greatestDifference>
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2911                                                         <greatestDifference id="d">Gy年MMMd日E至MMMd日E</greatestDifference>
2912                                                         <greatestDifference id="G">Gy 年MMMd日E至Gy年MMMd日E</greatestDifference>
2913                                                         <greatestDifference id="M">Gy年MMMd日E至MMMd日E</greatestDifference>
2914                                                         <greatestDifference id="y">Gy年MMMd日E至y年MMMd日E</greatestDifference>
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2923                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="hm">
2924                                                         <greatestDifference id="a">ah:mm至ah:mm</greatestDifference>
2925                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">ah:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2926                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">ah:mm至h:mm</greatestDifference>
2927                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2928                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="Hm">
2929                                                         <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference>
2930                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm至HH:mm</greatestDifference>
2931                                                 </intervalFormatItem>
2932                                                 <intervalFormatItem id="hmv">
2933                                                         <greatestDifference id="a">ah:mm至ah:mm [v]</greatestDifference>
2934                                                         <greatestDifference id="h">ah:mm至h:mm [v]</greatestDifference>
2935                                                         <greatestDifference id="m">ah:mm至h:mm [v]</greatestDifference>

5072                                 <exemplarCity>首爾</exemplarCity>
5073                         </zone>
5074                         <zone type="Asia/Kuwait">
5075                                 <exemplarCity>科威特</exemplarCity>
5076                         </zone>
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5078                                 <exemplarCity>開曼群島</exemplarCity>
5079                         </zone>
5080                         <zone type="Asia/Aqtau">
5081                                 <exemplarCity>阿克套</exemplarCity>
5082                         </zone>
5083                         <zone type="Asia/Oral">
5084                                 <exemplarCity>烏拉爾</exemplarCity>
5085                         </zone>
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5087                                 <exemplarCity>阿特勞</exemplarCity>
5088                         </zone>
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5090                                 <exemplarCity>阿克托比</exemplarCity>
5091                         </zone>
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5093                                 <exemplarCity>科斯塔奈</exemplarCity>
5094                         </zone>
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5097                         </zone>
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5100                         </zone>
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5103                         </zone>
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5106                         </zone>
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5109                         </zone>
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5112                         </zone>
5113                         <zone type="Asia/Colombo">
5114                                 <exemplarCity>可倫坡</exemplarCity>

6655                                         <standard>瓦利斯和富圖納群島時間</standard>
6656                                 </long>
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6659                                 <long>
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6666                                 <long>
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6668                                         <standard>葉卡捷琳堡標準時間</standard>
6669                                         <daylight>葉卡捷琳堡夏令時間</daylight>
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6844                                 <displayName count="other">阿爾巴尼亞列克</displayName>
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6854                                 <displayName count="other">荷屬安地列斯盾</displayName>
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6859                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉寬扎</displayName>
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6865                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉寬扎 (1977–1990)</displayName>
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6870                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉新寬扎 (1990–2000)</displayName>
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6874                                 <displayName>安哥拉新調寬扎 (1995–1999)</displayName>
6875                                 <displayName count="other">安哥拉新調寬扎 (1995–1999)</displayName>
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6880                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷奧斯特納爾</displayName>
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6883                         <currency type="ARL">
6884                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1970–1983)</displayName>
6885                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1970–1983)</displayName>
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6888                         <currency type="ARM">
6889                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1881–1970)</displayName>
6890                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1881–1970)</displayName>
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6893                         <currency type="ARP">
6894                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索 (1983–1985)</displayName>
6895                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索 (1983–1985)</displayName>
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6899                                 <displayName>阿根廷披索</displayName>
6900                                 <displayName count="other">阿根廷披索</displayName>
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6906                                 <displayName count="other">奧地利先令</displayName>
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6911                                 <displayName count="other">澳幣</displayName>
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6913                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
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6926                                 <displayName>亞塞拜然馬納特</displayName>
6927                                 <displayName count="other">亞塞拜然馬納特</displayName>
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6932                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納第納爾</displayName>
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6937                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納可轉換馬克</displayName>
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6939                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">KM</symbol>
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6943                                 <displayName count="other">波士尼亞-赫塞哥維納新第納爾</displayName>
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6948                                 <displayName count="other">巴貝多元</displayName>
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6950                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
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6952                         <currency type="BDT">
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6954                                 <displayName count="other">孟加拉塔卡</displayName>
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6956                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">৳</symbol>
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6960                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎(可轉換)</displayName>
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6964                                 <displayName>比利時法郎</displayName>
6965                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎</displayName>
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6968                         <currency type="BEL">
6969                                 <displayName>比利時法郎(金融)</displayName>
6970                                 <displayName count="other">比利時法郎(金融)</displayName>
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6973                         <currency type="BGL">
6974                                 <displayName>保加利亞硬列弗</displayName>
6975                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞硬列弗</displayName>
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6978                         <currency type="BGM">
6979                                 <displayName draft="contributed">保加利亞社會黨列弗</displayName>
6980                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">保加利亞社會黨列弗</displayName>
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6983                         <currency type="BGN">
6984                                 <displayName>保加利亞新列弗</displayName>
6985                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞新列弗</displayName>
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6990                                 <displayName count="other">保加利亞列弗 (1879–1952)</displayName>
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6993                         <currency type="BHD">
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6995                                 <displayName count="other">巴林第納爾</displayName>
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6998                         <currency type="BIF">
6999                                 <displayName>蒲隆地法郎</displayName>
7000                                 <displayName count="other">蒲隆地法郎</displayName>
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7003                         <currency type="BMD">
7004                                 <displayName>百慕達幣</displayName>
7005                                 <displayName count="other">百慕達幣</displayName>
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7007                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
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7009                         <currency type="BND">
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7011                                 <displayName count="other">汶萊元</displayName>
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7013                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
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7015                         <currency type="BOB">
7016                                 <displayName>玻利維亞諾</displayName>
7017                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞諾</displayName>
7018                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOB</symbol>
7019                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Bs</symbol>
7020                         </currency>
7021                         <currency type="BOL">
7022                                 <displayName>玻利維亞玻利維亞諾 (1863–1963)</displayName>
7023                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞玻利維亞諾 (1863–1963)</displayName>
7024                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOL</symbol>
7025                         </currency>
7026                         <currency type="BOP">
7027                                 <displayName>玻利維亞披索</displayName>
7028                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞披索</displayName>
7029                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOP</symbol>
7030                         </currency>
7031                         <currency type="BOV">
7032                                 <displayName>玻利維亞幕多</displayName>
7033                                 <displayName count="other">玻利維亞幕多</displayName>
7034                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BOV</symbol>
7035                         </currency>
7036                         <currency type="BRB">
7037                                 <displayName>巴西克魯薩多農瓦 (1967–1986)</displayName>
7038                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯薩多農瓦 (1967–1986)</displayName>
7039                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRB</symbol>
7040                         </currency>
7041                         <currency type="BRC">
7042                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1986–1989)</displayName>
7043                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1986–1989)</displayName>
7044                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRC</symbol>
7045                         </currency>
7046                         <currency type="BRE">
7047                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1990–1993)</displayName>
7048                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1990–1993)</displayName>
7049                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRE</symbol>
7050                         </currency>
7051                         <currency type="BRL">
7052                                 <displayName>巴西里拉</displayName>
7053                                 <displayName count="other">巴西里拉</displayName>
7054                                 <symbol draft="contributed">R$</symbol>
7055                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">R$</symbol>
7056                         </currency>
7057                         <currency type="BRN">
7058                                 <displayName>巴西克如爾達農瓦</displayName>
7059                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克如爾達農瓦</displayName>
7060                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRN</symbol>
7061                         </currency>
7062                         <currency type="BRR">
7063                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1993–1994)</displayName>
7064                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1993–1994)</displayName>
7065                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRR</symbol>
7066                         </currency>
7067                         <currency type="BRZ">
7068                                 <displayName>巴西克魯賽羅 (1942 –1967)</displayName>
7069                                 <displayName count="other">巴西克魯賽羅 (1942 –1967)</displayName>
7070                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BRZ</symbol>
7071                         </currency>
7072                         <currency type="BSD">
7073                                 <displayName>巴哈馬元</displayName>
7074                                 <displayName count="other">巴哈馬元</displayName>
7075                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BSD</symbol>
7076                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7077                         </currency>
7078                         <currency type="BTN">
7079                                 <displayName>不丹那特倫</displayName>
7080                                 <displayName count="other">不丹那特倫</displayName>
7081                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BTN</symbol>
7082                         </currency>
7083                         <currency type="BUK">
7084                                 <displayName>緬甸基雅特</displayName>
7085                                 <displayName count="other">緬甸基雅特</displayName>
7086                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BUK</symbol>
7087                         </currency>
7088                         <currency type="BWP">
7089                                 <displayName>波札那普拉</displayName>
7090                                 <displayName count="other">波札那普拉</displayName>
7091                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BWP</symbol>
7092                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">P</symbol>
7093                         </currency>
7094                         <currency type="BYB">
7095                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯新盧布 (1994–1999)</displayName>
7096                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯新盧布 (1994–1999)</displayName>
7097                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BYB</symbol>
7098                         </currency>
7099                         <currency type="BYN">
7100                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7101                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7102                                 <symbol>BYN</symbol>
7103                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">р.</symbol>
7104                         </currency>
7105                         <currency type="BYR">
7106                                 <displayName>白俄羅斯盧布 (2000–2016)</displayName>
7107                                 <displayName count="other">白俄羅斯盧布 (2000–2016)</displayName>
7108                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BYR</symbol>
7109                         </currency>
7110                         <currency type="BZD">
7111                                 <displayName>貝里斯元</displayName>
7112                                 <displayName count="other">貝里斯元</displayName>
7113                                 <symbol draft="contributed">BZD</symbol>
7114                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7115                         </currency>
7116                         <currency type="CAD">
7117                                 <displayName>加幣</displayName>
7118                                 <displayName count="other">加幣</displayName>
7119                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CA$</symbol>
7120                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7121                         </currency>
7122                         <currency type="CDF">
7123                                 <displayName>剛果法郎</displayName>
7124                                 <displayName count="other">剛果法郎</displayName>
7125                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CDF</symbol>
7126                         </currency>
7127                         <currency type="CHE">
7128                                 <displayName draft="contributed">歐元 (WIR)</displayName>
7129                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">歐元 (WIR)</displayName>
7130                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CHE</symbol>
7131                         </currency>
7132                         <currency type="CHF">
7133                                 <displayName>瑞士法郎</displayName>
7134                                 <displayName count="other">瑞士法郎</displayName>
7135                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CHF</symbol>
7136                         </currency>
7137                         <currency type="CHW">
7138                                 <displayName draft="contributed">法郎 (WIR)</displayName>
7139                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">法郎 (WIR)</displayName>
7140                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CHW</symbol>
7141                         </currency>
7142                         <currency type="CLE">
7143                                 <displayName draft="contributed">智利埃斯庫多</displayName>
7144                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">智利埃斯庫多</displayName>
7145                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CLE</symbol>
7146                         </currency>
7147                         <currency type="CLF">
7148                                 <displayName>卡林油達佛曼跎</displayName>
7149                                 <displayName count="other">卡林油達佛曼跎</displayName>
7150                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CLF</symbol>
7151                         </currency>
7152                         <currency type="CLP">
7153                                 <displayName>智利披索</displayName>
7154                                 <displayName count="other">智利披索</displayName>
7155                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CLP</symbol>
7156                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7157                         </currency>
7158                         <currency type="CNH">
7159                                 <displayName>人民幣 (離岸)</displayName>
7160                                 <displayName count="other">人民幣 (離岸)</displayName>
7161                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CNH</symbol>
7162                         </currency>
7163                         <currency type="CNX">
7164                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CNX</symbol>
7165                         </currency>
7166                         <currency type="CNY">
7167                                 <displayName>人民幣</displayName>
7168                                 <displayName count="other">人民幣</displayName>
7169                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CN¥</symbol>
7170                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">¥</symbol>
7171                         </currency>
7172                         <currency type="COP">
7173                                 <displayName>哥倫比亞披索</displayName>
7174                                 <displayName count="other">哥倫比亞披索</displayName>
7175                                 <symbol draft="contributed">COP</symbol>
7176                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7177                         </currency>
7178                         <currency type="COU">
7179                                 <displayName>哥倫比亞幣 (COU)</displayName>
7180                                 <displayName count="other">哥倫比亞幣 (COU)</displayName>
7181                                 <symbol draft="contributed">COU</symbol>
7182                         </currency>
7183                         <currency type="CRC">
7184                                 <displayName>哥斯大黎加科朗</displayName>
7185                                 <displayName count="other">哥斯大黎加科朗</displayName>
7186                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CRC</symbol>
7187                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₡</symbol>
7188                         </currency>
7189                         <currency type="CSD">
7190                                 <displayName draft="contributed">舊塞爾維亞第納爾</displayName>
7191                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">舊塞爾維亞第納爾</displayName>
7192                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CSD</symbol>
7193                         </currency>
7194                         <currency type="CSK">
7195                                 <displayName>捷克斯洛伐克硬克朗</displayName>
7196                                 <displayName count="other">捷克斯洛伐克硬克朗</displayName>
7197                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CSK</symbol>
7198                         </currency>
7199                         <currency type="CUC">
7200                                 <displayName>古巴可轉換披索</displayName>
7201                                 <displayName count="other">古巴可轉換披索</displayName>
7202                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CUC</symbol>
7203                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7204                         </currency>
7205                         <currency type="CUP">
7206                                 <displayName>古巴披索</displayName>
7207                                 <displayName count="other">古巴披索</displayName>
7208                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CUP</symbol>
7209                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7210                         </currency>
7211                         <currency type="CVE">
7212                                 <displayName>維德角埃斯庫多</displayName>
7213                                 <displayName count="other">維德角埃斯庫多</displayName>
7214                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CVE</symbol>
7215                         </currency>
7216                         <currency type="CYP">
7217                                 <displayName>賽普勒斯鎊</displayName>
7218                                 <displayName count="other">賽普勒斯鎊</displayName>
7219                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CYP</symbol>
7220                         </currency>
7221                         <currency type="CZK">
7222                                 <displayName>捷克克朗</displayName>
7223                                 <displayName count="other">捷克克朗</displayName>
7224                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CZK</symbol>
7225                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Kč</symbol>
7226                         </currency>
7227                         <currency type="DDM">
7228                                 <displayName draft="contributed">東德奧斯特馬克</displayName>
7229                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">東德奧斯特馬克</displayName>
7230                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DDM</symbol>
7231                         </currency>
7232                         <currency type="DEM">
7233                                 <displayName>德國馬克</displayName>
7234                                 <displayName count="other">德國馬克</displayName>
7235                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DEM</symbol>
7236                         </currency>
7237                         <currency type="DJF">
7238                                 <displayName>吉布地法郎</displayName>
7239                                 <displayName count="other">吉布地法郎</displayName>
7240                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DJF</symbol>
7241                         </currency>
7242                         <currency type="DKK">
7243                                 <displayName>丹麥克朗</displayName>
7244                                 <displayName count="other">丹麥克朗</displayName>
7245                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DKK</symbol>
7246                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol>
7247                         </currency>
7248                         <currency type="DOP">
7249                                 <displayName>多明尼加披索</displayName>
7250                                 <displayName count="other">多明尼加披索</displayName>
7251                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DOP</symbol>
7252                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7253                         </currency>
7254                         <currency type="DZD">
7255                                 <displayName>阿爾及利亞第納爾</displayName>
7256                                 <displayName count="other">阿爾及利亞第納爾</displayName>
7257                                 <symbol draft="contributed">DZD</symbol>
7258                         </currency>
7259                         <currency type="ECS">
7260                                 <displayName>厄瓜多蘇克雷</displayName>
7261                                 <displayName count="other">厄瓜多蘇克雷</displayName>
7262                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ECS</symbol>
7263                         </currency>
7264                         <currency type="ECV">
7265                                 <displayName>厄瓜多爾由里達瓦康斯坦 (UVC)</displayName>
7266                                 <displayName count="other">厄瓜多爾由里達瓦康斯坦 (UVC)</displayName>
7267                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ECV</symbol>
7268                         </currency>
7269                         <currency type="EEK">
7270                                 <displayName>愛沙尼亞克朗</displayName>
7271                                 <displayName count="other">愛沙尼亞克朗</displayName>
7272                                 <symbol draft="contributed">EEK</symbol>
7273                         </currency>
7274                         <currency type="EGP">
7275                                 <displayName>埃及鎊</displayName>
7276                                 <displayName count="other">埃及鎊</displayName>
7277                                 <symbol draft="contributed">EGP</symbol>
7278                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">E£</symbol>
7279                         </currency>
7280                         <currency type="ERN">
7281                                 <displayName>厄立特里亞納克法</displayName>
7282                                 <displayName count="other">厄立特里亞納克法</displayName>
7283                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ERN</symbol>
7284                         </currency>
7285                         <currency type="ESA">
7286                                 <displayName draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(會計單位)</displayName>
7287                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(會計單位)</displayName>
7288                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESA</symbol>
7289                         </currency>
7290                         <currency type="ESB">
7291                                 <displayName draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(可轉換會計單位)</displayName>
7292                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">西班牙比塞塔(可轉換會計單位)</displayName>
7293                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESB</symbol>
7294                         </currency>
7295                         <currency type="ESP">
7296                                 <displayName>西班牙陪士特</displayName>
7297                                 <displayName count="other">西班牙陪士特</displayName>
7298                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ESP</symbol>
7299                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₧</symbol>
7300                         </currency>
7301                         <currency type="ETB">
7302                                 <displayName>衣索比亞比爾</displayName>
7303                                 <displayName count="other">衣索比亞比爾</displayName>
7304                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ETB</symbol>
7305                         </currency>
7306                         <currency type="EUR">
7307                                 <displayName>歐元</displayName>
7308                                 <displayName count="other">歐元</displayName>
7309                                 <symbol draft="contributed">€</symbol>
7310                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">€</symbol>
7311                         </currency>
7312                         <currency type="FIM">
7313                                 <displayName>芬蘭馬克</displayName>
7314                                 <displayName count="other">芬蘭馬克</displayName>
7315                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FIM</symbol>
7316                         </currency>
7317                         <currency type="FJD">
7318                                 <displayName>斐濟元</displayName>
7319                                 <displayName count="other">斐濟元</displayName>
7320                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FJD</symbol>
7321                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7322                         </currency>
7323                         <currency type="FKP">
7324                                 <displayName>福克蘭群島鎊</displayName>
7325                                 <displayName count="other">福克蘭群島鎊</displayName>
7326                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FKP</symbol>
7327                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
7328                         </currency>
7329                         <currency type="FRF">
7330                                 <displayName>法國法郎</displayName>
7331                                 <displayName count="other">法國法郎</displayName>
7332                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FRF</symbol>
7333                         </currency>
7334                         <currency type="GBP">
7335                                 <displayName>英鎊</displayName>
7336                                 <displayName count="other">英鎊</displayName>
7337                                 <symbol draft="contributed">£</symbol>
7338                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
7339                         </currency>
7340                         <currency type="GEK">
7341                                 <displayName draft="contributed">喬治亞庫旁拉里</displayName>
7342                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">喬治亞庫旁拉里</displayName>
7343                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GEK</symbol>
7344                         </currency>
7345                         <currency type="GEL">
7346                                 <displayName>喬治亞拉里</displayName>
7347                                 <displayName count="other">喬治亞拉里</displayName>
7348                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GEL</symbol>
7349                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₾</symbol>
7350                                 <symbol alt="variant" draft="contributed">₾</symbol>
7351                         </currency>
7352                         <currency type="GHC">
7353                                 <displayName>迦納賽地 (1979–2007)</displayName>
7354                                 <displayName count="other">迦納賽地 (1979–2007)</displayName>
7355                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GHC</symbol>
7356                         </currency>
7357                         <currency type="GHS">
7358                                 <displayName>迦納塞地</displayName>
7359                                 <displayName count="other">迦納塞地</displayName>
7360                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GHS</symbol>
7361                         </currency>
7362                         <currency type="GIP">
7363                                 <displayName>直布羅陀鎊</displayName>
7364                                 <displayName count="other">直布羅陀鎊</displayName>
7365                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GIP</symbol>
7366                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
7367                         </currency>
7368                         <currency type="GMD">
7369                                 <displayName>甘比亞達拉西</displayName>
7370                                 <displayName count="other">甘比亞達拉西</displayName>
7371                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GMD</symbol>
7372                         </currency>
7373                         <currency type="GNF">
7374                                 <displayName>幾內亞法郎</displayName>
7375                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞法郎</displayName>
7376                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GNF</symbol>
7377                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">FG</symbol>
7378                         </currency>
7379                         <currency type="GNS">
7380                                 <displayName>幾內亞西里</displayName>
7381                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞西里</displayName>
7382                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GNS</symbol>
7383                         </currency>
7384                         <currency type="GQE">
7385                                 <displayName>赤道幾內亞埃奎勒</displayName>
7386                                 <displayName count="other">赤道幾內亞埃奎勒</displayName>
7387                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GQE</symbol>
7388                         </currency>
7389                         <currency type="GRD">
7390                                 <displayName>希臘德拉克馬</displayName>
7391                                 <displayName count="other">希臘德拉克馬</displayName>
7392                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GRD</symbol>
7393                         </currency>
7394                         <currency type="GTQ">
7395                                 <displayName>瓜地馬拉格查爾</displayName>
7396                                 <displayName count="other">瓜地馬拉格查爾</displayName>
7397                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GTQ</symbol>
7398                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Q</symbol>
7399                         </currency>
7400                         <currency type="GWE">
7401                                 <displayName>葡屬幾內亞埃斯庫多</displayName>
7402                                 <displayName count="other">葡屬幾內亞埃斯庫多</displayName>
7403                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GWE</symbol>
7404                         </currency>
7405                         <currency type="GWP">
7406                                 <displayName>幾內亞比索披索</displayName>
7407                                 <displayName count="other">幾內亞比索披索</displayName>
7408                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GWP</symbol>
7409                         </currency>
7410                         <currency type="GYD">
7411                                 <displayName>圭亞那元</displayName>
7412                                 <displayName count="other">圭亞那元</displayName>
7413                                 <symbol draft="contributed">GYD</symbol>
7414                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7415                         </currency>
7416                         <currency type="HKD">
7417                                 <displayName>港幣</displayName>
7418                                 <displayName count="other">港幣</displayName>
7419                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HK$</symbol>
7420                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7421                         </currency>
7422                         <currency type="HNL">
7423                                 <displayName>洪都拉斯倫皮拉</displayName>
7424                                 <displayName count="other">洪都拉斯倫皮拉</displayName>
7425                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HNL</symbol>
7426                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">L</symbol>
7427                         </currency>
7428                         <currency type="HRD">
7429                                 <displayName>克羅埃西亞第納爾</displayName>
7430                                 <displayName count="other">克羅埃西亞第納爾</displayName>
7431                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HRD</symbol>
7432                         </currency>
7433                         <currency type="HRK">
7434                                 <displayName>克羅埃西亞庫納</displayName>
7435                                 <displayName count="other">克羅埃西亞庫納</displayName>
7436                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HRK</symbol>
7437                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kn</symbol>
7438                         </currency>
7439                         <currency type="HTG">
7440                                 <displayName>海地古德</displayName>
7441                                 <displayName count="other">海地古德</displayName>
7442                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HTG</symbol>
7443                         </currency>
7444                         <currency type="HUF">
7445                                 <displayName>匈牙利福林</displayName>
7446                                 <displayName count="other">匈牙利福林</displayName>
7447                                 <symbol draft="contributed">HUF</symbol>
7448                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Ft</symbol>
7449                         </currency>
7450                         <currency type="IDR">
7451                                 <displayName>印尼盾</displayName>
7452                                 <displayName count="other">印尼盾</displayName>
7453                                 <symbol draft="contributed">IDR</symbol>
7454                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rp</symbol>
7455                         </currency>
7456                         <currency type="IEP">
7457                                 <displayName>愛爾蘭鎊</displayName>
7458                                 <displayName count="other">愛爾蘭鎊</displayName>
7459                                 <symbol draft="contributed">IEP</symbol>
7460                         </currency>
7461                         <currency type="ILP">
7462                                 <displayName>以色列鎊</displayName>
7463                                 <displayName count="other">以色列鎊</displayName>
7464                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ILP</symbol>
7465                         </currency>
7466                         <currency type="ILR">
7467                                 <displayName draft="contributed">以色列謝克爾 (1980–1985)</displayName>
7468                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">以色列謝克爾 (1980–1985)</displayName>
7469                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ILR</symbol>
7470                         </currency>
7471                         <currency type="ILS">
7472                                 <displayName>以色列新謝克爾</displayName>
7473                                 <displayName count="other">以色列新謝克爾</displayName>
7474                                 <symbol draft="contributed">₪</symbol>
7475                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₪</symbol>
7476                         </currency>
7477                         <currency type="INR">
7478                                 <displayName>印度盧比</displayName>
7479                                 <displayName count="other">印度盧比</displayName>
7480                                 <symbol draft="contributed">₹</symbol>
7481                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₹</symbol>
7482                         </currency>
7483                         <currency type="IQD">
7484                                 <displayName>伊拉克第納爾</displayName>
7485                                 <displayName count="other">伊拉克第納爾</displayName>
7486                                 <symbol draft="contributed">IQD</symbol>
7487                         </currency>
7488                         <currency type="IRR">
7489                                 <displayName>伊朗里亞爾</displayName>
7490                                 <displayName count="other">伊朗里亞爾</displayName>
7491                                 <symbol draft="contributed">IRR</symbol>
7492                         </currency>
7493                         <currency type="ISJ">
7494                                 <displayName draft="contributed">冰島克朗 (1918–1981)</displayName>
7495                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">冰島克朗 (1918–1981)</displayName>
7496                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ISJ</symbol>
7497                         </currency>
7498                         <currency type="ISK">
7499                                 <displayName>冰島克朗</displayName>
7500                                 <displayName count="other">冰島克朗</displayName>
7501                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ISK</symbol>
7502                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol>
7503                         </currency>
7504                         <currency type="ITL">
7505                                 <displayName>義大利里拉</displayName>
7506                                 <displayName count="other">義大利里拉</displayName>
7507                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ITL</symbol>
7508                         </currency>
7509                         <currency type="JMD">
7510                                 <displayName>牙買加元</displayName>
7511                                 <displayName count="other">牙買加元</displayName>
7512                                 <symbol draft="contributed">JMD</symbol>
7513                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7514                         </currency>
7515                         <currency type="JOD">
7516                                 <displayName>約旦第納爾</displayName>
7517                                 <displayName count="other">約旦第納爾</displayName>
7518                                 <symbol draft="contributed">JOD</symbol>
7519                         </currency>
7520                         <currency type="JPY">
7521                                 <displayName>日圓</displayName>
7522                                 <displayName count="other">日圓</displayName>
7523                                 <symbol>¥</symbol>
7524                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">¥</symbol>
7525                         </currency>
7526                         <currency type="KES">
7527                                 <displayName>肯尼亞先令</displayName>
7528                                 <displayName count="other">肯尼亞先令</displayName>
7529                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KES</symbol>
7530                         </currency>
7531                         <currency type="KGS">
7532                                 <displayName>吉爾吉斯索姆</displayName>
7533                                 <displayName count="other">吉爾吉斯索姆</displayName>
7534                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KGS</symbol>
7535                         </currency>
7536                         <currency type="KHR">
7537                                 <displayName>柬埔寨瑞爾</displayName>
7538                                 <displayName count="other">柬埔寨瑞爾</displayName>
7539                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KHR</symbol>
7540                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">៛</symbol>
7541                         </currency>
7542                         <currency type="KMF">
7543                                 <displayName>科摩羅法郎</displayName>
7544                                 <displayName count="other">科摩羅法郎</displayName>
7545                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KMF</symbol>
7546                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">CF</symbol>
7547                         </currency>
7548                         <currency type="KPW">
7549                                 <displayName>北韓圓</displayName>
7550                                 <displayName count="other">北韓圓</displayName>
7551                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KPW</symbol>
7552                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₩</symbol>
7553                         </currency>
7554                         <currency type="KRH">
7555                                 <displayName draft="contributed">南韓圜</displayName>
7556                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">南韓圜</displayName>
7557                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KRH</symbol>
7558                         </currency>
7559                         <currency type="KRO">
7560                                 <displayName draft="contributed">南韓圓</displayName>
7561                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">南韓圓</displayName>
7562                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KRO</symbol>
7563                         </currency>
7564                         <currency type="KRW">
7565                                 <displayName>韓圓</displayName>
7566                                 <displayName count="other">韓圓</displayName>
7567                                 <symbol>₩</symbol>
7568                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₩</symbol>
7569                         </currency>
7570                         <currency type="KWD">
7571                                 <displayName>科威特第納爾</displayName>
7572                                 <displayName count="other">科威特第納爾</displayName>
7573                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KWD</symbol>
7574                         </currency>
7575                         <currency type="KYD">
7576                                 <displayName>開曼群島元</displayName>
7577                                 <displayName count="other">開曼群島元</displayName>
7578                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KYD</symbol>
7579                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7580                         </currency>
7581                         <currency type="KZT">
7582                                 <displayName>卡扎克斯坦坦吉</displayName>
7583                                 <displayName count="other">卡扎克斯坦坦吉</displayName>
7584                                 <symbol draft="contributed">KZT</symbol>
7585                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₸</symbol>
7586                         </currency>
7587                         <currency type="LAK">
7588                                 <displayName>寮國基普</displayName>
7589                                 <displayName count="other">寮國基普</displayName>
7590                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LAK</symbol>
7591                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₭</symbol>
7592                         </currency>
7593                         <currency type="LBP">
7594                                 <displayName>黎巴嫩鎊</displayName>
7595                                 <displayName count="other">黎巴嫩鎊</displayName>
7596                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LBP</symbol>
7597                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">L£</symbol>
7598                         </currency>
7599                         <currency type="LKR">
7600                                 <displayName>斯里蘭卡盧比</displayName>
7601                                 <displayName count="other">斯里蘭卡盧比</displayName>
7602                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LKR</symbol>
7603                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol>
7604                         </currency>
7605                         <currency type="LRD">
7606                                 <displayName>賴比瑞亞元</displayName>
7607                                 <displayName count="other">賴比瑞亞元</displayName>
7608                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LRD</symbol>
7609                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7610                         </currency>
7611                         <currency type="LSL">
7612                                 <displayName>賴索托洛蒂</displayName>
7613                                 <displayName count="other">賴索托洛蒂</displayName>
7614                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LSL</symbol>
7615                         </currency>
7616                         <currency type="LTL">
7617                                 <displayName>立陶宛立特</displayName>
7618                                 <displayName count="other">立陶宛立特</displayName>
7619                                 <symbol>LTL</symbol>
7620                         </currency>
7621                         <currency type="LTT">
7622                                 <displayName>立陶宛特羅</displayName>
7623                                 <displayName count="other">立陶宛特羅</displayName>
7624                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LTT</symbol>
7625                         </currency>
7626                         <currency type="LUC">
7627                                 <displayName draft="contributed">盧森堡可兌換法郎</displayName>
7628                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">盧森堡可兌換法郎</displayName>
7629                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUC</symbol>

7634                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUF</symbol>
7635                         </currency>
7636                         <currency type="LUL">
7637                                 <displayName draft="contributed">盧森堡金融法郎</displayName>
7638                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">盧森堡金融法郎</displayName>
7639                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LUL</symbol>
7640                         </currency>
7641                         <currency type="LVL">
7642                                 <displayName>拉脫維亞拉特銀幣</displayName>
7643                                 <displayName count="other">拉脫維亞拉特銀幣</displayName>
7644                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LVL</symbol>
7645                         </currency>
7646                         <currency type="LVR">
7647                                 <displayName>拉脫維亞盧布</displayName>
7648                                 <displayName count="other">拉脫維亞盧布</displayName>
7649                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LVR</symbol>
7650                         </currency>
7651                         <currency type="LYD">
7652                                 <displayName>利比亞第納爾</displayName>
7653                                 <displayName count="other">利比亞第納爾</displayName>
7654                                 <symbol draft="contributed">LYD</symbol>
7655                         </currency>
7656                         <currency type="MAD">
7657                                 <displayName>摩洛哥迪拉姆</displayName>
7658                                 <displayName count="other">摩洛哥迪拉姆</displayName>
7659                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MAD</symbol>
7660                         </currency>
7661                         <currency type="MAF">
7662                                 <displayName>摩洛哥法郎</displayName>
7663                                 <displayName count="other">摩洛哥法郎</displayName>
7664                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MAF</symbol>
7665                         </currency>
7666                         <currency type="MCF">
7667                                 <displayName draft="contributed">摩納哥法郎</displayName>
7668                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">摩納哥法郎</displayName>
7669                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MCF</symbol>
7670                         </currency>
7671                         <currency type="MDC">
7672                                 <displayName draft="contributed">摩爾多瓦券</displayName>
7673                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">摩爾多瓦券</displayName>
7674                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MDC</symbol>
7675                         </currency>
7676                         <currency type="MDL">
7677                                 <displayName>摩杜雲列伊</displayName>
7678                                 <displayName count="other">摩杜雲列伊</displayName>
7679                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MDL</symbol>
7680                         </currency>
7681                         <currency type="MGA">
7682                                 <displayName>馬達加斯加阿里亞里</displayName>
7683                                 <displayName count="other">馬達加斯加阿里亞里</displayName>
7684                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MGA</symbol>
7685                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Ar</symbol>
7686                         </currency>
7687                         <currency type="MGF">
7688                                 <displayName>馬達加斯加法郎</displayName>
7689                                 <displayName count="other">馬達加斯加法郎</displayName>
7690                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MGF</symbol>
7691                         </currency>
7692                         <currency type="MKD">
7693                                 <displayName>馬其頓第納爾</displayName>
7694                                 <displayName count="other">馬其頓第納爾</displayName>
7695                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MKD</symbol>
7696                         </currency>
7697                         <currency type="MKN">
7698                                 <displayName>馬其頓第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
7699                                 <displayName count="other">馬其頓第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
7700                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MKN</symbol>
7701                         </currency>
7702                         <currency type="MLF">
7703                                 <displayName>馬里法郎</displayName>
7704                                 <displayName count="other">馬里法郎</displayName>
7705                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MLF</symbol>
7706                         </currency>
7707                         <currency type="MMK">
7708                                 <displayName>緬甸元</displayName>
7709                                 <displayName count="other">緬甸元</displayName>
7710                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MMK</symbol>
7711                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">K</symbol>
7712                         </currency>
7713                         <currency type="MNT">
7714                                 <displayName>蒙古圖格里克</displayName>
7715                                 <displayName count="other">蒙古圖格里克</displayName>
7716                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MNT</symbol>
7717                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₮</symbol>
7718                         </currency>
7719                         <currency type="MOP">
7720                                 <displayName>澳門元</displayName>
7721                                 <displayName count="other">澳門元</displayName>
7722                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MOP</symbol>
7723                         </currency>
7724                         <currency type="MRO">
7725                                 <displayName>茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞 (1973–2017)</displayName>
7726                                 <displayName count="other">茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞 (1973–2017)</displayName>
7727                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MRO</symbol>
7728                         </currency>
7729                         <currency type="MRU">
7730                                 <displayName>茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞</displayName>
7731                                 <displayName count="other">茅利塔尼亞烏吉亞</displayName>
7732                         </currency>
7733                         <currency type="MTL">
7734                                 <displayName>馬爾他里拉</displayName>
7735                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾他里拉</displayName>
7736                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MTL</symbol>
7737                         </currency>
7738                         <currency type="MTP">
7739                                 <displayName>馬爾他鎊</displayName>
7740                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾他鎊</displayName>
7741                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MTP</symbol>
7742                         </currency>
7743                         <currency type="MUR">
7744                                 <displayName>模里西斯盧比</displayName>
7745                                 <displayName count="other">模里西斯盧比</displayName>
7746                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MUR</symbol>
7747                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol>
7748                         </currency>
7749                         <currency type="MVP">
7750                                 <displayName draft="contributed">馬爾地夫盧比</displayName>
7751                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">馬爾地夫盧比</displayName>
7752                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MVP</symbol>
7753                         </currency>
7754                         <currency type="MVR">
7755                                 <displayName>馬爾地夫盧非亞</displayName>
7756                                 <displayName count="other">馬爾地夫盧非亞</displayName>
7757                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MVR</symbol>
7758                         </currency>
7759                         <currency type="MWK">
7760                                 <displayName>馬拉維克瓦查</displayName>
7761                                 <displayName count="other">馬拉維克瓦查</displayName>
7762                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MWK</symbol>
7763                         </currency>
7764                         <currency type="MXN">
7765                                 <displayName>墨西哥披索</displayName>
7766                                 <displayName count="other">墨西哥披索</displayName>
7767                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MX$</symbol>
7768                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7769                         </currency>
7770                         <currency type="MXP">
7771                                 <displayName>墨西哥銀披索 (1861–1992)</displayName>
7772                                 <displayName count="other">墨西哥銀披索 (1861–1992)</displayName>
7773                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MXP</symbol>
7774                         </currency>
7775                         <currency type="MXV">
7776                                 <displayName draft="contributed">墨西哥轉換單位 (UDI)</displayName>
7777                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">墨西哥轉換單位 (UDI)</displayName>
7778                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MXV</symbol>
7779                         </currency>
7780                         <currency type="MYR">
7781                                 <displayName>馬來西亞令吉</displayName>
7782                                 <displayName count="other">馬來西亞令吉</displayName>
7783                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MYR</symbol>
7784                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">RM</symbol>
7785                         </currency>
7786                         <currency type="MZE">
7787                                 <displayName>莫三比克埃斯庫多</displayName>
7788                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克埃斯庫多</displayName>
7789                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MZE</symbol>
7790                         </currency>
7791                         <currency type="MZM">
7792                                 <displayName>莫三比克梅蒂卡爾 (1980–2006)</displayName>
7793                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克梅蒂卡爾 (1980–2006)</displayName>
7794                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MZM</symbol>
7795                         </currency>
7796                         <currency type="MZN">
7797                                 <displayName>莫三比克梅蒂卡爾</displayName>
7798                                 <displayName count="other">莫三比克梅蒂卡爾</displayName>
7799                                 <symbol draft="contributed">MZN</symbol>
7800                         </currency>
7801                         <currency type="NAD">
7802                                 <displayName>納米比亞元</displayName>
7803                                 <displayName count="other">納米比亞元</displayName>
7804                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NAD</symbol>
7805                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7806                         </currency>
7807                         <currency type="NGN">
7808                                 <displayName>奈及利亞奈拉</displayName>
7809                                 <displayName count="other">奈及利亞奈拉</displayName>
7810                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NGN</symbol>
7811                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₦</symbol>
7812                         </currency>
7813                         <currency type="NIC">
7814                                 <displayName>尼加拉瓜科多巴</displayName>
7815                                 <displayName count="other">尼加拉瓜科多巴</displayName>
7816                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NIC</symbol>
7817                         </currency>
7818                         <currency type="NIO">
7819                                 <displayName>尼加拉瓜金科多巴</displayName>
7820                                 <displayName count="other">尼加拉瓜金科多巴</displayName>
7821                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NIO</symbol>
7822                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">C$</symbol>
7823                         </currency>
7824                         <currency type="NLG">
7825                                 <displayName>荷蘭盾</displayName>
7826                                 <displayName count="other">荷蘭盾</displayName>
7827                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NLG</symbol>
7828                         </currency>
7829                         <currency type="NOK">
7830                                 <displayName>挪威克朗</displayName>
7831                                 <displayName count="other">挪威克朗</displayName>
7832                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NOK</symbol>
7833                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol>
7834                         </currency>
7835                         <currency type="NPR">
7836                                 <displayName>尼泊爾盧比</displayName>
7837                                 <displayName count="other">尼泊爾盧比</displayName>
7838                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NPR</symbol>
7839                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol>
7840                         </currency>
7841                         <currency type="NZD">
7842                                 <displayName>紐西蘭幣</displayName>
7843                                 <displayName count="other">紐西蘭幣</displayName>
7844                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NZ$</symbol>
7845                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7846                         </currency>
7847                         <currency type="OMR">
7848                                 <displayName>阿曼里亞爾</displayName>
7849                                 <displayName count="other">阿曼里亞爾</displayName>
7850                                 <symbol draft="contributed">OMR</symbol>
7851                         </currency>
7852                         <currency type="PAB">
7853                                 <displayName>巴拿馬巴波亞</displayName>
7854                                 <displayName count="other">巴拿馬巴波亞</displayName>
7855                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PAB</symbol>
7856                         </currency>
7857                         <currency type="PEI">
7858                                 <displayName>祕魯因蒂</displayName>
7859                                 <displayName count="other">祕魯因蒂</displayName>
7860                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PEI</symbol>
7861                         </currency>
7862                         <currency type="PEN">
7863                                 <displayName>秘魯太陽幣</displayName>
7864                                 <displayName count="other">秘魯太陽幣</displayName>
7865                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PEN</symbol>
7866                         </currency>
7867                         <currency type="PES">
7868                                 <displayName>秘魯索爾 (1863–1965)</displayName>
7869                                 <displayName count="other">秘魯索爾 (1863–1965)</displayName>
7870                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PES</symbol>
7871                         </currency>
7872                         <currency type="PGK">
7873                                 <displayName>巴布亞紐幾內亞基那</displayName>
7874                                 <displayName count="other">巴布亞紐幾內亞基那</displayName>
7875                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PGK</symbol>
7876                         </currency>
7877                         <currency type="PHP">
7878                                 <displayName>菲律賓披索</displayName>
7879                                 <displayName count="other">菲律賓披索</displayName>
7880                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PHP</symbol>
7881                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₱</symbol>
7882                         </currency>
7883                         <currency type="PKR">
7884                                 <displayName>巴基斯坦盧比</displayName>
7885                                 <displayName count="other">巴基斯坦盧比</displayName>
7886                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PKR</symbol>
7887                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol>
7888                         </currency>
7889                         <currency type="PLN">
7890                                 <displayName>波蘭茲羅提</displayName>
7891                                 <displayName count="other">波蘭茲羅提</displayName>
7892                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PLN</symbol>
7893                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">zł</symbol>
7894                         </currency>
7895                         <currency type="PLZ">
7896                                 <displayName>波蘭茲羅提 (1950–1995)</displayName>
7897                                 <displayName count="other">波蘭茲羅提 (1950–1995)</displayName>
7898                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PLZ</symbol>
7899                         </currency>
7900                         <currency type="PTE">
7901                                 <displayName>葡萄牙埃斯庫多</displayName>
7902                                 <displayName count="other">葡萄牙埃斯庫多</displayName>
7903                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PTE</symbol>
7904                         </currency>
7905                         <currency type="PYG">
7906                                 <displayName>巴拉圭瓜拉尼</displayName>
7907                                 <displayName count="other">巴拉圭瓜拉尼</displayName>
7908                                 <symbol draft="contributed">PYG</symbol>
7909                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₲</symbol>
7910                         </currency>
7911                         <currency type="QAR">
7912                                 <displayName>卡達里亞爾</displayName>
7913                                 <displayName count="other">卡達里亞爾</displayName>
7914                                 <symbol draft="contributed">QAR</symbol>
7915                         </currency>
7916                         <currency type="RHD">
7917                                 <displayName draft="contributed">羅德西亞元</displayName>
7918                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">羅德西亞元</displayName>
7919                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RHD</symbol>
7920                         </currency>
7921                         <currency type="ROL">
7922                                 <displayName draft="contributed">舊羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7923                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">舊羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7924                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ROL</symbol>
7925                         </currency>
7926                         <currency type="RON">
7927                                 <displayName>羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7928                                 <displayName count="other">羅馬尼亞列伊</displayName>
7929                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RON</symbol>
7930                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">lei</symbol>
7931                         </currency>
7932                         <currency type="RSD">
7933                                 <displayName>塞爾維亞戴納</displayName>
7934                                 <displayName count="other">塞爾維亞戴納</displayName>
7935                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RSD</symbol>
7936                         </currency>
7937                         <currency type="RUB">
7938                                 <displayName>俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7939                                 <displayName count="other">俄羅斯盧布</displayName>
7940                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RUB</symbol>
7941                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₽</symbol>
7942                         </currency>
7943                         <currency type="RUR">
7944                                 <displayName>俄羅斯盧布 (1991–1998)</displayName>
7945                                 <displayName count="other">俄羅斯盧布 (1991–1998)</displayName>
7946                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RUR</symbol>
7947                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">р.</symbol>
7948                         </currency>
7949                         <currency type="RWF">
7950                                 <displayName>盧安達法郎</displayName>
7951                                 <displayName count="other">盧安達法郎</displayName>
7952                                 <symbol draft="contributed">RWF</symbol>
7953                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">RF</symbol>
7954                         </currency>
7955                         <currency type="SAR">
7956                                 <displayName>沙烏地里亞爾</displayName>
7957                                 <displayName count="other">沙烏地里亞爾</displayName>
7958                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SAR</symbol>
7959                         </currency>
7960                         <currency type="SBD">
7961                                 <displayName>索羅門群島元</displayName>
7962                                 <displayName count="other">索羅門群島元</displayName>
7963                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SBD</symbol>
7964                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7965                         </currency>
7966                         <currency type="SCR">
7967                                 <displayName>塞席爾盧比</displayName>
7968                                 <displayName count="other">塞席爾盧比</displayName>
7969                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SCR</symbol>
7970                         </currency>
7971                         <currency type="SDD">
7972                                 <displayName>蘇丹第納爾</displayName>
7973                                 <displayName count="other">蘇丹第納爾</displayName>
7974                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SDD</symbol>
7975                         </currency>
7976                         <currency type="SDG">
7977                                 <displayName>蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7978                                 <displayName count="other">蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7979                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SDG</symbol>
7980                         </currency>
7981                         <currency type="SDP">
7982                                 <displayName>舊蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7983                                 <displayName count="other">舊蘇丹鎊</displayName>
7984                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SDP</symbol>
7985                         </currency>
7986                         <currency type="SEK">
7987                                 <displayName>瑞典克朗</displayName>
7988                                 <displayName count="other">瑞典克朗</displayName>
7989                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SEK</symbol>
7990                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol>
7991                         </currency>
7992                         <currency type="SGD">
7993                                 <displayName>新加坡幣</displayName>
7994                                 <displayName count="other">新加坡幣</displayName>
7995                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SGD</symbol>
7996                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
7997                         </currency>
7998                         <currency type="SHP">
7999                                 <displayName>聖赫勒拿鎊</displayName>
8000                                 <displayName count="other">聖赫勒拿鎊</displayName>
8001                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SHP</symbol>
8002                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
8003                         </currency>
8004                         <currency type="SIT">
8005                                 <displayName>斯洛維尼亞托勒</displayName>
8006                                 <displayName count="other">斯洛維尼亞托勒</displayName>
8007                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SIT</symbol>
8008                         </currency>
8009                         <currency type="SKK">
8010                                 <displayName>斯洛伐克克朗</displayName>
8011                                 <displayName count="other">斯洛伐克克朗</displayName>
8012                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SKK</symbol>
8013                         </currency>
8014                         <currency type="SLL">
8015                                 <displayName>獅子山利昂</displayName>
8016                                 <displayName count="other">獅子山利昂</displayName>
8017                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SLL</symbol>
8018                         </currency>
8019                         <currency type="SOS">
8020                                 <displayName>索馬利亞先令</displayName>
8021                                 <displayName count="other">索馬利亞先令</displayName>
8022                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SOS</symbol>
8023                         </currency>
8024                         <currency type="SRD">
8025                                 <displayName>蘇利南元</displayName>
8026                                 <displayName count="other">蘇利南元</displayName>
8027                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SRD</symbol>
8028                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8029                         </currency>
8030                         <currency type="SRG">
8031                                 <displayName>蘇利南基爾</displayName>
8032                                 <displayName count="other">蘇利南基爾</displayName>
8033                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SRG</symbol>
8034                         </currency>
8035                         <currency type="SSP">
8036                                 <displayName>南蘇丹鎊</displayName>
8037                                 <displayName count="other">南蘇丹鎊</displayName>
8038                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SSP</symbol>
8039                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
8040                         </currency>
8041                         <currency type="STD">
8042                                 <displayName>聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉 (1977–2017)</displayName>
8043                                 <displayName count="other">聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉 (1977–2017)</displayName>
8044                                 <symbol draft="contributed">STD</symbol>
8045                         </currency>
8046                         <currency type="STN">
8047                                 <displayName>聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉</displayName>
8048                                 <displayName count="other">聖多美島和普林西比島多布拉</displayName>
8049                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Db</symbol>
8050                         </currency>
8051                         <currency type="SUR">
8052                                 <displayName>蘇聯盧布</displayName>
8053                                 <displayName count="other">蘇聯盧布</displayName>
8054                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SUR</symbol>
8055                         </currency>
8056                         <currency type="SVC">
8057                                 <displayName draft="contributed">薩爾瓦多科郎</displayName>
8058                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">薩爾瓦多科郎</displayName>
8059                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SVC</symbol>
8060                         </currency>
8061                         <currency type="SYP">
8062                                 <displayName>敘利亞鎊</displayName>
8063                                 <displayName count="other">敘利亞鎊</displayName>
8064                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SYP</symbol>
8065                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol>
8066                         </currency>
8067                         <currency type="SZL">
8068                                 <displayName>史瓦濟蘭里朗吉尼</displayName>
8069                                 <displayName count="other">史瓦濟蘭里朗吉尼</displayName>
8070                                 <symbol draft="contributed">SZL</symbol>
8071                         </currency>
8072                         <currency type="THB">
8073                                 <displayName>泰銖</displayName>
8074                                 <displayName count="other">泰銖</displayName>
8075                                 <symbol draft="contributed">THB</symbol>
8076                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">฿</symbol>
8077                         </currency>
8078                         <currency type="TJR">
8079                                 <displayName>塔吉克盧布</displayName>
8080                                 <displayName count="other">塔吉克盧布</displayName>
8081                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TJR</symbol>
8082                         </currency>
8083                         <currency type="TJS">
8084                                 <displayName>塔吉克索莫尼</displayName>
8085                                 <displayName count="other">塔吉克索莫尼</displayName>
8086                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TJS</symbol>
8087                         </currency>
8088                         <currency type="TMM">
8089                                 <displayName>土庫曼馬納特 (1993–2009)</displayName>
8090                                 <displayName count="other">土庫曼馬納特 (1993–2009)</displayName>
8091                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TMM</symbol>
8092                         </currency>
8093                         <currency type="TMT">
8094                                 <displayName>土庫曼馬納特</displayName>
8095                                 <displayName count="other">土庫曼馬納特</displayName>
8096                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TMT</symbol>
8097                         </currency>
8098                         <currency type="TND">
8099                                 <displayName>突尼西亞第納爾</displayName>
8100                                 <displayName count="other">突尼西亞第納爾</displayName>
8101                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TND</symbol>
8102                         </currency>
8103                         <currency type="TOP">
8104                                 <displayName>東加潘加</displayName>
8105                                 <displayName count="other">東加潘加</displayName>
8106                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TOP</symbol>
8107                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">T$</symbol>
8108                         </currency>
8109                         <currency type="TPE">
8110                                 <displayName draft="contributed">帝汶埃斯庫多</displayName>
8111                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">帝汶埃斯庫多</displayName>
8112                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TPE</symbol>
8113                         </currency>
8114                         <currency type="TRL">
8115                                 <displayName>土耳其里拉</displayName>
8116                                 <displayName count="other">土耳其里拉</displayName>
8117                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TRL</symbol>
8118                         </currency>
8119                         <currency type="TRY">
8120                                 <displayName>新土耳其里拉</displayName>
8121                                 <displayName count="other">新土耳其里拉</displayName>
8122                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TRY</symbol>
8123                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₺</symbol>
8124                                 <symbol alt="variant" draft="contributed">TL</symbol>
8125                         </currency>
8126                         <currency type="TTD">
8127                                 <displayName>千里達及托巴哥元</displayName>
8128                                 <displayName count="other">千里達及托巴哥元</displayName>
8129                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TTD</symbol>
8130                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8131                         </currency>
8132                         <currency type="TWD">
8133                                 <displayName>新台幣</displayName>
8134                                 <displayName count="other">新台幣</displayName>
8135                                 <symbol draft="contributed">NT$</symbol>
8136                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8137                         </currency>
8138                         <currency type="TZS">
8139                                 <displayName>坦尚尼亞先令</displayName>
8140                                 <displayName count="other">坦尚尼亞先令</displayName>
8141                                 <symbol draft="contributed">TZS</symbol>
8142                         </currency>
8143                         <currency type="UAH">
8144                                 <displayName>烏克蘭格里夫納</displayName>
8145                                 <displayName count="other">烏克蘭格里夫納</displayName>
8146                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UAH</symbol>
8147                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₴</symbol>
8148                         </currency>
8149                         <currency type="UAK">
8150                                 <displayName draft="contributed">烏克蘭卡本瓦那茲</displayName>
8151                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">烏克蘭卡本瓦那茲</displayName>
8152                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UAK</symbol>
8153                         </currency>
8154                         <currency type="UGS">
8155                                 <displayName>烏干達先令 (1966–1987)</displayName>
8156                                 <displayName count="other">烏干達先令 (1966–1987)</displayName>
8157                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UGS</symbol>
8158                         </currency>
8159                         <currency type="UGX">
8160                                 <displayName>烏干達先令</displayName>
8161                                 <displayName count="other">烏干達先令</displayName>
8162                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UGX</symbol>
8163                         </currency>
8164                         <currency type="USD">
8165                                 <displayName>美元</displayName>
8166                                 <displayName count="other">美元</displayName>
8167                                 <symbol draft="contributed">US$</symbol>
8168                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8169                         </currency>
8170                         <currency type="USN">
8171                                 <displayName>美元(次日)</displayName>
8172                                 <displayName count="other">美元(次日)</displayName>
8173                                 <symbol draft="contributed">USN</symbol>
8174                         </currency>
8175                         <currency type="USS">
8176                                 <displayName>美元(當日)</displayName>
8177                                 <displayName count="other">美元(當日)</displayName>
8178                                 <symbol draft="contributed">USS</symbol>
8179                         </currency>
8180                         <currency type="UYI">
8181                                 <displayName draft="contributed">烏拉圭披索(指數單位)</displayName>
8182                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">烏拉圭披索(指數單位)</displayName>
8183                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UYI</symbol>
8184                         </currency>
8185                         <currency type="UYP">
8186                                 <displayName>烏拉圭披索 (1975–1993)</displayName>
8187                                 <displayName count="other">烏拉圭披索 (1975–1993)</displayName>
8188                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UYP</symbol>
8189                         </currency>
8190                         <currency type="UYU">
8191                                 <displayName>烏拉圭披索</displayName>
8192                                 <displayName count="other">烏拉圭披索</displayName>
8193                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UYU</symbol>
8194                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8195                         </currency>
8196                         <currency type="UZS">
8197                                 <displayName>烏茲別克索姆</displayName>
8198                                 <displayName count="other">烏茲別克索姆</displayName>
8199                                 <symbol draft="contributed">UZS</symbol>
8200                         </currency>
8201                         <currency type="VEB">
8202                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (1871–2008)</displayName>
8203                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (1871–2008)</displayName>
8204                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VEB</symbol>
8205                         </currency>
8206                         <currency type="VEF">
8207                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (VEF)</displayName>
8208                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦 (VEF)</displayName>
8209                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VEF</symbol>
8210                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Bs</symbol>
8211                         </currency>
8212                         <currency type="VES">
8213                                 <displayName>委內瑞拉玻利瓦</displayName>
8214                                 <displayName count="other">委內瑞拉玻利瓦</displayName>
8215                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VES</symbol>
8216                         </currency>
8217                         <currency type="VND">
8218                                 <displayName>越南盾</displayName>
8219                                 <displayName count="other">越南盾</displayName>
8220                                 <symbol draft="contributed">₫</symbol>
8221                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₫</symbol>
8222                         </currency>
8223                         <currency type="VNN">
8224                                 <displayName>越南盾 (1978–1985)</displayName>
8225                                 <displayName count="other">越南盾 (1978–1985)</displayName>
8226                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VNN</symbol>
8227                         </currency>
8228                         <currency type="VUV">
8229                                 <displayName>萬那杜瓦圖</displayName>
8230                                 <displayName count="other">萬那杜瓦圖</displayName>
8231                                 <symbol draft="contributed">VUV</symbol>
8232                         </currency>
8233                         <currency type="WST">
8234                                 <displayName>西薩摩亞塔拉</displayName>
8235                                 <displayName count="other">西薩摩亞塔拉</displayName>
8236                                 <symbol draft="contributed">WST</symbol>
8237                         </currency>
8238                         <currency type="XAF">
8239                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFA–BEAC)</displayName>
8240                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFA–BEAC)</displayName>
8241                                 <symbol draft="contributed">FCFA</symbol>
8242                         </currency>
8243                         <currency type="XAG">
8244                                 <displayName draft="contributed">白銀</displayName>
8245                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">白銀</displayName>
8246                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XAG</symbol>
8247                         </currency>
8248                         <currency type="XAU">
8249                                 <displayName>黃金</displayName>
8250                                 <displayName count="other">黃金</displayName>
8251                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XAU</symbol>
8252                         </currency>
8253                         <currency type="XBA">
8254                                 <displayName>歐洲綜合單位</displayName>
8255                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲綜合單位</displayName>
8256                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBA</symbol>
8257                         </currency>
8258                         <currency type="XBB">
8259                                 <displayName>歐洲貨幣單位 (XBB)</displayName>
8260                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲貨幣單位 (XBB)</displayName>
8261                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBB</symbol>
8262                         </currency>
8263                         <currency type="XBC">
8264                                 <displayName>歐洲會計單位 (XBC)</displayName>
8265                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲會計單位 (XBC)</displayName>
8266                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBC</symbol>
8267                         </currency>
8268                         <currency type="XBD">
8269                                 <displayName>歐洲會計單位 (XBD)</displayName>
8270                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲會計單位 (XBD)</displayName>
8271                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XBD</symbol>
8272                         </currency>
8273                         <currency type="XCD">
8274                                 <displayName>格瑞那達元</displayName>
8275                                 <displayName count="other">格瑞那達元</displayName>
8276                                 <symbol draft="contributed">EC$</symbol>
8277                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol>
8278                         </currency>
8279                         <currency type="XDR">
8280                                 <displayName>特殊提款權</displayName>
8281                                 <displayName count="other">特殊提款權</displayName>
8282                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XDR</symbol>
8283                         </currency>
8284                         <currency type="XEU">
8285                                 <displayName>歐洲貨幣單位 (XEU)</displayName>
8286                                 <displayName count="other">歐洲貨幣單位 (XEU)</displayName>
8287                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XEU</symbol>
8288                         </currency>
8289                         <currency type="XFO">
8290                                 <displayName>法國金法郎</displayName>
8291                                 <displayName count="other">法國金法郎</displayName>
8292                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XFO</symbol>
8293                         </currency>
8294                         <currency type="XFU">
8295                                 <displayName>法國法郎 (UIC)</displayName>
8296                                 <displayName count="other">法國法郎 (UIC)</displayName>
8297                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XFU</symbol>
8298                         </currency>
8299                         <currency type="XOF">
8300                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFA–BCEAO)</displayName>
8301                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFA–BCEAO)</displayName>
8302                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CFA</symbol>
8303                         </currency>
8304                         <currency type="XPD">
8305                                 <displayName draft="contributed">帕拉狄昂</displayName>
8306                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">帕拉狄昂</displayName>
8307                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XPD</symbol>
8308                         </currency>
8309                         <currency type="XPF">
8310                                 <displayName>法郎 (CFP)</displayName>
8311                                 <displayName count="other">法郎 (CFP)</displayName>
8312                                 <symbol draft="contributed">CFPF</symbol>
8313                         </currency>
8314                         <currency type="XPT">
8315                                 <displayName draft="contributed">白金</displayName>
8316                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">白金</displayName>
8317                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XPT</symbol>
8318                         </currency>
8319                         <currency type="XRE">
8320                                 <displayName>RINET 基金</displayName>
8321                                 <displayName count="other">RINET 基金</displayName>
8322                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XRE</symbol>
8323                         </currency>
8324                         <currency type="XSU">
8325                                 <displayName draft="contributed">蘇克雷貨幣</displayName>
8326                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">蘇克雷貨幣</displayName>
8327                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XSU</symbol>
8328                         </currency>
8329                         <currency type="XTS">
8330                                 <displayName draft="contributed">測試用貨幣代碼</displayName>
8331                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">測試用貨幣代碼</displayName>
8332                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XTS</symbol>
8333                         </currency>
8334                         <currency type="XUA">
8335                                 <displayName draft="contributed">亞洲開發銀行計價單位</displayName>
8336                                 <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">亞洲開發銀行計價單位</displayName>
8337                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XUA</symbol>
8338                         </currency>
8339                         <currency type="XXX">
8340                                 <displayName>未知貨幣</displayName>
8341                                 <displayName count="other">(未知貨幣)</displayName>
8342                                 <symbol draft="contributed">XXX</symbol>
8343                         </currency>
8344                         <currency type="YDD">
8345                                 <displayName>葉門第納爾</displayName>
8346                                 <displayName count="other">葉門第納爾</displayName>
8347                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YDD</symbol>
8348                         </currency>
8349                         <currency type="YER">
8350                                 <displayName>葉門里亞爾</displayName>
8351                                 <displayName count="other">葉門里亞爾</displayName>
8352                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YER</symbol>
8353                         </currency>
8354                         <currency type="YUD">
8355                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫第納爾硬幣</displayName>
8356                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫第納爾硬幣</displayName>
8357                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUD</symbol>
8358                         </currency>
8359                         <currency type="YUM">
8360                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫挪威亞第納爾</displayName>
8361                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫挪威亞第納爾</displayName>
8362                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUM</symbol>
8363                         </currency>
8364                         <currency type="YUN">
8365                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫可轉換第納爾</displayName>
8366                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫可轉換第納爾</displayName>
8367                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUN</symbol>
8368                         </currency>
8369                         <currency type="YUR">
8370                                 <displayName>南斯拉夫改革第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
8371                                 <displayName count="other">南斯拉夫改革第納爾 (1992–1993)</displayName>
8372                                 <symbol draft="contributed">YUR</symbol>
8373                         </currency>
8374                         <currency type="ZAL">
8375                                 <displayName>南非蘭特(金融)</displayName>
8376                                 <displayName count="other">南非蘭特(金融)</displayName>
8377                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZAL</symbol>
8378                         </currency>
8379                         <currency type="ZAR">
8380                                 <displayName>南非蘭特</displayName>
8381                                 <displayName count="other">南非蘭特</displayName>
8382                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZAR</symbol>
8383                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">R</symbol>
8384                         </currency>
8385                         <currency type="ZMK">
8386                                 <displayName>尚比亞克瓦查 (1968–2012)</displayName>
8387                                 <displayName count="other">尚比亞克瓦查 (1968–2012)</displayName>
8388                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZMK</symbol>
8389                         </currency>
8390                         <currency type="ZMW">
8391                                 <displayName>尚比亞克瓦查</displayName>
8392                                 <displayName count="other">尚比亞克瓦查</displayName>
8393                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZMW</symbol>
8394                                 <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">ZK</symbol>
8395                         </currency>
8396                         <currency type="ZRN">
8397                                 <displayName>薩伊新扎伊爾</displayName>
8398                                 <displayName count="other">薩伊新扎伊爾</displayName>
8399                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZRN</symbol>
8400                         </currency>
8401                         <currency type="ZRZ">
8402                                 <displayName>薩伊扎伊爾</displayName>
8403                                 <displayName count="other">薩伊扎伊爾</displayName>
8404                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZRZ</symbol>
8405                         </currency>
8406                         <currency type="ZWD">
8407                                 <displayName>辛巴威元 (1980–2008)</displayName>
8408                                 <displayName count="other">辛巴威元 (1980–2008)</displayName>
8409                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZWD</symbol>
8410                         </currency>
8411                         <currency type="ZWL">
8412                                 <displayName>辛巴威元 (2009)</displayName>
8413                                 <displayName count="other">辛巴威元 (2009)</displayName>
8414                                 <symbol draft="contributed">ZWL</symbol>

8587                         <unit type="digital-kilobyte">
8588                                 <displayName>kB</displayName>
8589                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern>
8590                         </unit>
8591                         <unit type="digital-kilobit">
8592                                 <displayName>kb</displayName>
8593                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern>
8594                         </unit>
8595                         <unit type="digital-byte">
8596                                 <displayName>byte</displayName>
8597                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} byte</unitPattern>
8598                         </unit>
8599                         <unit type="digital-bit">
8600                                 <displayName>bit</displayName>
8601                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern>
8602                         </unit>
8603                         <unit type="duration-century">
8604                                 <displayName>世紀</displayName>
8605                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個世紀</unitPattern>
8606                         </unit>
8607                         <unit type="duration-decade">
8608                                 <displayName>十年</displayName>
8609                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個十年</unitPattern>
8610                         </unit>
8611                         <unit type="duration-year">
8612                                 <displayName>年</displayName>
8613                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 年</unitPattern>
8614                                 <perUnitPattern>每年 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8615                         </unit>
8616                         <unit type="duration-month">
8617                                 <displayName>月</displayName>
8618                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個月</unitPattern>
8619                                 <perUnitPattern>每月 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8620                         </unit>
8621                         <unit type="duration-week">
8622                                 <displayName>週</displayName>
8623                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 週</unitPattern>
8624                                 <perUnitPattern>每週 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8625                         </unit>
8626                         <unit type="duration-day">
8627                                 <displayName>天</displayName>
8628                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 天</unitPattern>
8629                                 <perUnitPattern>每天 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8630                         </unit>

8686                         <unit type="energy-kilojoule">
8687                                 <displayName>千焦耳</displayName>
8688                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千焦耳</unitPattern>
8689                         </unit>
8690                         <unit type="energy-joule">
8691                                 <displayName>焦耳</displayName>
8692                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 焦耳</unitPattern>
8693                         </unit>
8694                         <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour">
8695                                 <displayName>千瓦小時</displayName>
8696                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦小時</unitPattern>
8697                         </unit>
8698                         <unit type="energy-electronvolt">
8699                                 <displayName>電子伏特</displayName>
8700                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 電子伏特</unitPattern>
8701                         </unit>
8702                         <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit">
8703                                 <displayName>英制熱量單位</displayName>
8704                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英制熱量單位</unitPattern>
8705                         </unit>
8706                         <unit type="energy-therm-us">
8707                                 <displayName>美制熱量單位</displayName>
8708                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 美制熱量單位</unitPattern>
8709                         </unit>
8710                         <unit type="force-pound-force">
8711                                 <displayName>磅力</displayName>
8712                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 磅力</unitPattern>
8713                         </unit>
8714                         <unit type="force-newton">
8715                                 <displayName>牛頓</displayName>
8716                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 牛頓</unitPattern>
8717                         </unit>
8718                         <unit type="frequency-gigahertz">
8719                                 <displayName>吉赫</displayName>
8720                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 吉赫</unitPattern>
8721                         </unit>
8722                         <unit type="frequency-megahertz">
8723                                 <displayName>兆赫</displayName>
8724                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆赫</unitPattern>
8725                         </unit>
8726                         <unit type="frequency-kilohertz">
8727                                 <displayName>千赫</displayName>
8728                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千赫</unitPattern>
8729                         </unit>
8730                         <unit type="frequency-hertz">
8731                                 <displayName>赫茲</displayName>
8732                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 赫茲</unitPattern>
8733                         </unit>
8734                         <unit type="graphics-em">
8735                                 <displayName>字體 em</displayName>
8736                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} em</unitPattern>
8737                         </unit>
8738                         <unit type="graphics-pixel">
8739                                 <displayName>像素</displayName>
8740                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素</unitPattern>
8741                         </unit>
8742                         <unit type="graphics-megapixel">
8743                                 <displayName>百萬像素</displayName>
8744                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬像素</unitPattern>
8745                         </unit>
8746                         <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter">
8747                                 <displayName>每厘米像素</displayName>
8748                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素/厘米</unitPattern>
8749                         </unit>
8750                         <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch">
8751                                 <displayName>每吋像素</displayName>
8752                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素/吋</unitPattern>
8753                         </unit>
8754                         <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter">
8755                                 <displayName>每厘米點數</displayName>
8756                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 點/厘米</unitPattern>
8757                         </unit>
8758                         <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch">
8759                                 <displayName>每吋點數</displayName>
8760                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 點/吋</unitPattern>
8761                         </unit>
8762                         <unit type="length-kilometer">
8763                                 <displayName>公里</displayName>
8764                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公里</unitPattern>
8765                                 <perUnitPattern>每公里 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8766                         </unit>
8767                         <unit type="length-meter">
8768                                 <displayName>米</displayName>
8769                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 米</unitPattern>
8770                                 <perUnitPattern>每米 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8771                         </unit>
8772                         <unit type="length-decimeter">
8773                                 <displayName>公寸</displayName>
8774                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公寸</unitPattern>
8775                         </unit>
8776                         <unit type="length-centimeter">
8777                                 <displayName>厘米</displayName>
8778                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 厘米</unitPattern>
8779                                 <perUnitPattern>每厘米 {0}</perUnitPattern>
8780                         </unit>
8781                         <unit type="length-millimeter">

8923                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
8924                                 <displayName>百萬瓦特</displayName>
8925                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬瓦特</unitPattern>
8926                         </unit>
8927                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
8928                                 <displayName>千瓦特</displayName>
8929                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦特</unitPattern>
8930                         </unit>
8931                         <unit type="power-watt">
8932                                 <displayName>瓦特</displayName>
8933                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 瓦特</unitPattern>
8934                         </unit>
8935                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
8936                                 <displayName>毫瓦特</displayName>
8937                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫瓦特</unitPattern>
8938                         </unit>
8939                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
8940                                 <displayName>匹</displayName>
8941                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 匹</unitPattern>
8942                         </unit>

8943                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
8944                                 <displayName>毫米汞柱</displayName>
8945                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫米汞柱</unitPattern>
8946                         </unit>
8947                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
8948                                 <displayName>磅力/平方英吋</displayName>
8949                                 <unitPattern count="other">每平方吋 {0} 磅</unitPattern>
8950                         </unit>
8951                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
8952                                 <displayName>英吋汞柱</displayName>
8953                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英吋汞柱</unitPattern>
8954                         </unit>
8955                         <unit type="pressure-bar">
8956                                 <displayName>巴</displayName>
8957                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 巴</unitPattern>
8958                         </unit>
8959                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
8960                                 <displayName>毫巴</displayName>
8961                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫巴</unitPattern>
8962                         </unit>
8963                         <unit type="pressure-atmosphere">
8964                                 <displayName>atm</displayName>
8965                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern>
8966                         </unit>
8967                         <unit type="pressure-pascal">
8968                                 <displayName>帕斯卡</displayName>
8969                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 帕斯卡</unitPattern>
8970                         </unit>
8971                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
8972                                 <displayName>百帕</displayName>
8973                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百帕</unitPattern>
8974                         </unit>
8975                         <unit type="pressure-kilopascal">
8976                                 <displayName>千帕</displayName>
8977                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千帕</unitPattern>
8978                         </unit>
8979                         <unit type="pressure-megapascal">
8980                                 <displayName>兆帕</displayName>
8981                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆帕</unitPattern>
8982                         </unit>
8983                         <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour">
8984                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
8985                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時 {0} 公里</unitPattern>
8986                         </unit>
8987                         <unit type="speed-meter-per-second">
8988                                 <displayName>米/秒</displayName>
8989                                 <unitPattern count="other">每秒 {0} 米</unitPattern>
8990                         </unit>
8991                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
8992                                 <displayName>英里/小時</displayName>
8993                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時 {0} 英里</unitPattern>
8994                         </unit>

9297                         <unit type="digital-kilobyte">
9298                                 <displayName>kB</displayName>
9299                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern>
9300                         </unit>
9301                         <unit type="digital-kilobit">
9302                                 <displayName>kb</displayName>
9303                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern>
9304                         </unit>
9305                         <unit type="digital-byte">
9306                                 <displayName>byte</displayName>
9307                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} byte</unitPattern>
9308                         </unit>
9309                         <unit type="digital-bit">
9310                                 <displayName>bit</displayName>
9311                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern>
9312                         </unit>
9313                         <unit type="duration-century">
9314                                 <displayName>世紀</displayName>
9315                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 世紀</unitPattern>
9316                         </unit>
9317                         <unit type="duration-decade">
9318                                 <displayName>十年</displayName>
9319                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個十年</unitPattern>
9320                         </unit>
9321                         <unit type="duration-year">
9322                                 <displayName>年</displayName>
9323                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 年</unitPattern>
9324                                 <perUnitPattern>每年{0}</perUnitPattern>
9325                         </unit>
9326                         <unit type="duration-month">
9327                                 <displayName>月</displayName>
9328                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 個月</unitPattern>
9329                                 <perUnitPattern>每月{0}</perUnitPattern>
9330                         </unit>
9331                         <unit type="duration-week">
9332                                 <displayName>週</displayName>
9333                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 週</unitPattern>
9334                                 <perUnitPattern>每週{0}</perUnitPattern>
9335                         </unit>
9336                         <unit type="duration-day">
9337                                 <displayName>天</displayName>
9338                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 天</unitPattern>
9339                                 <perUnitPattern>每天{0}</perUnitPattern>
9340                         </unit>

9396                         <unit type="energy-kilojoule">
9397                                 <displayName>千焦耳</displayName>
9398                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千焦</unitPattern>
9399                         </unit>
9400                         <unit type="energy-joule">
9401                                 <displayName>焦耳</displayName>
9402                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 焦耳</unitPattern>
9403                         </unit>
9404                         <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour">
9405                                 <displayName>千瓦小時</displayName>
9406                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦小時</unitPattern>
9407                         </unit>
9408                         <unit type="energy-electronvolt">
9409                                 <displayName>電子伏特</displayName>
9410                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 電子伏特</unitPattern>
9411                         </unit>
9412                         <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit">
9413                                 <displayName>英制熱量單位</displayName>
9414                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英制熱量單位</unitPattern>
9415                         </unit>
9416                         <unit type="energy-therm-us">
9417                                 <displayName>美制熱量單位</displayName>
9418                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 美制熱量單位</unitPattern>
9419                         </unit>
9420                         <unit type="force-pound-force">
9421                                 <displayName>磅力</displayName>
9422                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 磅力</unitPattern>
9423                         </unit>
9424                         <unit type="force-newton">
9425                                 <displayName>牛頓</displayName>
9426                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 牛頓</unitPattern>
9427                         </unit>
9428                         <unit type="frequency-gigahertz">
9429                                 <displayName>吉赫</displayName>
9430                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 吉赫</unitPattern>
9431                         </unit>
9432                         <unit type="frequency-megahertz">
9433                                 <displayName>兆赫</displayName>
9434                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆赫</unitPattern>
9435                         </unit>
9436                         <unit type="frequency-kilohertz">
9437                                 <displayName>千赫</displayName>
9438                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千赫</unitPattern>
9439                         </unit>
9440                         <unit type="frequency-hertz">
9441                                 <displayName>赫茲</displayName>
9442                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 赫茲</unitPattern>
9443                         </unit>
9444                         <unit type="graphics-em">
9445                                 <displayName>em</displayName>
9446                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} em</unitPattern>
9447                         </unit>
9448                         <unit type="graphics-pixel">
9449                                 <displayName>像素</displayName>
9450                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素</unitPattern>
9451                         </unit>
9452                         <unit type="graphics-megapixel">
9453                                 <displayName>百萬像素</displayName>
9454                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬像素</unitPattern>
9455                         </unit>
9456                         <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter">
9457                                 <displayName>每厘米像素</displayName>
9458                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素/厘米</unitPattern>
9459                         </unit>
9460                         <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch">
9461                                 <displayName>每吋像素</displayName>
9462                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 像素/吋</unitPattern>
9463                         </unit>
9464                         <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter">
9465                                 <displayName>每厘米點數</displayName>
9466                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 點/厘米</unitPattern>
9467                         </unit>
9468                         <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch">
9469                                 <displayName>每吋點數</displayName>
9470                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 點/吋</unitPattern>
9471                         </unit>
9472                         <unit type="length-kilometer">
9473                                 <displayName>公里</displayName>
9474                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公里</unitPattern>
9475                                 <perUnitPattern>每公里{0}</perUnitPattern>
9476                         </unit>
9477                         <unit type="length-meter">
9478                                 <displayName>米</displayName>
9479                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 米</unitPattern>
9480                                 <perUnitPattern>每米{0}</perUnitPattern>
9481                         </unit>
9482                         <unit type="length-decimeter">
9483                                 <displayName>公寸</displayName>
9484                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 公寸</unitPattern>
9485                         </unit>
9486                         <unit type="length-centimeter">
9487                                 <displayName>厘米</displayName>
9488                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 厘米</unitPattern>
9489                                 <perUnitPattern>每厘米{0}</perUnitPattern>
9490                         </unit>
9491                         <unit type="length-millimeter">

9633                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
9634                                 <displayName>百萬瓦特</displayName>
9635                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百萬瓦特</unitPattern>
9636                         </unit>
9637                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
9638                                 <displayName>千瓦特</displayName>
9639                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千瓦特</unitPattern>
9640                         </unit>
9641                         <unit type="power-watt">
9642                                 <displayName>瓦特</displayName>
9643                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 瓦特</unitPattern>
9644                         </unit>
9645                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
9646                                 <displayName>毫瓦特</displayName>
9647                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫瓦特</unitPattern>
9648                         </unit>
9649                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
9650                                 <displayName>匹</displayName>
9651                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 匹</unitPattern>
9652                         </unit>

9653                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
9654                                 <displayName>毫米汞柱</displayName>
9655                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫米汞柱</unitPattern>
9656                         </unit>
9657                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
9658                                 <displayName>磅力/平方英吋</displayName>
9659                                 <unitPattern count="other">每平方吋{0}磅</unitPattern>
9660                         </unit>
9661                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
9662                                 <displayName>英吋汞柱</displayName>
9663                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 英吋汞柱</unitPattern>
9664                         </unit>
9665                         <unit type="pressure-bar">
9666                                 <displayName>巴</displayName>
9667                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 巴</unitPattern>
9668                         </unit>
9669                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
9670                                 <displayName>毫巴</displayName>
9671                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 毫巴</unitPattern>
9672                         </unit>
9673                         <unit type="pressure-atmosphere">
9674                                 <displayName>atm</displayName>
9675                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern>
9676                         </unit>
9677                         <unit type="pressure-pascal">
9678                                 <displayName>帕斯卡</displayName>
9679                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 帕斯卡</unitPattern>
9680                         </unit>
9681                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
9682                                 <displayName>百帕</displayName>
9683                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 百帕</unitPattern>
9684                         </unit>
9685                         <unit type="pressure-kilopascal">
9686                                 <displayName>千帕</displayName>
9687                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 千帕</unitPattern>
9688                         </unit>
9689                         <unit type="pressure-megapascal">
9690                                 <displayName>兆帕</displayName>
9691                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0} 兆帕</unitPattern>
9692                         </unit>
9693                         <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour">
9694                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
9695                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時{0}公里</unitPattern>
9696                         </unit>
9697                         <unit type="speed-meter-per-second">
9698                                 <displayName>米/秒</displayName>
9699                                 <unitPattern count="other">每秒{0}米</unitPattern>
9700                         </unit>
9701                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
9702                                 <displayName>英里/小時</displayName>
9703                                 <unitPattern count="other">每小時{0}英里</unitPattern>
9704                         </unit>

10127                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}CD</unitPattern>
10128                         </unit>
10129                         <unit type="power-gigawatt">
10130                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}GW</unitPattern>
10131                         </unit>
10132                         <unit type="power-megawatt">
10133                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}MW</unitPattern>
10134                         </unit>
10135                         <unit type="power-kilowatt">
10136                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}千瓦</unitPattern>
10137                         </unit>
10138                         <unit type="power-watt">
10139                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}瓦特</unitPattern>
10140                         </unit>
10141                         <unit type="power-milliwatt">
10142                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}mW</unitPattern>
10143                         </unit>
10144                         <unit type="power-horsepower">
10145                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}匹</unitPattern>
10146                         </unit>

10147                         <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury">
10148                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}mmHg</unitPattern>
10149                         </unit>
10150                         <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch">
10151                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}psi</unitPattern>
10152                         </unit>
10153                         <unit type="pressure-inch-hg">
10154                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}″ Hg</unitPattern>
10155                         </unit>
10156                         <unit type="pressure-millibar">
10157                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}毫巴</unitPattern>
10158                         </unit>
10159                         <unit type="pressure-hectopascal">
10160                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}百帕</unitPattern>
10161                         </unit>
10162                         <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour">
10163                                 <displayName>公里/小時</displayName>
10164                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}公里/小時</unitPattern>
10165                         </unit>
10166                         <unit type="speed-meter-per-second">
10167                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}m/s</unitPattern>
10168                         </unit>
10169                         <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour">
10170                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}英里/小時</unitPattern>
10171                         </unit>
10172                         <unit type="temperature-celsius">
10173                                 <displayName>°C</displayName>
10174                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}°C</unitPattern>
10175                         </unit>
10176                         <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit">
10177                                 <unitPattern count="other">{0}°F</unitPattern>
10178                         </unit>
10179                         <unit type="temperature-kelvin">
10180                                 <displayName draft="contributed">K</displayName>
10181                                 <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0}°K</unitPattern>

10262                 <durationUnit type="hms">
10263                         <durationUnitPattern>h:mm:ss</durationUnitPattern>
10264                 </durationUnit>
10265                 <durationUnit type="ms">
10266                         <durationUnitPattern>m:ss</durationUnitPattern>
10267                 </durationUnit>
10268         </units>
10269         <listPatterns>
10270                 <listPattern>
10271                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10272                         <listPatternPart type="middle">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10273                         <listPatternPart type="end">{0}同{1}</listPatternPart>
10274                         <listPatternPart type="2">{0}同{1}</listPatternPart>
10275                 </listPattern>
10276                 <listPattern type="or">
10277                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10278                         <listPatternPart type="middle">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10279                         <listPatternPart type="end">{0} 或 {1}</listPatternPart>
10280                         <listPatternPart type="2">{0} 或 {1}</listPatternPart>
10281                 </listPattern>

10282                 <listPattern type="standard-short">
10283                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10284                         <listPatternPart type="middle">{0}、{1}</listPatternPart>
10285                         <listPatternPart type="end">{0}同{1}</listPatternPart>
10286                         <listPatternPart type="2">{0}同{1}</listPatternPart>
10287                 </listPattern>
10288                 <listPattern type="unit">
10289                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0} {1}</listPatternPart>
10290                         <listPatternPart type="middle">{0} {1}</listPatternPart>
10291                         <listPatternPart type="end">{0} {1}</listPatternPart>
10292                         <listPatternPart type="2">{0} {1}</listPatternPart>
10293                 </listPattern>
10294                 <listPattern type="unit-narrow">
10295                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0}{1}</listPatternPart>
10296                         <listPatternPart type="middle">{0}{1}</listPatternPart>
10297                         <listPatternPart type="end">{0}{1}</listPatternPart>
10298                         <listPatternPart type="2">{0}{1}</listPatternPart>
10299                 </listPattern>
10300                 <listPattern type="unit-short">
10301                         <listPatternPart type="start">{0} {1}</listPatternPart>

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