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rev 59210 : imported patch 8239383
   1 # PropertyValueAliases-12.1.0.txt
   2 # Date: 2019-03-10, 10:53:18 GMT
   3 # Copyright (c) 2019 Unicode, Inc.
   4 # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
   5 # For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html
   6 #
   7 # Unicode Character Database
   8 #   For documentation, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/
   9 #
  10 # This file contains aliases for property values used in the UCD.
  11 # These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression
  12 # property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.
  13 #
  14 # The names may be translated in appropriate environments, and additional
  15 # aliases may be useful.
  16 #
  17 # FORMAT
  18 #
  19 # Each line describes a property value name.
  20 # This consists of three or more fields, separated by semicolons.
  21 #
  22 # First Field: The first field describes the property for which that

  71 age; 2.1                              ; V2_1
  72 age; 3.0                              ; V3_0
  73 age; 3.1                              ; V3_1
  74 age; 3.2                              ; V3_2
  75 age; 4.0                              ; V4_0
  76 age; 4.1                              ; V4_1
  77 age; 5.0                              ; V5_0
  78 age; 5.1                              ; V5_1
  79 age; 5.2                              ; V5_2
  80 age; 6.0                              ; V6_0
  81 age; 6.1                              ; V6_1
  82 age; 6.2                              ; V6_2
  83 age; 6.3                              ; V6_3
  84 age; 7.0                              ; V7_0
  85 age; 8.0                              ; V8_0
  86 age; 9.0                              ; V9_0
  87 age; 10.0                             ; V10_0
  88 age; 11.0                             ; V11_0
  89 age; 12.0                             ; V12_0
  90 age; 12.1                             ; V12_1

  91 age; NA                               ; Unassigned
  93 # Alphabetic (Alpha)
  95 Alpha; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
  96 Alpha; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
  98 # Bidi_Class (bc)
 100 bc ; AL                               ; Arabic_Letter
 101 bc ; AN                               ; Arabic_Number
 102 bc ; B                                ; Paragraph_Separator
 103 bc ; BN                               ; Boundary_Neutral
 104 bc ; CS                               ; Common_Separator
 105 bc ; EN                               ; European_Number
 106 bc ; ES                               ; European_Separator
 107 bc ; ET                               ; European_Terminator
 108 bc ; FSI                              ; First_Strong_Isolate
 109 bc ; L                                ; Left_To_Right
 110 bc ; LRE                              ; Left_To_Right_Embedding

 173 blk; Bassa_Vah                        ; Bassa_Vah
 174 blk; Batak                            ; Batak
 175 blk; Bengali                          ; Bengali
 176 blk; Bhaiksuki                        ; Bhaiksuki
 177 blk; Block_Elements                   ; Block_Elements
 178 blk; Bopomofo                         ; Bopomofo
 179 blk; Bopomofo_Ext                     ; Bopomofo_Extended
 180 blk; Box_Drawing                      ; Box_Drawing
 181 blk; Brahmi                           ; Brahmi
 182 blk; Braille                          ; Braille_Patterns
 183 blk; Buginese                         ; Buginese
 184 blk; Buhid                            ; Buhid
 185 blk; Byzantine_Music                  ; Byzantine_Musical_Symbols
 186 blk; Carian                           ; Carian
 187 blk; Caucasian_Albanian               ; Caucasian_Albanian
 188 blk; Chakma                           ; Chakma
 189 blk; Cham                             ; Cham
 190 blk; Cherokee                         ; Cherokee
 191 blk; Cherokee_Sup                     ; Cherokee_Supplement
 192 blk; Chess_Symbols                    ; Chess_Symbols

 193 blk; CJK                              ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs
 194 blk; CJK_Compat                       ; CJK_Compatibility
 195 blk; CJK_Compat_Forms                 ; CJK_Compatibility_Forms
 196 blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs            ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs
 197 blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup        ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement
 198 blk; CJK_Ext_A                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A
 199 blk; CJK_Ext_B                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B
 200 blk; CJK_Ext_C                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C
 201 blk; CJK_Ext_D                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D
 202 blk; CJK_Ext_E                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E
 203 blk; CJK_Ext_F                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F

 204 blk; CJK_Radicals_Sup                 ; CJK_Radicals_Supplement
 205 blk; CJK_Strokes                      ; CJK_Strokes
 206 blk; CJK_Symbols                      ; CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation
 207 blk; Compat_Jamo                      ; Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo
 208 blk; Control_Pictures                 ; Control_Pictures
 209 blk; Coptic                           ; Coptic
 210 blk; Coptic_Epact_Numbers             ; Coptic_Epact_Numbers
 211 blk; Counting_Rod                     ; Counting_Rod_Numerals
 212 blk; Cuneiform                        ; Cuneiform
 213 blk; Cuneiform_Numbers                ; Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation
 214 blk; Currency_Symbols                 ; Currency_Symbols
 215 blk; Cypriot_Syllabary                ; Cypriot_Syllabary
 216 blk; Cyrillic                         ; Cyrillic
 217 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_A                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_A
 218 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_B                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_B
 219 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_C                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_C
 220 blk; Cyrillic_Sup                     ; Cyrillic_Supplement              ; Cyrillic_Supplementary
 221 blk; Deseret                          ; Deseret
 222 blk; Devanagari                       ; Devanagari
 223 blk; Devanagari_Ext                   ; Devanagari_Extended
 224 blk; Diacriticals                     ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks
 225 blk; Diacriticals_Ext                 ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended
 226 blk; Diacriticals_For_Symbols         ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols; Combining_Marks_For_Symbols
 227 blk; Diacriticals_Sup                 ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement
 228 blk; Dingbats                         ; Dingbats

 229 blk; Dogra                            ; Dogra
 230 blk; Domino                           ; Domino_Tiles
 231 blk; Duployan                         ; Duployan
 232 blk; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform         ; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform
 233 blk; Egyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_Controls; Egyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_Controls
 234 blk; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs             ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs
 235 blk; Elbasan                          ; Elbasan
 236 blk; Elymaic                          ; Elymaic
 237 blk; Emoticons                        ; Emoticons
 238 blk; Enclosed_Alphanum                ; Enclosed_Alphanumerics
 239 blk; Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup            ; Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement
 240 blk; Enclosed_CJK                     ; Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months
 241 blk; Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup         ; Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement
 242 blk; Ethiopic                         ; Ethiopic
 243 blk; Ethiopic_Ext                     ; Ethiopic_Extended
 244 blk; Ethiopic_Ext_A                   ; Ethiopic_Extended_A
 245 blk; Ethiopic_Sup                     ; Ethiopic_Supplement
 246 blk; Geometric_Shapes                 ; Geometric_Shapes
 247 blk; Geometric_Shapes_Ext             ; Geometric_Shapes_Extended
 248 blk; Georgian                         ; Georgian

 272 blk; Imperial_Aramaic                 ; Imperial_Aramaic
 273 blk; Indic_Number_Forms               ; Common_Indic_Number_Forms
 274 blk; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers              ; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers
 275 blk; Inscriptional_Pahlavi            ; Inscriptional_Pahlavi
 276 blk; Inscriptional_Parthian           ; Inscriptional_Parthian
 277 blk; IPA_Ext                          ; IPA_Extensions
 278 blk; Jamo                             ; Hangul_Jamo
 279 blk; Jamo_Ext_A                       ; Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A
 280 blk; Jamo_Ext_B                       ; Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B
 281 blk; Javanese                         ; Javanese
 282 blk; Kaithi                           ; Kaithi
 283 blk; Kana_Ext_A                       ; Kana_Extended_A
 284 blk; Kana_Sup                         ; Kana_Supplement
 285 blk; Kanbun                           ; Kanbun
 286 blk; Kangxi                           ; Kangxi_Radicals
 287 blk; Kannada                          ; Kannada
 288 blk; Katakana                         ; Katakana
 289 blk; Katakana_Ext                     ; Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions
 290 blk; Kayah_Li                         ; Kayah_Li
 291 blk; Kharoshthi                       ; Kharoshthi

 292 blk; Khmer                            ; Khmer
 293 blk; Khmer_Symbols                    ; Khmer_Symbols
 294 blk; Khojki                           ; Khojki
 295 blk; Khudawadi                        ; Khudawadi
 296 blk; Lao                              ; Lao
 297 blk; Latin_1_Sup                      ; Latin_1_Supplement               ; Latin_1
 298 blk; Latin_Ext_A                      ; Latin_Extended_A
 299 blk; Latin_Ext_Additional             ; Latin_Extended_Additional
 300 blk; Latin_Ext_B                      ; Latin_Extended_B
 301 blk; Latin_Ext_C                      ; Latin_Extended_C
 302 blk; Latin_Ext_D                      ; Latin_Extended_D
 303 blk; Latin_Ext_E                      ; Latin_Extended_E
 304 blk; Lepcha                           ; Lepcha
 305 blk; Letterlike_Symbols               ; Letterlike_Symbols
 306 blk; Limbu                            ; Limbu
 307 blk; Linear_A                         ; Linear_A
 308 blk; Linear_B_Ideograms               ; Linear_B_Ideograms
 309 blk; Linear_B_Syllabary               ; Linear_B_Syllabary
 310 blk; Lisu                             ; Lisu

 311 blk; Low_Surrogates                   ; Low_Surrogates
 312 blk; Lycian                           ; Lycian
 313 blk; Lydian                           ; Lydian
 314 blk; Mahajani                         ; Mahajani
 315 blk; Mahjong                          ; Mahjong_Tiles
 316 blk; Makasar                          ; Makasar
 317 blk; Malayalam                        ; Malayalam
 318 blk; Mandaic                          ; Mandaic
 319 blk; Manichaean                       ; Manichaean
 320 blk; Marchen                          ; Marchen
 321 blk; Masaram_Gondi                    ; Masaram_Gondi
 322 blk; Math_Alphanum                    ; Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols
 323 blk; Math_Operators                   ; Mathematical_Operators
 324 blk; Mayan_Numerals                   ; Mayan_Numerals
 325 blk; Medefaidrin                      ; Medefaidrin
 326 blk; Meetei_Mayek                     ; Meetei_Mayek
 327 blk; Meetei_Mayek_Ext                 ; Meetei_Mayek_Extensions
 328 blk; Mende_Kikakui                    ; Mende_Kikakui
 329 blk; Meroitic_Cursive                 ; Meroitic_Cursive
 330 blk; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs             ; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs

 397 blk; Small_Forms                      ; Small_Form_Variants
 398 blk; Small_Kana_Ext                   ; Small_Kana_Extension
 399 blk; Sogdian                          ; Sogdian
 400 blk; Sora_Sompeng                     ; Sora_Sompeng
 401 blk; Soyombo                          ; Soyombo
 402 blk; Specials                         ; Specials
 403 blk; Sundanese                        ; Sundanese
 404 blk; Sundanese_Sup                    ; Sundanese_Supplement
 405 blk; Sup_Arrows_A                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_A
 406 blk; Sup_Arrows_B                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_B
 407 blk; Sup_Arrows_C                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_C
 408 blk; Sup_Math_Operators               ; Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators
 409 blk; Sup_PUA_A                        ; Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A
 410 blk; Sup_PUA_B                        ; Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B
 411 blk; Sup_Punctuation                  ; Supplemental_Punctuation
 412 blk; Sup_Symbols_And_Pictographs      ; Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs
 413 blk; Super_And_Sub                    ; Superscripts_And_Subscripts
 414 blk; Sutton_SignWriting               ; Sutton_SignWriting
 415 blk; Syloti_Nagri                     ; Syloti_Nagri
 416 blk; Symbols_And_Pictographs_Ext_A    ; Symbols_And_Pictographs_Extended_A

 417 blk; Syriac                           ; Syriac
 418 blk; Syriac_Sup                       ; Syriac_Supplement
 419 blk; Tagalog                          ; Tagalog
 420 blk; Tagbanwa                         ; Tagbanwa
 421 blk; Tags                             ; Tags
 422 blk; Tai_Le                           ; Tai_Le
 423 blk; Tai_Tham                         ; Tai_Tham
 424 blk; Tai_Viet                         ; Tai_Viet
 425 blk; Tai_Xuan_Jing                    ; Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols
 426 blk; Takri                            ; Takri
 427 blk; Tamil                            ; Tamil
 428 blk; Tamil_Sup                        ; Tamil_Supplement
 429 blk; Tangut                           ; Tangut
 430 blk; Tangut_Components                ; Tangut_Components

 431 blk; Telugu                           ; Telugu
 432 blk; Thaana                           ; Thaana
 433 blk; Thai                             ; Thai
 434 blk; Tibetan                          ; Tibetan
 435 blk; Tifinagh                         ; Tifinagh
 436 blk; Tirhuta                          ; Tirhuta
 437 blk; Transport_And_Map                ; Transport_And_Map_Symbols
 438 blk; UCAS                             ; Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics; Canadian_Syllabics
 439 blk; UCAS_Ext                         ; Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended
 440 blk; Ugaritic                         ; Ugaritic
 441 blk; Vai                              ; Vai
 442 blk; Vedic_Ext                        ; Vedic_Extensions
 443 blk; Vertical_Forms                   ; Vertical_Forms
 444 blk; VS                               ; Variation_Selectors
 445 blk; VS_Sup                           ; Variation_Selectors_Supplement
 446 blk; Wancho                           ; Wancho
 447 blk; Warang_Citi                      ; Warang_Citi

 448 blk; Yi_Radicals                      ; Yi_Radicals
 449 blk; Yi_Syllables                     ; Yi_Syllables
 450 blk; Yijing                           ; Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols
 451 blk; Zanabazar_Square                 ; Zanabazar_Square
 453 # Canonical_Combining_Class (ccc)
 455 ccc;   0; NR                         ; Not_Reordered
 456 ccc;   1; OV                         ; Overlay

 457 ccc;   7; NK                         ; Nukta
 458 ccc;   8; KV                         ; Kana_Voicing
 459 ccc;   9; VR                         ; Virama
 460 ccc;  10; CCC10                      ; CCC10
 461 ccc;  11; CCC11                      ; CCC11
 462 ccc;  12; CCC12                      ; CCC12
 463 ccc;  13; CCC13                      ; CCC13
 464 ccc;  14; CCC14                      ; CCC14
 465 ccc;  15; CCC15                      ; CCC15
 466 ccc;  16; CCC16                      ; CCC16
 467 ccc;  17; CCC17                      ; CCC17
 468 ccc;  18; CCC18                      ; CCC18
 469 ccc;  19; CCC19                      ; CCC19
 470 ccc;  20; CCC20                      ; CCC20
 471 ccc;  21; CCC21                      ; CCC21
 472 ccc;  22; CCC22                      ; CCC22
 473 ccc;  23; CCC23                      ; CCC23
 474 ccc;  24; CCC24                      ; CCC24
 475 ccc;  25; CCC25                      ; CCC25
 476 ccc;  26; CCC26                      ; CCC26

 597 # Deprecated (Dep)
 599 Dep; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 600 Dep; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 602 # Diacritic (Dia)
 604 Dia; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 605 Dia; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 607 # East_Asian_Width (ea)
 609 ea ; A                                ; Ambiguous
 610 ea ; F                                ; Fullwidth
 611 ea ; H                                ; Halfwidth
 612 ea ; N                                ; Neutral
 613 ea ; Na                               ; Narrow
 614 ea ; W                                ; Wide

 616 # Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph (EqUIdeo)
 618 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph; <none>
 620 # Expands_On_NFC (XO_NFC)
 622 XO_NFC; N                             ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 623 XO_NFC; Y                             ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 625 # Expands_On_NFD (XO_NFD)
 627 XO_NFD; N                             ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 628 XO_NFD; Y                             ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 630 # Expands_On_NFKC (XO_NFKC)
 632 XO_NFKC; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 633 XO_NFKC; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 635 # Expands_On_NFKD (XO_NFKD)
 637 XO_NFKD; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 638 XO_NFKD; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True

 640 # Extender (Ext)
 642 Ext; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 643 Ext; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 645 # FC_NFKC_Closure (FC_NFKC)
 647 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; FC_NFKC_Closure; <code point>
 649 # Full_Composition_Exclusion (Comp_Ex)
 651 Comp_Ex; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 652 Comp_Ex; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 654 # General_Category (gc)
 656 gc ; C                                ; Other                            # Cc | Cf | Cn | Co | Cs
 657 gc ; Cc                               ; Control                          ; cntrl
 658 gc ; Cf                               ; Format
 659 gc ; Cn                               ; Unassigned

 773 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; ISO_Comment; <none>
 775 # Ideographic (Ideo)
 777 Ideo; N                               ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 778 Ideo; Y                               ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 780 # Indic_Positional_Category (InPC)
 782 InPC; Bottom                          ; Bottom
 783 InPC; Bottom_And_Left                 ; Bottom_And_Left
 784 InPC; Bottom_And_Right                ; Bottom_And_Right
 785 InPC; Left                            ; Left
 786 InPC; Left_And_Right                  ; Left_And_Right
 787 InPC; NA                              ; NA
 788 InPC; Overstruck                      ; Overstruck
 789 InPC; Right                           ; Right
 790 InPC; Top                             ; Top
 791 InPC; Top_And_Bottom                  ; Top_And_Bottom

 792 InPC; Top_And_Bottom_And_Right        ; Top_And_Bottom_And_Right
 793 InPC; Top_And_Left                    ; Top_And_Left
 794 InPC; Top_And_Left_And_Right          ; Top_And_Left_And_Right
 795 InPC; Top_And_Right                   ; Top_And_Right
 796 InPC; Visual_Order_Left               ; Visual_Order_Left
 798 # Indic_Syllabic_Category (InSC)
 800 InSC; Avagraha                        ; Avagraha
 801 InSC; Bindu                           ; Bindu
 802 InSC; Brahmi_Joining_Number           ; Brahmi_Joining_Number
 803 InSC; Cantillation_Mark               ; Cantillation_Mark
 804 InSC; Consonant                       ; Consonant
 805 InSC; Consonant_Dead                  ; Consonant_Dead
 806 InSC; Consonant_Final                 ; Consonant_Final
 807 InSC; Consonant_Head_Letter           ; Consonant_Head_Letter
 808 InSC; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed     ; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed
 809 InSC; Consonant_Killer                ; Consonant_Killer
 810 InSC; Consonant_Medial                ; Consonant_Medial
 811 InSC; Consonant_Placeholder           ; Consonant_Placeholder

1202 sc ; Arab                             ; Arabic
1203 sc ; Armi                             ; Imperial_Aramaic
1204 sc ; Armn                             ; Armenian
1205 sc ; Avst                             ; Avestan
1206 sc ; Bali                             ; Balinese
1207 sc ; Bamu                             ; Bamum
1208 sc ; Bass                             ; Bassa_Vah
1209 sc ; Batk                             ; Batak
1210 sc ; Beng                             ; Bengali
1211 sc ; Bhks                             ; Bhaiksuki
1212 sc ; Bopo                             ; Bopomofo
1213 sc ; Brah                             ; Brahmi
1214 sc ; Brai                             ; Braille
1215 sc ; Bugi                             ; Buginese
1216 sc ; Buhd                             ; Buhid
1217 sc ; Cakm                             ; Chakma
1218 sc ; Cans                             ; Canadian_Aboriginal
1219 sc ; Cari                             ; Carian
1220 sc ; Cham                             ; Cham
1221 sc ; Cher                             ; Cherokee

1222 sc ; Copt                             ; Coptic                           ; Qaac
1223 sc ; Cprt                             ; Cypriot
1224 sc ; Cyrl                             ; Cyrillic
1225 sc ; Deva                             ; Devanagari

1226 sc ; Dogr                             ; Dogra
1227 sc ; Dsrt                             ; Deseret
1228 sc ; Dupl                             ; Duployan
1229 sc ; Egyp                             ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs
1230 sc ; Elba                             ; Elbasan
1231 sc ; Elym                             ; Elymaic
1232 sc ; Ethi                             ; Ethiopic
1233 sc ; Geor                             ; Georgian
1234 sc ; Glag                             ; Glagolitic
1235 sc ; Gong                             ; Gunjala_Gondi
1236 sc ; Gonm                             ; Masaram_Gondi
1237 sc ; Goth                             ; Gothic
1238 sc ; Gran                             ; Grantha
1239 sc ; Grek                             ; Greek
1240 sc ; Gujr                             ; Gujarati
1241 sc ; Guru                             ; Gurmukhi
1242 sc ; Hang                             ; Hangul
1243 sc ; Hani                             ; Han
1244 sc ; Hano                             ; Hanunoo
1245 sc ; Hatr                             ; Hatran
1246 sc ; Hebr                             ; Hebrew
1247 sc ; Hira                             ; Hiragana
1248 sc ; Hluw                             ; Anatolian_Hieroglyphs
1249 sc ; Hmng                             ; Pahawh_Hmong
1250 sc ; Hmnp                             ; Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong
1251 sc ; Hrkt                             ; Katakana_Or_Hiragana
1252 sc ; Hung                             ; Old_Hungarian
1253 sc ; Ital                             ; Old_Italic
1254 sc ; Java                             ; Javanese
1255 sc ; Kali                             ; Kayah_Li
1256 sc ; Kana                             ; Katakana
1257 sc ; Khar                             ; Kharoshthi
1258 sc ; Khmr                             ; Khmer
1259 sc ; Khoj                             ; Khojki

1260 sc ; Knda                             ; Kannada
1261 sc ; Kthi                             ; Kaithi
1262 sc ; Lana                             ; Tai_Tham
1263 sc ; Laoo                             ; Lao
1264 sc ; Latn                             ; Latin
1265 sc ; Lepc                             ; Lepcha
1266 sc ; Limb                             ; Limbu
1267 sc ; Lina                             ; Linear_A
1268 sc ; Linb                             ; Linear_B
1269 sc ; Lisu                             ; Lisu
1270 sc ; Lyci                             ; Lycian
1271 sc ; Lydi                             ; Lydian
1272 sc ; Mahj                             ; Mahajani
1273 sc ; Maka                             ; Makasar
1274 sc ; Mand                             ; Mandaic
1275 sc ; Mani                             ; Manichaean
1276 sc ; Marc                             ; Marchen
1277 sc ; Medf                             ; Medefaidrin
1278 sc ; Mend                             ; Mende_Kikakui
1279 sc ; Merc                             ; Meroitic_Cursive

1328 sc ; Tagb                             ; Tagbanwa
1329 sc ; Takr                             ; Takri
1330 sc ; Tale                             ; Tai_Le
1331 sc ; Talu                             ; New_Tai_Lue
1332 sc ; Taml                             ; Tamil
1333 sc ; Tang                             ; Tangut
1334 sc ; Tavt                             ; Tai_Viet
1335 sc ; Telu                             ; Telugu
1336 sc ; Tfng                             ; Tifinagh
1337 sc ; Tglg                             ; Tagalog
1338 sc ; Thaa                             ; Thaana
1339 sc ; Thai                             ; Thai
1340 sc ; Tibt                             ; Tibetan
1341 sc ; Tirh                             ; Tirhuta
1342 sc ; Ugar                             ; Ugaritic
1343 sc ; Vaii                             ; Vai
1344 sc ; Wara                             ; Warang_Citi
1345 sc ; Wcho                             ; Wancho
1346 sc ; Xpeo                             ; Old_Persian
1347 sc ; Xsux                             ; Cuneiform

1348 sc ; Yiii                             ; Yi
1349 sc ; Zanb                             ; Zanabazar_Square
1350 sc ; Zinh                             ; Inherited                        ; Qaai
1351 sc ; Zyyy                             ; Common
1352 sc ; Zzzz                             ; Unknown
1354 # Script_Extensions (scx)
1356 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Script_Extensions; <script>
1358 # Sentence_Break (SB)
1360 SB ; AT                               ; ATerm
1361 SB ; CL                               ; Close
1362 SB ; CR                               ; CR
1363 SB ; EX                               ; Extend
1364 SB ; FO                               ; Format
1365 SB ; LE                               ; OLetter
1366 SB ; LF                               ; LF
1367 SB ; LO                               ; Lower

1498 # cjkIRG_HSource (cjkIRG_HSource)
1500 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_HSource; <none>
1502 # cjkIRG_JSource (cjkIRG_JSource)
1504 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_JSource; <none>
1506 # cjkIRG_KPSource (cjkIRG_KPSource)
1508 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_KPSource; <none>
1510 # cjkIRG_KSource (cjkIRG_KSource)
1512 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_KSource; <none>
1514 # cjkIRG_MSource (cjkIRG_MSource)
1516 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_MSource; <none>

1518 # cjkIRG_TSource (cjkIRG_TSource)
1520 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_TSource; <none>

1522 # cjkIRG_USource (cjkIRG_USource)
1524 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_USource; <none>
1526 # cjkIRG_VSource (cjkIRG_VSource)
1528 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_VSource; <none>
1530 # cjkOtherNumeric (cjkOtherNumeric)
1532 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkOtherNumeric; NaN
1534 # cjkPrimaryNumeric (cjkPrimaryNumeric)
1536 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkPrimaryNumeric; NaN
1538 # cjkRSUnicode (cjkRSUnicode)
1540 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkRSUnicode; <none>
   1 # PropertyValueAliases-13.0.0.txt
   2 # Date: 2019-11-13, 21:52:10 GMT
   3 # Copyright (c) 2019 Unicode, Inc.
   4 # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
   5 # For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html
   6 #
   7 # Unicode Character Database
   8 #   For documentation, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/
   9 #
  10 # This file contains aliases for property values used in the UCD.
  11 # These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression
  12 # property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.
  13 #
  14 # The names may be translated in appropriate environments, and additional
  15 # aliases may be useful.
  16 #
  17 # FORMAT
  18 #
  19 # Each line describes a property value name.
  20 # This consists of three or more fields, separated by semicolons.
  21 #
  22 # First Field: The first field describes the property for which that

  71 age; 2.1                              ; V2_1
  72 age; 3.0                              ; V3_0
  73 age; 3.1                              ; V3_1
  74 age; 3.2                              ; V3_2
  75 age; 4.0                              ; V4_0
  76 age; 4.1                              ; V4_1
  77 age; 5.0                              ; V5_0
  78 age; 5.1                              ; V5_1
  79 age; 5.2                              ; V5_2
  80 age; 6.0                              ; V6_0
  81 age; 6.1                              ; V6_1
  82 age; 6.2                              ; V6_2
  83 age; 6.3                              ; V6_3
  84 age; 7.0                              ; V7_0
  85 age; 8.0                              ; V8_0
  86 age; 9.0                              ; V9_0
  87 age; 10.0                             ; V10_0
  88 age; 11.0                             ; V11_0
  89 age; 12.0                             ; V12_0
  90 age; 12.1                             ; V12_1
  91 age; 13.0                             ; V13_0
  92 age; NA                               ; Unassigned
  94 # Alphabetic (Alpha)
  96 Alpha; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
  97 Alpha; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
  99 # Bidi_Class (bc)
 101 bc ; AL                               ; Arabic_Letter
 102 bc ; AN                               ; Arabic_Number
 103 bc ; B                                ; Paragraph_Separator
 104 bc ; BN                               ; Boundary_Neutral
 105 bc ; CS                               ; Common_Separator
 106 bc ; EN                               ; European_Number
 107 bc ; ES                               ; European_Separator
 108 bc ; ET                               ; European_Terminator
 109 bc ; FSI                              ; First_Strong_Isolate
 110 bc ; L                                ; Left_To_Right
 111 bc ; LRE                              ; Left_To_Right_Embedding

 174 blk; Bassa_Vah                        ; Bassa_Vah
 175 blk; Batak                            ; Batak
 176 blk; Bengali                          ; Bengali
 177 blk; Bhaiksuki                        ; Bhaiksuki
 178 blk; Block_Elements                   ; Block_Elements
 179 blk; Bopomofo                         ; Bopomofo
 180 blk; Bopomofo_Ext                     ; Bopomofo_Extended
 181 blk; Box_Drawing                      ; Box_Drawing
 182 blk; Brahmi                           ; Brahmi
 183 blk; Braille                          ; Braille_Patterns
 184 blk; Buginese                         ; Buginese
 185 blk; Buhid                            ; Buhid
 186 blk; Byzantine_Music                  ; Byzantine_Musical_Symbols
 187 blk; Carian                           ; Carian
 188 blk; Caucasian_Albanian               ; Caucasian_Albanian
 189 blk; Chakma                           ; Chakma
 190 blk; Cham                             ; Cham
 191 blk; Cherokee                         ; Cherokee
 192 blk; Cherokee_Sup                     ; Cherokee_Supplement
 193 blk; Chess_Symbols                    ; Chess_Symbols
 194 blk; Chorasmian                       ; Chorasmian
 195 blk; CJK                              ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs
 196 blk; CJK_Compat                       ; CJK_Compatibility
 197 blk; CJK_Compat_Forms                 ; CJK_Compatibility_Forms
 198 blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs            ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs
 199 blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup        ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement
 200 blk; CJK_Ext_A                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A
 201 blk; CJK_Ext_B                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B
 202 blk; CJK_Ext_C                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C
 203 blk; CJK_Ext_D                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D
 204 blk; CJK_Ext_E                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E
 205 blk; CJK_Ext_F                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F
 206 blk; CJK_Ext_G                        ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_G
 207 blk; CJK_Radicals_Sup                 ; CJK_Radicals_Supplement
 208 blk; CJK_Strokes                      ; CJK_Strokes
 209 blk; CJK_Symbols                      ; CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation
 210 blk; Compat_Jamo                      ; Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo
 211 blk; Control_Pictures                 ; Control_Pictures
 212 blk; Coptic                           ; Coptic
 213 blk; Coptic_Epact_Numbers             ; Coptic_Epact_Numbers
 214 blk; Counting_Rod                     ; Counting_Rod_Numerals
 215 blk; Cuneiform                        ; Cuneiform
 216 blk; Cuneiform_Numbers                ; Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation
 217 blk; Currency_Symbols                 ; Currency_Symbols
 218 blk; Cypriot_Syllabary                ; Cypriot_Syllabary
 219 blk; Cyrillic                         ; Cyrillic
 220 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_A                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_A
 221 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_B                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_B
 222 blk; Cyrillic_Ext_C                   ; Cyrillic_Extended_C
 223 blk; Cyrillic_Sup                     ; Cyrillic_Supplement              ; Cyrillic_Supplementary
 224 blk; Deseret                          ; Deseret
 225 blk; Devanagari                       ; Devanagari
 226 blk; Devanagari_Ext                   ; Devanagari_Extended
 227 blk; Diacriticals                     ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks
 228 blk; Diacriticals_Ext                 ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended
 229 blk; Diacriticals_For_Symbols         ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols; Combining_Marks_For_Symbols
 230 blk; Diacriticals_Sup                 ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement
 231 blk; Dingbats                         ; Dingbats
 232 blk; Dives_Akuru                      ; Dives_Akuru
 233 blk; Dogra                            ; Dogra
 234 blk; Domino                           ; Domino_Tiles
 235 blk; Duployan                         ; Duployan
 236 blk; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform         ; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform
 237 blk; Egyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_Controls; Egyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_Controls
 238 blk; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs             ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs
 239 blk; Elbasan                          ; Elbasan
 240 blk; Elymaic                          ; Elymaic
 241 blk; Emoticons                        ; Emoticons
 242 blk; Enclosed_Alphanum                ; Enclosed_Alphanumerics
 243 blk; Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup            ; Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement
 244 blk; Enclosed_CJK                     ; Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months
 245 blk; Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup         ; Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement
 246 blk; Ethiopic                         ; Ethiopic
 247 blk; Ethiopic_Ext                     ; Ethiopic_Extended
 248 blk; Ethiopic_Ext_A                   ; Ethiopic_Extended_A
 249 blk; Ethiopic_Sup                     ; Ethiopic_Supplement
 250 blk; Geometric_Shapes                 ; Geometric_Shapes
 251 blk; Geometric_Shapes_Ext             ; Geometric_Shapes_Extended
 252 blk; Georgian                         ; Georgian

 276 blk; Imperial_Aramaic                 ; Imperial_Aramaic
 277 blk; Indic_Number_Forms               ; Common_Indic_Number_Forms
 278 blk; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers              ; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers
 279 blk; Inscriptional_Pahlavi            ; Inscriptional_Pahlavi
 280 blk; Inscriptional_Parthian           ; Inscriptional_Parthian
 281 blk; IPA_Ext                          ; IPA_Extensions
 282 blk; Jamo                             ; Hangul_Jamo
 283 blk; Jamo_Ext_A                       ; Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A
 284 blk; Jamo_Ext_B                       ; Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B
 285 blk; Javanese                         ; Javanese
 286 blk; Kaithi                           ; Kaithi
 287 blk; Kana_Ext_A                       ; Kana_Extended_A
 288 blk; Kana_Sup                         ; Kana_Supplement
 289 blk; Kanbun                           ; Kanbun
 290 blk; Kangxi                           ; Kangxi_Radicals
 291 blk; Kannada                          ; Kannada
 292 blk; Katakana                         ; Katakana
 293 blk; Katakana_Ext                     ; Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions
 294 blk; Kayah_Li                         ; Kayah_Li
 295 blk; Kharoshthi                       ; Kharoshthi
 296 blk; Khitan_Small_Script              ; Khitan_Small_Script
 297 blk; Khmer                            ; Khmer
 298 blk; Khmer_Symbols                    ; Khmer_Symbols
 299 blk; Khojki                           ; Khojki
 300 blk; Khudawadi                        ; Khudawadi
 301 blk; Lao                              ; Lao
 302 blk; Latin_1_Sup                      ; Latin_1_Supplement               ; Latin_1
 303 blk; Latin_Ext_A                      ; Latin_Extended_A
 304 blk; Latin_Ext_Additional             ; Latin_Extended_Additional
 305 blk; Latin_Ext_B                      ; Latin_Extended_B
 306 blk; Latin_Ext_C                      ; Latin_Extended_C
 307 blk; Latin_Ext_D                      ; Latin_Extended_D
 308 blk; Latin_Ext_E                      ; Latin_Extended_E
 309 blk; Lepcha                           ; Lepcha
 310 blk; Letterlike_Symbols               ; Letterlike_Symbols
 311 blk; Limbu                            ; Limbu
 312 blk; Linear_A                         ; Linear_A
 313 blk; Linear_B_Ideograms               ; Linear_B_Ideograms
 314 blk; Linear_B_Syllabary               ; Linear_B_Syllabary
 315 blk; Lisu                             ; Lisu
 316 blk; Lisu_Sup                         ; Lisu_Supplement
 317 blk; Low_Surrogates                   ; Low_Surrogates
 318 blk; Lycian                           ; Lycian
 319 blk; Lydian                           ; Lydian
 320 blk; Mahajani                         ; Mahajani
 321 blk; Mahjong                          ; Mahjong_Tiles
 322 blk; Makasar                          ; Makasar
 323 blk; Malayalam                        ; Malayalam
 324 blk; Mandaic                          ; Mandaic
 325 blk; Manichaean                       ; Manichaean
 326 blk; Marchen                          ; Marchen
 327 blk; Masaram_Gondi                    ; Masaram_Gondi
 328 blk; Math_Alphanum                    ; Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols
 329 blk; Math_Operators                   ; Mathematical_Operators
 330 blk; Mayan_Numerals                   ; Mayan_Numerals
 331 blk; Medefaidrin                      ; Medefaidrin
 332 blk; Meetei_Mayek                     ; Meetei_Mayek
 333 blk; Meetei_Mayek_Ext                 ; Meetei_Mayek_Extensions
 334 blk; Mende_Kikakui                    ; Mende_Kikakui
 335 blk; Meroitic_Cursive                 ; Meroitic_Cursive
 336 blk; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs             ; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs

 403 blk; Small_Forms                      ; Small_Form_Variants
 404 blk; Small_Kana_Ext                   ; Small_Kana_Extension
 405 blk; Sogdian                          ; Sogdian
 406 blk; Sora_Sompeng                     ; Sora_Sompeng
 407 blk; Soyombo                          ; Soyombo
 408 blk; Specials                         ; Specials
 409 blk; Sundanese                        ; Sundanese
 410 blk; Sundanese_Sup                    ; Sundanese_Supplement
 411 blk; Sup_Arrows_A                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_A
 412 blk; Sup_Arrows_B                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_B
 413 blk; Sup_Arrows_C                     ; Supplemental_Arrows_C
 414 blk; Sup_Math_Operators               ; Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators
 415 blk; Sup_PUA_A                        ; Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A
 416 blk; Sup_PUA_B                        ; Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B
 417 blk; Sup_Punctuation                  ; Supplemental_Punctuation
 418 blk; Sup_Symbols_And_Pictographs      ; Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs
 419 blk; Super_And_Sub                    ; Superscripts_And_Subscripts
 420 blk; Sutton_SignWriting               ; Sutton_SignWriting
 421 blk; Syloti_Nagri                     ; Syloti_Nagri
 422 blk; Symbols_And_Pictographs_Ext_A    ; Symbols_And_Pictographs_Extended_A
 423 blk; Symbols_For_Legacy_Computing     ; Symbols_For_Legacy_Computing
 424 blk; Syriac                           ; Syriac
 425 blk; Syriac_Sup                       ; Syriac_Supplement
 426 blk; Tagalog                          ; Tagalog
 427 blk; Tagbanwa                         ; Tagbanwa
 428 blk; Tags                             ; Tags
 429 blk; Tai_Le                           ; Tai_Le
 430 blk; Tai_Tham                         ; Tai_Tham
 431 blk; Tai_Viet                         ; Tai_Viet
 432 blk; Tai_Xuan_Jing                    ; Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols
 433 blk; Takri                            ; Takri
 434 blk; Tamil                            ; Tamil
 435 blk; Tamil_Sup                        ; Tamil_Supplement
 436 blk; Tangut                           ; Tangut
 437 blk; Tangut_Components                ; Tangut_Components
 438 blk; Tangut_Sup                       ; Tangut_Supplement
 439 blk; Telugu                           ; Telugu
 440 blk; Thaana                           ; Thaana
 441 blk; Thai                             ; Thai
 442 blk; Tibetan                          ; Tibetan
 443 blk; Tifinagh                         ; Tifinagh
 444 blk; Tirhuta                          ; Tirhuta
 445 blk; Transport_And_Map                ; Transport_And_Map_Symbols
 446 blk; UCAS                             ; Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics; Canadian_Syllabics
 447 blk; UCAS_Ext                         ; Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended
 448 blk; Ugaritic                         ; Ugaritic
 449 blk; Vai                              ; Vai
 450 blk; Vedic_Ext                        ; Vedic_Extensions
 451 blk; Vertical_Forms                   ; Vertical_Forms
 452 blk; VS                               ; Variation_Selectors
 453 blk; VS_Sup                           ; Variation_Selectors_Supplement
 454 blk; Wancho                           ; Wancho
 455 blk; Warang_Citi                      ; Warang_Citi
 456 blk; Yezidi                           ; Yezidi
 457 blk; Yi_Radicals                      ; Yi_Radicals
 458 blk; Yi_Syllables                     ; Yi_Syllables
 459 blk; Yijing                           ; Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols
 460 blk; Zanabazar_Square                 ; Zanabazar_Square
 462 # Canonical_Combining_Class (ccc)
 464 ccc;   0; NR                         ; Not_Reordered
 465 ccc;   1; OV                         ; Overlay
 466 ccc;   6; HANR                       ; Han_Reading
 467 ccc;   7; NK                         ; Nukta
 468 ccc;   8; KV                         ; Kana_Voicing
 469 ccc;   9; VR                         ; Virama
 470 ccc;  10; CCC10                      ; CCC10
 471 ccc;  11; CCC11                      ; CCC11
 472 ccc;  12; CCC12                      ; CCC12
 473 ccc;  13; CCC13                      ; CCC13
 474 ccc;  14; CCC14                      ; CCC14
 475 ccc;  15; CCC15                      ; CCC15
 476 ccc;  16; CCC16                      ; CCC16
 477 ccc;  17; CCC17                      ; CCC17
 478 ccc;  18; CCC18                      ; CCC18
 479 ccc;  19; CCC19                      ; CCC19
 480 ccc;  20; CCC20                      ; CCC20
 481 ccc;  21; CCC21                      ; CCC21
 482 ccc;  22; CCC22                      ; CCC22
 483 ccc;  23; CCC23                      ; CCC23
 484 ccc;  24; CCC24                      ; CCC24
 485 ccc;  25; CCC25                      ; CCC25
 486 ccc;  26; CCC26                      ; CCC26

 607 # Deprecated (Dep)
 609 Dep; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 610 Dep; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 612 # Diacritic (Dia)
 614 Dia; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 615 Dia; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 617 # East_Asian_Width (ea)
 619 ea ; A                                ; Ambiguous
 620 ea ; F                                ; Fullwidth
 621 ea ; H                                ; Halfwidth
 622 ea ; N                                ; Neutral
 623 ea ; Na                               ; Narrow
 624 ea ; W                                ; Wide
 626 # Emoji (Emoji)
 628 Emoji; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 629 Emoji; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 631 # Emoji_Component (EComp)
 633 EComp; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 634 EComp; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 636 # Emoji_Modifier (EMod)
 638 EMod; N                               ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 639 EMod; Y                               ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 641 # Emoji_Modifier_Base (EBase)
 643 EBase; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 644 EBase; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 646 # Emoji_Presentation (EPres)
 648 EPres; N                              ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 649 EPres; Y                              ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 651 # Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph (EqUIdeo)
 653 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph; <none>
 655 # Expands_On_NFC (XO_NFC)
 657 XO_NFC; N                             ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 658 XO_NFC; Y                             ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 660 # Expands_On_NFD (XO_NFD)
 662 XO_NFD; N                             ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 663 XO_NFD; Y                             ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 665 # Expands_On_NFKC (XO_NFKC)
 667 XO_NFKC; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 668 XO_NFKC; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 670 # Expands_On_NFKD (XO_NFKD)
 672 XO_NFKD; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 673 XO_NFKD; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 675 # Extended_Pictographic (ExtPict)
 677 ExtPict; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 678 ExtPict; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 680 # Extender (Ext)
 682 Ext; N                                ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 683 Ext; Y                                ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 685 # FC_NFKC_Closure (FC_NFKC)
 687 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; FC_NFKC_Closure; <code point>
 689 # Full_Composition_Exclusion (Comp_Ex)
 691 Comp_Ex; N                            ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 692 Comp_Ex; Y                            ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 694 # General_Category (gc)
 696 gc ; C                                ; Other                            # Cc | Cf | Cn | Co | Cs
 697 gc ; Cc                               ; Control                          ; cntrl
 698 gc ; Cf                               ; Format
 699 gc ; Cn                               ; Unassigned

 813 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; ISO_Comment; <none>
 815 # Ideographic (Ideo)
 817 Ideo; N                               ; No                               ; F                                ; False
 818 Ideo; Y                               ; Yes                              ; T                                ; True
 820 # Indic_Positional_Category (InPC)
 822 InPC; Bottom                          ; Bottom
 823 InPC; Bottom_And_Left                 ; Bottom_And_Left
 824 InPC; Bottom_And_Right                ; Bottom_And_Right
 825 InPC; Left                            ; Left
 826 InPC; Left_And_Right                  ; Left_And_Right
 827 InPC; NA                              ; NA
 828 InPC; Overstruck                      ; Overstruck
 829 InPC; Right                           ; Right
 830 InPC; Top                             ; Top
 831 InPC; Top_And_Bottom                  ; Top_And_Bottom
 832 InPC; Top_And_Bottom_And_Left         ; Top_And_Bottom_And_Left
 833 InPC; Top_And_Bottom_And_Right        ; Top_And_Bottom_And_Right
 834 InPC; Top_And_Left                    ; Top_And_Left
 835 InPC; Top_And_Left_And_Right          ; Top_And_Left_And_Right
 836 InPC; Top_And_Right                   ; Top_And_Right
 837 InPC; Visual_Order_Left               ; Visual_Order_Left
 839 # Indic_Syllabic_Category (InSC)
 841 InSC; Avagraha                        ; Avagraha
 842 InSC; Bindu                           ; Bindu
 843 InSC; Brahmi_Joining_Number           ; Brahmi_Joining_Number
 844 InSC; Cantillation_Mark               ; Cantillation_Mark
 845 InSC; Consonant                       ; Consonant
 846 InSC; Consonant_Dead                  ; Consonant_Dead
 847 InSC; Consonant_Final                 ; Consonant_Final
 848 InSC; Consonant_Head_Letter           ; Consonant_Head_Letter
 849 InSC; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed     ; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed
 850 InSC; Consonant_Killer                ; Consonant_Killer
 851 InSC; Consonant_Medial                ; Consonant_Medial
 852 InSC; Consonant_Placeholder           ; Consonant_Placeholder

1243 sc ; Arab                             ; Arabic
1244 sc ; Armi                             ; Imperial_Aramaic
1245 sc ; Armn                             ; Armenian
1246 sc ; Avst                             ; Avestan
1247 sc ; Bali                             ; Balinese
1248 sc ; Bamu                             ; Bamum
1249 sc ; Bass                             ; Bassa_Vah
1250 sc ; Batk                             ; Batak
1251 sc ; Beng                             ; Bengali
1252 sc ; Bhks                             ; Bhaiksuki
1253 sc ; Bopo                             ; Bopomofo
1254 sc ; Brah                             ; Brahmi
1255 sc ; Brai                             ; Braille
1256 sc ; Bugi                             ; Buginese
1257 sc ; Buhd                             ; Buhid
1258 sc ; Cakm                             ; Chakma
1259 sc ; Cans                             ; Canadian_Aboriginal
1260 sc ; Cari                             ; Carian
1261 sc ; Cham                             ; Cham
1262 sc ; Cher                             ; Cherokee
1263 sc ; Chrs                             ; Chorasmian
1264 sc ; Copt                             ; Coptic                           ; Qaac
1265 sc ; Cprt                             ; Cypriot
1266 sc ; Cyrl                             ; Cyrillic
1267 sc ; Deva                             ; Devanagari
1268 sc ; Diak                             ; Dives_Akuru
1269 sc ; Dogr                             ; Dogra
1270 sc ; Dsrt                             ; Deseret
1271 sc ; Dupl                             ; Duployan
1272 sc ; Egyp                             ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs
1273 sc ; Elba                             ; Elbasan
1274 sc ; Elym                             ; Elymaic
1275 sc ; Ethi                             ; Ethiopic
1276 sc ; Geor                             ; Georgian
1277 sc ; Glag                             ; Glagolitic
1278 sc ; Gong                             ; Gunjala_Gondi
1279 sc ; Gonm                             ; Masaram_Gondi
1280 sc ; Goth                             ; Gothic
1281 sc ; Gran                             ; Grantha
1282 sc ; Grek                             ; Greek
1283 sc ; Gujr                             ; Gujarati
1284 sc ; Guru                             ; Gurmukhi
1285 sc ; Hang                             ; Hangul
1286 sc ; Hani                             ; Han
1287 sc ; Hano                             ; Hanunoo
1288 sc ; Hatr                             ; Hatran
1289 sc ; Hebr                             ; Hebrew
1290 sc ; Hira                             ; Hiragana
1291 sc ; Hluw                             ; Anatolian_Hieroglyphs
1292 sc ; Hmng                             ; Pahawh_Hmong
1293 sc ; Hmnp                             ; Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong
1294 sc ; Hrkt                             ; Katakana_Or_Hiragana
1295 sc ; Hung                             ; Old_Hungarian
1296 sc ; Ital                             ; Old_Italic
1297 sc ; Java                             ; Javanese
1298 sc ; Kali                             ; Kayah_Li
1299 sc ; Kana                             ; Katakana
1300 sc ; Khar                             ; Kharoshthi
1301 sc ; Khmr                             ; Khmer
1302 sc ; Khoj                             ; Khojki
1303 sc ; Kits                             ; Khitan_Small_Script
1304 sc ; Knda                             ; Kannada
1305 sc ; Kthi                             ; Kaithi
1306 sc ; Lana                             ; Tai_Tham
1307 sc ; Laoo                             ; Lao
1308 sc ; Latn                             ; Latin
1309 sc ; Lepc                             ; Lepcha
1310 sc ; Limb                             ; Limbu
1311 sc ; Lina                             ; Linear_A
1312 sc ; Linb                             ; Linear_B
1313 sc ; Lisu                             ; Lisu
1314 sc ; Lyci                             ; Lycian
1315 sc ; Lydi                             ; Lydian
1316 sc ; Mahj                             ; Mahajani
1317 sc ; Maka                             ; Makasar
1318 sc ; Mand                             ; Mandaic
1319 sc ; Mani                             ; Manichaean
1320 sc ; Marc                             ; Marchen
1321 sc ; Medf                             ; Medefaidrin
1322 sc ; Mend                             ; Mende_Kikakui
1323 sc ; Merc                             ; Meroitic_Cursive

1372 sc ; Tagb                             ; Tagbanwa
1373 sc ; Takr                             ; Takri
1374 sc ; Tale                             ; Tai_Le
1375 sc ; Talu                             ; New_Tai_Lue
1376 sc ; Taml                             ; Tamil
1377 sc ; Tang                             ; Tangut
1378 sc ; Tavt                             ; Tai_Viet
1379 sc ; Telu                             ; Telugu
1380 sc ; Tfng                             ; Tifinagh
1381 sc ; Tglg                             ; Tagalog
1382 sc ; Thaa                             ; Thaana
1383 sc ; Thai                             ; Thai
1384 sc ; Tibt                             ; Tibetan
1385 sc ; Tirh                             ; Tirhuta
1386 sc ; Ugar                             ; Ugaritic
1387 sc ; Vaii                             ; Vai
1388 sc ; Wara                             ; Warang_Citi
1389 sc ; Wcho                             ; Wancho
1390 sc ; Xpeo                             ; Old_Persian
1391 sc ; Xsux                             ; Cuneiform
1392 sc ; Yezi                             ; Yezidi
1393 sc ; Yiii                             ; Yi
1394 sc ; Zanb                             ; Zanabazar_Square
1395 sc ; Zinh                             ; Inherited                        ; Qaai
1396 sc ; Zyyy                             ; Common
1397 sc ; Zzzz                             ; Unknown
1399 # Script_Extensions (scx)
1401 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Script_Extensions; <script>
1403 # Sentence_Break (SB)
1405 SB ; AT                               ; ATerm
1406 SB ; CL                               ; Close
1407 SB ; CR                               ; CR
1408 SB ; EX                               ; Extend
1409 SB ; FO                               ; Format
1410 SB ; LE                               ; OLetter
1411 SB ; LF                               ; LF
1412 SB ; LO                               ; Lower

1543 # cjkIRG_HSource (cjkIRG_HSource)
1545 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_HSource; <none>
1547 # cjkIRG_JSource (cjkIRG_JSource)
1549 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_JSource; <none>
1551 # cjkIRG_KPSource (cjkIRG_KPSource)
1553 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_KPSource; <none>
1555 # cjkIRG_KSource (cjkIRG_KSource)
1557 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_KSource; <none>
1559 # cjkIRG_MSource (cjkIRG_MSource)
1561 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_MSource; <none>
1563 # cjkIRG_SSource (cjkIRG_SSource)
1565 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_SSource; <none>
1567 # cjkIRG_TSource (cjkIRG_TSource)
1569 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_TSource; <none>
1571 # cjkIRG_UKSource (cjkIRG_UKSource)
1573 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_UKSource; <none>
1575 # cjkIRG_USource (cjkIRG_USource)
1577 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_USource; <none>
1579 # cjkIRG_VSource (cjkIRG_VSource)
1581 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkIRG_VSource; <none>
1583 # cjkOtherNumeric (cjkOtherNumeric)
1585 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkOtherNumeric; NaN
1587 # cjkPrimaryNumeric (cjkPrimaryNumeric)
1589 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkPrimaryNumeric; NaN
1591 # cjkRSUnicode (cjkRSUnicode)
1593 # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; cjkRSUnicode; <none>
< prev index next >