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  38 import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
  39 import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
  40 import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D;
  41 import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
  42 import sun.java2d.loops.FontInfo;
  43 import sun.java2d.loops.DrawPolygons;
  44 import sun.awt.SunHints;
  46 public class LoopPipe
  47     implements PixelDrawPipe,
  48                PixelFillPipe,
  49                ShapeDrawPipe
  50 {
  51     final static RenderingEngine RenderEngine = RenderingEngine.getInstance();
  53     public void drawLine(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  54                          int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  55     {
  56         int tX = sg2d.transX;
  57         int tY = sg2d.transY;
  58         sg2d.loops.drawLineLoop.DrawLine(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
  59                                          x1 + tX, y1 + tY,
  60                                          x2 + tX, y2 + tY);
  61     }
  63     public void drawRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  64                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
  65     {
  66         sg2d.loops.drawRectLoop.DrawRect(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
  67                                          x + sg2d.transX,
  68                                          y + sg2d.transY,
  69                                          width, height);
  70     }
  72     public void drawRoundRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  73                               int x, int y, int width, int height,
  74                               int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
  75     {
  76         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d,
  77                             new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
  78                                                        arcWidth, arcHeight));
  79     }
  81     public void drawOval(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  82                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
  83     {
  84         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d, new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, width, height));
  85     }
  87     public void drawArc(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  88                         int x, int y, int width, int height,
  89                         int startAngle, int arcAngle)
  90     {
  91         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d, new Arc2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
  92                                                   startAngle, arcAngle,
  93                                                   Arc2D.OPEN));
  94     }
  96     public void drawPolyline(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  97                              int xPoints[], int yPoints[],
  98                              int nPoints)
  99     {
 100         int nPointsArray[] = { nPoints };
 101         sg2d.loops.drawPolygonsLoop.DrawPolygons(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 102                                                  xPoints, yPoints,
 103                                                  nPointsArray, 1,
 104                                                  sg2d.transX, sg2d.transY,
 105                                                  false);
 106     }
 108     public void drawPolygon(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 109                             int xPoints[], int yPoints[],
 110                             int nPoints)
 111     {
 112         int nPointsArray[] = { nPoints };
 113         sg2d.loops.drawPolygonsLoop.DrawPolygons(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 114                                                  xPoints, yPoints,
 115                                                  nPointsArray, 1,
 116                                                  sg2d.transX, sg2d.transY,
 117                                                  true);
 118     }
 120     public void fillRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 121                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
 122     {
 123         sg2d.loops.fillRectLoop.FillRect(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 124                                          x + sg2d.transX,
 125                                          y + sg2d.transY,
 126                                          width, height);
 127     }
 129     public void fillRoundRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 130                               int x, int y, int width, int height,
 131                               int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
 132     {
 133         sg2d.shapepipe.fill(sg2d,
 134                             new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
 135                                                        arcWidth, arcHeight));
 136     }
 138     public void fillOval(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 139                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
 140     {
 141         sg2d.shapepipe.fill(sg2d, new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, width, height));
 142     }

 169     public void draw(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Shape s) {
 170         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_THIN) {
 171             Path2D.Float p2df;
 172             int transX;
 173             int transY;
 174             if (sg2d.transformState <= sg2d.TRANSFORM_INT_TRANSLATE) {
 175                 if (s instanceof Path2D.Float) {
 176                     p2df = (Path2D.Float)s;
 177                 } else {
 178                     p2df = new Path2D.Float(s);
 179                 }
 180                 transX = sg2d.transX;
 181                 transY = sg2d.transY;
 182             } else {
 183                 p2df = new Path2D.Float(s, sg2d.transform);
 184                 transX = 0;
 185                 transY = 0;
 186             }
 187             sg2d.loops.drawPathLoop.DrawPath(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 188                                              transX, transY, p2df);
 189             return;
 190         }
 192         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_CUSTOM) {
 193             fill(sg2d, sg2d.stroke.createStrokedShape(s));
 194             return;
 195         }
 197         ShapeSpanIterator sr = getStrokeSpans(sg2d, s);
 199         try {
 200             fillSpans(sg2d, sr);
 201         } finally {
 202             sr.dispose();
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Return a ShapeSpanIterator instance that normalizes as

 285     }
 287     public void fill(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Shape s) {
 288         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_THIN) {
 289             Path2D.Float p2df;
 290             int transX;
 291             int transY;
 292             if (sg2d.transformState <= sg2d.TRANSFORM_INT_TRANSLATE) {
 293                 if (s instanceof Path2D.Float) {
 294                     p2df = (Path2D.Float)s;
 295                 } else {
 296                     p2df = new Path2D.Float(s);
 297                 }
 298                 transX = sg2d.transX;
 299                 transY = sg2d.transY;
 300             } else {
 301                 p2df = new Path2D.Float(s, sg2d.transform);
 302                 transX = 0;
 303                 transY = 0;
 304             }
 305             sg2d.loops.fillPathLoop.FillPath(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 306                                              transX, transY, p2df);
 307             return;
 308         }
 310         ShapeSpanIterator sr = getFillSSI(sg2d);
 311         try {
 312             sr.setOutputArea(sg2d.getCompClip());
 313             AffineTransform at =
 314                 ((sg2d.transformState == sg2d.TRANSFORM_ISIDENT)
 315                  ? null
 316                  : sg2d.transform);
 317             sr.appendPath(s.getPathIterator(at));
 318             fillSpans(sg2d, sr);
 319         } finally {
 320             sr.dispose();
 321         }
 322     }
 324     private static void fillSpans(SunGraphics2D sg2d, SpanIterator si) {
 325         // REMIND: Eventually, the plan is that it will not be possible for
 326         // fs to be null since the FillSpans loop will be the fundamental
 327         // loop implemented for any destination type...
 328         if (sg2d.clipState == sg2d.CLIP_SHAPE) {
 329             si = sg2d.clipRegion.filter(si);
 330             // REMIND: Region.filter produces a Java-only iterator
 331             // with no native counterpart...
 332         } else {
 333             sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans fs = sg2d.loops.fillSpansLoop;
 334             if (fs != null) {
 335                 fs.FillSpans(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(), si);
 336                 return;
 337             }
 338         }
 339         int spanbox[] = new int[4];
 340         SurfaceData sd = sg2d.getSurfaceData();
 341         while (si.nextSpan(spanbox)) {
 342             int x = spanbox[0];
 343             int y = spanbox[1];
 344             int w = spanbox[2] - x;
 345             int h = spanbox[3] - y;
 346             sg2d.loops.fillRectLoop.FillRect(sg2d, sd, x, y, w, h);
 347         }
 348     }
 349 }

  38 import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
  39 import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
  40 import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D;
  41 import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
  42 import sun.java2d.loops.FontInfo;
  43 import sun.java2d.loops.DrawPolygons;
  44 import sun.awt.SunHints;
  46 public class LoopPipe
  47     implements PixelDrawPipe,
  48                PixelFillPipe,
  49                ShapeDrawPipe
  50 {
  51     final static RenderingEngine RenderEngine = RenderingEngine.getInstance();
  53     public void drawLine(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  54                          int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  55     {
  56         int tX = sg2d.transX;
  57         int tY = sg2d.transY;
  58         sg2d.getLoops().drawLineLoop.DrawLine(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
  59                                          x1 + tX, y1 + tY,
  60                                          x2 + tX, y2 + tY);
  61     }
  63     public void drawRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  64                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
  65     {
  66         sg2d.getLoops().drawRectLoop.DrawRect(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
  67                                          x + sg2d.transX,
  68                                          y + sg2d.transY,
  69                                          width, height);
  70     }
  72     public void drawRoundRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  73                               int x, int y, int width, int height,
  74                               int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
  75     {
  76         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d,
  77                             new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
  78                                                        arcWidth, arcHeight));
  79     }
  81     public void drawOval(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  82                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
  83     {
  84         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d, new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, width, height));
  85     }
  87     public void drawArc(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  88                         int x, int y, int width, int height,
  89                         int startAngle, int arcAngle)
  90     {
  91         sg2d.shapepipe.draw(sg2d, new Arc2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
  92                                                   startAngle, arcAngle,
  93                                                   Arc2D.OPEN));
  94     }
  96     public void drawPolyline(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
  97                              int xPoints[], int yPoints[],
  98                              int nPoints)
  99     {
 100         int nPointsArray[] = { nPoints };
 101         sg2d.getLoops().drawPolygonsLoop.DrawPolygons(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 102                                                  xPoints, yPoints,
 103                                                  nPointsArray, 1,
 104                                                  sg2d.transX, sg2d.transY,
 105                                                  false);
 106     }
 108     public void drawPolygon(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 109                             int xPoints[], int yPoints[],
 110                             int nPoints)
 111     {
 112         int nPointsArray[] = { nPoints };
 113         sg2d.getLoops().drawPolygonsLoop.DrawPolygons(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 114                                                  xPoints, yPoints,
 115                                                  nPointsArray, 1,
 116                                                  sg2d.transX, sg2d.transY,
 117                                                  true);
 118     }
 120     public void fillRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 121                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
 122     {
 123         sg2d.getLoops().fillRectLoop.FillRect(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 124                                          x + sg2d.transX,
 125                                          y + sg2d.transY,
 126                                          width, height);
 127     }
 129     public void fillRoundRect(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 130                               int x, int y, int width, int height,
 131                               int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
 132     {
 133         sg2d.shapepipe.fill(sg2d,
 134                             new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height,
 135                                                        arcWidth, arcHeight));
 136     }
 138     public void fillOval(SunGraphics2D sg2d,
 139                          int x, int y, int width, int height)
 140     {
 141         sg2d.shapepipe.fill(sg2d, new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, width, height));
 142     }

 169     public void draw(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Shape s) {
 170         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_THIN) {
 171             Path2D.Float p2df;
 172             int transX;
 173             int transY;
 174             if (sg2d.transformState <= sg2d.TRANSFORM_INT_TRANSLATE) {
 175                 if (s instanceof Path2D.Float) {
 176                     p2df = (Path2D.Float)s;
 177                 } else {
 178                     p2df = new Path2D.Float(s);
 179                 }
 180                 transX = sg2d.transX;
 181                 transY = sg2d.transY;
 182             } else {
 183                 p2df = new Path2D.Float(s, sg2d.transform);
 184                 transX = 0;
 185                 transY = 0;
 186             }
 187             sg2d.getLoops().drawPathLoop.DrawPath(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 188                                              transX, transY, p2df);
 189             return;
 190         }
 192         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_CUSTOM) {
 193             fill(sg2d, sg2d.stroke.createStrokedShape(s));
 194             return;
 195         }
 197         ShapeSpanIterator sr = getStrokeSpans(sg2d, s);
 199         try {
 200             fillSpans(sg2d, sr);
 201         } finally {
 202             sr.dispose();
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Return a ShapeSpanIterator instance that normalizes as

 285     }
 287     public void fill(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Shape s) {
 288         if (sg2d.strokeState == sg2d.STROKE_THIN) {
 289             Path2D.Float p2df;
 290             int transX;
 291             int transY;
 292             if (sg2d.transformState <= sg2d.TRANSFORM_INT_TRANSLATE) {
 293                 if (s instanceof Path2D.Float) {
 294                     p2df = (Path2D.Float)s;
 295                 } else {
 296                     p2df = new Path2D.Float(s);
 297                 }
 298                 transX = sg2d.transX;
 299                 transY = sg2d.transY;
 300             } else {
 301                 p2df = new Path2D.Float(s, sg2d.transform);
 302                 transX = 0;
 303                 transY = 0;
 304             }
 305             sg2d.getLoops().fillPathLoop.FillPath(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(),
 306                                              transX, transY, p2df);
 307             return;
 308         }
 310         ShapeSpanIterator sr = getFillSSI(sg2d);
 311         try {
 312             sr.setOutputArea(sg2d.getCompClip());
 313             AffineTransform at =
 314                 ((sg2d.transformState == sg2d.TRANSFORM_ISIDENT)
 315                  ? null
 316                  : sg2d.transform);
 317             sr.appendPath(s.getPathIterator(at));
 318             fillSpans(sg2d, sr);
 319         } finally {
 320             sr.dispose();
 321         }
 322     }
 324     private static void fillSpans(SunGraphics2D sg2d, SpanIterator si) {
 325         // REMIND: Eventually, the plan is that it will not be possible for
 326         // fs to be null since the FillSpans loop will be the fundamental
 327         // loop implemented for any destination type...
 328         if (sg2d.clipState == sg2d.CLIP_SHAPE) {
 329             si = sg2d.clipRegion.filter(si);
 330             // REMIND: Region.filter produces a Java-only iterator
 331             // with no native counterpart...
 332         } else {
 333             sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans fs = sg2d.getLoops().fillSpansLoop;
 334             if (fs != null) {
 335                 fs.FillSpans(sg2d, sg2d.getSurfaceData(), si);
 336                 return;
 337             }
 338         }
 339         int spanbox[] = new int[4];
 340         SurfaceData sd = sg2d.getSurfaceData();
 341         while (si.nextSpan(spanbox)) {
 342             int x = spanbox[0];
 343             int y = spanbox[1];
 344             int w = spanbox[2] - x;
 345             int h = spanbox[3] - y;
 346             sg2d.getLoops().fillRectLoop.FillRect(sg2d, sd, x, y, w, h);
 347         }
 348     }
 349 }