1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
  20  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
  21  * have any questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 package sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.sparc;
  27 import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.*;
  29 // Please refer to "The SPARC Architecture Manual - Version 9"
  31 public class SPARCV9Disassembler extends SPARCDisassembler
  32                     implements /* imports */ SPARCV9Opcodes {
  33     public SPARCV9Disassembler(long startPc, byte[] code, SPARCV9InstructionFactory factory) {
  34         super(startPc, code, factory);
  35     }
  37     public SPARCV9Disassembler(long startPc, byte[] code) {
  38         this(startPc, code, new SPARCV9InstructionFactoryImpl());
  39     }
  41     // decoders for format 2 instructions
  42     private static InstructionDecoder format2Decoders[] = {
  43         new UnimpDecoder(),
  44         new V9IntegerBranchDecoder(),
  45         new IntegerBranchDecoder(),
  46         new V9IntRegisterBranchDecoder(),
  47         new SethiDecoder(),
  48         new V9FloatBranchDecoder(),
  49         new FloatBranchDecoder(),
  50         illegalDecoder
  51     };
  53     protected InstructionDecoder getFormat2Decoder(int op2) {
  54         return format2Decoders[op2];
  55     }
  57     // op3 opcode table for op=3 (FORMAT_3) instructions - (memory instructions)
  58     // E.2 Tables - Page 275 - Table 33.
  59     private static final InstructionDecoder format3Decoders[][] = {
  60         {
  61           new LoadDecoder(LDUW, "ld" /* lduw */, RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDUWA, "lduwa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD),
  62           new LoadDecoder(LDF,"ld", RTLDT_FL_SINGLE),  new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDFA, "lda", RTLDT_FL_SINGLE)
  63         },
  64         {
  65           new LoadDecoder(LDUB, "ldub", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE),   new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDUBA, "lduba", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE),
  66           new V9SpecialLoadDecoder(LDFSR), illegalDecoder
  67         },
  68         {
  69           new LoadDecoder(LDUH, "lduh", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_HALF),  new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDUHA, "lduha", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_HALF),
  70           new LoadDecoder(LDQF, "ldq", RTLDT_FL_QUAD), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDQFA, "ldqa", RTLDT_FL_QUAD)
  71         },
  72         {
  73           new LoadDecoder(LDD, "ldd", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDDA, "ldda", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD),
  74           new LoadDecoder(LDDF, "ldd", RTLDT_FL_DOUBLE), new LoadDecoder(LDDFA, "ldda", RTLDT_FL_DOUBLE)
  75         },
  76         {
  77           new StoreDecoder(STW, "st" /* stw, stuw, stsw */, RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STWA, "stwa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD),
  78           new StoreDecoder(STF, "st", RTLDT_FL_SINGLE), new StoreDecoder(STFA, "st", RTLDT_FL_SINGLE),
  79         },
  80         {
  81           new StoreDecoder(STB, "stb", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STBA, "stba", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE),
  82           new V9SpecialStoreDecoder(STFSR), illegalDecoder
  83         },
  84         {
  85           new StoreDecoder(STH, "sth", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_HALF), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STHA, "stha", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_HALF),
  86           new StoreDecoder(STQF, "stq", RTLDT_FL_QUAD), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STQFA, "stqa", RTLDT_FL_QUAD),
  87         },
  88         {
  89           new StoreDecoder(STD, "std", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STDA, "stda", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD),
  90           new StoreDecoder(STDF, "std", RTLDT_FL_DOUBLE), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STDFA, "stda", RTLDT_FL_DOUBLE)
  91         },
  92         {
  93           new LoadDecoder(LDSW, "ldsw", RTLDT_SIGNED_WORD), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDSWA, "ldswa", RTLDT_SIGNED_WORD),
  94           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder
  95         },
  96         {
  97           new LoadDecoder(LDSB, "ldsb", RTLDT_SIGNED_BYTE), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDSBA, "ldsba", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE),
  98           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder
  99         },
 100         {
 101           new LoadDecoder(LDSH, "ldsh", RTLDT_SIGNED_HALF), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDSHA, "ldsha", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_HALF),
 102           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder
 103         },
 104         {
 105           new LoadDecoder(LDX, "ldx", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD), new V9AlternateSpaceLoadDecoder(LDXA, "ldxa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD),
 106           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder
 107         },
 108         {
 109           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder,
 110           illegalDecoder, new V9CasDecoder(CASA, "casa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD)
 111         },
 112         {
 113           new LdstubDecoder(LDSTUB, "ldstub", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE), new V9AlternateSpaceLdstubDecoder(LDSTUBA, "ldstuba", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_BYTE),
 114           new V9PrefetchDecoder(), new V9AlternateSpacePrefetchDecoder()
 115         },
 116         {
 117           new StoreDecoder(STX, "stx", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD), new V9AlternateSpaceStoreDecoder(STXA, "stxa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD),
 118           illegalDecoder, new V9CasDecoder(CASXA, "casxa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_DWORD)
 119         },
 120         {
 121           new SwapDecoder(SWAP, "swap", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD), new V9AlternateSpaceSwapDecoder(SWAPA, "swapa", RTLDT_UNSIGNED_WORD),
 122           illegalDecoder, illegalDecoder
 123         },
 124     };
 126     protected InstructionDecoder getFormat3Decoder(int row, int column) {
 127         return format3Decoders[row][column];
 128     }
 130     // op3 decoder table for op=2 (FORMAT_3A) instructions
 131     // E Opcode Maps - Page 274 - Table 32
 133     protected static final InstructionDecoder format3ADecoders[][] = {
 134         {
 135           new ArithmeticDecoder(ADD, "add", RTLOP_ADD), new ArithmeticDecoder(ADDcc, "addcc", RTLOP_ADD),
 136           new ArithmeticDecoder(TADDcc, "taddcc", RTLOP_ADD),  new V9WriteDecoder()
 137         },
 138         {
 139           new LogicDecoder(AND, "and", RTLOP_AND), new LogicDecoder(ANDcc, "andcc", RTLOP_AND),
 140           new ArithmeticDecoder(TSUBcc, "tsubcc", RTLOP_ADD),  new V9SavedRestoredDecoder()
 141         },
 142         {
 143           new LogicDecoder(OR, "or", RTLOP_OR), new LogicDecoder(ORcc, "orcc", RTLOP_OR),
 144           new ArithmeticDecoder(TADDccTV, "taddcctv", RTLOP_ADD),  new V9WrprDecoder()
 145         },
 146         {
 147           new LogicDecoder(XOR, "xor", RTLOP_XOR), new LogicDecoder(XORcc, "xorcc", RTLOP_XOR),
 148           new ArithmeticDecoder(TSUBccTV, "tsubcctv", RTLOP_SUB), illegalDecoder
 149         },
 150         {
 151           new ArithmeticDecoder(SUB, "sub", RTLOP_SUB),  new ArithmeticDecoder(SUBcc, "subcc", RTLOP_SUB),
 152           new ArithmeticDecoder(MULScc, "mulscc", RTLOP_SMUL), new V9FPop1Decoder()
 153         },
 154         {
 155           new LogicDecoder(ANDN, "andn", RTLOP_NAND), new LogicDecoder(ANDNcc, "andncc", RTLOP_NAND),
 156           new V9ShiftDecoder(SLL, "sll", RTLOP_SLL), new V9FPop2Decoder()
 157         },
 158         {
 159           new LogicDecoder(ORN, "orn", RTLOP_NOR), new LogicDecoder(ORNcc, "orncc", RTLOP_NOR),
 160           new V9ShiftDecoder(SRL, "srl", RTLOP_SRL), new CoprocessorDecoder(IMPDEP1)
 161         },
 162         {
 163           new LogicDecoder(XNOR, "xnor", RTLOP_XNOR), new LogicDecoder(XNORcc, "xnorcc", RTLOP_XNOR),
 164           new V9ShiftDecoder(SRA, "sra", RTLOP_SRA), new CoprocessorDecoder(IMPDEP2)
 165         },
 166         {
 167           new ArithmeticDecoder(ADDC, "addc", RTLOP_ADDC), new ArithmeticDecoder(ADDCcc, "addccc", RTLOP_ADDC),
 168           new V9ReadDecoder(), new JmplDecoder()
 169         },
 170         {
 171           new ArithmeticDecoder(MULX, "mulx", RTLOP_UMUL), illegalDecoder,
 172           illegalDecoder, new RettDecoder()
 173         },
 174         {
 175           new ArithmeticDecoder(UMUL, "umul", RTLOP_UMUL), new ArithmeticDecoder(UMULcc, "umulcc", RTLOP_UMUL),
 176           new V9RdprDecoder(), new TrapDecoder()
 177         },
 178         {
 179           new ArithmeticDecoder(SMUL, "smul", RTLOP_SMUL), new ArithmeticDecoder(SMULcc, "smulcc", RTLOP_SMUL),
 180           new V9FlushwDecoder(), new FlushDecoder()
 181         },
 182         {
 183           new ArithmeticDecoder(SUBC, "subc", RTLOP_SUBC), new ArithmeticDecoder(SUBCcc, "subccc", RTLOP_SUBC),
 184           new V9MOVccDecoder(), new SaveDecoder()
 185         },
 186         {
 187           new ArithmeticDecoder(UDIVX, "udivx", RTLOP_UDIV), illegalDecoder,
 188           new ArithmeticDecoder(SDIVX, "sdivx", RTLOP_SDIV), new RestoreDecoder()
 189         },
 190         {
 191           new ArithmeticDecoder(UDIV, "udiv", RTLOP_UDIV),  new ArithmeticDecoder(UDIVcc, "udivcc", RTLOP_UDIV),
 192           new V9PopcDecoder(), new V9DoneRetryDecoder()
 193         },
 194         {
 195           new ArithmeticDecoder(SDIV, "sdiv", RTLOP_SDIV), new ArithmeticDecoder(SDIVcc, "sdivcc", RTLOP_SDIV),
 196           new V9MOVrDecoder(), illegalDecoder
 197         }
 198     };
 200     protected InstructionDecoder getFormat3ADecoder(int row, int column) {
 201         return format3ADecoders[row][column];
 202     }
 203 }