1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  33 /* jvmstat global and subsystem counter name space - enumeration value
  34  * serve as an index into the PerfDataManager::_name_space[] array
  35  * containing the corresponding name space string. Only the top level
  36  * subsystem name spaces are represented here.
  37  */
  38 enum CounterNS {
  39   // top level name spaces
  40   JAVA_NS,
  41   COM_NS,
  42   SUN_NS,
  43   // subsystem name spaces
  44   JAVA_GC,              // Garbage Collection name spaces
  45   COM_GC,
  46   SUN_GC,
  47   JAVA_CI,              // Compiler name spaces
  48   COM_CI,
  49   SUN_CI,
  50   JAVA_CLS,             // Class Loader name spaces
  51   COM_CLS,
  52   SUN_CLS,
  53   JAVA_RT,              // Runtime name spaces
  54   COM_RT,
  55   SUN_RT,
  56   JAVA_OS,              // Operating System name spaces
  57   COM_OS,
  58   SUN_OS,
  59   JAVA_THREADS,         // Threads System name spaces
  62   JAVA_PROPERTY,        // Java Property name spaces
  65   NULL_NS,
  67 };
  69 /*
  70  * Classes to support access to production performance data
  71  *
  72  * The PerfData class structure is provided for creation, access, and update
  73  * of performance data (a.k.a. instrumentation) in a specific memory region
  74  * which is possibly accessible as shared memory. Although not explicitly
  75  * prevented from doing so, developers should not use the values returned
  76  * by accessor methods to make algorithmic decisions as they are potentially
  77  * extracted from a shared memory region. Although any shared memory region
  78  * created is with appropriate access restrictions, allowing read-write access
  79  * only to the principal that created the JVM, it is believed that a the
  80  * shared memory region facilitates an easier attack path than attacks
  81  * launched through mechanisms such as /proc. For this reason, it is
  82  * recommended that data returned by PerfData accessor methods be used
  83  * cautiously.
  84  *
  85  * There are three variability classifications of performance data
  86  *   Constants  -  value is written to the PerfData memory once, on creation
  87  *   Variables  -  value is modifiable, with no particular restrictions
  88  *   Counters   -  value is monotonically changing (increasing or decreasing)
  89  *
  90  * The performance data items can also have various types. The class
  91  * hierarchy and the structure of the memory region are designed to
  92  * accommodate new types as they are needed. Types are specified in
  93  * terms of Java basic types, which accommodates client applications
  94  * written in the Java programming language. The class hierarchy is:
  95  *
  96  * - PerfData (Abstract)
  97  *     - PerfLong (Abstract)
  98  *         - PerfLongConstant        (alias: PerfConstant)
  99  *         - PerfLongVariant (Abstract)
 100  *             - PerfLongVariable    (alias: PerfVariable)
 101  *             - PerfLongCounter     (alias: PerfCounter)
 102  *
 103  *     - PerfByteArray (Abstract)
 104  *         - PerfString (Abstract)
 105  *             - PerfStringVariable
 106  *             - PerfStringConstant
 107  *
 108  *
 109  * As seen in the class hierarchy, the initially supported types are:
 110  *
 111  *    Long      - performance data holds a Java long type
 112  *    ByteArray - performance data holds an array of Java bytes
 113  *                used for holding C++ char arrays.
 114  *
 115  * The String type is derived from the ByteArray type.
 116  *
 117  * A PerfData subtype is not required to provide an implementation for
 118  * each variability classification. For example, the String type provides
 119  * Variable and Constant variablility classifications in the PerfStringVariable
 120  * and PerfStringConstant classes, but does not provide a counter type.
 121  *
 122  * Performance data are also described by a unit of measure. Units allow
 123  * client applications to make reasonable decisions on how to treat
 124  * performance data generically, preventing the need to hard-code the
 125  * specifics of a particular data item in client applications. The current
 126  * set of units are:
 127  *
 128  *   None        - the data has no units of measure
 129  *   Bytes       - data is measured in bytes
 130  *   Ticks       - data is measured in clock ticks
 131  *   Events      - data is measured in events. For example,
 132  *                 the number of garbage collection events or the
 133  *                 number of methods compiled.
 134  *   String      - data is not numerical. For example,
 135  *                 the java command line options
 136  *   Hertz       - data is a frequency
 137  *
 138  * The performance counters also provide a support attribute, indicating
 139  * the stability of the counter as a programmatic interface. The support
 140  * level is also implied by the name space in which the counter is created.
 141  * The counter name space support conventions follow the Java package, class,
 142  * and property support conventions:
 143  *
 144  *    java.*          - stable, supported interface
 145  *    com.sun.*       - unstable, supported interface
 146  *    sun.*           - unstable, unsupported interface
 147  *
 148  * In the above context, unstable is a measure of the interface support
 149  * level, not the implementation stability level.
 150  *
 151  * Currently, instances of PerfData subtypes are considered to have
 152  * a life time equal to that of the VM and are managed by the
 153  * PerfDataManager class. All constructors for the PerfData class and
 154  * its subtypes have protected constructors. Creation of PerfData
 155  * instances is performed by invoking various create methods on the
 156  * PerfDataManager class. Users should not attempt to delete these
 157  * instances as the PerfDataManager class expects to perform deletion
 158  * operations on exit of the VM.
 159  *
 160  * Examples:
 161  *
 162  * Creating performance counter that holds a monotonically increasing
 163  * long data value with units specified in U_Bytes in the "java.gc.*"
 164  * name space.
 165  *
 166  *   PerfLongCounter* foo_counter;
 167  *
 168  *   foo_counter = PerfDataManager::create_long_counter(JAVA_GC, "foo",
 169  *                                                       PerfData::U_Bytes,
 170  *                                                       optionalInitialValue,
 171  *                                                       CHECK);
 172  *   foo_counter->inc();
 173  *
 174  * Creating a performance counter that holds a variably change long
 175  * data value with untis specified in U_Bytes in the "com.sun.ci
 176  * name space.
 177  *
 178  *   PerfLongVariable* bar_varible;
 179  *   bar_variable = PerfDataManager::create_long_variable(COM_CI, "bar",
 180 .*                                                        PerfData::U_Bytes,
 181  *                                                        optionalInitialValue,
 182  *                                                        CHECK);
 183  *
 184  *   bar_variable->inc();
 185  *   bar_variable->set_value(0);
 186  *
 187  * Creating a performance counter that holds a constant string value in
 188  * the "sun.cls.*" name space.
 189  *
 190  *   PerfDataManager::create_string_constant(SUN_CLS, "foo", string, CHECK);
 191  *
 192  *   Although the create_string_constant() factory method returns a pointer
 193  *   to the PerfStringConstant object, it can safely be ignored. Developers
 194  *   are not encouraged to access the string constant's value via this
 195  *   pointer at this time due to security concerns.
 196  *
 197  * Creating a performance counter in an arbitrary name space that holds a
 198  * value that is sampled by the StatSampler periodic task.
 199  *
 200  *    PerfDataManager::create_counter("foo.sampled", PerfData::U_Events,
 201  *                                    &my_jlong, CHECK);
 202  *
 203  *    In this example, the PerfData pointer can be ignored as the caller
 204  *    is relying on the StatSampler PeriodicTask to sample the given
 205  *    address at a regular interval. The interval is defined by the
 206  *    PerfDataSamplingInterval global variable, and is applyied on
 207  *    a system wide basis, not on an per-counter basis.
 208  *
 209  * Creating a performance counter in an arbitrary name space that utilizes
 210  * a helper object to return a value to the StatSampler via the take_sample()
 211  * method.
 212  *
 213  *     class MyTimeSampler : public PerfLongSampleHelper {
 214  *       public:
 215  *         jlong take_sample() { return os::elapsed_counter(); }
 216  *     };
 217  *
 218  *     PerfDataManager::create_counter(SUN_RT, "helped",
 219  *                                     PerfData::U_Ticks,
 220  *                                     new MyTimeSampler(), CHECK);
 221  *
 222  *     In this example, a subtype of PerfLongSampleHelper is instantiated
 223  *     and its take_sample() method is overridden to perform whatever
 224  *     operation is necessary to generate the data sample. This method
 225  *     will be called by the StatSampler at a regular interval, defined
 226  *     by the PerfDataSamplingInterval global variable.
 227  *
 228  *     As before, PerfSampleHelper is an alias for PerfLongSampleHelper.
 229  *
 230  * For additional uses of PerfData subtypes, see the utility classes
 231  * PerfTraceTime and PerfTraceTimedEvent below.
 232  *
 233  * Always-on non-sampled counters can be created independent of
 234  * the UsePerfData flag. Counters will be created on the c-heap
 235  * if UsePerfData is false.
 236  *
 237  * Until further noice, all PerfData objects should be created and
 238  * manipulated within a guarded block. The guard variable is
 239  * UsePerfData, a product flag set to true by default. This flag may
 240  * be removed from the product in the future.
 241  *
 242  */
 243 class PerfData : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
 245   friend class StatSampler;      // for access to protected void sample()
 246   friend class PerfDataManager;  // for access to protected destructor
 248   public:
 250     // the Variability enum must be kept in synchronization with the
 251     // the com.sun.hotspot.perfdata.Variability class
 252     enum Variability {
 253       V_Constant = 1,
 254       V_Monotonic = 2,
 255       V_Variable = 3,
 256       V_last = V_Variable
 257     };
 259     // the Units enum must be kept in synchronization with the
 260     // the com.sun.hotspot.perfdata.Units class
 261     enum Units {
 262       U_None = 1,
 263       U_Bytes = 2,
 264       U_Ticks = 3,
 265       U_Events = 4,
 266       U_String = 5,
 267       U_Hertz = 6,
 268       U_Last = U_Hertz
 269     };
 271     // Miscellaneous flags
 272     enum Flags {
 273       F_None = 0x0,
 274       F_Supported = 0x1    // interface is supported - java.* and com.sun.*
 275     };
 277   private:
 278     char* _name;
 279     Variability _v;
 280     Units _u;
 281     bool _on_c_heap;
 282     Flags _flags;
 284     PerfDataEntry* _pdep;
 286   protected:
 288     void *_valuep;
 290     PerfData(CounterNS ns, const char* name, Units u, Variability v);
 291     ~PerfData();
 293     // create the entry for the PerfData item in the PerfData memory region.
 294     // this region is maintained separately from the PerfData objects to
 295     // facilitate its use by external processes.
 296     void create_entry(BasicType dtype, size_t dsize, size_t dlen = 0);
 298     // sample the data item given at creation time and write its value
 299     // into the its corresponding PerfMemory location.
 300     virtual void sample() = 0;
 302   public:
 304     // returns a boolean indicating the validity of this object.
 305     // the object is valid if and only if memory in PerfMemory
 306     // region was successfully allocated.
 307     inline bool is_valid() { return _valuep != NULL; }
 309     // returns a boolean indicating whether the underlying object
 310     // was allocated in the PerfMemory region or on the C heap.
 311     inline bool is_on_c_heap() { return _on_c_heap; }
 313     // returns a pointer to a char* containing the name of the item.
 314     // The pointer returned is the pointer to a copy of the name
 315     // passed to the constructor, not the pointer to the name in the
 316     // PerfData memory region. This redundancy is maintained for
 317     // security reasons as the PerfMemory region may be in shared
 318     // memory.
 319     const char* name() { return _name; }
 321     // returns the variability classification associated with this item
 322     Variability variability() { return _v; }
 324     // returns the units associated with this item.
 325     Units units() { return _u; }
 327     // returns the flags associated with this item.
 328     Flags flags() { return _flags; }
 330     // returns the address of the data portion of the item in the
 331     // PerfData memory region.
 332     inline void* get_address() { return _valuep; }
 334     // returns the value of the data portion of the item in the
 335     // PerfData memory region formatted as a string.
 336     virtual int format(char* cp, int length) = 0;
 337 };
 339 /*
 340  * PerfLongSampleHelper, and its alias PerfSamplerHelper, is a base class
 341  * for helper classes that rely upon the StatSampler periodic task to
 342  * invoke the take_sample() method and write the value returned to its
 343  * appropriate location in the PerfData memory region.
 344  */
 345 class PerfLongSampleHelper : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
 346   public:
 347     virtual jlong take_sample() = 0;
 348 };
 350 typedef PerfLongSampleHelper PerfSampleHelper;
 353 /*
 354  * PerfLong is the base class for the various Long PerfData subtypes.
 355  * it contains implementation details that are common among its derived
 356  * types.
 357  */
 358 class PerfLong : public PerfData {
 360   protected:
 362     PerfLong(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, Variability v);
 364   public:
 365     int format(char* buffer, int length);
 367     // returns the value of the data portion of the item in the
 368     // PerfData memory region.
 369     inline jlong get_value() { return *(jlong*)_valuep; }
 370 };
 372 /*
 373  * The PerfLongConstant class, and its alias PerfConstant, implement
 374  * a PerfData subtype that holds a jlong data value that is set upon
 375  * creation of an instance of this class. This class provides no
 376  * methods for changing the data value stored in PerfData memory region.
 377  */
 378 class PerfLongConstant : public PerfLong {
 380   friend class PerfDataManager; // for access to protected constructor
 382   private:
 383     // hide sample() - no need to sample constants
 384     void sample() { }
 386   protected:
 388     PerfLongConstant(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u,
 389                      jlong initial_value=0)
 390                     : PerfLong(ns, namep, u, V_Constant) {
 392        if (is_valid()) *(jlong*)_valuep = initial_value;
 393     }
 394 };
 396 typedef PerfLongConstant PerfConstant;
 398 /*
 399  * The PerfLongVariant class, and its alias PerfVariant, implement
 400  * a PerfData subtype that holds a jlong data value that can be modified
 401  * in an unrestricted manner. This class provides the implementation details
 402  * for common functionality among its derived types.
 403  */
 404 class PerfLongVariant : public PerfLong {
 406   protected:
 407     jlong* _sampled;
 408     PerfLongSampleHelper* _sample_helper;
 410     PerfLongVariant(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, Variability v,
 411                     jlong initial_value=0)
 412                    : PerfLong(ns, namep, u, v) {
 413       if (is_valid()) *(jlong*)_valuep = initial_value;
 414     }
 416     PerfLongVariant(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, Variability v,
 417                     jlong* sampled);
 419     PerfLongVariant(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, Variability v,
 420                     PerfLongSampleHelper* sample_helper);
 422     void sample();
 424   public:
 425     inline void inc() { (*(jlong*)_valuep)++; }
 426     inline void inc(jlong val) { (*(jlong*)_valuep) += val; }
 427     inline void add(jlong val) { (*(jlong*)_valuep) += val; }
 428 };
 430 /*
 431  * The PerfLongCounter class, and its alias PerfCounter, implement
 432  * a PerfData subtype that holds a jlong data value that can (should)
 433  * be modified in a monotonic manner. The inc(jlong) and add(jlong)
 434  * methods can be passed negative values to implement a monotonically
 435  * decreasing value. However, we rely upon the programmer to honor
 436  * the notion that this counter always moves in the same direction -
 437  * either increasing or decreasing.
 438  */
 439 class PerfLongCounter : public PerfLongVariant {
 441   friend class PerfDataManager; // for access to protected constructor
 443   protected:
 445     PerfLongCounter(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u,
 446                     jlong initial_value=0)
 447                    : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Monotonic,
 448                                      initial_value) { }
 450     PerfLongCounter(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, jlong* sampled)
 451                   : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Monotonic, sampled) { }
 453     PerfLongCounter(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u,
 454                     PerfLongSampleHelper* sample_helper)
 455                    : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Monotonic,
 456                                      sample_helper) { }
 457 };
 459 typedef PerfLongCounter PerfCounter;
 461 /*
 462  * The PerfLongVariable class, and its alias PerfVariable, implement
 463  * a PerfData subtype that holds a jlong data value that can
 464  * be modified in an unrestricted manner.
 465  */
 466 class PerfLongVariable : public PerfLongVariant {
 468   friend class PerfDataManager; // for access to protected constructor
 470   protected:
 472     PerfLongVariable(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u,
 473                      jlong initial_value=0)
 474                     : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Variable,
 475                                       initial_value) { }
 477     PerfLongVariable(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, jlong* sampled)
 478                     : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Variable, sampled) { }
 480     PerfLongVariable(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u,
 481                      PerfLongSampleHelper* sample_helper)
 482                     : PerfLongVariant(ns, namep, u, V_Variable,
 483                                       sample_helper) { }
 485   public:
 486     inline void set_value(jlong val) { (*(jlong*)_valuep) = val; }
 487 };
 489 typedef PerfLongVariable PerfVariable;
 491 /*
 492  * The PerfByteArray provides a PerfData subtype that allows the creation
 493  * of a contiguous region of the PerfData memory region for storing a vector
 494  * of bytes. This class is currently intended to be a base class for
 495  * the PerfString class, and cannot be instantiated directly.
 496  */
 497 class PerfByteArray : public PerfData {
 499   protected:
 500     jint _length;
 502     PerfByteArray(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Units u, Variability v,
 503                   jint length);
 504 };
 506 class PerfString : public PerfByteArray {
 508   protected:
 510     void set_string(const char* s2);
 512     PerfString(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, Variability v, jint length,
 513                const char* initial_value)
 514               : PerfByteArray(ns, namep, U_String, v, length) {
 515        if (is_valid()) set_string(initial_value);
 516     }
 518   public:
 520     int format(char* buffer, int length);
 521 };
 523 /*
 524  * The PerfStringConstant class provides a PerfData sub class that
 525  * allows a null terminated string of single byte characters to be
 526  * stored in the PerfData memory region.
 527  */
 528 class PerfStringConstant : public PerfString {
 530   friend class PerfDataManager; // for access to protected constructor
 532   private:
 534     // hide sample() - no need to sample constants
 535     void sample() { }
 537   protected:
 539     // Restrict string constant lengths to be <= PerfMaxStringConstLength.
 540     // This prevents long string constants, as can occur with very
 541     // long classpaths or java command lines, from consuming too much
 542     // PerfData memory.
 543     PerfStringConstant(CounterNS ns, const char* namep,
 544                        const char* initial_value);
 545 };
 547 /*
 548  * The PerfStringVariable class provides a PerfData sub class that
 549  * allows a null terminated string of single byte character data
 550  * to be stored in PerfData memory region. The string value can be reset
 551  * after initialization. If the string value is >= max_length, then
 552  * it will be truncated to max_length characters. The copied string
 553  * is always null terminated.
 554  */
 555 class PerfStringVariable : public PerfString {
 557   friend class PerfDataManager; // for access to protected constructor
 559   protected:
 561     // sampling of string variables are not yet supported
 562     void sample() { }
 564     PerfStringVariable(CounterNS ns, const char* namep, jint max_length,
 565                        const char* initial_value)
 566                       : PerfString(ns, namep, V_Variable, max_length+1,
 567                                    initial_value) { }
 569   public:
 570     inline void set_value(const char* val) { set_string(val); }
 571 };
 574 /*
 575  * The PerfDataList class is a container class for managing lists
 576  * of PerfData items. The intention of this class is to allow for
 577  * alternative implementations for management of list of PerfData
 578  * items without impacting the code that uses the lists.
 579  *
 580  * The initial implementation is based upon GrowableArray. Searches
 581  * on GrowableArray types is linear in nature and this may become
 582  * a performance issue for creation of PerfData items, particularly
 583  * from Java code where a test for existence is implemented as a
 584  * search over all existing PerfData items.
 585  *
 586  * The abstraction is not complete. A more general container class
 587  * would provide an Iterator abstraction that could be used to
 588  * traverse the lists. This implementation still relys upon integer
 589  * iterators and the at(int index) method. However, the GrowableArray
 590  * is not directly visible outside this class and can be replaced by
 591  * some other implementation, as long as that implementation provides
 592  * a mechanism to iterate over the container by index.
 593  */
 594 class PerfDataList : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
 596   private:
 598     // GrowableArray implementation
 599     typedef GrowableArray<PerfData*> PerfDataArray;
 601     PerfDataArray* _set;
 603     // method to search for a instrumentation object by name
 604     static bool by_name(void* name, PerfData* pd);
 606   protected:
 607     // we expose the implementation here to facilitate the clone
 608     // method.
 609     PerfDataArray* get_impl() { return _set; }
 611   public:
 613     // create a PerfDataList with the given initial length
 614     PerfDataList(int length);
 616     // create a PerfDataList as a shallow copy of the given PerfDataList
 617     PerfDataList(PerfDataList* p);
 619     ~PerfDataList();
 621     // return the PerfData item indicated by name,
 622     // or NULL if it doesn't exist.
 623     PerfData* find_by_name(const char* name);
 625     // return true if a PerfData item with the name specified in the
 626     // argument exists, otherwise return false.
 627     bool contains(const char* name) { return find_by_name(name) != NULL; }
 629     // return the number of PerfData items in this list
 630     int length() { return _set->length(); }
 632     // add a PerfData item to this list
 633     void append(PerfData *p) { _set->append(p); }
 635     // remove the given PerfData item from this list. When called
 636     // while iterating over the list, this method will result in a
 637     // change in the length of the container. The at(int index)
 638     // method is also impacted by this method as elements with an
 639     // index greater than the index of the element removed by this
 640     // method will be shifted down by one.
 641     void remove(PerfData *p) { _set->remove(p); }
 643     // create a new PerfDataList from this list. The new list is
 644     // a shallow copy of the original list and care should be taken
 645     // with respect to delete operations on the elements of the list
 646     // as the are likely in use by another copy of the list.
 647     PerfDataList* clone();
 649     // for backward compatibility with GrowableArray - need to implement
 650     // some form of iterator to provide a cleaner abstraction for
 651     // iteration over the container.
 652     PerfData* at(int index) { return _set->at(index); }
 653 };
 656 /*
 657  * The PerfDataManager class is responsible for creating PerfData
 658  * subtypes via a set a factory methods and for managing lists
 659  * of the various PerfData types.
 660  */
 661 class PerfDataManager : AllStatic {
 663   friend class StatSampler;   // for access to protected PerfDataList methods
 665   private:
 666     static PerfDataList* _all;
 667     static PerfDataList* _sampled;
 668     static PerfDataList* _constants;
 669     static const char* _name_spaces[];
 671     // add a PerfData item to the list(s) of know PerfData objects
 672     static void add_item(PerfData* p, bool sampled);
 674   protected:
 675     // return the list of all known PerfData items
 676     static PerfDataList* all();
 677     static int count() { return _all->length(); }
 679     // return the list of all known PerfData items that are to be
 680     // sampled by the StatSampler.
 681     static PerfDataList* sampled();
 682     static int sampled_count() { return _sampled->length(); }
 684     // return the list of all known PerfData items that have a
 685     // variability classification of type Constant
 686     static PerfDataList* constants();
 687     static int constants_count() { return _constants->length(); }
 689   public:
 691     // method to check for the existence of a PerfData item with
 692     // the given name.
 693     static bool exists(const char* name) { return _all->contains(name); }
 695     // method to search for a instrumentation object by name
 696     static PerfData* find_by_name(const char* name);
 698     // method to map a CounterNS enumeration to a namespace string
 699     static const char* ns_to_string(CounterNS ns) {
 700       return _name_spaces[ns];
 701     }
 703     // methods to test the interface stability of a given counter namespace
 704     //
 705     static bool is_stable_supported(CounterNS ns) {
 706       return (ns != NULL_NS) && ((ns % 3) == JAVA_NS);
 707     }
 708     static bool is_unstable_supported(CounterNS ns) {
 709       return (ns != NULL_NS) && ((ns % 3) == COM_NS);
 710     }
 711     static bool is_unstable_unsupported(CounterNS ns) {
 712       return (ns == NULL_NS) || ((ns % 3) == SUN_NS);
 713     }
 715     // methods to test the interface stability of a given counter name
 716     //
 717     static bool is_stable_supported(const char* name) {
 718       const char* javadot = "java.";
 719       return strncmp(name, javadot, strlen(javadot)) == 0;
 720     }
 721     static bool is_unstable_supported(const char* name) {
 722       const char* comdot = "com.sun.";
 723       return strncmp(name, comdot, strlen(comdot)) == 0;
 724     }
 725     static bool is_unstable_unsupported(const char* name) {
 726       return !(is_stable_supported(name) && is_unstable_supported(name));
 727     }
 729     // method to construct counter name strings in a given name space.
 730     // The string object is allocated from the Resource Area and calls
 731     // to this method must be made within a ResourceMark.
 732     //
 733     static char* counter_name(const char* name_space, const char* name);
 735     // method to construct name space strings in a given name space.
 736     // The string object is allocated from the Resource Area and calls
 737     // to this method must be made within a ResourceMark.
 738     //
 739     static char* name_space(const char* name_space, const char* sub_space) {
 740       return counter_name(name_space, sub_space);
 741     }
 743     // same as above, but appends the instance number to the name space
 744     //
 745     static char* name_space(const char* name_space, const char* sub_space,
 746                             int instance);
 747     static char* name_space(const char* name_space, int instance);
 750     // these methods provide the general interface for creating
 751     // performance data resources. The types of performance data
 752     // resources can be extended by adding additional create<type>
 753     // methods.
 755     // Constant Types
 756     static PerfStringConstant* create_string_constant(CounterNS ns,
 757                                                       const char* name,
 758                                                       const char *s, TRAPS);
 760     static PerfLongConstant* create_long_constant(CounterNS ns,
 761                                                   const char* name,
 762                                                   PerfData::Units u,
 763                                                   jlong val, TRAPS);
 766     // Variable Types
 767     static PerfStringVariable* create_string_variable(CounterNS ns,
 768                                                       const char* name,
 769                                                       int max_length,
 770                                                       const char *s, TRAPS);
 772     static PerfStringVariable* create_string_variable(CounterNS ns,
 773                                                       const char* name,
 774                                                       const char *s, TRAPS) {
 775       return create_string_variable(ns, name, 0, s, CHECK_NULL);
 776     };
 778     static PerfLongVariable* create_long_variable(CounterNS ns,
 779                                                   const char* name,
 780                                                   PerfData::Units u,
 781                                                   jlong ival, TRAPS);
 783     static PerfLongVariable* create_long_variable(CounterNS ns,
 784                                                   const char* name,
 785                                                   PerfData::Units u, TRAPS) {
 786       return create_long_variable(ns, name, u, (jlong)0, CHECK_NULL);
 787     };
 789     static PerfLongVariable* create_long_variable(CounterNS, const char* name,
 790                                                   PerfData::Units u,
 791                                                   jlong* sp, TRAPS);
 793     static PerfLongVariable* create_long_variable(CounterNS ns,
 794                                                   const char* name,
 795                                                   PerfData::Units u,
 796                                                   PerfLongSampleHelper* sh,
 797                                                   TRAPS);
 800     // Counter Types
 801     static PerfLongCounter* create_long_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 802                                                 PerfData::Units u,
 803                                                 jlong ival, TRAPS);
 805     static PerfLongCounter* create_long_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 806                                                 PerfData::Units u, TRAPS) {
 807       return create_long_counter(ns, name, u, (jlong)0, CHECK_NULL);
 808     };
 810     static PerfLongCounter* create_long_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 811                                                 PerfData::Units u, jlong* sp,
 812                                                 TRAPS);
 814     static PerfLongCounter* create_long_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 815                                                 PerfData::Units u,
 816                                                 PerfLongSampleHelper* sh,
 817                                                 TRAPS);
 820     // these creation methods are provided for ease of use. These allow
 821     // Long performance data types to be created with a shorthand syntax.
 823     static PerfConstant* create_constant(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 824                                          PerfData::Units u, jlong val, TRAPS) {
 825       return create_long_constant(ns, name, u, val, CHECK_NULL);
 826     }
 828     static PerfVariable* create_variable(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 829                                          PerfData::Units u, jlong ival, TRAPS) {
 830       return create_long_variable(ns, name, u, ival, CHECK_NULL);
 831     }
 833     static PerfVariable* create_variable(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 834                                          PerfData::Units u, TRAPS) {
 835       return create_long_variable(ns, name, u, (jlong)0, CHECK_NULL);
 836     }
 838     static PerfVariable* create_variable(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 839                                          PerfData::Units u, jlong* sp, TRAPS) {
 840       return create_long_variable(ns, name, u, sp, CHECK_NULL);
 841     }
 843     static PerfVariable* create_variable(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 844                                          PerfData::Units u,
 845                                          PerfSampleHelper* sh, TRAPS) {
 846       return create_long_variable(ns, name, u, sh, CHECK_NULL);
 847     }
 849     static PerfCounter* create_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 850                                        PerfData::Units u, jlong ival, TRAPS) {
 851       return create_long_counter(ns, name, u, ival, CHECK_NULL);
 852     }
 854     static PerfCounter* create_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 855                                        PerfData::Units u, TRAPS) {
 856       return create_long_counter(ns, name, u, (jlong)0, CHECK_NULL);
 857     }
 859     static PerfCounter* create_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 860                                        PerfData::Units u, jlong* sp, TRAPS) {
 861       return create_long_counter(ns, name, u, sp, CHECK_NULL);
 862     }
 864     static PerfCounter* create_counter(CounterNS ns, const char* name,
 865                                        PerfData::Units u,
 866                                        PerfSampleHelper* sh, TRAPS) {
 867       return create_long_counter(ns, name, u, sh, CHECK_NULL);
 868     }
 870     static void destroy();
 871 };
 873 // Useful macros to create the performance counters
 874 #define NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(counter, counter_ns, counter_name)  \
 875   {counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter(counter_ns, counter_name, \
 876                                              PerfData::U_Ticks,CHECK);}
 878 #define NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(counter, counter_ns, counter_name)  \
 879   {counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter(counter_ns, counter_name, \
 880                                              PerfData::U_Events,CHECK);}
 882 #define NEWPERFBYTECOUNTER(counter, counter_ns, counter_name)  \
 883   {counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter(counter_ns, counter_name, \
 884                                              PerfData::U_Bytes,CHECK);}
 886 // Utility Classes
 888 /*
 889  * this class will administer a PerfCounter used as a time accumulator
 890  * for a basic block much like the TraceTime class.
 891  *
 892  * Example:
 893  *
 894  *    static PerfCounter* my_time_counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter("my.time.counter", PerfData::U_Ticks, 0LL, CHECK);
 895  *
 896  *    {
 897  *      PerfTraceTime ptt(my_time_counter);
 898  *      // perform the operation you want to measure
 899  *    }
 900  *
 901  * Note: use of this class does not need to occur within a guarded
 902  * block. The UsePerfData guard is used with the implementation
 903  * of this class.
 904  */
 905 class PerfTraceTime : public StackObj {
 907   protected:
 908     elapsedTimer _t;
 909     PerfLongCounter* _timerp;
 910     // pointer to thread-local or global recursion counter variable
 911     int* _recursion_counter;
 913   public:
 914     inline PerfTraceTime(PerfLongCounter* timerp) : _timerp(timerp), _recursion_counter(NULL) {
 915       if (!UsePerfData) return;
 916       _t.start();
 917     }
 919     inline PerfTraceTime(PerfLongCounter* timerp, int* recursion_counter) : _timerp(timerp), _recursion_counter(recursion_counter) {
 920       if (!UsePerfData || (_recursion_counter != NULL &&
 921                            (*_recursion_counter)++ > 0)) return;
 922       _t.start();
 923     }
 925     inline void suspend() { if (!UsePerfData) return; _t.stop(); }
 926     inline void resume() { if (!UsePerfData) return; _t.start(); }
 928     inline ~PerfTraceTime() {
 929       if (!UsePerfData || (_recursion_counter != NULL &&
 930                            --(*_recursion_counter) > 0)) return;
 931       _t.stop();
 932       _timerp->inc(_t.ticks());
 933     }
 934 };
 936 /* The PerfTraceTimedEvent class is responsible for counting the
 937  * occurrence of some event and measuring the the elapsed time of
 938  * the event in two separate PerfCounter instances.
 939  *
 940  * Example:
 941  *
 942  *    static PerfCounter* my_time_counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter("my.time.counter", PerfData::U_Ticks, CHECK);
 943  *    static PerfCounter* my_event_counter = PerfDataManager::create_counter("my.event.counter", PerfData::U_Events, CHECK);
 944  *
 945  *    {
 946  *      PerfTraceTimedEvent ptte(my_time_counter, my_event_counter);
 947  *      // perform the operation you want to count and measure
 948  *    }
 949  *
 950  * Note: use of this class does not need to occur within a guarded
 951  * block. The UsePerfData guard is used with the implementation
 952  * of this class.
 953  *
 954  */
 955 class PerfTraceTimedEvent : public PerfTraceTime {
 957   protected:
 958     PerfLongCounter* _eventp;
 960   public:
 961     inline PerfTraceTimedEvent(PerfLongCounter* timerp, PerfLongCounter* eventp): PerfTraceTime(timerp), _eventp(eventp) {
 962       if (!UsePerfData) return;
 963       _eventp->inc();
 964     }
 966     inline PerfTraceTimedEvent(PerfLongCounter* timerp, PerfLongCounter* eventp, int* recursion_counter): PerfTraceTime(timerp, recursion_counter), _eventp(eventp) {
 967       if (!UsePerfData) return;
 968       _eventp->inc();
 969     }
 970 };