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@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@
  * of the copyright holder.
-import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import sun.util.resources.ParallelListResourceBundle;
-public class FormatData_fr extends ListResourceBundle {
+public class FormatData_fr extends ParallelListResourceBundle {
-     * Overrides ListResourceBundle
+     * Overrides ParallelListResourceBundle
     protected final Object[][] getContents() {
         return new Object[][] {
             { "MonthNames",
                 new String[] {

@@ -116,10 +116,27 @@
                     "nov.", // abb november
                     "d\u00e9c.", // abb december
                     "" // abb mo month 13 if applicable
+            { "MonthNarrows",
+                new String[] {
+                    "J",
+                    "F",
+                    "M",
+                    "A",
+                    "M",
+                    "J",
+                    "J",
+                    "A",
+                    "S",
+                    "O",
+                    "N",
+                    "D",
+                    "",
+                }
+            },
             { "DayNames",
                 new String[] {
                     "dimanche", // Sunday
                     "lundi", // Monday
                     "mardi", // Tuesday

@@ -138,10 +155,21 @@
                     "jeu.", // abb Thursday
                     "ven.", // abb Friday
                     "sam." // abb Saturday
+            { "standalone.DayAbbreviations",
+                new String[] {
+                    "dim.",
+                    "lun.",
+                    "mar.",
+                    "mer.",
+                    "jeu.",
+                    "ven.",
+                    "sam.",
+                }
+            },
             { "DayNarrows",
                 new String[] {

@@ -155,10 +183,34 @@
                 new String[] { // era strings
                     "ap. J.-C."
+            { "short.Eras",
+                new String[] {
+                    "av. J.-C.",
+                    "ap. J.-C.",
+                }
+            },
+            { "buddhist.Eras",
+                new String[] {
+                    "BC",
+                    "\u00e8re bouddhiste",
+                }
+            },
+            { "buddhist.short.Eras",
+                new String[] {
+                    "BC",
+                    "\u00e8re b.",
+                }
+            },
+            { "buddhist.narrow.Eras",
+                new String[] {
+                    "BC",
+                    "E.B.",
+                }
+            },
             { "NumberPatterns",
                 new String[] {
                     "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", // decimal pattern
                     "#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4", // currency pattern
                     "#,##0 %" // percent pattern

@@ -199,114 +251,8 @@
                 new String[] {
                     "{1} {0}" // date-time pattern
             { "DateTimePatternChars", "GaMjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzZ" },
-            { "cldr.buddhist.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMM, y G",
-                    "d/M/yyyy",
-                }
-            },
-            { "cldr.japanese.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMM, y G",
-                    "d/M/y GGGGG",
-                }
-            },
-            { "cldr.roc.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMM, y G",
-                    "d/M/y GGGGG",
-                }
-            },
-            { "roc.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y GGGG",
-                    "d MMMM y GGGG",
-                    "d MMM, y GGGG",
-                    "d/M/y G",
-                }
-            },
-            { "islamic.MonthNames",
-                new String[] {
-                    "Mouharram",
-                    "Safar",
-                    "Rabi\u02bb-oul-Aououal",
-                    "Rabi\u02bb-out-Tani",
-                    "Djoumada-l-Oula",
-                    "Djoumada-t-Tania",
-                    "Radjab",
-                    "Cha\u02bbban",
-                    "Ramadan",
-                    "Chaououal",
-                    "Dou-l-Qa\u02bbda",
-                    "Dou-l-Hidjja",
-                    "",
-                }
-            },
-            { "islamic.MonthAbbreviations",
-                new String[] {
-                    "Mouh.",
-                    "Saf.",
-                    "Rabi\u02bb-oul-A.",
-                    "Rabi\u02bb-out-T.",
-                    "Djoum.-l-O.",
-                    "Djoum.-t-T.",
-                    "Radj.",
-                    "Cha.",
-                    "Ram.",
-                    "Chaou.",
-                    "Dou-l-Q.",
-                    "Dou-l-H.",
-                    "",
-                }
-            },
-            { "islamic.Eras",
-                new String[] {
-                    "",
-                    "AH",
-                }
-            },
-            { "cldr.islamic.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMMM y G",
-                    "d MMM, y G",
-                    "d/M/y G",
-                }
-            },
-            { "islamic.DatePatterns",
-                new String[] {
-                    "EEEE d MMMM y GGGG",
-                    "d MMMM y GGGG",
-                    "d MMM, y GGGG",
-                    "d/M/y GGGG",
-                }
-            },
-            { "calendarname.islamic-civil", "Calendrier civil musulman" },
-            { "calendarname.islamicc", "Calendrier civil musulman" },
-            { "calendarname.islamic", "Calendrier musulman" },
-            { "calendarname.japanese", "Calendrier japonais" },
-            { "calendarname.gregorian", "Calendrier gr\u00e9gorien" },
-            { "calendarname.gregory", "Calendrier gr\u00e9gorien" },
-            { "calendarname.roc", "Calendrier r\u00e9publicain chinois" },
-            { "calendarname.buddhist", "Calendrier bouddhiste" },
-            { "field.era", "\u00e8re" },
-            { "field.year", "ann\u00e9e" },
-            { "field.month", "mois" },
-            { "field.week", "semaine" },
-            { "field.weekday", "jour de la semaine" },
-            { "field.dayperiod", "cadran" },
-            { "field.hour", "heure" },
-            { "field.minute", "minute" },
-            { "field.second", "seconde" },
-            { "", "fuseau horaire" },