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*** 23,33 **** import java.awt.*; /* * @test ! * @bug 8144735 * @key headful * @summary Check if a per-pixel translucent and translucent window is dragged * and resized by mouse correctly * Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT and TRANSLUCENT translucency * types are supported on the current platform. Proceed if they are supported. --- 23,33 ---- import java.awt.*; /* * @test ! * @bug 8144735 8164811 * @key headful * @summary Check if a per-pixel translucent and translucent window is dragged * and resized by mouse correctly * Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT and TRANSLUCENT translucency * types are supported on the current platform. Proceed if they are supported.
*** 44,53 **** --- 44,54 ---- * background should have a gradient in translucency while controls - not. * @author mrkam * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary * @build Common ExtendedRobot * @run main TranslucentPerPixelTranslucentGradient + * @run main/othervm -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.5 TranslucentPerPixelTranslucentGradient */ public class TranslucentPerPixelTranslucentGradient extends Common { public static void main(String[] ignored) throws Exception {
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