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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this

@@ -20,2530 +20,1780 @@
  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  * questions.
- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. and others, 1996-2009 - All Rights Reserved         *
- *                                                                             *
- * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted   *
- * and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License     *
- * Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple     *
- * US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not    *
- * to removed.                                                                 *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
+ *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
 package sun.text.normalizer;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.text.Normalizer;
- * @author  Ram Viswanadha
- */
+// Original filename in ICU4J: Normalizer2Impl.java
 public final class NormalizerImpl {
-    // Static block for the class to initialize its own self
-    static final NormalizerImpl IMPL;
-    static
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            IMPL = new NormalizerImpl();
-        }
-        catch (Exception e)
-        {
-            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    static final int UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK =0xFF;
-    static final long UNSIGNED_INT_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
-    /*
-     * This new implementation of the normalization code loads its data from
-     * unorm.icu, which is generated with the gennorm tool.
-     * The format of that file is described at the end of this file.
-     */
-    private static final String DATA_FILE_NAME = "/sun/text/resources/unorm.icu";
-    // norm32 value constants
-    // quick check flags 0..3 set mean "no" for their forms
-    public static final int QC_NFC=0x11;          /* no|maybe */
-    public static final int QC_NFKC=0x22;         /* no|maybe */
-    public static final int QC_NFD=4;             /* no */
-    public static final int QC_NFKD=8;            /* no */
-    public static final int QC_ANY_NO=0xf;
-    /* quick check flags 4..5 mean "maybe" for their forms;
-     * test flags>=QC_MAYBE
-     */
-    public static final int QC_MAYBE=0x10;
-    public static final int QC_ANY_MAYBE=0x30;
-    public static final int QC_MASK=0x3f;
-    private static final int COMBINES_FWD=0x40;
-    private static final int COMBINES_BACK=0x80;
-    public  static final int COMBINES_ANY=0xc0;
-    // UnicodeData.txt combining class in bits 15.
-    private static final int CC_SHIFT=8;
-    public  static final int CC_MASK=0xff00;
-    // 16 bits for the index to UChars and other extra data
-    private static final int EXTRA_SHIFT=16;
-    /* norm32 value constants using >16 bits */
-    private static final long  MIN_SPECIAL    =  0xfc000000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-    private static final long  SURROGATES_TOP =  0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-    private static final long  MIN_HANGUL     =  0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-//  private static final long  MIN_JAMO_V     =  0xfff20000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-    private static final long  JAMO_V_TOP     =  0xfff30000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-    /* indexes[] value names */
-    /* number of bytes in normalization trie */
-    static final int INDEX_TRIE_SIZE           = 0;
-    /* number of chars in extra data */
-    static final int INDEX_CHAR_COUNT           = 1;
-    /* number of uint16_t words for combining data */
-    static final int INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT = 2;
-    /* first code point with quick check NFC NO/MAYBE */
-    public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE   = 6;
-    /* first code point with quick check NFKC NO/MAYBE */
-    public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE  = 7;
-    /* first code point with quick check NFD NO/MAYBE */
-    public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE   = 8;
-    /* first code point with quick check NFKD NO/MAYBE */
-    public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE  = 9;
-    /* number of bytes in FCD trie */
-    static final int INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE      = 10;
-    /* number of bytes in the auxiliary trie */
-    static final int INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE      = 11;
-    /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */
-    static final int INDEX_TOP                = 32;
-    /* AUX constants */
-    /* value constants for auxTrie */
-    private static final int AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT           = 11;
-    private static final int AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT           = 10;
-    private static final int AUX_NFC_SKIPPABLE_F_SHIFT = 12;
-    private static final int AUX_MAX_FNC          =   1<<AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT;
-    private static final int AUX_UNSAFE_MASK      =   (int)((1<<AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK);
-    private static final int AUX_FNC_MASK         =   (int)((AUX_MAX_FNC-1) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK);
-    private static final int AUX_COMP_EX_MASK     =   (int)((1<<AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK);
-    private static final long AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK =   ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK&1)<<AUX_NFC_SKIPPABLE_F_SHIFT);
-    private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE                    = 20;
-    /*******************************/
-    /* Wrappers for Trie implementations */
-    static final class NormTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{
-        static IntTrie normTrie= null;
-       /**
-        * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's
-        * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
-        * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including
-        *         the folding offset
-        * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
-        */
-        /* normTrie: 32-bit trie result may contain a special extraData index with the folding offset */
-        public int getFoldingOffset(int value){
-            return  BMP_INDEX_LENGTH+
-                    ((value>>(EXTRA_SHIFT-SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS))&
-                    (0x3ff<<SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS));
-        }
-    }
-    static final class FCDTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{
-        static CharTrie fcdTrie=null;
-       /**
-        * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's
-        * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
-        * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including
-        *         the folding offset
-        * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
-        */
-        /* fcdTrie: the folding offset is the lead FCD value itself */
-        public int getFoldingOffset(int value){
-            return value;
-        }
-    }
-    static final class AuxTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{
-        static CharTrie auxTrie = null;
-       /**
-        * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's
-        * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
-        * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including
-        *        the folding offset
-        * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
-        */
-        /* auxTrie: the folding offset is in bits 9..0 of the 16-bit trie result */
-        public int getFoldingOffset(int value){
-            return (value &AUX_FNC_MASK)<<SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS;
-        }
-    }
-    /****************************************************/
-    private static FCDTrieImpl fcdTrieImpl;
-    private static NormTrieImpl normTrieImpl;
-    private static AuxTrieImpl auxTrieImpl;
-    private static int[] indexes;
-    private static char[] combiningTable;
-    private static char[] extraData;
-    private static boolean isDataLoaded;
-    private static boolean isFormatVersion_2_1;
-    private static boolean isFormatVersion_2_2;
-    private static byte[] unicodeVersion;
-    /**
-     * Default buffer size of datafile
-     */
-    private static final int DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = 25000;
-    /**
-     * FCD check: everything below this code point is known to have a 0
-     * lead combining class
-     */
-    public static final int MIN_WITH_LEAD_CC=0x300;
-    /**
-     * Bit 7 of the length byte for a decomposition string in extra data is
-     * a flag indicating whether the decomposition string is
-     * preceded by a 16-bit word with the leading and trailing cc
-     * of the decomposition (like for A-umlaut);
-     * if not, then both cc's are zero (like for compatibility ideographs).
-     */
-    private static final int DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC=0x80;
-    /**
-     * Bits 6..0 of the length byte contain the actual length.
-     */
-    private static final int DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK=0x7f;
-    /** Length of the BMP portion of the index (stage 1) array. */
-    private static final int BMP_INDEX_LENGTH=0x10000>>Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_;
-    /** Number of bits of a trail surrogate that are used in index table
-     * lookups.
-     */
-    private static final int SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS=10-Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_;
-   // public utility
-   public static int getFromIndexesArr(int index){
-        return indexes[index];
-   }
-   // protected constructor ---------------------------------------------
-    /**
-    * Constructor
-    * @exception thrown when data reading fails or data corrupted
-    */
-    private NormalizerImpl() throws IOException {
-        //data should be loaded only once
-        if(!isDataLoaded){
-            // jar access
-            InputStream i = ICUData.getRequiredStream(DATA_FILE_NAME);
-            BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(i,DATA_BUFFER_SIZE);
-            NormalizerDataReader reader = new NormalizerDataReader(b);
-            // read the indexes
-            indexes = reader.readIndexes(NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TOP);
-            byte[] normBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]];
-            int combiningTableTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT];
-            combiningTable = new char[combiningTableTop];
-            int extraDataTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_CHAR_COUNT];
-            extraData = new char[extraDataTop];
-            byte[] fcdBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE]];
-            byte[] auxBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE]];
-            fcdTrieImpl = new FCDTrieImpl();
-            normTrieImpl = new NormTrieImpl();
-            auxTrieImpl = new AuxTrieImpl();
-            // load the rest of the data data and initialize the data members
-            reader.read(normBytes, fcdBytes,auxBytes, extraData, combiningTable);
-            NormTrieImpl.normTrie = new IntTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(normBytes),normTrieImpl );
-            FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie   = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(fcdBytes),fcdTrieImpl  );
-            AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie   = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(auxBytes),auxTrieImpl  );
-            // we reached here without any exceptions so the data is fully
-            // loaded set the variable to true
-            isDataLoaded = true;
-            // get the data format version
-            byte[] formatVersion = reader.getDataFormatVersion();
-            isFormatVersion_2_1 =( formatVersion[0]>2
-                                    ||
-                                   (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=1)
-                                 );
-            isFormatVersion_2_2 =( formatVersion[0]>2
-                                    ||
-                                   (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=2)
-                                 );
-            unicodeVersion = reader.getUnicodeVersion();
-            b.close();
-        }
-    }
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    public static final class Hangul {
     /* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */
     public static final int JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100;     /* "lead" jamo */
     public static final int JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161;     /* "vowel" jamo */
     public static final int JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7;     /* "trail" jamo */
     public static final int HANGUL_BASE=0xac00;
+        public static final int HANGUL_END=0xd7a3;
     public static final int JAMO_L_COUNT=19;
     public static final int JAMO_V_COUNT=21;
-    public static final int JAMO_T_COUNT=28;
-    public  static final int HANGUL_COUNT=JAMO_L_COUNT*JAMO_V_COUNT*JAMO_T_COUNT;
-    private static boolean isHangulWithoutJamoT(char c) {
-        c-=HANGUL_BASE;
-        return c<HANGUL_COUNT && c%JAMO_T_COUNT==0;
-    }
-    /* norm32 helpers */
-    /* is this a norm32 with a regular index? */
-    private static boolean isNorm32Regular(long norm32) {
-        return norm32<MIN_SPECIAL;
-    }
-    /* is this a norm32 with a special index for a lead surrogate? */
-    private static boolean isNorm32LeadSurrogate(long norm32) {
-        return MIN_SPECIAL<=norm32 && norm32<SURROGATES_TOP;
-    }
-    /* is this a norm32 with a special index for a Hangul syllable or a Jamo? */
-    private static boolean isNorm32HangulOrJamo(long norm32) {
-        return norm32>=MIN_HANGUL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Given norm32 for Jamo V or T,
-     * is this a Jamo V?
-     */
-    private static boolean isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(long norm32) {
-        return norm32<JAMO_V_TOP;
-    }
-    /* data access primitives ----------------------------------------------- */
-    public static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32(char c) {
-        return ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & (NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getLeadValue(c)));
-    }
-    public static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(long norm32,
-                                                               char c2) {
-        /*
-         * the surrogate index in norm32 stores only the number of the surrogate
-         * index block see gennorm/store.c/getFoldedNormValue()
-         */
-        return ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) &
-                    NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getTrailValue((int)norm32, c2));
-    }
-    ///CLOVER:OFF
-    private static long getNorm32(int c){
-        return (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK&(NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getCodePointValue(c)));
-    }
-    /*
-     * get a norm32 from text with complete code points
-     * (like from decompositions)
-     */
-    private static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32(char[] p,int start,
-                                              int/*unsigned*/ mask) {
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32= getNorm32(p[start]);
-        if(((norm32&mask)>0) && isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) {
-            /* *p is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */
-            norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, p[start+1]);
-        }
-        return norm32;
-    }
-    //// for StringPrep
-    public static VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion(){
-        return VersionInfo.getInstance(unicodeVersion[0], unicodeVersion[1],
-                                       unicodeVersion[2], unicodeVersion[3]);
-    }
-    public static char    getFCD16(char c) {
-        return  FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getLeadValue(c);
-    }
-    public static char getFCD16FromSurrogatePair(char fcd16, char c2) {
-        /* the surrogate index in fcd16 is an absolute offset over the
-         * start of stage 1
-         * */
-        return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getTrailValue(fcd16, c2);
-    }
-    public static int getFCD16(int c) {
-        return  FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getCodePointValue(c);
-    }
-    private static int getExtraDataIndex(long norm32) {
-        return (int)(norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT);
-    }
-    private static final class DecomposeArgs{
-        int /*unsigned byte*/ cc;
-        int /*unsigned byte*/ trailCC;
-        int length;
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * get the canonical or compatibility decomposition for one character
-     *
-     * @return index into the extraData array
-     */
-    private static int/*index*/ decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32,
-                                          int/*unsigned*/ qcMask,
-                                          DecomposeArgs args) {
-        int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32);
-        args.length=extraData[p++];
-        if((norm32&qcMask&QC_NFKD)!=0 && args.length>=0x100) {
-            /* use compatibility decomposition, skip canonical data */
-            p+=((args.length>>7)&1)+(args.length&DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK);
-            args.length>>=8;
-        }
-        if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) {
-            /* get the lead and trail cc's */
-            char bothCCs=extraData[p++];
-            args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8);
-            args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs;
-        } else {
-            /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */
-            args.cc=args.trailCC=0;
-        }
-        args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK;
-        return p;
-    }
-    /**
-     * get the canonical decomposition for one character
-     * @return index into the extraData array
-     */
-    private static int decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32,
-                                 DecomposeArgs args) {
-        int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32);
-        args.length=extraData[p++];
-        if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) {
-            /* get the lead and trail cc's */
-            char bothCCs=extraData[p++];
-            args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8);
-            args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs;
-        } else {
-            /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */
-            args.cc=args.trailCC=0;
-        }
-        args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK;
-        return p;
-    }
-    private static final class NextCCArgs{
-        char[] source;
-        int next;
-        int limit;
-        char c;
-        char c2;
-    }
-    /*
-     * get the combining class of (c, c2)= args.source[args.next++]
-     * before: args.next<args.limit  after: args.next<=args.limit
-     * if only one code unit is used, then c2==0
-     */
-    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ getNextCC(NextCCArgs args) {
-        long /*unsigned*/ norm32;
-        args.c=args.source[args.next++];
-        norm32= getNorm32(args.c);
-        if((norm32 & CC_MASK)==0) {
-            args.c2=0;
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            if(!isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) {
-                args.c2=0;
-            } else {
-                /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */
-                if(args.next!=args.limit &&
-                        UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2=args.source[args.next])){
-                    ++args.next;
-                    norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c2);
-                } else {
-                    args.c2=0;
-                    return 0;
-                }
-            }
-            return (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32>>CC_SHIFT));
-        }
-    }
-    private static final class PrevArgs{
-        char[] src;
-        int start;
-        int current;
-        char c;
-        char c2;
-    }
-    /*
-     * read backwards and get norm32
-     * return 0 if the character is <minC
-     * if c2!=0 then (c2, c) is a surrogate pair (reversed - c2 is first
-     * surrogate but read second!)
-     */
-    private static long /*unsigned*/ getPrevNorm32(PrevArgs args,
-                                                      int/*unsigned*/ minC,
-                                                      int/*unsigned*/ mask) {
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32;
-        args.c=args.src[--args.current];
-        args.c2=0;
-        /* check for a surrogate before getting norm32 to see if we need to
-         * predecrement further
-         */
-        if(args.c<minC) {
-            return 0;
-        } else if(!UTF16.isSurrogate(args.c)) {
-            return getNorm32(args.c);
-        } else if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c)) {
-            /* unpaired first surrogate */
-            return 0;
-        } else if(args.current!=args.start &&
-                    UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c2=args.src[args.current-1])) {
-            --args.current;
-            norm32=getNorm32(args.c2);
-            if((norm32&mask)==0) {
-                /* all surrogate pairs with this lead surrogate have
-                 * only irrelevant data
-                 */
-                return 0;
-            } else {
-                /* norm32 must be a surrogate special */
-                return getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c);
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* unpaired second surrogate */
-            args.c2=0;
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * get the combining class of (c, c2)=*--p
-     * before: start<p  after: start<=p
-     */
-    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ getPrevCC(PrevArgs args) {
-        return (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK)&(getPrevNorm32(args, MIN_WITH_LEAD_CC,
-                                                         CC_MASK)>>CC_SHIFT));
-    }
-    /*
-     * is this a safe boundary character for NF*D?
-     * (lead cc==0)
-     */
-    public static boolean isNFDSafe(long/*unsigned*/ norm32,
-                                     int/*unsigned*/ccOrQCMask,
-                                     int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) {
-        if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) {
-            return true; /* cc==0 and no decomposition: this is NF*D safe */
-        }
-        /* inspect its decomposition - maybe a Hangul but not a surrogate here*/
-        if(isNorm32Regular(norm32) && (norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) {
-            DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs();
-            /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */
-            decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args);
-            return args.cc==0;
-        } else {
-            /* no decomposition (or Hangul), test the cc directly */
-            return (norm32&CC_MASK)==0;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * is this (or does its decomposition begin with) a "true starter"?
-     * (cc==0 and NF*C_YES)
-     */
-    public static boolean isTrueStarter(long/*unsigned*/ norm32,
-                                          int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask,
-                                          int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) {
-        if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) {
-            return true; /* this is a true starter (could be Hangul or Jamo L)*/
-        }
-        /* inspect its decomposition - not a Hangul or a surrogate here */
-        if((norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) {
-            int p; /* index into extra data array */
-            DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs();
-            /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */
-            p=decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args);
-            if(args.cc==0) {
-                int/*unsigned*/ qcMask=ccOrQCMask&QC_MASK;
-                /* does it begin with NFC_YES? */
-                if((getNorm32(extraData,p, qcMask)&qcMask)==0) {
-                    /* yes, the decomposition begins with a true starter */
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /* reorder UTF-16 in-place ---------------------------------------------- */
-    /**
-     * simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() -
-     * bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string
-     * which is already canonically ordered
-     * (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p]
-     *
-     * it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2)
-     *
-     * before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and
-     *         src[current]..src[p]     may or may not hold (c, c2) but
-     *                          must be exactly the same length as (c, c2)
-     * after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered
-     *
-     * @return the trailing combining class
-     */
-    private static int/*unsigned byte*/ insertOrdered(char[] source,
-                                                      int start,
-                                                      int current, int p,
-                                                         char c, char c2,
-                                                         int/*unsigned byte*/ cc) {
-        int back, preBack;
-        int r;
-        int prevCC, trailCC=cc;
-        if(start<current && cc!=0) {
-            // search for the insertion point where cc>=prevCC
-            preBack=back=current;
-            PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs();
-            prevArgs.current  = current;
-            prevArgs.start    = start;
-            prevArgs.src      = source;
-            // get the prevCC
-            prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs);
-            preBack = prevArgs.current;
-            if(cc<prevCC) {
-                // this will be the last code point, so keep its cc
-                trailCC=prevCC;
-                back=preBack;
-                while(start<preBack) {
-                    prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs);
-                    preBack=prevArgs.current;
-                    if(cc>=prevCC) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    back=preBack;
-                }
-                // this is where we are right now with all these indicies:
-                // [start]..[pPreBack] 0..? code points that we can ignore
-                // [pPreBack]..[pBack] 0..1 code points with prevCC<=cc
-                // [pBack]..[current] 0..n code points with >cc, move up to insert (c, c2)
-                // [current]..[p]         1 code point (c, c2) with cc
-                // move the code units in between up
-                r=p;
-                do {
-                    source[--r]=source[--current];
-                } while(back!=current);
-            }
-        }
-        // insert (c, c2)
-        source[current]=c;
-        if(c2!=0) {
-            source[(current+1)]=c2;
-        }
-        // we know the cc of the last code point
-        return trailCC;
-    }
-    /**
-     * merge two UTF-16 string parts together
-     * to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation
-     *
-     * the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done
-     * in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the
-     * first one must be large enough
-     * the second string may or may not be ordered in itself
-     *
-     * before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and
-     *         [next]..[limit]    may be ordered in itself, but
-     *                          is not in relation to [start..current[
-     * after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered
-     *
-     * the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from
-     * src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the
-     * preceding part of the string
-     *
-     * since this function is called much less often than the single-code point
-     * insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance
-     *
-     * @return the trailing combining class
-     */
-    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source,
-                                                      int start,
-                                                      int current,
-                                                      char[] data,
-                                                        int next,
-                                                        int limit,
-                                                        boolean isOrdered) {
-            int r;
-            int /*unsigned byte*/ cc, trailCC=0;
-            boolean adjacent;
-            adjacent= current==next;
-            NextCCArgs ncArgs = new NextCCArgs();
-            ncArgs.source = data;
-            ncArgs.next   = next;
-            ncArgs.limit  = limit;
-            if(start!=current || !isOrdered) {
-                while(ncArgs.next<ncArgs.limit) {
-                    cc=getNextCC(ncArgs);
-                    if(cc==0) {
-                        // does not bubble back
-                        trailCC=0;
-                        if(adjacent) {
-                            current=ncArgs.next;
-                        } else {
-                            data[current++]=ncArgs.c;
-                            if(ncArgs.c2!=0) {
-                                data[current++]=ncArgs.c2;
+        public static final int JAMO_T_COUNT=28;
+        public static final int HANGUL_COUNT=JAMO_L_COUNT*JAMO_V_COUNT*JAMO_T_COUNT;
+        public static final int HANGUL_LIMIT=HANGUL_BASE+HANGUL_COUNT;
+        public static boolean isHangul(int c) {
+            return HANGUL_BASE<=c && c<HANGUL_LIMIT;
+        public static boolean isHangulWithoutJamoT(char c) {
+            c-=HANGUL_BASE;
+            return c<HANGUL_COUNT && c%JAMO_T_COUNT==0;
-                        if(isOrdered) {
-                            break;
+        /**
+         * Decomposes c, which must be a Hangul syllable, into buffer
+         * and returns the length of the decomposition (2 or 3).
+         */
+        public static int decompose(int c, Appendable buffer) {
+            try {
+                c-=HANGUL_BASE;
+                int c2=c%JAMO_T_COUNT;
+                c/=JAMO_T_COUNT;
+                buffer.append((char)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT));
+                buffer.append((char)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT));
+                if(c2==0) {
+                    return 2;
                         } else {
-                            start=current;
+                    buffer.append((char)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2));
+                    return 3;
-                    } else {
-                        r=current+(ncArgs.c2==0 ? 1 : 2);
-                        trailCC=insertOrdered(source,start, current, r,
-                                              ncArgs.c, ncArgs.c2, cc);
-                        current=r;
+            } catch(IOException e) {
+                throw new InternalError(e);
-            if(ncArgs.next==ncArgs.limit) {
-                // we know the cc of the last code point
-                return trailCC;
+    /**
+     * Writable buffer that takes care of canonical ordering.
+     * Its Appendable methods behave like the C++ implementation's
+     * appendZeroCC() methods.
+     * <p>
+     * If dest is a StringBuilder, then the buffer writes directly to it.
+     * Otherwise, the buffer maintains a StringBuilder for intermediate text segments
+     * until no further changes are necessary and whole segments are appended.
+     * append() methods that take combining-class values always write to the StringBuilder.
+     * Other append() methods flush and append to the Appendable.
+     */
+    public static final class ReorderingBuffer implements Appendable {
+        public ReorderingBuffer(NormalizerImpl ni, Appendable dest, int destCapacity) {
+            impl=ni;
+            app=dest;
+            if (app instanceof StringBuilder) {
+                appIsStringBuilder=true;
+                str=(StringBuilder)dest;
+                // In Java, the constructor subsumes public void init(int destCapacity)
+                str.ensureCapacity(destCapacity);
+                reorderStart=0;
+                if(str.length()==0) {
+                    lastCC=0;
             } else {
-                if(!adjacent) {
-                    // copy the second string part
-                    do {
-                        source[current++]=data[ncArgs.next++];
-                    } while(ncArgs.next!=ncArgs.limit);
-                    ncArgs.limit=current;
+                    setIterator();
+                    lastCC=previousCC();
+                    // Set reorderStart after the last code point with cc<=1 if there is one.
+                    if(lastCC>1) {
+                        while(previousCC()>1) {}
-                PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs();
-                prevArgs.src   = data;
-                prevArgs.start = start;
-                prevArgs.current =  ncArgs.limit;
-                return getPrevCC(prevArgs);
+                    reorderStart=codePointLimit;
+            } else {
+                appIsStringBuilder=false;
+                str=new StringBuilder();
+                reorderStart=0;
+                lastCC=0;
-    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source,
-                                                      int start,
-                                                      int current,
-                                                      char[] data,
-                                                        final int next,
-                                                        final int limit) {
-        return mergeOrdered(source,start,current,data,next,limit,true);
-    }
-    public static NormalizerBase.QuickCheckResult quickCheck(char[] src,
-                                                            int srcStart,
-                                                            int srcLimit,
-                                                            int minNoMaybe,
-                                                            int qcMask,
-                                                            int options,
-                                                            boolean allowMaybe,
-                                                            UnicodeSet nx){
-        int ccOrQCMask;
-        long norm32;
-        char c, c2;
-        char cc, prevCC;
-        long qcNorm32;
-        NormalizerBase.QuickCheckResult result;
-        ComposePartArgs args = new ComposePartArgs();
-        char[] buffer ;
-        int start = srcStart;
-        if(!isDataLoaded) {
-            return NormalizerBase.MAYBE;
-        // initialize
-        ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask;
-        result=NormalizerBase.YES;
-        prevCC=0;
-        for(;;) {
-            for(;;) {
-                if(srcStart==srcLimit) {
-                    return result;
-                } else if((c=src[srcStart++])>=minNoMaybe &&
-                                  (( norm32=getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask)!=0) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                prevCC=0;
-            }
+        public boolean isEmpty() { return str.length()==0; }
+        public int length() { return str.length(); }
+        public int getLastCC() { return lastCC; }
+        public StringBuilder getStringBuilder() { return str; }
-            // check one above-minimum, relevant code unit
-            if(isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) {
-                // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32
-                if(srcStart!=srcLimit&& UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcStart])) {
-                    ++srcStart;
-                    norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32,c2);
-                } else {
-                    norm32=0;
-                    c2=0;
-                }
-            }else{
-                c2=0;
-            }
-            if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) {
-                /* excluded: norm32==0 */
-                norm32=0;
-            }
-            // check the combining order
-            cc=(char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF);
-            if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) {
-                return NormalizerBase.NO;
+        public boolean equals(CharSequence s, int start, int limit) {
+            return UTF16Plus.equal(str, 0, str.length(), s, start, limit);
-            prevCC=cc;
-            // check for "no" or "maybe" quick check flags
-            qcNorm32 = norm32 & qcMask;
-            if((qcNorm32& QC_ANY_NO)>=1) {
-                result= NormalizerBase.NO;
-                break;
-            } else if(qcNorm32!=0) {
-                // "maybe" can only occur for NFC and NFKC
-                if(allowMaybe){
-                    result=NormalizerBase.MAYBE;
-                }else{
-                    // normalize a section around here to see if it is really
-                    // normalized or not
-                    int prevStarter;
-                    int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask;
-                    decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; // decomposition quick check mask
-                    // find the previous starter
-                    // set prevStarter to the beginning of the current character
-                    prevStarter=srcStart-1;
-                    if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(src[prevStarter])) {
-                        // safe because unpaired surrogates do not result
-                        // in "maybe"
-                        --prevStarter;
+        // For Hangul composition, replacing the Leading consonant Jamo with the syllable.
+        public void setLastChar(char c) {
+            str.setCharAt(str.length()-1, c);
-                    prevStarter=findPreviousStarter(src, start, prevStarter,
-                                                    ccOrQCMask, decompQCMask,
-                                                    (char)minNoMaybe);
-                    // find the next true starter in [src..limit[ - modifies
-                    // src to point to the next starter
-                    srcStart=findNextStarter(src,srcStart, srcLimit, qcMask,
-                                             decompQCMask,(char) minNoMaybe);
-                    //set the args for compose part
-                    args.prevCC = prevCC;
-                    // decompose and recompose [prevStarter..src[
-                    buffer = composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcStart,srcLimit,options,nx);
-                    // compare the normalized version with the original
-                    if(0!=strCompare(buffer,0,args.length,src,prevStarter,srcStart, false)) {
-                        result=NormalizerBase.NO; // normalization differs
-                        break;
+        public void append(int c, int cc) {
+            if(lastCC<=cc || cc==0) {
+                str.appendCodePoint(c);
+                lastCC=cc;
+                if(cc<=1) {
+                    reorderStart=str.length();
+                }
+            } else {
+                insert(c, cc);
+            }
-                    // continue after the next starter
+        // s must be in NFD, otherwise change the implementation.
+        public void append(CharSequence s, int start, int limit,
+                           int leadCC, int trailCC) {
+            if(start==limit) {
+                return;
+            if(lastCC<=leadCC || leadCC==0) {
+                if(trailCC<=1) {
+                    reorderStart=str.length()+(limit-start);
+                } else if(leadCC<=1) {
+                    reorderStart=str.length()+1;  // Ok if not a code point boundary.
+                str.append(s, start, limit);
+                lastCC=trailCC;
+            } else {
+                int c=Character.codePointAt(s, start);
+                start+=Character.charCount(c);
+                insert(c, leadCC);  // insert first code point
+                while(start<limit) {
+                    c=Character.codePointAt(s, start);
+                    start+=Character.charCount(c);
+                    if(start<limit) {
+                        // s must be in NFD, otherwise we need to use getCC().
+                        leadCC=getCCFromYesOrMaybe(impl.getNorm16(c));
+                    } else {
+                        leadCC=trailCC;
-        return result;
+                    append(c, leadCC);
-    //------------------------------------------------------
-    // make NFD & NFKD
-    //------------------------------------------------------
-    public static int decompose(char[] src,int srcStart,int srcLimit,
-                                char[] dest,int destStart,int destLimit,
-                                 boolean compat,int[] outTrailCC,
-                                 UnicodeSet nx) {
-        char[] buffer = new char[3];
-        int prevSrc;
-        long norm32;
-        int ccOrQCMask, qcMask;
-        int reorderStartIndex, length;
-        char c, c2, minNoMaybe;
-        int/*unsigned byte*/ cc, prevCC, trailCC;
-        char[] p;
-        int pStart;
-        int destIndex = destStart;
-        int srcIndex = srcStart;
-        if(!compat) {
-            minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE];
-            qcMask=QC_NFD;
-        } else {
-            minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE];
-            qcMask=QC_NFKD;
-        /* initialize */
-        ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask;
-        reorderStartIndex=0;
-        prevCC=0;
-        norm32=0;
-        c=0;
-        pStart=0;
-        cc=trailCC=-1;//initialize to bogus value
-        for(;;) {
-            /* count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for
-             * the quick check
-             */
-            prevSrc=srcIndex;
-            while(srcIndex!=srcLimit &&((c=src[srcIndex])<minNoMaybe ||
-                                        ((norm32=getNorm32(c))&ccOrQCMask)==0)){
-                prevCC=0;
-                ++srcIndex;
-            /* copy these code units all at once */
-            if(srcIndex!=prevSrc) {
-                length=srcIndex-prevSrc;
-                if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) {
-                    System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length);
+        // The following append() methods work like C++ appendZeroCC().
+        // They assume that the cc or trailCC of their input is 0.
+        // Most of them implement Appendable interface methods.
+        // @Override when we switch to Java 6
+        public ReorderingBuffer append(char c) {
+            str.append(c);
+            lastCC=0;
+            reorderStart=str.length();
+            return this;
-                destIndex+=length;
-                reorderStartIndex=destIndex;
+        public void appendZeroCC(int c) {
+            str.appendCodePoint(c);
+            lastCC=0;
+            reorderStart=str.length();
-            /* end of source reached? */
-            if(srcIndex==srcLimit) {
-                break;
+        // @Override when we switch to Java 6
+        public ReorderingBuffer append(CharSequence s) {
+            if(s.length()!=0) {
+                str.append(s);
+                lastCC=0;
+                reorderStart=str.length();
-            /* c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src*/
-            ++srcIndex;
-            /* check one above-minimum, relevant code unit */
-            /*
-             * generally, set p and length to the decomposition string
-             * in simple cases, p==NULL and (c, c2) will hold the length code
-             * units to append in all cases, set cc to the lead and trailCC to
-             * the trail combining class
-             *
-             * the following merge-sort of the current character into the
-             * preceding, canonically ordered result text will use the
-             * optimized insertOrdered()
-             * if there is only one single code point to process;
-             * this is indicated with p==NULL, and (c, c2) is the character to
-             * insert
-             * ((c, 0) for a BMP character and (lead surrogate, trail surrogate)
-             * for a supplementary character)
-             * otherwise, p[length] is merged in with _mergeOrdered()
-             */
-            if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) {
-                if(nx_contains(nx, c)) {
-                    c2=0;
-                    p=null;
-                    length=1;
-                } else {
-                    // Hangul syllable: decompose algorithmically
-                    p=buffer;
-                    pStart=0;
-                    cc=trailCC=0;
-                    c-=HANGUL_BASE;
-                    c2=(char)(c%JAMO_T_COUNT);
-                    c/=JAMO_T_COUNT;
-                    if(c2>0) {
-                        buffer[2]=(char)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2);
-                        length=3;
-                    } else {
-                        length=2;
+            return this;
-                    buffer[1]=(char)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT);
-                    buffer[0]=(char)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT);
-                }
-            } else {
-                if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) {
-                    c2=0;
-                    length=1;
-                } else {
-                    // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32
-                    if(srcIndex!=srcLimit &&
-                                    UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) {
-                        ++srcIndex;
-                        length=2;
-                        norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2);
-                    } else {
-                        c2=0;
-                        length=1;
-                        norm32=0;
+        // @Override when we switch to Java 6
+        public ReorderingBuffer append(CharSequence s, int start, int limit) {
+            if(start!=limit) {
+                str.append(s, start, limit);
+                lastCC=0;
+                reorderStart=str.length();
+            return this;
-                /* get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's */
-                if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) {
-                    /* excluded: norm32==0 */
-                    cc=trailCC=0;
-                    p=null;
-                } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) {
-                    /* c does not decompose */
-                    cc=trailCC=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32>>CC_SHIFT));
-                    p=null;
-                    pStart=-1;
-                } else {
-                    DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs();
-                    /* c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length
-                     * extra data
-                     */
-                    pStart=decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg);
-                    p=extraData;
-                    length=arg.length;
-                    cc=arg.cc;
-                    trailCC=arg.trailCC;
-                    if(length==1) {
-                        /* fastpath a single code unit from decomposition */
-                        c=p[pStart];
-                        c2=0;
-                        p=null;
-                        pStart=-1;
+        /**
+         * Flushes from the intermediate StringBuilder to the Appendable,
+         * if they are different objects.
+         * Used after recomposition.
+         * Must be called at the end when writing to a non-StringBuilder Appendable.
+         */
+        public void flush() {
+            if(appIsStringBuilder) {
+                reorderStart=str.length();
+            } else {
+                try {
+                    app.append(str);
+                    str.setLength(0);
+                    reorderStart=0;
+                } catch(IOException e) {
+                    throw new InternalError(e);  // Avoid declaring "throws IOException".
+            lastCC=0;
-            /* append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume
-             * length>0
-             */
-            if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) {
-                int reorderSplit=destIndex;
-                if(p==null) {
-                    /* fastpath: single code point */
-                    if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) {
-                        /* (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding
-                         *  text
+        /**
+         * Flushes from the intermediate StringBuilder to the Appendable,
+         * if they are different objects.
+         * Then appends the new text to the Appendable or StringBuilder.
+         * Normally used after quick check loops find a non-empty sequence.
-                        destIndex+=length;
-                        trailCC=insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex,
-                                            reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc);
+        public ReorderingBuffer flushAndAppendZeroCC(CharSequence s, int start, int limit) {
+            if(appIsStringBuilder) {
+                str.append(s, start, limit);
+                reorderStart=str.length();
                     } else {
-                        /* just append (c, c2) */
-                        dest[destIndex++]=c;
-                        if(c2!=0) {
-                            dest[destIndex++]=c2;
+                try {
+                    app.append(str).append(s, start, limit);
+                    str.setLength(0);
+                    reorderStart=0;
+                } catch(IOException e) {
+                    throw new InternalError(e);  // Avoid declaring "throws IOException".
-                } else {
-                    /* general: multiple code points (ordered by themselves)
-                     * from decomposition
-                     */
-                    if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) {
-                        /* the decomposition is out of order with respect to the
-                         *  preceding text
-                         */
-                        destIndex+=length;
-                        trailCC=mergeOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex,
-                                          reorderSplit,p, pStart,pStart+length);
-                    } else {
-                        /* just append the decomposition */
-                        do {
-                            dest[destIndex++]=p[pStart++];
-                        } while(--length>0);
+            lastCC=0;
+            return this;
+        public void remove() {
+            str.setLength(0);
+            lastCC=0;
+            reorderStart=0;
-            } else {
-                /* buffer overflow */
-                /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */
-                destIndex+=length;
+        public void removeSuffix(int suffixLength) {
+            int oldLength=str.length();
+            str.delete(oldLength-suffixLength, oldLength);
+            lastCC=0;
+            reorderStart=str.length();
-            prevCC=trailCC;
-            if(prevCC==0) {
-                reorderStartIndex=destIndex;
+        // Inserts c somewhere before the last character.
+        // Requires 0<cc<lastCC which implies reorderStart<limit.
+        private void insert(int c, int cc) {
+            for(setIterator(), skipPrevious(); previousCC()>cc;) {}
+            // insert c at codePointLimit, after the character with prevCC<=cc
+            if(c<=0xffff) {
+                str.insert(codePointLimit, (char)c);
+                if(cc<=1) {
+                    reorderStart=codePointLimit+1;
+            } else {
+                str.insert(codePointLimit, Character.toChars(c));
+                if(cc<=1) {
+                    reorderStart=codePointLimit+2;
-        outTrailCC[0]=prevCC;
-        return destIndex - destStart;
-    /* make NFC & NFKC ------------------------------------------------------ */
-    private static final class NextCombiningArgs{
-        char[] source;
-        int start;
-        //int limit;
-        char c;
-        char c2;
-        int/*unsigned*/ combiningIndex;
-        char /*unsigned byte*/ cc;
-    /* get the composition properties of the next character */
-    private static int /*unsigned*/    getNextCombining(NextCombiningArgs args,
-                                                    int limit,
-                                                    UnicodeSet nx) {
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32;
-        int combineFlags;
-        /* get properties */
-        args.c=args.source[args.start++];
-        norm32=getNorm32(args.c);
-        /* preset output values for most characters */
-        args.c2=0;
-        args.combiningIndex=0;
-        args.cc=0;
+        private final NormalizerImpl impl;
+        private final Appendable app;
+        private final StringBuilder str;
+        private final boolean appIsStringBuilder;
+        private int reorderStart;
+        private int lastCC;
-        if((norm32&(CC_MASK|COMBINES_ANY))==0) {
+        // private backward iterator
+        private void setIterator() { codePointStart=str.length(); }
+        private void skipPrevious() {  // Requires 0<codePointStart.
+            codePointLimit=codePointStart;
+            codePointStart=str.offsetByCodePoints(codePointStart, -1);
+        }
+        private int previousCC() {  // Returns 0 if there is no previous character.
+            codePointLimit=codePointStart;
+            if(reorderStart>=codePointStart) {
             return 0;
-        } else {
-            if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) {
-                /* set cc etc. below */
-            } else if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) {
-                /* a compatibility decomposition contained Jamos */
-                args.combiningIndex=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&(0xfff0|
-                                                        (norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT)));
-                return (int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY);
-            } else {
-                /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */
-                if(args.start!=limit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2=
-                                                     args.source[args.start])) {
-                    ++args.start;
-                    norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c2);
-                } else {
-                    args.c2=0;
+            }
+            int c=str.codePointBefore(codePointStart);
+            codePointStart-=Character.charCount(c);
+            if(c<MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP) {
                     return 0;
+            return getCCFromYesOrMaybe(impl.getNorm16(c));
-            if(nx_contains(nx, args.c, args.c2)) {
-                return 0; /* excluded: norm32==0 */
+        private int codePointStart, codePointLimit;
-            args.cc= (char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xff);
+    // TODO: Propose as public API on the UTF16 class.
+    // TODO: Propose widening UTF16 methods that take char to take int.
+    // TODO: Propose widening UTF16 methods that take String to take CharSequence.
+    public static final class UTF16Plus {
+        /**
+         * Assuming c is a surrogate code point (UTF16.isSurrogate(c)),
+         * is it a lead surrogate?
+         * @param c code unit or code point
+         * @return true or false
+         */
+        public static boolean isSurrogateLead(int c) { return (c&0x400)==0; }
-            combineFlags=(int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY);
-            if(combineFlags!=0) {
-                int index = getExtraDataIndex(norm32);
-                args.combiningIndex=index>0 ? extraData[(index-1)] :0;
+        /**
+         * Compares two CharSequence subsequences for binary equality.
+         * @param s1 first sequence
+         * @param start1 start offset in first sequence
+         * @param limit1 limit offset in first sequence
+         * @param s2 second sequence
+         * @param start2 start offset in second sequence
+         * @param limit2 limit offset in second sequence
+         * @return true if s1.subSequence(start1, limit1) contains the same text
+         *              as s2.subSequence(start2, limit2)
+         */
+        public static boolean equal(CharSequence s1, int start1, int limit1,
+                                    CharSequence s2, int start2, int limit2) {
+            if((limit1-start1)!=(limit2-start2)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            if(s1==s2 && start1==start2) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            while(start1<limit1) {
+                if(s1.charAt(start1++)!=s2.charAt(start2++)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
-            return combineFlags;
+    public NormalizerImpl() {}
+    private static final class IsAcceptable implements ICUBinary.Authenticate {
+        // @Override when we switch to Java 6
+        public boolean isDataVersionAcceptable(byte version[]) {
+            return version[0]==2;
-    /*
-     * given a composition-result starter (c, c2) - which means its cc==0,
-     * it combines forward, it has extra data, its norm32!=0,
-     * it is not a Hangul or Jamo,
-     * get just its combineFwdIndex
-     *
-     * norm32(c) is special if and only if c2!=0
-     */
-    private static int/*unsigned*/ getCombiningIndexFromStarter(char c,char c2){
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32;
+    private static final IsAcceptable IS_ACCEPTABLE = new IsAcceptable();
+    private static final int DATA_FORMAT = 0x4e726d32;  // "Nrm2"
-        norm32=getNorm32(c);
-        if(c2!=0) {
-            norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2);
+    public NormalizerImpl load(ByteBuffer bytes) {
+        try {
+            dataVersion=ICUBinary.readHeaderAndDataVersion(bytes, DATA_FORMAT, IS_ACCEPTABLE);
+            int indexesLength=bytes.getInt()/4;  // inIndexes[IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET]/4
+            if(indexesLength<=IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES) {
+                throw new IOException("Normalizer2 data: not enough indexes");
-        return extraData[(getExtraDataIndex(norm32)-1)];
+            int[] inIndexes=new int[indexesLength];
+            inIndexes[0]=indexesLength*4;
+            for(int i=1; i<indexesLength; ++i) {
+                inIndexes[i]=bytes.getInt();
-    /*
-     * Find the recomposition result for
-     * a forward-combining character
-     * (specified with a pointer to its part of the combiningTable[])
-     * and a backward-combining character
-     * (specified with its combineBackIndex).
-     *
-     * If these two characters combine, then set (value, value2)
-     * with the code unit(s) of the composition character.
-     *
-     * Return value:
-     * 0    do not combine
-     * 1    combine
-     * >1   combine, and the composition is a forward-combining starter
-     *
-     * See unormimp.h for a description of the composition table format.
-     */
-    private static int/*unsigned*/ combine(char[]table,int tableStart,
-                                   int/*unsinged*/ combineBackIndex,
-                                    int[] outValues) {
-        int/*unsigned*/ key;
-        int value,value2;
+            minDecompNoCP=inIndexes[IX_MIN_DECOMP_NO_CP];
+            minCompNoMaybeCP=inIndexes[IX_MIN_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CP];
+            minYesNo=inIndexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO];
+            minYesNoMappingsOnly=inIndexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY];
+            minNoNo=inIndexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO];
+            limitNoNo=inIndexes[IX_LIMIT_NO_NO];
+            minMaybeYes=inIndexes[IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES];
-        if(outValues.length<2){
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+            // Read the normTrie.
+            int offset=inIndexes[IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET];
+            int nextOffset=inIndexes[IX_EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET];
+            normTrie=Trie2_16.createFromSerialized(bytes);
+            int trieLength=normTrie.getSerializedLength();
+            if(trieLength>(nextOffset-offset)) {
+                throw new IOException("Normalizer2 data: not enough bytes for normTrie");
+            ICUBinary.skipBytes(bytes, (nextOffset-offset)-trieLength);  // skip padding after trie bytes
-        /* search in the starter's composition table */
-        for(;;) {
-            key=table[tableStart++];
-            if(key>=combineBackIndex) {
-                break;
+            // Read the composition and mapping data.
+            offset=nextOffset;
+            nextOffset=inIndexes[IX_SMALL_FCD_OFFSET];
+            int numChars=(nextOffset-offset)/2;
+            char[] chars;
+            if(numChars!=0) {
+                chars=new char[numChars];
+                for(int i=0; i<numChars; ++i) {
+                    chars[i]=bytes.getChar();
-            tableStart+= ((table[tableStart]&0x8000) != 0)? 2 : 1;
+                maybeYesCompositions=new String(chars);
+                extraData=maybeYesCompositions.substring(MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes);
-        /* mask off bit 15, the last-entry-in-the-list flag */
-        if((key&0x7fff)==combineBackIndex) {
-            /* found! combine! */
-            value=table[tableStart];
-            /* is the composition a starter that combines forward? */
-            key=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x2000)+1));
+            // smallFCD: new in formatVersion 2
+            offset=nextOffset;
+            smallFCD=new byte[0x100];
+            for(int i=0; i<0x100; ++i) {
+                smallFCD[i]=bytes.get();
+            }
-            /* get the composition result code point from the variable-length
-             * result value
-             */
-            if((value&0x8000) != 0) {
-                if((value&0x4000) != 0) {
-                    /* surrogate pair composition result */
-                    value=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x3ff)|0xd800));
-                    value2=table[tableStart+1];
-                } else {
-                    /* BMP composition result U+2000..U+ffff */
-                    value=table[tableStart+1];
-                    value2=0;
+            // Build tccc180[].
+            // gennorm2 enforces lccc=0 for c<MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP=U+0300.
+            tccc180=new int[0x180];
+            int bits=0;
+            for(int c=0; c<0x180; bits>>=1) {
+                if((c&0xff)==0) {
+                    bits=smallFCD[c>>8];  // one byte per 0x100 code points
-            } else {
-                /* BMP composition result U+0000..U+1fff */
-                value&=0x1fff;
-                value2=0;
+                if((bits&1)!=0) {
+                    for(int i=0; i<0x20; ++i, ++c) {
+                        tccc180[c]=getFCD16FromNormData(c)&0xff;
-            outValues[0]=value;
-            outValues[1]=value2;
-            return key;
         } else {
-            /* not found */
-            return 0;
+                    c+=0x20;
+            return this;
+        } catch(IOException e) {
+            throw new InternalError(e);
+        }
+    }
-    private static final class RecomposeArgs{
-        char[] source;
-        int start;
-        int limit;
+    public NormalizerImpl load(String name) {
+        return load(ICUBinary.getRequiredData(name));
-    /*
-     * recompose the characters in [p..limit[
-     * (which is in NFD - decomposed and canonically ordered),
-     * adjust limit, and return the trailing cc
-     *
-     * since for NFKC we may get Jamos in decompositions, we need to
-     * recompose those too
-     *
-     * note that recomposition never lengthens the text:
-     * any character consists of either one or two code units;
-     * a composition may contain at most one more code unit than the original
-     * starter, while the combining mark that is removed has at least one code
-     * unit
-     */
-    private static char/*unsigned byte*/ recompose(RecomposeArgs args, int options, UnicodeSet nx) {
-        int  remove, q, r;
-        int /*unsigned*/ combineFlags;
-        int /*unsigned*/ combineFwdIndex, combineBackIndex;
-        int /*unsigned*/ result, value=0, value2=0;
-        int /*unsigned byte*/  prevCC;
-        boolean starterIsSupplementary;
-        int starter;
-        int[] outValues = new int[2];
-        starter=-1;                   /* no starter */
-        combineFwdIndex=0;            /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */
-        starterIsSupplementary=false; /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */
-        prevCC=0;
-        NextCombiningArgs ncArg = new NextCombiningArgs();
-        ncArg.source  = args.source;
+    public int getNorm16(int c) {
+        return normTrie.get(c);
+    }
-        ncArg.cc      =0;
-        ncArg.c2      =0;
+    public boolean isDecompYes(int norm16) { return norm16<minYesNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16; }
-        for(;;) {
-            ncArg.start = args.start;
-            combineFlags=getNextCombining(ncArg,args.limit,nx);
-            combineBackIndex=ncArg.combiningIndex;
-            args.start = ncArg.start;
-            if(((combineFlags&COMBINES_BACK)!=0) && starter!=-1) {
-                if((combineBackIndex&0x8000)!=0) {
-                    /* c is a Jamo V/T, see if we can compose it with the
-                     * previous character
-                     */
-                    /* for the PRI #29 fix, check that there is no intervening combining mark */
-                    if((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 || prevCC==0) {
-                        remove=-1; /* NULL while no Hangul composition */
-                        combineFlags=0;
-                        ncArg.c2=args.source[starter];
-                        if(combineBackIndex==0xfff2) {
-                            /* Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and following
-                             * Jamo T
-                             */
-                            ncArg.c2=(char)(ncArg.c2-JAMO_L_BASE);
-                            if(ncArg.c2<JAMO_L_COUNT) {
-                                remove=args.start-1;
-                                ncArg.c=(char)(HANGUL_BASE+(ncArg.c2*JAMO_V_COUNT+
-                                               (ncArg.c-JAMO_V_BASE))*JAMO_T_COUNT);
-                                if(args.start!=args.limit &&
-                                            (ncArg.c2=(char)(args.source[args.start]
-                                             -JAMO_T_BASE))<JAMO_T_COUNT) {
-                                    ++args.start;
-                                    ncArg.c+=ncArg.c2;
-                                 } else {
-                                     /* the result is an LV syllable, which is a starter (unlike LVT) */
-                                     combineFlags=COMBINES_FWD;
-                                }
-                                if(!nx_contains(nx, ncArg.c)) {
-                                    args.source[starter]=ncArg.c;
-                                   } else {
-                                    /* excluded */
-                                    if(!isHangulWithoutJamoT(ncArg.c)) {
-                                        --args.start; /* undo the ++args.start from reading the Jamo T */
+    public int getCC(int norm16) {
+        if(norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
+            return norm16&0xff;
-                                    /* c is modified but not used any more -- c=*(p-1); -- re-read the Jamo V/T */
-                                    remove=args.start;
+        if(norm16<minNoNo || limitNoNo<=norm16) {
+            return 0;
+        return getCCFromNoNo(norm16);
-                        /*
-                         * Normally, the following can not occur:
-                         * Since the input is in NFD, there are no Hangul LV syllables that
-                         * a Jamo T could combine with.
-                         * All Jamo Ts are combined above when handling Jamo Vs.
-                         *
-                         * However, before the PRI #29 fix, this can occur due to
-                         * an intervening combining mark between the Hangul LV and the Jamo T.
+    public static int getCCFromYesOrMaybe(int norm16) {
+        return norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES ? norm16&0xff : 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the FCD data for code point c.
+     * @param c A Unicode code point.
+     * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
+    public int getFCD16(int c) {
+        if(c<0) {
+            return 0;
+        } else if(c<0x180) {
+            return tccc180[c];
+        } else if(c<=0xffff) {
+            if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) { return 0; }
+        }
+        return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
+    }
+    /** Returns the FCD data for U+0000<=c<U+0180. */
+    public int getFCD16FromBelow180(int c) { return tccc180[c]; }
+    /** Returns true if the single-or-lead code unit c might have non-zero FCD data. */
+    public boolean singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(int lead) {
+        // 0<=lead<=0xffff
+        byte bits=smallFCD[lead>>8];
+        if(bits==0) { return false; }
+        return ((bits>>((lead>>5)&7))&1)!=0;
+    }
+    /** Gets the FCD value from the regular normalization data. */
+    public int getFCD16FromNormData(int c) {
+        // Only loops for 1:1 algorithmic mappings.
+        for(;;) {
+            int norm16=getNorm16(c);
+            if(norm16<=minYesNo) {
+                // no decomposition or Hangul syllable, all zeros
+                return 0;
+            } else if(norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
+                // combining mark
+                norm16&=0xff;
+                return norm16|(norm16<<8);
+            } else if(norm16>=minMaybeYes) {
+                return 0;
+            } else if(isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
+                c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
                         } else {
-                            /* Jamo T, compose with previous Hangul that does not have a Jamo T */
-                            if(isHangulWithoutJamoT(ncArg.c2)) {
-                                ncArg.c2+=ncArg.c-JAMO_T_BASE;
-                                if(!nx_contains(nx, ncArg.c2)) {
-                                    remove=args.start-1;
-                                    args.source[starter]=ncArg.c2;
+                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
+                int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(norm16);
+                if((firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK)==0) {
+                    // A character that is deleted (maps to an empty string) must
+                    // get the worst-case lccc and tccc values because arbitrary
+                    // characters on both sides will become adjacent.
+                    return 0x1ff;
+                } else {
+                    int fcd16=firstUnit>>8;  // tccc
+                    if((firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
+                        fcd16|=extraData.charAt(norm16-1)&0xff00;  // lccc
+                    return fcd16;
-                        if(remove!=-1) {
-                            /* remove the Jamo(s) */
-                            q=remove;
-                            r=args.start;
-                            while(r<args.limit) {
-                                args.source[q++]=args.source[r++];
-                            args.start=remove;
-                            args.limit=q;
-                        ncArg.c2=0; /* c2 held *starter temporarily */
-                        if(combineFlags!=0) {
-                            /*
-                             * not starter=NULL because the composition is a Hangul LV syllable
-                             * and might combine once more (but only before the PRI #29 fix)
+    /**
+     * Gets the decomposition for one code point.
+     * @param c code point
+     * @return c's decomposition, if it has one; returns null if it does not have a decomposition
-                            /* done? */
-                            if(args.start==args.limit) {
-                                return (char)prevCC;
-                            }
-                            /* the composition is a Hangul LV syllable which is a starter that combines forward */
-                            combineFwdIndex=0xfff0;
-                            /* we combined; continue with looking for compositions */
+    public String getDecomposition(int c) {
+        int decomp=-1;
+        int norm16;
+        for(;;) {
+            if(c<minDecompNoCP || isDecompYes(norm16=getNorm16(c))) {
+                // c does not decompose
+            } else if(isHangul(norm16)) {
+                // Hangul syllable: decompose algorithmically
+                StringBuilder buffer=new StringBuilder();
+                Hangul.decompose(c, buffer);
+                return buffer.toString();
+            } else if(isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
+                decomp=c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
+            } else {
+                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
+                int length=extraData.charAt(norm16++)&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK;
+                return extraData.substring(norm16, norm16+length);
-                    }
-                    /*
-                     * now: cc==0 and the combining index does not include
-                     * "forward" -> the rest of the loop body will reset starter
-                     * to NULL; technically, a composed Hangul syllable is a
-                     * starter, but it does not combine forward now that we have
-                     * consumed all eligible Jamos; for Jamo V/T, combineFlags
-                     * does not contain _NORM_COMBINES_FWD
-                     */
-                } else if(
-                    /* the starter is not a Hangul LV or Jamo V/T and */
-                    !((combineFwdIndex&0x8000)!=0) &&
-                    /* the combining mark is not blocked and */
-                    ((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 ?
-                        (prevCC!=ncArg.cc || prevCC==0) :
-                        (prevCC<ncArg.cc || prevCC==0)) &&
-                    /* the starter and the combining mark (c, c2) do combine */
-                    0!=(result=combine(combiningTable,combineFwdIndex,
-                                       combineBackIndex, outValues)) &&
-                    /* the composition result is not excluded */
-                    !nx_contains(nx, (char)value, (char)value2)
-                ) {
-                    value=outValues[0];
-                    value2=outValues[1];
-                    /* replace the starter with the composition, remove the
-                     * combining mark
-                     */
-                    remove= ncArg.c2==0 ? args.start-1 : args.start-2; /* index to the combining mark */
-                    /* replace the starter with the composition */
-                    args.source[starter]=(char)value;
-                    if(starterIsSupplementary) {
-                        if(value2!=0) {
-                            /* both are supplementary */
-                            args.source[starter+1]=(char)value2;
+            if(decomp<0) {
+                return null;
                         } else {
-                            /* the composition is shorter than the starter,
-                             * move the intermediate characters forward one */
-                            starterIsSupplementary=false;
-                            q=starter+1;
-                            r=q+1;
-                            while(r<remove) {
-                                args.source[q++]=args.source[r++];
+                return UTF16.valueOf(decomp);
-                            --remove;
-                    } else if(value2!=0) { // for U+1109A, U+1109C, and U+110AB
-                        starterIsSupplementary=true;
-                        args.source[starter+1]=(char)value2;
-                    /* } else { both are on the BMP, nothing more to do */
-                    /* remove the combining mark by moving the following text
-                     * over it */
-                    if(remove<args.start) {
-                        q=remove;
-                        r=args.start;
-                        while(r<args.limit) {
-                            args.source[q++]=args.source[r++];
-                        }
-                        args.start=remove;
-                        args.limit=q;
-                    }
+    public static final int MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP=0x300;
-                    /* keep prevCC because we removed the combining mark */
+    public static final int MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC=0xff01;
+    public static final int JAMO_VT=0xff00;
+    public static final int MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES=0xfe00;
+    public static final int MAX_DELTA=0x40;
-                    /* done? */
-                    if(args.start==args.limit) {
-                        return (char)prevCC;
-                    }
+    // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+    public static final int IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET=0;
+    public static final int IX_EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET=1;
+    public static final int IX_SMALL_FCD_OFFSET=2;
-                    /* is the composition a starter that combines forward? */
-                    if(result>1) {
-                       combineFwdIndex=getCombiningIndexFromStarter((char)value,
-                                                                  (char)value2);
-                    } else {
-                       starter=-1;
-                    }
+    // Code point thresholds for quick check codes.
+    public static final int IX_MIN_DECOMP_NO_CP=8;
+    public static final int IX_MIN_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CP=9;
-                    /* we combined; continue with looking for compositions */
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
+    // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
+    // Mappings & compositions in [minYesNo..minYesNoMappingsOnly[.
+    public static final int IX_MIN_YES_NO=10;
+    public static final int IX_MIN_NO_NO=11;
+    public static final int IX_LIMIT_NO_NO=12;
+    public static final int IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES=13;
-            /* no combination this time */
-            prevCC=ncArg.cc;
-            if(args.start==args.limit) {
-                return (char)prevCC;
-            }
+    // Mappings only in [minYesNoMappingsOnly..minNoNo[.
+    public static final int IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY=14;
-            /* if (c, c2) did not combine, then check if it is a starter */
-            if(ncArg.cc==0) {
-                /* found a new starter; combineFlags==0 if (c, c2) is excluded */
-                if((combineFlags&COMBINES_FWD)!=0) {
-                    /* it may combine with something, prepare for it */
-                    if(ncArg.c2==0) {
-                        starterIsSupplementary=false;
-                        starter=args.start-1;
+    public static final int MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD=0x80;
+    public static final int MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK=0x1f;
+    public static final int COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE=0x8000;
+    public static final int COMP_1_TRIPLE=1;
+    public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT=0x3400;
+    public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK=0x7ffe;
+    public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_SHIFT=9;  // 10-1 for the "triple" bit
+    public static final int COMP_2_TRAIL_SHIFT=6;
+    public static final int COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK=0xffc0;
+    // higher-level functionality ------------------------------------------ ***
+    /**
+     * Decomposes s[src, limit[ and writes the result to dest.
+     * limit can be NULL if src is NUL-terminated.
+     * destLengthEstimate is the initial dest buffer capacity and can be -1.
+     */
+    public void decompose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit, StringBuilder dest,
+                   int destLengthEstimate) {
+        if(destLengthEstimate<0) {
+            destLengthEstimate=limit-src;
+        }
+        dest.setLength(0);
+        ReorderingBuffer buffer=new ReorderingBuffer(this, dest, destLengthEstimate);
+        decompose(s, src, limit, buffer);
+    }
+    // Dual functionality:
+    // buffer!=NULL: normalize
+    // buffer==NULL: isNormalized/quickCheck/spanQuickCheckYes
+    public int decompose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
+                         ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        int minNoCP=minDecompNoCP;
+        int prevSrc;
+        int c=0;
+        int norm16=0;
+        // only for quick check
+        int prevBoundary=src;
+        int prevCC=0;
+        for(;;) {
+            // count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for the quick check
+            for(prevSrc=src; src!=limit;) {
+                if( (c=s.charAt(src))<minNoCP ||
+                    isMostDecompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=normTrie.getFromU16SingleLead((char)c))
+                ) {
+                    ++src;
+                } else if(!UTF16.isSurrogate((char)c)) {
+                    break;
                     } else {
-                        starterIsSupplementary=false;
-                        starter=args.start-2;
+                    char c2;
+                    if(UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(c)) {
+                        if((src+1)!=limit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src+1))) {
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint((char)c, c2);
+                        }
+                    } else /* trail surrogate */ {
+                        if(prevSrc<src && Character.isHighSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src-1))) {
+                            --src;
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint(c2, (char)c);
+                        }
-                    combineFwdIndex=combineBackIndex;
+                    if(isMostDecompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=getNorm16(c))) {
+                        src+=Character.charCount(c);
                 } else {
-                    /* it will not combine with anything */
-                    starter=-1;
+                        break;
+                    }
-            } else if((options&OPTIONS_COMPOSE_CONTIGUOUS)!=0) {
-                /* FCC: no discontiguous compositions; any intervening character blocks */
-                starter=-1;
+            // copy these code units all at once
+            if(src!=prevSrc) {
+                if(buffer!=null) {
+                    buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, src);
+                } else {
+                    prevCC=0;
+                    prevBoundary=src;
-    // find the last true starter between src[start]....src[current] going
-    // backwards and return its index
-    private static int findPreviousStarter(char[]src, int srcStart, int current,
-                                          int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask,
-                                          int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask,
-                                          char minNoMaybe) {
-       long norm32;
-       PrevArgs args = new PrevArgs();
-       args.src = src;
-       args.start = srcStart;
-       args.current = current;
-       while(args.start<args.current) {
-           norm32= getPrevNorm32(args, minNoMaybe, ccOrQCMask|decompQCMask);
-           if(isTrueStarter(norm32, ccOrQCMask, decompQCMask)) {
+            if(src==limit) {
-       }
-       return args.current;
-    }
-    /* find the first true starter in [src..limit[ and return the
-     * pointer to it
-     */
-    private static int/*index*/    findNextStarter(char[] src,int start,int limit,
-                                                 int/*unsigned*/ qcMask,
-                                                 int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask,
-                                                 char minNoMaybe) {
-        int p;
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32;
-        int ccOrQCMask;
-        char c, c2;
-        ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask;
-        DecomposeArgs decompArgs = new DecomposeArgs();
-        for(;;) {
-            if(start==limit) {
-                break; /* end of string */
+            // Check one above-minimum, relevant code point.
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            if(buffer!=null) {
+                decompose(c, norm16, buffer);
+            } else {
+                if(isDecompYes(norm16)) {
+                    int cc=getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16);
+                    if(prevCC<=cc || cc==0) {
+                        prevCC=cc;
+                        if(cc<=1) {
+                            prevBoundary=src;
-            c=src[start];
-            if(c<minNoMaybe) {
-                break; /* catches NUL terminater, too */
+                        continue;
-            norm32=getNorm32(c);
-            if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) {
-                break; /* true starter */
-            if(isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) {
-                /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */
-                if((start+1)==limit ||
-                                   !UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=(src[start+1]))){
-                    /* unmatched first surrogate: counts as a true starter */
-                    break;
+                return prevBoundary;  // "no" or cc out of order
-                norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2);
-                if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) {
-                    break; /* true starter */
-            } else {
-                c2=0;
+        return src;
-            /* (c, c2) is not a true starter but its decomposition may be */
-            if((norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) {
-                /* (c, c2) decomposes, get everything from the variable-length
-                 *  extra data */
-                p=decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, decompArgs);
-                /* get the first character's norm32 to check if it is a true
-                 * starter */
-                if(decompArgs.cc==0 && (getNorm32(extraData,p, qcMask)&qcMask)==0) {
-                    break; /* true starter */
+    public void decomposeAndAppend(CharSequence s, boolean doDecompose, ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        int limit=s.length();
+        if(limit==0) {
+            return;
+        if(doDecompose) {
+            decompose(s, 0, limit, buffer);
+            return;
-            start+= c2==0 ? 1 : 2; /* not a true starter, continue */
-        }
-        return start;
+        // Just merge the strings at the boundary.
+        int c=Character.codePointAt(s, 0);
+        int src=0;
+        int firstCC, prevCC, cc;
+        firstCC=prevCC=cc=getCC(getNorm16(c));
+        while(cc!=0) {
+            prevCC=cc;
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            if(src>=limit) {
+                break;
-    private static final class ComposePartArgs{
-        int prevCC;
-        int length;   /* length of decomposed part */
+            c=Character.codePointAt(s, src);
+            cc=getCC(getNorm16(c));
+        };
+        buffer.append(s, 0, src, firstCC, prevCC);
+        buffer.append(s, src, limit);
-     /* decompose and recompose [prevStarter..src[ */
-    private static char[] composePart(ComposePartArgs args,
-                                      int prevStarter,
-                                         char[] src, int start, int limit,
-                                       int options,
-                                       UnicodeSet nx) {
-        int recomposeLimit;
-        boolean compat =((options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0);
+    // Very similar to composeQuickCheck(): Make the same changes in both places if relevant.
+    // doCompose: normalize
+    // !doCompose: isNormalized (buffer must be empty and initialized)
+    public boolean compose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
+                           boolean onlyContiguous,
+                           boolean doCompose,
+                           ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        int minNoMaybeCP=minCompNoMaybeCP;
+        /*
+         * prevBoundary points to the last character before the current one
+         * that has a composition boundary before it with ccc==0 and quick check "yes".
+         * Keeping track of prevBoundary saves us looking for a composition boundary
+         * when we find a "no" or "maybe".
+         *
+         * When we back out from prevSrc back to prevBoundary,
+         * then we also remove those same characters (which had been simply copied
+         * or canonically-order-inserted) from the ReorderingBuffer.
+         * Therefore, at all times, the [prevBoundary..prevSrc[ source units
+         * must correspond 1:1 to destination units at the end of the destination buffer.
+         */
+        int prevBoundary=src;
+        int prevSrc;
+        int c=0;
+        int norm16=0;
-        /* decompose [prevStarter..src[ */
-        int[] outTrailCC = new int[1];
-        char[] buffer = new char[(limit-prevStarter)*MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
+        // only for isNormalized
+        int prevCC=0;
-        for(;;){
-            args.length=decompose(src,prevStarter,(start),
-                                      buffer,0,buffer.length,
-                                      compat,outTrailCC,nx);
-            if(args.length<=buffer.length){
+        for(;;) {
+            // count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for the quick check
+            for(prevSrc=src; src!=limit;) {
+                if( (c=s.charAt(src))<minNoMaybeCP ||
+                    isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=normTrie.getFromU16SingleLead((char)c))
+                ) {
+                    ++src;
+                } else if(!UTF16.isSurrogate((char)c)) {
-            }else{
-                buffer = new char[args.length];
-            }
+                } else {
+                    char c2;
+                    if(UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(c)) {
+                        if((src+1)!=limit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src+1))) {
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint((char)c, c2);
+                        }
+                    } else /* trail surrogate */ {
+                        if(prevSrc<src && Character.isHighSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src-1))) {
+                            --src;
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint(c2, (char)c);
-        /* recompose the decomposition */
-        recomposeLimit=args.length;
-        if(args.length>=2) {
-            RecomposeArgs rcArgs = new RecomposeArgs();
-            rcArgs.source    = buffer;
-            rcArgs.start    = 0;
-            rcArgs.limit    = recomposeLimit;
-            args.prevCC=recompose(rcArgs, options, nx);
-            recomposeLimit = rcArgs.limit;
-        /* return with a pointer to the recomposition and its length */
-        args.length=recomposeLimit;
-        return buffer;
+                    if(isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=getNorm16(c))) {
+                        src+=Character.charCount(c);
+                    } else {
+                        break;
-    private static boolean composeHangul(char prev, char c,
-                                         long/*unsigned*/ norm32,
-                                         char[] src,int[] srcIndex, int limit,
-                                            boolean compat,
-                                         char[] dest,int destIndex,
-                                         UnicodeSet nx) {
-        int start=srcIndex[0];
-        if(isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(norm32)) {
-            /* c is a Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and
-             * following Jamo T */
-            prev=(char)(prev-JAMO_L_BASE);
-            if(prev<JAMO_L_COUNT) {
-                c=(char)(HANGUL_BASE+(prev*JAMO_V_COUNT+
-                                                 (c-JAMO_V_BASE))*JAMO_T_COUNT);
-                /* check if the next character is a Jamo T (normal or
-                 * compatibility) */
-                if(start!=limit) {
-                    char next, t;
-                    next=src[start];
-                    if((t=(char)(next-JAMO_T_BASE))<JAMO_T_COUNT) {
-                        /* normal Jamo T */
-                        ++start;
-                        c+=t;
-                    } else if(compat) {
-                        /* if NFKC, then check for compatibility Jamo T
-                         * (BMP only) */
-                        norm32=getNorm32(next);
-                        if(isNorm32Regular(norm32) && ((norm32&QC_NFKD)!=0)) {
-                            int p /*index into extra data array*/;
-                            DecomposeArgs dcArgs = new DecomposeArgs();
-                            p=decompose(norm32, QC_NFKD, dcArgs);
-                            if(dcArgs.length==1 &&
-                                   (t=(char)(extraData[p]-JAMO_T_BASE))
-                                                   <JAMO_T_COUNT) {
-                                /* compatibility Jamo T */
-                                ++start;
-                                c+=t;
+            // copy these code units all at once
+            if(src!=prevSrc) {
+                if(src==limit) {
+                    if(doCompose) {
+                        buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, src);
+                    break;
-                if(nx_contains(nx, c)) {
-                    if(!isHangulWithoutJamoT(c)) {
-                        --start; /* undo ++start from reading the Jamo T */
+                // Set prevBoundary to the last character in the quick check loop.
+                prevBoundary=src-1;
+                if( Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(prevBoundary)) && prevSrc<prevBoundary &&
+                    Character.isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(prevBoundary-1))
+                ) {
+                    --prevBoundary;
-                    return false;
+                if(doCompose) {
+                    // The last "quick check yes" character is excluded from the
+                    // flush-and-append call in case it needs to be modified.
+                    buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, prevBoundary);
+                    buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, src);
+                } else {
+                    prevCC=0;
-                dest[destIndex]=c;
-                srcIndex[0]=start;
-                return true;
+                // The start of the current character (c).
+                prevSrc=src;
+            } else if(src==limit) {
+                break;
-        } else if(isHangulWithoutJamoT(prev)) {
-            /* c is a Jamo T, compose with previous Hangul LV that does not
-             * contain a Jamo T */
-            c=(char)(prev+(c-JAMO_T_BASE));
-            if(nx_contains(nx, c)) {
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            /*
+             * isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16) is false, that is, norm16>=minNoNo.
+             * c is either a "noNo" (has a mapping) or a "maybeYes" (combines backward)
+             * or has ccc!=0.
+             * Check for Jamo V/T, then for regular characters.
+             * c is not a Hangul syllable or Jamo L because those have "yes" properties.
+             */
+            if(isJamoVT(norm16) && prevBoundary!=prevSrc) {
+                char prev=s.charAt(prevSrc-1);
+                boolean needToDecompose=false;
+                if(c<Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE) {
+                    // c is a Jamo Vowel, compose with previous Jamo L and following Jamo T.
+                    prev-=Hangul.JAMO_L_BASE;
+                    if(prev<Hangul.JAMO_L_COUNT) {
+                        if(!doCompose) {
                 return false;
-            dest[destIndex]=c;
-            srcIndex[0]=start;
-            return true;
+                        char syllable=(char)
+                            (Hangul.HANGUL_BASE+
+                             (prev*Hangul.JAMO_V_COUNT+(c-Hangul.JAMO_V_BASE))*
+                             Hangul.JAMO_T_COUNT);
+                        char t;
+                        if(src!=limit && (t=(char)(s.charAt(src)-Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE))<Hangul.JAMO_T_COUNT) {
+                            ++src;
+                            syllable+=t;  // The next character was a Jamo T.
+                            prevBoundary=src;
+                            buffer.setLastChar(syllable);
+                            continue;
+                        // If we see L+V+x where x!=T then we drop to the slow path,
+                        // decompose and recompose.
+                        // This is to deal with NFKC finding normal L and V but a
+                        // compatibility variant of a T. We need to either fully compose that
+                        // combination here (which would complicate the code and may not work
+                        // with strange custom data) or use the slow path -- or else our replacing
+                        // two input characters (L+V) with one output character (LV syllable)
+                        // would violate the invariant that [prevBoundary..prevSrc[ has the same
+                        // length as what we appended to the buffer since prevBoundary.
+                        needToDecompose=true;
+                    }
+                } else if(Hangul.isHangulWithoutJamoT(prev)) {
+                    // c is a Jamo Trailing consonant,
+                    // compose with previous Hangul LV that does not contain a Jamo T.
+                    if(!doCompose) {
         return false;
-    /*
-    public static int compose(char[] src, char[] dest,boolean compat, UnicodeSet nx){
-        return compose(src,0,src.length,dest,0,dest.length,compat, nx);
+                    buffer.setLastChar((char)(prev+c-Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE));
+                    prevBoundary=src;
+                    continue;
-    */
-    public static int compose(char[] src, int srcStart, int srcLimit,
-                              char[] dest,int destStart,int destLimit,
-                              int options,UnicodeSet nx) {
-        int prevSrc, prevStarter;
-        long/*unsigned*/ norm32;
-        int ccOrQCMask, qcMask;
-        int  reorderStartIndex, length;
-        char c, c2, minNoMaybe;
-        int/*unsigned byte*/ cc, prevCC;
-        int[] ioIndex = new int[1];
-        int destIndex = destStart;
-        int srcIndex = srcStart;
-        if((options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0) {
-            minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE];
-            qcMask=QC_NFKC;
+                if(!needToDecompose) {
+                    // The Jamo V/T did not compose into a Hangul syllable.
+                    if(doCompose) {
+                        buffer.append((char)c);
         } else {
-            minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE];
-            qcMask=QC_NFC;
-        }
-        /*
-         * prevStarter points to the last character before the current one
-         * that is a "true" starter with cc==0 and quick check "yes".
-         *
-         * prevStarter will be used instead of looking for a true starter
-         * while incrementally decomposing [prevStarter..prevSrc[
-         * in _composePart(). Having a good prevStarter allows to just decompose
-         * the entire [prevStarter..prevSrc[.
-         *
-         * When _composePart() backs out from prevSrc back to prevStarter,
-         * then it also backs out destIndex by the same amount.
-         * Therefore, at all times, the (prevSrc-prevStarter) source units
-         * must correspond 1:1 to destination units counted with destIndex,
-         * except for reordering.
-         * This is true for the qc "yes" characters copied in the fast loop,
-         * and for pure reordering.
-         * prevStarter must be set forward to src when this is not true:
-         * In _composePart() and after composing a Hangul syllable.
-         *
-         * This mechanism relies on the assumption that the decomposition of a
-         * true starter also begins with a true starter. gennorm/store.c checks
-         * for this.
-         */
-        prevStarter=srcIndex;
-        ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask;
-        /*destIndex=*/reorderStartIndex=0;/* ####TODO#### check this **/
-        prevCC=0;
-        /* avoid compiler warnings */
-        norm32=0;
-        c=0;
-        for(;;) {
-            /* count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for
-             * the quick check */
-            prevSrc=srcIndex;
-            while(srcIndex!=srcLimit && ((c=src[srcIndex])<minNoMaybe ||
-                     ((norm32=getNorm32(c))&ccOrQCMask)==0)) {
-                ++srcIndex;
-            }
-            /* copy these code units all at once */
-            if(srcIndex!=prevSrc) {
-                length=srcIndex-prevSrc;
-                if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) {
-                    System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length);
-                }
-                destIndex+=length;
-                reorderStartIndex=destIndex;
-                /* set prevStarter to the last character in the quick check
-                 * loop */
-                prevStarter=srcIndex-1;
-                if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(src[prevStarter]) &&
-                    prevSrc<prevStarter &&
-                    UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(src[(prevStarter-1)])) {
-                    --prevStarter;
-                prevSrc=srcIndex;
+                    continue;
-            /* end of source reached? */
-            if(srcIndex==srcLimit) {
-                break;
-            /* c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src*/
-            ++srcIndex;
-             * source buffer pointers:
+             * Source buffer pointers:
              *  all done      quick check   current char  not yet
-             *                "yes" but     (c, c2)       processed
+             *                "yes" but     (c)           processed
              *                may combine
              *                forward
              * [-------------[-------------[-------------[-------------[
              * |             |             |             |             |
-             * start         prevStarter   prevSrc       src           limit
+             * orig. src     prevBoundary  prevSrc       src           limit
-             * destination buffer pointers and indexes:
+             * Destination buffer pointers inside the ReorderingBuffer:
              *  all done      might take    not filled yet
              *                characters for
              *                reordering
              * [-------------[-------------[-------------[
              * |             |             |             |
-             * dest      reorderStartIndex destIndex     destCapacity
-             */
-            /* check one above-minimum, relevant code unit */
-            /*
-             * norm32 is for c=*(src-1), and the quick check flag is "no" or
-             * "maybe", and/or cc!=0
-             * check for Jamo V/T, then for surrogates and regular characters
-             * c is not a Hangul syllable or Jamo L because
-             * they are not marked with no/maybe for NFC & NFKC(and their cc==0)
+             * start         reorderStart  limit         |
+             *                             +remainingCap.+
-            if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) {
-                /*
-                 * c is a Jamo V/T:
-                 * try to compose with the previous character, Jamo V also with
-                 * a following Jamo T, and set values here right now in case we
-                 * just continue with the main loop
-                 */
-                prevCC=cc=0;
-                reorderStartIndex=destIndex;
-                ioIndex[0]=srcIndex;
-                if(
-                    destIndex>0 &&
-                    composeHangul(src[(prevSrc-1)], c, norm32,src, ioIndex,
-                                  srcLimit, (options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0, dest,
-                                  destIndex<=destLimit ? destIndex-1: 0,
-                                  nx)
+            if(norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC) {
+                int cc=norm16&0xff;  // cc!=0
+                if( onlyContiguous &&  // FCC
+                    (doCompose ? buffer.getLastCC() : prevCC)==0 &&
+                    prevBoundary<prevSrc &&
+                    // buffer.getLastCC()==0 && prevBoundary<prevSrc tell us that
+                    // [prevBoundary..prevSrc[ (which is exactly one character under these conditions)
+                    // passed the quick check "yes && ccc==0" test.
+                    // Check whether the last character was a "yesYes" or a "yesNo".
+                    // If a "yesNo", then we get its trailing ccc from its
+                    // mapping and check for canonical order.
+                    // All other cases are ok.
+                    getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc)>cc
                 ) {
-                    srcIndex=ioIndex[0];
-                    prevStarter=srcIndex;
-                    continue;
+                    // Fails FCD test, need to decompose and contiguously recompose.
+                    if(!doCompose) {
+                        return false;
-                srcIndex = ioIndex[0];
-                /* the Jamo V/T did not compose into a Hangul syllable, just
-                 * append to dest */
-                c2=0;
-                length=1;
-                prevStarter=prevSrc;
-            } else {
-                if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) {
-                    c2=0;
-                    length=1;
-                } else {
-                    /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */
-                    if(srcIndex!=srcLimit &&
-                                     UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) {
-                        ++srcIndex;
-                        length=2;
-                        norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2);
-                    } else {
-                        /* c is an unpaired lead surrogate, nothing to do */
-                        c2=0;
-                        length=1;
-                        norm32=0;
-                    }
-                }
-                ComposePartArgs args =new ComposePartArgs();
-                /* we are looking at the character (c, c2) at [prevSrc..src[ */
-                if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) {
-                    /* excluded: norm32==0 */
-                    cc=0;
-                } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) {
-                    cc=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK)&(norm32>>CC_SHIFT));
+                } else if(doCompose) {
+                    buffer.append(c, cc);
+                    continue;
+                } else if(prevCC<=cc) {
+                    prevCC=cc;
+                    continue;
                 } else {
-                    char[] p;
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else if(!doCompose && !isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
+                return false;
+            }
-                     * find appropriate boundaries around this character,
+             * Find appropriate boundaries around this character,
                      * decompose the source text from between the boundaries,
-                     * and recompose it
+             * and recompose it.
-                     * this puts the intermediate text into the side buffer because
-                     * it might be longer than the recomposition end result,
-                     * or the destination buffer may be too short or missing
-                     *
-                     * note that destIndex may be adjusted backwards to account
-                     * for source text that passed the quick check but needed to
-                     * take part in the recomposition
+             * We may need to remove the last few characters from the ReorderingBuffer
+             * to account for source text that was copied or appended
+             * but needs to take part in the recomposition.
-                    int decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; /* decomposition quick check mask */
-                     * find the last true starter in [prevStarter..src[
-                     * it is either the decomposition of the current character (at prevSrc),
-                     * or prevStarter
+             * Find the last composition boundary in [prevBoundary..src[.
+             * It is either the decomposition of the current character (at prevSrc),
+             * or prevBoundary.
-                    if(isTrueStarter(norm32, CC_MASK|qcMask, decompQCMask)) {
-                        prevStarter=prevSrc;
-                    } else {
-                        /* adjust destIndex: back out what had been copied with qc "yes" */
-                        destIndex-=prevSrc-prevStarter;
+            if(hasCompBoundaryBefore(c, norm16)) {
+                prevBoundary=prevSrc;
+            } else if(doCompose) {
+                buffer.removeSuffix(prevSrc-prevBoundary);
-                    /* find the next true starter in [src..limit[ */
-                    srcIndex=findNextStarter(src, srcIndex,srcLimit, qcMask,
-                                               decompQCMask, minNoMaybe);
-                    //args.prevStarter = prevStarter;
-                    args.prevCC    = prevCC;
-                    //args.destIndex = destIndex;
-                    args.length = length;
-                    p=composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcIndex,srcLimit,options,nx);
+            // Find the next composition boundary in [src..limit[ -
+            // modifies src to point to the next starter.
+            src=findNextCompBoundary(s, src, limit);
-                    if(p==null) {
-                        /* an error occurred (out of memory) */
-                        break;
+            // Decompose [prevBoundary..src[ into the buffer and then recompose that part of it.
+            int recomposeStartIndex=buffer.length();
+            decomposeShort(s, prevBoundary, src, buffer);
+            recompose(buffer, recomposeStartIndex, onlyContiguous);
+            if(!doCompose) {
+                if(!buffer.equals(s, prevBoundary, src)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                buffer.remove();
+                prevCC=0;
-                    prevCC      = args.prevCC;
-                    length      = args.length;
-                    /* append the recomposed buffer contents to the destination
-                     * buffer */
-                    if((destIndex+args.length)<=destLimit) {
-                        int i=0;
-                        while(i<args.length) {
-                            dest[destIndex++]=p[i++];
-                            --length;
+            // Move to the next starter. We never need to look back before this point again.
+            prevBoundary=src;
-                    } else {
-                        /* buffer overflow */
-                        /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */
-                        destIndex+=length;
+        return true;
-                    prevStarter=srcIndex;
-                    continue;
+    /**
+     * Very similar to compose(): Make the same changes in both places if relevant.
+     * doSpan: spanQuickCheckYes (ignore bit 0 of the return value)
+     * !doSpan: quickCheck
+     * @return bits 31..1: spanQuickCheckYes (==s.length() if "yes") and
+     *         bit 0: set if "maybe"; otherwise, if the span length&lt;s.length()
+     *         then the quick check result is "no"
+     */
+    public int composeQuickCheck(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
+                                 boolean onlyContiguous, boolean doSpan) {
+        int qcResult=0;
+        int minNoMaybeCP=minCompNoMaybeCP;
+        /*
+         * prevBoundary points to the last character before the current one
+         * that has a composition boundary before it with ccc==0 and quick check "yes".
+         */
+        int prevBoundary=src;
+        int prevSrc;
+        int c=0;
+        int norm16=0;
+        int prevCC=0;
+        for(;;) {
+            // count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for the quick check
+            for(prevSrc=src;;) {
+                if(src==limit) {
+                    return (src<<1)|qcResult;  // "yes" or "maybe"
+                if( (c=s.charAt(src))<minNoMaybeCP ||
+                    isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=normTrie.getFromU16SingleLead((char)c))
+                ) {
+                    ++src;
+                } else if(!UTF16.isSurrogate((char)c)) {
+                    break;
+                } else {
+                    char c2;
+                    if(UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(c)) {
+                        if((src+1)!=limit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src+1))) {
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint((char)c, c2);
-            /* append the single code point (c, c2) to the destination buffer */
-            if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) {
-                if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) {
-                    /* (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding
-                     * text */
-                    int reorderSplit= destIndex;
-                    destIndex+=length;
-                    prevCC=insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit,
-                                         destIndex, c, c2, cc);
-                } else {
-                    /* just append (c, c2) */
-                    dest[destIndex++]=c;
-                    if(c2!=0) {
-                        dest[destIndex++]=c2;
+                    } else /* trail surrogate */ {
+                        if(prevSrc<src && Character.isHighSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src-1))) {
+                            --src;
+                            c=Character.toCodePoint(c2, (char)c);
-                    prevCC=cc;
+                    if(isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16=getNorm16(c))) {
+                        src+=Character.charCount(c);
             } else {
-                /* buffer overflow */
-                /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */
-                destIndex+=length;
-                prevCC=cc;
+                        break;
-        return destIndex - destStart;
-    public static int getCombiningClass(int c) {
-        long norm32;
-        norm32=getNorm32(c);
-        return (int)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF);
+            if(src!=prevSrc) {
+                // Set prevBoundary to the last character in the quick check loop.
+                prevBoundary=src-1;
+                if( Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(prevBoundary)) && prevSrc<prevBoundary &&
+                        Character.isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(prevBoundary-1))
+                ) {
+                    --prevBoundary;
+                }
+                prevCC=0;
+                // The start of the current character (c).
+                prevSrc=src;
-    public static boolean isFullCompositionExclusion(int c) {
-        if(isFormatVersion_2_1) {
-            int aux =AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c);
-            return (aux & AUX_COMP_EX_MASK)!=0;
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            /*
+             * isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16) is false, that is, norm16>=minNoNo.
+             * c is either a "noNo" (has a mapping) or a "maybeYes" (combines backward)
+             * or has ccc!=0.
+             */
+            if(isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
+                int cc=getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16);
+                if( onlyContiguous &&  // FCC
+                    cc!=0 &&
+                    prevCC==0 &&
+                    prevBoundary<prevSrc &&
+                    // prevCC==0 && prevBoundary<prevSrc tell us that
+                    // [prevBoundary..prevSrc[ (which is exactly one character under these conditions)
+                    // passed the quick check "yes && ccc==0" test.
+                    // Check whether the last character was a "yesYes" or a "yesNo".
+                    // If a "yesNo", then we get its trailing ccc from its
+                    // mapping and check for canonical order.
+                    // All other cases are ok.
+                    getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc)>cc
+                ) {
+                    // Fails FCD test.
+                } else if(prevCC<=cc || cc==0) {
+                    prevCC=cc;
+                    if(norm16<MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC) {
+                        if(!doSpan) {
+                            qcResult=1;
         } else {
-            return false;
+                            return prevBoundary<<1;  // spanYes does not care to know it's "maybe"
-    public static boolean isCanonSafeStart(int c) {
-        if(isFormatVersion_2_1) {
-            int aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c);
-            return (aux & AUX_UNSAFE_MASK)==0;
-        } else {
-            return false;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            return prevBoundary<<1;  // "no"
-    /* Is c an NF<mode>-skippable code point? See unormimp.h. */
-    public static boolean isNFSkippable(int c, NormalizerBase.Mode mode, long mask) {
-        long /*unsigned int*/ norm32;
-        mask = mask & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
-        char aux;
+    public void composeAndAppend(CharSequence s,
+                                 boolean doCompose,
+                                 boolean onlyContiguous,
+                                 ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        int src=0, limit=s.length();
+        if(!buffer.isEmpty()) {
+            int firstStarterInSrc=findNextCompBoundary(s, 0, limit);
+            if(0!=firstStarterInSrc) {
+                int lastStarterInDest=findPreviousCompBoundary(buffer.getStringBuilder(),
+                                                               buffer.length());
+                StringBuilder middle=new StringBuilder((buffer.length()-lastStarterInDest)+
+                                                       firstStarterInSrc+16);
+                middle.append(buffer.getStringBuilder(), lastStarterInDest, buffer.length());
+                buffer.removeSuffix(buffer.length()-lastStarterInDest);
+                middle.append(s, 0, firstStarterInSrc);
+                compose(middle, 0, middle.length(), onlyContiguous, true, buffer);
+                src=firstStarterInSrc;
+            }
+        }
+        if(doCompose) {
+            compose(s, src, limit, onlyContiguous, true, buffer);
+        } else {
+            buffer.append(s, src, limit);
+        }
+    }
-        /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */
-        norm32 = getNorm32(c);
+    // Dual functionality:
+    // buffer!=NULL: normalize
+    // buffer==NULL: isNormalized/quickCheck/spanQuickCheckYes
+    public int makeFCD(CharSequence s, int src, int limit, ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        // Note: In this function we use buffer->appendZeroCC() because we track
+        // the lead and trail combining classes here, rather than leaving it to
+        // the ReorderingBuffer.
+        // The exception is the call to decomposeShort() which uses the buffer
+        // in the normal way.
+        // Tracks the last FCD-safe boundary, before lccc=0 or after properly-ordered tccc<=1.
+        // Similar to the prevBoundary in the compose() implementation.
+        int prevBoundary=src;
+        int prevSrc;
+        int c=0;
+        int prevFCD16=0;
+        int fcd16=0;
-        if((norm32&mask)!=0) {
-            return false; /* fails (a)..(e), not skippable */
+        for(;;) {
+            // count code units with lccc==0
+            for(prevSrc=src; src!=limit;) {
+                if((c=s.charAt(src))<MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP) {
+                    prevFCD16=~c;
+                    ++src;
+                } else if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
+                    prevFCD16=0;
+                    ++src;
+                } else {
+                    if(UTF16.isSurrogate((char)c)) {
+                        char c2;
+                        if(UTF16Plus.isSurrogateLead(c)) {
+                            if((src+1)!=limit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src+1))) {
+                                c=Character.toCodePoint((char)c, c2);
-        if(mode == NormalizerBase.NFD || mode == NormalizerBase.NFKD || mode == NormalizerBase.NONE){
-            return true; /* NF*D, passed (a)..(c), is skippable */
+                        } else /* trail surrogate */ {
+                            if(prevSrc<src && Character.isHighSurrogate(c2=s.charAt(src-1))) {
+                                --src;
+                                c=Character.toCodePoint(c2, (char)c);
-        /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */
-        /* NF*C/FCC, passed (a)..(e) */
-        if((norm32& QC_NFD)==0) {
-            return true; /* no canonical decomposition, is skippable */
-        /* check Hangul syllables algorithmically */
-        if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) {
-            /* Jamo passed (a)..(e) above, must be Hangul */
-            return !isHangulWithoutJamoT((char)c); /* LVT are skippable, LV are not */
-        /* if(mode<=UNORM_NFKC) { -- enable when implementing FCC */
-        /* NF*C, test (f) flag */
-        if(!isFormatVersion_2_2) {
-            return false; /* no (f) data, say not skippable to be safe */
+                    if((fcd16=getFCD16FromNormData(c))<=0xff) {
+                        prevFCD16=fcd16;
+                        src+=Character.charCount(c);
+                    } else {
+                        break;
-        aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c);
-        return (aux&AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK)==0; /* TRUE=skippable if the (f) flag is not set */
-        /* } else { FCC, test fcd<=1 instead of the above } */
-    public static UnicodeSet addPropertyStarts(UnicodeSet set) {
-        int c;
-        /* add the start code point of each same-value range of each trie */
-        //utrie_enum(&normTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set);
-        TrieIterator normIter = new TrieIterator(NormTrieImpl.normTrie);
-        RangeValueIterator.Element normResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
-        while(normIter.next(normResult)){
-            set.add(normResult.start);
-        //utrie_enum(&fcdTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set);
-        TrieIterator fcdIter  = new TrieIterator(FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie);
-        RangeValueIterator.Element fcdResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
-        while(fcdIter.next(fcdResult)){
-            set.add(fcdResult.start);
+            // copy these code units all at once
+            if(src!=prevSrc) {
+                if(src==limit) {
+                    if(buffer!=null) {
+                        buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, src);
-        if(isFormatVersion_2_1){
-            //utrie_enum(&auxTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set);
-            TrieIterator auxIter  = new TrieIterator(AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie);
-            RangeValueIterator.Element auxResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
-            while(auxIter.next(auxResult)){
-                set.add(auxResult.start);
+                    break;
+                prevBoundary=src;
+                // We know that the previous character's lccc==0.
+                if(prevFCD16<0) {
+                    // Fetching the fcd16 value was deferred for this below-U+0300 code point.
+                    int prev=~prevFCD16;
+                    prevFCD16= prev<0x180 ? tccc180[prev] : getFCD16FromNormData(prev);
+                    if(prevFCD16>1) {
+                        --prevBoundary;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    int p=src-1;
+                    if( Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(p)) && prevSrc<p &&
+                        Character.isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(p-1))
+                    ) {
+                        --p;
+                        // Need to fetch the previous character's FCD value because
+                        // prevFCD16 was just for the trail surrogate code point.
+                        prevFCD16=getFCD16FromNormData(Character.toCodePoint(s.charAt(p), s.charAt(p+1)));
+                        // Still known to have lccc==0 because its lead surrogate unit had lccc==0.
-        /* add Hangul LV syllables and LV+1 because of skippables */
-            set.add(c);
-            set.add(c+1);
+                    if(prevFCD16>1) {
+                        prevBoundary=p;
-        set.add(HANGUL_BASE+HANGUL_COUNT); /* add Hangul+1 to continue with other properties */
-        return set; // for chaining
-    /**
-     * Internal API, used in UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue().
-     * @internal
-     * @param c code point
-     * @param modeValue numeric value compatible with Mode
-     * @return numeric value compatible with QuickCheck
-     */
-    public static final int quickCheck(int c, int modeValue) {
-        final int qcMask[/*UNORM_MODE_COUNT*/]={
-            0, 0, QC_NFD, QC_NFKD, QC_NFC, QC_NFKC
-        };
-        int norm32=(int)getNorm32(c)&qcMask[modeValue];
-        if(norm32==0) {
-            return 1; // YES
-        } else if((norm32&QC_ANY_NO)!=0) {
-            return 0; // NO
-        } else /* _NORM_QC_ANY_MAYBE */ {
-            return 2; // MAYBE;
+                if(buffer!=null) {
+                    // The last lccc==0 character is excluded from the
+                    // flush-and-append call in case it needs to be modified.
+                    buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, prevBoundary);
+                    buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, src);
+                // The start of the current character (c).
+                prevSrc=src;
+            } else if(src==limit) {
+                break;
-    private static int strCompare(char[] s1, int s1Start, int s1Limit,
-                                  char[] s2, int s2Start, int s2Limit,
-                                  boolean codePointOrder) {
-        int start1, start2, limit1, limit2;
-        char c1, c2;
-        /* setup for fix-up */
-        start1=s1Start;
-        start2=s2Start;
-        int length1, length2;
-        length1 = s1Limit - s1Start;
-        length2 = s2Limit - s2Start;
-        int lengthResult;
-        if(length1<length2) {
-            lengthResult=-1;
-            limit1=start1+length1;
-        } else if(length1==length2) {
-            lengthResult=0;
-            limit1=start1+length1;
-        } else /* length1>length2 */ {
-            lengthResult=1;
-            limit1=start1+length2;
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            // The current character (c) at [prevSrc..src[ has a non-zero lead combining class.
+            // Check for proper order, and decompose locally if necessary.
+            if((prevFCD16&0xff)<=(fcd16>>8)) {
+                // proper order: prev tccc <= current lccc
+                if((fcd16&0xff)<=1) {
+                    prevBoundary=src;
-        if(s1==s2) {
-            return lengthResult;
+                if(buffer!=null) {
+                    buffer.appendZeroCC(c);
+                }
+                prevFCD16=fcd16;
+                continue;
+            } else if(buffer==null) {
+                return prevBoundary;  // quick check "no"
+            } else {
+                /*
+                 * Back out the part of the source that we copied or appended
+                 * already but is now going to be decomposed.
+                 * prevSrc is set to after what was copied/appended.
+                 */
+                buffer.removeSuffix(prevSrc-prevBoundary);
+                /*
+                 * Find the part of the source that needs to be decomposed,
+                 * up to the next safe boundary.
+                 */
+                src=findNextFCDBoundary(s, src, limit);
+                /*
+                 * The source text does not fulfill the conditions for FCD.
+                 * Decompose and reorder a limited piece of the text.
+                 */
+                decomposeShort(s, prevBoundary, src, buffer);
+                prevBoundary=src;
+                prevFCD16=0;
+            }
+        }
+        return src;
+    // Note: hasDecompBoundary() could be implemented as aliases to
+    // hasFCDBoundaryBefore() and hasFCDBoundaryAfter()
+    // at the cost of building the FCD trie for a decomposition normalizer.
+    public boolean hasDecompBoundary(int c, boolean before) {
         for(;;) {
-            /* check pseudo-limit */
-            if(s1Start==limit1) {
-                return lengthResult;
+            if(c<minDecompNoCP) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            int norm16=getNorm16(c);
+            if(isHangul(norm16) || isDecompYesAndZeroCC(norm16)) {
+                return true;
+            } else if(norm16>MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
+                return false;  // ccc!=0
+            } else if(isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
+                c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
+            } else {
+                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
+                int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(norm16);
+                if((firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK)==0) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if(!before) {
+                    // decomp after-boundary: same as hasFCDBoundaryAfter(),
+                    // fcd16<=1 || trailCC==0
+                    if(firstUnit>0x1ff) {
+                        return false;  // trailCC>1
+                    }
+                    if(firstUnit<=0xff) {
+                        return true;  // trailCC==0
+                    }
+                    // if(trailCC==1) test leadCC==0, same as checking for before-boundary
+                }
+                // true if leadCC==0 (hasFCDBoundaryBefore())
+                return (firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)==0 || (extraData.charAt(norm16-1)&0xff00)==0;
-            c1=s1[s1Start];
-            c2=s2[s2Start];
-            if(c1!=c2) {
-                break;
-            ++s1Start;
-            ++s2Start;
-        /* setup for fix-up */
-        limit1=start1+length1;
-        limit2=start2+length2;
+    public boolean hasCompBoundaryBefore(int c) {
+        return c<minCompNoMaybeCP || hasCompBoundaryBefore(c, getNorm16(c));
+    }
+    private boolean isMaybe(int norm16) { return minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=JAMO_VT; }
+    private boolean isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(int norm16) { return norm16>=minMaybeYes; }
+    private static boolean isJamoVT(int norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_VT; }
+    private boolean isHangul(int norm16) { return norm16==minYesNo; }
+    private boolean isCompYesAndZeroCC(int norm16) { return norm16<minNoNo; }
+    // UBool isCompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
+    //     return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC || norm16<minNoNo;
+    // }
+    // UBool isCompYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const {
+    //     return norm16<minNoNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16;
+    // }
+    // private boolean hasZeroCCFromDecompYes(int norm16) {
+    //     return norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
+    // }
+    private boolean isDecompYesAndZeroCC(int norm16) {
+        return norm16<minYesNo ||
+               norm16==JAMO_VT ||
+               (minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES);
+    }
-        /* if both values are in or above the surrogate range, fix them up */
-        if(c1>=0xd800 && c2>=0xd800 && codePointOrder) {
-            /* subtract 0x2800 from BMP code points to make them smaller than
-             *  supplementary ones */
-            if(
-                ( c1<=0xdbff && (s1Start+1)!=limit1 &&
-                  UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s1[(s1Start+1)])
-                ) ||
-                ( UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c1) && start1!=s1Start &&
-                  UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s1[(s1Start-1)])
-                )
-            ) {
-                /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */
+    /**
+     * A little faster and simpler than isDecompYesAndZeroCC() but does not include
+     * the MaybeYes which combine-forward and have ccc=0.
+     * (Standard Unicode 5.2 normalization does not have such characters.)
+     */
+    private boolean isMostDecompYesAndZeroCC(int norm16) {
+        return norm16<minYesNo || norm16==MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
+    }
+    private boolean isDecompNoAlgorithmic(int norm16) { return norm16>=limitNoNo; }
+    // For use with isCompYes().
+    // Perhaps the compiler can combine the two tests for MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC.
+    // static uint8_t getCCFromYes(uint16_t norm16) {
+    //     return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC ? (uint8_t)norm16 : 0;
+    // }
+    private int getCCFromNoNo(int norm16) {
+        if((extraData.charAt(norm16)&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
+            return extraData.charAt(norm16-1)&0xff;
             } else {
-                /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */
-                c1-=0x2800;
+            return 0;
+        }
-            if(
-                ( c2<=0xdbff && (s2Start+1)!=limit2 &&
-                  UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s2[(s2Start+1)])
-                ) ||
-                ( UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2) && start2!=s2Start &&
-                  UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s2[(s2Start-1)])
-                )
-            ) {
-                /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */
+    // requires that the [cpStart..cpLimit[ character passes isCompYesAndZeroCC()
+    int getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(CharSequence s, int cpStart, int cpLimit) {
+        int c;
+        if(cpStart==(cpLimit-1)) {
+            c=s.charAt(cpStart);
+        } else {
+            c=Character.codePointAt(s, cpStart);
+        }
+        int prevNorm16=getNorm16(c);
+        if(prevNorm16<=minYesNo) {
+            return 0;  // yesYes and Hangul LV/LVT have ccc=tccc=0
             } else {
-                /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */
-                c2-=0x2800;
+            return extraData.charAt(prevNorm16)>>8;  // tccc from yesNo
-        /* now c1 and c2 are in UTF-32-compatible order */
-        return (int)c1-(int)c2;
+    // Requires algorithmic-NoNo.
+    private int mapAlgorithmic(int c, int norm16) {
+        return c+norm16-(minMaybeYes-MAX_DELTA-1);
-    /*
-     * Status of tailored normalization
-     *
-     * This was done initially for investigation on Unicode public review issue 7
-     * (http://www.unicode.org/review/). See Jitterbug 2481.
-     * While the UTC at meeting #94 (2003mar) did not take up the issue, this is
-     * a permanent feature in ICU 2.6 in support of IDNA which requires true
-     * Unicode 3.2 normalization.
-     * (NormalizationCorrections are rolled into IDNA mapping tables.)
-     *
-     * Tailored normalization as implemented here allows to "normalize less"
-     * than full Unicode normalization would.
-     * Based internally on a UnicodeSet of code points that are
-     * "excluded from normalization", the normalization functions leave those
-     * code points alone ("inert"). This means that tailored normalization
-     * still transforms text into a canonically equivalent form.
-     * It does not add decompositions to code points that do not have any or
-     * change decomposition results.
-     *
-     * Any function that searches for a safe boundary has not been touched,
-     * which means that these functions will be over-pessimistic when
-     * exclusions are applied.
-     * This should not matter because subsequent checks and normalizations
-     * do apply the exclusions; only a little more of the text may be processed
-     * than necessary under exclusions.
-     *
-     * Normalization exclusions have the following effect on excluded code points c:
-     * - c is not decomposed
-     * - c is not a composition target
-     * - c does not combine forward or backward for composition
-     *   except that this is not implemented for Jamo
-     * - c is treated as having a combining class of 0
-     */
-    /*
-     * Constants for the bit fields in the options bit set parameter.
-     * These need not be public.
-     * A user only needs to know the currently assigned values.
-     * The number and positions of reserved bits per field can remain private.
-     */
-    private static final int OPTIONS_NX_MASK=0x1f;
-    private static final int OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK=0xe0;
-    public  static final int OPTIONS_SETS_MASK=0xff;
-//  private static final int OPTIONS_UNICODE_SHIFT=5;
-    private static final UnicodeSet[] nxCache = new UnicodeSet[OPTIONS_SETS_MASK+1];
-    /* Constants for options flags for normalization.*/
+    // Requires minYesNo<norm16<limitNoNo.
+    // private int getMapping(int norm16) { return /*extraData+*/norm16; }
-     * Options bit 0, do not decompose Hangul syllables.
-     * @draft ICU 2.6
+     * @return index into maybeYesCompositions, or -1
-    private static final int NX_HANGUL = 1;
-    /**
-     * Options bit 1, do not decompose CJK compatibility characters.
-     * @draft ICU 2.6
-     */
-    private static final int NX_CJK_COMPAT=2;
-    /**
-     * Options bit 8, use buggy recomposition described in
-     * Unicode Public Review Issue #29
-     * at http://www.unicode.org/review/resolved-pri.html#pri29
-     *
-     * Used in IDNA implementation according to strict interpretation
-     * of IDNA definition based on Unicode 3.2 which predates PRI #29.
-     *
-     * See ICU4C unormimp.h
-     *
-     * @draft ICU 3.2
-     */
-    public static final int BEFORE_PRI_29=0x100;
+    private int getCompositionsListForDecompYes(int norm16) {
+        if(norm16==0 || MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES<=norm16) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            if((norm16-=minMaybeYes)<0) {
+                // norm16<minMaybeYes: index into extraData which is a substring at
+                //     maybeYesCompositions[MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes]
+                // same as (MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes)+norm16
+                norm16+=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES;  // for yesYes; if Jamo L: harmless empty list
+            }
+            return norm16;
+        }
+    }
-    /*
-     * The following options are used only in some composition functions.
-     * They use bits 12 and up to preserve lower bits for the available options
-     * space in unorm_compare() -
-     * see documentation for UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT.
+    /**
+     * @return index into maybeYesCompositions
+    private int getCompositionsListForComposite(int norm16) {
+        // composite has both mapping & compositions list
+        int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(norm16);
+        return (MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes)+norm16+  // mapping in maybeYesCompositions
+            1+  // +1 to skip the first unit with the mapping lenth
+            (firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK);  // + mapping length
+    }
+    // Decompose a short piece of text which is likely to contain characters that
+    // fail the quick check loop and/or where the quick check loop's overhead
+    // is unlikely to be amortized.
+    // Called by the compose() and makeFCD() implementations.
+    // Public in Java for collation implementation code.
+    public void decomposeShort(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
+                               ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        while(src<limit) {
+            int c=Character.codePointAt(s, src);
+            src+=Character.charCount(c);
+            decompose(c, getNorm16(c), buffer);
+        }
+    }
-    /** Options bit 12, for compatibility vs. canonical decomposition. */
-    public static final int OPTIONS_COMPAT=0x1000;
-    /** Options bit 13, no discontiguous composition (FCC vs. NFC). */
-    public static final int OPTIONS_COMPOSE_CONTIGUOUS=0x2000;
+    private void decompose(int c, int norm16,
+                           ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
+        // Only loops for 1:1 algorithmic mappings.
+        for(;;) {
+            // get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's
+            if(isDecompYes(norm16)) {
+                // c does not decompose
+                buffer.append(c, getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16));
+            } else if(isHangul(norm16)) {
+                // Hangul syllable: decompose algorithmically
+                Hangul.decompose(c, buffer);
+            } else if(isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
+                c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
+                norm16=getNorm16(c);
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
+                int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(norm16);
+                int length=firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK;
+                int leadCC, trailCC;
+                trailCC=firstUnit>>8;
+                if((firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
+                    leadCC=extraData.charAt(norm16-1)>>8;
+                } else {
+                    leadCC=0;
+                }
+                ++norm16;  // skip over the firstUnit
+                buffer.append(extraData, norm16, norm16+length, leadCC, trailCC);
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
-    /* normalization exclusion sets --------------------------------------------- */
+    /**
+     * Finds the recomposition result for
+     * a forward-combining "lead" character,
+     * specified with a pointer to its compositions list,
+     * and a backward-combining "trail" character.
+     *
+     * <p>If the lead and trail characters combine, then this function returns
+     * the following "compositeAndFwd" value:
+     * <pre>
+     * Bits 21..1  composite character
+     * Bit      0  set if the composite is a forward-combining starter
+     * </pre>
+     * otherwise it returns -1.
+     *
+     * <p>The compositions list has (trail, compositeAndFwd) pair entries,
+     * encoded as either pairs or triples of 16-bit units.
+     * The last entry has the high bit of its first unit set.
+     *
+     * <p>The list is sorted by ascending trail characters (there are no duplicates).
+     * A linear search is used.
+     *
+     * <p>See normalizer2impl.h for a more detailed description
+     * of the compositions list format.
+     */
+    private static int combine(String compositions, int list, int trail) {
+        int key1, firstUnit;
+        if(trail<COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT) {
+            // trail character is 0..33FF
+            // result entry may have 2 or 3 units
+            key1=(trail<<1);
+            while(key1>(firstUnit=compositions.charAt(list))) {
+                list+=2+(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRIPLE);
+            }
+            if(key1==(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK)) {
+                if((firstUnit&COMP_1_TRIPLE)!=0) {
+                    return ((int)compositions.charAt(list+1)<<16)|compositions.charAt(list+2);
+                } else {
+                    return compositions.charAt(list+1);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            // trail character is 3400..10FFFF
+            // result entry has 3 units
+            key1=COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT+(((trail>>COMP_1_TRAIL_SHIFT))&~COMP_1_TRIPLE);
+            int key2=(trail<<COMP_2_TRAIL_SHIFT)&0xffff;
+            int secondUnit;
+            for(;;) {
+                if(key1>(firstUnit=compositions.charAt(list))) {
+                    list+=2+(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRIPLE);
+                } else if(key1==(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK)) {
+                    if(key2>(secondUnit=compositions.charAt(list+1))) {
+                        if((firstUnit&COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE)!=0) {
+                            break;
+                        } else {
+                            list+=3;
+                        }
+                    } else if(key2==(secondUnit&COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK)) {
+                        return ((secondUnit&~COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK)<<16)|compositions.charAt(list+2);
+                    } else {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
-     * Normalization exclusion UnicodeSets are used for tailored normalization;
-     * see the comment near the beginning of this file.
+     * Recomposes the buffer text starting at recomposeStartIndex
+     * (which is in NFD - decomposed and canonically ordered),
+     * and truncates the buffer contents.
-     * By specifying one or several sets of code points,
-     * those code points become inert for normalization.
-     */
-    private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXHangul() {
-        /* internal function, does not check for incoming U_FAILURE */
+     * Note that recomposition never lengthens the text:
+     * Any character consists of either one or two code units;
+     * a composition may contain at most one more code unit than the original starter,
+     * while the combining mark that is removed has at least one code unit.
+     */
+    private void recompose(ReorderingBuffer buffer, int recomposeStartIndex,
+                           boolean onlyContiguous) {
+        StringBuilder sb=buffer.getStringBuilder();
+        int p=recomposeStartIndex;
+        if(p==sb.length()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        int starter, pRemove;
+        int compositionsList;
+        int c, compositeAndFwd;
+        int norm16;
+        int cc, prevCC;
+        boolean starterIsSupplementary;
+        // Some of the following variables are not used until we have a forward-combining starter
+        // and are only initialized now to avoid compiler warnings.
+        compositionsList=-1;  // used as indicator for whether we have a forward-combining starter
+        starter=-1;
+        starterIsSupplementary=false;
+        prevCC=0;
-        if(nxCache[NX_HANGUL]==null) {
-             nxCache[NX_HANGUL]=new UnicodeSet(0xac00, 0xd7a3);
+        for(;;) {
+            c=sb.codePointAt(p);
+            p+=Character.charCount(c);
+            norm16=getNorm16(c);
+            cc=getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16);
+            if( // this character combines backward and
+                isMaybe(norm16) &&
+                // we have seen a starter that combines forward and
+                compositionsList>=0 &&
+                // the backward-combining character is not blocked
+                (prevCC<cc || prevCC==0)) {
+                if(isJamoVT(norm16)) {
+                    // c is a Jamo V/T, see if we can compose it with the previous character.
+                    if(c<Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE) {
+                        // c is a Jamo Vowel, compose with previous Jamo L and following Jamo T.
+                        char prev=(char)(sb.charAt(starter)-Hangul.JAMO_L_BASE);
+                        if(prev<Hangul.JAMO_L_COUNT) {
+                            pRemove=p-1;
+                            char syllable=(char)
+                                (Hangul.HANGUL_BASE+
+                                 (prev*Hangul.JAMO_V_COUNT+(c-Hangul.JAMO_V_BASE))*
+                                 Hangul.JAMO_T_COUNT);
+                            char t;
+                            if(p!=sb.length() && (t=(char)(sb.charAt(p)-Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE))<Hangul.JAMO_T_COUNT) {
+                                ++p;
+                                syllable+=t;  // The next character was a Jamo T.
+                            }
+                            sb.setCharAt(starter, syllable);
+                            // remove the Jamo V/T
+                            sb.delete(pRemove, p);
+                            p=pRemove;
-        return nxCache[NX_HANGUL];
-    private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXCJKCompat() {
-        /* internal function, does not check for incoming U_FAILURE */
-        if(nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]==null) {
-            /* build a set from [CJK Ideographs]&[has canonical decomposition] */
-            UnicodeSet set, hasDecomp;
-            set=new UnicodeSet("[:Ideographic:]");
-            /* start with an empty set for [has canonical decomposition] */
-            hasDecomp=new UnicodeSet();
-            /* iterate over all ideographs and remember which canonically decompose */
-            UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(set);
-            int start, end;
-            long norm32;
-            while(it.nextRange() && (it.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING)) {
-                start=it.codepoint;
-                end=it.codepointEnd;
-                while(start<=end) {
-                    norm32 = getNorm32(start);
-                    if((norm32 & QC_NFD)>0) {
-                        hasDecomp.add(start);
+                    /*
+                     * No "else" for Jamo T:
+                     * Since the input is in NFD, there are no Hangul LV syllables that
+                     * a Jamo T could combine with.
+                     * All Jamo Ts are combined above when handling Jamo Vs.
+                     */
+                    if(p==sb.length()) {
+                        break;
-                    ++start;
+                    compositionsList=-1;
+                    continue;
+                } else if((compositeAndFwd=combine(maybeYesCompositions, compositionsList, c))>=0) {
+                    // The starter and the combining mark (c) do combine.
+                    int composite=compositeAndFwd>>1;
+                    // Remove the combining mark.
+                    pRemove=p-Character.charCount(c);  // pRemove & p: start & limit of the combining mark
+                    sb.delete(pRemove, p);
+                    p=pRemove;
+                    // Replace the starter with the composite.
+                    if(starterIsSupplementary) {
+                        if(composite>0xffff) {
+                            // both are supplementary
+                            sb.setCharAt(starter, UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(composite));
+                            sb.setCharAt(starter+1, UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(composite));
+                        } else {
+                            sb.setCharAt(starter, (char)c);
+                            sb.deleteCharAt(starter+1);
+                            // The composite is shorter than the starter,
+                            // move the intermediate characters forward one.
+                            starterIsSupplementary=false;
+                            --p;
+                    } else if(composite>0xffff) {
+                        // The composite is longer than the starter,
+                        // move the intermediate characters back one.
+                        starterIsSupplementary=true;
+                        sb.setCharAt(starter, UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(composite));
+                        sb.insert(starter+1, UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(composite));
+                        ++p;
+                    } else {
+                        // both are on the BMP
+                        sb.setCharAt(starter, (char)composite);
-            /* hasDecomp now contains all ideographs that decompose canonically */
-             nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]=hasDecomp;
+                    // Keep prevCC because we removed the combining mark.
+                    if(p==sb.length()) {
+                        break;
-        return nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT];
+                    // Is the composite a starter that combines forward?
+                    if((compositeAndFwd&1)!=0) {
+                        compositionsList=
+                            getCompositionsListForComposite(getNorm16(composite));
+                    } else {
+                        compositionsList=-1;
-    private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXUnicode(int options) {
-        options &= OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK;
-        if(options==0) {
-            return null;
+                    // We combined; continue with looking for compositions.
+                    continue;
+                }
-        if(nxCache[options]==null) {
-            /* build a set with all code points that were not designated by the specified Unicode version */
-            UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
-            switch(options) {
-            case NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2:
-                set.applyPattern("[:^Age=3.2:]");
+            // no combination this time
+            prevCC=cc;
+            if(p==sb.length()) {
-            default:
-                return null;
-            nxCache[options]=set;
+            // If c did not combine, then check if it is a starter.
+            if(cc==0) {
+                // Found a new starter.
+                if((compositionsList=getCompositionsListForDecompYes(norm16))>=0) {
+                    // It may combine with something, prepare for it.
+                    if(c<=0xffff) {
+                        starterIsSupplementary=false;
+                        starter=p-1;
+                    } else {
+                        starterIsSupplementary=true;
+                        starter=p-2;
-        return nxCache[options];
-    /* Get a decomposition exclusion set. The data must be loaded. */
-    private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNX(int options) {
-        options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK;
-        if(nxCache[options]==null) {
-            /* return basic sets */
-            if(options==NX_HANGUL) {
-                return internalGetNXHangul();
+            } else if(onlyContiguous) {
+                // FCC: no discontiguous compositions; any intervening character blocks.
+                compositionsList=-1;
-            if(options==NX_CJK_COMPAT) {
-                return internalGetNXCJKCompat();
-            if((options & OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && (options & OPTIONS_NX_MASK)==0) {
-                return internalGetNXUnicode(options);
+        buffer.flush();
-            /* build a set from multiple subsets */
-            UnicodeSet set;
-            UnicodeSet other;
-            set=new UnicodeSet();
-            if((options & NX_HANGUL)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXHangul())) {
-                set.addAll(other);
+    /**
+     * Does c have a composition boundary before it?
+     * True if its decomposition begins with a character that has
+     * ccc=0 && NFC_QC=Yes (isCompYesAndZeroCC()).
+     * As a shortcut, this is true if c itself has ccc=0 && NFC_QC=Yes
+     * (isCompYesAndZeroCC()) so we need not decompose.
+     */
+    private boolean hasCompBoundaryBefore(int c, int norm16) {
+        for(;;) {
+            if(isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16)) {
+                return true;
+            } else if(isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
+                return false;
+            } else if(isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
+                c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
+                norm16=getNorm16(c);
+            } else {
+                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
+                int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(norm16);
+                if((firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK)==0) {
+                    return false;
-            if((options&NX_CJK_COMPAT)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXCJKCompat())) {
-                set.addAll(other);
+                if((firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0 && (extraData.charAt(norm16-1)&0xff00)!=0) {
+                    return false;  // non-zero leadCC
-            if((options&OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXUnicode(options))) {
-                set.addAll(other);
+                return isCompYesAndZeroCC(getNorm16(Character.codePointAt(extraData, norm16+1)));
-               nxCache[options]=set;
-        return nxCache[options];
-    public static final UnicodeSet getNX(int options) {
-        if((options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK)==0) {
-            /* incoming failure, or no decomposition exclusions requested */
-            return null;
-        } else {
-            return internalGetNX(options);
+    private int findPreviousCompBoundary(CharSequence s, int p) {
+        while(p>0) {
+            int c=Character.codePointBefore(s, p);
+            p-=Character.charCount(c);
+            if(hasCompBoundaryBefore(c)) {
+                break;
+            // We could also test hasCompBoundaryAfter() and return iter.codePointLimit,
+            // but that's probably not worth the extra cost.
-    private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, int c) {
-        return nx!=null && nx.contains(c);
+        return p;
-    private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, char c, char c2) {
-        return nx!=null && nx.contains(c2==0 ? c : UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2));
+    private int findNextCompBoundary(CharSequence s, int p, int limit) {
+        while(p<limit) {
+            int c=Character.codePointAt(s, p);
+            int norm16=normTrie.get(c);
+            if(hasCompBoundaryBefore(c, norm16)) {
+                break;
+            }
+            p+=Character.charCount(c);
+        }
+        return p;
+    private int findNextFCDBoundary(CharSequence s, int p, int limit) {
+        while(p<limit) {
+            int c=Character.codePointAt(s, p);
+            if(c<MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP || getFCD16(c)<=0xff) {
+                break;
+            }
+            p+=Character.charCount(c);
+        }
+        return p;
+    }
      * Get the canonical decomposition
      * sherman  for ComposedCharIter
     public static int getDecompose(int chars[], String decomps[]) {
-        DecomposeArgs args = new DecomposeArgs();
+        Normalizer2 impl = Normalizer2.getNFDInstance();
         int length=0;
-        long norm32 = 0;
+        int norm16 = 0;
         int ch = -1;
-        int index = 0;
         int i = 0;
         while (++ch < 0x2fa1e) {   //no cannoical above 0x3ffff
             //TBD !!!! the hack code heres save us about 50ms for startup
             //need a better solution/lookup
             if (ch == 0x30ff)
                 ch = 0xf900;
-            else if (ch == 0x10000)
+            else if (ch == 0x115bc)
                 ch = 0x1d15e;
             else if (ch == 0x1d1c1)
                 ch = 0x2f800;
-            norm32 = NormalizerImpl.getNorm32(ch);
-            if((norm32 & QC_NFD)!=0 && i < chars.length) {
+            String s = impl.getDecomposition(ch);
+            if(s != null && i < chars.length) {
                 chars[i] = ch;
-                index = decompose(norm32, args);
-                decomps[i++] = new String(extraData,index, args.length);
+                decomps[i++] = s;
         return i;
-    // special method for Collation
+    // special method for Collation (RBTableBuilder.build())
     private static boolean needSingleQuotation(char c) {
         return (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000D) ||
                (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0x002F) ||
                (c >= 0x003A && c <= 0x0040) ||
                (c >= 0x005B && c <= 0x0060) ||
                (c >= 0x007B && c <= 0x007E);
     public static String canonicalDecomposeWithSingleQuotation(String string) {
+       Normalizer2 impl = Normalizer2.getNFDInstance();
         char[] src = string.toCharArray();
         int    srcIndex = 0;
         int    srcLimit = src.length;
         char[] dest = new char[src.length * 3];  //MAX_BUF_SIZE_DECOMPOSE = 3
         int    destIndex = 0;
         int    destLimit = dest.length;
-        char[] buffer = new char[3];
         int prevSrc;
-        long norm32;
-        int ccOrQCMask;
-        int qcMask = QC_NFD;
+        String norm;
         int reorderStartIndex, length;
-        char c, c2;
-        char minNoMaybe = (char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE];
+        char c1, c2;
+        int cp;
+        int minNoMaybe = 0x00c0;
         int cc, prevCC, trailCC;
         char[] p;
         int pStart;
         // initialize
-        ccOrQCMask = CC_MASK | qcMask;
         reorderStartIndex = 0;
         prevCC = 0;
-        norm32 = 0;
-        c = 0;
+        norm = null;
+        cp = 0;
         pStart = 0;
         cc = trailCC = -1; // initialize to bogus value
-        for(;;) {
+        c1 = 0;
+        for (;;) {
             //quick check (1)less than minNoMaybe (2)no decomp (3)hangual
             while (srcIndex != srcLimit &&
-                   (( c = src[srcIndex]) < minNoMaybe ||
-                    ((norm32 = getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask) == 0 ||
-                    ( c >= '\uac00' && c <= '\ud7a3'))){
+                   ((c1 = src[srcIndex]) < minNoMaybe ||
+                    (norm = impl.getDecomposition(cp = string.codePointAt(srcIndex))) == null ||
+                    (c1 >= '\uac00' && c1 <= '\ud7a3'))) { // Hangul Syllables
                 prevCC = 0;
-                ++srcIndex;
+                srcIndex += (cp < 0x10000) ? 1 : 2;
             // copy these code units all at once
             if (srcIndex != prevSrc) {
                 length = srcIndex - prevSrc;

@@ -2554,51 +1804,47 @@
                 destIndex += length;
                 reorderStartIndex = destIndex;
             // end of source reached?
-            if(srcIndex == srcLimit) {
+            if (srcIndex == srcLimit) {
-            // c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src
-            ++srcIndex;
-            if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) {
+            // cp already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src
+            srcIndex += (cp < 0x10000) ? 1 : 2;
+            if (cp < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) {
                 c2 = 0;
                 length = 1;
+                if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c1)
+                    || Character.isLowSurrogate(c1)) {
+                    norm = null;
+                }
             } else {
-                // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32
-                if(srcIndex != srcLimit &&
-                    Character.isLowSurrogate(c2 = src[srcIndex])) {
-                        ++srcIndex;
                         length = 2;
-                        norm32 = getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2);
-                } else {
-                    c2 = 0;
-                    length = 1;
-                    norm32 = 0;
-                }
+                c2 = src[srcIndex-1];
             // get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's
-            if((norm32 & qcMask) == 0) {
-                // c does not decompose
-                cc = trailCC = (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32 >> CC_SHIFT));
+          if (norm == null) {
+              // cp does not decompose
+              cc = trailCC = UCharacter.getCombiningClass(cp);
                 p = null;
                 pStart = -1;
             } else {
-                DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs();
-                // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length
-                // extra data
-                pStart = decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg);
-                p = extraData;
-                length = arg.length;
-                cc = arg.cc;
-                trailCC = arg.trailCC;
-                if(length == 1) {
+                pStart = 0;
+                p = norm.toCharArray();
+                length = p.length;
+                int cpNum = norm.codePointCount(0, length);
+                cc= UCharacter.getCombiningClass(norm.codePointAt(0));
+                trailCC= UCharacter.getCombiningClass(norm.codePointAt(cpNum-1));
+                if (length == 1) {
                     // fastpath a single code unit from decomposition
-                    c = p[pStart];
+                    c1 = p[pStart];
                     c2 = 0;
                     p = null;
                     pStart = -1;

@@ -2608,31 +1854,32 @@
                 char[] tmpBuf = new char[destLimit * 2];
                 System.arraycopy(dest, 0, tmpBuf, 0, destIndex);
                 dest = tmpBuf;
                 destLimit = dest.length;
             // append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume length>0
                 int reorderSplit = destIndex;
-                if(p == null) {
+                if (p == null) {
                     // fastpath: single code point
-                    if (needSingleQuotation(c)) {
+                    if (needSingleQuotation(c1)) {
                         //if we need single quotation, no need to consider "prevCC"
                         //and it must NOT be a supplementary pair
                         dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
-                        dest[destIndex++] = c;
+                        dest[destIndex++] = c1;
                         dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
                         trailCC = 0;
                     } else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) {
-                        // (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding
+                        // (c1, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding
                         //  text
                         destIndex += length;
-                        trailCC = insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex,
-                                                reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc);
+                        trailCC = insertOrdered(dest, reorderStartIndex,
+                                                reorderSplit, destIndex, c1, c2, cc);
                     } else {
-                        // just append (c, c2)
-                        dest[destIndex++] = c;
+                        // just append (c1, c2)
+                        dest[destIndex++] = c1;
                         if(c2 != 0) {
                             dest[destIndex++] = c2;
                 } else {

@@ -2644,93 +1891,265 @@
                         dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
                         do {
                             dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++];
                         } while(--length > 0);
-                    } else
-                    if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) {
+                    } else if (cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) {
                         destIndex += length;
-                        trailCC = mergeOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex,
-                                               reorderSplit,p, pStart,pStart+length);
+                        trailCC = mergeOrdered(dest, reorderStartIndex,
+                                               reorderSplit, p, pStart,
+                                               pStart+length);
                     } else {
                         // just append the decomposition
                         do {
                             dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++];
-                        } while(--length > 0);
+                        } while (--length > 0);
             prevCC = trailCC;
             if(prevCC == 0) {
                 reorderStartIndex = destIndex;
         return new String(dest, 0, destIndex);
-    //------------------------------------------------------
-    // mapping method for IDNA/StringPrep
-    //------------------------------------------------------
-    /*
-     * Normalization using NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2 option supports Unicode
-     * 3.2 normalization with Corrigendum 4 corrections. However, normalization
-     * without the corrections is necessary for IDNA/StringPrep support.
-     * This method is called when NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL option
-     * (= sun.text.Normalizer.UNICODE_3_2) is used and normalizes five
-     * characters in Corrigendum 4 before normalization in order to avoid
-     * incorrect normalization.
-     * For the Corrigendum 4 issue, refer
-     *   http://www.unicode.org/versions/corrigendum4.html
+    /**
+     * simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() -
+     * bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string
+     * which is already canonically ordered
+     * (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p]
+     *
+     * it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2)
+     *
+     * before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and
+     *         src[current]..src[p]     may or may not hold (c, c2) but
+     *                          must be exactly the same length as (c, c2)
+     * after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered
+     *
+     * @return the trailing combining class
+    private static int/*unsigned byte*/ insertOrdered(char[] source,
+                                                      int start,
+                                                      int current, int p,
+                                                      char c1, char c2,
+                                                      int/*unsigned byte*/ cc) {
+        int back, preBack;
+        int r;
+        int prevCC, trailCC=cc;
-    /*
-     * Option used in NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL.
-     */
-    public static final int WITHOUT_CORRIGENDUM4_CORRECTIONS=0x40000;
+        if (start<current && cc!=0) {
+            // search for the insertion point where cc>=prevCC
+            preBack=back=current;
+            PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs();
+            prevArgs.current  = current;
+            prevArgs.start    = start;
+            prevArgs.src      = source;
+            prevArgs.c1       = c1;
+            prevArgs.c2       = c2;
-    private static final char[][] corrigendum4MappingTable = {
-        {'\uD844', '\uDF6A'},  // 0x2F868
-        {'\u5F33'},            // 0x2F874
-        {'\u43AB'},            // 0x2F91F
-        {'\u7AAE'},            // 0x2F95F
-        {'\u4D57'}};           // 0x2F9BF
+            // get the prevCC
+            prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs);
+            preBack = prevArgs.current;
-    /*
-     * Removing Corrigendum 4 fix
-     * @return normalized text
-     */
-    public static String convert(String str) {
-        if (str == null) {
-            return null;
+            if(cc<prevCC) {
+                // this will be the last code point, so keep its cc
+                trailCC=prevCC;
+                back=preBack;
+                while(start<preBack) {
+                    prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs);
+                    preBack=prevArgs.current;
+                    if(cc>=prevCC) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    back=preBack;
-        int ch  = UCharacterIterator.DONE;
-        StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer();
-        UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(str);
+                // this is where we are right now with all these indicies:
+                // [start]..[pPreBack] 0..? code points that we can ignore
+                // [pPreBack]..[pBack] 0..1 code points with prevCC<=cc
+                // [pBack]..[current] 0..n code points with >cc, move up to insert (c, c2)
+                // [current]..[p]         1 code point (c, c2) with cc
-        while ((ch=iter.nextCodePoint())!= UCharacterIterator.DONE){
-            switch (ch) {
-            case 0x2F868:
-                dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[0]);
-                break;
-            case 0x2F874:
-                dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[1]);
-                break;
-            case 0x2F91F:
-                dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[2]);
-                break;
-            case 0x2F95F:
-                dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[3]);
-                break;
-            case 0x2F9BF:
-                dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[4]);
-                break;
-            default:
-                UTF16.append(dest,ch);
+                // move the code units in between up
+                r=p;
+                do {
+                    source[--r]=source[--current];
+                } while (back!=current);
+            }
+        }
+        // insert (c1, c2)
+        source[current] = c1;
+        if (c2!=0) {
+            source[(current+1)] = c2;
+        }
+        // we know the cc of the last code point
+        return trailCC;
+    }
+    /**
+     * merge two UTF-16 string parts together
+     * to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation
+     *
+     * the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done
+     * in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the
+     * first one must be large enough
+     * the second string may or may not be ordered in itself
+     *
+     * before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and
+     *         [next]..[limit]    may be ordered in itself, but
+     *                          is not in relation to [start..current[
+     * after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered
+     *
+     * the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from
+     * src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the
+     * preceding part of the string
+     *
+     * since this function is called much less often than the single-code point
+     * insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance
+     *
+     * @return the trailing combining class
+     */
+    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source,
+                                                      int start,
+                                                      int current,
+                                                      char[] data,
+                                                        int next,
+                                                        int limit) {
+            int r;
+            int /*unsigned byte*/ cc, trailCC=0;
+            boolean adjacent;
+            adjacent= current==next;
+            NextCCArgs ncArgs = new NextCCArgs();
+            ncArgs.source = data;
+            ncArgs.next   = next;
+            ncArgs.limit  = limit;
+            if(start!=current) {
+                while(ncArgs.next<ncArgs.limit) {
+                    cc=getNextCC(ncArgs);
+                    if(cc==0) {
+                        // does not bubble back
+                        trailCC=0;
+                        if(adjacent) {
+                            current=ncArgs.next;
+                        } else {
+                            data[current++]=ncArgs.c1;
+                            if(ncArgs.c2!=0) {
+                                data[current++]=ncArgs.c2;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        r=current+(ncArgs.c2==0 ? 1 : 2);
+                        trailCC=insertOrdered(source,start, current, r,
+                                              ncArgs.c1, ncArgs.c2, cc);
+                        current=r;
+            }
+            if(ncArgs.next==ncArgs.limit) {
+                // we know the cc of the last code point
+                return trailCC;
+            } else {
+                if(!adjacent) {
+                    // copy the second string part
+                    do {
+                        source[current++]=data[ncArgs.next++];
+                    } while(ncArgs.next!=ncArgs.limit);
+                    ncArgs.limit=current;
+                }
+                PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs();
+                prevArgs.src   = data;
+                prevArgs.start = start;
+                prevArgs.current =  ncArgs.limit;
+                return getPrevCC(prevArgs);
+            }
+    }
+    private static final class PrevArgs{
+        char[] src;
+        int start;
+        int current;
+        char c1;
+        char c2;
+    }
+    private static final class NextCCArgs{
+        char[] source;
+        int next;
+        int limit;
+        char c1;
+        char c2;
+    }
+    private static int /*unsigned*/ getPrevCC(PrevArgs args) {
+        args.c1=args.src[--args.current];
+        args.c2=0;
+        if (args.c1 < MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP) {
+            return 0;
+        } else if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c1)) {
+            /* unpaired first surrogate */
+            return 0;
+        } else if (!UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c1)) {
+            return UCharacter.getCombiningClass(args.c1);
+        } else if (args.current!=args.start &&
+                    UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c2=args.src[args.current-1])) {
+            --args.current;
+            return UCharacter.getCombiningClass(Character.toCodePoint(args.c2, args.c1));
+        } else {
+            /* unpaired second surrogate */
+            args.c2=0;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    private static int /*unsigned byte*/ getNextCC(NextCCArgs args) {
+        args.c1=args.source[args.next++];
+        args.c2=0;
-        return dest.toString();
+        if (UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c1)) {
+            /* unpaired second surrogate */
+            return 0;
+        } else if (!UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c1)) {
+            return UCharacter.getCombiningClass(args.c1);
+        } else if (args.next!=args.limit &&
+                        UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2=args.source[args.next])){
+            ++args.next;
+            return UCharacter.getCombiningClass(Character.toCodePoint(args.c1, args.c2));
+        } else {
+            /* unpaired first surrogate */
+            args.c2=0;
+            return 0;
+    }
+    private VersionInfo dataVersion;
+    // Code point thresholds for quick check codes.
+    private int minDecompNoCP;
+    private int minCompNoMaybeCP;
+    // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
+    private int minYesNo;
+    private int minYesNoMappingsOnly;
+    private int minNoNo;
+    private int limitNoNo;
+    private int minMaybeYes;
+    private Trie2_16 normTrie;
+    private String maybeYesCompositions;
+    private String extraData;  // mappings and/or compositions for yesYes, yesNo & noNo characters
+    private byte[] smallFCD;  // [0x100] one bit per 32 BMP code points, set if any FCD!=0
+    private int[] tccc180;  // [0x180] tccc values for U+0000..U+017F
< prev index next >