1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1994, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang;
  28 import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory;
  30 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  31 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
  32 import java.util.Arrays;
  33 import java.util.HashMap;
  34 import java.util.Iterator;
  35 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
  37 /**
  38  * A table of methods with different operations for adding and removing methods.
  39  * It implements {@link Iterable} which iterates {@link java.lang.reflect.Method} objects
  40  * in order they were added to the table.
  41  */
  42 interface MethodTable extends Iterable<Method> {
  44     /**
  45      * When requested {@code expectedMaxSize <= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE} then
  46      * {@link java.lang.MethodTable.SimpleArrayImpl} is created else {@link HashArrayImpl} is created.
  47      */
  48     int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 20;
  50     /**
  51      * Constructs new instance of MethodTable with enough capacity to
  52      * hold {@code expectedMaxSize} methods.
  53      *
  54      * @param expectedMaxSize expected maximum size of MethodTable
  55      * @return new instance of MethodTable
  56      */
  57     static MethodTable newInstance(int expectedMaxSize) {
  58         return expectedMaxSize <= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE
  59                ? new SimpleArrayImpl(expectedMaxSize)
  60                : new HashArrayImpl(expectedMaxSize);
  61     }
  63     /**
  64      * Unconditionally adds the {@code method} to this MethodTable.
  65      *
  66      * @param method a method to add
  67      */
  68     void add(Method method);
  70     /**
  71      * Adds the {@code method} to this MethodTable unless a method with same
  72      * signature already exists and it's
  73      * {@link java.lang.reflect.Method#getDeclaringClass() declaring class}
  74      * is equal to given {@code declaringClass}.
  75      *
  76      * @param method         a method to add
  77      * @param declaringClass the class to check against declaring classes
  78      *                       of existing methods with same signature
  79      * @return true if method has been added or false if not
  80      */
  81     boolean addUnlessDeclaredExists(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass);
  83     /**
  84      * Each existing method with same signature as new {@code method}
  85      * is compared in turn with it and one of the following actions is taken:
  86      * <ul>
  87      * <li>if new method is same method as existing method,
  88      * the operation completes without adding new method.</li>
  89      * <li>if existing method is declared by given {@code declaringClass},
  90      * the operation completes without adding new method.</li>
  91      * <li>if existing method is not abstract and either existing method
  92      * overrides new method or existing method is declared by class and new
  93      * method is declared by interface, the operation completes without
  94      * adding new method.</li>
  95      * <li>if new method is not abstract and either new method overrides
  96      * existing method or new method is declared by class and existing
  97      * method is declared by interface, then existing method is removed
  98      * from this MethodTable.</li>
  99      * <li>if there are no more existing methods then new method is added
 100      * to this MethodTable and operation completes else next existing
 101      * method is taken into consideration.</li>
 102      * </ul>
 103      *
 104      * @param method a method to consolidate with existing methods of same
 105      *               signature
 106      */
 107     void consolidate(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass);
 109     /**
 110      * @return the size of this MethodTable
 111      */
 112     int getSize();
 114     /**
 115      * @return new array of methods contained in this MethodTable
 116      *         in order they were added to this table.
 117      */
 118     default Method[] getMethods() {
 119         Method[] methods = new Method[getSize()];
 120         int i = 0;
 121         for (Method m : this) {
 122             methods[i++] = m;
 123         }
 124         return methods;
 125     }
 128     /**
 129      * @return the 1st among the methods with the most specific return type
 130      *         if there is one or null if there are no methods in this MethodTable.
 131      */
 132     default Method getFirstMethodWithMostSpecificReturnType() {
 133         Method res = null;
 134         for (Method m : this) {
 135             if (res == null || (
 136                 res.getReturnType() != m.getReturnType() &&
 137                 res.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())
 138             )) {
 139                 res = m;
 140             }
 141         }
 142         return res;
 143     }
 145     /**
 146      * A doubly-linked list of nodes. Each DLNode starts life as
 147      * it's own doubly-linked singleton list.<p>
 148      * {@link #unlink(Anchor anchor)} un-links a DLNode from a doubly-linked
 149      * list with other nodes and liberates it so that it forms it's
 150      * own singleton list. It also decrements {@code anchor}'s size.<p>
 151      * {@link #linkBefore(Anchor anchor)} inserts a DLNode into the doubly-linked
 152      * list before the {@code anchor} and increments it's size.
 153      */
 154     interface DLNode {
 155         DLNode getNextDln();
 157         void setNextDln(DLNode nextDln);
 159         DLNode getPrevDln();
 161         void setPrevDln(DLNode prevDln);
 163         /**
 164          * Insert {@code this} DLNode before {@code anchor}
 165          */
 166         default void linkBefore(Anchor anchor) {
 167             // should be free before linking
 168             assert this.getNextDln() == this &&
 169                    this.getPrevDln() == this;
 170             DLNode prev = anchor.getPrevDln();
 171             this.setNextDln(anchor);
 172             anchor.setPrevDln(this);
 173             prev.setNextDln(this);
 174             this.setPrevDln(prev);
 175             anchor.addToSize(1);
 176         }
 178         /**
 179          * Remove {@code this} DLNode from doubly-linked list
 180          */
 181         default void unlink(Anchor anchor) {
 182             DLNode next = this.getNextDln();
 183             DLNode prev = this.getPrevDln();
 184             // should be linked before un-linking
 185             assert next != this && prev != this;
 186             next.setPrevDln(prev);
 187             prev.setNextDln(next);
 188             this.setNextDln(this);
 189             this.setPrevDln(this);
 190             anchor.addToSize(-1);
 191         }
 193         /**
 194          * Anchor is a {@link DLNode} which keeps track
 195          * of doubly-linked list size.
 196          */
 197         interface Anchor extends DLNode {
 198             void addToSize(int increment);
 199         }
 200     }
 202     /**
 203      * A node forming a linked-list of Method objects that share the same signature
 204      * and a key with equals/hashCode that compares method signature.
 205      * It also implements {@link DLNode} so it forms a separate doubly-linked list
 206      * with other DLNode(s) to keep insertion order.
 207      */
 208     final class MethodNode implements DLNode {
 209         final Method method;
 210         private final int hash;
 211         MethodNode next;
 213         MethodNode(Method method) {
 214             this.method = method;
 215             this.hash = method.getReturnType().hashCode() ^
 216                         method.getName().hashCode() ^
 217                         reflectionFactory.methodParameterTypesHashCode(method);
 218         }
 220         void add(MethodNode other, Anchor anchor) {
 221             other.next = this.next;
 222             this.next = other;
 223             other.linkBefore(anchor);
 224         }
 226         boolean addUnlessDeclaredExists(
 227             MethodNode other,
 228             Class<?> declaringClass,
 229             Anchor anchor
 230         ) {
 231             for (
 232                 MethodNode node = this;
 233                 node.method.getDeclaringClass() != declaringClass;
 234                 node = node.next
 235                 ) {
 236                 if (node.next == null) {
 237                     node.next = other;
 238                     other.linkBefore(anchor);
 239                     return true;
 240                 }
 241             }
 242             return false;
 243         }
 245         MethodNode consolidate(
 246             MethodNode other,
 247             Class<?> declaringClass,
 248             Anchor anchor
 249         ) {
 250             Class<?> thisCl = this.method.getDeclaringClass();
 251             Class<?> otherCl = other.method.getDeclaringClass();
 253             if (thisCl == otherCl ||         // this.method is the same as other.method OR
 254                 thisCl == declaringClass) {  // this.method is declared by declaringClass
 255                 // complete without adding other
 256                 return this;
 257             }
 259             boolean thisAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(this.method.getModifiers());
 261             if (!thisAbstract &&                    // this.method is non-abstract...
 262                 otherCl.isAssignableFrom(thisCl)) { // ...and overrides other.method
 263                 // complete without adding other
 264                 return this;
 265             }
 267             boolean thisInterface = thisCl.isInterface();
 268             boolean otherInterface = otherCl.isInterface();
 270             if (!thisAbstract && !thisInterface && // this.method is non-abstract class method...
 271                 otherInterface) {                  //...which wins over interface other.method
 272                 // complete without adding other
 273                 return this;
 274             }
 276             boolean otherAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(other.method.getModifiers());
 278             if (!otherAbstract &&                   // other.method is non-abstract...
 279                 thisCl.isAssignableFrom(otherCl)) { // ...and overrides this.method
 280                 // remove this and...
 281                 this.unlink(anchor);
 282                 if (next == null) { // ...add other
 283                     other.linkBefore(anchor);
 284                     return other;
 285                 } else {            // ...continue with other
 286                     return next.consolidate(other, declaringClass, anchor);
 287                 }
 288             }
 290             if (!otherAbstract && !otherInterface && // other.method is non-abstract class method...
 291                 thisInterface) {                     //...which wins over interface this.method
 292                 // remove this and...
 293                 this.unlink(anchor);
 294                 if (next == null) { // ...add other
 295                     other.linkBefore(anchor);
 296                     return other;
 297                 } else {            // ...continue with other
 298                     return next.consolidate(other, declaringClass, anchor);
 299                 }
 300             }
 302             // else keep this and...
 303             if (next == null) { // ...add other
 304                 other.linkBefore(anchor);
 305                 next = other;
 306             } else {            //...continue with other
 307                 next = next.consolidate(other, declaringClass, anchor);
 308             }
 309             return this;
 310         }
 312         @Override
 313         public int hashCode() {
 314             return hash;
 315         }
 317         @Override
 318         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 319             if (obj == this) return true;
 320             if (!(obj instanceof MethodNode)) return false;
 321             MethodNode other = (MethodNode) obj;
 322             return this.method.getReturnType() == other.method.getReturnType() &&
 323                    this.method.getName() == other.method.getName() && // Method.name is interned
 324                    reflectionFactory.methodParameterTypesEquals(this.method, other.method);
 325         }
 327         // we just need to compare method parameter types
 329         private static final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory;
 330         static {
 331             reflectionFactory =
 332                 java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged
 333                     (new sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.GetReflectionFactoryAction());
 334         }
 336         // DLNode implementation
 338         private DLNode nextDln = this;
 339         private DLNode prevDln = this;
 341         @Override
 342         public DLNode getNextDln() {
 343             return nextDln;
 344         }
 346         @Override
 347         public void setNextDln(DLNode nextDln) {
 348             this.nextDln = nextDln;
 349         }
 351         @Override
 352         public DLNode getPrevDln() {
 353             return prevDln;
 354         }
 356         @Override
 357         public void setPrevDln(DLNode prevDln) {
 358             this.prevDln = prevDln;
 359         }
 360     }
 362     /**
 363      * MethodTable implementation based on {@link java.util.HashMap}.
 364      * It also implements {@link DLNode.Anchor} to
 365      * form a doubly-linked list with other DLNode(s).
 366      */
 367     final class HashMapImpl extends HashMap<MethodNode, MethodNode> implements MethodTable, DLNode.Anchor {
 369         public HashMapImpl(int expectedMaxSize) {
 370             super(expectedMaxSize * 4 / 3);
 371         }
 373         @Override
 374         public void add(Method method) {
 375             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 376             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n, n);
 377             if (n0 == null) {
 378                 n.linkBefore(this);
 379             } else {
 380                 n0.add(n, this);
 381             }
 382         }
 384         @Override
 385         public boolean addUnlessDeclaredExists(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 386             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 387             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n, n);
 388             if (n0 == null) {
 389                 n.linkBefore(this);
 390                 return true;
 391             } else {
 392                 return n0.addUnlessDeclaredExists(n, declaringClass, this);
 393             }
 394         }
 396         @Override
 397         public void consolidate(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 398             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 399             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n, n);
 400             if (n0 == null) {
 401                 n.linkBefore(this);
 402             } else {
 403                 MethodNode n1 = n0.consolidate(n, declaringClass, this);
 404                 if (n1 != n0) {
 405                     put(n1, n1);
 406                 }
 407             }
 408         }
 410         @Override
 411         public int getSize() {
 412             return size;
 413         }
 415         // Iterable<Method> implementation
 417         @Override
 418         public Iterator<Method> iterator() {
 419             return new Iterator<Method>() {
 421                 DLNode dln = getNextDln();
 423                 @Override
 424                 public boolean hasNext() {
 425                     return dln != HashMapImpl.this;
 426                 }
 428                 @Override
 429                 public Method next() {
 430                     if (!hasNext()) {
 431                         throw new NoSuchElementException();
 432                     }
 433                     Method result = ((MethodNode) dln).method;
 434                     dln = dln.getNextDln();
 435                     return result;
 436                 }
 437             };
 438         }
 440         // DLNode.Anchor implementation
 442         private DLNode nextDln = this;
 443         private DLNode prevDln = this;
 444         private int size;
 446         @Override
 447         public DLNode getNextDln() {
 448             return nextDln;
 449         }
 451         @Override
 452         public void setNextDln(DLNode nextDln) {
 453             this.nextDln = nextDln;
 454         }
 456         @Override
 457         public DLNode getPrevDln() {
 458             return prevDln;
 459         }
 461         @Override
 462         public void setPrevDln(DLNode prevDln) {
 463             this.prevDln = prevDln;
 464         }
 466         @Override
 467         public void addToSize(int increment) {
 468             size += increment;
 469         }
 470     }
 472     /**
 473      * MethodTable implementation based on {@link HashArray}.
 474      * It also implements {@link DLNode.Anchor} to
 475      * form a doubly-linked list with other DLNode(s).
 476      */
 477     final class HashArrayImpl extends HashArray<MethodNode> implements MethodTable, DLNode.Anchor {
 479         public HashArrayImpl(int expectedMaxSize) {
 480             super(expectedMaxSize);
 481         }
 483         @Override
 484         public void add(Method method) {
 485             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 486             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n);
 487             if (n0 == null) {
 488                 n.linkBefore(this);
 489             } else {
 490                 n0.add(n, this);
 491             }
 492         }
 494         @Override
 495         public boolean addUnlessDeclaredExists(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 496             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 497             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n);
 498             if (n0 == null) {
 499                 n.linkBefore(this);
 500                 return true;
 501             } else {
 502                 return n0.addUnlessDeclaredExists(n, declaringClass, this);
 503             }
 504         }
 506         @Override
 507         public void consolidate(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 508             MethodNode n = new MethodNode(method);
 509             MethodNode n0 = putIfAbsent(n);
 510             if (n0 == null) {
 511                 n.linkBefore(this);
 512             } else {
 513                 MethodNode n1 = n0.consolidate(n, declaringClass, this);
 514                 if (n1 != n0) {
 515                     put(n1);
 516                 }
 517             }
 518         }
 520         @Override
 521         public int getSize() {
 522             return size;
 523         }
 525         // Iterable<Method> implementation
 527         @Override
 528         public Iterator<Method> iterator() {
 529             return new Iterator<Method>() {
 531                 DLNode dln = getNextDln();
 533                 @Override
 534                 public boolean hasNext() {
 535                     return dln != HashArrayImpl.this;
 536                 }
 538                 @Override
 539                 public Method next() {
 540                     if (!hasNext()) {
 541                         throw new NoSuchElementException();
 542                     }
 543                     Method result = ((MethodNode) dln).method;
 544                     dln = dln.getNextDln();
 545                     return result;
 546                 }
 547             };
 548         }
 550         // DLNode.Anchor implementation
 552         private DLNode nextDln = this;
 553         private DLNode prevDln = this;
 554         private int size;
 556         @Override
 557         public DLNode getNextDln() {
 558             return nextDln;
 559         }
 561         @Override
 562         public void setNextDln(DLNode nextDln) {
 563             this.nextDln = nextDln;
 564         }
 566         @Override
 567         public DLNode getPrevDln() {
 568             return prevDln;
 569         }
 571         @Override
 572         public void setPrevDln(DLNode prevDln) {
 573             this.prevDln = prevDln;
 574         }
 576         @Override
 577         public void addToSize(int increment) {
 578             size += increment;
 579         }
 580     }
 582     /**
 583      * Simple array based MethodTable implementation for small number of methods.
 584      */
 585     final class SimpleArrayImpl implements MethodTable {
 587         private final Method[] methods;
 588         private int hwm; // High Water Mark
 590         SimpleArrayImpl(int expectedMaxSize) {
 591             methods = new Method[expectedMaxSize];
 592         }
 594         @Override
 595         public void add(Method method) {
 596             methods[hwm++] = method;
 597         }
 599         @Override
 600         public boolean addUnlessDeclaredExists(Method otherM, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 601             for (int i = 0; i < hwm; i++) {
 602                 Method thisM = methods[i];
 603                 if (thisM == null ||                                   // mind the gap
 604                     thisM.getReturnType() != otherM.getReturnType() || // not same signature
 605                     thisM.getName() != otherM.getName() ||             // Method.name is interned
 606                     !MethodNode.reflectionFactory.methodParameterTypesEquals(thisM, otherM)) {
 607                     continue;
 608                 }
 609                 // thisM has same signature as otherM
 611                 if (thisM.getDeclaringClass() == declaringClass) {
 612                     return false;
 613                 }
 614                 // continue with next thisM
 615             }
 616             // add otherM
 617             methods[hwm++] = otherM;
 618             return true;
 619         }
 621         @Override
 622         public void consolidate(Method otherM, Class<?> declaringClass) {
 623             for (int i = 0; i < hwm; i++) {
 624                 Method thisM = methods[i];
 625                 if (thisM == null ||                                   // mind the gap
 626                     thisM.getReturnType() != otherM.getReturnType() || // not same signature
 627                     thisM.getName() != otherM.getName() ||             // Method.name is interned
 628                     !MethodNode.reflectionFactory.methodParameterTypesEquals(thisM, otherM)) {
 629                     continue;
 630                 }
 631                 // thisM has same signature as otherM
 633                 Class<?> thisCl = thisM.getDeclaringClass();
 634                 Class<?> otherCl = otherM.getDeclaringClass();
 636                 if (thisCl == otherCl ||         // thisM is the same as otherM OR
 637                     thisCl == declaringClass) {  // thisM is declared by declaringClass
 638                     // complete without adding otherM
 639                     return;
 640                 }
 642                 boolean thisAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(thisM.getModifiers());
 644                 if (!thisAbstract &&                    // thisM is non-abstract...
 645                     otherCl.isAssignableFrom(thisCl)) { // ...and overrides otherM
 646                     // complete without adding otherM
 647                     return;
 648                 }
 650                 boolean thisInterface = thisCl.isInterface();
 651                 boolean otherInterface = otherCl.isInterface();
 653                 if (!thisAbstract && !thisInterface && // this.method is non-abstract class method...
 654                     otherInterface) {                  //...which wins over interface other.method
 655                     // complete without adding otherM
 656                     return;
 657                 }
 659                 boolean otherAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(otherM.getModifiers());
 661                 if (!otherAbstract &&                   // other.method is non-abstract...
 662                     thisCl.isAssignableFrom(otherCl)) { // ...and overrides this.method
 663                     // remove this
 664                     methods[i] = null;
 665                     continue;
 666                 }
 668                 if (!otherAbstract && !otherInterface && // other.method is non-abstract class method...
 669                     thisInterface) {                     //...which wins over interface this.method
 670                     // remove this
 671                     methods[i] = null;
 672                 }
 673                 // continue with next thisM
 674             }
 675             // add otherM
 676             methods[hwm++] = otherM;
 677         }
 679         @Override
 680         public int getSize() {
 681             int size = 0;
 682             for (int i = 0; i < hwm; i++) {
 683                 if (methods[i] != null) {
 684                     size++;
 685                 }
 686             }
 687             return size;
 688         }
 690         @Override
 691         public Iterator<Method> iterator() {
 692             return new Iterator<Method>() {
 693                 int i = 0;
 694                 Method next;
 696                 private Method nextMethod() {
 697                     while (i < hwm && next == null) next = methods[i++];
 698                     return next;
 699                 }
 701                 @Override
 702                 public boolean hasNext() {
 703                     return nextMethod() != null;
 704                 }
 706                 @Override
 707                 public Method next() {
 708                     Method m = nextMethod();
 709                     if (m == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
 710                     next = null;
 711                     return m;
 712                 }
 713             };
 714         }
 715     }
 716 }