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rev 6346 : 8040804: G1: Concurrent mark stuck in loop calling os::elapsedVTime()
Reviewed-by: TBD

@@ -540,12 +540,16 @@
   // method. So, this way, each task will spend very little time in
   // claim_region() and is allowed to call the regular clock method
   // frequently.
   HeapRegion* claim_region(uint worker_id);
-  // It determines whether we've run out of regions to scan
-  bool        out_of_regions() { return _finger == _heap_end; }
+  // It determines whether we've run out of regions to scan. Note that
+  // the finger can point past the heap end in case the heap was expanded
+  // to satisfy an allocation without doing a GC. This is fine, because all
+  // objects in those regions will be considered live anyway because of
+  // SATB guarantees (i.e. their TAMS will be equal to bottom).
+  bool        out_of_regions() { return _finger >= _heap_end; }
   // Returns the task with the given id
   CMTask* task(int id) {
     assert(0 <= id && id < (int) _active_tasks,
            "task id not within active bounds");