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*** 2339,2348 **** --- 2339,2356 ---- "Verify memory system after GC") \ \ diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringGC, false, \ "Verify memory system during GC (between phases)") \ \ + diagnostic(ccstrlist, VerifySubSet, "", \ + "Memory sub-systems to verify when Verify*GC flag(s) \ + are enabled. One or more sub-systems can be specified \ + in a comma separated string. Sub-systems are: \ + threads, heap, symbol_table, string_table, codecache, \ + dictionary, classloader_data_graph, metaspace, jni_handles, \ + c-heap, codecache_oops") \ + \ diagnostic(bool, GCParallelVerificationEnabled, true, \ "Enable parallel memory system verification") \ \ diagnostic(bool, DeferInitialCardMark, false, \ "When +ReduceInitialCardMarks, explicitly defer any that " \