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1473             result = null;
1474         }
1475         finally {
1476             loopEnv.info.scope.leave();
1477         }
1478         if (!breaksOutOf(tree, tree.body)) {
1479             //include condition's body when false after the while, if cannot get out of the loop
1480             List<BindingSymbol> bindings =
1481                     matchBindingsComputer.getMatchBindings(tree.cond, false);
1483             bindings.forEach(env.info.scope::enter);
1484             bindings.forEach(BindingSymbol::preserveBinding);
1485         }
1486     }
1488     public void visitForeachLoop(JCEnhancedForLoop tree) {
1489         Env<AttrContext> loopEnv =
1490             env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dup()));
1491         try {
1492             //the Formal Parameter of a for-each loop is not in the scope when
1493             //attributing the for-each expression; we mimick this by attributing
1494             //the for-each expression first (against original scope).
1495             Type exprType = types.cvarUpperBound(attribExpr(tree.expr, loopEnv));
1496             chk.checkNonVoid(tree.pos(), exprType);
1497             Type elemtype = types.elemtype(exprType); // perhaps expr is an array?
1498             if (elemtype == null) {
1499                 // or perhaps expr implements Iterable<T>?
1500                 Type base = types.asSuper(exprType, syms.iterableType.tsym);
1501                 if (base == null) {
1502                     log.error(tree.expr.pos(),
1503                               Errors.ForeachNotApplicableToType(exprType,
1504                                                                 Fragments.TypeReqArrayOrIterable));
1505                     elemtype = types.createErrorType(exprType);
1506                 } else {
1507                     List<Type> iterableParams = base.allparams();
1508                     elemtype = iterableParams.isEmpty()
1509                         ? syms.objectType
1510                         : types.wildUpperBound(iterableParams.head);
1511                 }
1512             }
1513             if (tree.var.isImplicitlyTyped()) {

3449                         log.report(diag);
3450                     }
3451                     result = that.type = types.createErrorType(currentTarget);
3452                     return;
3453                 }
3454             }
3456             that.sym = refSym.isConstructor() ? refSym.baseSymbol() : refSym;
3457             that.kind = lookupHelper.referenceKind(that.sym);
3458             that.ownerAccessible = rs.isAccessible(localEnv, that.sym.enclClass());
3460             if (desc.getReturnType() == Type.recoveryType) {
3461                 // stop here
3462                 result = that.type = currentTarget;
3463                 return;
3464             }
3466             if (!env.info.attributionMode.isSpeculative && that.getMode() == JCMemberReference.ReferenceMode.NEW) {
3467                 Type enclosingType = exprType.getEnclosingType();
3468                 if (enclosingType != null && enclosingType.hasTag(CLASS)) {
3469                     // Check for the existence of an apropriate outer instance
3470                     rs.resolveImplicitThis(that.pos(), env, exprType);
3471                 }
3472             }
3474             if (resultInfo.checkContext.deferredAttrContext().mode == AttrMode.CHECK) {
3476                 if (that.getMode() == ReferenceMode.INVOKE &&
3477                         TreeInfo.isStaticSelector(that.expr, names) &&
3478                         that.kind.isUnbound() &&
3479                         lookupHelper.site.isRaw()) {
3480                     chk.checkRaw(that.expr, localEnv);
3481                 }
3483                 if (that.sym.isStatic() && TreeInfo.isStaticSelector(that.expr, names) &&
3484                         exprType.getTypeArguments().nonEmpty()) {
3485                     //static ref with class type-args
3486                     log.error(that.expr.pos(),
3487                               Errors.InvalidMref(Kinds.kindName(that.getMode()),
3488                                                  Fragments.StaticMrefWithTargs));
3489                     result = that.type = types.createErrorType(currentTarget);

4180                 if (resultInfo.pt.hasTag(METHOD) || resultInfo.pt.hasTag(FORALL)) {
4181                     return rs.resolveQualifiedMethod(
4182                         pos, env, location, site, name, resultInfo.pt.getParameterTypes(), resultInfo.pt.getTypeArguments());
4183                 } else if (name == names._this || name == names._super) {
4184                     return rs.resolveSelf(pos, env, site.tsym, name);
4185                 } else if (name == names._class) {
4186                     // In this case, we have already made sure in
4187                     // visitSelect that qualifier expression is a type.
4188                     return syms.getClassField(site, types);
4189                 } else {
4190                     // We are seeing a plain identifier as selector.
4191                     Symbol sym = rs.findIdentInType(pos, env, site, name, resultInfo.pkind);
4192                         sym = rs.accessBase(sym, pos, location, site, name, true);
4193                     return sym;
4194                 }
4195             case WILDCARD:
4196                 throw new AssertionError(tree);
4197             case TYPEVAR:
4198                 // Normally, site.getUpperBound() shouldn't be null.
4199                 // It should only happen during memberEnter/attribBase
4200                 // when determining the super type which *must* beac
4201                 // done before attributing the type variables.  In
4202                 // other words, we are seeing this illegal program:
4203                 // class B<T> extends A<T.foo> {}
4204                 Symbol sym = (site.getUpperBound() != null)
4205                     ? selectSym(tree, location, capture(site.getUpperBound()), env, resultInfo)
4206                     : null;
4207                 if (sym == null) {
4208                     log.error(pos, Errors.TypeVarCantBeDeref);
4209                     return syms.errSymbol;
4210                 } else {
4211                     Symbol sym2 = (sym.flags() & Flags.PRIVATE) != 0 ?
4212                         rs.new AccessError(env, site, sym) :
4213                                 sym;
4214                     rs.accessBase(sym2, pos, location, site, name, true);
4215                     return sym;
4216                 }
4217             case ERROR:
4218                 // preserve identifier names through errors
4219                 return types.createErrorType(name, site.tsym, site).tsym;
4220             default:

5153                     sym.kind != VAR ||
5154                     ((VarSymbol) sym).getConstValue() == null)
5155                     log.error(l.head.pos(), Errors.IclsCantHaveStaticDecl(c));
5156             }
5157         }
5159         // Check for cycles among non-initial constructors.
5160         chk.checkCyclicConstructors(tree);
5162         // Check for cycles among annotation elements.
5163         chk.checkNonCyclicElements(tree);
5165         // Check for proper use of serialVersionUID
5166         if (env.info.lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.SERIAL)
5167                 && isSerializable(c.type)
5168                 && (c.flags() & (Flags.ENUM | Flags.INTERFACE)) == 0
5169                 && !c.isAnonymous()) {
5170             checkSerialVersionUID(tree, c);
5171         }
5172         if (allowTypeAnnos) {
5173             // Correctly organize the postions of the type annotations
5174             typeAnnotations.organizeTypeAnnotationsBodies(tree);
5176             // Check type annotations applicability rules
5177             validateTypeAnnotations(tree, false);
5178         }
5179     }
5180         // where
5181         /** get a diagnostic position for an attribute of Type t, or null if attribute missing */
5182         private DiagnosticPosition getDiagnosticPosition(JCClassDecl tree, Type t) {
5183             for(List<JCAnnotation> al = tree.mods.annotations; !al.isEmpty(); al = al.tail) {
5184                 if (types.isSameType(al.head.annotationType.type, t))
5185                     return al.head.pos();
5186             }
5188             return null;
5189         }
5191         /** check if a type is a subtype of Serializable, if that is available. */
5192         boolean isSerializable(Type t) {
5193             try {

5463             // Ensure that no declaration annotations are present.
5464             // Note that a tree type might be an AnnotatedType with
5465             // empty annotations, if only declaration annotations were given.
5466             // This method will raise an error for such a type.
5467             for (JCAnnotation ai : annotations) {
5468                 if (!ai.type.isErroneous() &&
5469                         typeAnnotations.annotationTargetType(ai.attribute, sym) == TypeAnnotations.AnnotationType.DECLARATION) {
5470                     log.error(ai.pos(), Errors.AnnotationTypeNotApplicableToType(ai.type));
5471                 }
5472             }
5473         }
5474     }
5476     // <editor-fold desc="post-attribution visitor">
5478     /**
5479      * Handle missing types/symbols in an AST. This routine is useful when
5480      * the compiler has encountered some errors (which might have ended up
5481      * terminating attribution abruptly); if the compiler is used in fail-over
5482      * mode (e.g. by an IDE) and the AST contains semantic errors, this routine
5483      * prevents NPE to be progagated during subsequent compilation steps.
5484      */
5485     public void postAttr(JCTree tree) {
5486         new PostAttrAnalyzer().scan(tree);
5487     }
5489     class PostAttrAnalyzer extends TreeScanner {
5491         private void initTypeIfNeeded(JCTree that) {
5492             if (that.type == null) {
5493                 if (that.hasTag(METHODDEF)) {
5494                     that.type = dummyMethodType((JCMethodDecl)that);
5495                 } else {
5496                     that.type = syms.unknownType;
5497                 }
5498             }
5499         }
5501         /* Construct a dummy method type. If we have a method declaration,
5502          * and the declared return type is void, then use that return type
5503          * instead of UNKNOWN to avoid spurious error messages in lambda

1473             result = null;
1474         }
1475         finally {
1476             loopEnv.info.scope.leave();
1477         }
1478         if (!breaksOutOf(tree, tree.body)) {
1479             //include condition's body when false after the while, if cannot get out of the loop
1480             List<BindingSymbol> bindings =
1481                     matchBindingsComputer.getMatchBindings(tree.cond, false);
1483             bindings.forEach(env.info.scope::enter);
1484             bindings.forEach(BindingSymbol::preserveBinding);
1485         }
1486     }
1488     public void visitForeachLoop(JCEnhancedForLoop tree) {
1489         Env<AttrContext> loopEnv =
1490             env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dup()));
1491         try {
1492             //the Formal Parameter of a for-each loop is not in the scope when
1493             //attributing the for-each expression; we mimic this by attributing
1494             //the for-each expression first (against original scope).
1495             Type exprType = types.cvarUpperBound(attribExpr(tree.expr, loopEnv));
1496             chk.checkNonVoid(tree.pos(), exprType);
1497             Type elemtype = types.elemtype(exprType); // perhaps expr is an array?
1498             if (elemtype == null) {
1499                 // or perhaps expr implements Iterable<T>?
1500                 Type base = types.asSuper(exprType, syms.iterableType.tsym);
1501                 if (base == null) {
1502                     log.error(tree.expr.pos(),
1503                               Errors.ForeachNotApplicableToType(exprType,
1504                                                                 Fragments.TypeReqArrayOrIterable));
1505                     elemtype = types.createErrorType(exprType);
1506                 } else {
1507                     List<Type> iterableParams = base.allparams();
1508                     elemtype = iterableParams.isEmpty()
1509                         ? syms.objectType
1510                         : types.wildUpperBound(iterableParams.head);
1511                 }
1512             }
1513             if (tree.var.isImplicitlyTyped()) {

3449                         log.report(diag);
3450                     }
3451                     result = that.type = types.createErrorType(currentTarget);
3452                     return;
3453                 }
3454             }
3456             that.sym = refSym.isConstructor() ? refSym.baseSymbol() : refSym;
3457             that.kind = lookupHelper.referenceKind(that.sym);
3458             that.ownerAccessible = rs.isAccessible(localEnv, that.sym.enclClass());
3460             if (desc.getReturnType() == Type.recoveryType) {
3461                 // stop here
3462                 result = that.type = currentTarget;
3463                 return;
3464             }
3466             if (!env.info.attributionMode.isSpeculative && that.getMode() == JCMemberReference.ReferenceMode.NEW) {
3467                 Type enclosingType = exprType.getEnclosingType();
3468                 if (enclosingType != null && enclosingType.hasTag(CLASS)) {
3469                     // Check for the existence of an appropriate outer instance
3470                     rs.resolveImplicitThis(that.pos(), env, exprType);
3471                 }
3472             }
3474             if (resultInfo.checkContext.deferredAttrContext().mode == AttrMode.CHECK) {
3476                 if (that.getMode() == ReferenceMode.INVOKE &&
3477                         TreeInfo.isStaticSelector(that.expr, names) &&
3478                         that.kind.isUnbound() &&
3479                         lookupHelper.site.isRaw()) {
3480                     chk.checkRaw(that.expr, localEnv);
3481                 }
3483                 if (that.sym.isStatic() && TreeInfo.isStaticSelector(that.expr, names) &&
3484                         exprType.getTypeArguments().nonEmpty()) {
3485                     //static ref with class type-args
3486                     log.error(that.expr.pos(),
3487                               Errors.InvalidMref(Kinds.kindName(that.getMode()),
3488                                                  Fragments.StaticMrefWithTargs));
3489                     result = that.type = types.createErrorType(currentTarget);

4180                 if (resultInfo.pt.hasTag(METHOD) || resultInfo.pt.hasTag(FORALL)) {
4181                     return rs.resolveQualifiedMethod(
4182                         pos, env, location, site, name, resultInfo.pt.getParameterTypes(), resultInfo.pt.getTypeArguments());
4183                 } else if (name == names._this || name == names._super) {
4184                     return rs.resolveSelf(pos, env, site.tsym, name);
4185                 } else if (name == names._class) {
4186                     // In this case, we have already made sure in
4187                     // visitSelect that qualifier expression is a type.
4188                     return syms.getClassField(site, types);
4189                 } else {
4190                     // We are seeing a plain identifier as selector.
4191                     Symbol sym = rs.findIdentInType(pos, env, site, name, resultInfo.pkind);
4192                         sym = rs.accessBase(sym, pos, location, site, name, true);
4193                     return sym;
4194                 }
4195             case WILDCARD:
4196                 throw new AssertionError(tree);
4197             case TYPEVAR:
4198                 // Normally, site.getUpperBound() shouldn't be null.
4199                 // It should only happen during memberEnter/attribBase
4200                 // when determining the super type which *must* be
4201                 // done before attributing the type variables.  In
4202                 // other words, we are seeing this illegal program:
4203                 // class B<T> extends A<T.foo> {}
4204                 Symbol sym = (site.getUpperBound() != null)
4205                     ? selectSym(tree, location, capture(site.getUpperBound()), env, resultInfo)
4206                     : null;
4207                 if (sym == null) {
4208                     log.error(pos, Errors.TypeVarCantBeDeref);
4209                     return syms.errSymbol;
4210                 } else {
4211                     Symbol sym2 = (sym.flags() & Flags.PRIVATE) != 0 ?
4212                         rs.new AccessError(env, site, sym) :
4213                                 sym;
4214                     rs.accessBase(sym2, pos, location, site, name, true);
4215                     return sym;
4216                 }
4217             case ERROR:
4218                 // preserve identifier names through errors
4219                 return types.createErrorType(name, site.tsym, site).tsym;
4220             default:

5153                     sym.kind != VAR ||
5154                     ((VarSymbol) sym).getConstValue() == null)
5155                     log.error(l.head.pos(), Errors.IclsCantHaveStaticDecl(c));
5156             }
5157         }
5159         // Check for cycles among non-initial constructors.
5160         chk.checkCyclicConstructors(tree);
5162         // Check for cycles among annotation elements.
5163         chk.checkNonCyclicElements(tree);
5165         // Check for proper use of serialVersionUID
5166         if (env.info.lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.SERIAL)
5167                 && isSerializable(c.type)
5168                 && (c.flags() & (Flags.ENUM | Flags.INTERFACE)) == 0
5169                 && !c.isAnonymous()) {
5170             checkSerialVersionUID(tree, c);
5171         }
5172         if (allowTypeAnnos) {
5173             // Correctly organize the positions of the type annotations
5174             typeAnnotations.organizeTypeAnnotationsBodies(tree);
5176             // Check type annotations applicability rules
5177             validateTypeAnnotations(tree, false);
5178         }
5179     }
5180         // where
5181         /** get a diagnostic position for an attribute of Type t, or null if attribute missing */
5182         private DiagnosticPosition getDiagnosticPosition(JCClassDecl tree, Type t) {
5183             for(List<JCAnnotation> al = tree.mods.annotations; !al.isEmpty(); al = al.tail) {
5184                 if (types.isSameType(al.head.annotationType.type, t))
5185                     return al.head.pos();
5186             }
5188             return null;
5189         }
5191         /** check if a type is a subtype of Serializable, if that is available. */
5192         boolean isSerializable(Type t) {
5193             try {

5463             // Ensure that no declaration annotations are present.
5464             // Note that a tree type might be an AnnotatedType with
5465             // empty annotations, if only declaration annotations were given.
5466             // This method will raise an error for such a type.
5467             for (JCAnnotation ai : annotations) {
5468                 if (!ai.type.isErroneous() &&
5469                         typeAnnotations.annotationTargetType(ai.attribute, sym) == TypeAnnotations.AnnotationType.DECLARATION) {
5470                     log.error(ai.pos(), Errors.AnnotationTypeNotApplicableToType(ai.type));
5471                 }
5472             }
5473         }
5474     }
5476     // <editor-fold desc="post-attribution visitor">
5478     /**
5479      * Handle missing types/symbols in an AST. This routine is useful when
5480      * the compiler has encountered some errors (which might have ended up
5481      * terminating attribution abruptly); if the compiler is used in fail-over
5482      * mode (e.g. by an IDE) and the AST contains semantic errors, this routine
5483      * prevents NPE to be propagated during subsequent compilation steps.
5484      */
5485     public void postAttr(JCTree tree) {
5486         new PostAttrAnalyzer().scan(tree);
5487     }
5489     class PostAttrAnalyzer extends TreeScanner {
5491         private void initTypeIfNeeded(JCTree that) {
5492             if (that.type == null) {
5493                 if (that.hasTag(METHODDEF)) {
5494                     that.type = dummyMethodType((JCMethodDecl)that);
5495                 } else {
5496                     that.type = syms.unknownType;
5497                 }
5498             }
5499         }
5501         /* Construct a dummy method type. If we have a method declaration,
5502          * and the declared return type is void, then use that return type
5503          * instead of UNKNOWN to avoid spurious error messages in lambda

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