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  79                 /*
  80                  * Note: The MToolkit object depends on the static initializer
  81                  * of X11GraphicsEnvironment to initialize the connection to
  82                  * the X11 server.
  83                  */
  84                 if (!isHeadless()) {
  85                     // first check the OGL system property
  86                     boolean glxRequested = false;
  87                     String prop = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.opengl");
  88                     if (prop != null) {
  89                         if (prop.equals("true") || prop.equals("t")) {
  90                             glxRequested = true;
  91                         } else if (prop.equals("True") || prop.equals("T")) {
  92                             glxRequested = true;
  93                             glxVerbose = true;
  94                         }
  95                     }
  97                     // Now check for XRender system property
  98                     boolean xRenderRequested = false;
  99                     String xProp = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.xrender");
 100                         if (xProp != null) {
 101                         if (xProp.equals("true") || xProp.equals("t")) {
 102                             xRenderRequested = true;
 103                         } else if (xProp.equals("True") || xProp.equals("T")) {
 104                             xRenderRequested = true;
 105                             xRenderVerbose = true;
 106                         }
 107                     }
 109                     // initialize the X11 display connection
 110                     initDisplay(glxRequested);
 112                     // only attempt to initialize GLX if it was requested
 113                     if (glxRequested) {
 114                         glxAvailable = initGLX();
 115                         if (glxVerbose && !glxAvailable) {
 116                             System.out.println(
 117                                 "Could not enable OpenGL " +
 118                                 "pipeline (GLX 1.3 not available)");
 119                         }
 120                     }
 122                     // only attempt to initialize Xrender if it was requested

  79                 /*
  80                  * Note: The MToolkit object depends on the static initializer
  81                  * of X11GraphicsEnvironment to initialize the connection to
  82                  * the X11 server.
  83                  */
  84                 if (!isHeadless()) {
  85                     // first check the OGL system property
  86                     boolean glxRequested = false;
  87                     String prop = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.opengl");
  88                     if (prop != null) {
  89                         if (prop.equals("true") || prop.equals("t")) {
  90                             glxRequested = true;
  91                         } else if (prop.equals("True") || prop.equals("T")) {
  92                             glxRequested = true;
  93                             glxVerbose = true;
  94                         }
  95                     }
  97                     // Now check for XRender system property
  98                     boolean xRenderRequested = true;
  99                     String xProp = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.xrender");
 100                         if (xProp != null) {
 101                         if (xProp.equals("false") || xProp.equals("f")) {
 102                             xRenderRequested = false;
 103                         } else if (xProp.equals("True") || xProp.equals("T")) {
 104                             xRenderRequested = true;
 105                             xRenderVerbose = true;
 106                         }
 107                     }
 109                     // initialize the X11 display connection
 110                     initDisplay(glxRequested);
 112                     // only attempt to initialize GLX if it was requested
 113                     if (glxRequested) {
 114                         glxAvailable = initGLX();
 115                         if (glxVerbose && !glxAvailable) {
 116                             System.out.println(
 117                                 "Could not enable OpenGL " +
 118                                 "pipeline (GLX 1.3 not available)");
 119                         }
 120                     }
 122                     // only attempt to initialize Xrender if it was requested