1 /***************************************************************************/
   2 /*                                                                         */
   3 /*  ftstroke.h                                                             */
   4 /*                                                                         */
   5 /*    FreeType path stroker (specification).                               */
   6 /*                                                                         */
   7 /*  Copyright 2002-2018 by                                                 */
   8 /*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
   9 /*                                                                         */
  10 /*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
  11 /*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
  12 /*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
  13 /*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
  14 /*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
  15 /*                                                                         */
  16 /***************************************************************************/
  19 #ifndef FTSTROKE_H_
  20 #define FTSTROKE_H_
  22 #include <ft2build.h>
  23 #include FT_OUTLINE_H
  24 #include FT_GLYPH_H
  30  /************************************************************************
  31   *
  32   * @section:
  33   *    glyph_stroker
  34   *
  35   * @title:
  36   *    Glyph Stroker
  37   *
  38   * @abstract:
  39   *    Generating bordered and stroked glyphs.
  40   *
  41   * @description:
  42   *    This component generates stroked outlines of a given vectorial
  43   *    glyph.  It also allows you to retrieve the `outside' and/or the
  44   *    `inside' borders of the stroke.
  45   *
  46   *    This can be useful to generate `bordered' glyph, i.e., glyphs
  47   *    displayed with a coloured (and anti-aliased) border around their
  48   *    shape.
  49   *
  50   * @order:
  51   *    FT_Stroker
  52   *
  53   *    FT_Stroker_LineJoin
  54   *    FT_Stroker_LineCap
  55   *    FT_StrokerBorder
  56   *
  57   *    FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder
  58   *    FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder
  59   *
  60   *    FT_Glyph_Stroke
  61   *    FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder
  62   *
  63   *    FT_Stroker_New
  64   *    FT_Stroker_Set
  65   *    FT_Stroker_Rewind
  66   *    FT_Stroker_ParseOutline
  67   *    FT_Stroker_Done
  68   *
  69   *    FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath
  70   *    FT_Stroker_EndSubPath
  71   *
  72   *    FT_Stroker_LineTo
  73   *    FT_Stroker_ConicTo
  74   *    FT_Stroker_CubicTo
  75   *
  76   *    FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts
  77   *    FT_Stroker_ExportBorder
  78   *    FT_Stroker_GetCounts
  79   *    FT_Stroker_Export
  80   *
  81   */
  84  /**************************************************************
  85   *
  86   * @type:
  87   *   FT_Stroker
  88   *
  89   * @description:
  90   *   Opaque handle to a path stroker object.
  91   */
  92   typedef struct FT_StrokerRec_*  FT_Stroker;
  95   /**************************************************************
  96    *
  97    * @enum:
  98    *   FT_Stroker_LineJoin
  99    *
 100    * @description:
 101    *   These values determine how two joining lines are rendered
 102    *   in a stroker.
 103    *
 104    * @values:
 106    *     Used to render rounded line joins.  Circular arcs are used
 107    *     to join two lines smoothly.
 108    *
 110    *     Used to render beveled line joins.  The outer corner of
 111    *     the joined lines is filled by enclosing the triangular
 112    *     region of the corner with a straight line between the
 113    *     outer corners of each stroke.
 114    *
 116    *     Used to render mitered line joins, with fixed bevels if the
 117    *     miter limit is exceeded.  The outer edges of the strokes
 118    *     for the two segments are extended until they meet at an
 119    *     angle.  If the segments meet at too sharp an angle (such
 120    *     that the miter would extend from the intersection of the
 121    *     segments a distance greater than the product of the miter
 122    *     limit value and the border radius), then a bevel join (see
 123    *     above) is used instead.  This prevents long spikes being
 124    *     created.  FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_FIXED generates a miter
 125    *     line join as used in PostScript and PDF.
 126    *
 129    *     Used to render mitered line joins, with variable bevels if
 130    *     the miter limit is exceeded.  The intersection of the
 131    *     strokes is clipped at a line perpendicular to the bisector
 132    *     of the angle between the strokes, at the distance from the
 133    *     intersection of the segments equal to the product of the
 134    *     miter limit value and the border radius.  This prevents
 135    *     long spikes being created.
 136    *     FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_VARIABLE generates a mitered line
 137    *     join as used in XPS.  FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER is an alias
 138    *     for FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_VARIABLE, retained for
 139    *     backward compatibility.
 140    */
 141   typedef enum  FT_Stroker_LineJoin_
 142   {
 143     FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND          = 0,
 144     FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_BEVEL          = 1,
 149   } FT_Stroker_LineJoin;
 152   /**************************************************************
 153    *
 154    * @enum:
 155    *   FT_Stroker_LineCap
 156    *
 157    * @description:
 158    *   These values determine how the end of opened sub-paths are
 159    *   rendered in a stroke.
 160    *
 161    * @values:
 163    *     The end of lines is rendered as a full stop on the last
 164    *     point itself.
 165    *
 167    *     The end of lines is rendered as a half-circle around the
 168    *     last point.
 169    *
 171    *     The end of lines is rendered as a square around the
 172    *     last point.
 173    */
 174   typedef enum  FT_Stroker_LineCap_
 175   {
 180   } FT_Stroker_LineCap;
 183   /**************************************************************
 184    *
 185    * @enum:
 186    *   FT_StrokerBorder
 187    *
 188    * @description:
 189    *   These values are used to select a given stroke border
 190    *   in @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts and @FT_Stroker_ExportBorder.
 191    *
 192    * @values:
 194    *     Select the left border, relative to the drawing direction.
 195    *
 197    *     Select the right border, relative to the drawing direction.
 198    *
 199    * @note:
 200    *   Applications are generally interested in the `inside' and `outside'
 201    *   borders.  However, there is no direct mapping between these and the
 202    *   `left' and `right' ones, since this really depends on the glyph's
 203    *   drawing orientation, which varies between font formats.
 204    *
 205    *   You can however use @FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder and
 206    *   @FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder to get these.
 207    */
 208   typedef enum  FT_StrokerBorder_
 209   {
 213   } FT_StrokerBorder;
 216   /**************************************************************
 217    *
 218    * @function:
 219    *   FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder
 220    *
 221    * @description:
 222    *   Retrieve the @FT_StrokerBorder value corresponding to the
 223    *   `inside' borders of a given outline.
 224    *
 225    * @input:
 226    *   outline ::
 227    *     The source outline handle.
 228    *
 229    * @return:
 230    *   The border index.  @FT_STROKER_BORDER_RIGHT for empty or invalid
 231    *   outlines.
 232    */
 233   FT_EXPORT( FT_StrokerBorder )
 234   FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder( FT_Outline*  outline );
 237   /**************************************************************
 238    *
 239    * @function:
 240    *   FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder
 241    *
 242    * @description:
 243    *   Retrieve the @FT_StrokerBorder value corresponding to the
 244    *   `outside' borders of a given outline.
 245    *
 246    * @input:
 247    *   outline ::
 248    *     The source outline handle.
 249    *
 250    * @return:
 251    *   The border index.  @FT_STROKER_BORDER_LEFT for empty or invalid
 252    *   outlines.
 253    */
 254   FT_EXPORT( FT_StrokerBorder )
 255   FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder( FT_Outline*  outline );
 258   /**************************************************************
 259    *
 260    * @function:
 261    *   FT_Stroker_New
 262    *
 263    * @description:
 264    *   Create a new stroker object.
 265    *
 266    * @input:
 267    *   library ::
 268    *     FreeType library handle.
 269    *
 270    * @output:
 271    *   astroker ::
 272    *     A new stroker object handle.  NULL in case of error.
 273    *
 274    * @return:
 275    *    FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 276    */
 277   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 278   FT_Stroker_New( FT_Library   library,
 279                   FT_Stroker  *astroker );
 282   /**************************************************************
 283    *
 284    * @function:
 285    *   FT_Stroker_Set
 286    *
 287    * @description:
 288    *   Reset a stroker object's attributes.
 289    *
 290    * @input:
 291    *   stroker ::
 292    *     The target stroker handle.
 293    *
 294    *   radius ::
 295    *     The border radius.
 296    *
 297    *   line_cap ::
 298    *     The line cap style.
 299    *
 300    *   line_join ::
 301    *     The line join style.
 302    *
 303    *   miter_limit ::
 304    *     The miter limit for the FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_FIXED and
 305    *     FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_VARIABLE line join styles,
 306    *     expressed as 16.16 fixed-point value.
 307    *
 308    * @note:
 309    *   The radius is expressed in the same units as the outline
 310    *   coordinates.
 311    *
 312    *   This function calls @FT_Stroker_Rewind automatically.
 313    */
 314   FT_EXPORT( void )
 315   FT_Stroker_Set( FT_Stroker           stroker,
 316                   FT_Fixed             radius,
 317                   FT_Stroker_LineCap   line_cap,
 318                   FT_Stroker_LineJoin  line_join,
 319                   FT_Fixed             miter_limit );
 322   /**************************************************************
 323    *
 324    * @function:
 325    *   FT_Stroker_Rewind
 326    *
 327    * @description:
 328    *   Reset a stroker object without changing its attributes.
 329    *   You should call this function before beginning a new
 330    *   series of calls to @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath or
 331    *   @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
 332    *
 333    * @input:
 334    *   stroker ::
 335    *     The target stroker handle.
 336    */
 337   FT_EXPORT( void )
 338   FT_Stroker_Rewind( FT_Stroker  stroker );
 341   /**************************************************************
 342    *
 343    * @function:
 344    *   FT_Stroker_ParseOutline
 345    *
 346    * @description:
 347    *   A convenience function used to parse a whole outline with
 348    *   the stroker.  The resulting outline(s) can be retrieved
 349    *   later by functions like @FT_Stroker_GetCounts and @FT_Stroker_Export.
 350    *
 351    * @input:
 352    *   stroker ::
 353    *     The target stroker handle.
 354    *
 355    *   outline ::
 356    *     The source outline.
 357    *
 358    *   opened ::
 359    *     A boolean.  If~1, the outline is treated as an open path instead
 360    *     of a closed one.
 361    *
 362    * @return:
 363    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 364    *
 365    * @note:
 366    *   If `opened' is~0 (the default), the outline is treated as a closed
 367    *   path, and the stroker generates two distinct `border' outlines.
 368    *
 369    *   If `opened' is~1, the outline is processed as an open path, and the
 370    *   stroker generates a single `stroke' outline.
 371    *
 372    *   This function calls @FT_Stroker_Rewind automatically.
 373    */
 374   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 375   FT_Stroker_ParseOutline( FT_Stroker   stroker,
 376                            FT_Outline*  outline,
 377                            FT_Bool      opened );
 380   /**************************************************************
 381    *
 382    * @function:
 383    *   FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath
 384    *
 385    * @description:
 386    *   Start a new sub-path in the stroker.
 387    *
 388    * @input:
 389    *   stroker ::
 390    *     The target stroker handle.
 391    *
 392    *   to ::
 393    *     A pointer to the start vector.
 394    *
 395    *   open ::
 396    *     A boolean.  If~1, the sub-path is treated as an open one.
 397    *
 398    * @return:
 399    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 400    *
 401    * @note:
 402    *   This function is useful when you need to stroke a path that is
 403    *   not stored as an @FT_Outline object.
 404    */
 405   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 406   FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath( FT_Stroker  stroker,
 407                            FT_Vector*  to,
 408                            FT_Bool     open );
 411   /**************************************************************
 412    *
 413    * @function:
 414    *   FT_Stroker_EndSubPath
 415    *
 416    * @description:
 417    *   Close the current sub-path in the stroker.
 418    *
 419    * @input:
 420    *   stroker ::
 421    *     The target stroker handle.
 422    *
 423    * @return:
 424    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 425    *
 426    * @note:
 427    *   You should call this function after @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath.
 428    *   If the subpath was not `opened', this function `draws' a
 429    *   single line segment to the start position when needed.
 430    */
 431   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 432   FT_Stroker_EndSubPath( FT_Stroker  stroker );
 435   /**************************************************************
 436    *
 437    * @function:
 438    *   FT_Stroker_LineTo
 439    *
 440    * @description:
 441    *   `Draw' a single line segment in the stroker's current sub-path,
 442    *   from the last position.
 443    *
 444    * @input:
 445    *   stroker ::
 446    *     The target stroker handle.
 447    *
 448    *   to ::
 449    *     A pointer to the destination point.
 450    *
 451    * @return:
 452    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 453    *
 454    * @note:
 455    *   You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
 456    *   @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
 457    */
 458   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 459   FT_Stroker_LineTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
 460                      FT_Vector*  to );
 463   /**************************************************************
 464    *
 465    * @function:
 466    *   FT_Stroker_ConicTo
 467    *
 468    * @description:
 469    *   `Draw' a single quadratic Bezier in the stroker's current sub-path,
 470    *   from the last position.
 471    *
 472    * @input:
 473    *   stroker ::
 474    *     The target stroker handle.
 475    *
 476    *   control ::
 477    *     A pointer to a Bezier control point.
 478    *
 479    *   to ::
 480    *     A pointer to the destination point.
 481    *
 482    * @return:
 483    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 484    *
 485    * @note:
 486    *   You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
 487    *   @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
 488    */
 489   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 490   FT_Stroker_ConicTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
 491                       FT_Vector*  control,
 492                       FT_Vector*  to );
 495   /**************************************************************
 496    *
 497    * @function:
 498    *   FT_Stroker_CubicTo
 499    *
 500    * @description:
 501    *   `Draw' a single cubic Bezier in the stroker's current sub-path,
 502    *   from the last position.
 503    *
 504    * @input:
 505    *   stroker ::
 506    *     The target stroker handle.
 507    *
 508    *   control1 ::
 509    *     A pointer to the first Bezier control point.
 510    *
 511    *   control2 ::
 512    *     A pointer to second Bezier control point.
 513    *
 514    *   to ::
 515    *     A pointer to the destination point.
 516    *
 517    * @return:
 518    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 519    *
 520    * @note:
 521    *   You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
 522    *   @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
 523    */
 524   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 525   FT_Stroker_CubicTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
 526                       FT_Vector*  control1,
 527                       FT_Vector*  control2,
 528                       FT_Vector*  to );
 531   /**************************************************************
 532    *
 533    * @function:
 534    *   FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts
 535    *
 536    * @description:
 537    *   Call this function once you have finished parsing your paths
 538    *   with the stroker.  It returns the number of points and
 539    *   contours necessary to export one of the `border' or `stroke'
 540    *   outlines generated by the stroker.
 541    *
 542    * @input:
 543    *   stroker ::
 544    *     The target stroker handle.
 545    *
 546    *   border ::
 547    *     The border index.
 548    *
 549    * @output:
 550    *   anum_points ::
 551    *     The number of points.
 552    *
 553    *   anum_contours ::
 554    *     The number of contours.
 555    *
 556    * @return:
 557    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 558    *
 559    * @note:
 560    *   When an outline, or a sub-path, is `closed', the stroker generates
 561    *   two independent `border' outlines, named `left' and `right'.
 562    *
 563    *   When the outline, or a sub-path, is `opened', the stroker merges
 564    *   the `border' outlines with caps.  The `left' border receives all
 565    *   points, while the `right' border becomes empty.
 566    *
 567    *   Use the function @FT_Stroker_GetCounts instead if you want to
 568    *   retrieve the counts associated to both borders.
 569    */
 570   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 571   FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts( FT_Stroker        stroker,
 572                               FT_StrokerBorder  border,
 573                               FT_UInt          *anum_points,
 574                               FT_UInt          *anum_contours );
 577   /**************************************************************
 578    *
 579    * @function:
 580    *   FT_Stroker_ExportBorder
 581    *
 582    * @description:
 583    *   Call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
 584    *   export the corresponding border to your own @FT_Outline
 585    *   structure.
 586    *
 587    *   Note that this function appends the border points and
 588    *   contours to your outline, but does not try to resize its
 589    *   arrays.
 590    *
 591    * @input:
 592    *   stroker ::
 593    *     The target stroker handle.
 594    *
 595    *   border ::
 596    *     The border index.
 597    *
 598    *   outline ::
 599    *     The target outline handle.
 600    *
 601    * @note:
 602    *   Always call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
 603    *   get sure that there is enough room in your @FT_Outline object to
 604    *   receive all new data.
 605    *
 606    *   When an outline, or a sub-path, is `closed', the stroker generates
 607    *   two independent `border' outlines, named `left' and `right'.
 608    *
 609    *   When the outline, or a sub-path, is `opened', the stroker merges
 610    *   the `border' outlines with caps.  The `left' border receives all
 611    *   points, while the `right' border becomes empty.
 612    *
 613    *   Use the function @FT_Stroker_Export instead if you want to
 614    *   retrieve all borders at once.
 615    */
 616   FT_EXPORT( void )
 617   FT_Stroker_ExportBorder( FT_Stroker        stroker,
 618                            FT_StrokerBorder  border,
 619                            FT_Outline*       outline );
 622   /**************************************************************
 623    *
 624    * @function:
 625    *   FT_Stroker_GetCounts
 626    *
 627    * @description:
 628    *   Call this function once you have finished parsing your paths
 629    *   with the stroker.  It returns the number of points and
 630    *   contours necessary to export all points/borders from the stroked
 631    *   outline/path.
 632    *
 633    * @input:
 634    *   stroker ::
 635    *     The target stroker handle.
 636    *
 637    * @output:
 638    *   anum_points ::
 639    *     The number of points.
 640    *
 641    *   anum_contours ::
 642    *     The number of contours.
 643    *
 644    * @return:
 645    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 646    */
 647   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 648   FT_Stroker_GetCounts( FT_Stroker  stroker,
 649                         FT_UInt    *anum_points,
 650                         FT_UInt    *anum_contours );
 653   /**************************************************************
 654    *
 655    * @function:
 656    *   FT_Stroker_Export
 657    *
 658    * @description:
 659    *   Call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
 660    *   export all borders to your own @FT_Outline structure.
 661    *
 662    *   Note that this function appends the border points and
 663    *   contours to your outline, but does not try to resize its
 664    *   arrays.
 665    *
 666    * @input:
 667    *   stroker ::
 668    *     The target stroker handle.
 669    *
 670    *   outline ::
 671    *     The target outline handle.
 672    */
 673   FT_EXPORT( void )
 674   FT_Stroker_Export( FT_Stroker   stroker,
 675                      FT_Outline*  outline );
 678   /**************************************************************
 679    *
 680    * @function:
 681    *   FT_Stroker_Done
 682    *
 683    * @description:
 684    *   Destroy a stroker object.
 685    *
 686    * @input:
 687    *   stroker ::
 688    *     A stroker handle.  Can be NULL.
 689    */
 690   FT_EXPORT( void )
 691   FT_Stroker_Done( FT_Stroker  stroker );
 694   /**************************************************************
 695    *
 696    * @function:
 697    *   FT_Glyph_Stroke
 698    *
 699    * @description:
 700    *   Stroke a given outline glyph object with a given stroker.
 701    *
 702    * @inout:
 703    *   pglyph ::
 704    *     Source glyph handle on input, new glyph handle on output.
 705    *
 706    * @input:
 707    *   stroker ::
 708    *     A stroker handle.
 709    *
 710    *   destroy ::
 711    *     A Boolean.  If~1, the source glyph object is destroyed
 712    *     on success.
 713    *
 714    * @return:
 715    *    FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 716    *
 717    * @note:
 718    *   The source glyph is untouched in case of error.
 719    *
 720    *   Adding stroke may yield a significantly wider and taller glyph
 721    *   depending on how large of a radius was used to stroke the glyph.  You
 722    *   may need to manually adjust horizontal and vertical advance amounts
 723    *   to account for this added size.
 724    */
 725   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 726   FT_Glyph_Stroke( FT_Glyph    *pglyph,
 727                    FT_Stroker   stroker,
 728                    FT_Bool      destroy );
 731   /**************************************************************
 732    *
 733    * @function:
 734    *   FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder
 735    *
 736    * @description:
 737    *   Stroke a given outline glyph object with a given stroker, but
 738    *   only return either its inside or outside border.
 739    *
 740    * @inout:
 741    *   pglyph ::
 742    *     Source glyph handle on input, new glyph handle on output.
 743    *
 744    * @input:
 745    *   stroker ::
 746    *     A stroker handle.
 747    *
 748    *   inside ::
 749    *     A Boolean.  If~1, return the inside border, otherwise
 750    *     the outside border.
 751    *
 752    *   destroy ::
 753    *     A Boolean.  If~1, the source glyph object is destroyed
 754    *     on success.
 755    *
 756    * @return:
 757    *    FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 758    *
 759    * @note:
 760    *   The source glyph is untouched in case of error.
 761    *
 762    *   Adding stroke may yield a significantly wider and taller glyph
 763    *   depending on how large of a radius was used to stroke the glyph.  You
 764    *   may need to manually adjust horizontal and vertical advance amounts
 765    *   to account for this added size.
 766    */
 767   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 768   FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder( FT_Glyph    *pglyph,
 769                          FT_Stroker   stroker,
 770                          FT_Bool      inside,
 771                          FT_Bool      destroy );
 773   /* */
 777 #endif /* FTSTROKE_H_ */
 780 /* END */
 783 /* Local Variables: */
 784 /* coding: utf-8    */
 785 /* End:             */