1 /****************************************************************************
   2  *
   3  * ftcolor.h
   4  *
   5  *   FreeType's glyph color management (specification).
   6  *
   7  * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by
   8  * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
   9  *
  10  * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
  11  * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
  12  * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
  13  * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
  14  * understand and accept it fully.
  15  *
  16  */
  19 #ifndef FTCOLOR_H_
  20 #define FTCOLOR_H_
  22 #include <ft2build.h>
  23 #include FT_FREETYPE_H
  25 #ifdef FREETYPE_H
  26 #error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
  27 #error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
  28 #error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
  29 #endif
  35   /**************************************************************************
  36    *
  37    * @section:
  38    *   color_management
  39    *
  40    * @title:
  41    *   Glyph Color Management
  42    *
  43    * @abstract:
  44    *   Retrieving and manipulating OpenType's 'CPAL' table data.
  45    *
  46    * @description:
  47    *   The functions described here allow access and manipulation of color
  48    *   palette entries in OpenType's 'CPAL' tables.
  49    */
  52   /**************************************************************************
  53    *
  54    * @struct:
  55    *   FT_Color
  56    *
  57    * @description:
  58    *   This structure models a BGRA color value of a 'CPAL' palette entry.
  59    *
  60    *   The used color space is sRGB; the colors are not pre-multiplied, and
  61    *   alpha values must be explicitly set.
  62    *
  63    * @fields:
  64    *   blue ::
  65    *     Blue value.
  66    *
  67    *   green ::
  68    *     Green value.
  69    *
  70    *   red ::
  71    *     Red value.
  72    *
  73    *   alpha ::
  74    *     Alpha value, giving the red, green, and blue color's opacity.
  75    *
  76    * @since:
  77    *   2.10
  78    */
  79   typedef struct  FT_Color_
  80   {
  81     FT_Byte  blue;
  82     FT_Byte  green;
  83     FT_Byte  red;
  84     FT_Byte  alpha;
  86   } FT_Color;
  89   /**************************************************************************
  90    *
  91    * @enum:
  92    *   FT_PALETTE_XXX
  93    *
  94    * @description:
  95    *   A list of bit field constants used in the `palette_flags` array of the
  96    *   @FT_Palette_Data structure to indicate for which background a palette
  97    *   with a given index is usable.
  98    *
  99    * @values:
 101    *     The palette is appropriate to use when displaying the font on a
 102    *     light background such as white.
 103    *
 105    *     The palette is appropriate to use when displaying the font on a dark
 106    *     background such as black.
 107    *
 108    * @since:
 109    *   2.10
 110    */
 115   /**************************************************************************
 116    *
 117    * @struct:
 118    *   FT_Palette_Data
 119    *
 120    * @description:
 121    *   This structure holds the data of the 'CPAL' table.
 122    *
 123    * @fields:
 124    *   num_palettes ::
 125    *     The number of palettes.
 126    *
 127    *   palette_name_ids ::
 128    *     An optional read-only array of palette name IDs with `num_palettes`
 129    *     elements, corresponding to entries like 'dark' or 'light' in the
 130    *     font's 'name' table.
 131    *
 132    *     An empty name ID in the 'CPAL' table gets represented as value
 133    *     0xFFFF.
 134    *
 135    *     `NULL` if the font's 'CPAL' table doesn't contain appropriate data.
 136    *
 137    *   palette_flags ::
 138    *     An optional read-only array of palette flags with `num_palettes`
 139    *     elements.  Possible values are an ORed combination of
 142    *
 143    *     `NULL` if the font's 'CPAL' table doesn't contain appropriate data.
 144    *
 145    *   num_palette_entries ::
 146    *     The number of entries in a single palette.  All palettes have the
 147    *     same size.
 148    *
 149    *   palette_entry_name_ids ::
 150    *     An optional read-only array of palette entry name IDs with
 151    *     `num_palette_entries`.  In each palette, entries with the same index
 152    *     have the same function.  For example, index~0 might correspond to
 153    *     string 'outline' in the font's 'name' table to indicate that this
 154    *     palette entry is used for outlines, index~1 might correspond to
 155    *     'fill' to indicate the filling color palette entry, etc.
 156    *
 157    *     An empty entry name ID in the 'CPAL' table gets represented as value
 158    *     0xFFFF.
 159    *
 160    *     `NULL` if the font's 'CPAL' table doesn't contain appropriate data.
 161    *
 162    * @note:
 163    *   Use function @FT_Get_Sfnt_Name to map name IDs and entry name IDs to
 164    *   name strings.
 165    *
 166    *   Use function @FT_Palette_Select to get the colors associated with a
 167    *   palette entry.
 168    *
 169    * @since:
 170    *   2.10
 171    */
 172   typedef struct  FT_Palette_Data_ {
 173     FT_UShort         num_palettes;
 174     const FT_UShort*  palette_name_ids;
 175     const FT_UShort*  palette_flags;
 177     FT_UShort         num_palette_entries;
 178     const FT_UShort*  palette_entry_name_ids;
 180   } FT_Palette_Data;
 183   /**************************************************************************
 184    *
 185    * @function:
 186    *   FT_Palette_Data_Get
 187    *
 188    * @description:
 189    *   Retrieve the face's color palette data.
 190    *
 191    * @input:
 192    *   face ::
 193    *     The source face handle.
 194    *
 195    * @output:
 196    *   apalette ::
 197    *     A pointer to an @FT_Palette_Data structure.
 198    *
 199    * @return:
 200    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 201    *
 202    * @note:
 203    *   All arrays in the returned @FT_Palette_Data structure are read-only.
 204    *
 205    *   This function always returns an error if the config macro
 206    *   `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR_LAYERS` is not defined in `ftoption.h`.
 207    *
 208    * @since:
 209    *   2.10
 210    */
 211   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 212   FT_Palette_Data_Get( FT_Face           face,
 213                        FT_Palette_Data  *apalette );
 216   /**************************************************************************
 217    *
 218    * @function:
 219    *   FT_Palette_Select
 220    *
 221    * @description:
 222    *   This function has two purposes.
 223    *
 224    *   (1) It activates a palette for rendering color glyphs, and
 225    *
 226    *   (2) it retrieves all (unmodified) color entries of this palette.  This
 227    *       function returns a read-write array, which means that a calling
 228    *       application can modify the palette entries on demand.
 229    *
 230    * A corollary of (2) is that calling the function, then modifying some
 231    * values, then calling the function again with the same arguments resets
 232    * all color entries to the original 'CPAL' values; all user modifications
 233    * are lost.
 234    *
 235    * @input:
 236    *   face ::
 237    *     The source face handle.
 238    *
 239    *   palette_index ::
 240    *     The palette index.
 241    *
 242    * @output:
 243    *   apalette ::
 244    *     An array of color entries for a palette with index `palette_index`,
 245    *     having `num_palette_entries` elements (as found in the
 246    *     `FT_Palette_Data` structure).  If `apalette` is set to `NULL`, no
 247    *     array gets returned (and no color entries can be modified).
 248    *
 249    *     In case the font doesn't support color palettes, `NULL` is returned.
 250    *
 251    * @return:
 252    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 253    *
 254    * @note:
 255    *   The array pointed to by `apalette_entries` is owned and managed by
 256    *   FreeType.
 257    *
 258    *   This function always returns an error if the config macro
 259    *   `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR_LAYERS` is not defined in `ftoption.h`.
 260    *
 261    * @since:
 262    *   2.10
 263    */
 264   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 265   FT_Palette_Select( FT_Face     face,
 266                      FT_UShort   palette_index,
 267                      FT_Color*  *apalette );
 270   /**************************************************************************
 271    *
 272    * @function:
 273    *   FT_Palette_Set_Foreground_Color
 274    *
 275    * @description:
 276    *   'COLR' uses palette index 0xFFFF to indicate a 'text foreground
 277    *   color'.  This function sets this value.
 278    *
 279    * @input:
 280    *   face ::
 281    *     The source face handle.
 282    *
 283    *   foreground_color ::
 284    *     An `FT_Color` structure to define the text foreground color.
 285    *
 286    * @return:
 287    *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
 288    *
 289    * @note:
 290    *   If this function isn't called, the text foreground color is set to
 291    *   white opaque (BGRA value 0xFFFFFFFF) if
 292    *   @FT_PALETTE_FOR_DARK_BACKGROUND is present for the current palette,
 293    *   and black opaque (BGRA value 0x000000FF) otherwise, including the case
 294    *   that no palette types are available in the 'CPAL' table.
 295    *
 296    *   This function always returns an error if the config macro
 297    *   `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR_LAYERS` is not defined in `ftoption.h`.
 298    *
 299    * @since:
 300    *   2.10
 301    */
 302   FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
 303   FT_Palette_Set_Foreground_Color( FT_Face   face,
 304                                    FT_Color  foreground_color );
 306   /* */
 311 #endif /* FTCOLOR_H_ */
 314 /* END */