/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package org.openjdk.tests.java.util.stream; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.DefaultMethodStreams; import java.util.stream.DoubleStream; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import java.util.stream.LambdaTestHelpers; import java.util.stream.LongStream; import java.util.stream.OpTestCase; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.util.stream.StreamTestDataProvider; import java.util.stream.TestData; /* * @test * @bug 8071597 8193856 * @run main/timeout=240 */ @Test public class WhileOpTest extends OpTestCase { @Test(dataProvider = "StreamTestData", dataProviderClass = StreamTestDataProvider.class, groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testTakeWhileOps(String name, TestData.OfRef data) { for (int size : sizes(data.size())) { setContext("takeWhile", size); testWhileMulti(data, whileResultAsserter(data, WhileOp.Take, e -> e < size), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size)); testWhileMulti(data, whileResultAsserter(data, WhileOp.Take, e -> e < size / 2), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size).takeWhile(e -> e < size / 2), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size).takeWhile(e -> e < size / 2), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size).takeWhile(e -> e < size / 2), s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e < size).takeWhile(e -> e < size / 2)); } } @Test(dataProvider = "StreamTestData", dataProviderClass = StreamTestDataProvider.class, groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testDropWhileOps(String name, TestData.OfRef data) { for (int size : sizes(data.size())) { setContext("dropWhile", size); testWhileMulti(data, whileResultAsserter(data, WhileOp.Drop, e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size)); testWhileMulti(data, whileResultAsserter(data, WhileOp.Drop, e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).dropWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).dropWhile(e -> e < size)); } } @Test(dataProvider = "StreamTestData", dataProviderClass = StreamTestDataProvider.class, groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testDropTakeWhileOps(String name, TestData.OfRef data) { for (int size : sizes(data.size())) { setContext("dropWhile", size); testWhileMulti(data, whileResultAsserter(data, WhileOp.Undefined, null), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).takeWhile(e -> e < size), s -> s.dropWhile(e -> e < size / 2).takeWhile(e -> e < size)); } } /** * While operation type to be asserted on */ enum WhileOp { /** * The takeWhile operation */ Take, /** * The dropWhile operation */ Drop, /** * The operation(s) are undefined */ Undefined } /** * Create a result asserter for takeWhile or dropWhile operations. *

* If the stream pipeline consists of the takeWhile operation * ({@link WhileOp#Take}) or the dropWhile operation ({@link WhileOp#Drop}) * then specific assertions can be made on the actual result based on the * input elements, {@code inputData}, and whether those elements match the * predicate, {@code p}, of the operation. *

* If the input elements have an encounter order then the actual result * is asserted against the result of operating sequentially on input * elements given the predicate and in accordance with the operation * semantics. (The actual result whether produced sequentially or in * parallel should the same.) *

* If the input elements have no encounter order then an actual result * is, for practical purposes, considered non-deterministic. * Consider an input list of lists that contains all possible permutations * of the input elements, and a output list of lists that is the result of * applying the pipeline with the operation sequentially to each input * list. * Any list in the output lists is a valid result. It's not practical to * test in such a manner. * For a takeWhile operation the following assertions can be made if * only some of the input elements match the predicate (i.e. taking will * short-circuit the pipeline): *

  1. The set of output elements is a subset of the set of matching * input elements
  2. *
  3. The set of output elements and the set of non-matching input * element are disjoint
  4. *
* For a dropWhile operation the following assertions can be made: *
  1. The set of non-matching input elements is a subset of the set of * output elements
  2. *
  3. The set of matching output elements is a subset of the set of * matching input elements
  4. *
* * @param inputData the elements input into the stream pipeline * @param op the operation of the stream pipeline, one of takeWhile, * dropWhile, or an undefined set of operations (possibly including * two or more takeWhile and/or dropWhile operations, or because * the predicate is not stateless). * @param p the stateless predicate applied to the operation, ignored if * the * operation is {@link WhileOp#Undefined}. * @param the type of elements * @return a result asserter */ private ResultAsserter> whileResultAsserter(Iterable inputData, WhileOp op, Predicate p) { return (act, exp, ord, par) -> { if (par & !ord) { List input = new ArrayList<>(); inputData.forEach(input::add); List output = new ArrayList<>(); act.forEach(output::add); if (op == WhileOp.Take) { List matchingInput = new ArrayList<>(); List nonMatchingInput = new ArrayList<>(); input.forEach(t -> { if (p.test(t)) matchingInput.add(t); else nonMatchingInput.add(t); }); // If some, not all, elements are taken if (matchingInput.size() < input.size()) { assertTrue(output.size() <= matchingInput.size(), "Output is larger than the matching input"); // The output must be a subset of the matching input assertTrue(matchingInput.containsAll(output), "Output is not a subset of the matching input"); // The output must not contain any non matching elements for (T nonMatching : nonMatchingInput) { assertFalse(output.contains(nonMatching), "Output and non-matching input are not disjoint"); } } } else if (op == WhileOp.Drop) { List matchingInput = new ArrayList<>(); List nonMatchingInput = new ArrayList<>(); input.forEach(t -> { if (p.test(t)) matchingInput.add(t); else nonMatchingInput.add(t); }); // The non matching input must be a subset of output assertTrue(output.containsAll(nonMatchingInput), "Non-matching input is not a subset of the output"); // The matching output must be a subset of the matching input List matchingOutput = new ArrayList<>(); output.forEach(i -> { if (p.test(i)) matchingOutput.add(i); }); assertTrue(matchingInput.containsAll(matchingOutput), "Matching output is not a subset of matching input"); } // Note: if there is a combination of takeWhile and dropWhile then specific // assertions cannot be performed. // All that can be reliably asserted is the output is a subset of the input assertTrue(input.containsAll(output)); } else { // For specific operations derive expected result from the input if (op == WhileOp.Take) { List takeInput = new ArrayList<>(); for (T t : inputData) { if (p.test(t)) takeInput.add(t); else break; } LambdaTestHelpers.assertContents(act, takeInput); } else if (op == WhileOp.Drop) { List dropInput = new ArrayList<>(); for (T t : inputData) { if (dropInput.size() > 0 || !p.test(t)) dropInput.add(t); } LambdaTestHelpers.assertContents(act, dropInput); } LambdaTestHelpers.assertContents(act, exp); } }; } private Collection sizes(int s) { Set sizes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); sizes.add(0); sizes.add(1); sizes.add(s / 4); sizes.add(s / 2); sizes.add(3 * s / 4); sizes.add(Math.max(0, s - 1)); sizes.add(s); sizes.add(Integer.MAX_VALUE); return sizes; } private void testWhileMulti(TestData.OfRef data, ResultAsserter> ra, Function, Stream> mRef, Function mInt, Function mLong, Function mDouble) { Map, Stream>> ms = new HashMap<>(); ms.put("Ref", mRef); ms.put("Int", s -> mInt.apply(s.mapToInt(e -> e)).mapToObj(e -> e)); ms.put("Long", s -> mLong.apply(s.mapToLong(e -> e)).mapToObj(e -> (int) e)); ms.put("Double", s -> mDouble.apply(s.mapToDouble(e -> e)).mapToObj(e -> (int) e)); ms.put("Ref using defaults", s -> mRef.apply(DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s))); ms.put("Int using defaults", s -> mInt.apply(DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s.mapToInt(e -> e))).mapToObj(e -> e)); ms.put("Long using defaults", s -> mLong.apply(DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s.mapToLong(e -> e))).mapToObj(e -> (int) e)); ms.put("Double using defaults", s -> mDouble.apply(DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s.mapToDouble(e -> e))).mapToObj(e -> (int) e)); testWhileMulti(data, ra, ms); } private final void testWhileMulti(TestData.OfRef data, ResultAsserter> ra, Map, Stream>> ms) { for (Map.Entry, Stream>> e : ms.entrySet()) { setContext("shape", e.getKey()); withData(data) .stream(e.getValue()) .resultAsserter(ra) .exercise(); } } @Test(groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testRefDefaultClose() { AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(); Stream s = Stream.of(1, 2, 3).onClose(() -> isClosed.set(true)); try (Stream ds = DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s).takeWhile(e -> e < 3)) { ds.count(); } assertTrue(isClosed.get()); } @Test(groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testIntDefaultClose() { AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(); IntStream s = IntStream.of(1, 2, 3).onClose(() -> isClosed.set(true)); try (IntStream ds = DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s).takeWhile(e -> e < 3)) { ds.count(); } assertTrue(isClosed.get()); } @Test(groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testLongDefaultClose() { AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(); LongStream s = LongStream.of(1, 2, 3).onClose(() -> isClosed.set(true)); try (LongStream ds = DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s).takeWhile(e -> e < 3)) { ds.count(); } assertTrue(isClosed.get()); } @Test(groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testDoubleDefaultClose() { AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(); DoubleStream s = DoubleStream.of(1, 2, 3).onClose(() -> isClosed.set(true)); try (DoubleStream ds = DefaultMethodStreams.delegateTo(s).takeWhile(e -> e < 3)) { ds.count(); } assertTrue(isClosed.get()); } @Test(groups = { "serialization-hostile" }) public void testFlatMapThenTake() { TestData.OfRef range = TestData.Factory.ofSupplier( "range", () -> IntStream.range(0, 100).boxed()); exerciseOpsMulti(range, // Reference result s -> s.takeWhile(e -> e != 50), // For other results collect into array, // stream the single array (not the elements), // then flat map to stream the array elements s -> Stream.of(s.toArray(Integer[]::new)). flatMap(Stream::of). takeWhile(e -> e != 50), s -> Stream.of(s.mapToInt(e -> e).toArray()). flatMapToInt(IntStream::of). takeWhile(e -> e != 50). mapToObj(e -> e), s -> Stream.of(s.mapToLong(e -> e).toArray()). flatMapToLong(LongStream::of). takeWhile(e -> e != 50L). mapToObj(e -> (int) e), s -> Stream.of(s.mapToDouble(e -> e).toArray()). flatMapToDouble(DoubleStream::of). takeWhile(e -> e != 50.0). mapToObj(e -> (int) e) ); } }