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rev 49982 : 8202711: Merge tiered compilation policies
Reviewed-by: neliasso

  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @requires vm.aot
  27  * @library /test/lib /testlibrary /
  28  * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
  29  * @build compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  30  *        compiler.aot.AotCompiler
  31  * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
  32  *     sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  33  * @run driver compiler.aot.AotCompiler -libname libRecompilationTest1.so
  34  *     -class compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper
  35  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.TieredAOT=true -extraopt -Dgraal.ProfileSimpleMethods=true
  36  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.ProbabilisticProfiling=false
  37  *     -extraopt -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -extraopt -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -extraopt -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  38  *     -extraopt -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  39  *     -extraopt -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper::*
  40  * @run main/othervm -Xmixed -Xbatch -XX:+UseAOT -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:CompilationPolicyChoice=2
  41  *     -XX:-UseCounterDecay -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  42  *     -XX:-Inline
  43  *     -XX:AOTLibrary=./libRecompilationTest1.so -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  44  *     -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
  45  *     -Dcompiler.aot.RecompilationTest.check_level=1
  46  *     compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  47  * @run driver compiler.aot.AotCompiler -libname libRecompilationTest2.so
  48  *     -class compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper
  49  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.TieredAOT=false
  50  *     -extraopt -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -extraopt -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -extraopt -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  51  *     -extraopt -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  52  *     -extraopt -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper::*
  53  * @run main/othervm -Xmixed -Xbatch -XX:+UseAOT -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:CompilationPolicyChoice=2
  54  *     -XX:-UseCounterDecay -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  55  *     -XX:-Inline
  56  *     -XX:AOTLibrary=./libRecompilationTest2.so -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  57  *     -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
  58  *     -Dcompiler.aot.RecompilationTest.check_level=-1
  59  *     compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  60  * @run main/othervm -Xmixed -Xbatch -XX:+UseAOT -XX:-TieredCompilation
  61  *     -XX:-UseCounterDecay -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  62  *     -XX:-Inline
  63  *     -XX:AOTLibrary=./libRecompilationTest2.so -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  64  *     -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
  65  *     -Dcompiler.aot.RecompilationTest.check_level=-1
  66  *     compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  67  * @summary check if recompilation after aot goes fine
  68  */
  70  /* having whitebox-related options for aot compiler is a temporary solution,
  71     because of JDK-8146201
  72  */
  74 package compiler.aot;
  76 import compiler.whitebox.CompilerWhiteBoxTest;
  77 import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
  78 import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;

  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @requires vm.aot
  27  * @library /test/lib /testlibrary /
  28  * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
  29  * @build compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  30  *        compiler.aot.AotCompiler
  31  * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
  32  *     sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
  33  * @run driver compiler.aot.AotCompiler -libname libRecompilationTest1.so
  34  *     -class compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper
  35  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.TieredAOT=true -extraopt -Dgraal.ProfileSimpleMethods=true
  36  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.ProbabilisticProfiling=false
  37  *     -extraopt -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -extraopt -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -extraopt -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  38  *     -extraopt -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  39  *     -extraopt -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper::*

  40  * @run driver compiler.aot.AotCompiler -libname libRecompilationTest2.so
  41  *     -class compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper
  42  *     -extraopt -Dgraal.TieredAOT=false
  43  *     -extraopt -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -extraopt -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -extraopt -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  44  *     -extraopt -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  45  *     -extraopt -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper::*

  46  * @run main/othervm -Xmixed -Xbatch -XX:+UseAOT -XX:-TieredCompilation
  47  *     -XX:-UseCounterDecay -XX:-UseCompressedOops
  48  *     -XX:-Inline
  49  *     -XX:AOTLibrary=./libRecompilationTest2.so -Xbootclasspath/a:.
  50  *     -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
  51  *     -Dcompiler.aot.RecompilationTest.check_level=-1
  52  *     compiler.aot.RecompilationTest
  53  * @summary check if recompilation after aot goes fine
  54  */
  56  /* having whitebox-related options for aot compiler is a temporary solution,
  57     because of JDK-8146201
  58  */
  60 package compiler.aot;
  62 import compiler.whitebox.CompilerWhiteBoxTest;
  63 import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
  64 import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;

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