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rev 53194 : 8216359: Remove develop flags TraceCompilationPolicy and TimeCompilationPolicy
Reviewed-by: TBD

  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
  28 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
  29 #include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
  30 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  32 #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
  33 #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
  34 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  35 #include "prims/nativeLookup.hpp"
  36 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  37 #include "runtime/frame.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/rframe.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  41 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/tieredThresholdPolicy.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/vmOperations.hpp"
  46 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  47 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  49 #ifdef COMPILER1
  50 #include "c1/c1_Compiler.hpp"
  51 #endif
  52 #ifdef COMPILER2
  53 #include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
  54 #endif
  56 CompilationPolicy* CompilationPolicy::_policy;
  57 elapsedTimer       CompilationPolicy::_accumulated_time;
  59 // Determine compilation policy based on command line argument
  60 void compilationPolicy_init() {
  61   switch(CompilationPolicyChoice) {
  62   case 0:
  63     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new SimpleCompPolicy());
  64     break;
  66   case 1:
  67 #ifdef COMPILER2
  68     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new StackWalkCompPolicy());
  69 #else
  70     Unimplemented();
  71 #endif
  72     break;
  73   case 2:
  74 #ifdef TIERED
  75     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new TieredThresholdPolicy());
  76 #else
  77     Unimplemented();

 182   if (UseJVMCICompiler && !BackgroundCompilation) {
 183     /*
 184      * In blocking compilation mode, the CompileBroker will make
 185      * compilations submitted by a JVMCI compiler thread non-blocking. These
 186      * compilations should be scheduled after all blocking compilations
 187      * to service non-compiler related compilations sooner and reduce the
 188      * chance of such compilations timing out.
 189      */
 190     for (CompileTask* task = compile_queue->first(); task != NULL; task = task->next()) {
 191       if (task->is_blocking()) {
 192         return task;
 193       }
 194     }
 195   }
 196 #endif
 197   return compile_queue->first();
 198 }
 200 #ifndef PRODUCT
 201 void CompilationPolicy::print_time() {
 202   tty->print_cr ("Accumulated compilationPolicy times:");
 203   tty->print_cr ("---------------------------");
 204   tty->print_cr ("  Total: %3.3f sec.", _accumulated_time.seconds());
 205 }
 207 void NonTieredCompPolicy::trace_osr_completion(nmethod* osr_nm) {
 208   if (TraceOnStackReplacement) {
 209     if (osr_nm == NULL) tty->print_cr("compilation failed");
 210     else tty->print_cr("nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(osr_nm));
 211   }
 212 }
 213 #endif // !PRODUCT
 215 void NonTieredCompPolicy::initialize() {
 216   // Setup the compiler thread numbers
 217   if (CICompilerCountPerCPU) {
 218     // Example: if CICompilerCountPerCPU is true, then we get
 219     // max(log2(8)-1,1) = 2 compiler threads on an 8-way machine.
 220     // May help big-app startup time.
 221     _compiler_count = MAX2(log2_int(os::active_processor_count())-1,1);
 222     // Make sure there is enough space in the code cache to hold all the compiler buffers
 223     size_t buffer_size = 1;
 224 #ifdef COMPILER1
 225     buffer_size = is_client_compilation_mode_vm() ? Compiler::code_buffer_size() : buffer_size;
 226 #endif

 520   }
 521 }
 522 // StackWalkCompPolicy - walk up stack to find a suitable method to compile
 524 #ifdef COMPILER2
 525 const char* StackWalkCompPolicy::_msg = NULL;
 528 // Consider m for compilation
 529 void StackWalkCompPolicy::method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& m, JavaThread* thread) {
 530   const int comp_level = CompLevel_highest_tier;
 531   const int hot_count = m->invocation_count();
 532   reset_counter_for_invocation_event(m);
 534   if (is_compilation_enabled() && m->code() == NULL && can_be_compiled(m, comp_level)) {
 535     ResourceMark rm(thread);
 536     frame       fr     = thread->last_frame();
 537     assert(fr.is_interpreted_frame(), "must be interpreted");
 538     assert(fr.interpreter_frame_method() == m(), "bad method");
 540     if (TraceCompilationPolicy) {
 541       tty->print("method invocation trigger: ");
 542       m->print_short_name(tty);
 543       tty->print(" ( interpreted " INTPTR_FORMAT ", size=%d ) ", p2i((address)m()), m->code_size());
 544     }
 545     RegisterMap reg_map(thread, false);
 546     javaVFrame* triggerVF = thread->last_java_vframe(&reg_map);
 547     // triggerVF is the frame that triggered its counter
 548     RFrame* first = new InterpretedRFrame(triggerVF->fr(), thread, m());
 550     if (first->top_method()->code() != NULL) {
 551       // called obsolete method/nmethod -- no need to recompile
 552       if (TraceCompilationPolicy) tty->print_cr(" --> " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(first->top_method()->code()));
 553     } else {
 554       if (TimeCompilationPolicy) accumulated_time()->start();
 555       GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack = new GrowableArray<RFrame*>(50);
 556       stack->push(first);
 557       RFrame* top = findTopInlinableFrame(stack);
 558       if (TimeCompilationPolicy) accumulated_time()->stop();
 559       assert(top != NULL, "findTopInlinableFrame returned null");
 560       if (TraceCompilationPolicy) top->print();
 561       CompileBroker::compile_method(top->top_method(), InvocationEntryBci, comp_level,
 562                                     m, hot_count, CompileTask::Reason_InvocationCount, thread);
 563     }
 564   }
 565 }
 567 void StackWalkCompPolicy::method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& m, int bci, JavaThread* thread) {
 568   const int comp_level = CompLevel_highest_tier;
 569   const int hot_count = m->backedge_count();
 571   if (is_compilation_enabled() && can_be_osr_compiled(m, comp_level)) {
 572     CompileBroker::compile_method(m, bci, comp_level, m, hot_count, CompileTask::Reason_BackedgeCount, thread);
 573     NOT_PRODUCT(trace_osr_completion(m->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(bci, comp_level, true));)
 574   }
 575 }
 577 RFrame* StackWalkCompPolicy::findTopInlinableFrame(GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack) {
 578   // go up the stack until finding a frame that (probably) won't be inlined
 579   // into its caller
 580   RFrame* current = stack->at(0); // current choice for stopping
 581   assert( current && !current->is_compiled(), "" );
 582   const char* msg = NULL;
 584   while (1) {
 586     // before going up the stack further, check if doing so would get us into
 587     // compiled code
 588     RFrame* next = senderOf(current, stack);
 589     if( !next )               // No next frame up the stack?
 590       break;                  // Then compile with current frame
 592     Method* m = current->top_method();
 593     Method* next_m = next->top_method();
 595     if (TraceCompilationPolicy && Verbose) {
 596       tty->print("[caller: ");
 597       next_m->print_short_name(tty);
 598       tty->print("] ");
 599     }
 601     if( !Inline ) {           // Inlining turned off
 602       msg = "Inlining turned off";
 603       break;
 604     }
 605     if (next_m->is_not_compilable()) { // Did fail to compile this before/
 606       msg = "caller not compilable";
 607       break;
 608     }
 609     if (next->num() > MaxRecompilationSearchLength) {
 610       // don't go up too high when searching for recompilees
 611       msg = "don't go up any further: > MaxRecompilationSearchLength";
 612       break;
 613     }
 614     if (next->distance() > MaxInterpretedSearchLength) {
 615       // don't go up too high when searching for recompilees
 616       msg = "don't go up any further: next > MaxInterpretedSearchLength";
 617       break;
 618     }
 619     // Compiled frame above already decided not to inline;
 620     // do not recompile him.

 656       break;
 657     }
 658     // Check inlining negative tests
 659     if ((msg = shouldNotInline(m)) != NULL) {
 660       break;
 661     }
 664     // If the caller method is too big or something then we do not want to
 665     // compile it just to inline a method
 666     if (!can_be_compiled(next_m, CompLevel_any)) {
 667       msg = "caller cannot be compiled";
 668       break;
 669     }
 671     if( next_m->name() == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name() ) {
 672       msg = "do not compile class initializer (OSR ok)";
 673       break;
 674     }
 676     if (TraceCompilationPolicy && Verbose) {
 677       tty->print("\n\t     check caller: ");
 678       next_m->print_short_name(tty);
 679       tty->print(" ( interpreted " INTPTR_FORMAT ", size=%d ) ", p2i((address)next_m), next_m->code_size());
 680     }
 682     current = next;
 683   }
 685   assert( !current || !current->is_compiled(), "" );
 687   if (TraceCompilationPolicy && msg) tty->print("(%s)\n", msg);
 689   return current;
 690 }
 692 RFrame* StackWalkCompPolicy::senderOf(RFrame* rf, GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack) {
 693   RFrame* sender = rf->caller();
 694   if (sender && sender->num() == stack->length()) stack->push(sender);
 695   return sender;
 696 }
 699 const char* StackWalkCompPolicy::shouldInline(const methodHandle& m, float freq, int cnt) {
 700   // Allows targeted inlining
 701   // positive filter: should send be inlined?  returns NULL (--> yes)
 702   // or rejection msg
 703   int max_size = MaxInlineSize;
 704   int cost = m->code_size();
 706   // Check for too many throws (and not too huge)
 707   if (m->interpreter_throwout_count() > InlineThrowCount && cost < InlineThrowMaxSize ) {

  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
  28 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
  29 #include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
  30 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  32 #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
  33 #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
  34 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  35 #include "prims/nativeLookup.hpp"
  36 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  37 #include "runtime/frame.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/rframe.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  41 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/tieredThresholdPolicy.hpp"

  43 #include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/vmOperations.hpp"
  45 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  46 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  48 #ifdef COMPILER1
  49 #include "c1/c1_Compiler.hpp"
  50 #endif
  51 #ifdef COMPILER2
  52 #include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
  53 #endif
  55 CompilationPolicy* CompilationPolicy::_policy;

  57 // Determine compilation policy based on command line argument
  58 void compilationPolicy_init() {
  59   switch(CompilationPolicyChoice) {
  60   case 0:
  61     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new SimpleCompPolicy());
  62     break;
  64   case 1:
  65 #ifdef COMPILER2
  66     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new StackWalkCompPolicy());
  67 #else
  68     Unimplemented();
  69 #endif
  70     break;
  71   case 2:
  72 #ifdef TIERED
  73     CompilationPolicy::set_policy(new TieredThresholdPolicy());
  74 #else
  75     Unimplemented();

 180   if (UseJVMCICompiler && !BackgroundCompilation) {
 181     /*
 182      * In blocking compilation mode, the CompileBroker will make
 183      * compilations submitted by a JVMCI compiler thread non-blocking. These
 184      * compilations should be scheduled after all blocking compilations
 185      * to service non-compiler related compilations sooner and reduce the
 186      * chance of such compilations timing out.
 187      */
 188     for (CompileTask* task = compile_queue->first(); task != NULL; task = task->next()) {
 189       if (task->is_blocking()) {
 190         return task;
 191       }
 192     }
 193   }
 194 #endif
 195   return compile_queue->first();
 196 }
 198 #ifndef PRODUCT

 199 void NonTieredCompPolicy::trace_osr_completion(nmethod* osr_nm) {
 200   if (TraceOnStackReplacement) {
 201     if (osr_nm == NULL) tty->print_cr("compilation failed");
 202     else tty->print_cr("nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(osr_nm));
 203   }
 204 }
 205 #endif // !PRODUCT
 207 void NonTieredCompPolicy::initialize() {
 208   // Setup the compiler thread numbers
 209   if (CICompilerCountPerCPU) {
 210     // Example: if CICompilerCountPerCPU is true, then we get
 211     // max(log2(8)-1,1) = 2 compiler threads on an 8-way machine.
 212     // May help big-app startup time.
 213     _compiler_count = MAX2(log2_int(os::active_processor_count())-1,1);
 214     // Make sure there is enough space in the code cache to hold all the compiler buffers
 215     size_t buffer_size = 1;
 216 #ifdef COMPILER1
 217     buffer_size = is_client_compilation_mode_vm() ? Compiler::code_buffer_size() : buffer_size;
 218 #endif

 512   }
 513 }
 514 // StackWalkCompPolicy - walk up stack to find a suitable method to compile
 516 #ifdef COMPILER2
 517 const char* StackWalkCompPolicy::_msg = NULL;
 520 // Consider m for compilation
 521 void StackWalkCompPolicy::method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& m, JavaThread* thread) {
 522   const int comp_level = CompLevel_highest_tier;
 523   const int hot_count = m->invocation_count();
 524   reset_counter_for_invocation_event(m);
 526   if (is_compilation_enabled() && m->code() == NULL && can_be_compiled(m, comp_level)) {
 527     ResourceMark rm(thread);
 528     frame       fr     = thread->last_frame();
 529     assert(fr.is_interpreted_frame(), "must be interpreted");
 530     assert(fr.interpreter_frame_method() == m(), "bad method");

 532     RegisterMap reg_map(thread, false);
 533     javaVFrame* triggerVF = thread->last_java_vframe(&reg_map);
 534     // triggerVF is the frame that triggered its counter
 535     RFrame* first = new InterpretedRFrame(triggerVF->fr(), thread, m());
 537     if (first->top_method()->code() != NULL) {
 538       // called obsolete method/nmethod -- no need to recompile

 539     } else {

 540       GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack = new GrowableArray<RFrame*>(50);
 541       stack->push(first);
 542       RFrame* top = findTopInlinableFrame(stack);

 543       assert(top != NULL, "findTopInlinableFrame returned null");

 544       CompileBroker::compile_method(top->top_method(), InvocationEntryBci, comp_level,
 545                                     m, hot_count, CompileTask::Reason_InvocationCount, thread);
 546     }
 547   }
 548 }
 550 void StackWalkCompPolicy::method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& m, int bci, JavaThread* thread) {
 551   const int comp_level = CompLevel_highest_tier;
 552   const int hot_count = m->backedge_count();
 554   if (is_compilation_enabled() && can_be_osr_compiled(m, comp_level)) {
 555     CompileBroker::compile_method(m, bci, comp_level, m, hot_count, CompileTask::Reason_BackedgeCount, thread);
 556     NOT_PRODUCT(trace_osr_completion(m->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(bci, comp_level, true));)
 557   }
 558 }
 560 RFrame* StackWalkCompPolicy::findTopInlinableFrame(GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack) {
 561   // go up the stack until finding a frame that (probably) won't be inlined
 562   // into its caller
 563   RFrame* current = stack->at(0); // current choice for stopping
 564   assert( current && !current->is_compiled(), "" );
 565   const char* msg = NULL;
 567   while (1) {
 569     // before going up the stack further, check if doing so would get us into
 570     // compiled code
 571     RFrame* next = senderOf(current, stack);
 572     if( !next )               // No next frame up the stack?
 573       break;                  // Then compile with current frame
 575     Method* m = current->top_method();
 576     Method* next_m = next->top_method();

 578     if( !Inline ) {           // Inlining turned off
 579       msg = "Inlining turned off";
 580       break;
 581     }
 582     if (next_m->is_not_compilable()) { // Did fail to compile this before/
 583       msg = "caller not compilable";
 584       break;
 585     }
 586     if (next->num() > MaxRecompilationSearchLength) {
 587       // don't go up too high when searching for recompilees
 588       msg = "don't go up any further: > MaxRecompilationSearchLength";
 589       break;
 590     }
 591     if (next->distance() > MaxInterpretedSearchLength) {
 592       // don't go up too high when searching for recompilees
 593       msg = "don't go up any further: next > MaxInterpretedSearchLength";
 594       break;
 595     }
 596     // Compiled frame above already decided not to inline;
 597     // do not recompile him.

 633       break;
 634     }
 635     // Check inlining negative tests
 636     if ((msg = shouldNotInline(m)) != NULL) {
 637       break;
 638     }
 641     // If the caller method is too big or something then we do not want to
 642     // compile it just to inline a method
 643     if (!can_be_compiled(next_m, CompLevel_any)) {
 644       msg = "caller cannot be compiled";
 645       break;
 646     }
 648     if( next_m->name() == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name() ) {
 649       msg = "do not compile class initializer (OSR ok)";
 650       break;
 651     }

 653     current = next;
 654   }
 656   assert( !current || !current->is_compiled(), "" );

 658   return current;
 659 }
 661 RFrame* StackWalkCompPolicy::senderOf(RFrame* rf, GrowableArray<RFrame*>* stack) {
 662   RFrame* sender = rf->caller();
 663   if (sender && sender->num() == stack->length()) stack->push(sender);
 664   return sender;
 665 }
 668 const char* StackWalkCompPolicy::shouldInline(const methodHandle& m, float freq, int cnt) {
 669   // Allows targeted inlining
 670   // positive filter: should send be inlined?  returns NULL (--> yes)
 671   // or rejection msg
 672   int max_size = MaxInlineSize;
 673   int cost = m->code_size();
 675   // Check for too many throws (and not too huge)
 676   if (m->interpreter_throwout_count() > InlineThrowCount && cost < InlineThrowMaxSize ) {

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