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2474      *     }
2475      *     public Enumeration&lt;String&gt; getKeys() {
2476      *         ...
2477      *     }
2478      * }
2479      * </pre>
2480      *
2481      * @apiNote <a name="note">{@code ResourceBundle.Control} is not supported
2482      * in named modules.</a> If the {@code ResourceBundle.getBundle} method with
2483      * a {@code ResourceBundle.Control} is called in a named module, the method
2484      * will throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. Any service providers
2485      * of {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} are ignored in named modules.
2486      *
2487      * @since 1.6
2488      * @see java.util.spi.ResourceBundleProvider
2489      */
2490     public static class Control {
2491         /**
2492          * The default format <code>List</code>, which contains the strings
2493          * <code>"java.class"</code> and <code>"java.properties"</code>, in
2494          * this order. This <code>List</code> is {@linkplain
2495          * Collections#unmodifiableList(List) unmodifiable}.
2496          *
2497          * @see #getFormats(String)
2498          */
2499         public static final List<String> FORMAT_DEFAULT
2500             = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("java.class",
2501                                                          "java.properties"));
2503         /**
2504          * The class-only format <code>List</code> containing
2505          * <code>"java.class"</code>. This <code>List</code> is {@linkplain
2506          * Collections#unmodifiableList(List) unmodifiable}.
2507          *
2508          * @see #getFormats(String)
2509          */
2510         public static final List<String> FORMAT_CLASS
2511             = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("java.class"));
2513         /**
2514          * The properties-only format <code>List</code> containing
2515          * <code>"java.properties"</code>. This <code>List</code> is
2516          * {@linkplain Collections#unmodifiableList(List) unmodifiable}.
2517          *
2518          * @see #getFormats(String)
2519          */
2520         public static final List<String> FORMAT_PROPERTIES
2521             = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("java.properties"));
2523         /**
2524          * The time-to-live constant for not caching loaded resource bundle
2525          * instances.
2526          *
2527          * @see #getTimeToLive(String, Locale)
2528          */
2529         public static final long TTL_DONT_CACHE = -1;
2531         /**
2532          * The time-to-live constant for disabling the expiration control
2533          * for loaded resource bundle instances in the cache.
2534          *
2535          * @see #getTimeToLive(String, Locale)
2536          */
2537         public static final long TTL_NO_EXPIRATION_CONTROL = -2;
2539         private static final Control INSTANCE = new Control();
2541         /**

2474      *     }
2475      *     public Enumeration&lt;String&gt; getKeys() {
2476      *         ...
2477      *     }
2478      * }
2479      * </pre>
2480      *
2481      * @apiNote <a name="note">{@code ResourceBundle.Control} is not supported
2482      * in named modules.</a> If the {@code ResourceBundle.getBundle} method with
2483      * a {@code ResourceBundle.Control} is called in a named module, the method
2484      * will throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. Any service providers
2485      * of {@link ResourceBundleControlProvider} are ignored in named modules.
2486      *
2487      * @since 1.6
2488      * @see java.util.spi.ResourceBundleProvider
2489      */
2490     public static class Control {
2491         /**
2492          * The default format <code>List</code>, which contains the strings
2493          * <code>"java.class"</code> and <code>"java.properties"</code>, in
2494          * this order. This <code>List</code> is unmodifiable.

2495          *
2496          * @see #getFormats(String)
2497          */
2498         public static final List<String> FORMAT_DEFAULT 
2499             = List.of("java.class", "java.properties");

2501         /**
2502          * The class-only format <code>List</code> containing
2503          * <code>"java.class"</code>. This <code>List</code> is unmodifiable.

2504          *
2505          * @see #getFormats(String)
2506          */
2507         public static final List<String> FORMAT_CLASS = List.of("java.class");

2509         /**
2510          * The properties-only format <code>List</code> containing
2511          * <code>"java.properties"</code>. This <code>List</code> is unmodifiable.

2512          *
2513          * @see #getFormats(String)
2514          */
2515         public static final List<String> FORMAT_PROPERTIES 
2516             = List.of("java.properties");
2518         /**
2519          * The time-to-live constant for not caching loaded resource bundle
2520          * instances.
2521          *
2522          * @see #getTimeToLive(String, Locale)
2523          */
2524         public static final long TTL_DONT_CACHE = -1;
2526         /**
2527          * The time-to-live constant for disabling the expiration control
2528          * for loaded resource bundle instances in the cache.
2529          *
2530          * @see #getTimeToLive(String, Locale)
2531          */
2532         public static final long TTL_NO_EXPIRATION_CONTROL = -2;
2534         private static final Control INSTANCE = new Control();
2536         /**

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