1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /**
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 4052223 4059870 4061302 4062486 4066646 4068693 4070798 4071005 4071014
  27  * 4071492 4071859 4074454 4074620 4075713 4083018 4086575 4087244 4087245
  28  * 4087251 4087535 4088161 4088503 4090489 4090504 4092480 4092561 4095713
  29  * 4098741 4099404 4101481 4106658 4106662 4106664 4108738 4110936 4122840
  30  * 4125885 4134034 4134300 4140009 4141750 4145457 4147295 4147706 4162198
  31  * 4162852 4167494 4170798 4176114 4179818 4185761 4212072 4212073 4216742
  32  * 4217661 4243011 4243108 4330377 4233840 4241880 4833877 8008577
  33  * @summary Regression tests for NumberFormat and associated classes
  34  * @library /java/text/testlib
  35  * @build IntlTest HexDumpReader TestUtils
  36  * @modules java.base/sun.util.resources
  37  * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file NumberRegression.java
  38  * @run main/othervm -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI NumberRegression
  39  */
  41 /*
  42 (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
  43 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
  45   The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted and
  46 owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These materials are
  47 provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This
  48 technology is protected by multiple US and International patents. This notice and
  49 attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  50   Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  51 */
  53 import java.text.*;
  54 import java.util.*;
  55 import java.math.BigDecimal;
  56 import java.io.*;
  57 import java.math.BigInteger;
  58 import sun.util.resources.LocaleData;
  60 public class NumberRegression extends IntlTest {
  62     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  63         new NumberRegression().run(args);
  64     }
  66     /**
  67      * NumberFormat.equals comparing with null should always return false.
  68      */
  69     public void Test4075713(){
  71         try {
  72             MyNumberFormatTest tmp = new MyNumberFormatTest();
  73             if (!tmp.equals(null))
  74                 logln("NumberFormat.equals passed");
  75         } catch (NullPointerException e) {
  76             errln("(new MyNumberFormatTest()).equals(null) throws unexpected exception");
  77         }
  78     }
  80     /**
  81      * NumberFormat.equals comparing two obj equal even the setGroupingUsed
  82      * flag is different.
  83      */
  84     public void Test4074620() {
  86         MyNumberFormatTest nf1 = new MyNumberFormatTest();
  87         MyNumberFormatTest nf2 = new MyNumberFormatTest();
  89         nf1.setGroupingUsed(false);
  90         nf2.setGroupingUsed(true);
  92         if (nf1.equals(nf2)) errln("Test for bug 4074620 failed");
  93         else logln("Test for bug 4074620 passed.");
  94         return;
  95     }
  98     /**
  99      * DecimalFormat.format() incorrectly uses maxFractionDigits setting.
 100      */
 102     public void Test4088161 (){
 103         Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
 104         if (!TestUtils.usesAsciiDigits(locale)) {
 105             logln("Skipping this test because locale is " + locale);
 106             return;
 107         }
 109         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 110         double d = 100;
 111         df.setMinimumFractionDigits(0);
 112         df.setMaximumFractionDigits(16);
 113         StringBuffer sBuf1 = new StringBuffer("");
 114         FieldPosition fp1 = new FieldPosition(0);
 115         logln("d = " + d);
 116         logln("maxFractionDigits = " + df.getMaximumFractionDigits());
 117         logln(" format(d) = '" + df.format(d, sBuf1, fp1) + "'");
 118         df.setMaximumFractionDigits(17);
 119         StringBuffer sBuf2 = new StringBuffer("");
 120         FieldPosition fp2 = new FieldPosition(0);
 121         logln("maxFractionDigits = " + df.getMaximumFractionDigits());
 122         df.format(d, sBuf2, fp2);
 123         String expected = "100";
 124         if (!sBuf2.toString().equals(expected))
 125             errln(" format(d) = '" + sBuf2 + "'");
 126     }
 127     /**
 128      * DecimalFormatSymbols should be cloned in the ctor DecimalFormat.
 129      * DecimalFormat(String, DecimalFormatSymbols).
 130      */
 131     public void Test4087245 (){
 132         DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
 133         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0", symbols);
 134         long n = 123;
 135         StringBuffer buf1 = new StringBuffer();
 136         StringBuffer buf2 = new StringBuffer();
 137         logln("format(" + n + ") = " +
 138         df.format(n, buf1, new FieldPosition(0)));
 139         symbols.setDecimalSeparator('p'); // change value of field
 140         logln("format(" + n + ") = " +
 141         df.format(n, buf2, new FieldPosition(0)));
 142         if (!buf1.toString().equals(buf2.toString()))
 143             errln("Test for bug 4087245 failed");
 144     }
 145     /**
 146      * DecimalFormat.format() incorrectly formats 0.0
 147      */
 148     public void Test4087535 ()
 149     {
 150         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 151         df.setMinimumIntegerDigits(0);
 153         double n = 0;
 154         String buffer = new String();
 155         buffer = df.format(n);
 156         if (buffer.length() == 0)
 157             errln(n + ": '" + buffer + "'");
 158         n = 0.1;
 159         buffer = df.format(n);
 160         if (buffer.length() == 0)
 161             errln(n + ": '" + buffer + "'");
 162     }
 164     /**
 165      * DecimalFormat.format fails when groupingSize is set to 0.
 166      */
 167     public void Test4088503 (){
 168         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 169         df.setGroupingSize(0);
 170         StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer("");
 171         FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(0);
 172         try {
 173             logln(df.format(123, sBuf, fp).toString());
 174         } catch (Exception foo) {
 175             errln("Test for bug 4088503 failed.");
 176         }
 178     }
 179     /**
 180      * NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance is wrong.
 181      */
 182     public void Test4066646 () {
 183         float returnfloat = 0.0f;
 184         assignFloatValue(2.04f);
 185         assignFloatValue(2.03f);
 186         assignFloatValue(2.02f);
 187         assignFloatValue(0.0f);
 188     }
 190     public float assignFloatValue(float returnfloat)
 191     {
 192         logln(" VALUE " + returnfloat);
 193         NumberFormat nfcommon =  NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
 194         nfcommon.setGroupingUsed(false);
 196         String stringValue = nfcommon.format(returnfloat).substring(1);
 197         if (Float.valueOf(stringValue).floatValue() != returnfloat)
 198             errln(" DISPLAYVALUE " + stringValue);
 199         return returnfloat;
 200     } // End Of assignFloatValue()
 202     /**
 203      * DecimalFormat throws exception when parsing "0"
 204      */
 205     public void Test4059870() {
 206         DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00");
 207         try {
 208             logln(format.parse("0").toString());
 209         } catch (Exception e) { errln("Test for bug 4059870 failed : " + e); }
 210     }
 211     /**
 212      * DecimalFormatSymbol.equals should always return false when
 213      * comparing with null.
 214      */
 216     public void Test4083018 (){
 217         DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
 218         try {
 219             if (!dfs.equals(null))
 220                 logln("Test Passed!");
 221         } catch (Exception foo) {
 222             errln("Test for bug 4083018 failed => Message : " + foo.getMessage());
 223         }
 224     }
 225     /**
 226      * DecimalFormat does not round up correctly.
 227      */
 228     public void Test4071492 (){
 229         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 230         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 231         double x = 0.00159999;
 232         NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
 233         nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);
 234         String out = nf.format(x);
 235         logln("0.00159999 formats with 4 fractional digits to " + out);
 236         String expected = "0.0016";
 237         if (!out.equals(expected))
 238             errln("FAIL: Expected " + expected);
 239         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 240     }
 242     /**
 243      * A space as a group separator for localized pattern causes
 244      * wrong format.  WorkAround : use non-breaking space.
 245      */
 246     public void Test4086575() {
 248         NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
 249         logln("nf toPattern1: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toPattern());
 250         logln("nf toLocPattern1: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toLocalizedPattern());
 252         // No group separator
 253         logln("...applyLocalizedPattern ###,00;(###,00) ");
 254         ((DecimalFormat)nf).applyLocalizedPattern("###,00;(###,00)");
 255         logln("nf toPattern2: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toPattern());
 256         logln("nf toLocPattern2: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toLocalizedPattern());
 258         logln("nf: " + nf.format(1234)); // 1234,00
 259         logln("nf: " + nf.format(-1234)); // (1234,00)
 261         // Space as group separator
 263         logln("...applyLocalizedPattern # ###,00;(# ###,00) ");
 264         ((DecimalFormat)nf).applyLocalizedPattern("#\u00a0###,00;(#\u00a0###,00)");
 265         logln("nf toPattern2: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toPattern());
 266         logln("nf toLocPattern2: " + ((DecimalFormat)nf).toLocalizedPattern());
 267         String buffer = nf.format(1234);
 268         if (!buffer.equals("1\u00a0234,00"))
 269             errln("nf : " + buffer); // Expect 1 234,00
 270         buffer = nf.format(-1234);
 271         if (!buffer.equals("(1\u00a0234,00)"))
 272             errln("nf : " + buffer); // Expect (1 234,00)
 274         // Erroneously prints:
 275         // 1234,00 ,
 276         // (1234,00 ,)
 278     }
 279     /**
 280      * DecimalFormat.parse returns wrong value
 281      */
 282     public void Test4068693()
 283     {
 284         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 285         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 286         logln("----- Test Application -----");
 287         ParsePosition pos;
 288         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 289         Double d = (Double)df.parse("123.55456", pos=new ParsePosition(0));
 290         if (!d.toString().equals("123.55456")) {
 291             errln("Result -> " + d.doubleValue());
 292         }
 293         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 294     }
 296     /* bugs 4069754, 4067878
 297      * null pointer thrown when accessing a deserialized DecimalFormat
 298      * object.
 299      */
 300     public void Test4069754()
 301     {
 302         try {
 303             myformat it = new myformat();
 304             logln(it.Now());
 305             FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream("t.tmp");
 306             ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(ostream);
 307             p.writeObject(it);
 308             ostream.close();
 309             logln("Saved ok.");
 311             FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream("t.tmp");
 312             ObjectInputStream p2 = new ObjectInputStream(istream);
 313             myformat it2 = (myformat)p2.readObject();
 314             logln(it2.Now());
 315             istream.close();
 316             logln("Loaded ok.");
 317         } catch (Exception foo) {
 318             errln("Test for bug 4069754 or 4057878 failed => Exception: " + foo.getMessage());
 319         }
 320     }
 322     /**
 323      * DecimalFormat.applyPattern(String) allows illegal patterns
 324      */
 325     public void Test4087251 (){
 326         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 327         try {
 328             df.applyPattern("#.#.#");
 329             logln("toPattern() returns \"" + df.toPattern() + "\"");
 330             errln("applyPattern(\"#.#.#\") doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException");
 331         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 332             logln("Caught Illegal Argument Error !");
 333         }
 334         // Second test; added 5/11/98 when reported to fail on 1.2b3
 335         try {
 336             df.applyPattern("#0.0#0#0");
 337             logln("toPattern() returns \"" + df.toPattern() + "\"");
 338             errln("applyPattern(\"#0.0#0#0\") doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException");
 339         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 340             logln("Ok - IllegalArgumentException for #0.0#0#0");
 341         }
 342     }
 344     /**
 345      * DecimalFormat.format() loses precision
 346      */
 347     public void Test4090489 (){
 348         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 349         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 350         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 351         df.setMinimumFractionDigits(10);
 352         df.setGroupingUsed(false);
 353         double d = 1.000000000000001E7;
 354         BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(d);
 355         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
 356         FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(0);
 357         logln("d = " + d);
 358         logln("BigDecimal.toString():  " + bd.toString());
 359         df.format(d, sb, fp);
 360         if (!sb.toString().equals("10000000.0000000100")) {
 361             errln("DecimalFormat.format(): " + sb.toString());
 362         }
 363         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 364     }
 366     /**
 367      * DecimalFormat.format() loses precision
 368      */
 369     public void Test4090504 ()
 370     {
 371         double d = 1;
 372         logln("d = " + d);
 373         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 374         StringBuffer sb;
 375         FieldPosition fp;
 376         try {
 377             for (int i = 17; i <= 20; i++) {
 378                 df.setMaximumFractionDigits(i);
 379                 sb = new StringBuffer("");
 380                 fp = new FieldPosition(0);
 381                 logln("  getMaximumFractionDigits() = " + i);
 382                 logln("  formated: " + df.format(d, sb, fp));
 383             }
 384         } catch (Exception foo) {
 385             errln("Bug 4090504 regression test failed. Message : " + foo.getMessage());
 386         }
 387     }
 388     /**
 389      * DecimalFormat.parse(String str, ParsePosition pp) loses precision
 390      */
 391     public void Test4095713 ()
 392     {
 393         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 394         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 395         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 396         String str = "0.1234";
 397         Double d1 = new Double(str);
 398         Double d2 = (Double) df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0));
 399         logln(d1.toString());
 400         if (d2.doubleValue() != d1.doubleValue())
 401             errln("Bug 4095713 test failed, new double value : " + d2.doubleValue());
 402         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 403     }
 405     /**
 406      * DecimalFormat.parse() fails when multiplier is not set to 1
 407      */
 408     public void Test4092561 ()
 409     {
 410         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 411         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 412         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 414         String str = Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE);
 415         logln("Long.MIN_VALUE : " + df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0)).toString());
 416         df.setMultiplier(100);
 417         Number num = df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0));
 418         if (num.doubleValue() != -9.223372036854776E16) {
 419             errln("Bug 4092561 test failed when multiplier is not set to 1. Expected: -9.223372036854776E16, got: " + num.doubleValue());
 420         }
 422         df.setMultiplier(-100);
 423         num = df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0));
 424         if (num.doubleValue() != 9.223372036854776E16) {
 425             errln("Bug 4092561 test failed when multiplier is not set to 1. Expected: 9.223372036854776E16, got: " + num.doubleValue());
 426         }
 428         str = Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE);
 429         logln("Long.MAX_VALUE : " + df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0)).toString());
 431         df.setMultiplier(100);
 432         num = df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0));
 433         if (num.doubleValue() != 9.223372036854776E16) {
 434             errln("Bug 4092561 test failed when multiplier is not set to 1. Expected: 9.223372036854776E16, got: " + num.doubleValue());
 435         }
 437         df.setMultiplier(-100);
 438         num = df.parse(str, new ParsePosition(0));
 439         if (num.doubleValue() != -9.223372036854776E16) {
 440             errln("Bug 4092561 test failed when multiplier is not set to 1. Expected: -9.223372036854776E16, got: " + num.doubleValue());
 441         }
 443         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 444     }
 446     /**
 447      * DecimalFormat: Negative format ignored.
 448      */
 449     public void Test4092480 ()
 450     {
 451         DecimalFormat dfFoo = new DecimalFormat("000");
 453         try {
 454             dfFoo.applyPattern("0000;-000");
 455             if (!dfFoo.toPattern().equals("#0000"))
 456                 errln("dfFoo.toPattern : " + dfFoo.toPattern());
 457             logln(dfFoo.format(42));
 458             logln(dfFoo.format(-42));
 459             dfFoo.applyPattern("000;-000");
 460             if (!dfFoo.toPattern().equals("#000"))
 461                 errln("dfFoo.toPattern : " + dfFoo.toPattern());
 462             logln(dfFoo.format(42));
 463             logln(dfFoo.format(-42));
 465             dfFoo.applyPattern("000;-0000");
 466             if (!dfFoo.toPattern().equals("#000"))
 467                 errln("dfFoo.toPattern : " + dfFoo.toPattern());
 468             logln(dfFoo.format(42));
 469             logln(dfFoo.format(-42));
 471             dfFoo.applyPattern("0000;-000");
 472             if (!dfFoo.toPattern().equals("#0000"))
 473                 errln("dfFoo.toPattern : " + dfFoo.toPattern());
 474             logln(dfFoo.format(42));
 475             logln(dfFoo.format(-42));
 476         } catch (Exception foo) {
 477             errln("Message " + foo.getMessage());
 478         }
 479     }
 480     /**
 481      * NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() produces format that uses
 482      * decimal separator instead of monetary decimal separator.
 483      *
 484      * Rewrote this test not to depend on the actual pattern.  Pattern should
 485      * never contain the monetary separator!  Decimal separator in pattern is
 486      * interpreted as monetary separator if currency symbol is seen!
 487      */
 488     public void Test4087244 () {
 489         Locale de = new Locale("pt", "PT");
 490         DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(de);
 491         DecimalFormatSymbols sym = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
 492         sym.setMonetaryDecimalSeparator('$');
 493         df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
 494         char decSep = sym.getDecimalSeparator();
 495         char monSep = sym.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator();
 496         char zero = sym.getZeroDigit();
 497         if (decSep == monSep) {
 498             errln("ERROR in test: want decimal sep != monetary sep");
 499         } else {
 500             df.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1);
 501             df.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);
 502             String str = df.format(1.23);
 503             String monStr = "1" + monSep + "23";
 504             String decStr = "1" + decSep + "23";
 505             if (str.indexOf(monStr) >= 0 && str.indexOf(decStr) < 0) {
 506                 logln("OK: 1.23 -> \"" + str + "\" contains \"" +
 507                       monStr + "\" and not \"" + decStr + '"');
 508             } else {
 509                 errln("FAIL: 1.23 -> \"" + str + "\", should contain \"" +
 510                       monStr +
 511                       "\" and not \"" + decStr + '"');
 512             }
 513         }
 514     }
 515     /**
 516      * Number format data rounding errors for locale FR
 517      */
 518     public void Test4070798 () {
 519         NumberFormat formatter;
 520         String tempString;
 521         /* User error :
 522         String expectedDefault = "-5\u00a0789,987";
 523         String expectedCurrency = "5\u00a0789,98 F";
 524         String expectedPercent = "-578\u00a0998%";
 525         */
 526         String expectedDefault = "-5\u00a0789,988";
 527         String expectedCurrency = "5\u00a0789,99 \u20AC";
 528         // changed for bug 6547501
 529         String expectedPercent = "-578\u00a0999 %";
 531         formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
 532         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 534         if (tempString.equals(expectedDefault)) {
 535             logln ("Bug 4070798 default test passed.");
 536         } else {
 537             errln("Failed:" +
 538             " Expected " + expectedDefault +
 539             " Received " + tempString );
 540         }
 543         formatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
 544         tempString = formatter.format( 5789.9876 );
 546         if (tempString.equals(expectedCurrency) ) {
 547             logln ("Bug 4070798 currency test assed.");
 548         } else {
 549             errln("Failed:" +
 550             " Expected " + expectedCurrency +
 551             " Received " + tempString );
 552         }
 555         formatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
 556         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 558         if (tempString.equals(expectedPercent) ) {
 559             logln ("Bug 4070798 percentage test passed.");
 560         } else {
 561             errln("Failed:" +
 562             " Expected " + expectedPercent +
 563             " Received " + tempString );
 564         }
 565     }
 566     /**
 567      * Data rounding errors for French (Canada) locale
 568      */
 569     public void Test4071005 () {
 571         NumberFormat formatter;
 572         String tempString;
 573     /* user error :
 574         String expectedDefault = "-5 789,987";
 575         String expectedCurrency = "5 789,98 $";
 576         String expectedPercent = "-578 998%";
 577     */
 578         String expectedDefault = "-5\u00a0789,988";
 579         String expectedCurrency = "5\u00a0789,99 $";
 580         // changed for bug 6547501
 581         String expectedPercent = "-578\u00a0999 %";
 583         formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.CANADA_FRENCH);
 584         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 585         if (tempString.equals(expectedDefault)) {
 586             logln ("Bug 4071005 default test passed.");
 587         } else {
 588             errln("Failed:" +
 589             " Expected " + expectedDefault +
 590             " Received " + tempString );
 591         }
 593         formatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.CANADA_FRENCH);
 594         tempString = formatter.format( 5789.9876 ) ;
 596         if (tempString.equals(expectedCurrency) ) {
 597             logln ("Bug 4071005 currency test passed.");
 598         } else {
 599             errln("Failed:" +
 600             " Expected " + expectedCurrency +
 601             " Received " + tempString );
 602         }
 603         formatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.CANADA_FRENCH);
 604         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 606         if (tempString.equals(expectedPercent) ) {
 607             logln ("Bug 4071005 percentage test passed.");
 608         } else {
 609             errln("Failed:" +
 610             " Expected " + expectedPercent +
 611             " Received " + tempString );
 612         }
 613     }
 615     /**
 616      * Data rounding errors for German (Germany) locale
 617      */
 618     public void Test4071014 () {
 619         NumberFormat formatter;
 620         String tempString;
 621         /* user error :
 622         String expectedDefault = "-5.789,987";
 623         String expectedCurrency = "5.789,98 DM";
 624         String expectedPercent = "-578.998%";
 625         */
 626         String expectedDefault = "-5.789,988";
 627         String expectedCurrency = "5.789,99 \u20AC";
 628         String expectedPercent = "-578.999%";
 630         formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
 631         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 633         if (tempString.equals(expectedDefault)) {
 634             logln ("Bug 4071014 default test passed.");
 635         } else {
 636             errln("Failed:" +
 637             " Expected " + expectedDefault +
 638             " Received " + tempString );
 639         }
 641         formatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
 642         tempString = formatter.format( 5789.9876 ) ;
 644         if (tempString.equals(expectedCurrency) ) {
 645             logln ("Bug 4071014 currency test passed.");
 646         } else {
 647             errln("Failed:" +
 648             " Expected " + expectedCurrency +
 649             " Received " + tempString );
 650         }
 652         formatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
 653         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 655         if (tempString.equals(expectedPercent) ) {
 656             logln ("Bug 4071014 percentage test passed.");
 657         } else {
 658             errln("Failed:" +
 659             " Expected " + expectedPercent +
 660             " Received " + tempString );
 661         }
 663     }
 664     /**
 665      * Data rounding errors for Italian locale number formats
 666      */
 667     public void Test4071859 () {
 668         NumberFormat formatter;
 669         String tempString;
 670         /* user error :
 671         String expectedDefault = "-5.789,987";
 672         String expectedCurrency = "-L. 5.789,98";
 673         String expectedPercent = "-578.998%";
 674         */
 675         String expectedDefault = "-5.789,988";
 676         String expectedCurrency = "-\u20AC 5.789,99";
 677         String expectedPercent = "-578.999%";
 679         formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ITALY);
 680         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 682         if (tempString.equals(expectedDefault)) {
 683             logln ("Bug 4071859 default test passed.");
 684         } else {
 685             errln("Failed:" +
 686             " Expected " + expectedDefault +
 687             " Received " + tempString );
 688         }
 690         formatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.ITALY);
 691         tempString = formatter.format( -5789.9876 ) ;
 693         if (tempString.equals(expectedCurrency) ) {
 694             logln ("Bug 4071859 currency test passed.");
 695         } else {
 696             errln("Failed:" +
 697             " Expected " + expectedCurrency +
 698             " Received " + tempString );
 699         }
 701         formatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.ITALY);
 702         tempString = formatter.format (-5789.9876);
 704         if (tempString.equals(expectedPercent) ) {
 705             logln ("Bug 4071859 percentage test passed.");
 706         } else {
 707             errln("Failed:" +
 708             " Expected " + expectedPercent +
 709             " Received " + tempString );
 710         }
 712     }
 714     /* bug 4071859
 715      * Test rounding for nearest even.
 716      */
 717     public void Test4093610()
 718     {
 719         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 720         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 721         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.#");
 723         roundingTest(df, 12.15, "12.2"); // Rounding-up. Above tie (12.150..)
 724         roundingTest(df, 12.25, "12.2"); // No round-up. Exact + half-even rule.
 725         roundingTest(df, 12.45, "12.4"); // No round-up. Below tie (12.449..)
 726         roundingTest(df, 12.450000001,"12.5"); // Rounding-up. Above tie.
 727         roundingTest(df, 12.55, "12.6"); // Rounding-up. Above tie (12.550..)
 728         roundingTest(df, 12.650000001,"12.7"); // Rounding-up. Above tie.
 729         roundingTest(df, 12.75, "12.8"); // Rounding-up. Exact + half-even rule.
 730         roundingTest(df, 12.750000001,"12.8"); // Rounding-up. Above tie.
 731         roundingTest(df, 12.85, "12.8"); // No round-up. Below tie (12.849..)
 732         roundingTest(df, 12.850000001,"12.9"); // Rounding-up. Above tie.
 733         roundingTest(df, 12.950000001,"13");   // Rounding-up. Above tie.
 735         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 736     }
 738     void roundingTest(DecimalFormat df, double x, String expected)
 739     {
 740         String out = df.format(x);
 741         logln("" + x + " formats with 1 fractional digits to " + out);
 742         if (!out.equals(expected)) errln("FAIL: Expected " + expected);
 743     }
 744     /**
 745      * Tests the setMaximumFractionDigits limit.
 746      */
 747     public void Test4098741()
 748     {
 749         try {
 750             NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
 751             fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(20);
 752             logln(fmt.format(.001));
 753         } catch (Exception foo) {
 754             errln("Bug 4098471 failed with exception thrown : " + foo.getMessage());
 755         }
 756     }
 757     /**
 758      * Tests illegal pattern exception.
 759      * Fix comment : HShih A31 Part1 will not be fixed and javadoc needs to be updated.
 760      * Part2 has been fixed.
 761      */
 762     public void Test4074454()
 763     {
 764         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 765         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 766         try {
 767             DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,#00.00;-#.#");
 768             logln("Inconsistent negative pattern is fine.");
 769             DecimalFormat newFmt = new DecimalFormat("#,#00.00 p''ieces;-#,#00.00 p''ieces");
 770             String tempString = newFmt.format(3456.78);
 771             if (!tempString.equals("3,456.78 p'ieces"))
 772                 errln("Failed!  3,456.78 p'ieces expected, but got : " + tempString);
 773         } catch (Exception foo) {
 774             errln("An exception was thrown for any inconsistent negative pattern.");
 775         }
 776         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 777     }
 779     /**
 780      * Tests all different comments.
 781      * Response to some comments :
 782      * [1] DecimalFormat.parse API documentation is more than just one line.
 783      * This is not a reproducable doc error in 116 source code.
 784      * [2] See updated javadoc.
 785      * [3] Fixed.
 786      * [4] NumberFormat.parse(String, ParsePosition) : If parsing fails,
 787      * a null object will be returned.  The unchanged parse position also
 788      * reflects an error.
 789      * NumberFormat.parse(String) : If parsing fails, an ParseException
 790      * will be thrown.
 791      * See updated javadoc for more details.
 792      * [5] See updated javadoc.
 793      * [6] See updated javadoc.
 794      * [7] This is a correct behavior if the DateFormat object is linient.
 795      * Otherwise, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown when formatting
 796      * "January 35".  See GregorianCalendar class javadoc for more details.
 797      */
 798     public void Test4099404()
 799     {
 800         try {
 801             DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("000.0#0");
 802             errln("Bug 4099404 failed applying illegal pattern \"000.0#0\"");
 803         } catch (Exception foo) {
 804             logln("Bug 4099404 pattern \"000.0#0\" passed");
 805         }
 806         try {
 807             DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0#0.000");
 808             errln("Bug 4099404 failed applying illegal pattern \"0#0.000\"");
 809         } catch (Exception foo) {
 810             logln("Bug 4099404 pattern \"0#0.000\" passed");
 811         }
 812     }
 813     /**
 814      * DecimalFormat.applyPattern doesn't set minimum integer digits
 815      */
 816     public void Test4101481()
 817     {
 818         DecimalFormat sdf = new DecimalFormat("#,##0");
 819         if (sdf.getMinimumIntegerDigits() != 1)
 820             errln("Minimum integer digits : " + sdf.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
 821     }
 822     /**
 823      * Tests ParsePosition.setErrorPosition() and ParsePosition.getErrorPosition().
 824      */
 825     public void Test4052223()
 826     {
 827         try {
 828             DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,#00.00");
 829             Number num = fmt.parse("abc3");
 830             errln("Bug 4052223 failed : can't parse string \"a\".  Got " + num);
 831         } catch (ParseException foo) {
 832             logln("Caught expected ParseException : " + foo.getMessage() + " at index : " + foo.getErrorOffset());
 833         }
 834     }
 835     /**
 836      * API tests for API addition request A9.
 837      */
 838     public void Test4061302()
 839     {
 840         DecimalFormatSymbols fmt = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
 841         String currency = fmt.getCurrencySymbol();
 842         String intlCurrency = fmt.getInternationalCurrencySymbol();
 843         char monDecSeparator = fmt.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator();
 844         if (currency.equals("") ||
 845             intlCurrency.equals("") ||
 846             monDecSeparator == 0) {
 847             errln("getCurrencySymbols failed, got empty string.");
 848         }
 849         logln("Before set ==> Currency : " + currency + " Intl Currency : " + intlCurrency + " Monetary Decimal Separator : " + monDecSeparator);
 850         fmt.setCurrencySymbol("XYZ");
 851         fmt.setInternationalCurrencySymbol("ABC");
 852         fmt.setMonetaryDecimalSeparator('*');
 853         currency = fmt.getCurrencySymbol();
 854         intlCurrency = fmt.getInternationalCurrencySymbol();
 855         monDecSeparator = fmt.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator();
 856         if (!currency.equals("XYZ") ||
 857             !intlCurrency.equals("ABC") ||
 858             monDecSeparator != '*') {
 859             errln("setCurrencySymbols failed.");
 860         }
 861         logln("After set ==> Currency : " + currency + " Intl Currency : " + intlCurrency + " Monetary Decimal Separator : " + monDecSeparator);
 862     }
 863     /**
 864      * API tests for API addition request A23. FieldPosition.getBeginIndex and
 865      * FieldPosition.getEndIndex.
 866      */
 867     public void Test4062486()
 868     {
 869         DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
 870         StringBuffer formatted = new StringBuffer();
 871         FieldPosition field = new FieldPosition(0);
 872         Double num = new Double(1234.5);
 873         fmt.format(num, formatted, field);
 874         if (field.getBeginIndex() != 0 && field.getEndIndex() != 5)
 875             errln("Format 1234.5 failed. Begin index: " + field.getBeginIndex() + " End index: " + field.getEndIndex());
 876         field.setBeginIndex(7);
 877         field.setEndIndex(4);
 878         if (field.getBeginIndex() != 7 && field.getEndIndex() != 4)
 879             errln("Set begin/end field indexes failed. Begin index: " + field.getBeginIndex() + " End index: " + field.getEndIndex());
 880     }
 882     /**
 883      * DecimalFormat.parse incorrectly works with a group separator.
 884      */
 885     public void Test4108738()
 886     {
 888         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.###",
 889         DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(java.util.Locale.US));
 890         String text = "1.222,111";
 891         Number num = df.parse(text,new ParsePosition(0));
 892         if (!num.toString().equals("1.222"))
 893             errln("\"" + text + "\"  is parsed as " + num);
 894         text = "1.222x111";
 895         num = df.parse(text,new ParsePosition(0));
 896         if (!num.toString().equals("1.222"))
 897             errln("\"" + text + "\"  is parsed as " + num);
 898     }
 900     /**
 901      * DecimalFormat.format() incorrectly formats negative doubles.
 902      */
 903     public void Test4106658()
 904     {
 905         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 906         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 907         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); // Corrected; see 4147706
 908         double d1 = -0.0;
 909         double d2 = -0.0001;
 910         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
 911         logln("pattern: \"" + df.toPattern() + "\"");
 912         df.format(d1, buffer, new FieldPosition(0));
 913         if (!buffer.toString().equals("-0")) { // Corrected; see 4147706
 914             errln(d1 + "      is formatted as " + buffer);
 915         }
 916         buffer.setLength(0);
 917         df.format(d2, buffer, new FieldPosition(0));
 918         if (!buffer.toString().equals("-0")) { // Corrected; see 4147706
 919             errln(d2 + "      is formatted as " + buffer);
 920         }
 921         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 922     }
 924     /**
 925      * DecimalFormat.parse returns 0 if string parameter is incorrect.
 926      */
 927     public void Test4106662()
 928     {
 929         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 930         String text = "x";
 931         ParsePosition pos1 = new ParsePosition(0), pos2 = new ParsePosition(0);
 933         logln("pattern: \"" + df.toPattern() + "\"");
 934         Number num = df.parse(text, pos1);
 935         if (num != null) {
 936             errln("Test Failed: \"" + text + "\" is parsed as " + num);
 937         }
 938         df = null;
 939         df = new DecimalFormat("$###.00");
 940         num = df.parse("$", pos2);
 941         if (num != null){
 942             errln("Test Failed: \"$\" is parsed as " + num);
 943         }
 944     }
 946     /**
 947      * NumberFormat.parse doesn't return null
 948      */
 949     public void Test4114639()
 950     {
 951         NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();
 952         String text = "time 10:x";
 953         ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(8);
 954         Number result = format.parse(text, pos);
 955         if (result != null) errln("Should return null but got : " + result); // Should be null; it isn't
 956     }
 958     /**
 959      * DecimalFormat.format(long n) fails if n * multiplier > MAX_LONG.
 960      */
 961     public void Test4106664()
 962     {
 963         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 964         long n = 1234567890123456L;
 965         int m = 12345678;
 966         BigInteger bigN = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
 967         bigN = bigN.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(m));
 968         df.setMultiplier(m);
 969         df.setGroupingUsed(false);
 970         logln("formated: " +
 971             df.format(n, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)));
 972         logln("expected: " + bigN.toString());
 973     }
 974     /**
 975      * DecimalFormat.format incorrectly formats -0.0.
 976      */
 977     public void Test4106667()
 978     {
 979         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
 980         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
 981         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
 982         df.setPositivePrefix("+");
 983         double d = -0.0;
 984         logln("pattern: \"" + df.toPattern() + "\"");
 985         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
 986         df.format(d, buffer, new FieldPosition(0));
 987         if (!buffer.toString().equals("-0")) { // Corrected; see 4147706
 988             errln(d + "  is formatted as " + buffer);
 989         }
 990         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
 991     }
 993     /**
 994      * DecimalFormat.setMaximumIntegerDigits() works incorrectly.
 995      */
 996     public void Test4110936()
 997     {
 998         NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
 999         nf.setMaximumIntegerDigits(128);
1000         logln("setMaximumIntegerDigits(128)");
1001         if (nf.getMaximumIntegerDigits() != 128)
1002             errln("getMaximumIntegerDigits() returns " +
1003                 nf.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
1004     }
1006     /**
1007      * Locale data should use generic currency symbol
1008      *
1009      * 1) Make sure that all currency formats use the generic currency symbol.
1010      * 2) Make sure we get the same results using the generic symbol or a
1011      *    hard-coded one.
1012      */
1013     public void Test4122840()
1014     {
1015         Locale[] locales = NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales();
1017         for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
1018             ResourceBundle rb = LocaleData.getBundle("sun.text.resources.FormatData",
1019                                                      locales[i]);
1020             //
1021             // Get the currency pattern for this locale.  We have to fish it
1022             // out of the ResourceBundle directly, since DecimalFormat.toPattern
1023             // will return the localized symbol, not \00a4
1024             //
1025             String[] numPatterns = (String[])rb.getObject("NumberPatterns");
1026             String pattern = numPatterns[1];
1028             if (pattern.indexOf("\u00A4") == -1 ) {
1029                 errln("Currency format for " + locales[i] +
1030                         " does not contain generic currency symbol:" +
1031                         pattern );
1032             }
1034             // Create a DecimalFormat using the pattern we got and format a number
1035             DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locales[i]);
1036             DecimalFormat fmt1 = new DecimalFormat(pattern, symbols);
1038             String result1 = fmt1.format(1.111);
1040             //
1041             // Now substitute in the locale's currency symbol and create another
1042             // pattern.  Replace the decimal separator with the monetary separator.
1043             //
1044             char decSep = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
1045             char monSep = symbols.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator();
1046             StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(pattern);
1047             for (int j = 0; j < buf.length(); j++) {
1048                 if (buf.charAt(j) == '\u00a4') {
1049                     String cur = "'" + symbols.getCurrencySymbol() + "'";
1050                     buf.replace(j, j+1, cur);
1051                     j += cur.length() - 1;
1052                 }
1053             }
1054             symbols.setDecimalSeparator(monSep);
1055             DecimalFormat fmt2 = new DecimalFormat(buf.toString(), symbols);
1057             String result2 = fmt2.format(1.111);
1059             if (!result1.equals(result2)) {
1060                 errln("Results for " + locales[i] + " differ: " +
1061                       result1 + " vs " + result2);
1062             }
1063         }
1064     }
1066     /**
1067      * DecimalFormat.format() delivers wrong string.
1068      */
1069     public void Test4125885()
1070     {
1071         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1072         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1073         double rate = 12.34;
1074         DecimalFormat formatDec = new DecimalFormat ("000.00");
1075         logln("toPattern: " + formatDec.toPattern());
1076         String rateString= formatDec.format(rate);
1077         if (!rateString.equals("012.34"))
1078             errln("result : " + rateString + " expected : 012.34");
1079         rate = 0.1234;
1080         formatDec = null;
1081         formatDec = new DecimalFormat ("+000.00%;-000.00%");
1082         logln("toPattern: " + formatDec.toPattern());
1083         rateString= formatDec.format(rate);
1084         if (!rateString.equals("+012.34%"))
1085             errln("result : " + rateString + " expected : +012.34%");
1086         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1087     }
1089     /**
1090      **
1091      * DecimalFormat produces extra zeros when formatting numbers.
1092      */
1093     public void Test4134034() {
1094         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1095         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1096         DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("##,###,###.00");
1098         String f = nf.format(9.02);
1099         if (f.equals("9.02")) logln(f + " ok"); else errln("9.02 -> " + f + "; want 9.02");
1101         f = nf.format(0);
1102         if (f.equals(".00")) logln(f + " ok"); else errln("0 -> " + f + "; want .00");
1103         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1104     }
1106     /**
1107      * CANNOT REPRODUCE - This bug could not be reproduced.  It may be
1108      * a duplicate of 4134034.
1109      *
1110      * JDK 1.1.6 Bug, did NOT occur in 1.1.5
1111      * Possibly related to bug 4125885.
1112      *
1113      * This class demonstrates a regression in version 1.1.6
1114      * of DecimalFormat class.
1115      *
1116      * 1.1.6 Results
1117      * Value 1.2 Format #.00 Result '01.20' !!!wrong
1118      * Value 1.2 Format 0.00 Result '001.20' !!!wrong
1119      * Value 1.2 Format 00.00 Result '0001.20' !!!wrong
1120      * Value 1.2 Format #0.0# Result '1.2'
1121      * Value 1.2 Format #0.00 Result '001.20' !!!wrong
1122      *
1123      * 1.1.5 Results
1124      * Value 1.2 Format #.00 Result '1.20'
1125      * Value 1.2 Format 0.00 Result '1.20'
1126      * Value 1.2 Format 00.00 Result '01.20'
1127      * Value 1.2 Format #0.0# Result '1.2'
1128      * Value 1.2 Format #0.00 Result '1.20'
1129      */
1130     public void Test4134300() {
1131         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1132         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1133         String[] DATA = {
1134          // Pattern      Expected string
1135             "#.00",      "1.20",
1136             "0.00",      "1.20",
1137             "00.00",     "01.20",
1138             "#0.0#",     "1.2",
1139             "#0.00",     "1.20",
1140         };
1141         for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
1142             String result = new DecimalFormat(DATA[i]).format(1.2);
1143             if (!result.equals(DATA[i+1])) {
1144                 errln("Fail: 1.2 x " + DATA[i] + " = " + result +
1145                       "; want " + DATA[i+1]);
1146             }
1147             else {
1148                 logln("Ok: 1.2 x " + DATA[i] + " = " + result);
1149             }
1150         }
1151         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1152     }
1154     /**
1155      * Empty pattern produces double negative prefix.
1156      */
1157     public void Test4140009() {
1158         for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
1159             DecimalFormat f = null;
1160             switch (i) {
1161             case 0:
1162                 f = new DecimalFormat("",
1163                             DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH));
1164                 break;
1165             case 1:
1166                 f = new DecimalFormat("#.#",
1167                             DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH));
1168                 f.applyPattern("");
1169                 break;
1170             }
1171             String s = f.format(123.456);
1172             if (!s.equals("123.456"))
1173                 errln("Fail: Format empty pattern x 123.456 => " + s);
1174             s = f.format(-123.456);
1175             if (!s.equals("-123.456"))
1176                 errln("Fail: Format empty pattern x -123.456 => " + s);
1177         }
1178     }
1180     /**
1181      * BigDecimal numbers get their fractions truncated by NumberFormat.
1182      */
1183     public void Test4141750() {
1184         try {
1185             String str = "12345.67";
1186             BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(str);
1187             NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
1188             String sd = nf.format(bd);
1189             if (!sd.endsWith("67")) {
1190                 errln("Fail: " + str + " x format -> " + sd);
1191             }
1192         }
1193         catch (Exception e) {
1194             errln(e.toString());
1195             e.printStackTrace();
1196         }
1197     }
1199     /**
1200      * DecimalFormat toPattern() doesn't quote special characters or handle
1201      * single quotes.
1202      */
1203     public void Test4145457() {
1204         try {
1205             DecimalFormat nf = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getInstance();
1206             DecimalFormatSymbols sym = nf.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
1207             sym.setDecimalSeparator('\'');
1208             nf.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1209             double pi = 3.14159;
1211             String[] PATS = { "#.00 'num''ber'", "''#.00''" };
1213             for (int i=0; i<PATS.length; ++i) {
1214                 nf.applyPattern(PATS[i]);
1215                 String out = nf.format(pi);
1216                 String pat = nf.toPattern();
1217                 double val = nf.parse(out).doubleValue();
1219                 nf.applyPattern(pat);
1220                 String out2 = nf.format(pi);
1221                 String pat2 = nf.toPattern();
1222                 double val2 = nf.parse(out2).doubleValue();
1224                 if (!pat.equals(pat2))
1225                     errln("Fail with \"" + PATS[i] + "\": Patterns should concur, \"" +
1226                           pat + "\" vs. \"" + pat2 + "\"");
1227                 else
1228                     logln("Ok \"" + PATS[i] + "\" toPattern() -> \"" + pat + '"');
1230                 if (val == val2 && out.equals(out2)) {
1231                     logln("Ok " + pi + " x \"" + PATS[i] + "\" -> \"" +
1232                           out + "\" -> " + val + " -> \"" +
1233                           out2 + "\" -> " + val2);
1234                 }
1235                 else {
1236                     errln("Fail " + pi + " x \"" + PATS[i] + "\" -> \"" +
1237                           out + "\" -> " + val + " -> \"" +
1238                           out2 + "\" -> " + val2);
1239                 }
1240             }
1241         }
1242         catch (ParseException e) {
1243             errln("Fail: " + e);
1244             e.printStackTrace();
1245         }
1246     }
1248     /**
1249      * DecimalFormat.applyPattern() sets minimum integer digits incorrectly.
1251      * This bug is a duplicate of 4139344, which is a duplicate of 4134300
1252      */
1253     public void Test4147295() {
1254         DecimalFormat sdf = new DecimalFormat();
1255         String pattern = "#,###";
1256         logln("Applying pattern \"" + pattern + "\"");
1257         sdf.applyPattern(pattern);
1258         int minIntDig = sdf.getMinimumIntegerDigits();
1259         if (minIntDig != 0) {
1260             errln("Test failed");
1261             errln(" Minimum integer digits : " + minIntDig);
1262             errln(" new pattern: " + sdf.toPattern());
1263         } else {
1264             logln("Test passed");
1265             logln(" Minimum integer digits : " + minIntDig);
1266         }
1267     }
1269     /**
1270      * DecimalFormat formats -0.0 as +0.0
1271      * See also older related bug 4106658, 4106667
1272      */
1273     public void Test4147706() {
1274         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0##");
1275         df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH));
1276         double d1 = -0.0;
1277         double d2 = -0.0001;
1278         StringBuffer f1 = df.format(d1, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
1279         StringBuffer f2 = df.format(d2, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
1280         if (!f1.toString().equals("-0.0")) {
1281             errln(d1 + " x \"" + df.toPattern() + "\" is formatted as \"" + f1 + '"');
1282         }
1283         if (!f2.toString().equals("-0.0")) {
1284             errln(d2 + " x \"" + df.toPattern() + "\" is formatted as \"" + f2 + '"');
1285         }
1286     }
1288     /**
1289      * NumberFormat cannot format Double.MAX_VALUE
1290      */
1291     public void Test4162198() {
1292         double dbl = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1293         NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance();
1294         f.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1295         f.setMaximumIntegerDigits(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1296         String s = f.format(dbl);
1297         logln("The number " + dbl + " formatted to " + s);
1298         Number n = null;
1299         try {
1300             n = f.parse(s);
1301         } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
1302             errln("Caught a ParseException:");
1303             e.printStackTrace();
1304         }
1305         logln("The string " + s + " parsed as " + n);
1306         if (n.doubleValue() != dbl) {
1307             errln("Round trip failure");
1308         }
1309     }
1311     /**
1312      * NumberFormat does not parse negative zero.
1313      */
1314     public void Test4162852() throws ParseException {
1315         for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
1316             NumberFormat f = (i == 0) ? NumberFormat.getInstance()
1317                 : NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
1318             double d = -0.0;
1319             String s = f.format(d);
1320             double e = f.parse(s).doubleValue();
1321             logln("" +
1322                   d + " -> " +
1323                   '"' + s + '"' + " -> " +
1324               e);
1325             if (e != 0.0 || 1.0/e > 0.0) {
1326                 logln("Failed to parse negative zero");
1327             }
1328         }
1329     }
1331     /**
1332      * NumberFormat truncates data
1333      */
1334     public void Test4167494() throws Exception {
1335         NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
1337         double a = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1338         String s = fmt.format(a);
1339         double b = fmt.parse(s).doubleValue();
1340         boolean match = a == b;
1341         if (match) {
1342             logln("" + a + " -> \"" + s + "\" -> " + b + " ok");
1343         } else {
1344             errln("" + a + " -> \"" + s + "\" -> " + b + " FAIL");
1345         }
1347         // We don't test Double.MIN_VALUE because the locale data for the US
1348         // currently doesn't specify enough digits to display Double.MIN_VALUE.
1349         // This is correct for now; however, we leave this here as a reminder
1350         // in case we want to address this later.
1351         if (false) {
1352             a = Double.MIN_VALUE;
1353             s = fmt.format(a);
1354             b = fmt.parse(s).doubleValue();
1355             match = a == b;
1356             if (match) {
1357                 logln("" + a + " -> \"" + s + "\" -> " + b + " ok");
1358             } else {
1359                 errln("" + a + " -> \"" + s + "\" -> " + b + " FAIL");
1360             }
1361         }
1362     }
1364     /**
1365      * DecimalFormat.parse() fails when ParseIntegerOnly set to true
1366      */
1367     public void Test4170798() {
1368         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1369         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1370         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
1371         df.setParseIntegerOnly(true);
1372         Number n = df.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
1373         if (!(n instanceof Long || n instanceof Integer)
1374             || n.intValue() != 0) {
1375             errln("FAIL: parse(\"-0.0\") returns " +
1376                   n + " (" + n.getClass().getName() + ')');
1377         }
1378         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1379     }
1381     /**
1382      * toPattern only puts the first grouping separator in.
1383      */
1384     public void Test4176114() {
1385         String[] DATA = {
1386             "00", "#00",
1387             "000", "#000", // No grouping
1388             "#000", "#000", // No grouping
1389             "#,##0", "#,##0",
1390             "#,000", "#,000",
1391             "0,000", "#0,000",
1392             "00,000", "#00,000",
1393             "000,000", "#,000,000",
1394             "0,000,000,000,000.0000", "#0,000,000,000,000.0000", // Reported
1395         };
1396         for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
1397             DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(DATA[i]);
1398             String s = df.toPattern();
1399             if (!s.equals(DATA[i+1])) {
1400                 errln("FAIL: " + DATA[i] + " -> " + s + ", want " + DATA[i+1]);
1401             }
1402         }
1403     }
1405     /**
1406      * DecimalFormat is incorrectly rounding numbers like 1.2501 to 1.2
1407      */
1408     public void Test4179818() {
1409         String DATA[] = {
1410             // Input  Pattern  Expected output
1411             "1.2511", "#.#",   "1.3",
1412             "1.2501", "#.#",   "1.3",
1413             "0.9999", "#",     "1",
1414         };
1415         DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#",
1416                 DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US));
1417         for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=3) {
1418             double in = Double.valueOf(DATA[i]).doubleValue();
1419             String pat = DATA[i+1];
1420             String exp = DATA[i+2];
1421             fmt.applyPattern(pat);
1422             String out = fmt.format(in);
1423             if (out.equals(exp)) {
1424                 logln("Ok: " + in + " x " + pat + " = " + out);
1425             } else {
1426                 errln("FAIL: " + in + " x  " + pat + " = " + out +
1427                       ", expected " + exp);
1428             }
1429         }
1430     }
1432     public void Test4185761() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
1433         /* Code used to write out the initial files, which are
1434          * then edited manually:
1435         NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
1436         nf.setMinimumIntegerDigits(0x111); // Keep under 309
1437         nf.setMaximumIntegerDigits(0x112); // Keep under 309
1438         nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(0x113); // Keep under 340
1439         nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0x114); // Keep under 340
1440         FileOutputStream ostream =
1441             new FileOutputStream("NumberFormat4185761");
1442         ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(ostream);
1443         p.writeObject(nf);
1444         ostream.close();
1445         */
1447         // File                 minint maxint minfrac maxfrac
1448         // NumberFormat4185761a  0x122  0x121   0x124   0x123
1449         // NumberFormat4185761b  0x311  0x312   0x313   0x314
1450         // File a is bad because the mins are smaller than the maxes.
1451         // File b is bad because the values are too big for a DecimalFormat.
1452         // These files have a sufix ".ser.txt".
1454         InputStream istream = HexDumpReader.getStreamFromHexDump("NumberFormat4185761a.ser.txt");
1455         ObjectInputStream p = new ObjectInputStream(istream);
1456         try {
1457             NumberFormat nf = (NumberFormat) p.readObject();
1458             errln("FAIL: Deserialized bogus NumberFormat int:" +
1459                   nf.getMinimumIntegerDigits() + ".." +
1460                   nf.getMaximumIntegerDigits() + " frac:" +
1461                   nf.getMinimumFractionDigits() + ".." +
1462                   nf.getMaximumFractionDigits());
1463         } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
1464             logln("Ok: " + e.getMessage());
1465         }
1466         istream.close();
1468         istream = HexDumpReader.getStreamFromHexDump("NumberFormat4185761b.ser.txt");
1469         p = new ObjectInputStream(istream);
1470         try {
1471             NumberFormat nf = (NumberFormat) p.readObject();
1472             errln("FAIL: Deserialized bogus DecimalFormat int:" +
1473                   nf.getMinimumIntegerDigits() + ".." +
1474                   nf.getMaximumIntegerDigits() + " frac:" +
1475                   nf.getMinimumFractionDigits() + ".." +
1476                   nf.getMaximumFractionDigits());
1477         } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
1478             logln("Ok: " + e.getMessage());
1479         }
1480         istream.close();
1481     }
1484     /**
1485      * Some DecimalFormatSymbols changes are not picked up by DecimalFormat.
1486      * This includes the minus sign, currency symbol, international currency
1487      * symbol, percent, and permille.  This is filed as bugs 4212072 and
1488      * 4212073.
1489      */
1490     public void Test4212072() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
1491         DecimalFormatSymbols sym = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US);
1492         DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#", sym);
1494         sym.setMinusSign('^');
1495         fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1496         if (!fmt.format(-1).equals("^1")) {
1497             errln("FAIL: -1 x (minus=^) -> " + fmt.format(-1) +
1498                   ", exp ^1");
1499         }
1500         if (!fmt.getNegativePrefix().equals("^")) {
1501             errln("FAIL: (minus=^).getNegativePrefix -> " +
1502                   fmt.getNegativePrefix() + ", exp ^");
1503         }
1504         sym.setMinusSign('-');
1506         fmt.applyPattern("#%");
1507         sym.setPercent('^');
1508         fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1509         if (!fmt.format(0.25).equals("25^")) {
1510             errln("FAIL: 0.25 x (percent=^) -> " + fmt.format(0.25) +
1511                   ", exp 25^");
1512         }
1513         if (!fmt.getPositiveSuffix().equals("^")) {
1514             errln("FAIL: (percent=^).getPositiveSuffix -> " +
1515                   fmt.getPositiveSuffix() + ", exp ^");
1516         }
1517         sym.setPercent('%');
1519         fmt.applyPattern("#\u2030");
1520         sym.setPerMill('^');
1521         fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1522         if (!fmt.format(0.25).equals("250^")) {
1523             errln("FAIL: 0.25 x (permill=^) -> " + fmt.format(0.25) +
1524                   ", exp 250^");
1525         }
1526         if (!fmt.getPositiveSuffix().equals("^")) {
1527             errln("FAIL: (permill=^).getPositiveSuffix -> " +
1528                   fmt.getPositiveSuffix() + ", exp ^");
1529         }
1530         sym.setPerMill('\u2030');
1532         fmt.applyPattern("\u00A4#.00");
1533         sym.setCurrencySymbol("usd");
1534         fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1535         if (!fmt.format(12.5).equals("usd12.50")) {
1536             errln("FAIL: 12.5 x (currency=usd) -> " + fmt.format(12.5) +
1537                   ", exp usd12.50");
1538         }
1539         if (!fmt.getPositivePrefix().equals("usd")) {
1540             errln("FAIL: (currency=usd).getPositivePrefix -> " +
1541                   fmt.getPositivePrefix() + ", exp usd");
1542         }
1543         sym.setCurrencySymbol("$");
1545         fmt.applyPattern("\u00A4\u00A4#.00");
1546         sym.setInternationalCurrencySymbol("DOL");
1547         fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sym);
1548         if (!fmt.format(12.5).equals("DOL12.50")) {
1549             errln("FAIL: 12.5 x (intlcurrency=DOL) -> " + fmt.format(12.5) +
1550                   ", exp DOL12.50");
1551         }
1552         if (!fmt.getPositivePrefix().equals("DOL")) {
1553             errln("FAIL: (intlcurrency=DOL).getPositivePrefix -> " +
1554                   fmt.getPositivePrefix() + ", exp DOL");
1555         }
1556         sym.setInternationalCurrencySymbol("USD");
1558         // Since the pattern logic has changed, make sure that patterns round
1559         // trip properly.  Test stream in/out integrity too.
1560         Locale[] avail = NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales();
1561         for (int i=0; i<avail.length; ++i) {
1562             for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
1563                 NumberFormat nf;
1564                 switch (j) {
1565                 case 0:
1566                     nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(avail[i]);
1567                     break;
1568                 case 1:
1569                     nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(avail[i]);
1570                     break;
1571                 default:
1572                     nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(avail[i]);
1573                     break;
1574                 }
1575                 DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) nf;
1577                 // Test toPattern/applyPattern round trip
1578                 String pat = df.toPattern();
1579                 DecimalFormatSymbols symb = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(avail[i]);
1580                 DecimalFormat f2 = new DecimalFormat(pat, symb);
1581                 if (!df.equals(f2)) {
1582                     errln("FAIL: " + avail[i] + " -> \"" + pat +
1583                           "\" -> \"" + f2.toPattern() + '"');
1584                 }
1586                 // Test toLocalizedPattern/applyLocalizedPattern round trip
1587                 pat = df.toLocalizedPattern();
1588                 f2.applyLocalizedPattern(pat);
1589                 if (!df.equals(f2)) {
1590                     errln("FAIL: " + avail[i] + " -> localized \"" + pat +
1591                           "\" -> \"" + f2.toPattern() + '"');
1592                 }
1594                 // Test writeObject/readObject round trip
1595                 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1596                 ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
1597                 oos.writeObject(df);
1598                 oos.flush();
1599                 baos.close();
1600                 byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
1601                 ObjectInputStream ois =
1602                     new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
1603                 f2 = (DecimalFormat) ois.readObject();
1604                 if (!df.equals(f2)) {
1605                     errln("FAIL: Stream in/out " + avail[i] + " -> \"" + pat +
1606                           "\" -> " +
1607                           (f2 != null ? ("\""+f2.toPattern()+'"') : "null"));
1608                 }
1610             }
1611         }
1612     }
1614     /**
1615      * DecimalFormat.parse() fails for mulipliers 2^n.
1616      */
1617     public void Test4216742() throws ParseException {
1618         DecimalFormat fmt = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
1619         long[] DATA = { Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, -100000000L, 100000000L};
1620         for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; ++i) {
1621             String str = Long.toString(DATA[i]);
1622             for (int m = 1; m <= 100; m++) {
1623                 fmt.setMultiplier(m);
1624                 long n = ((Number) fmt.parse(str)).longValue();
1625                 if (n > 0 != DATA[i] > 0) {
1626                     errln("\"" + str + "\" parse(x " + fmt.getMultiplier() +
1627                           ") => " + n);
1628                 }
1629             }
1630         }
1631     }
1633     /**
1634      * DecimalFormat formats 1.001 to "1.00" instead of "1" with 2 fraction
1635      * digits.
1636      */
1637     public void Test4217661() {
1638         Object[] DATA = {
1639             new Double(0.001), "0",
1640             new Double(1.001), "1",
1641             new Double(0.006), "0.01",
1642             new Double(1.006), "1.01",
1643         };
1644         NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
1645         fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
1646         for (int i=0; i<DATA.length; i+=2) {
1647             String s = fmt.format(((Double) DATA[i]).doubleValue());
1648             if (!s.equals(DATA[i+1])) {
1649                 errln("FAIL: Got " + s + ", exp " + DATA[i+1]);
1650             }
1651         }
1652     }
1654     /**
1655      * 4243011: Formatting .5 rounds to "1" instead of "0"
1656      */
1657     public void Test4243011() {
1658         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1659         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1660         double DATA[] = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5};
1661         String EXPECTED[] = {"0.", "2.", "2.", "4.", "4."};
1663         DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.");
1664         for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) {
1665             String result = format.format(DATA[i]);
1666             if (result.equals(EXPECTED[i])) {
1667                 logln("OK: got " + result);
1668             } else {
1669                 errln("FAIL: got " + result);
1670             }
1671         }
1672         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1673     }
1675     /**
1676      * 4243108: format(0.0) gives "0.1" if preceded by parse("99.99")
1677      */
1678     public void Test4243108() {
1679         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1680         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1681         DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#.#");
1682         String result = f.format(0.0);
1683         if (result.equals("0")) {
1684             logln("OK: got " + result);
1685         } else {
1686             errln("FAIL: got " + result);
1687         }
1688         try {
1689             double dResult = f.parse("99.99").doubleValue();
1690             if (dResult == 99.99) {
1691                 logln("OK: got " + dResult);
1692             } else {
1693                 errln("FAIL: got " + dResult);
1694             }
1695         } catch (ParseException e) {
1696             errln("Caught a ParseException:");
1697             e.printStackTrace();
1698         }
1699         result = f.format(0.0);
1700         if (result.equals("0")) {
1701             logln("OK: got " + result);
1702         } else {
1703             errln("FAIL: got " + result);
1704         }
1705         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1706     }
1708     /**
1709      * 4330377: DecimalFormat engineering notation gives incorrect results
1710      */
1711     public void test4330377() {
1712         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1713         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1714         double[] input = {5000.0, 500.0, 50.0, 5.0, 0.5, 0.05, 0.005, 0.0005,
1715                5050.0, 505.0, 50.5, 5.05, 0.505, 0.0505, 0.00505, 0.000505};
1716         String[] pattern = {"000.#E0", "##0.#E0", "#00.#E0"};
1717         String[][] expected = {
1718             // it's questionable whether "#00.#E0" should result in post-decimal
1719             // zeroes, i.e., whether "5.0E3", "5.0E0", "5.0E-3" are really good
1720             {"500E1", "5E3", "5.0E3"},
1721             {"500E0", "500E0", "500E0"},
1722             {"500E-1", "50E0", "50E0"},
1723             {"500E-2", "5E0", "5.0E0"},
1724             {"500E-3", "500E-3", "500E-3"},
1725             {"500E-4", "50E-3", "50E-3"},
1726             {"500E-5", "5E-3", "5.0E-3"},
1727             {"500E-6", "500E-6", "500E-6"},
1728             {"505E1", "5.05E3", "5.05E3"},
1729             {"505E0", "505E0", "505E0"},
1730             {"505E-1", "50.5E0", "50.5E0"},
1731             {"505E-2", "5.05E0", "5.05E0"},
1732             {"505E-3", "505E-3", "505E-3"},
1733             {"505E-4", "50.5E-3", "50.5E-3"},
1734             {"505E-5", "5.05E-3", "5.05E-3"},
1735             {"505E-6", "505E-6", "505E-6"}
1736         };
1737         for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
1738             for (int j = 0; j < pattern.length; j++) {
1739                 DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(pattern[j]);
1740                 String result = format.format(input[i]);
1741                 if (!result.equals(expected[i][j])) {
1742                     errln("FAIL: input: " + input[i] +
1743                             ", pattern: " + pattern[j] +
1744                             ", expected: " + expected[i][j] +
1745                             ", got: " + result);
1746                 }
1747             }
1748         }
1749         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1750     }
1752     /**
1753      * 4233840: NumberFormat does not round correctly
1754      */
1755     public void test4233840() {
1756         float f = 0.0099f;
1758         NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.##", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US));
1759         nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);
1761         String result = nf.format(f);
1763         if (!result.equals("0.01")) {
1764             errln("FAIL: input: " + f + ", expected: 0.01, got: " + result);
1765         }
1766     }
1768     /**
1769      * 4241880: Decimal format doesnt round a double properly when the number is less than 1
1770      */
1771     public void test4241880() {
1772         Locale savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
1773         Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
1774         double[] input = {
1775                 .019, .009, .015, .016, .014,
1776                 .004, .005, .006, .007, .008,
1777                 .5, 1.5, .25, .55, .045,
1778                 .035, .0005, .0015,
1779         };
1780         String[] pattern = {
1781                 "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%",
1782                 "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%", "##0%",
1783                 "#,##0", "#,##0", "#,##0.0", "#,##0.0", "#,##0.00",
1784                 "#,##0.00", "#,##0.000", "#,##0.000",
1785         };
1786         String[] expected = {
1787                 "2%", "1%", "2%", "2%", "1%",
1788                 "0%", "0%", "1%", "1%", "1%",
1789                 "0", "2", "0.2", "0.6", "0.04",
1790                 "0.04", "0.000", "0.002",
1791         };
1792         for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
1793             DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(pattern[i]);
1794             String result = format.format(input[i]);
1795             if (!result.equals(expected[i])) {
1796                 errln("FAIL: input: " + input[i] +
1797                         ", pattern: " + pattern[i] +
1798                         ", expected: " + expected[i] +
1799                         ", got: " + result);
1800             }
1801         }
1802         Locale.setDefault(savedLocale);
1803     }
1804 }
1806 class myformat implements Serializable
1807 {
1808     DateFormat _dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
1810     public String Now()
1811     {
1812         GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
1813         Date t = calendar.getTime();
1814         String nowStr = _dateFormat.format(t);
1815         return nowStr;
1816     }
1817 }
1819 class MyNumberFormatTest extends NumberFormat {
1820     public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) {
1821         return new StringBuffer("");
1822     }
1823     public StringBuffer format(long number,StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) {
1824         return new StringBuffer("");
1825     }
1826     public Number parse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition) {
1827         return new Integer(0);
1828     }
1829 }