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  69     }
  71     // public methods --------------------------------------------------------
  73     /**
  74      * Loads an ICU binary data file and returns it as a ByteBuffer.
  75      * The buffer contents is normally read-only, but its position etc. can be modified.
  76      *
  77      * @param itemPath Relative ICU data item path, for example "root.res" or "coll/ucadata.icu".
  78      * @return The data as a read-only ByteBuffer.
  79      */
  80     public static ByteBuffer getRequiredData(String itemPath) {
  81         final Class<ICUBinary> root = ICUBinary.class;
  83         try (InputStream is = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() {
  84                 public InputStream run() {
  85                     return root.getResourceAsStream(itemPath);
  86                 }
  87             })) {
  89             BufferedInputStream b=new BufferedInputStream(is, 4096 /* data buffer size */);
  90             DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(b);
  91             byte[] bb = new byte[130000];
  92             int n = inputStream.read(bb);
  93             ByteBuffer bytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(bb, 0, n);
  94             return bytes;

  95         }
  96         catch (IOException e) {
  97             throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
  98         }
  99     }
 101     /**
 102      * Same as readHeader(), but returns a VersionInfo rather than a compact int.
 103      */
 104     public static VersionInfo readHeaderAndDataVersion(ByteBuffer bytes,
 105                                                              int dataFormat,
 106                                                              Authenticate authenticate)
 107                                                                 throws IOException {
 108         return getVersionInfoFromCompactInt(readHeader(bytes, dataFormat, authenticate));
 109     }
 111     private static final byte BIG_ENDIAN_ = 1;
 112     public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
 113                                         byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
 114                                         Authenticate authenticate)

  69     }
  71     // public methods --------------------------------------------------------
  73     /**
  74      * Loads an ICU binary data file and returns it as a ByteBuffer.
  75      * The buffer contents is normally read-only, but its position etc. can be modified.
  76      *
  77      * @param itemPath Relative ICU data item path, for example "root.res" or "coll/ucadata.icu".
  78      * @return The data as a read-only ByteBuffer.
  79      */
  80     public static ByteBuffer getRequiredData(String itemPath) {
  81         final Class<ICUBinary> root = ICUBinary.class;
  83         try (InputStream is = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() {
  84                 public InputStream run() {
  85                     return root.getResourceAsStream(itemPath);
  86                 }
  87             })) {
  89             // is.available() may return 0, or 1, or the total number of bytes in the stream,
  90             // or some other number.
  91             // Do not try to use is.available() == 0 to find the end of the stream!
  92             byte[] bytes;
  93             int avail = is.available();
  94             if (avail > 32) {
  95                 // There are more bytes available than just the ICU data header length.
  96                 // With luck, it is the total number of bytes.
  97                 bytes = new byte[avail];
  98             } else {
  99                 bytes = new byte[128];  // empty .res files are even smaller
 100             }
 101             // Call is.read(...) until one returns a negative value.
 102             int length = 0;
 103             for(;;) {
 104                 if (length < bytes.length) {
 105                     int numRead = is.read(bytes, length, bytes.length - length);
 106                     if (numRead < 0) {
 107                         break;  // end of stream
 108                     }
 109                     length += numRead;
 110                 } else {
 111                     // See if we are at the end of the stream before we grow the array.
 112                     int nextByte = is.read();
 113                     if (nextByte < 0) {
 114                         break;
 115                     }
 116                     int capacity = 2 * bytes.length;
 117                     if (capacity < 128) {
 118                         capacity = 128;
 119                     } else if (capacity < 0x4000) {
 120                         capacity *= 2;  // Grow faster until we reach 16kB.
 121                     }
 122                     // TODO Java 6 replace new byte[] and arraycopy(): bytes = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, capacity);
 123                     byte[] newBytes = new byte[capacity];
 124                     System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newBytes, 0, length);
 125                     bytes = newBytes;
 126                     bytes[length++] = (byte) nextByte;
 127                 }
 128            }
 129             return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, 0, length);
 130         }
 131         catch (IOException e) {
 132             throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
 133         }
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * Same as readHeader(), but returns a VersionInfo rather than a compact int.
 138      */
 139     public static VersionInfo readHeaderAndDataVersion(ByteBuffer bytes,
 140                                                              int dataFormat,
 141                                                              Authenticate authenticate)
 142                                                                 throws IOException {
 143         return getVersionInfoFromCompactInt(readHeader(bytes, dataFormat, authenticate));
 144     }
 146     private static final byte BIG_ENDIAN_ = 1;
 147     public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
 148                                         byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
 149                                         Authenticate authenticate)

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