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*** 1,8 **** ! # PropertyValueAliases-10.0.0.txt ! # Date: 2017-05-17, 08:45:34 GMT ! # Copyright (c) 2017 Unicode, Inc. # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. # For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html # # Unicode Character Database # For documentation, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/ --- 1,8 ---- ! # PropertyValueAliases-11.0.0.txt ! # Date: 2018-05-20, 09:03:12 GMT ! # Copyright (c) 2018 Unicode, Inc. # Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. # For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html # # Unicode Character Database # For documentation, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/
*** 79,88 **** --- 79,89 ---- age; 6.3 ; V6_3 age; 7.0 ; V7_0 age; 8.0 ; V8_0 age; 9.0 ; V9_0 age; 10.0 ; V10_0 + age; 11.0 ; V11_0 age; NA ; Unassigned # Alphabetic (Alpha) Alpha; N ; No ; F ; False
*** 180,189 **** --- 181,191 ---- blk; Caucasian_Albanian ; Caucasian_Albanian blk; Chakma ; Chakma blk; Cham ; Cham blk; Cherokee ; Cherokee blk; Cherokee_Sup ; Cherokee_Supplement + blk; Chess_Symbols ; Chess_Symbols blk; CJK ; CJK_Unified_Ideographs blk; CJK_Compat ; CJK_Compatibility blk; CJK_Compat_Forms ; CJK_Compatibility_Forms blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs blk; CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup ; CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement
*** 216,225 **** --- 218,228 ---- blk; Diacriticals ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks blk; Diacriticals_Ext ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended blk; Diacriticals_For_Symbols ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols; Combining_Marks_For_Symbols blk; Diacriticals_Sup ; Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement blk; Dingbats ; Dingbats + blk; Dogra ; Dogra blk; Domino ; Domino_Tiles blk; Duployan ; Duployan blk; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform ; Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform blk; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs blk; Elbasan ; Elbasan
*** 233,264 **** --- 236,271 ---- blk; Ethiopic_Ext_A ; Ethiopic_Extended_A blk; Ethiopic_Sup ; Ethiopic_Supplement blk; Geometric_Shapes ; Geometric_Shapes blk; Geometric_Shapes_Ext ; Geometric_Shapes_Extended blk; Georgian ; Georgian + blk; Georgian_Ext ; Georgian_Extended blk; Georgian_Sup ; Georgian_Supplement blk; Glagolitic ; Glagolitic blk; Glagolitic_Sup ; Glagolitic_Supplement blk; Gothic ; Gothic blk; Grantha ; Grantha blk; Greek ; Greek_And_Coptic blk; Greek_Ext ; Greek_Extended blk; Gujarati ; Gujarati + blk; Gunjala_Gondi ; Gunjala_Gondi blk; Gurmukhi ; Gurmukhi blk; Half_And_Full_Forms ; Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms blk; Half_Marks ; Combining_Half_Marks blk; Hangul ; Hangul_Syllables + blk; Hanifi_Rohingya ; Hanifi_Rohingya blk; Hanunoo ; Hanunoo blk; Hatran ; Hatran blk; Hebrew ; Hebrew blk; High_PU_Surrogates ; High_Private_Use_Surrogates blk; High_Surrogates ; High_Surrogates blk; Hiragana ; Hiragana blk; IDC ; Ideographic_Description_Characters blk; Ideographic_Symbols ; Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation blk; Imperial_Aramaic ; Imperial_Aramaic blk; Indic_Number_Forms ; Common_Indic_Number_Forms + blk; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers ; Indic_Siyaq_Numbers blk; Inscriptional_Pahlavi ; Inscriptional_Pahlavi blk; Inscriptional_Parthian ; Inscriptional_Parthian blk; IPA_Ext ; IPA_Extensions blk; Jamo ; Hangul_Jamo blk; Jamo_Ext_A ; Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A
*** 296,312 **** --- 303,322 ---- blk; Low_Surrogates ; Low_Surrogates blk; Lycian ; Lycian blk; Lydian ; Lydian blk; Mahajani ; Mahajani blk; Mahjong ; Mahjong_Tiles + blk; Makasar ; Makasar blk; Malayalam ; Malayalam blk; Mandaic ; Mandaic blk; Manichaean ; Manichaean blk; Marchen ; Marchen blk; Masaram_Gondi ; Masaram_Gondi blk; Math_Alphanum ; Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols blk; Math_Operators ; Mathematical_Operators + blk; Mayan_Numerals ; Mayan_Numerals + blk; Medefaidrin ; Medefaidrin blk; Meetei_Mayek ; Meetei_Mayek blk; Meetei_Mayek_Ext ; Meetei_Mayek_Extensions blk; Mende_Kikakui ; Mende_Kikakui blk; Meroitic_Cursive ; Meroitic_Cursive blk; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs ; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs
*** 341,350 **** --- 351,361 ---- blk; Old_Hungarian ; Old_Hungarian blk; Old_Italic ; Old_Italic blk; Old_North_Arabian ; Old_North_Arabian blk; Old_Permic ; Old_Permic blk; Old_Persian ; Old_Persian + blk; Old_Sogdian ; Old_Sogdian blk; Old_South_Arabian ; Old_South_Arabian blk; Old_Turkic ; Old_Turkic blk; Oriya ; Oriya blk; Ornamental_Dingbats ; Ornamental_Dingbats blk; Osage ; Osage
*** 371,380 **** --- 382,392 ---- blk; Shorthand_Format_Controls ; Shorthand_Format_Controls blk; Siddham ; Siddham blk; Sinhala ; Sinhala blk; Sinhala_Archaic_Numbers ; Sinhala_Archaic_Numbers blk; Small_Forms ; Small_Form_Variants + blk; Sogdian ; Sogdian blk; Sora_Sompeng ; Sora_Sompeng blk; Soyombo ; Soyombo blk; Specials ; Specials blk; Sundanese ; Sundanese blk; Sundanese_Sup ; Sundanese_Supplement
*** 584,593 **** --- 596,609 ---- ea ; H ; Halfwidth ea ; N ; Neutral ea ; Na ; Narrow ea ; W ; Wide + # Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph (EqUIdeo) + + # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph; <none> + # Expands_On_NFC (XO_NFC) XO_NFC; N ; No ; F ; False XO_NFC; Y ; Yes ; T ; True
*** 772,781 **** --- 788,798 ---- InSC; Cantillation_Mark ; Cantillation_Mark InSC; Consonant ; Consonant InSC; Consonant_Dead ; Consonant_Dead InSC; Consonant_Final ; Consonant_Final InSC; Consonant_Head_Letter ; Consonant_Head_Letter + InSC; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed ; Consonant_Initial_Postfixed InSC; Consonant_Killer ; Consonant_Killer InSC; Consonant_Medial ; Consonant_Medial InSC; Consonant_Placeholder ; Consonant_Placeholder InSC; Consonant_Preceding_Repha ; Consonant_Preceding_Repha InSC; Consonant_Prefixed ; Consonant_Prefixed
*** 882,891 **** --- 899,910 ---- jg ; Feh ; Feh jg ; Final_Semkath ; Final_Semkath jg ; Gaf ; Gaf jg ; Gamal ; Gamal jg ; Hah ; Hah + jg ; Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya ; Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya + jg ; Hanifi_Rohingya_Pa ; Hanifi_Rohingya_Pa jg ; He ; He jg ; Heh ; Heh jg ; Heh_Goal ; Heh_Goal jg ; Heth ; Heth jg ; Kaf ; Kaf
*** 1187,1203 **** --- 1206,1224 ---- sc ; Cher ; Cherokee sc ; Copt ; Coptic ; Qaac sc ; Cprt ; Cypriot sc ; Cyrl ; Cyrillic sc ; Deva ; Devanagari + sc ; Dogr ; Dogra sc ; Dsrt ; Deseret sc ; Dupl ; Duployan sc ; Egyp ; Egyptian_Hieroglyphs sc ; Elba ; Elbasan sc ; Ethi ; Ethiopic sc ; Geor ; Georgian sc ; Glag ; Glagolitic + sc ; Gong ; Gunjala_Gondi sc ; Gonm ; Masaram_Gondi sc ; Goth ; Gothic sc ; Gran ; Grantha sc ; Grek ; Greek sc ; Gujr ; Gujarati
*** 1230,1242 **** --- 1251,1265 ---- sc ; Linb ; Linear_B sc ; Lisu ; Lisu sc ; Lyci ; Lycian sc ; Lydi ; Lydian sc ; Mahj ; Mahajani + sc ; Maka ; Makasar sc ; Mand ; Mandaic sc ; Mani ; Manichaean sc ; Marc ; Marchen + sc ; Medf ; Medefaidrin sc ; Mend ; Mende_Kikakui sc ; Merc ; Meroitic_Cursive sc ; Mero ; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs sc ; Mlym ; Malayalam sc ; Modi ; Modi
*** 1264,1283 **** --- 1287,1309 ---- sc ; Phlp ; Psalter_Pahlavi sc ; Phnx ; Phoenician sc ; Plrd ; Miao sc ; Prti ; Inscriptional_Parthian sc ; Rjng ; Rejang + sc ; Rohg ; Hanifi_Rohingya sc ; Runr ; Runic sc ; Samr ; Samaritan sc ; Sarb ; Old_South_Arabian sc ; Saur ; Saurashtra sc ; Sgnw ; SignWriting sc ; Shaw ; Shavian sc ; Shrd ; Sharada sc ; Sidd ; Siddham sc ; Sind ; Khudawadi sc ; Sinh ; Sinhala + sc ; Sogd ; Sogdian + sc ; Sogo ; Old_Sogdian sc ; Sora ; Sora_Sompeng sc ; Soyo ; Soyombo sc ; Sund ; Sundanese sc ; Sylo ; Syloti_Nagri sc ; Syrc ; Syriac
*** 1418,1427 **** --- 1444,1454 ---- WB ; MN ; MidNum WB ; NL ; Newline WB ; NU ; Numeric WB ; RI ; Regional_Indicator WB ; SQ ; Single_Quote + WB ; WSegSpace ; WSegSpace WB ; XX ; Other WB ; ZWJ ; ZWJ # XID_Continue (XIDC)
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