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rev 11777 : [mq]: gcinterface.patch

 211 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(bool arg    ), bool arg) {
 212   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)arg);
 213 }
 216 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(TosState tos), TosState tos) {
 217   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)tos);
 218 }
 221 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(Condition cc), Condition cc) {
 222   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)cc);
 223 }
 225 #if defined(TEMPLATE_TABLE_BUG)
 226 //
 227 // It appears that gcc (version 2.91) generates bad code for the template
 228 // table init if this macro is not defined.  My symptom was an assertion
 229 // assert(Universe::heap()->is_in(obj), "sanity check") in handles.cpp line 24.
 230 // when called from interpreterRuntime.resolve_invoke().
 231 //
 232   #define iload  TemplateTable::iload
 233   #define lload  TemplateTable::lload
 234   #define fload  TemplateTable::fload
 235   #define dload  TemplateTable::dload
 236   #define aload  TemplateTable::aload
 237   #define istore TemplateTable::istore
 238   #define lstore TemplateTable::lstore
 239   #define fstore TemplateTable::fstore
 240   #define dstore TemplateTable::dstore
 241   #define astore TemplateTable::astore
 242 #endif // TEMPLATE_TABLE_BUG
 244 void TemplateTable::initialize() {
 245   if (_is_initialized) return;
 247   // Initialize table
 248   TraceTime timer("TemplateTable initialization", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, startuptime));
 250   _bs = Universe::heap()->barrier_set();
 252   // For better readability
 253   const char _    = ' ';
 254   const int  ____ = 0;
 255   const int  ubcp = 1 << Template::uses_bcp_bit;
 256   const int  disp = 1 << Template::does_dispatch_bit;
 257   const int  clvm = 1 << Template::calls_vm_bit;
 258   const int  iswd = 1 << Template::wide_bit;
 259   //                                    interpr. templates
 260   // Java spec bytecodes                ubcp|disp|clvm|iswd  in    out   generator             argument
 261   def(Bytecodes::_nop                 , ____|____|____|____, vtos, vtos, nop                 ,  _           );
 262   def(Bytecodes::_aconst_null         , ____|____|____|____, vtos, atos, aconst_null         ,  _           );
 263   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_m1           , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              , -1           );
 264   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_0            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  0           );
 265   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_1            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  1           );
 266   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_2            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  2           );
 267   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_3            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  3           );
 268   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_4            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  4           );
 269   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_5            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  5           );
 270   def(Bytecodes::_lconst_0            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, ltos, lconst              ,  0           );

 211 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(bool arg    ), bool arg) {
 212   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)arg);
 213 }
 216 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(TosState tos), TosState tos) {
 217   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)tos);
 218 }
 221 void TemplateTable::def(Bytecodes::Code code, int flags, TosState in, TosState out, void (*gen)(Condition cc), Condition cc) {
 222   def(code, flags, in, out, (Template::generator)gen, (int)cc);
 223 }
 225 #if defined(TEMPLATE_TABLE_BUG)
 226 //
 227 // It appears that gcc (version 2.91) generates bad code for the template
 228 // table init if this macro is not defined.  My symptom was an assertion
 229 // assert(GC::gc()->heap()->is_in(obj), "sanity check") in handles.cpp line 24.
 230 // when called from interpreterRuntime.resolve_invoke().
 231 //
 232   #define iload  TemplateTable::iload
 233   #define lload  TemplateTable::lload
 234   #define fload  TemplateTable::fload
 235   #define dload  TemplateTable::dload
 236   #define aload  TemplateTable::aload
 237   #define istore TemplateTable::istore
 238   #define lstore TemplateTable::lstore
 239   #define fstore TemplateTable::fstore
 240   #define dstore TemplateTable::dstore
 241   #define astore TemplateTable::astore
 242 #endif // TEMPLATE_TABLE_BUG
 244 void TemplateTable::initialize() {
 245   if (_is_initialized) return;
 247   // Initialize table
 248   TraceTime timer("TemplateTable initialization", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, startuptime));
 250   _bs = GC::gc()->heap()->barrier_set();
 252   // For better readability
 253   const char _    = ' ';
 254   const int  ____ = 0;
 255   const int  ubcp = 1 << Template::uses_bcp_bit;
 256   const int  disp = 1 << Template::does_dispatch_bit;
 257   const int  clvm = 1 << Template::calls_vm_bit;
 258   const int  iswd = 1 << Template::wide_bit;
 259   //                                    interpr. templates
 260   // Java spec bytecodes                ubcp|disp|clvm|iswd  in    out   generator             argument
 261   def(Bytecodes::_nop                 , ____|____|____|____, vtos, vtos, nop                 ,  _           );
 262   def(Bytecodes::_aconst_null         , ____|____|____|____, vtos, atos, aconst_null         ,  _           );
 263   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_m1           , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              , -1           );
 264   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_0            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  0           );
 265   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_1            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  1           );
 266   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_2            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  2           );
 267   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_3            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  3           );
 268   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_4            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  4           );
 269   def(Bytecodes::_iconst_5            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, itos, iconst              ,  5           );
 270   def(Bytecodes::_lconst_0            , ____|____|____|____, vtos, ltos, lconst              ,  0           );

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