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rev 8568 : 8086046: escape analysis generates incorrect code as of B67
Summary: load bypasses arraycopy that sets the value after the ArrayCopyNode is expanded

 548   Node* resproj;
 549   Node* exobj;
 550 };
 552 class CallGenerator;
 554 //------------------------------CallNode---------------------------------------
 555 // Call nodes now subsume the function of debug nodes at callsites, so they
 556 // contain the functionality of a full scope chain of debug nodes.
 557 class CallNode : public SafePointNode {
 558   friend class VMStructs;
 560 protected:
 561   bool may_modify_arraycopy_helper(const TypeOopPtr* dest_t, const TypeOopPtr *t_oop, PhaseTransform *phase);
 563 public:
 564   const TypeFunc *_tf;        // Function type
 565   address      _entry_point;  // Address of method being called
 566   float        _cnt;          // Estimate of number of times called
 567   CallGenerator* _generator;  // corresponding CallGenerator for some late inline calls

 569   CallNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const TypePtr* adr_type)
 570     : SafePointNode(tf->domain()->cnt(), NULL, adr_type),
 571       _tf(tf),
 572       _entry_point(addr),
 573       _cnt(COUNT_UNKNOWN),
 574       _generator(NULL)

 575   {
 576     init_class_id(Class_Call);
 577   }
 579   const TypeFunc* tf()         const { return _tf; }
 580   const address  entry_point() const { return _entry_point; }
 581   const float    cnt()         const { return _cnt; }
 582   CallGenerator* generator()   const { return _generator; }
 584   void set_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)       { _tf = tf; }
 585   void set_entry_point(address p)       { _entry_point = p; }
 586   void set_cnt(float c)                 { _cnt = c; }
 587   void set_generator(CallGenerator* cg) { _generator = cg; }
 589   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 590   virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
 591   virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
 592   virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) { return this; }
 593   virtual uint        cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 594   virtual uint        size_of() const = 0;

 613   // Does this node have a use of n other than in debug information?
 614   bool                has_non_debug_use(Node *n);
 615   // Returns the unique CheckCastPP of a call
 616   // or result projection is there are several CheckCastPP
 617   // or returns NULL if there is no one.
 618   Node *result_cast();
 619   // Does this node returns pointer?
 620   bool returns_pointer() const {
 621     const TypeTuple *r = tf()->range();
 622     return (r->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms &&
 623             r->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms)->isa_ptr());
 624   }
 626   // Collect all the interesting edges from a call for use in
 627   // replacing the call by something else.  Used by macro expansion
 628   // and the late inlining support.
 629   void extract_projections(CallProjections* projs, bool separate_io_proj);
 631   virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const;

 633 #ifndef PRODUCT
 634   virtual void        dump_req(outputStream *st = tty) const;
 635   virtual void        dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 636 #endif
 637 };
 640 //------------------------------CallJavaNode-----------------------------------
 641 // Make a static or dynamic subroutine call node using Java calling
 642 // convention.  (The "Java" calling convention is the compiler's calling
 643 // convention, as opposed to the interpreter's or that of native C.)
 644 class CallJavaNode : public CallNode {
 645   friend class VMStructs;
 646 protected:
 647   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 648   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 650   bool    _optimized_virtual;
 651   bool    _method_handle_invoke;
 652   ciMethod* _method;            // Method being direct called

 666   void  set_method(ciMethod *m)           { _method = m; }
 667   void  set_optimized_virtual(bool f)     { _optimized_virtual = f; }
 668   bool  is_optimized_virtual() const      { return _optimized_virtual; }
 669   void  set_method_handle_invoke(bool f)  { _method_handle_invoke = f; }
 670   bool  is_method_handle_invoke() const   { return _method_handle_invoke; }
 672 #ifndef PRODUCT
 673   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 674 #endif
 675 };
 677 //------------------------------CallStaticJavaNode-----------------------------
 678 // Make a direct subroutine call using Java calling convention (for static
 679 // calls and optimized virtual calls, plus calls to wrappers for run-time
 680 // routines); generates static stub.
 681 class CallStaticJavaNode : public CallJavaNode {
 682   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 683   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 684 public:
 685   CallStaticJavaNode(Compile* C, const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, ciMethod* method, int bci)
 686     : CallJavaNode(tf, addr, method, bci), _name(NULL) {
 687     init_class_id(Class_CallStaticJava);
 688     if (C->eliminate_boxing() && (method != NULL) && method->is_boxing_method()) {
 689       init_flags(Flag_is_macro);
 690       C->add_macro_node(this);
 691     }
 692     _is_scalar_replaceable = false;
 693     _is_non_escaping = false;
 694   }
 695   CallStaticJavaNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name, int bci,
 696                      const TypePtr* adr_type)
 697     : CallJavaNode(tf, addr, NULL, bci), _name(name) {
 698     init_class_id(Class_CallStaticJava);
 699     // This node calls a runtime stub, which often has narrow memory effects.
 700     _adr_type = adr_type;
 701     _is_scalar_replaceable = false;
 702     _is_non_escaping = false;

 703   }
 704   const char *_name;      // Runtime wrapper name
 706   // Result of Escape Analysis
 707   bool _is_scalar_replaceable;
 708   bool _is_non_escaping;
 710   // If this is an uncommon trap, return the request code, else zero.
 711   int uncommon_trap_request() const;
 712   static int extract_uncommon_trap_request(const Node* call);
 714   bool is_boxing_method() const {
 715     return is_macro() && (method() != NULL) && method()->is_boxing_method();
 716   }
 717   // Later inlining modifies the JVMState, so we need to clone it
 718   // when the call node is cloned (because it is macro node).
 719   virtual void  clone_jvms(Compile* C) {
 720     if ((jvms() != NULL) && is_boxing_method()) {
 721       set_jvms(jvms()->clone_deep(C));
 722       jvms()->set_map_deep(this);
 723     }
 724   }

 737 public:
 738   CallDynamicJavaNode( const TypeFunc *tf , address addr, ciMethod* method, int vtable_index, int bci ) : CallJavaNode(tf,addr,method,bci), _vtable_index(vtable_index) {
 739     init_class_id(Class_CallDynamicJava);
 740   }
 742   int _vtable_index;
 743   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 744 #ifndef PRODUCT
 745   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 746 #endif
 747 };
 749 //------------------------------CallRuntimeNode--------------------------------
 750 // Make a direct subroutine call node into compiled C++ code.
 751 class CallRuntimeNode : public CallNode {
 752   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 753   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 754 public:
 755   CallRuntimeNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 756                   const TypePtr* adr_type)
 757     : CallNode(tf, addr, adr_type),
 758       _name(name)
 759   {
 760     init_class_id(Class_CallRuntime);

 761   }
 763   const char *_name;            // Printable name, if _method is NULL
 764   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 765   virtual void  calling_convention( BasicType* sig_bt, VMRegPair *parm_regs, uint argcnt ) const;
 767 #ifndef PRODUCT
 768   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 769 #endif
 770 };
 772 //------------------------------CallLeafNode-----------------------------------
 773 // Make a direct subroutine call node into compiled C++ code, without
 774 // safepoints
 775 class CallLeafNode : public CallRuntimeNode {
 776 public:
 777   CallLeafNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 778                const TypePtr* adr_type)
 779     : CallRuntimeNode(tf, addr, name, adr_type)
 780   {
 781     init_class_id(Class_CallLeaf);
 782   }
 783   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 784   virtual bool        guaranteed_safepoint()  { return false; }
 785 #ifndef PRODUCT
 786   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 787 #endif
 788   bool is_call_to_arraycopystub() const;
 789   virtual bool may_modify(const TypeOopPtr *t_oop, PhaseTransform *phase);
 790 };
 792 //------------------------------CallLeafNoFPNode-------------------------------
 793 // CallLeafNode, not using floating point or using it in the same manner as
 794 // the generated code
 795 class CallLeafNoFPNode : public CallLeafNode {
 796 public:
 797   CallLeafNoFPNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 798                    const TypePtr* adr_type)
 799     : CallLeafNode(tf, addr, name, adr_type)
 800   {
 801   }
 802   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 803 };
 806 //------------------------------Allocate---------------------------------------
 807 // High-level memory allocation
 808 //
 809 //  AllocateNode and AllocateArrayNode are subclasses of CallNode because they will

 548   Node* resproj;
 549   Node* exobj;
 550 };
 552 class CallGenerator;
 554 //------------------------------CallNode---------------------------------------
 555 // Call nodes now subsume the function of debug nodes at callsites, so they
 556 // contain the functionality of a full scope chain of debug nodes.
 557 class CallNode : public SafePointNode {
 558   friend class VMStructs;
 560 protected:
 561   bool may_modify_arraycopy_helper(const TypeOopPtr* dest_t, const TypeOopPtr *t_oop, PhaseTransform *phase);
 563 public:
 564   const TypeFunc *_tf;        // Function type
 565   address      _entry_point;  // Address of method being called
 566   float        _cnt;          // Estimate of number of times called
 567   CallGenerator* _generator;  // corresponding CallGenerator for some late inline calls
 568   const char *_name;           // Printable name, if _method is NULL
 570   CallNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const TypePtr* adr_type)
 571     : SafePointNode(tf->domain()->cnt(), NULL, adr_type),
 572       _tf(tf),
 573       _entry_point(addr),
 574       _cnt(COUNT_UNKNOWN),
 575       _generator(NULL),
 576       _name(NULL)
 577   {
 578     init_class_id(Class_Call);
 579   }
 581   const TypeFunc* tf()         const { return _tf; }
 582   const address  entry_point() const { return _entry_point; }
 583   const float    cnt()         const { return _cnt; }
 584   CallGenerator* generator()   const { return _generator; }
 586   void set_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)       { _tf = tf; }
 587   void set_entry_point(address p)       { _entry_point = p; }
 588   void set_cnt(float c)                 { _cnt = c; }
 589   void set_generator(CallGenerator* cg) { _generator = cg; }
 591   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 592   virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
 593   virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
 594   virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) { return this; }
 595   virtual uint        cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 596   virtual uint        size_of() const = 0;

 615   // Does this node have a use of n other than in debug information?
 616   bool                has_non_debug_use(Node *n);
 617   // Returns the unique CheckCastPP of a call
 618   // or result projection is there are several CheckCastPP
 619   // or returns NULL if there is no one.
 620   Node *result_cast();
 621   // Does this node returns pointer?
 622   bool returns_pointer() const {
 623     const TypeTuple *r = tf()->range();
 624     return (r->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms &&
 625             r->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms)->isa_ptr());
 626   }
 628   // Collect all the interesting edges from a call for use in
 629   // replacing the call by something else.  Used by macro expansion
 630   // and the late inlining support.
 631   void extract_projections(CallProjections* projs, bool separate_io_proj);
 633   virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const;
 635   bool is_call_to_arraycopystub() const;
 637 #ifndef PRODUCT
 638   virtual void        dump_req(outputStream *st = tty) const;
 639   virtual void        dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 640 #endif
 641 };
 644 //------------------------------CallJavaNode-----------------------------------
 645 // Make a static or dynamic subroutine call node using Java calling
 646 // convention.  (The "Java" calling convention is the compiler's calling
 647 // convention, as opposed to the interpreter's or that of native C.)
 648 class CallJavaNode : public CallNode {
 649   friend class VMStructs;
 650 protected:
 651   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 652   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 654   bool    _optimized_virtual;
 655   bool    _method_handle_invoke;
 656   ciMethod* _method;            // Method being direct called

 670   void  set_method(ciMethod *m)           { _method = m; }
 671   void  set_optimized_virtual(bool f)     { _optimized_virtual = f; }
 672   bool  is_optimized_virtual() const      { return _optimized_virtual; }
 673   void  set_method_handle_invoke(bool f)  { _method_handle_invoke = f; }
 674   bool  is_method_handle_invoke() const   { return _method_handle_invoke; }
 676 #ifndef PRODUCT
 677   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 678 #endif
 679 };
 681 //------------------------------CallStaticJavaNode-----------------------------
 682 // Make a direct subroutine call using Java calling convention (for static
 683 // calls and optimized virtual calls, plus calls to wrappers for run-time
 684 // routines); generates static stub.
 685 class CallStaticJavaNode : public CallJavaNode {
 686   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 687   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 688 public:
 689   CallStaticJavaNode(Compile* C, const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, ciMethod* method, int bci)
 690     : CallJavaNode(tf, addr, method, bci) {
 691     init_class_id(Class_CallStaticJava);
 692     if (C->eliminate_boxing() && (method != NULL) && method->is_boxing_method()) {
 693       init_flags(Flag_is_macro);
 694       C->add_macro_node(this);
 695     }
 696     _is_scalar_replaceable = false;
 697     _is_non_escaping = false;
 698   }
 699   CallStaticJavaNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name, int bci,
 700                      const TypePtr* adr_type)
 701     : CallJavaNode(tf, addr, NULL, bci) {
 702     init_class_id(Class_CallStaticJava);
 703     // This node calls a runtime stub, which often has narrow memory effects.
 704     _adr_type = adr_type;
 705     _is_scalar_replaceable = false;
 706     _is_non_escaping = false;
 707     _name = name;
 708   }

 710   // Result of Escape Analysis
 711   bool _is_scalar_replaceable;
 712   bool _is_non_escaping;
 714   // If this is an uncommon trap, return the request code, else zero.
 715   int uncommon_trap_request() const;
 716   static int extract_uncommon_trap_request(const Node* call);
 718   bool is_boxing_method() const {
 719     return is_macro() && (method() != NULL) && method()->is_boxing_method();
 720   }
 721   // Later inlining modifies the JVMState, so we need to clone it
 722   // when the call node is cloned (because it is macro node).
 723   virtual void  clone_jvms(Compile* C) {
 724     if ((jvms() != NULL) && is_boxing_method()) {
 725       set_jvms(jvms()->clone_deep(C));
 726       jvms()->set_map_deep(this);
 727     }
 728   }

 741 public:
 742   CallDynamicJavaNode( const TypeFunc *tf , address addr, ciMethod* method, int vtable_index, int bci ) : CallJavaNode(tf,addr,method,bci), _vtable_index(vtable_index) {
 743     init_class_id(Class_CallDynamicJava);
 744   }
 746   int _vtable_index;
 747   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 748 #ifndef PRODUCT
 749   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 750 #endif
 751 };
 753 //------------------------------CallRuntimeNode--------------------------------
 754 // Make a direct subroutine call node into compiled C++ code.
 755 class CallRuntimeNode : public CallNode {
 756   virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
 757   virtual uint size_of() const; // Size is bigger
 758 public:
 759   CallRuntimeNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 760                   const TypePtr* adr_type)
 761     : CallNode(tf, addr, adr_type)

 762   {
 763     init_class_id(Class_CallRuntime);
 764     _name = name;
 765   }

 767   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 768   virtual void  calling_convention( BasicType* sig_bt, VMRegPair *parm_regs, uint argcnt ) const;
 770 #ifndef PRODUCT
 771   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 772 #endif
 773 };
 775 //------------------------------CallLeafNode-----------------------------------
 776 // Make a direct subroutine call node into compiled C++ code, without
 777 // safepoints
 778 class CallLeafNode : public CallRuntimeNode {
 779 public:
 780   CallLeafNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 781                const TypePtr* adr_type)
 782     : CallRuntimeNode(tf, addr, name, adr_type)
 783   {
 784     init_class_id(Class_CallLeaf);
 785   }
 786   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 787   virtual bool        guaranteed_safepoint()  { return false; }
 788 #ifndef PRODUCT
 789   virtual void  dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 790 #endif

 791 };
 793 //------------------------------CallLeafNoFPNode-------------------------------
 794 // CallLeafNode, not using floating point or using it in the same manner as
 795 // the generated code
 796 class CallLeafNoFPNode : public CallLeafNode {
 797 public:
 798   CallLeafNoFPNode(const TypeFunc* tf, address addr, const char* name,
 799                    const TypePtr* adr_type)
 800     : CallLeafNode(tf, addr, name, adr_type)
 801   {
 802   }
 803   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 804 };
 807 //------------------------------Allocate---------------------------------------
 808 // High-level memory allocation
 809 //
 810 //  AllocateNode and AllocateArrayNode are subclasses of CallNode because they will

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