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 529   // Allocate argument register save area
 530   if (frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes != 0) {
 531     __ subptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes);
 532   }
 533   __ mov(c_rarg0, rbx);
 534   __ mov(c_rarg1, rax);
 535   __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite)));
 537   // De-allocate argument register save area
 538   if (frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes != 0) {
 539     __ addptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes);
 540   }
 542   __ pop_CPU_state();
 543   // restore sp
 544   __ mov(rsp, r13);
 545   __ bind(L);
 546 }

 549 static void gen_c2i_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
 550                             int total_args_passed,
 551                             int comp_args_on_stack,
 552                             const BasicType *sig_bt,
 553                             const VMRegPair *regs,
 554                             Label& skip_fixup) {
 555   // Before we get into the guts of the C2I adapter, see if we should be here
 556   // at all.  We've come from compiled code and are attempting to jump to the
 557   // interpreter, which means the caller made a static call to get here
 558   // (vcalls always get a compiled target if there is one).  Check for a
 559   // compiled target.  If there is one, we need to patch the caller's call.
 560   patch_callers_callsite(masm);
 562   __ bind(skip_fixup);
 564   // Since all args are passed on the stack, total_args_passed *
 565   // Interpreter::stackElementSize is the space we need. Plus 1 because
 566   // we also account for the return address location since
 567   // we store it first rather than hold it in rax across all the shuffling
 569   int extraspace = (total_args_passed * Interpreter::stackElementSize) + wordSize;
 571   // stack is aligned, keep it that way
 572   extraspace = round_to(extraspace, 2*wordSize);
 574   // Get return address
 575   __ pop(rax);
 577   // set senderSP value
 578   __ mov(r13, rsp);
 580   __ subptr(rsp, extraspace);
 582   // Store the return address in the expected location
 583   __ movptr(Address(rsp, 0), rax);
 585   // Now write the args into the outgoing interpreter space
 586   for (int i = 0; i < total_args_passed; i++) {
 587     if (sig_bt[i] == T_VOID) {
 588       assert(i > 0 && (sig_bt[i-1] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i-1] == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
 589       continue;

 590     }
 592     // offset to start parameters
 593     int st_off   = (total_args_passed - i) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 594     int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 596     // Say 4 args:
 597     // i   st_off
 598     // 0   32 T_LONG
 599     // 1   24 T_VOID
 600     // 2   16 T_OBJECT
 601     // 3    8 T_BOOL
 602     // -    0 return address
 603     //
 604     // However to make thing extra confusing. Because we can fit a long/double in
 605     // a single slot on a 64 bt vm and it would be silly to break them up, the interpreter
 606     // leaves one slot empty and only stores to a single slot. In this case the
 607     // slot that is occupied is the T_VOID slot. See I said it was confusing.
 609     VMReg r_1 = regs[i].first();
 610     VMReg r_2 = regs[i].second();
 611     if (!r_1->is_valid()) {
 612       assert(!r_2->is_valid(), "");
 613       continue;
 614     }
 615     if (r_1->is_stack()) {
 616       // memory to memory use rax
 617       int ld_off = r_1->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + extraspace;
 618       if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 619         // sign extend??
 620         __ movl(rax, Address(rsp, ld_off));
 621         __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);
 623       } else {
 625         __ movq(rax, Address(rsp, ld_off));
 627         // Two VMREgs|OptoRegs can be T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_DOUBLE, T_LONG
 628         // T_DOUBLE and T_LONG use two slots in the interpreter
 629         if ( sig_bt[i] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i] == T_DOUBLE) {
 630           // ld_off == LSW, ld_off+wordSize == MSW
 631           // st_off == MSW, next_off == LSW
 632           __ movq(Address(rsp, next_off), rax);
 633 #ifdef ASSERT
 634           // Overwrite the unused slot with known junk
 635           __ mov64(rax, CONST64(0xdeadffffdeadaaaa));
 636           __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);
 637 #endif /* ASSERT */
 638         } else {
 639           __ movq(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);
 640         }
 641       }
 642     } else if (r_1->is_Register()) {
 643       Register r = r_1->as_Register();
 644       if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 645         // must be only an int (or less ) so move only 32bits to slot
 646         // why not sign extend??
 647         __ movl(Address(rsp, st_off), r);
 648       } else {
 649         // Two VMREgs|OptoRegs can be T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_DOUBLE, T_LONG
 650         // T_DOUBLE and T_LONG use two slots in the interpreter
 651         if ( sig_bt[i] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i] == T_DOUBLE) {
 652           // long/double in gpr
 653 #ifdef ASSERT
 654           // Overwrite the unused slot with known junk
 655           __ mov64(rax, CONST64(0xdeadffffdeadaaab));
 656           __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);
 657 #endif /* ASSERT */
 658           __ movq(Address(rsp, next_off), r);
 659         } else {
 660           __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), r);
 661         }
 662       }
 663     } else {
 664       assert(r_1->is_XMMRegister(), "");
 665       if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 666         // only a float use just part of the slot
 667         __ movflt(Address(rsp, st_off), r_1->as_XMMRegister());
 668       } else {

 669 #ifdef ASSERT

 670         // Overwrite the unused slot with known junk
 671         __ mov64(rax, CONST64(0xdeadffffdeadaaac));
 672         __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);
 673 #endif /* ASSERT */
 674         __ movdbl(Address(rsp, next_off), r_1->as_XMMRegister());
 675       }

 676     }
 677   }
 679   // Schedule the branch target address early.
 680   __ movptr(rcx, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::interpreter_entry_offset())));
 681   __ jmp(rcx);
 682 }
 684 static void range_check(MacroAssembler* masm, Register pc_reg, Register temp_reg,
 685                         address code_start, address code_end,
 686                         Label& L_ok) {
 687   Label L_fail;
 688   __ lea(temp_reg, ExternalAddress(code_start));
 689   __ cmpptr(pc_reg, temp_reg);
 690   __ jcc(Assembler::belowEqual, L_fail);
 691   __ lea(temp_reg, ExternalAddress(code_end));
 692   __ cmpptr(pc_reg, temp_reg);
 693   __ jcc(Assembler::below, L_ok);
 694   __ bind(L_fail);
 695 }

 697 void SharedRuntime::gen_i2c_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
 698                                     int total_args_passed,
 699                                     int comp_args_on_stack,
 700                                     const BasicType *sig_bt,
 701                                     const VMRegPair *regs) {
 703   // Note: r13 contains the senderSP on entry. We must preserve it since
 704   // we may do a i2c -> c2i transition if we lose a race where compiled
 705   // code goes non-entrant while we get args ready.
 706   // In addition we use r13 to locate all the interpreter args as
 707   // we must align the stack to 16 bytes on an i2c entry else we
 708   // lose alignment we expect in all compiled code and register
 709   // save code can segv when fxsave instructions find improperly
 710   // aligned stack pointer.
 712   // Adapters can be frameless because they do not require the caller
 713   // to perform additional cleanup work, such as correcting the stack pointer.
 714   // An i2c adapter is frameless because the *caller* frame, which is interpreted,
 715   // routinely repairs its own stack pointer (from interpreter_frame_last_sp),
 716   // even if a callee has modified the stack pointer.
 717   // A c2i adapter is frameless because the *callee* frame, which is interpreted,
 718   // routinely repairs its caller's stack pointer (from sender_sp, which is set
 719   // up via the senderSP register).
 720   // In other words, if *either* the caller or callee is interpreted, we can

 786   // Put saved SP in another register
 787   const Register saved_sp = rax;
 788   __ movptr(saved_sp, r11);
 790   // Will jump to the compiled code just as if compiled code was doing it.
 791   // Pre-load the register-jump target early, to schedule it better.
 792   __ movptr(r11, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset())));
 795   if (EnableJVMCI) {
 796     // check if this call should be routed towards a specific entry point
 797     __ cmpptr(Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())), 0);
 798     Label no_alternative_target;
 799     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, no_alternative_target);
 800     __ movptr(r11, Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())));
 801     __ movptr(Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())), 0);
 802     __ bind(no_alternative_target);
 803   }
 804 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMCI

 806   // Now generate the shuffle code.  Pick up all register args and move the
 807   // rest through the floating point stack top.
 808   for (int i = 0; i < total_args_passed; i++) {
 809     if (sig_bt[i] == T_VOID) {
 810       // Longs and doubles are passed in native word order, but misaligned
 811       // in the 32-bit build.
 812       assert(i > 0 && (sig_bt[i-1] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i-1] == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
 813       continue;
 814     }
 816     // Pick up 0, 1 or 2 words from SP+offset.
 818     assert(!regs[i].second()->is_valid() || regs[i].first()->next() == regs[i].second(),
 819             "scrambled load targets?");

 820     // Load in argument order going down.
 821     int ld_off = (total_args_passed - i)*Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 822     // Point to interpreter value (vs. tag)
 823     int next_off = ld_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 824     //
 825     //
 826     //
 827     VMReg r_1 = regs[i].first();
 828     VMReg r_2 = regs[i].second();
 829     if (!r_1->is_valid()) {
 830       assert(!r_2->is_valid(), "");
 831       continue;
 832     }
 833     if (r_1->is_stack()) {
 834       // Convert stack slot to an SP offset (+ wordSize to account for return address )
 835       int st_off = regs[i].first()->reg2stack()*VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + wordSize;
 837       // We can use r13 as a temp here because compiled code doesn't need r13 as an input
 838       // and if we end up going thru a c2i because of a miss a reasonable value of r13
 839       // will be generated.
 840       if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 841         // sign extend???
 842         __ movl(r13, Address(saved_sp, ld_off));
 843         __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), r13);
 844       } else {
 845         //
 846         // We are using two optoregs. This can be either T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_LONG, or T_DOUBLE
 847         // the interpreter allocates two slots but only uses one for thr T_LONG or T_DOUBLE case
 848         // So we must adjust where to pick up the data to match the interpreter.
 849         //
 850         // Interpreter local[n] == MSW, local[n+1] == LSW however locals
 851         // are accessed as negative so LSW is at LOW address
 853         // ld_off is MSW so get LSW
 854         const int offset = (sig_bt[i]==T_LONG||sig_bt[i]==T_DOUBLE)?
 855                            next_off : ld_off;
 856         __ movq(r13, Address(saved_sp, offset));
 857         // st_off is LSW (i.e. reg.first())
 858         __ movq(Address(rsp, st_off), r13);
 859       }
 860     } else if (r_1->is_Register()) {  // Register argument
 861       Register r = r_1->as_Register();
 862       assert(r != rax, "must be different");
 863       if (r_2->is_valid()) {
 864         //
 865         // We are using two VMRegs. This can be either T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_LONG, or T_DOUBLE
 866         // the interpreter allocates two slots but only uses one for thr T_LONG or T_DOUBLE case
 867         // So we must adjust where to pick up the data to match the interpreter.
 869         const int offset = (sig_bt[i]==T_LONG||sig_bt[i]==T_DOUBLE)?
 870                            next_off : ld_off;
 872         // this can be a misaligned move
 873         __ movq(r, Address(saved_sp, offset));
 874       } else {
 875         // sign extend and use a full word?
 876         __ movl(r, Address(saved_sp, ld_off));
 877       }
 878     } else {
 879       if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 880         __ movflt(r_1->as_XMMRegister(), Address(saved_sp, ld_off));
 881       } else {
 882         __ movdbl(r_1->as_XMMRegister(), Address(saved_sp, next_off));

 883       }

 884     }
 885   }
 887   // 6243940 We might end up in handle_wrong_method if
 888   // the callee is deoptimized as we race thru here. If that
 889   // happens we don't want to take a safepoint because the
 890   // caller frame will look interpreted and arguments are now
 891   // "compiled" so it is much better to make this transition
 892   // invisible to the stack walking code. Unfortunately if
 893   // we try and find the callee by normal means a safepoint
 894   // is possible. So we stash the desired callee in the thread
 895   // and the vm will find there should this case occur.
 897   __ movptr(Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::callee_target_offset()), rbx);
 899   // put Method* where a c2i would expect should we end up there
 900   // only needed becaus eof c2 resolve stubs return Method* as a result in
 901   // rax
 902   __ mov(rax, rbx);
 903   __ jmp(r11);
 904 }
 906 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
 907 AdapterHandlerEntry* SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(MacroAssembler *masm,
 908                                                             int total_args_passed,
 909                                                             int comp_args_on_stack,
 910                                                             const BasicType *sig_bt,
 911                                                             const VMRegPair *regs,
 912                                                             AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint) {

 913   address i2c_entry = __ pc();
 915   gen_i2c_adapter(masm, total_args_passed, comp_args_on_stack, sig_bt, regs);
 917   // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 918   // Generate a C2I adapter.  On entry we know rbx holds the Method* during calls
 919   // to the interpreter.  The args start out packed in the compiled layout.  They
 920   // need to be unpacked into the interpreter layout.  This will almost always
 921   // require some stack space.  We grow the current (compiled) stack, then repack
 922   // the args.  We  finally end in a jump to the generic interpreter entry point.
 923   // On exit from the interpreter, the interpreter will restore our SP (lest the
 924   // compiled code, which relys solely on SP and not RBP, get sick).
 926   address c2i_unverified_entry = __ pc();
 927   Label skip_fixup;
 928   Label ok;
 930   Register holder = rax;
 931   Register receiver = j_rarg0;
 932   Register temp = rbx;
 934   {
 935     __ load_klass(temp, receiver);
 936     __ cmpptr(temp, Address(holder, CompiledICHolder::holder_klass_offset()));
 937     __ movptr(rbx, Address(holder, CompiledICHolder::holder_method_offset()));
 938     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, ok);
 939     __ jump(RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
 941     __ bind(ok);
 942     // Method might have been compiled since the call site was patched to
 943     // interpreted if that is the case treat it as a miss so we can get
 944     // the call site corrected.
 945     __ cmpptr(Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::code_offset())), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
 946     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, skip_fixup);
 947     __ jump(RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
 948   }
 950   address c2i_entry = __ pc();
 952   gen_c2i_adapter(masm, total_args_passed, comp_args_on_stack, sig_bt, regs, skip_fixup);

 954   __ flush();

 955   return AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry);
 956 }
 958 int SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt,
 959                                          VMRegPair *regs,
 960                                          VMRegPair *regs2,
 961                                          int total_args_passed) {
 962   assert(regs2 == NULL, "not needed on x86");
 963 // We return the amount of VMRegImpl stack slots we need to reserve for all
 964 // the arguments NOT counting out_preserve_stack_slots.
 966 // NOTE: These arrays will have to change when c1 is ported
 967 #ifdef _WIN64
 968     static const Register INT_ArgReg[Argument::n_int_register_parameters_c] = {
 969       c_rarg0, c_rarg1, c_rarg2, c_rarg3
 970     };
 971     static const XMMRegister FP_ArgReg[Argument::n_float_register_parameters_c] = {
 972       c_farg0, c_farg1, c_farg2, c_farg3
 973     };
 974 #else

 529   // Allocate argument register save area
 530   if (frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes != 0) {
 531     __ subptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes);
 532   }
 533   __ mov(c_rarg0, rbx);
 534   __ mov(c_rarg1, rax);
 535   __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite)));
 537   // De-allocate argument register save area
 538   if (frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes != 0) {
 539     __ addptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes);
 540   }
 542   __ pop_CPU_state();
 543   // restore sp
 544   __ mov(rsp, r13);
 545   __ bind(L);
 546 }
 548 // For each value type argument, sig includes the list of fields of
 549 // the value type. This utility function computes the number of
 550 // arguments for the call if value types are passed by reference (the
 551 // calling convention the interpreter expects).
 552 static int compute_total_args_passed(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig) {
 553   int total_args_passed = 0;
 554   if (ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 555     for (int i = 0; i < sig.length(); i++) {
 556       BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
 557       if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 558         // In sig, a value type argument starts with: T_VALUETYPE,
 559         // followed by the types of the fields of the value type and
 560         // T_VOID to mark the end of the value type. Value types are
 561         // flattened so, for instance: T_VALUETYPE T_INT T_VALUETYPE
 562         // T_INT T_LONG T_VOID T_VOID T_VOID is a value type with a
 563         // int field an a value type field that itself has 2 fields, a
 564         // int and a long
 565         total_args_passed++;
 566         int vt = 1;
 567         do {
 568           i++;
 569           BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
 570           BasicType prev_bt = sig.at(i-1)._bt;
 571           if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 572             vt++;
 573           } else if (bt == T_VOID &&
 574                      prev_bt != T_LONG &&
 575                      prev_bt != T_DOUBLE) {
 576             vt--;
 577           }
 578         } while (vt != 0);
 579       } else {
 580         total_args_passed++;
 581       }
 582     }
 583   } else {
 584     total_args_passed = sig.length();
 585   }
 586   return total_args_passed;
 587 }

 590 static void gen_c2i_adapter_helper(MacroAssembler *masm,
 591                                    BasicType bt,
 592                                    BasicType prev_bt,
 593                                    const VMRegPair& reg_pair,
 594                                    const Address& to,
 595                                    int extraspace) {
 596   assert(bt != T_VALUETYPE || !ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "no value type here");
 597   if (bt == T_VOID) {
 598     assert(prev_bt == T_LONG || prev_bt == T_DOUBLE, "missing half");
 599     return;
 600   }

 602   // Say 4 args:
 603   // i   st_off
 604   // 0   32 T_LONG
 605   // 1   24 T_VOID
 606   // 2   16 T_OBJECT
 607   // 3    8 T_BOOL
 608   // -    0 return address
 609   //
 610   // However to make thing extra confusing. Because we can fit a long/double in
 611   // a single slot on a 64 bt vm and it would be silly to break them up, the interpreter
 612   // leaves one slot empty and only stores to a single slot. In this case the
 613   // slot that is occupied is the T_VOID slot. See I said it was confusing.
 615   VMReg r_1 = reg_pair.first();
 616   VMReg r_2 = reg_pair.second();
 617   if (!r_1->is_valid()) {
 618     assert(!r_2->is_valid(), "");
 619     return;
 620   }
 621   if (r_1->is_stack()) {
 622     // memory to memory use rax
 623     int ld_off = r_1->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + extraspace;
 624     if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 625       // sign extend??
 626       __ movl(rax, Address(rsp, ld_off));
 627       __ movl(to, rax);
 629     } else {
 631       __ movq(rax, Address(rsp, ld_off));
 633       // Two VMREgs|OptoRegs can be T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_DOUBLE, T_LONG
 634       // T_DOUBLE and T_LONG use two slots in the interpreter
 635       if ( bt == T_LONG || bt == T_DOUBLE) {
 636         // ld_off == LSW, ld_off+wordSize == MSW
 637         // st_off == MSW, next_off == LSW
 638         __ movq(to, rax);

 639       } else {
 640         __ movq(to, rax);
 641       }
 642     }
 643   } else if (r_1->is_Register()) {
 644     Register r = r_1->as_Register();
 645     if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 646       // must be only an int (or less ) so move only 32bits to slot
 647       // why not sign extend??
 648       __ movl(to, r);
 649     } else {
 650       // Two VMREgs|OptoRegs can be T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_DOUBLE, T_LONG
 651       // T_DOUBLE and T_LONG use two slots in the interpreter
 652       if ( bt == T_LONG || bt == T_DOUBLE) {
 653         // long/double in gpr
 654         __ movq(to, r);

 655       } else {
 656         __ movptr(to, r);
 657       }
 658     }
 659   } else {
 660     assert(r_1->is_XMMRegister(), "");
 661     if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 662       // only a float use just part of the slot
 663       __ movflt(to, r_1->as_XMMRegister());
 664     } else {
 665       __ movdbl(to, r_1->as_XMMRegister());
 666     }
 667   }
 668 }
 670 static void gen_c2i_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
 671                             const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig,
 672                             const VMRegPair *regs,
 673                             Label& skip_fixup,
 674                             address start,
 675                             OopMapSet*& oop_maps,
 676                             int& frame_complete,
 677                             int& frame_size_in_words) {
 678   // Before we get into the guts of the C2I adapter, see if we should be here
 679   // at all.  We've come from compiled code and are attempting to jump to the
 680   // interpreter, which means the caller made a static call to get here
 681   // (vcalls always get a compiled target if there is one).  Check for a
 682   // compiled target.  If there is one, we need to patch the caller's call.
 683   patch_callers_callsite(masm);
 685   __ bind(skip_fixup);
 687   if (ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
 688     // Is there a value type arguments?
 689     int i = 0;
 690     for (; i < sig.length() && sig.at(i)._bt != T_VALUETYPE; i++);
 692     if (i != sig.length()) {
 693       // There is at least a value type argument: we're coming from
 694       // compiled code so we have no buffers to back the value
 695       // types. Allocate the buffers here with a runtime call.
 696       oop_maps = new OopMapSet();
 697       OopMap* map = NULL;
 699       map = RegisterSaver::save_live_registers(masm, 0, &frame_size_in_words);
 701       frame_complete = __ offset();
 703       __ set_last_Java_frame(noreg, noreg, NULL);
 705       __ mov(c_rarg0, r15_thread);
 707       __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::allocate_value_types)));
 709       oop_maps->add_gc_map((int)(__ pc() - start), map);
 710       __ reset_last_Java_frame(false, false);
 712       RegisterSaver::restore_live_registers(masm);
 714       Label no_exception;
 715       __ cmpptr(Address(r15_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
 716       __ jcc(Assembler::equal, no_exception);
 718       __ movptr(Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::vm_result_offset()), (int)NULL_WORD);
 719       __ movptr(rax, Address(r15_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
 720       __ jump(RuntimeAddress(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry()));
 722       __ bind(no_exception);
 724       // We get an array of objects from the runtime call
 725       int offset_in_bytes = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT);
 726       __ get_vm_result(r13, r15_thread);
 727       __ addptr(r13, offset_in_bytes);
 728       __ mov(r10, r13);
 729     }
 730   }
 733   // Since all args are passed on the stack, total_args_passed *
 734   // Interpreter::stackElementSize is the space we need. Plus 1 because
 735   // we also account for the return address location since
 736   // we store it first rather than hold it in rax across all the shuffling
 737   int total_args_passed = compute_total_args_passed(sig);
 738   int extraspace = (total_args_passed * Interpreter::stackElementSize) + wordSize;
 740   // stack is aligned, keep it that way
 741   extraspace = round_to(extraspace, 2*wordSize);
 743   // Get return address
 744   __ pop(rax);
 746   // set senderSP value
 747   __ mov(r13, rsp);
 749   __ subptr(rsp, extraspace);
 751   // Store the return address in the expected location
 752   __ movptr(Address(rsp, 0), rax);
 754   // Now write the args into the outgoing interpreter space
 756   // i is the next argument from the compiler point of view (value
 757   // type fields are passed in registers/on the stack). In sig, a
 758   // value type argument starts with: T_VALUETYPE, followed by the
 759   // types of the fields of the value type and T_VOID to mark the end
 760   // of the value type. ignored counts the number of
 761   // T_VALUETYPE/T_VOID. j is the next value type argument: used to
 762   // get the buffer for that argument from the pool of buffers we
 763   // allocated above and want to pass to the interpreter. k is the
 764   // next argument from the interpreter point of view (value types are
 765   // passed by reference).
 766   for (int i = 0, ignored = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < sig.length(); i++) {
 767     assert((i == 0 && ignored == 0) || ignored < i, "");
 768     assert(k < total_args_passed, "");
 769     BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
 770     int st_off = (total_args_passed - k) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 771     if (!ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs || bt != T_VALUETYPE) {
 772       int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
 773       const int offset = (bt==T_LONG||bt==T_DOUBLE) ? next_off : st_off;
 774       gen_c2i_adapter_helper(masm, bt, i > 0 ? sig.at(i-1)._bt : T_ILLEGAL, regs[i-ignored], Address(rsp, offset), extraspace);
 775       k++;
 776 #ifdef ASSERT
 777       if (bt==T_LONG || bt==T_DOUBLE) {
 778         // Overwrite the unused slot with known junk
 779         __ mov64(rax, CONST64(0xdeadffffdeadaaaa));
 780         __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), rax);

 781       }
 782 #endif /* ASSERT */
 783     } else {
 784       ignored++;
 785       // get the buffer from the just allocated pool of buffers
 786       __ load_heap_oop(r11, Address(r10, j * type2aelembytes(T_VALUETYPE)));
 787       j++; k++;
 788       int vt = 1;
 789       // write fields we get from compiled code in registers/stack
 790       // slots to the buffer: we know we are done with that value type
 791       // argument when we hit the T_VOID that acts as an end of value
 792       // type delimiter for this value type. Value types are flattened
 793       // so we might encounter a embedded value types. Each entry in
 794       // sig contains a field offset in the buffer.
 795       do {
 796         i++;
 797         BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
 798         BasicType prev_bt = sig.at(i-1)._bt;
 799         if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 800           vt++;
 801           ignored++;
 802         } else if (bt == T_VOID &&
 803                    prev_bt != T_LONG &&
 804                    prev_bt != T_DOUBLE) {
 805           vt--;
 806           ignored++;
 807         } else {
 808           int off = sig.at(i)._offset;
 809           assert(off > 0, "");
 810           gen_c2i_adapter_helper(masm, bt, i > 0 ? sig.at(i-1)._bt : T_ILLEGAL, regs[i-ignored], Address(r11, off), extraspace);
 811         }
 812       } while (vt != 0);
 813       // pass the buffer to the interpreter
 814       __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), r11);
 815     }
 816   }
 818   // Schedule the branch target address early.
 819   __ movptr(rcx, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::interpreter_entry_offset())));
 820   __ jmp(rcx);
 821 }
 823 static void range_check(MacroAssembler* masm, Register pc_reg, Register temp_reg,
 824                         address code_start, address code_end,
 825                         Label& L_ok) {
 826   Label L_fail;
 827   __ lea(temp_reg, ExternalAddress(code_start));
 828   __ cmpptr(pc_reg, temp_reg);
 829   __ jcc(Assembler::belowEqual, L_fail);
 830   __ lea(temp_reg, ExternalAddress(code_end));
 831   __ cmpptr(pc_reg, temp_reg);
 832   __ jcc(Assembler::below, L_ok);
 833   __ bind(L_fail);
 834 }
 836 static void gen_i2c_adapter_helper(MacroAssembler *masm,
 837                                    BasicType bt,
 838                                    BasicType prev_bt,
 839                                    const VMRegPair& reg_pair,
 840                                    const Address& from) {
 841   assert(bt != T_VALUETYPE || !ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "no value type here");
 842   if (bt == T_VOID) {
 843     // Longs and doubles are passed in native word order, but misaligned
 844     // in the 32-bit build.
 845     assert(prev_bt == T_LONG || prev_bt == T_DOUBLE, "missing half");
 846     return;
 847   }
 848   // Pick up 0, 1 or 2 words from SP+offset.
 850   assert(!reg_pair.second()->is_valid() || reg_pair.first()->next() == reg_pair.second(),
 851          "scrambled load targets?");
 852   //
 853   //
 854   //
 855   VMReg r_1 = reg_pair.first();
 856   VMReg r_2 = reg_pair.second();
 857   if (!r_1->is_valid()) {
 858     assert(!r_2->is_valid(), "");
 859     return;
 860   }
 861   if (r_1->is_stack()) {
 862     // Convert stack slot to an SP offset (+ wordSize to account for return address )
 863     int st_off = reg_pair.first()->reg2stack()*VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + wordSize;
 865     // We can use r13 as a temp here because compiled code doesn't need r13 as an input
 866     // and if we end up going thru a c2i because of a miss a reasonable value of r13
 867     // will be generated.
 868     if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 869       // sign extend???
 870       __ movl(r13, from);
 871       __ movptr(Address(rsp, st_off), r13);
 872     } else {
 873       //
 874       // We are using two optoregs. This can be either T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_LONG, or T_DOUBLE
 875       // the interpreter allocates two slots but only uses one for thr T_LONG or T_DOUBLE case
 876       // So we must adjust where to pick up the data to match the interpreter.
 877       //
 878       // Interpreter local[n] == MSW, local[n+1] == LSW however locals
 879       // are accessed as negative so LSW is at LOW address
 881       // ld_off is MSW so get LSW
 882       __ movq(r13, from);
 883       // st_off is LSW (i.e. reg.first())
 884       __ movq(Address(rsp, st_off), r13);
 885     }
 886   } else if (r_1->is_Register()) {  // Register argument
 887     Register r = r_1->as_Register();
 888     assert(r != rax, "must be different");
 889     if (r_2->is_valid()) {
 890       //
 891       // We are using two VMRegs. This can be either T_OBJECT, T_ADDRESS, T_LONG, or T_DOUBLE
 892       // the interpreter allocates two slots but only uses one for thr T_LONG or T_DOUBLE case
 893       // So we must adjust where to pick up the data to match the interpreter.
 895       // this can be a misaligned move
 896       __ movq(r, from);
 897     } else {
 898       // sign extend and use a full word?
 899       __ movl(r, from);
 900     }
 901   } else {
 902     if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
 903       __ movflt(r_1->as_XMMRegister(), from);
 904     } else {
 905       __ movdbl(r_1->as_XMMRegister(), from);
 906     }
 907   }
 908 }
 910 void SharedRuntime::gen_i2c_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,

 911                                     int comp_args_on_stack,
 912                                     const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig,
 913                                     const VMRegPair *regs) {
 915   // Note: r13 contains the senderSP on entry. We must preserve it since
 916   // we may do a i2c -> c2i transition if we lose a race where compiled
 917   // code goes non-entrant while we get args ready.
 918   // In addition we use r13 to locate all the interpreter args as
 919   // we must align the stack to 16 bytes on an i2c entry else we
 920   // lose alignment we expect in all compiled code and register
 921   // save code can segv when fxsave instructions find improperly
 922   // aligned stack pointer.
 924   // Adapters can be frameless because they do not require the caller
 925   // to perform additional cleanup work, such as correcting the stack pointer.
 926   // An i2c adapter is frameless because the *caller* frame, which is interpreted,
 927   // routinely repairs its own stack pointer (from interpreter_frame_last_sp),
 928   // even if a callee has modified the stack pointer.
 929   // A c2i adapter is frameless because the *callee* frame, which is interpreted,
 930   // routinely repairs its caller's stack pointer (from sender_sp, which is set
 931   // up via the senderSP register).
 932   // In other words, if *either* the caller or callee is interpreted, we can

 998   // Put saved SP in another register
 999   const Register saved_sp = rax;
1000   __ movptr(saved_sp, r11);
1002   // Will jump to the compiled code just as if compiled code was doing it.
1003   // Pre-load the register-jump target early, to schedule it better.
1004   __ movptr(r11, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset())));
1007   if (EnableJVMCI) {
1008     // check if this call should be routed towards a specific entry point
1009     __ cmpptr(Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())), 0);
1010     Label no_alternative_target;
1011     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, no_alternative_target);
1012     __ movptr(r11, Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())));
1013     __ movptr(Address(r15_thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::jvmci_alternate_call_target_offset())), 0);
1014     __ bind(no_alternative_target);
1015   }
1016 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMCI
1018   int total_args_passed = compute_total_args_passed(sig);
1019   // Now generate the shuffle code.  Pick up all register args and move the
1020   // rest through the floating point stack top.

1022   // i is the next argument from the compiler point of view (value
1023   // type fields are passed in registers/on the stack). In sig, a
1024   // value type argument starts with: T_VALUETYPE, followed by the
1025   // types of the fields of the value type and T_VOID to mark the end
1026   // of the value type. ignored counts the number of
1027   // T_VALUETYPE/T_VOID. k is the next argument from the interpreter
1028   // point of view (value types are passed by reference).
1029   for (int i = 0, ignored = 0, k = 0; i < sig.length(); i++) {
1030     assert((i == 0 && ignored == 0) || ignored < i, "");
1031     assert(k < total_args_passed, "");
1032     BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
1033     int ld_off = (total_args_passed - k)*Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1034     if (!ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs || bt != T_VALUETYPE) {
1035       // Load in argument order going down.

1036       // Point to interpreter value (vs. tag)
1037       int next_off = ld_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1038       const int offset = (bt==T_LONG||bt==T_DOUBLE) ? next_off : ld_off;
1039       gen_i2c_adapter_helper(masm, bt, i > 0 ? sig.at(i-1)._bt : T_ILLEGAL, regs[i-ignored], Address(saved_sp, offset));
1040       k++;

1041     } else {
1042       k++;
1043       ignored++;
1044       // get the buffer for that value type
1045       __ movptr(r10, Address(saved_sp, ld_off));
1046       int vt = 1;
1047       // load fields to registers/stack slots from the buffer: we know
1048       // we are done with that value type argument when we hit the
1049       // T_VOID that acts as an end of value type delimiter for this
1050       // value type. Value types are flattened so we might encounter a
1051       // embedded value types. Each entry in sig contains a field
1052       // offset in the buffer.
1053       do {
1054         i++;
1055         BasicType bt = sig.at(i)._bt;
1056         BasicType prev_bt = sig.at(i-1)._bt;
1057         if (bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
1058           vt++;
1059           ignored++;
1060         } else if (bt == T_VOID &&
1061                    prev_bt != T_LONG &&
1062                    prev_bt != T_DOUBLE) {
1063           vt--;
1064           ignored++;

1065         } else {
1066           int off = sig.at(i)._offset;
1067           assert(off > 0, "");
1068           gen_i2c_adapter_helper(masm, bt, prev_bt, regs[i - ignored], Address(r10, off));
1069         }
1070       } while (vt != 0);
1071     }
1072   }
1074   // 6243940 We might end up in handle_wrong_method if
1075   // the callee is deoptimized as we race thru here. If that
1076   // happens we don't want to take a safepoint because the
1077   // caller frame will look interpreted and arguments are now
1078   // "compiled" so it is much better to make this transition
1079   // invisible to the stack walking code. Unfortunately if
1080   // we try and find the callee by normal means a safepoint
1081   // is possible. So we stash the desired callee in the thread
1082   // and the vm will find there should this case occur.
1084   __ movptr(Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::callee_target_offset()), rbx);
1086   // put Method* where a c2i would expect should we end up there
1087   // only needed because of c2 resolve stubs return Method* as a result in
1088   // rax
1089   __ mov(rax, rbx);
1090   __ jmp(r11);
1091 }
1093 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
1094 AdapterHandlerEntry* SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(MacroAssembler *masm,

1095                                                             int comp_args_on_stack,
1096                                                             const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig,
1097                                                             const VMRegPair *regs,
1098                                                             AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
1099                                                             AdapterBlob*& new_adapter) {
1100   address i2c_entry = __ pc();
1102   gen_i2c_adapter(masm, comp_args_on_stack, sig, regs);
1104   // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1105   // Generate a C2I adapter.  On entry we know rbx holds the Method* during calls
1106   // to the interpreter.  The args start out packed in the compiled layout.  They
1107   // need to be unpacked into the interpreter layout.  This will almost always
1108   // require some stack space.  We grow the current (compiled) stack, then repack
1109   // the args.  We  finally end in a jump to the generic interpreter entry point.
1110   // On exit from the interpreter, the interpreter will restore our SP (lest the
1111   // compiled code, which relys solely on SP and not RBP, get sick).
1113   address c2i_unverified_entry = __ pc();
1114   Label skip_fixup;
1115   Label ok;
1117   Register holder = rax;
1118   Register receiver = j_rarg0;
1119   Register temp = rbx;
1121   {
1122     __ load_klass(temp, receiver);
1123     __ cmpptr(temp, Address(holder, CompiledICHolder::holder_klass_offset()));
1124     __ movptr(rbx, Address(holder, CompiledICHolder::holder_method_offset()));
1125     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, ok);
1126     __ jump(RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
1128     __ bind(ok);
1129     // Method might have been compiled since the call site was patched to
1130     // interpreted if that is the case treat it as a miss so we can get
1131     // the call site corrected.
1132     __ cmpptr(Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::code_offset())), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
1133     __ jcc(Assembler::equal, skip_fixup);
1134     __ jump(RuntimeAddress(SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()));
1135   }
1137   address c2i_entry = __ pc();
1139   OopMapSet* oop_maps = NULL;
1140   int frame_complete = CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe;
1141   int frame_size_in_words = 0;
1142   gen_c2i_adapter(masm, sig, regs, skip_fixup, i2c_entry, oop_maps, frame_complete, frame_size_in_words);
1144   __ flush();
1145   new_adapter = AdapterBlob::create(masm->code(), frame_complete, frame_size_in_words, oop_maps);
1146   return AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry);
1147 }
1149 int SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt,
1150                                          VMRegPair *regs,
1151                                          VMRegPair *regs2,
1152                                          int total_args_passed) {
1153   assert(regs2 == NULL, "not needed on x86");
1154 // We return the amount of VMRegImpl stack slots we need to reserve for all
1155 // the arguments NOT counting out_preserve_stack_slots.
1157 // NOTE: These arrays will have to change when c1 is ported
1158 #ifdef _WIN64
1159     static const Register INT_ArgReg[Argument::n_int_register_parameters_c] = {
1160       c_rarg0, c_rarg1, c_rarg2, c_rarg3
1161     };
1162     static const XMMRegister FP_ArgReg[Argument::n_float_register_parameters_c] = {
1163       c_farg0, c_farg1, c_farg2, c_farg3
1164     };
1165 #else

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