1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 error.multiple.main.operations=\
  27      You may not specify more than one '-cuxti' options
  28 error.cant.open=\
  29      can''t open: {0}
  30 error.illegal.option=\
  31         Illegal option: {0}
  32 error.unrecognized.option=\
  33     unrecognized option : {0}
  34 error.missing.arg=\
  35      option {0} requires an argument
  36 error.bad.file.arg=\
  37      Error parsing file arguments
  38 error.bad.option=\
  39         One of options -{ctxu} must be specified.
  40 error.bad.cflag=\
  41         'c' flag requires manifest or input files to be specified!
  42 error.bad.uflag=\
  43         'u' flag requires manifest, 'e' flag or input files to be specified!
  44 error.bad.eflag=\
  45         'e' flag and manifest with the 'Main-Class' attribute cannot be specified \n\
  46          together!
  47 error.nosuch.fileordir=\
  48         {0} : no such file or directory
  49 error.write.file=\
  50         Error in writing existing jar file
  51 error.create.dir=\
  52         {0} : could not create directory
  53 error.incorrect.length=\
  54         incorrect length while processing: {0}
  55 error.create.tempfile=\
  56         Could not create a temporary file
  57 error.hash.dep=\
  58         Hashing module {0} dependences, unable to find module {1} on module path
  59 error.module.options.without.info=\
  60         One of --module-version or --hash-modules without module-info.class
  61 error.unexpected.module-info=\
  62         Unexpected module descriptor {0}
  63 error.module.descriptor.not.found=\
  64         Module descriptor not found
  65 error.versioned.info.without.root=\
  66         module-info.class found in a versioned directory without module-info.class \
  67         in the root
  68 error.versioned.info.name.notequal=\
  69         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains incorrect name
  70 error.versioned.info.requires.public=\
  71         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains additional "requires public"
  72 error.versioned.info.requires.added=\
  73         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains additional "requires"
  74 error.versioned.info.requires.dropped=\
  75         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains missing "requires"
  76 error.versioned.info.exports.notequal=\
  77         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains different "exports"
  78 error.versioned.info.provides.notequal=\
  79         module-info.class in a versioned directory contains different "provides"
  80 error.invalid.versioned.module.attribute=\
  81         Invalid module descriptor attribute {0}
  82 error.missing.provider=\
  83         Service provider not found: {0}
  84 error.release.value.notnumber=\
  85         release {0} not valid
  86 error.release.value.toosmall=\
  87         release {0} not valid, must be >= 9
  88 error.validator.jarfile.exception=\
  89         can not validate {0}: {1}
  90 error.validator.jarfile.invalid=\
  91         invalid multi-release jar file {0} deleted
  92 error.validator.bad.entry.name=\
  93         entry name malformed, {0}
  94 error.validator.version.notnumber=\
  95         entry name: {0}, does not have a version number
  96 error.validator.entryname.tooshort=\
  97         entry name: {0}, too short, not a directory
  98 error.validator.isolated.nested.class=\
  99         entry: {0}, is an isolated nested class
 100 error.validator.new.public.class=\
 101         entry: {0}, contains a new public class not found in base entries
 102 error.validator.incompatible.class.version=\
 103         entry: {0}, has a class version incompatible with an earlier version
 104 error.validator.different.api=\
 105         entry: {0}, contains a class with different api from earlier version
 106 error.validator.names.mismatch=\
 107          entry: {0}, contains a class with internal name {1}, names do not match
 108 warn.validator.identical.entry=\
 109         warning - entry: {0} contains a class that is identical to an entry already in the jar
 110 warn.validator.resources.with.same.name=\
 111          warning - entry: {0}, multiple resources with same name
 112 warn.validator.concealed.public.class=\
 113          warning - entry {0} is a public class in a concealed package, \n\
 114          placing this jar on the class path will result in incompatible public interfaces
 115 out.added.manifest=\
 116         added manifest
 117 out.added.module-info=\
 118         added module-info: {0}
 119 out.update.manifest=\
 120         updated manifest
 121 out.update.module-info=\
 122         updated module-info: {0}
 123 out.ignore.entry=\
 124         ignoring entry {0}
 125 out.adding=\
 126         adding: {0}
 127 out.deflated=\
 128         (deflated {0}%)
 129 out.stored=\
 130         (stored 0%)
 131 out.create=\
 132         \ \ created: {0}
 133 out.extracted=\
 134         extracted: {0}
 135 out.inflated=\
 136         \ inflated: {0}
 137 out.size=\
 138         (in = {0}) (out= {1})
 140 usage.compat=\
 141 \Compatibility Interface:\
 142 \n\
 143 Usage: jar {ctxui}[vfmn0PMe] [jar-file] [manifest-file] [entry-point] [-C dir] files] ...\n\
 144 Options:\n\
 145 \ \   -c  create new archive\n\
 146 \ \   -t  list table of contents for archive\n\
 147 \ \   -x  extract named (or all) files from archive\n\
 148 \ \   -u  update existing archive\n\
 149 \ \   -v  generate verbose output on standard output\n\
 150 \ \   -f  specify archive file name\n\
 151 \ \   -m  include manifest information from specified manifest file\n\
 152 \ \   -n  perform Pack200 normalization after creating a new archive\n\
 153 \ \   -e  specify application entry point for stand-alone application \n\
 154 \ \       bundled into an executable jar file\n\
 155 \ \   -0  store only; use no ZIP compression\n\
 156 \ \   -P  preserve leading '/' (absolute path) and ".." (parent directory) components from file names\n\
 157 \ \   -M  do not create a manifest file for the entries\n\
 158 \ \   -i  generate index information for the specified jar files\n\
 159 \ \   -C  change to the specified directory and include the following file\n\
 160 If any file is a directory then it is processed recursively.\n\
 161 The manifest file name, the archive file name and the entry point name are\n\
 162 specified in the same order as the 'm', 'f' and 'e' flags.\n\n\
 163 Example 1: to archive two class files into an archive called classes.jar: \n\
 164 \ \      jar cvf classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class \n\
 165 Example 2: use an existing manifest file 'mymanifest' and archive all the\n\
 166 \ \          files in the foo/ directory into 'classes.jar': \n\
 167 \ \      jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -C foo/ .\n
 169 main.usage.summary=\
 170 jar: You must specify one of -ctxui options.
 171 main.usage.summary.try=\
 172 Try `jar --help' for more information.
 174 main.help.preopt=\
 175 Usage: jar [OPTION...] [ [--release VERSION] [-C dir] files] ...\n\
 176 jar creates an archive for classes and resources, and can manipulate or\n\
 177 restore individual classes or resources from an archive.\n\
 178 \n\
 179 \ Examples:\n\
 180 \ # Create an archive called classes.jar with two class files:\n\
 181 \ jar --create --file classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class\n\
 182 \ # Create an archive using an existing manifest, with all the files in foo/:\n\
 183 \ jar --create --file classes.jar --manifest mymanifest -C foo/ .\n\
 184 \ # Create a modular jar archive, where the module descriptor is located in\n\
 185 \ # classes/module-info.class:\n\
 186 \ jar --create --file foo.jar --main-class com.foo.Main --module-version 1.0\n\
 187 \     -C foo/ classes resources\n\
 188 \ # Update an existing non-modular jar to a modular jar:\n\
 189 \ jar --update --file foo.jar --main-class com.foo.Main --module-version 1.0\n\
 190 \     -C foo/ module-info.class\n\
 191 \ # Create a multi-release jar, placing some files in the META-INF/versions/9 directory:\n\
 192 \ jar --create --file mr.jar -C foo classes --release 9 -C foo9 classes
 193 main.help.opt.main=\
 194 \ Main operation mode:\n
 195 main.help.opt.main.create=\
 196 \  -c, --create               Create the archive
 197 main.help.opt.main.generate-index=\
 198 \  -i, --generate-index=FILE  Generate index information for the specified jar\n\
 199 \                             archives
 200 main.help.opt.main.list=\
 201 \  -t, --list                 List the table of contents for the archive
 202 main.help.opt.main.update=\
 203 \  -u, --update               Update an existing jar archive
 204 main.help.opt.main.extract=\
 205 \  -x, --extract              Extract named (or all) files from the archive
 206 main.help.opt.main.print-module-descriptor=\
 207 \  -d, --print-module-descriptor  Print the module descriptor
 208 main.help.opt.any=\
 209 \ Operation modifiers valid in any mode:\n\
 210 \n\
 211 \  -C DIR                     Change to the specified directory and include the\n\
 212 \                             following file
 213 main.help.opt.any.file=\
 214 \  -f, --file=FILE            The archive file name\n\
 215 \      --release VERSION      Places all following files in a versioned directory\n\
 216 \                             of the jar (i.e. META-INF/versions/VERSION/)
 217 main.help.opt.any.verbose=\
 218 \  -v, --verbose              Generate verbose output on standard output
 219 main.help.opt.create.update=\
 220 \ Operation modifiers valid only in create and update mode:\n
 221 main.help.opt.create.update.main-class=\
 222 \  -e, --main-class=CLASSNAME The application entry point for stand-alone\n\
 223 \                             applications bundled into a modular, or executable,\n\
 224 \                             jar archive
 225 main.help.opt.create.update.manifest=\
 226 \  -m, --manifest=FILE        Include the manifest information from the given\n\
 227 \                             manifest file
 228 main.help.opt.create.update.no-manifest=\
 229 \  -M, --no-manifest          Do not create a manifest file for the entries
 230 main.help.opt.create.update.module-version=\
 231 \      --module-version=VERSION    The module version, when creating a modular\n\
 232 \                             jar, or updating a non-modular jar
 233 main.help.opt.create.update.hash-modules=\
 234 \      --hash-modules=PATTERN Compute and record the hashes of modules \n\
 235 \                             matched by the given pattern and that depend upon\n\
 236 \                             directly or indirectly on a modular jar being\n\
 237 \                             created or a non-modular jar being updated
 238 main.help.opt.create.update.module-path=\
 239 \  -p, --module-path          Location of module dependence for generating\n\
 240 \                             the hash
 241 main.help.opt.create.update.index=\
 242 \ Operation modifiers valid only in create, update, and generate-index mode:\n
 243 main.help.opt.create.update.index.no-compress=\
 244 \  -0, --no-compress          Store only; use no ZIP compression
 245 main.help.opt.other=\
 246 \ Other options:\n
 247 main.help.opt.other.help=\
 248 \  -?, --help[:compat]        Give this, or optionally the compatibility, help
 249 main.help.opt.other.version=\
 250 \      --version              Print program version
 251 main.help.postopt=\
 252 \ An archive is a modular jar if a module descriptor, 'module-info.class', is\n\
 253 \ located in the root of the given directories, or the root of the jar archive\n\
 254 \ itself. The following operations are only valid when creating a modular jar,\n\
 255 \ or updating an existing non-modular jar: '--module-version',\n\
 256 \ '--hash-modules', and '--module-path'.\n\
 257 \n\
 258 \ Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional\n\
 259 \ for any corresponding short options.