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rev 59451 : 8245478: Implementation: JEP 379: Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector (Production)
Reviewed-by: XXX

  46   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahTargetNumRegions, 2048,                    \
  47           "With automatic region sizing, this is the approximate number "   \
  48           "of regions that would be used, within min/max region size "      \
  49           "limits.")                                                        \
  50                                                                             \
  51   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMinRegionSize, 256 * K,                    \
  52           "With automatic region sizing, the regions would be at least "    \
  53           "this large.")                                                    \
  54                                                                             \
  55   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMaxRegionSize, 32 * M,                     \
  56           "With automatic region sizing, the regions would be at most "     \
  57           "this large.")                                                    \
  58                                                                             \
  59   experimental(intx, ShenandoahHumongousThreshold, 100,                     \
  60           "Humongous objects are allocated in separate regions. "           \
  61           "This setting defines how large the object should be to be "      \
  62           "deemed humongous. Value is in  percents of heap region size. "   \
  63           "This also caps the maximum TLAB size.")                          \
  64           range(1, 100)                                                     \
  65                                                                             \
  66   experimental(ccstr, ShenandoahGCMode, "satb",                             \
  67           "GC mode to use.  Among other things, this defines which "        \
  68           "barriers are in in use. Possible values are:"                    \
  69           " satb - snapshot-at-the-beginning concurrent GC (three pass mark-evac-update);"  \
  70           " iu - incremental-update concurrent GC (three pass mark-evac-update);"  \
  71           " passive - stop the world GC only (either degenerated or full)") \
  72                                                                             \
  73   experimental(ccstr, ShenandoahGCHeuristics, "adaptive",                   \
  74           "GC heuristics to use. This fine-tunes the GC mode selected, "    \
  75           "by choosing when to start the GC, how much to process on each "  \
  76           "cycle, and what other features to automatically enable. "        \
  77           "Possible values are:"                                            \
  78           " adaptive - adapt to maintain the given amount of free heap "    \
  79           "at all times, even during the GC cycle;"                         \
  80           " static -  trigger GC when free heap falls below the threshold;" \
  81           " aggressive - run GC continuously, try to evacuate everything;"  \
  82           " compact - run GC more frequently and with deeper targets to "   \
  83           "free up more memory.")                                           \
  84                                                                             \
  85   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahRefProcFrequency, 5,                        \
  86           "Process process weak (soft, phantom, finalizers) references "    \
  87           "every Nth cycle. Normally affects concurrent GC cycles only, "   \
  88           "as degenerated and full GCs would try to process references "    \
  89           "regardless. Set to zero to disable reference processing "        \
  90           "completely.")                                                    \
  91                                                                             \
  92   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency, 1,                  \
  93           "Unload the classes every Nth cycle. Normally affects concurrent "\

  46   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahTargetNumRegions, 2048,                    \
  47           "With automatic region sizing, this is the approximate number "   \
  48           "of regions that would be used, within min/max region size "      \
  49           "limits.")                                                        \
  50                                                                             \
  51   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMinRegionSize, 256 * K,                    \
  52           "With automatic region sizing, the regions would be at least "    \
  53           "this large.")                                                    \
  54                                                                             \
  55   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahMaxRegionSize, 32 * M,                     \
  56           "With automatic region sizing, the regions would be at most "     \
  57           "this large.")                                                    \
  58                                                                             \
  59   experimental(intx, ShenandoahHumongousThreshold, 100,                     \
  60           "Humongous objects are allocated in separate regions. "           \
  61           "This setting defines how large the object should be to be "      \
  62           "deemed humongous. Value is in  percents of heap region size. "   \
  63           "This also caps the maximum TLAB size.")                          \
  64           range(1, 100)                                                     \
  65                                                                             \
  66   product(ccstr, ShenandoahGCMode, "satb",                                  \
  67           "GC mode to use.  Among other things, this defines which "        \
  68           "barriers are in in use. Possible values are:"                    \
  69           " satb - snapshot-at-the-beginning concurrent GC (three pass mark-evac-update);"  \
  70           " iu - incremental-update concurrent GC (three pass mark-evac-update);"  \
  71           " passive - stop the world GC only (either degenerated or full)") \
  72                                                                             \
  73   product(ccstr, ShenandoahGCHeuristics, "adaptive",                        \
  74           "GC heuristics to use. This fine-tunes the GC mode selected, "    \
  75           "by choosing when to start the GC, how much to process on each "  \
  76           "cycle, and what other features to automatically enable. "        \
  77           "Possible values are:"                                            \
  78           " adaptive - adapt to maintain the given amount of free heap "    \
  79           "at all times, even during the GC cycle;"                         \
  80           " static -  trigger GC when free heap falls below the threshold;" \
  81           " aggressive - run GC continuously, try to evacuate everything;"  \
  82           " compact - run GC more frequently and with deeper targets to "   \
  83           "free up more memory.")                                           \
  84                                                                             \
  85   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahRefProcFrequency, 5,                        \
  86           "Process process weak (soft, phantom, finalizers) references "    \
  87           "every Nth cycle. Normally affects concurrent GC cycles only, "   \
  88           "as degenerated and full GCs would try to process references "    \
  89           "regardless. Set to zero to disable reference processing "        \
  90           "completely.")                                                    \
  91                                                                             \
  92   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency, 1,                  \
  93           "Unload the classes every Nth cycle. Normally affects concurrent "\

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