1 bundler.name=Linux Application Image
   2 bundler.description=A Directory based image of a linux Application with an optionally co-bundled JRE.  Used as a base for the Installer bundlers.
   4 param.raw-executable-url.name = Launcher URL
   5 param.raw-executable-url.description = Override the packager default launcher with a custom launcher.
   7 param.icon-png.name = .png Icon
   8 param.icon-png.description = Icon for the application, in PNG format.
  10 param.runtime.name=JRE
  11 param.runtime.description=The Java Runtime to co-bundle.  The default value is the current JRE running the bundler.  A value of null will cause no JRE to be co-bundled and the system JRE will be used to launch the application.
  13 error.parameters-null=Parameters map is null.
  14 error.parameters-null.advice=Pass in a non-null parameters map.
  15 error.empty-user-jvm-option-value=UserJvmOption key ''{0}'' has a null or empty value.
  16 error.empty-user-jvm-option-value.advice=Provide a value for the key or split the key into a key/value pair.  Such as '-Xmx1G' into '-Xmx' and '1G'. 
  17 error.no-linux-resources=This copy of ant-javafx.jar does not support Linux.
  18 error.no-linux-resources.advice=Please use ant-javafx.jar coming with Oracle JDK for Linux.
  19 error.no-application-jar=Main application jar is missing.
  20 error.no-application-jar.advice=Make sure to use fx\:jar task to create main application jar.
  21 error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
  22 error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
  24 message.creating-bundle-location=Creating app bundle\: {0}
  25 message.jvm-user-arg-is-null=WARNING\: a jvmuserarg has a null name or value
  26 message.icon-not-png= The specified icon "{0}" is not a PNG file and will not be used.  The default icon will be used in it's place.