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 189  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{Cntrl}</tt></td>
 190  *     <td headers="matches">A control character: <tt>[\x00-\x1F\x7F]</tt></td></tr>
 191  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{XDigit}</tt></td>
 192  *     <td headers="matches">A hexadecimal digit: <tt>[0-9a-fA-F]</tt></td></tr>
 193  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{Space}</tt></td>
 194  *     <td headers="matches">A whitespace character: <tt>[ \t\n\x0B\f\r]</tt></td></tr>
 195  *
 196  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 197  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2">java.lang.Character classes (simple <a href="#jcc">java character type</a>)</th></tr>
 198  *
 199  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaLowerCase}</tt></td>
 200  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isLowerCase()</td></tr>
 201  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaUpperCase}</tt></td>
 202  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isUpperCase()</td></tr>
 203  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaWhitespace}</tt></td>
 204  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isWhitespace()</td></tr>
 205  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaMirrored}</tt></td>
 206  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isMirrored()</td></tr>
 207  *
 208  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 209  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="unicode">Classes for Unicode scripts, blocks and categories</th></tr>
 210  * * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{IsLatin}</tt></td>
 211  *     <td headers="matches">A Latin&nbsp;script character (simple <a href="#ubc">script</a>)</td></tr>
 212  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{InGreek}</tt></td>
 213  *     <td headers="matches">A character in the Greek&nbsp;block (simple <a href="#ubc">block</a>)</td></tr>
 214  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{Lu}</tt></td>
 215  *     <td headers="matches">An uppercase letter (simple <a href="#ubc">category</a>)</td></tr>

 216  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{Sc}</tt></td>
 217  *     <td headers="matches">A currency symbol</td></tr>
 218  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\P{InGreek}</tt></td>
 219  *     <td headers="matches">Any character except one in the Greek block (negation)</td></tr>
 220  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>[\p{L}&&[^\p{Lu}]]&nbsp;</tt></td>
 221  *     <td headers="matches">Any letter except an uppercase letter (subtraction)</td></tr>
 222  *
 223  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 224  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="bounds">Boundary matchers</th></tr>
 225  *
 226  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>^</tt></td>
 227  *     <td headers="matches">The beginning of a line</td></tr>
 228  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>$</tt></td>
 229  *     <td headers="matches">The end of a line</td></tr>
 230  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\b</tt></td>
 231  *     <td headers="matches">A word boundary</td></tr>
 232  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\B</tt></td>
 233  *     <td headers="matches">A non-word boundary</td></tr>
 234  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\A</tt></td>
 235  *     <td headers="matches">The beginning of the input</td></tr>

 311  *     <a href="#groupname">named-capturing group</a> "name" matched</td></tr>
 312  *
 313  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 314  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="quot">Quotation</th></tr>
 315  *
 316  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\</tt></td>
 317  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but quotes the following character</td></tr>
 318  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\Q</tt></td>
 319  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but quotes all characters until <tt>\E</tt></td></tr>
 320  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\E</tt></td>
 321  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but ends quoting started by <tt>\Q</tt></td></tr>
 322  *     <!-- Metachars: !$()*+.<>?[\]^{|} -->
 323  *
 324  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 325  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="special">Special constructs (named-capturing and non-capturing)</th></tr>
 326  *
 327  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;<a href="#groupname">name</a>&gt;</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 328  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a named-capturing group</td></tr>
 329  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?:</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 330  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a non-capturing group</td></tr>
 331  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?idmsux-idmsux)&nbsp;</tt></td>
 332  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but turns match flags <a href="#CASE_INSENSITIVE">i</a>
 333  * <a href="#UNIX_LINES">d</a> <a href="#MULTILINE">m</a> <a href="#DOTALL">s</a>
 334  * <a href="#UNICODE_CASE">u</a> <a href="#COMMENTS">x</a> on - off</td></tr>

 335  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?idmsux-idmsux:</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
 336  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a <a href="#cg">non-capturing group</a> with the
 337  *         given flags <a href="#CASE_INSENSITIVE">i</a> <a href="#UNIX_LINES">d</a>
 338  * <a href="#MULTILINE">m</a> <a href="#DOTALL">s</a> <a href="#UNICODE_CASE">u</a >
 339  * <a href="#COMMENTS">x</a> on - off</td></tr>
 340  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?=</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 341  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width positive lookahead</td></tr>
 342  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?!</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 343  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width negative lookahead</td></tr>
 344  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;=</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 345  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width positive lookbehind</td></tr>
 346  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;!</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 347  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width negative lookbehind</td></tr>
 348  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&gt;</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 349  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as an independent, non-capturing group</td></tr>
 350  *
 351  * </table>
 352  *
 353  * <hr>
 354  *

 501  *
 502  * <p> A <tt>named-capturing group</tt> is still numbered as described in
 503  * <a href="#gnumber">Group number</a>.
 504  *
 505  * <p> The captured input associated with a group is always the subsequence
 506  * that the group most recently matched.  If a group is evaluated a second time
 507  * because of quantification then its previously-captured value, if any, will
 508  * be retained if the second evaluation fails.  Matching the string
 509  * <tt>"aba"</tt> against the expression <tt>(a(b)?)+</tt>, for example, leaves
 510  * group two set to <tt>"b"</tt>.  All captured input is discarded at the
 511  * beginning of each match.
 512  *
 513  * <p> Groups beginning with <tt>(?</tt> are either pure, <i>non-capturing</i> groups
 514  * that do not capture text and do not count towards the group total, or
 515  * <i>named-capturing</i> group.
 516  *
 517  * <h4> Unicode support </h4>
 518  *
 519  * <p> This class is in conformance with Level 1 of <a
 520  * href=""><i>Unicode Technical
 521  * Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines</i></a>, plus RL2.1
 522  * Canonical Equivalents.
 523  *
 524  * <p> Unicode escape sequences such as <tt>&#92;u2014</tt> in Java source code
 525  * are processed as described in section 3.3 of
 526  * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>.
 527  * Such escape sequences are also
 528  * implemented directly by the regular-expression parser so that Unicode
 529  * escapes can be used in expressions that are read from files or from the
 530  * keyboard.  Thus the strings <tt>"&#92;u2014"</tt> and <tt>"\\u2014"</tt>,
 531  * while not equal, compile into the same pattern, which matches the character
 532  * with hexadecimal value <tt>0x2014</tt>.
 533  *
 534  * <p> A Unicode character can also be represented in a regular-expression by
 535  * using its hexadecimal code point value directly as described in construct
 536  * <tt>&#92;x{...}</tt>, for example a supplementary character U+2011F
 537  * can be specified as <tt>&#92;x{2011F}</tt>, instead of two consecutive
 538  * Unicode escape sequences of the surrogate pair
 539  * <tt>&#92;uD840</tt><tt>&#92;uDD1F</tt>.
 540  *
 541  * <a name="ubc">
 542  * <p>Unicode scripts, blocks and categories are written with the <tt>\p</tt> and
 543  * <tt>\P</tt> constructs as in Perl. <tt>\p{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt> matches if
 544  * the input has the property <i>prop</i>, while <tt>\P{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt>
 545  * does not match if the input has that property.
 546  * <p>
 547  * Scripts are specified either with the prefix {@code Is}, as in

 548  * {@code IsHiragana}, or by using  the {@code script} keyword (or its short
 549  * form {@code sc})as in {@code script=Hiragana} or {@code sc=Hiragana}.
 550  * <p>
 551  * Blocks are specified with the prefix {@code In}, as in

 552  * {@code InMongolian}, or by using the keyword {@code block} (or its short
 553  * form {@code blk}) as in {@code block=Mongolian} or {@code blk=Mongolian}.
 554  * <p>
 555  * Categories may be specified with the optional prefix {@code Is}:

 556  * Both {@code \p{L}} and {@code \p{IsL}} denote the category of Unicode
 557  * letters. Same as scripts and blocks, categories can also be specified
 558  * by using the keyword {@code general_category} (or its short form
 559  * {@code gc}) as in {@code general_category=Lu} or {@code gc=Lu}.
 560  * <p>
 561  * Scripts, blocks and categories can be used both inside and outside of a
 562  * character class.
 563  * <p> The supported categories are those of
 564  * <a href="">
 565  * <i>The Unicode Standard</i></a> in the version specified by the
 566  * {@link java.lang.Character Character} class. The category names are those
 567  * defined in the Standard, both normative and informative.
 568  * The script names supported by <code>Pattern</code> are the valid script names
 569  * accepted and defined by
 570  * {@link java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript#forName(String) UnicodeScript.forName}.
 571  * The block names supported by <code>Pattern</code> are the valid block names
 572  * accepted and defined by
 573  * {@link java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock#forName(String) UnicodeBlock.forName}.
 574  * <p>
 575  * <a name="jcc"> <p>Categories that behave like the java.lang.Character

 576  * boolean is<i>methodname</i> methods (except for the deprecated ones) are
 577  * available through the same <tt>\p{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt> syntax where
 578  * the specified property has the name <tt>java<i>methodname</i></tt>.
 579  *
 580  * <h4> Comparison to Perl 5 </h4>
 581  *
 582  * <p>The <code>Pattern</code> engine performs traditional NFA-based matching
 583  * with ordered alternation as occurs in Perl 5.
 584  *
 585  * <p> Perl constructs not supported by this class: </p>
 586  *
 587  * <ul>
 588  *
 589  *    <li><p> The conditional constructs <tt>(?{</tt><i>X</i><tt>})</tt> and
 590  *    <tt>(?(</tt><i>condition</i><tt>)</tt><i>X</i><tt>|</tt><i>Y</i><tt>)</tt>,
 591  *    </p></li>
 592  *
 593  *    <li><p> The embedded code constructs <tt>(?{</tt><i>code</i><tt>})</tt>
 594  *    and <tt>(??{</tt><i>code</i><tt>})</tt>,</p></li>
 595  *

 779      * <p> Specifying this flag may impose a performance penalty.  </p>
 780      */
 781     public static final int UNICODE_CASE = 0x40;
 783     /**
 784      * Enables canonical equivalence.
 785      *
 786      * <p> When this flag is specified then two characters will be considered
 787      * to match if, and only if, their full canonical decompositions match.
 788      * The expression <tt>"a&#92;u030A"</tt>, for example, will match the
 789      * string <tt>"&#92;u00E5"</tt> when this flag is specified.  By default,
 790      * matching does not take canonical equivalence into account.
 791      *
 792      * <p> There is no embedded flag character for enabling canonical
 793      * equivalence.
 794      *
 795      * <p> Specifying this flag may impose a performance penalty.  </p>
 796      */
 797     public static final int CANON_EQ = 0x80;

 799     /* Pattern has only two serialized components: The pattern string
 800      * and the flags, which are all that is needed to recompile the pattern
 801      * when it is deserialized.
 802      */
 804     /** use serialVersionUID from Merlin b59 for interoperability */
 805     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5073258162644648461L;
 807     /**
 808      * The original regular-expression pattern string.
 809      *
 810      * @serial
 811      */
 812     private String pattern;
 814     /**
 815      * The original pattern flags.
 816      *
 817      * @serial
 818      */

 901      *         The expression to be compiled
 902      *
 903      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
 904      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
 905      */
 906     public static Pattern compile(String regex) {
 907         return new Pattern(regex, 0);
 908     }
 910     /**
 911      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern with the given
 912      * flags.  </p>
 913      *
 914      * @param  regex
 915      *         The expression to be compiled
 916      *
 917      * @param  flags
 918      *         Match flags, a bit mask that may include
 919      *         {@link #CASE_INSENSITIVE}, {@link #MULTILINE}, {@link #DOTALL},
 920      *         {@link #UNICODE_CASE}, {@link #CANON_EQ}, {@link #UNIX_LINES},
 921      *         {@link #LITERAL} and {@link #COMMENTS}

 922      *
 923      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 924      *          If bit values other than those corresponding to the defined
 925      *          match flags are set in <tt>flags</tt>
 926      *
 927      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
 928      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
 929      */
 930     public static Pattern compile(String regex, int flags) {
 931         return new Pattern(regex, flags);
 932     }
 934     /**
 935      * Returns the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled.
 936      * </p>
 937      *
 938      * @return  The source of this pattern
 939      */
 940     public String pattern() {
 941         return pattern;

1193         // if length > 0, the Pattern is lazily compiled
1194         compiled = false;
1195         if (pattern.length() == 0) {
1196             root = new Start(lastAccept);
1197             matchRoot = lastAccept;
1198             compiled = true;
1199         }
1200     }
1202     /**
1203      * This private constructor is used to create all Patterns. The pattern
1204      * string and match flags are all that is needed to completely describe
1205      * a Pattern. An empty pattern string results in an object tree with
1206      * only a Start node and a LastNode node.
1207      */
1208     private Pattern(String p, int f) {
1209         pattern = p;
1210         flags = f;

1212         // Reset group index count
1213         capturingGroupCount = 1;
1214         localCount = 0;
1216         if (pattern.length() > 0) {
1217             compile();
1218         } else {
1219             root = new Start(lastAccept);
1220             matchRoot = lastAccept;
1221         }
1222     }
1224     /**
1225      * The pattern is converted to normalizedD form and then a pure group
1226      * is constructed to match canonical equivalences of the characters.
1227      */
1228     private void normalize() {
1229         boolean inCharClass = false;
1230         int lastCodePoint = -1;

2147         case '1':
2148         case '2':
2149         case '3':
2150         case '4':
2151         case '5':
2152         case '6':
2153         case '7':
2154         case '8':
2155         case '9':
2156             if (inclass) break;
2157             if (create) {
2158                 root = ref((ch - '0'));
2159             }
2160             return -1;
2161         case 'A':
2162             if (inclass) break;
2163             if (create) root = new Begin();
2164             return -1;
2165         case 'B':
2166             if (inclass) break;
2167             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.NONE);
2168             return -1;
2169         case 'C':
2170             break;
2171         case 'D':
2172             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT).complement();

2173             return -1;
2174         case 'E':
2175         case 'F':
2176             break;
2177         case 'G':
2178             if (inclass) break;
2179             if (create) root = new LastMatch();
2180             return -1;
2181         case 'H':
2182         case 'I':
2183         case 'J':
2184         case 'K':
2185         case 'L':
2186         case 'M':
2187         case 'N':
2188         case 'O':
2189         case 'P':
2190         case 'Q':
2191         case 'R':
2192             break;
2193         case 'S':
2194             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE).complement();

2195             return -1;
2196         case 'T':
2197         case 'U':
2198         case 'V':
2199             break;
2200         case 'W':
2201             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.WORD).complement();

2202             return -1;
2203         case 'X':
2204         case 'Y':
2205             break;
2206         case 'Z':
2207             if (inclass) break;
2208             if (create) {
2209                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2210                     root = new UnixDollar(false);
2211                 else
2212                     root = new Dollar(false);
2213             }
2214             return -1;
2215         case 'a':
2216             return '\007';
2217         case 'b':
2218             if (inclass) break;
2219             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.BOTH);
2220             return -1;
2221         case 'c':
2222             return c();
2223         case 'd':
2224             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT);

2225             return -1;
2226         case 'e':
2227             return '\033';
2228         case 'f':
2229             return '\f';
2230         case 'g':
2231         case 'h':
2232         case 'i':
2233         case 'j':
2234             break;
2235         case 'k':
2236             if (inclass)
2237                 break;
2238             if (read() != '<')
2239                 throw error("\\k is not followed by '<' for named capturing group");
2240             String name = groupname(read());
2241             if (!namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2242                 throw error("(named capturing group <"+ name+"> does not exit");
2243             if (create) {
2244                 if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE))
2245                     root = new CIBackRef(namedGroups().get(name), has(UNICODE_CASE));
2246                 else
2247                     root = new BackRef(namedGroups().get(name));
2248             }
2249             return -1;
2250         case 'l':
2251         case 'm':
2252             break;
2253         case 'n':
2254             return '\n';
2255         case 'o':
2256         case 'p':
2257         case 'q':
2258             break;
2259         case 'r':
2260             return '\r';
2261         case 's':
2262             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE);

2263             return -1;
2264         case 't':
2265             return '\t';
2266         case 'u':
2267             return u();
2268         case 'v':
2269             return '\013';
2270         case 'w':
2271             if (create) root = new Ctype(ASCII.WORD);

2272             return -1;
2273         case 'x':
2274             return x();
2275         case 'y':
2276             break;
2277         case 'z':
2278             if (inclass) break;
2279             if (create) root = new End();
2280             return -1;
2281         default:
2282             return ch;
2283         }
2284         throw error("Illegal/unsupported escape sequence");
2285     }
2287     /**
2288      * Parse a character class, and return the node that matches it.
2289      *
2290      * Consumes a ] on the way out if consume is true. Usually consume
2291      * is true except for the case of [abc&&def] where def is a separate

2474     private int single() {
2475         int ch = peek();
2476         switch (ch) {
2477         case '\\':
2478             return escape(true, false);
2479         default:
2480             next();
2481             return ch;
2482         }
2483     }
2485     /**
2486      * Parses a Unicode character family and returns its representative node.
2487      */
2488     private CharProperty family(boolean singleLetter,
2489                                 boolean maybeComplement)
2490     {
2491         next();
2492         String name;
2493         CharProperty node;
2495         if (singleLetter) {
2496             int c = temp[cursor];
2497             if (!Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(c)) {
2498                 name = String.valueOf((char)c);
2499             } else {
2500                 name = new String(temp, cursor, 1);
2501             }
2502             read();
2503         } else {
2504             int i = cursor;
2505             mark('}');
2506             while(read() != '}') {
2507             }
2508             mark('\000');
2509             int j = cursor;
2510             if (j > patternLength)
2511                 throw error("Unclosed character family");
2512             if (i + 1 >= j)
2513                 throw error("Empty character family");

2519             // property construct \p{name=value}
2520             String value = name.substring(i + 1);
2521             name = name.substring(0, i).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
2522             if ("sc".equals(name) || "script".equals(name)) {
2523                 node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(value);
2524             } else if ("blk".equals(name) || "block".equals(name)) {
2525                 node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(value);
2526             } else if ("gc".equals(name) || "general_category".equals(name)) {
2527                 node = charPropertyNodeFor(value);
2528             } else {
2529                 throw error("Unknown Unicode property {name=<" + name + ">, "
2530                              + "value=<" + value + ">}");
2531             }
2532         } else {
2533             if (name.startsWith("In")) {
2534                 // \p{inBlockName}
2535                 node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(name.substring(2));
2536             } else if (name.startsWith("Is")) {
2537                 // \p{isGeneralCategory} and \p{isScriptName}
2538                 name = name.substring(2);

2539                 node = CharPropertyNames.charPropertyFor(name);
2540                 if (node == null)
2541                     node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(name);
2542             } else {

2543                 node = charPropertyNodeFor(name);
2544             }
2545         }
2546         if (maybeComplement) {
2547             if (node instanceof Category || node instanceof Block)
2548                 hasSupplementary = true;
2549             node = node.complement();
2550         }
2551         return node;
2552     }
2555     /**
2556      * Returns a CharProperty matching all characters belong to
2557      * a UnicodeScript.
2558      */
2559     private CharProperty unicodeScriptPropertyFor(String name) {
2560         final Character.UnicodeScript script;
2561         try {
2562             script = Character.UnicodeScript.forName(name);

2805                 flags |= CASE_INSENSITIVE;
2806                 break;
2807             case 'm':
2808                 flags |= MULTILINE;
2809                 break;
2810             case 's':
2811                 flags |= DOTALL;
2812                 break;
2813             case 'd':
2814                 flags |= UNIX_LINES;
2815                 break;
2816             case 'u':
2817                 flags |= UNICODE_CASE;
2818                 break;
2819             case 'c':
2820                 flags |= CANON_EQ;
2821                 break;
2822             case 'x':
2823                 flags |= COMMENTS;
2824                 break;

2825             case '-': // subFlag then fall through
2826                 ch = next();
2827                 subFlag();
2828             default:
2829                 return;
2830             }
2831             ch = next();
2832         }
2833     }
2835     /**
2836      * Parses the second part of inlined match flags and turns off
2837      * flags appropriately.
2838      */
2839     private void subFlag() {
2840         int ch = peek();
2841         for (;;) {
2842             switch (ch) {
2843             case 'i':
2844                 flags &= ~CASE_INSENSITIVE;
2845                 break;
2846             case 'm':
2847                 flags &= ~MULTILINE;
2848                 break;
2849             case 's':
2850                 flags &= ~DOTALL;
2851                 break;
2852             case 'd':
2853                 flags &= ~UNIX_LINES;
2854                 break;
2855             case 'u':
2856                 flags &= ~UNICODE_CASE;
2857                 break;
2858             case 'c':
2859                 flags &= ~CANON_EQ;
2860                 break;
2861             case 'x':
2862                 flags &= ~COMMENTS;
2863                 break;

2864             default:
2865                 return;
2866             }
2867             ch = next();
2868         }
2869     }
2871     static final int MAX_REPS   = 0x7FFFFFFF;
2873     static final int GREEDY     = 0;
2875     static final int LAZY       = 1;
2877     static final int POSSESSIVE = 2;
2879     static final int INDEPENDENT = 3;
2881     /**
2882      * Processes repetition. If the next character peeked is a quantifier
2883      * then new nodes must be appended to handle the repetition.

3647         Script(Character.UnicodeScript script) {
3648             this.script = script;
3649         }
3650         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3651             return script == Character.UnicodeScript.of(ch);
3652         }
3653     }
3655     /**
3656      * Node class that matches a Unicode category.
3657      */
3658     static final class Category extends CharProperty {
3659         final int typeMask;
3660         Category(int typeMask) { this.typeMask = typeMask; }
3661         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3662             return (typeMask & (1 << Character.getType(ch))) != 0;
3663         }
3664     }
3666     /**

3667      * Node class that matches a POSIX type.
3668      */
3669     static final class Ctype extends BmpCharProperty {
3670         final int ctype;
3671         Ctype(int ctype) { this.ctype = ctype; }
3672         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3673             return ch < 128 && ASCII.isType(ch, ctype);
3674         }
3675     }
3677     /**
3678      * Base class for all Slice nodes
3679      */
3680     static class SliceNode extends Node {
3681         int[] buffer;
3682         SliceNode(int[] buf) {
3683             buffer = buf;
3684         }
3685         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3686             info.minLength += buffer.length;

5008     private static CharProperty setDifference(final CharProperty lhs,
5009                                               final CharProperty rhs) {
5010         return new CharProperty() {
5011                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5012                     return ! rhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch) && lhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
5013     }
5015     /**
5016      * Handles word boundaries. Includes a field to allow this one class to
5017      * deal with the different types of word boundaries we can match. The word
5018      * characters include underscores, letters, and digits. Non spacing marks
5019      * can are also part of a word if they have a base character, otherwise
5020      * they are ignored for purposes of finding word boundaries.
5021      */
5022     static final class Bound extends Node {
5023         static int LEFT = 0x1;
5024         static int RIGHT= 0x2;
5025         static int BOTH = 0x3;
5026         static int NONE = 0x4;
5027         int type;
5028         Bound(int n) {

5029             type = n;

5030         }

5031         int check(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5032             int ch;
5033             boolean left = false;
5034             int startIndex = matcher.from;
5035             int endIndex =;
5036             if (matcher.transparentBounds) {
5037                 startIndex = 0;
5038                 endIndex = matcher.getTextLength();
5039             }
5040             if (i > startIndex) {
5041                 ch = Character.codePointBefore(seq, i);
5042                 left = (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) ||
5043                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5044                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i-1, seq)));
5045             }
5046             boolean right = false;
5047             if (i < endIndex) {
5048                 ch = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
5049                 right = (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) ||
5050                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5051                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i, seq)));
5052             } else {
5053                 // Tried to access char past the end
5054                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
5055                 // The addition of another char could wreck a boundary
5056                 matcher.requireEnd = true;
5057             }
5058             return ((left ^ right) ? (right ? LEFT : RIGHT) : NONE);
5059         }
5060         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5061             return (check(matcher, i, seq) & type) > 0
5062                 && next.match(matcher, i, seq);
5063         }
5064     }
5066     /**
5067      * Non spacing marks only count as word characters in bounds calculations
5068      * if they have a base character.
5069      */

5411             defCtype("Alnum", ASCII.ALNUM);  // Alphanumeric characters
5412             defCtype("Alpha", ASCII.ALPHA);  // Alphabetic characters
5413             defCtype("Blank", ASCII.BLANK);  // Space and tab characters
5414             defCtype("Cntrl", ASCII.CNTRL);  // Control characters
5415             defRange("Digit", '0', '9');     // Numeric characters
5416             defCtype("Graph", ASCII.GRAPH);  // printable and visible
5417             defRange("Lower", 'a', 'z');     // Lower-case alphabetic
5418             defRange("Print", 0x20, 0x7E);   // Printable characters
5419             defCtype("Punct", ASCII.PUNCT);  // Punctuation characters
5420             defCtype("Space", ASCII.SPACE);  // Space characters
5421             defRange("Upper", 'A', 'Z');     // Upper-case alphabetic
5422             defCtype("XDigit",ASCII.XDIGIT); // hexadecimal digits
5424             // Java character properties, defined by methods in
5425             defClone("javaLowerCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5426                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5427                     return Character.isLowerCase(ch);}});
5428             defClone("javaUpperCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5429                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5430                     return Character.isUpperCase(ch);}});

5431             defClone("javaTitleCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5432                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5433                     return Character.isTitleCase(ch);}});
5434             defClone("javaDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5435                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5436                     return Character.isDigit(ch);}});
5437             defClone("javaDefined", new CloneableProperty() {
5438                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5439                     return Character.isDefined(ch);}});
5440             defClone("javaLetter", new CloneableProperty() {
5441                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5442                     return Character.isLetter(ch);}});
5443             defClone("javaLetterOrDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5444                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5445                     return Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch);}});
5446             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierStart", new CloneableProperty() {
5447                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5448                     return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(ch);}});
5449             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierPart", new CloneableProperty() {
5450                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {

 189  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{Cntrl}</tt></td>
 190  *     <td headers="matches">A control character: <tt>[\x00-\x1F\x7F]</tt></td></tr>
 191  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{XDigit}</tt></td>
 192  *     <td headers="matches">A hexadecimal digit: <tt>[0-9a-fA-F]</tt></td></tr>
 193  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct posix"><tt>\p{Space}</tt></td>
 194  *     <td headers="matches">A whitespace character: <tt>[ \t\n\x0B\f\r]</tt></td></tr>
 195  *
 196  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 197  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2">java.lang.Character classes (simple <a href="#jcc">java character type</a>)</th></tr>
 198  *
 199  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaLowerCase}</tt></td>
 200  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isLowerCase()</td></tr>
 201  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaUpperCase}</tt></td>
 202  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isUpperCase()</td></tr>
 203  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaWhitespace}</tt></td>
 204  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isWhitespace()</td></tr>
 205  * <tr><td valign="top"><tt>\p{javaMirrored}</tt></td>
 206  *     <td>Equivalent to java.lang.Character.isMirrored()</td></tr>
 207  *
 208  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 209  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="unicode">Classes for Unicode scripts, blocks, categories and binary properties</th></tr>
 210  * * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{IsLatin}</tt></td>
 211  *     <td headers="matches">A Latin&nbsp;script character (<a href="#usc">script</a>)</td></tr>
 212  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{InGreek}</tt></td>
 213  *     <td headers="matches">A character in the Greek&nbsp;block (<a href="#ubc">block</a>)</td></tr>
 214  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{Lu}</tt></td>
 215  *     <td headers="matches">An uppercase letter (<a href="#ucc">category</a>)</td></tr>
 216  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{isAlphabetic}</tt></td>
 217  *     <td headers="matches">An alphabetic character (<a href="#ubpc">binary property</a>)</td></tr>
 218  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\p{Sc}</tt></td>
 219  *     <td headers="matches">A currency symbol</td></tr>
 220  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>\P{InGreek}</tt></td>
 221  *     <td headers="matches">Any character except one in the Greek block (negation)</td></tr>
 222  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct unicode"><tt>[\p{L}&&[^\p{Lu}]]&nbsp;</tt></td>
 223  *     <td headers="matches">Any letter except an uppercase letter (subtraction)</td></tr>
 224  *
 225  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 226  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="bounds">Boundary matchers</th></tr>
 227  *
 228  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>^</tt></td>
 229  *     <td headers="matches">The beginning of a line</td></tr>
 230  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>$</tt></td>
 231  *     <td headers="matches">The end of a line</td></tr>
 232  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\b</tt></td>
 233  *     <td headers="matches">A word boundary</td></tr>
 234  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\B</tt></td>
 235  *     <td headers="matches">A non-word boundary</td></tr>
 236  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct bounds"><tt>\A</tt></td>
 237  *     <td headers="matches">The beginning of the input</td></tr>

 313  *     <a href="#groupname">named-capturing group</a> "name" matched</td></tr>
 314  *
 315  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 316  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="quot">Quotation</th></tr>
 317  *
 318  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\</tt></td>
 319  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but quotes the following character</td></tr>
 320  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\Q</tt></td>
 321  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but quotes all characters until <tt>\E</tt></td></tr>
 322  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct quot"><tt>\E</tt></td>
 323  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but ends quoting started by <tt>\Q</tt></td></tr>
 324  *     <!-- Metachars: !$()*+.<>?[\]^{|} -->
 325  *
 326  * <tr><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
 327  * <tr align="left"><th colspan="2" id="special">Special constructs (named-capturing and non-capturing)</th></tr>
 328  *
 329  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;<a href="#groupname">name</a>&gt;</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 330  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a named-capturing group</td></tr>
 331  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?:</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 332  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a non-capturing group</td></tr>
 333  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?idmsuxU-idmsuxU)&nbsp;</tt></td>
 334  *     <td headers="matches">Nothing, but turns match flags <a href="#CASE_INSENSITIVE">i</a>
 335  * <a href="#UNIX_LINES">d</a> <a href="#MULTILINE">m</a> <a href="#DOTALL">s</a>
 336  * <a href="#UNICODE_CASE">u</a> <a href="#COMMENTS">x</a> <a href="#UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS">U</a>
 337  * on - off</td></tr>
 338  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?idmsux-idmsux:</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
 339  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as a <a href="#cg">non-capturing group</a> with the
 340  *         given flags <a href="#CASE_INSENSITIVE">i</a> <a href="#UNIX_LINES">d</a>
 341  * <a href="#MULTILINE">m</a> <a href="#DOTALL">s</a> <a href="#UNICODE_CASE">u</a >
 342  * <a href="#COMMENTS">x</a> on - off</td></tr>
 343  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?=</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 344  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width positive lookahead</td></tr>
 345  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?!</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 346  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width negative lookahead</td></tr>
 347  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;=</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 348  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width positive lookbehind</td></tr>
 349  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&lt;!</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 350  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, via zero-width negative lookbehind</td></tr>
 351  * <tr><td valign="top" headers="construct special"><tt>(?&gt;</tt><i>X</i><tt>)</tt></td>
 352  *     <td headers="matches"><i>X</i>, as an independent, non-capturing group</td></tr>
 353  *
 354  * </table>
 355  *
 356  * <hr>
 357  *

 504  *
 505  * <p> A <tt>named-capturing group</tt> is still numbered as described in
 506  * <a href="#gnumber">Group number</a>.
 507  *
 508  * <p> The captured input associated with a group is always the subsequence
 509  * that the group most recently matched.  If a group is evaluated a second time
 510  * because of quantification then its previously-captured value, if any, will
 511  * be retained if the second evaluation fails.  Matching the string
 512  * <tt>"aba"</tt> against the expression <tt>(a(b)?)+</tt>, for example, leaves
 513  * group two set to <tt>"b"</tt>.  All captured input is discarded at the
 514  * beginning of each match.
 515  *
 516  * <p> Groups beginning with <tt>(?</tt> are either pure, <i>non-capturing</i> groups
 517  * that do not capture text and do not count towards the group total, or
 518  * <i>named-capturing</i> group.
 519  *
 520  * <h4> Unicode support </h4>
 521  *
 522  * <p> This class is in conformance with Level 1 of <a
 523  * href=""><i>Unicode Technical
 524  * Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression</i></a>, plus RL2.1
 525  * Canonical Equivalents.
 526  * <p>
 527  * <b>Unicode escape sequences</b> such as <tt>&#92;u2014</tt> in Java source code
 528  * are processed as described in section 3.3 of
 529  * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>.
 530  * Such escape sequences are also implemented directly by the regular-expression
 531  * parser so that Unicode escapes can be used in expressions that are read from
 532  * files or from the keyboard.  Thus the strings <tt>"&#92;u2014"</tt> and
 533  * <tt>"\\u2014"</tt>, while not equal, compile into the same pattern, which
 534  * matches the character with hexadecimal value <tt>0x2014</tt>.
 535  * <p>
 536  * A Unicode character can also be represented in a regular-expression by
 537  * using its <b>Hex notation</b>(hexadecimal code point value) directly as described in construct

 538  * <tt>&#92;x{...}</tt>, for example a supplementary character U+2011F
 539  * can be specified as <tt>&#92;x{2011F}</tt>, instead of two consecutive
 540  * Unicode escape sequences of the surrogate pair
 541  * <tt>&#92;uD840</tt><tt>&#92;uDD1F</tt>.
 542  * <p>
 543  * Unicode scripts, blocks, categories and binary properties are written with
 544  * the <tt>\p</tt> and <tt>\P</tt> constructs as in Perl.
 545  * <tt>\p{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt> matches if
 546  * the input has the property <i>prop</i>, while <tt>\P{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt>
 547  * does not match if the input has that property.
 548  * <p>
 549  * Scripts, blocks, categories and binary properties can be used both inside
 550  * and outside of a character class.
 551  * <a name="usc">
 552  * <p>
 553  * <b>Scripts</b> are specified either with the prefix {@code Is}, as in
 554  * {@code IsHiragana}, or by using  the {@code script} keyword (or its short
 555  * form {@code sc})as in {@code script=Hiragana} or {@code sc=Hiragana}.
 556  * <p>
 557  * The script names supported by <code>Pattern</code> are the valid script names
 558  * accepted and defined by
 559  * {@link java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript#forName(String) UnicodeScript.forName}.
 560  * <a name="ubc">
 561  * <p>
 562  * <b>Blocks</b> are specified with the prefix {@code In}, as in
 563  * {@code InMongolian}, or by using the keyword {@code block} (or its short
 564  * form {@code blk}) as in {@code block=Mongolian} or {@code blk=Mongolian}.
 565  * <p>
 566  * The block names supported by <code>Pattern</code> are the valid block names
 567  * accepted and defined by
 568  * {@link java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock#forName(String) UnicodeBlock.forName}.
 569  * <p>
 570  * <a name="ucc">
 571  * <b>Categories</b> may be specified with the optional prefix {@code Is}:
 572  * Both {@code \p{L}} and {@code \p{IsL}} denote the category of Unicode
 573  * letters. Same as scripts and blocks, categories can also be specified
 574  * by using the keyword {@code general_category} (or its short form
 575  * {@code gc}) as in {@code general_category=Lu} or {@code gc=Lu}.
 576  * <p>
 577  * The supported categories are those of

 578  * <a href="">
 579  * <i>The Unicode Standard</i></a> in the version specified by the
 580  * {@link java.lang.Character Character} class. The category names are those
 581  * defined in the Standard, both normative and informative.

 582  * <p>
 583  * <a name="ubpc">
 584  * <b>Binary properties</b> are specified with the prefix {@code Is}, as in
 585  * {@code IsAlphabetic}. The supported binary properties by <code>Pattern</code>
 586  * are
 587  * <ul>
 588  *   <li> Alphabetic
 589  *   <li> Ideographic
 590  *   <li> Letter
 591  *   <li> Lowercase
 592  *   <li> Uppercase
 593  *   <li> Titlecase
 594  *   <li> Punctuation
 595  *   <Li> Control
 596  *   <li> White_Space
 597  *   <li> Digit
 598  *   <li> Hex_Digit
 599  *   <li> Noncharacter_Code_Point
 600  *   <li> Assigned
 601  * </ul>
 604  * <p>
 605  * <b>Predefined Character classes</b> and <b>POSIX character classes</b> are in
 606  * conformance with the recommendation of <i>Annex C: Compatibility Properties</i>
 607  * of <a href=""><i>Unicode Regular Expression
 608  * </i></a>, when {@link #UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS} flag is specified.
 609  * <p>
 610  * <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
 611  *  summary="predefined and posix character classes in Unicode mode">
 612  * <tr align="left">
 613  * <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" align="left" id="classes">Classes</th>
 614  * <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" align="left" id="matches">Matches</th>
 615  *</tr>
 616  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Lower}</tt></td>
 617  *     <td>A lowercase character:<tt>\p{IsLowercase}</tt></td></tr>
 618  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Upper}</tt></td>
 619  *     <td>An uppercase character:<tt>\p{IsUppercase}</tt></td></tr>
 620  * <tr><td><tt>\p{ASCII}</tt></td>
 621  *     <td>All ASCII:<tt>[\x00-\x7F]</tt></td></tr>
 622  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Alpha}</tt></td>
 623  *     <td>An alphabetic character:<tt>\p{IsAlphabetic}</tt></td></tr>
 624  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Digit}</tt></td>
 625  *     <td>A decimal digit character:<tt>p{IsDigit}</tt></td></tr>
 626  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Alnum}</tt></td>
 627  *     <td>An alphanumeric character:<tt>[\p{IsAlphabetic}\p{IsDigit}]</tt></td></tr>
 628  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Punct}</tt></td>
 629  *     <td>A punctuation character:<tt>p{IsPunctuation}</tt></td></tr>
 630  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Graph}</tt></td>
 631  *     <td>A visible character: <tt>[^\p{IsWhite_Space}\p{gc=Cc}\p{gc=Cs}\p{gc=Cn}]</tt></td></tr>
 632  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Print}</tt></td>
 633  *     <td>A printable character: <tt>[\p{Graph}\p{Blank}&&[^\p{Cntrl}]]</tt></td></tr>
 634  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Blank}</tt></td>
 635  *     <td>A space or a tab: <tt>[\p{IsWhite_Space}&&[^\p{gc=Zl}\p{gc=Zp}\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85]]</tt></td></tr>
 636  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Cntrl}</tt></td>
 637  *     <td>A control character: <tt>\p{gc=Cc}</tt></td></tr>
 638  * <tr><td><tt>\p{XDigit}</tt></td>
 639  *     <td>A hexadecimal digit: <tt>[\p{gc=Nd}\p{IsHex_Digit}]</tt></td></tr>
 640  * <tr><td><tt>\p{Space}</tt></td>
 641  *     <td>A whitespace character:<tt>\p{IsWhite_Space}</tt></td></tr>
 642  * <tr><td><tt>\d</tt></td>
 643  *     <td>A digit: <tt>\p{IsDigit}</tt></td></tr>
 644  * <tr><td><tt>\D</tt></td>
 645  *     <td>A non-digit: <tt>[^\d]</tt></td></tr>
 646  * <tr><td><tt>\s</tt></td>
 647  *     <td>A whitespace character: <tt>\p{IsWhite_Space}</tt></td></tr>
 648  * <tr><td><tt>\S</tt></td>
 649  *     <td>A non-whitespace character: <tt>[^\s]</tt></td></tr>
 650  * <tr><td><tt>\w</tt></td>
 651  *     <td>A word character: <tt>[\p{Alpha}\p{gc=Mn}\p{gc=Me}\p{gc=Mc}\p{Digit}\p{gc=Pc}]</tt></td></tr>
 652  * <tr><td><tt>\W</tt></td>
 653  *     <td>A non-word character: <tt>[^\w]</tt></td></tr>
 654  * </table>
 655  * <p>
 656  * <a name="jcc">
 657  * Categories that behave like the java.lang.Character
 658  * boolean is<i>methodname</i> methods (except for the deprecated ones) are
 659  * available through the same <tt>\p{</tt><i>prop</i><tt>}</tt> syntax where
 660  * the specified property has the name <tt>java<i>methodname</i></tt>.
 661  *
 662  * <h4> Comparison to Perl 5 </h4>
 663  *
 664  * <p>The <code>Pattern</code> engine performs traditional NFA-based matching
 665  * with ordered alternation as occurs in Perl 5.
 666  *
 667  * <p> Perl constructs not supported by this class: </p>
 668  *
 669  * <ul>
 670  *
 671  *    <li><p> The conditional constructs <tt>(?{</tt><i>X</i><tt>})</tt> and
 672  *    <tt>(?(</tt><i>condition</i><tt>)</tt><i>X</i><tt>|</tt><i>Y</i><tt>)</tt>,
 673  *    </p></li>
 674  *
 675  *    <li><p> The embedded code constructs <tt>(?{</tt><i>code</i><tt>})</tt>
 676  *    and <tt>(??{</tt><i>code</i><tt>})</tt>,</p></li>
 677  *

 861      * <p> Specifying this flag may impose a performance penalty.  </p>
 862      */
 863     public static final int UNICODE_CASE = 0x40;
 865     /**
 866      * Enables canonical equivalence.
 867      *
 868      * <p> When this flag is specified then two characters will be considered
 869      * to match if, and only if, their full canonical decompositions match.
 870      * The expression <tt>"a&#92;u030A"</tt>, for example, will match the
 871      * string <tt>"&#92;u00E5"</tt> when this flag is specified.  By default,
 872      * matching does not take canonical equivalence into account.
 873      *
 874      * <p> There is no embedded flag character for enabling canonical
 875      * equivalence.
 876      *
 877      * <p> Specifying this flag may impose a performance penalty.  </p>
 878      */
 879     public static final int CANON_EQ = 0x80;
 881     /**
 882      * Enables the Unicode version of <i>Predefined character classes</i> and
 883      * <i>POSIX character classes</i>.
 884      *
 885      * <p> When this flag is specified then the (US-ASCII only)
 886      * <i>Predefined character classes</i> and <i>POSIX character classes</i>
 887      * are in conformance with
 888      * <a href=""><i>Unicode Technical
 889      * Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression</i></a>
 890      * <i>Annex C: Compatibility Properties</i>.
 891      * <p>
 892      * The UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS mode can also be enabled via the embedded
 893      * flag expression&nbsp;<tt>(?U)</tt>.
 894      * <p>
 895      * The flag implies UNICODE_CASE, that is, it enables Unicode-aware case
 896      * folding.
 897      * <p>
 898      * Specifying this flag may impose a performance penalty.  </p>
 899      * @since 1.7
 900      */
 901     public static final int UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS = 0x100;
 903     /* Pattern has only two serialized components: The pattern string
 904      * and the flags, which are all that is needed to recompile the pattern
 905      * when it is deserialized.
 906      */
 908     /** use serialVersionUID from Merlin b59 for interoperability */
 909     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5073258162644648461L;
 911     /**
 912      * The original regular-expression pattern string.
 913      *
 914      * @serial
 915      */
 916     private String pattern;
 918     /**
 919      * The original pattern flags.
 920      *
 921      * @serial
 922      */

1005      *         The expression to be compiled
1006      *
1007      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
1008      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
1009      */
1010     public static Pattern compile(String regex) {
1011         return new Pattern(regex, 0);
1012     }
1014     /**
1015      * Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern with the given
1016      * flags.  </p>
1017      *
1018      * @param  regex
1019      *         The expression to be compiled
1020      *
1021      * @param  flags
1022      *         Match flags, a bit mask that may include
1023      *         {@link #CASE_INSENSITIVE}, {@link #MULTILINE}, {@link #DOTALL},
1024      *         {@link #UNICODE_CASE}, {@link #CANON_EQ}, {@link #UNIX_LINES},
1025      *         {@link #LITERAL}, {@link #UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS}
1026      *         and {@link #COMMENTS}
1027      *
1028      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
1029      *          If bit values other than those corresponding to the defined
1030      *          match flags are set in <tt>flags</tt>
1031      *
1032      * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
1033      *          If the expression's syntax is invalid
1034      */
1035     public static Pattern compile(String regex, int flags) {
1036         return new Pattern(regex, flags);
1037     }
1039     /**
1040      * Returns the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled.
1041      * </p>
1042      *
1043      * @return  The source of this pattern
1044      */
1045     public String pattern() {
1046         return pattern;

1298         // if length > 0, the Pattern is lazily compiled
1299         compiled = false;
1300         if (pattern.length() == 0) {
1301             root = new Start(lastAccept);
1302             matchRoot = lastAccept;
1303             compiled = true;
1304         }
1305     }
1307     /**
1308      * This private constructor is used to create all Patterns. The pattern
1309      * string and match flags are all that is needed to completely describe
1310      * a Pattern. An empty pattern string results in an object tree with
1311      * only a Start node and a LastNode node.
1312      */
1313     private Pattern(String p, int f) {
1314         pattern = p;
1315         flags = f;
1317         // to use UNICODE_CASE if UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS present
1318         if ((flags & UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) != 0)
1319             flags |= UNICODE_CASE;
1321         // Reset group index count
1322         capturingGroupCount = 1;
1323         localCount = 0;
1325         if (pattern.length() > 0) {
1326             compile();
1327         } else {
1328             root = new Start(lastAccept);
1329             matchRoot = lastAccept;
1330         }
1331     }
1333     /**
1334      * The pattern is converted to normalizedD form and then a pure group
1335      * is constructed to match canonical equivalences of the characters.
1336      */
1337     private void normalize() {
1338         boolean inCharClass = false;
1339         int lastCodePoint = -1;

2256         case '1':
2257         case '2':
2258         case '3':
2259         case '4':
2260         case '5':
2261         case '6':
2262         case '7':
2263         case '8':
2264         case '9':
2265             if (inclass) break;
2266             if (create) {
2267                 root = ref((ch - '0'));
2268             }
2269             return -1;
2270         case 'A':
2271             if (inclass) break;
2272             if (create) root = new Begin();
2273             return -1;
2274         case 'B':
2275             if (inclass) break;
2276             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.NONE, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2277             return -1;
2278         case 'C':
2279             break;
2280         case 'D':
2281             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2282                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.DIGIT).complement()
2283                                : new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT).complement();
2284             return -1;
2285         case 'E':
2286         case 'F':
2287             break;
2288         case 'G':
2289             if (inclass) break;
2290             if (create) root = new LastMatch();
2291             return -1;
2292         case 'H':
2293         case 'I':
2294         case 'J':
2295         case 'K':
2296         case 'L':
2297         case 'M':
2298         case 'N':
2299         case 'O':
2300         case 'P':
2301         case 'Q':
2302         case 'R':
2303             break;
2304         case 'S':
2305             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2306                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WHITE_SPACE).complement()
2307                                : new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE).complement();
2308             return -1;
2309         case 'T':
2310         case 'U':
2311         case 'V':
2312             break;
2313         case 'W':
2314             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2315                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WORD).complement()
2316                                : new Ctype(ASCII.WORD).complement();
2317             return -1;
2318         case 'X':
2319         case 'Y':
2320             break;
2321         case 'Z':
2322             if (inclass) break;
2323             if (create) {
2324                 if (has(UNIX_LINES))
2325                     root = new UnixDollar(false);
2326                 else
2327                     root = new Dollar(false);
2328             }
2329             return -1;
2330         case 'a':
2331             return '\007';
2332         case 'b':
2333             if (inclass) break;
2334             if (create) root = new Bound(Bound.BOTH, has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS));
2335             return -1;
2336         case 'c':
2337             return c();
2338         case 'd':
2339             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2340                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.DIGIT)
2341                                : new Ctype(ASCII.DIGIT);
2342             return -1;
2343         case 'e':
2344             return '\033';
2345         case 'f':
2346             return '\f';
2347         case 'g':
2348         case 'h':
2349         case 'i':
2350         case 'j':
2351             break;
2352         case 'k':
2353             if (inclass)
2354                 break;
2355             if (read() != '<')
2356                 throw error("\\k is not followed by '<' for named capturing group");
2357             String name = groupname(read());
2358             if (!namedGroups().containsKey(name))
2359                 throw error("(named capturing group <"+ name+"> does not exit");
2360             if (create) {
2361                 if (has(CASE_INSENSITIVE))
2362                     root = new CIBackRef(namedGroups().get(name), has(UNICODE_CASE));
2363                 else
2364                     root = new BackRef(namedGroups().get(name));
2365             }
2366             return -1;
2367         case 'l':
2368         case 'm':
2369             break;
2370         case 'n':
2371             return '\n';
2372         case 'o':
2373         case 'p':
2374         case 'q':
2375             break;
2376         case 'r':
2377             return '\r';
2378         case 's':
2379             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2380                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WHITE_SPACE)
2381                                : new Ctype(ASCII.SPACE);
2382             return -1;
2383         case 't':
2384             return '\t';
2385         case 'u':
2386             return u();
2387         case 'v':
2388             return '\013';
2389         case 'w':
2390             if (create) root = has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
2391                                ? new Utype(UnicodeProp.WORD)
2392                                : new Ctype(ASCII.WORD);
2393             return -1;
2394         case 'x':
2395             return x();
2396         case 'y':
2397             break;
2398         case 'z':
2399             if (inclass) break;
2400             if (create) root = new End();
2401             return -1;
2402         default:
2403             return ch;
2404         }
2405         throw error("Illegal/unsupported escape sequence");
2406     }
2408     /**
2409      * Parse a character class, and return the node that matches it.
2410      *
2411      * Consumes a ] on the way out if consume is true. Usually consume
2412      * is true except for the case of [abc&&def] where def is a separate

2595     private int single() {
2596         int ch = peek();
2597         switch (ch) {
2598         case '\\':
2599             return escape(true, false);
2600         default:
2601             next();
2602             return ch;
2603         }
2604     }
2606     /**
2607      * Parses a Unicode character family and returns its representative node.
2608      */
2609     private CharProperty family(boolean singleLetter,
2610                                 boolean maybeComplement)
2611     {
2612         next();
2613         String name;
2614         CharProperty node = null;
2616         if (singleLetter) {
2617             int c = temp[cursor];
2618             if (!Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(c)) {
2619                 name = String.valueOf((char)c);
2620             } else {
2621                 name = new String(temp, cursor, 1);
2622             }
2623             read();
2624         } else {
2625             int i = cursor;
2626             mark('}');
2627             while(read() != '}') {
2628             }
2629             mark('\000');
2630             int j = cursor;
2631             if (j > patternLength)
2632                 throw error("Unclosed character family");
2633             if (i + 1 >= j)
2634                 throw error("Empty character family");

2640             // property construct \p{name=value}
2641             String value = name.substring(i + 1);
2642             name = name.substring(0, i).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
2643             if ("sc".equals(name) || "script".equals(name)) {
2644                 node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(value);
2645             } else if ("blk".equals(name) || "block".equals(name)) {
2646                 node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(value);
2647             } else if ("gc".equals(name) || "general_category".equals(name)) {
2648                 node = charPropertyNodeFor(value);
2649             } else {
2650                 throw error("Unknown Unicode property {name=<" + name + ">, "
2651                              + "value=<" + value + ">}");
2652             }
2653         } else {
2654             if (name.startsWith("In")) {
2655                 // \p{inBlockName}
2656                 node = unicodeBlockPropertyFor(name.substring(2));
2657             } else if (name.startsWith("Is")) {
2658                 // \p{isGeneralCategory} and \p{isScriptName}
2659                 name = name.substring(2);
2660                 UnicodeProp uprop = UnicodeProp.forName(name);
2661                 if (uprop != null)
2662                     node = new Utype(uprop);
2663                 if (node == null)
2664                     node = CharPropertyNames.charPropertyFor(name);
2665                 if (node == null)
2666                     node = unicodeScriptPropertyFor(name);
2667             } else {
2668                 if (has(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)) {
2669                     UnicodeProp uprop = UnicodeProp.forPOSIXName(name);
2670                     if (uprop != null)
2671                         node = new Utype(uprop);
2672                 }
2673                 if (node == null)
2674                     node = charPropertyNodeFor(name);
2675             }
2676         }
2677         if (maybeComplement) {
2678             if (node instanceof Category || node instanceof Block)
2679                 hasSupplementary = true;
2680             node = node.complement();
2681         }
2682         return node;
2683     }
2686     /**
2687      * Returns a CharProperty matching all characters belong to
2688      * a UnicodeScript.
2689      */
2690     private CharProperty unicodeScriptPropertyFor(String name) {
2691         final Character.UnicodeScript script;
2692         try {
2693             script = Character.UnicodeScript.forName(name);

2936                 flags |= CASE_INSENSITIVE;
2937                 break;
2938             case 'm':
2939                 flags |= MULTILINE;
2940                 break;
2941             case 's':
2942                 flags |= DOTALL;
2943                 break;
2944             case 'd':
2945                 flags |= UNIX_LINES;
2946                 break;
2947             case 'u':
2948                 flags |= UNICODE_CASE;
2949                 break;
2950             case 'c':
2951                 flags |= CANON_EQ;
2952                 break;
2953             case 'x':
2954                 flags |= COMMENTS;
2955                 break;
2956             case 'U':
2957                 flags |= (UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | UNICODE_CASE);
2958                 break;
2959             case '-': // subFlag then fall through
2960                 ch = next();
2961                 subFlag();
2962             default:
2963                 return;
2964             }
2965             ch = next();
2966         }
2967     }
2969     /**
2970      * Parses the second part of inlined match flags and turns off
2971      * flags appropriately.
2972      */
2973     private void subFlag() {
2974         int ch = peek();
2975         for (;;) {
2976             switch (ch) {
2977             case 'i':
2978                 flags &= ~CASE_INSENSITIVE;
2979                 break;
2980             case 'm':
2981                 flags &= ~MULTILINE;
2982                 break;
2983             case 's':
2984                 flags &= ~DOTALL;
2985                 break;
2986             case 'd':
2987                 flags &= ~UNIX_LINES;
2988                 break;
2989             case 'u':
2990                 flags &= ~UNICODE_CASE;
2991                 break;
2992             case 'c':
2993                 flags &= ~CANON_EQ;
2994                 break;
2995             case 'x':
2996                 flags &= ~COMMENTS;
2997                 break;
2998             case 'U':
2999                 flags &= ~(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS | UNICODE_CASE);
3000             default:
3001                 return;
3002             }
3003             ch = next();
3004         }
3005     }
3007     static final int MAX_REPS   = 0x7FFFFFFF;
3009     static final int GREEDY     = 0;
3011     static final int LAZY       = 1;
3013     static final int POSSESSIVE = 2;
3015     static final int INDEPENDENT = 3;
3017     /**
3018      * Processes repetition. If the next character peeked is a quantifier
3019      * then new nodes must be appended to handle the repetition.

3783         Script(Character.UnicodeScript script) {
3784             this.script = script;
3785         }
3786         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3787             return script == Character.UnicodeScript.of(ch);
3788         }
3789     }
3791     /**
3792      * Node class that matches a Unicode category.
3793      */
3794     static final class Category extends CharProperty {
3795         final int typeMask;
3796         Category(int typeMask) { this.typeMask = typeMask; }
3797         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3798             return (typeMask & (1 << Character.getType(ch))) != 0;
3799         }
3800     }
3802     /**
3803      * Node class that matches a Unicode "type"
3804      */
3805     static final class Utype extends CharProperty {
3806         final UnicodeProp uprop;
3807         Utype(UnicodeProp uprop) { this.uprop = uprop; }
3808         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3809             return;
3810         }
3811     }
3814     /**
3815      * Node class that matches a POSIX type.
3816      */
3817     static final class Ctype extends BmpCharProperty {
3818         final int ctype;
3819         Ctype(int ctype) { this.ctype = ctype; }
3820         boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
3821             return ch < 128 && ASCII.isType(ch, ctype);
3822         }
3823     }
3825     /**
3826      * Base class for all Slice nodes
3827      */
3828     static class SliceNode extends Node {
3829         int[] buffer;
3830         SliceNode(int[] buf) {
3831             buffer = buf;
3832         }
3833         boolean study(TreeInfo info) {
3834             info.minLength += buffer.length;

5156     private static CharProperty setDifference(final CharProperty lhs,
5157                                               final CharProperty rhs) {
5158         return new CharProperty() {
5159                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5160                     return ! rhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch) && lhs.isSatisfiedBy(ch);}};
5161     }
5163     /**
5164      * Handles word boundaries. Includes a field to allow this one class to
5165      * deal with the different types of word boundaries we can match. The word
5166      * characters include underscores, letters, and digits. Non spacing marks
5167      * can are also part of a word if they have a base character, otherwise
5168      * they are ignored for purposes of finding word boundaries.
5169      */
5170     static final class Bound extends Node {
5171         static int LEFT = 0x1;
5172         static int RIGHT= 0x2;
5173         static int BOTH = 0x3;
5174         static int NONE = 0x4;
5175         int type;
5176         boolean useUWORD;
5177         Bound(int n, boolean useUWORD) {
5178             type = n;
5179             this.useUWORD = useUWORD;
5180         }
5182         boolean isWord(int ch) {
5183             return useUWORD ?
5184                             : (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch));
5185         }
5187         int check(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5188             int ch;
5189             boolean left = false;
5190             int startIndex = matcher.from;
5191             int endIndex =;
5192             if (matcher.transparentBounds) {
5193                 startIndex = 0;
5194                 endIndex = matcher.getTextLength();
5195             }
5196             if (i > startIndex) {
5197                 ch = Character.codePointBefore(seq, i);
5198                 left = (isWord(ch) ||
5199                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5200                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i-1, seq)));
5201             }
5202             boolean right = false;
5203             if (i < endIndex) {
5204                 ch = Character.codePointAt(seq, i);
5205                 right = (isWord(ch) ||
5206                     ((Character.getType(ch) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
5207                      && hasBaseCharacter(matcher, i, seq)));
5208             } else {
5209                 // Tried to access char past the end
5210                 matcher.hitEnd = true;
5211                 // The addition of another char could wreck a boundary
5212                 matcher.requireEnd = true;
5213             }
5214             return ((left ^ right) ? (right ? LEFT : RIGHT) : NONE);
5215         }
5216         boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {
5217             return (check(matcher, i, seq) & type) > 0
5218                 && next.match(matcher, i, seq);
5219         }
5220     }
5222     /**
5223      * Non spacing marks only count as word characters in bounds calculations
5224      * if they have a base character.
5225      */

5567             defCtype("Alnum", ASCII.ALNUM);  // Alphanumeric characters
5568             defCtype("Alpha", ASCII.ALPHA);  // Alphabetic characters
5569             defCtype("Blank", ASCII.BLANK);  // Space and tab characters
5570             defCtype("Cntrl", ASCII.CNTRL);  // Control characters
5571             defRange("Digit", '0', '9');     // Numeric characters
5572             defCtype("Graph", ASCII.GRAPH);  // printable and visible
5573             defRange("Lower", 'a', 'z');     // Lower-case alphabetic
5574             defRange("Print", 0x20, 0x7E);   // Printable characters
5575             defCtype("Punct", ASCII.PUNCT);  // Punctuation characters
5576             defCtype("Space", ASCII.SPACE);  // Space characters
5577             defRange("Upper", 'A', 'Z');     // Upper-case alphabetic
5578             defCtype("XDigit",ASCII.XDIGIT); // hexadecimal digits
5580             // Java character properties, defined by methods in
5581             defClone("javaLowerCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5582                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5583                     return Character.isLowerCase(ch);}});
5584             defClone("javaUpperCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5585                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5586                     return Character.isUpperCase(ch);}});
5587             defClone("javaAlphabetic", new CloneableProperty() {
5588                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5589                     return Character.isAlphabetic(ch);}});
5590             defClone("javaIdeographic", new CloneableProperty() {
5591                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5592                     return Character.isIdeographic(ch);}});
5593             defClone("javaTitleCase", new CloneableProperty() {
5594                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5595                     return Character.isTitleCase(ch);}});
5596             defClone("javaDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5597                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5598                     return Character.isDigit(ch);}});
5599             defClone("javaDefined", new CloneableProperty() {
5600                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5601                     return Character.isDefined(ch);}});
5602             defClone("javaLetter", new CloneableProperty() {
5603                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5604                     return Character.isLetter(ch);}});
5605             defClone("javaLetterOrDigit", new CloneableProperty() {
5606                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5607                     return Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch);}});
5608             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierStart", new CloneableProperty() {
5609                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {
5610                     return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(ch);}});
5611             defClone("javaJavaIdentifierPart", new CloneableProperty() {
5612                 boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {