1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 7071819
  27  * @summary tests Unicode Extended Grapheme support
  28  * @run main GraphemeTest
  29  */
  31 import java.io.IOException;
  32 import java.nio.file.Files;
  33 import java.nio.file.Path;
  34 import java.nio.file.Paths;
  35 import java.util.Arrays;
  36 import java.util.ArrayList;
  37 import java.util.Scanner;
  38 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  39 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  41 public class GraphemeTest {
  43     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
  44         testProps(Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src", "."),
  45                             "GraphemeBreakProperty.txt"));
  46         testBreak(Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src", "."),
  47                             "GraphemeBreakTest.txt"));
  48     }
  50     private static void testProps(Path path) throws IOException {
  51         Files.lines(path)
  52             .filter( ln -> ln.length() != 0 && !ln.startsWith("#") )
  53             .forEach(ln -> {
  54                     String[] strs = ln.split("\\s+");
  55                     int off = strs[0].indexOf("..");
  56                     int cp0, cp1;
  57                     String expected = strs[2];
  58                     if (off != -1) {
  59                         cp0 = Integer.parseInt(strs[0], 0, off, 16);
  60                         cp1 = Integer.parseInt(strs[0], off + 2, strs[0].length(), 16);
  61                     } else {
  62                         cp0 = cp1 = Integer.parseInt(strs[0], 16);
  63                     }
  64                     for (int cp = cp0; cp <=  cp1; cp++) {
  65                         // NOTE:
  66                         // #tr29 "plus a few General_Category = Spacing_Mark needed for
  67                         // canonical equivalence."
  68                         // For "extended grapheme clusters" support, there is no
  69                         // need actually to diff "extend" and "spackmark" given GB9, GB9a.
  70                         if (!expected.equals(types[getType(cp)])) {
  71                             if ("Extend".equals(expected) &&
  72                                 "SpacingMark".equals(types[getType(cp)]))
  73                                 System.out.printf("[%x]  [%s][%d] -> [%s]%n",
  74                                     cp, expected, Character.getType(cp), types[getType(cp)]);
  75                             else
  76                                 throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
  77                                     "cp=[%x], expeced:[%s] result:[%s]%n",
  78                                     cp, expected, types[getType(cp)]));
  79                         }
  80                     }
  81                 });
  82     }
  84     private static void testBreak(Path path) throws IOException {
  85         Files.lines(path)
  86             .filter( ln -> ln.length() != 0 && !ln.startsWith("#") )
  87             .forEach(ln -> {
  88                     String str = ln.replaceAll("\\s+|\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)|\\[[a-zA-Z]]+\\]|#.*", "");
  89                     // System.out.println(str);
  90                     String[] cstrs = str.split("\u00f7|\u00d7");
  91                     int prevCp = -1;
  92                     char prevBk = '\u00f7';
  93                     int offBk = 0;
  94                     for (String cstr : cstrs) {
  95                         if (cstr.length() == 0)  // first empty str
  96                             continue;
  97                         int cp = Integer.parseInt(cstr, 16);
  98                         if (prevCp == -1) {
  99                             prevCp = cp;
 100                         } else {
 101                             // test against the rules directly
 102                             if (rules[getType(prevCp)][getType(cp)] != (prevBk == '\u00f7')) {
 103                                 throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
 104                                     "NG %x[%d] %x[%d] -> %b  [%s]%n",
 105                                     prevCp, getType(prevCp), cp, getType(cp),
 106                                     rules[getType(prevCp)][getType(cp)],
 107                                     ln));
 108                             }
 109                         }
 110                         prevCp = cp;
 111                         offBk += (cstr.length() + 1);
 112                         prevBk = str.charAt(offBk);
 113                     }
 114                 });
 115     }
 117     private static final String[] types = {
 118         "Other", "CR", "LF", "Control", "Extend", "Regional_Indicator",
 119         "Prepend", "SpacingMark",
 120         "L", "V", "T", "LV", "LVT" };
 122     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 124     // types
 125     private static final int OTHER = 0;
 126     private static final int CR = 1;
 127     private static final int LF = 2;
 128     private static final int CONTROL = 3;
 129     private static final int EXTEND = 4;
 130     private static final int RI = 5;
 131     private static final int PREPEND = 6;
 132     private static final int SPACINGMARK = 7;
 133     private static final int L = 8;
 134     private static final int V = 9;
 135     private static final int T = 10;
 136     private static final int LV = 11;
 137     private static final int LVT = 12;
 139     private static final int FIRST_TYPE = 0;
 140     private static final int LAST_TYPE = 12;
 142     private static boolean[][] rules;
 143     static {
 144         rules = new boolean[LAST_TYPE + 1][LAST_TYPE + 1];
 145         // default, any ÷ any
 146         for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++)
 147             for (int j = FIRST_TYPE; j <= LAST_TYPE; j++)
 148                 rules[i][j] = true;
 149         // GB 6 L x (L | V | LV | VT)
 150         rules[L][L] = false;
 151         rules[L][V] = false;
 152         rules[L][LV] = false;
 153         rules[L][LVT] = false;
 154         // GB 7 (LV | V) x (V | T)
 155         rules[LV][V] = false;
 156         rules[LV][T] = false;
 157         rules[V][V] = false;
 158         rules[V][T] = false;
 159         // GB 8 (LVT | T) x T
 160         rules[LVT][T] = false;
 161         rules[T][T] = false;
 162         // GB 8a RI x RI
 163         rules[RI][RI] = false;
 164         // GB 9 x Extend
 165         // GB 9a x Spacing Mark
 166         // GB 9b Prepend x
 167         for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++) {
 168             rules[i][EXTEND] = false;
 169             rules[i][SPACINGMARK] = false;
 170             rules[PREPEND][i] = false;
 171         }
 172         // GB 4  (Control | CR | LF) ÷
 173         // GB 5  ÷ (Control | CR | LF)
 174         for (int i = FIRST_TYPE; i <= LAST_TYPE; i++)
 175             for (int j = CR; j <= CONTROL; j++) {
 176                 rules[i][j] = true;
 177                 rules[j][i] = true;
 178             }
 179         // GB 3 CR x LF
 180         rules[CR][LF] = false;
 181         // GB 10 Any ÷ Any  -> default
 182     }
 184     // Hangul syllables
 185     private static final int SYLLABLE_BASE = 0xAC00;
 186     private static final int LCOUNT = 19;
 187     private static final int VCOUNT = 21;
 188     private static final int TCOUNT = 28;
 189     private static final int NCOUNT = VCOUNT * TCOUNT; // 588
 190     private static final int SCOUNT = LCOUNT * NCOUNT; // 11172
 192     // #tr29: SpacingMark exceptions: The following (which have
 193     // General_Category = Spacing_Mark and would otherwise be included)
 194     // are specifically excluded
 195     private static boolean isExcludedSpacingMark(int cp) {
 196        return  cp == 0x102B || cp == 0x102C || cp == 0x1038 ||
 197                cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x1064 ||
 198                cp >= 0x1062 && cp <= 0x106D ||
 199                cp == 0x1083 ||
 200                cp >= 0x1087 && cp <= 0x108C ||
 201                cp == 0x108F ||
 202                cp >= 0x109A && cp <= 0x109C ||
 203                cp == 0x1A61 || cp == 0x1A63 || cp == 0x1A64 ||
 204                cp == 0xAA7B || cp == 0xAA7D;
 205     }
 207     private static int getType(int cp) {
 208         int type = Character.getType(cp);
 209         switch(type) {
 210         case Character.CONTROL:
 211             if (cp == 0x000D)
 212                 return CR;
 213             if (cp == 0x000A)
 214                 return LF;
 215             return CONTROL;
 216          case Character.UNASSIGNED:
 217             // NOTE: #tr29 lists "Unassigned and Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" as Control
 218             // but GraphemeBreakTest.txt lists u+0378/reserved-0378 as "Other"
 219             // so type it as "Other" to make the test happy
 220              if (cp == 0x0378)
 221                  return OTHER;
 222         case Character.LINE_SEPARATOR:
 223         case Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR:
 224         case Character.SURROGATE:
 225             return CONTROL;
 226         case Character.FORMAT:
 227             if (cp == 0x200C || cp == 0x200D)
 228                 return EXTEND;
 229             return CONTROL;
 230         case Character.NON_SPACING_MARK:
 231         case Character.ENCLOSING_MARK:
 232              // NOTE:
 233              // #tr29 "plus a few General_Category = Spacing_Mark needed for
 234              // canonical equivalence."
 235              // but for "extended grapheme clusters" support, there is no
 236              // need actually to diff "extend" and "spackmark" given GB9, GB9a
 237              return EXTEND;
 238         case  Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK:
 239             if (isExcludedSpacingMark(cp))
 240                 return OTHER;
 241             // NOTE:
 242             // 0x11720 and 0x11721 are mentioned in #tr29 as
 243             // OTHER_LETTER but it appears their category has been updated to
 244             // COMBING_SPACING_MARK already (verified in ver.8)
 245             return SPACINGMARK;
 246         case Character.OTHER_SYMBOL:
 247             if (cp >= 0x1F1E6 && cp <= 0x1F1FF)
 248                 return RI;
 249             return OTHER;
 250         case Character.MODIFIER_LETTER:
 251             // WARNING:
 252             // not mentioned in #tr29 but listed in GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
 253             if (cp == 0xFF9E || cp == 0xFF9F)
 254                 return EXTEND;
 255             return OTHER;
 256         case Character.OTHER_LETTER:
 257             if (cp == 0x0E33 || cp == 0x0EB3)
 258                 return SPACINGMARK;
 259             // hangul jamo
 260             if (cp >= 0x1100 && cp <= 0x11FF) {
 261                 if (cp <= 0x115F)
 262                     return L;
 263                 if (cp <= 0x11A7)
 264                     return V;
 265                 return T;
 266             }
 267             // hangul syllables
 268             int sindex = cp - SYLLABLE_BASE;
 269             if (sindex >= 0 && sindex < SCOUNT) {
 271                 if (sindex % TCOUNT == 0)
 272                     return LV;
 273                 return LVT;
 274             }
 275             //  hangul jamo_extended A
 276             if (cp >= 0xA960 && cp <= 0xA97C)
 277                 return L;
 278             //  hangul jamo_extended B
 279             if (cp >= 0xD7B0 && cp <= 0xD7C6)
 280                 return V;
 281             if (cp >= 0xD7CB && cp <= 0xD7FB)
 282                 return T;
 283         }
 284         return OTHER;
 285     }
 286 }