1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #include "jni.h"
  27 #include "jni_util.h"
  28 #include "java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl.h"
  29 #include "java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_Info.h"
  31 #include "ProcessHandleImpl_unix.h"
  34 #include <stdio.h>
  35 #include <errno.h>
  36 #include <fcntl.h>
  37 #include <pwd.h>
  38 #include <signal.h>
  39 #include <stdlib.h>
  40 #include <unistd.h>
  41 #include <string.h>
  42 #include <dirent.h>
  43 #include <ctype.h>
  44 #include <limits.h>
  45 #include <sys/types.h>
  46 #include <sys/stat.h>
  47 #include <sys/wait.h>
  49 #ifdef _AIX
  50 #include <sys/procfs.h>
  51 #endif
  52 #ifdef __solaris__
  53 #include <procfs.h>
  54 #endif
  56 /**
  57  * This file contains the implementation of the native ProcessHandleImpl
  58  * functions which are common to all Unix variants.
  59  *
  60  * The currently supported Unix variants are Solaris, Linux, MaxOS X and AIX.
  61  * The various similarities and differences between these systems make it hard
  62  * to find a clear boundary between platform specific and shared code.
  63  *
  64  * In order to ease code sharing between the pltforms while still keeping the
  65  * code as clean as possible (i.e. free of preprocessor macros) we use the
  66  * following source code layout (remember that ProcessHandleImpl_unix.c will
  67  * be compiled on EVERY Unix platform while ProcessHandleImpl_<os>.c will be
  68  * only compiled on the specific OS):
  69  *
  70  * - all the JNI wrappers for the ProcessHandleImpl functions go into this file
  71  * - if their implementation is common on ALL the supported Unix platforms it
  72  *   goes right into the JNI wrappers
  73  * - if the whole function or substantial parts are platform dependent, the
  74  *   implementation goes into os_<function_name> functions in
  75  *   ProcessHandleImpl_<os>.c
  76  * - if at least two platforms implement an os_<function_name> function in the
  77  *   same way, this implementation is factored out into unix_<function_name>,
  78  *   placed into this file and called from the corresponding os_<function_name>
  79  *   function.
  80  * - For convenience, all the os_ and unix_ functions are declared in
  81  *   ProcessHandleImpl_unix.h which is included into every
  82  *   ProcessHandleImpl_<os>.c file.
  83  *
  84  * Example 1:
  85  * ----------
  86  * The implementation of Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_00024Info_initIDs()
  87  * is the same on all platforms except on Linux where it initilizes one
  88  * additional field. So we place the implementation right into
  89  * Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_00024Info_initIDs() but add call to
  90  * os_init() at the end of the function which is empty on all platforms
  91  * except Linux where it performs the additionally initializations.
  92  *
  93  * Example 2:
  94  * ----------
  95  * The implementation of Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_00024Info_info0 is
  96  * the same on Solaris and AIX but different on Linux and MacOSX. We therefore
  97  * simply call the two helpers os_getStatInfo() and os_getCmdlineInfo(). The
  98  * Linux and MaxOS X versions of these functions (in the corresponding files
  99  * ProcessHandleImpl_linux.c and ProcessHandleImpl_macosx.c) directly contain
 100  * the platform specific implementations while the Solaris and AIX
 101  * implementations simply call back to unix_getStatInfo() and
 102  * unix_getCmdlineInfo() which are implemented right in this file.
 103  *
 104  * The term "same implementation" is still a question of interpretation. It my
 105  * be acceptable to have a few ifdef'ed lines if that allows the sharing of a
 106  * huge function. On the other hand, if the platform specific code in a shared
 107  * function grows over a certain limit, it may be better to refactor that
 108  * functionality into corresponding, platform-specific os_ functions.
 109  */
 112 #ifndef WIFEXITED
 113 #define WIFEXITED(status) (((status)&0xFF) == 0)
 114 #endif
 116 #ifndef WEXITSTATUS
 117 #define WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status)>>8)&0xFF)
 118 #endif
 120 #ifndef WIFSIGNALED
 121 #define WIFSIGNALED(status) (((status)&0xFF) > 0 && ((status)&0xFF00) == 0)
 122 #endif
 124 #ifndef WTERMSIG
 125 #define WTERMSIG(status) ((status)&0x7F)
 126 #endif
 128 #ifdef __solaris__
 129 /* The child exited because of a signal.
 130  * The best value to return is 0x80 + signal number,
 131  * because that is what all Unix shells do, and because
 132  * it allows callers to distinguish between process exit and
 133  * process death by signal.
 134  * Unfortunately, the historical behavior on Solaris is to return
 135  * the signal number, and we preserve this for compatibility. */
 136 #define WTERMSIG_RETURN(status) WTERMSIG(status);
 137 #else
 138 #define WTERMSIG_RETURN(status) (WTERMSIG(status) + 0x80);
 139 #endif
 141 #define RESTARTABLE(_cmd, _result) do { \
 142   do { \
 143     _result = _cmd; \
 144   } while((_result == -1) && (errno == EINTR)); \
 145 } while(0)
 147 #define RESTARTABLE_RETURN_PTR(_cmd, _result) do { \
 148   do { \
 149     _result = _cmd; \
 150   } while((_result == NULL) && (errno == EINTR)); \
 151 } while(0)
 154 /* Field id for jString 'command' in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.Info */
 155 jfieldID ProcessHandleImpl_Info_commandID;
 157 /* Field id for jString[] 'arguments' in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.Info */
 158 jfieldID ProcessHandleImpl_Info_argumentsID;
 160 /* Field id for jlong 'totalTime' in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.Info */
 161 jfieldID ProcessHandleImpl_Info_totalTimeID;
 163 /* Field id for jlong 'startTime' in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.Info */
 164 jfieldID ProcessHandleImpl_Info_startTimeID;
 166 /* Field id for jString 'user' in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl.Info */
 167 jfieldID ProcessHandleImpl_Info_userID;
 169 /* static value for clock ticks per second. */
 170 long clock_ticks_per_second;
 172 /**************************************************************
 173  * Static method to initialize field IDs and the ticks per second rate.
 174  *
 175  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_Info
 176  * Method:    initIDs
 177  * Signature: ()V
 178  */
 179 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_00024Info_initIDs
 180 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {
 182     CHECK_NULL(ProcessHandleImpl_Info_commandID =
 183             (*env)->GetFieldID(env, clazz, "command", "Ljava/lang/String;"));
 184     CHECK_NULL(ProcessHandleImpl_Info_argumentsID =
 185             (*env)->GetFieldID(env, clazz, "arguments", "[Ljava/lang/String;"));
 186     CHECK_NULL(ProcessHandleImpl_Info_totalTimeID =
 187             (*env)->GetFieldID(env, clazz, "totalTime", "J"));
 188     CHECK_NULL(ProcessHandleImpl_Info_startTimeID =
 189             (*env)->GetFieldID(env, clazz, "startTime", "J"));
 190     CHECK_NULL(ProcessHandleImpl_Info_userID =
 191             (*env)->GetFieldID(env, clazz, "user", "Ljava/lang/String;"));
 192     clock_ticks_per_second = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
 194     os_init(env, clazz);
 195 }
 197 /* Block until a child process exits and return its exit code.
 198  * Note, can only be called once for any given pid if reapStatus = true.
 199  *
 200  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 201  * Method:    waitForProcessExit0
 202  * Signature: (JZ)I
 203  */
 204 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_waitForProcessExit0
 205 (JNIEnv* env, jclass junk, jlong jpid, jboolean reapStatus) {
 206     pid_t pid = (pid_t)jpid;
 207     errno = 0;
 209     if (reapStatus != JNI_FALSE) {
 210         /* Wait for the child process to exit.
 211          * waitpid() is standard, so use it on all POSIX platforms.
 212          * It is known to work when blocking to wait for the pid
 213          * This returns immediately if the child has already exited.
 214          */
 215         int status;
 216         while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) {
 217             switch (errno) {
 218                 case ECHILD: return 0;
 219                 case EINTR: break;
 220                 default: return -1;
 221             }
 222         }
 224         if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
 225             return WEXITSTATUS(status);
 226         } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
 227             return WTERMSIG_RETURN(status);
 228         } else {
 229             return status;
 230         }
 231      } else {
 232         /*
 233          * Wait for the child process to exit without reaping the exitValue.
 234          * waitid() is standard on all POSIX platforms.
 235          * Note: waitid on Mac OS X 10.7 seems to be broken;
 236          * it does not return the exit status consistently.
 237          */
 238         siginfo_t siginfo;
 239         int options = WEXITED |  WNOWAIT;
 240         memset(&siginfo, 0, sizeof siginfo);
 241         while (waitid(P_PID, pid, &siginfo, options) < 0) {
 242             switch (errno) {
 243             case ECHILD: return 0;
 244             case EINTR: break;
 245             default: return -1;
 246             }
 247         }
 249         if (siginfo.si_code == CLD_EXITED) {
 250              /*
 251               * The child exited normally; get its exit code.
 252               */
 253              return siginfo.si_status;
 254         } else if (siginfo.si_code == CLD_KILLED || siginfo.si_code == CLD_DUMPED) {
 255              return WTERMSIG_RETURN(siginfo.si_status);
 256         } else {
 257              /*
 258               * Unknown exit code; pass it through.
 259               */
 260              return siginfo.si_status;
 261         }
 262     }
 263 }
 265 /*
 266  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 267  * Method:    getCurrentPid0
 268  * Signature: ()J
 269  */
 270 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_getCurrentPid0
 271 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {
 272     pid_t pid = getpid();
 273     return (jlong) pid;
 274 }
 276 /*
 277  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 278  * Method:    isAlive0
 279  * Signature: (J)Z
 280  */
 281 JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_isAlive0
 282 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jpid) {
 283     pid_t pid = (pid_t) jpid;
 284     return (kill(pid, 0) < 0) ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE;
 285 }
 287 /*
 288  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 289  * Method:    destroy0
 290  * Signature: (JZ)Z
 291  */
 292 JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_destroy0
 293 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jpid, jboolean force) {
 294     pid_t pid = (pid_t) jpid;
 295     int sig = (force == JNI_TRUE) ? SIGKILL : SIGTERM;
 296     return (kill(pid, sig) >= 0);
 298 }
 300 /*
 301  * Returns the children of the requested pid and optionally each parent.
 302  *
 303  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 304  * Method:    getChildPids
 305  * Signature: (J[J[J)I
 306  */
 307 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_getProcessPids0
 308 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong jpid,
 309     jlongArray jarray, jlongArray jparentArray) {
 310     return os_getChildren(env, jpid, jarray, jparentArray);
 311 }
 313 /*
 314  * Fill in the Info object from the OS information about the process.
 315  *
 316  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_Info
 317  * Method:    info0
 318  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/ProcessHandle/Info;J)I
 319  */
 320 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_00024Info_info0
 321 (JNIEnv *env, jobject jinfo, jlong jpid) {
 322     pid_t pid = (pid_t) jpid;
 323     os_getStatInfo(env, jinfo, pid);
 324     os_getCmdlineInfo(env, jinfo, pid);
 325 }
 327 /*
 328  * Returns the parent pid of the requested pid.
 329  *
 330  * Class:     java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl
 331  * Method:    parent0
 332  * Signature: (J)J
 333  */
 334 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_java_lang_ProcessHandleImpl_parent0
 335 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jpid) {
 336     pid_t pid = (pid_t) jpid;
 337     pid_t ppid = -1;
 339     pid_t mypid = getpid();
 340     if (pid == mypid) {
 341         ppid = getppid();
 342     } else {
 343         ppid = os_parentPid(env, pid);
 344     }
 345     return (jlong) ppid;
 346 }
 348 /**
 349  * Construct the argument array by parsing the arguments from the sequence
 350  * of arguments. The zero'th arg is the command executable but it will only
 351  * be used if the 'cmdexe' argument is NULL.
 352  */
 353 int unix_fillArgArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject jinfo, int nargs,
 354                       char *cp, char *argsEnd, jstring cmdexe) {
 355     jobject argsArray;
 356     int i;
 358     if (nargs < 1) {
 359         return 0;
 360     }
 362     if (cmdexe == NULL) {
 363         // Create a string from arg[0]
 364         CHECK_NULL_RETURN((cmdexe = JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, cp)), -1);
 365     }
 366     (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jinfo, ProcessHandleImpl_Info_commandID, cmdexe);
 369     // Create a String array for nargs-1 elements
 370     argsArray = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, nargs - 1, JNU_ClassString(env), NULL);
 371     CHECK_NULL_RETURN(argsArray, -1);
 373     for (i = 0; i < nargs - 1; i++) {
 374         jstring str = NULL;
 376         cp += strlen(cp) + 1;
 377         if (cp > argsEnd || *cp == '\0') {
 378             return -2;  // Off the end pointer or an empty argument is an error
 379         }
 381         CHECK_NULL_RETURN((str = JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, cp)), -1);
 383         (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, argsArray, i, str);
 384         JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, -3);
 385     }
 386     (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jinfo, ProcessHandleImpl_Info_argumentsID, argsArray);
 388     return 0;
 389 }
 391 /* Size of password or group entry when not available via sysconf */
 392 #define ENT_BUF_SIZE   1024
 394 /**
 395  * Return a strong username for the uid_t or null.
 396  */
 397 jstring unix_uidToUser(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid) {
 398     int result = 0;
 399     int buflen;
 400     char* pwbuf;
 401     jstring name = NULL;
 403     /* allocate buffer for password record */
 404     buflen = (int)sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
 405     if (buflen == -1)
 406         buflen = ENT_BUF_SIZE;
 407     pwbuf = (char*)malloc(buflen);
 408     if (pwbuf == NULL) {
 409         JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "Unable to open getpwent");
 410     } else {
 411         struct passwd pwent;
 412         struct passwd* p = NULL;
 414 #ifdef __solaris__
 415         RESTARTABLE_RETURN_PTR(getpwuid_r(uid, &pwent, pwbuf, (size_t)buflen), p);
 416 #else
 417         RESTARTABLE(getpwuid_r(uid, &pwent, pwbuf, (size_t)buflen, &p), result);
 418 #endif
 420         // Return the Java String if a name was found
 421         if (result == 0 && p != NULL &&
 422             p->pw_name != NULL && *(p->pw_name) != '\0') {
 423             name = JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, p->pw_name);
 424         }
 425         free(pwbuf);
 426     }
 427     return name;
 428 }
 430 /*
 431  * The following fuctions are common on Solaris, Linux and AIX.
 432  */
 434 #if defined(__solaris__) || defined (__linux__) || defined(_AIX)
 436 /*
 437  * Reads /proc and accumulates any process who parent pid matches.
 438  * The resulting pids are stored into the array of longs.
 439  * The number of pids is returned if they all fit.
 440  * If the array is too short, the negative of the desired length is returned.
 441  */
 442 jint unix_getChildren(JNIEnv *env, jlong jpid,
 443                       jlongArray jarray, jlongArray jparentArray) {
 444     DIR* dir;
 445     struct dirent* ptr;
 446     pid_t pid = (pid_t) jpid;
 447     pid_t ppid = 0;
 448     size_t count = 0;
 449     jlong* pids = NULL;
 450     jlong* ppids = NULL;
 451     size_t parentArraySize = 0;
 452     size_t arraySize = 0;
 454     arraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jarray);
 456     if (jparentArray != NULL) {
 457         parentArraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jparentArray);
 458         JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, -1);
 460         if (arraySize != parentArraySize) {
 461             JNU_ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "array sizes not equal");
 462             return 0;
 463         }
 464     }
 466     /*
 467      * To locate the children we scan /proc looking for files that have a
 468      * position integer as a filename.
 469      */
 470     if ((dir = opendir("/proc")) == NULL) {
 471         JNU_ThrowByNameWithLastError(env,
 472             "java/lang/Runtime", "Unable to open /proc");
 473         return -1;
 474     }
 476     do { // Block to break out of on Exception
 477         pids = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, jarray, NULL);
 478         if (pids == NULL) {
 479             break;
 480         }
 481         if (jparentArray != NULL) {
 482             ppids  = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, jparentArray, NULL);
 483             if (ppids == NULL) {
 484                 break;
 485             }
 486         }
 488         while ((ptr = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
 489             /* skip files that aren't numbers */
 490             pid_t childpid = (pid_t) atoi(ptr->d_name);
 491             if ((int) childpid <= 0) {
 492                 continue;
 493             }
 495             ppid = 0;
 496             if (pid != 0 || jparentArray != NULL) {
 497                 // os_parentPid opens and reads /proc/pid/stat
 498                 ppid = os_parentPid(env, childpid);
 499             }
 500             if (pid == 0 || ppid == pid) {
 501                 if (count < arraySize) {
 502                     // Only store if it fits
 503                     pids[count] = (jlong) childpid;
 505                     if (ppids != NULL) {
 506                         // Store the parentPid
 507                         ppids[count] = (jlong) ppid;
 508                     }
 509                 }
 510                 count++; // Count to tabulate size needed
 511             }
 512         }
 513     } while (0);
 515     if (pids != NULL) {
 516         (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, jarray, pids, 0);
 517     }
 518     if (ppids != NULL) {
 519         (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, jparentArray, ppids, 0);
 520     }
 522     closedir(dir);
 523     // If more pids than array had size for; count will be greater than array size
 524     return count;
 525 }
 527 #endif // defined(__solaris__) || defined (__linux__) || defined(_AIX)
 529 /*
 530  * The following fuctions are common on Solaris and AIX.
 531  */
 533 #if defined(__solaris__) || defined(_AIX)
 535 /**
 536  * Read /proc/<pid>/stat and fill in the fields of the Info object.
 537  * Gather the user and system times.
 538  */
 539 void unix_getStatInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject jinfo, pid_t pid) {
 540     FILE* fp;
 541     pstatus_t pstatus;
 542     struct stat stat_buf;
 543     int ret;
 544     char fn[32];
 545     int i, p;
 546     char* s;
 547     jlong totalTime;
 549     /*
 550      * Try to open /proc/%d/status
 551      */
 552     snprintf(fn, sizeof fn, "/proc/%d/status", pid);
 554     if (stat(fn, &stat_buf) < 0) {
 555         return;
 556     }
 558     fp = fopen(fn, "r");
 559     if (fp == NULL) {
 560         return;
 561     }
 563     ret = fread(&pstatus, 1, (sizeof pstatus), fp);
 564     fclose(fp);
 565     if (ret < 0) {
 566         return;
 567     }
 569     totalTime = pstatus.pr_utime.tv_sec * 1000000000L + pstatus.pr_utime.tv_nsec +
 570                 pstatus.pr_stime.tv_sec * 1000000000L + pstatus.pr_stime.tv_nsec;
 572     (*env)->SetLongField(env, jinfo, ProcessHandleImpl_Info_totalTimeID, totalTime);
 573     JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
 574 }
 576 void unix_getCmdlineInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject jinfo, pid_t pid) {
 577     FILE* fp;
 578     psinfo_t psinfo;
 579     int ret;
 580     char fn[32];
 581     char exePath[PATH_MAX];
 582     jlong startTime;
 583     jstring str = NULL, cmdexe = NULL;
 585     /*
 586      * try to open /proc/%d/psinfo
 587      */
 588     snprintf(fn, sizeof fn, "/proc/%d/psinfo", pid);
 589     fp = fopen(fn, "r");
 590     if (fp == NULL) {
 591         return;
 592     }
 594     ret = fread(&psinfo, 1, (sizeof psinfo), fp);
 595     fclose(fp);
 596     if (ret < 0) {
 597         return;
 598     }
 600     CHECK_NULL((str = unix_uidToUser(env, psinfo.pr_uid)));
 601     (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jinfo, ProcessHandleImpl_Info_userID, str);
 602     JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
 604     startTime = (jlong)psinfo.pr_start.tv_sec * (jlong)1000 +
 605                 (jlong)psinfo.pr_start.tv_nsec / 1000000;
 606     (*env)->SetLongField(env, jinfo, ProcessHandleImpl_Info_startTimeID, startTime);
 607     JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
 609     /*
 610      * On Solris, the full path to the executable command is the link in
 611      * /proc/<pid>/paths/a.out. But it is only readable for processes we own.
 612      * On AIX, the readlink() call will simply fail because the link doesn't exist.
 613      */
 614     snprintf(fn, sizeof fn, "/proc/%d/path/a.out", pid);
 615     if ((ret = readlink(fn, exePath, PATH_MAX - 1)) > 0) {
 616         // null terminate and create String to store for command
 617         exePath[ret] = '\0';
 618         CHECK_NULL(cmdexe = JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, exePath));
 619     }
 621     /*
 622      * Now read psinfo.pr_psargs which contains the first PRARGSZ characters of the
 623      * argument list (i.e. arg[0] arg[1] ...). Unfortunately, PRARGSZ is usually set
 624      * to 80 characters only. Nevertheless it's better than nothing :)
 625      */
 626     {
 627         char prargs[PRARGSZ + 1];
 628         char *cp, *argsEnd;
 629         int nargs = 1;
 630         strncpy(prargs, psinfo.pr_psargs, PRARGSZ);
 631         prargs[PRARGSZ] = '\0';
 632         argsEnd = &prargs[strlen(prargs)];
 633         if (argsEnd == prargs) {
 634             /* If psinfo.pr_psargs didn't contain any strings, use psinfo.pr_fname
 635              * (which only contains the last component of exec()ed pathname) as a
 636              * last resort. This is true for AIX kernel processes for example.
 637              */
 638             strncpy(prargs, psinfo.pr_fname, PRARGSZ);
 639             prargs[PRARGSZ] = '\0';
 640             argsEnd = &prargs[strlen(prargs)];
 641         } else {
 642             /* The arguments are separeted by a single whitespace character but we want
 643              * them to be distinct, null-terminated strings. */
 644             for (cp = prargs; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
 645                 if (*cp == ' ') {
 646                     *cp = '\0';
 647                     nargs++;
 648                 }
 649             }
 650         }
 651         unix_fillArgArray(env, jinfo, nargs, prargs, argsEnd, cmdexe);
 652     }
 653 }
 655 #endif // defined(__solaris__) || defined(_AIX)