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rev 12437 : 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX

 109                     Long child = Long.valueOf(split[2]);
 110                     Long parent = Long.valueOf(split[0].split(":")[0]);
 111                     processes.put(ProcessHandle.of(child).get(), ProcessHandle.of(parent).get());
 112                 }
 113             });
 115             proc.sendAction("spawn", "3", "stdin");
 117             proc.sendAction("child", "spawn", "2", "stdin");
 119             // Poll until all 9 child processes exist or the timeout is reached
 120             int expected = 9;
 121             long timeout = Utils.adjustTimeout(10L);
 122             Instant endTimeout = Instant.now().plusSeconds(timeout);
 123             do {
 124                 Thread.sleep(200L);
 125                 printf(" subprocess count: %d, waiting for %d%n", processes.size(), expected);
 126             } while (processes.size() < expected &&
 127                     Instant.now().isBefore(endTimeout));

 129             children = getAllChildren(procHandle);
 131             ConcurrentHashMap<ProcessHandle, CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle>> completions =
 132                     new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 133             Instant startTime = Instant.now();
 134             // Create a future for each of the 9 children
 135             processes.forEach( (p, parent) -> {
 136                         CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle> cf = p.onExit().whenComplete((ph, ex) -> {
 137                             Duration elapsed = Duration.between(startTime, Instant.now());
 138                             printf("whenComplete: pid: %s, exception: %s, thread: %s, elapsed: %s%n",
 139                                     ph, ex, Thread.currentThread(), elapsed);
 140                         });
 141                         completions.put(p, cf);
 142                     });
 144             // Check that each of the spawned processes is included in the children
 145             List<ProcessHandle> remaining = new ArrayList<>(children);
 146             processes.forEach((p, parent) -> {
 147                 Assert.assertTrue(remaining.remove(p), "spawned process should have been in children");
 148             });

 109                     Long child = Long.valueOf(split[2]);
 110                     Long parent = Long.valueOf(split[0].split(":")[0]);
 111                     processes.put(ProcessHandle.of(child).get(), ProcessHandle.of(parent).get());
 112                 }
 113             });
 115             proc.sendAction("spawn", "3", "stdin");
 117             proc.sendAction("child", "spawn", "2", "stdin");
 119             // Poll until all 9 child processes exist or the timeout is reached
 120             int expected = 9;
 121             long timeout = Utils.adjustTimeout(10L);
 122             Instant endTimeout = Instant.now().plusSeconds(timeout);
 123             do {
 124                 Thread.sleep(200L);
 125                 printf(" subprocess count: %d, waiting for %d%n", processes.size(), expected);
 126             } while (processes.size() < expected &&
 127                     Instant.now().isBefore(endTimeout));
 129             if (processes.size() < expected) {
 130                 printf("WARNING: not all children have been started. Can't complete test.%n");
 131                 printf("         You can try to increase the timeout or%n");
 132                 printf("         you can try to use a faster VM (i.e. not a debug version).%n");
 133                 return;
 134             }
 135             children = getAllChildren(procHandle);
 137             ConcurrentHashMap<ProcessHandle, CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle>> completions =
 138                     new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 139             Instant startTime = Instant.now();
 140             // Create a future for each of the 9 children
 141             processes.forEach( (p, parent) -> {
 142                         CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle> cf = p.onExit().whenComplete((ph, ex) -> {
 143                             Duration elapsed = Duration.between(startTime, Instant.now());
 144                             printf("whenComplete: pid: %s, exception: %s, thread: %s, elapsed: %s%n",
 145                                     ph, ex, Thread.currentThread(), elapsed);
 146                         });
 147                         completions.put(p, cf);
 148                     });
 150             // Check that each of the spawned processes is included in the children
 151             List<ProcessHandle> remaining = new ArrayList<>(children);
 152             processes.forEach((p, parent) -> {
 153                 Assert.assertTrue(remaining.remove(p), "spawned process should have been in children");
 154             });

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