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@@ -473,12 +473,17 @@
     // This works for most flags, but there are exceptions. Our longest flag
     // name right now is UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection and
     // its minor collection buddy. These are 48 characters. We use a buffer of
     // 10 spaces below to adjust the space between the flag value and the
     // column of flag type and origin that is printed in the end of the line.
-    char spaces[10 + 1] = "          ";
-    st->print("%9s %-40s = ", _type, _name);
+    // Use some named constants to make code more readable.
+    char spaces[] = "          ";  // 10 spaces plus NUL
+    const unsigned int maxFlagLen = 50;
+    const unsigned int nSpaces = strlen(spaces);
+    st->print("%9s %-*s = ", _type, maxFlagLen-nSpaces, _name);
     if (is_bool()) {
       st->print("%-20s", get_bool() ? "true" : "false");
     } else if (is_int()) {
       st->print("%-20d", get_int());

@@ -507,13 +512,16 @@
         st->print("%-20s", cp);
       else st->print("%-20s", "");
-    assert(strlen(_name) < 50, "Flag name is longer than expected");
-    spaces[50 - MAX2((size_t)40, strlen(_name))] = '\0';
+    // Make sure we do not punch a '\0' at a negative char array index.
+    unsigned int nameLen = strlen(_name);
+    if (nameLen < maxFlagLen) {
+      spaces[maxFlagLen - MAX2(maxFlagLen-nSpaces, nameLen)] = '\0';
     st->print("%s", spaces);
+    }
 #ifndef PRODUCT
     if (withComments) {
       st->print("%s", _doc);
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