1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc/g1/g1EvacuationInfo.hpp"
  27 #include "gc/g1/g1HeapRegionTraceType.hpp"
  28 #include "gc/g1/g1Trace.hpp"
  29 #include "gc/g1/g1YCTypes.hpp"
  30 #include "gc/shared/gcHeapSummary.hpp"
  31 #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
  32 #if INCLUDE_JFR
  33 #include "jfr/metadata/jfrSerializer.hpp"
  34 #endif
  36 #if INCLUDE_JFR
  37 class G1HeapRegionTypeConstant : public JfrSerializer {
  38 public:
  39   void serialize(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) {
  40   static const u4 nof_entries = G1HeapRegionTraceType::G1HeapRegionTypeEndSentinel;
  41   writer.write_count(nof_entries);
  42   for (u4 i = 0; i < nof_entries; ++i) {
  43     writer.write_key(i);
  44     writer.write(G1HeapRegionTraceType::to_string((G1HeapRegionTraceType::Type)i));
  45   }
  46 }
  47 };
  49 class G1YCTypeConstant : public JfrSerializer {
  50 public:
  51   void serialize(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) {
  52     static const u4 nof_entries = G1YCTypeEndSentinel;
  53     writer.write_count(nof_entries);
  54     for (u4 i = 0; i < nof_entries; ++i) {
  55       writer.write_key(i);
  56       writer.write(G1YCTypeHelper::to_string((G1YCType)i));
  57     }
  58   }
  59 };
  61 static void register_jfr_type_constants() {
  62   JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_G1HEAPREGIONTYPE, false, true,
  63                                      new G1HeapRegionTypeConstant());
  65   JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_G1YCTYPE, false, true,
  66                                      new G1YCTypeConstant());
  67 }
  69 #endif
  71 void G1NewTracer::initialize() {
  72   JFR_ONLY(register_jfr_type_constants());
  73 }
  75 void G1NewTracer::report_yc_type(G1YCType type) {
  76   _g1_young_gc_info.set_type(type);
  77 }
  79 void G1NewTracer::report_gc_end_impl(const Ticks& timestamp, TimePartitions* time_partitions) {
  80   YoungGCTracer::report_gc_end_impl(timestamp, time_partitions);
  81   send_g1_young_gc_event();
  82 }
  84 void G1NewTracer::report_evacuation_info(G1EvacuationInfo* info) {
  85   send_evacuation_info_event(info);
  86 }
  88 void G1NewTracer::report_evacuation_failed(EvacuationFailedInfo& ef_info) {
  89   send_evacuation_failed_event(ef_info);
  90   ef_info.reset();
  91 }
  93 void G1NewTracer::report_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& young_summary, const G1EvacSummary& old_summary) const {
  94   send_young_evacuation_statistics(young_summary);
  95   send_old_evacuation_statistics(old_summary);
  96 }
  98 void G1NewTracer::report_basic_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold,
  99                                                size_t target_ccupancy,
 100                                                size_t current_occupancy,
 101                                                size_t last_allocation_size,
 102                                                double last_allocation_duration,
 103                                                double last_marking_length) {
 104   send_basic_ihop_statistics(threshold,
 105                              target_ccupancy,
 106                              current_occupancy,
 107                              last_allocation_size,
 108                              last_allocation_duration,
 109                              last_marking_length);
 110 }
 112 void G1NewTracer::report_adaptive_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold,
 113                                                   size_t internal_target_occupancy,
 114                                                   size_t current_occupancy,
 115                                                   size_t additional_buffer_size,
 116                                                   double predicted_allocation_rate,
 117                                                   double predicted_marking_length,
 118                                                   bool prediction_active) {
 119   send_adaptive_ihop_statistics(threshold,
 120                                 internal_target_occupancy,
 121                                 additional_buffer_size,
 122                                 current_occupancy,
 123                                 predicted_allocation_rate,
 124                                 predicted_marking_length,
 125                                 prediction_active);
 126 }
 128 void G1NewTracer::send_g1_young_gc_event() {
 129   EventG1GarbageCollection e(UNTIMED);
 130   if (e.should_commit()) {
 131     e.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 132     e.set_type(_g1_young_gc_info.type());
 133     e.set_starttime(_shared_gc_info.start_timestamp());
 134     e.set_endtime(_shared_gc_info.end_timestamp());
 135     e.commit();
 136   }
 137 }
 139 void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_info_event(G1EvacuationInfo* info) {
 140   EventEvacuationInformation e;
 141   if (e.should_commit()) {
 142     e.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 143     e.set_cSetRegions(info->collectionset_regions());
 144     e.set_cSetUsedBefore(info->collectionset_used_before());
 145     e.set_cSetUsedAfter(info->collectionset_used_after());
 146     e.set_allocationRegions(info->allocation_regions());
 147     e.set_allocationRegionsUsedBefore(info->alloc_regions_used_before());
 148     e.set_allocationRegionsUsedAfter(info->alloc_regions_used_before() + info->bytes_copied());
 149     e.set_bytesCopied(info->bytes_copied());
 150     e.set_regionsFreed(info->regions_freed());
 151     e.commit();
 152   }
 153 }
 155 void G1NewTracer::send_evacuation_failed_event(const EvacuationFailedInfo& ef_info) const {
 156   EventEvacuationFailed e;
 157   if (e.should_commit()) {
 158     // Create JFR structured failure data
 159     JfrStructCopyFailed evac_failed;
 160     evac_failed.set_objectCount(ef_info.failed_count());
 161     evac_failed.set_firstSize(ef_info.first_size());
 162     evac_failed.set_smallestSize(ef_info.smallest_size());
 163     evac_failed.set_totalSize(ef_info.total_size());
 164     // Add to the event
 165     e.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 166     e.set_evacuationFailed(evac_failed);
 167     e.commit();
 168   }
 169 }
 171 static JfrStructG1EvacuationStatistics
 172 create_g1_evacstats(unsigned gcid, const G1EvacSummary& summary) {
 173   JfrStructG1EvacuationStatistics s;
 174   s.set_gcId(gcid);
 175   s.set_allocated(summary.allocated() * HeapWordSize);
 176   s.set_wasted(summary.wasted() * HeapWordSize);
 177   s.set_used(summary.used() * HeapWordSize);
 178   s.set_undoWaste(summary.undo_wasted() * HeapWordSize);
 179   s.set_regionEndWaste(summary.region_end_waste() * HeapWordSize);
 180   s.set_regionsRefilled(summary.regions_filled());
 181   s.set_directAllocated(summary.direct_allocated() * HeapWordSize);
 182   s.set_failureUsed(summary.failure_used() * HeapWordSize);
 183   s.set_failureWaste(summary.failure_waste() * HeapWordSize);
 184   return s;
 185 }
 187 void G1NewTracer::send_young_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const {
 188   EventG1EvacuationYoungStatistics surv_evt;
 189   if (surv_evt.should_commit()) {
 190     surv_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary));
 191     surv_evt.commit();
 192   }
 193 }
 195 void G1NewTracer::send_old_evacuation_statistics(const G1EvacSummary& summary) const {
 196   EventG1EvacuationOldStatistics old_evt;
 197   if (old_evt.should_commit()) {
 198     old_evt.set_statistics(create_g1_evacstats(GCId::current(), summary));
 199     old_evt.commit();
 200   }
 201 }
 203 void G1NewTracer::send_basic_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold,
 204                                              size_t target_occupancy,
 205                                              size_t current_occupancy,
 206                                              size_t last_allocation_size,
 207                                              double last_allocation_duration,
 208                                              double last_marking_length) {
 209   EventG1BasicIHOP evt;
 210   if (evt.should_commit()) {
 211     evt.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 212     evt.set_threshold(threshold);
 213     evt.set_targetOccupancy(target_occupancy);
 214     evt.set_thresholdPercentage(target_occupancy > 0 ? ((double)threshold / target_occupancy) : 0.0);
 215     evt.set_currentOccupancy(current_occupancy);
 216     evt.set_recentMutatorAllocationSize(last_allocation_size);
 217     evt.set_recentMutatorDuration(last_allocation_duration * MILLIUNITS);
 218     evt.set_recentAllocationRate(last_allocation_duration != 0.0 ? last_allocation_size / last_allocation_duration : 0.0);
 219     evt.set_lastMarkingDuration(last_marking_length * MILLIUNITS);
 220     evt.commit();
 221   }
 222 }
 224 void G1NewTracer::send_adaptive_ihop_statistics(size_t threshold,
 225                                                 size_t internal_target_occupancy,
 226                                                 size_t current_occupancy,
 227                                                 size_t additional_buffer_size,
 228                                                 double predicted_allocation_rate,
 229                                                 double predicted_marking_length,
 230                                                 bool prediction_active) {
 231   EventG1AdaptiveIHOP evt;
 232   if (evt.should_commit()) {
 233     evt.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 234     evt.set_threshold(threshold);
 235     evt.set_thresholdPercentage(internal_target_occupancy > 0 ? ((double)threshold / internal_target_occupancy) : 0.0);
 236     evt.set_ihopTargetOccupancy(internal_target_occupancy);
 237     evt.set_currentOccupancy(current_occupancy);
 238     evt.set_additionalBufferSize(additional_buffer_size);
 239     evt.set_predictedAllocationRate(predicted_allocation_rate);
 240     evt.set_predictedMarkingDuration(predicted_marking_length * MILLIUNITS);
 241     evt.set_predictionActive(prediction_active);
 242     evt.commit();
 243   }
 244 }
 246 void G1OldTracer::report_gc_start_impl(GCCause::Cause cause, const Ticks& timestamp) {
 247   _shared_gc_info.set_start_timestamp(timestamp);
 248 }
 250 void G1OldTracer::set_gc_cause(GCCause::Cause cause) {
 251   _shared_gc_info.set_cause(cause);
 252 }
 254 void G1MMUTracer::report_mmu(double time_slice_sec, double gc_time_sec, double max_time_sec) {
 255   send_g1_mmu_event(time_slice_sec * MILLIUNITS,
 256                     gc_time_sec * MILLIUNITS,
 257                     max_time_sec * MILLIUNITS);
 258 }
 260 void G1MMUTracer::send_g1_mmu_event(double time_slice_ms, double gc_time_ms, double max_time_ms) {
 261   EventG1MMU e;
 262   if (e.should_commit()) {
 263     e.set_gcId(GCId::current());
 264     e.set_timeSlice(time_slice_ms);
 265     e.set_gcTime(gc_time_ms);
 266     e.set_pauseTarget(max_time_ms);
 267     e.commit();
 268   }
 269 }