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rev 3516 : 7021582: convert jar/zip code and tests to use try-with-resources
Reviewed-by: XXX

 441 // Because a typical delta usees much less data than a byte, the savings after
 442 // zipping is even better:  A zipped delta-encoded package is 8% smaller than
 443 // a zipped non-delta-encoded package.  Thus, in the zipped file, a banded,
 444 // delta-encoded constant pool saves over 11% (of the total file size) compared
 445 // with a zipped unbanded file.
 447     void writeConstantPool() throws IOException {
 448         IndexGroup cp = pkg.cp;
 450         if (verbose > 0)"Writing CP");
 452         for (int k = 0; k < ConstantPool.TAGS_IN_ORDER.length; k++) {
 453             byte  tag   = ConstantPool.TAGS_IN_ORDER[k];
 454             Index index = cp.getIndexByTag(tag);
 456             Entry[] cpMap = index.cpMap;
 457             if (verbose > 0)
 458       "Writing "+cpMap.length+" "+ConstantPool.tagName(tag)+" entries...");
 460             if (optDumpBands) {
 461                 PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(getDumpStream(index, ".idx"));
 462                 printArrayTo(ps, cpMap, 0, cpMap.length);
 463                 ps.close();
 464             }
 466             switch (tag) {
 467             case CONSTANT_Utf8:
 468                 writeUtf8Bands(cpMap);
 469                 break;
 470             case CONSTANT_Integer:
 471                 for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) {
 472                     NumberEntry e = (NumberEntry) cpMap[i];
 473                     int x = ((Integer)e.numberValue()).intValue();
 474                     cp_Int.putInt(x);
 475                 }
 476                 break;
 477             case CONSTANT_Float:
 478                 for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) {
 479                     NumberEntry e = (NumberEntry) cpMap[i];
 480                     float fx = ((Float)e.numberValue()).floatValue();
 481                     int x = Float.floatToIntBits(fx);
 482                     cp_Float.putInt(x);
 483                 }

 906         int numAttrDefs = defList.size();
 907         Object[][] defs = new Object[numAttrDefs][];
 908         defList.toArray(defs);
 909         Arrays.sort(defs, new Comparator() {
 910             public int compare(Object o0, Object o1) {
 911                 Object[] a0 = (Object[]) o0;
 912                 Object[] a1 = (Object[]) o1;
 913                 // Primary sort key is attr def header.
 914                 int r = ((Comparable)a0[0]).compareTo(a1[0]);
 915                 if (r != 0)  return r;
 916                 Object ind0 = attrIndexTable.get(a0[1]);
 917                 Object ind1 = attrIndexTable.get(a1[1]);
 918                 // Secondary sort key is attribute index.
 919                 // (This must be so, in order to keep overflow attr order.)
 920                 assert(ind0 != null);
 921                 assert(ind1 != null);
 922                 return ((Comparable)ind0).compareTo(ind1);
 923             }
 924         });
 925         attrDefsWritten = new Attribute.Layout[numAttrDefs];
 926         PrintStream dump = !optDumpBands ? null
 927             : new PrintStream(getDumpStream(attr_definition_headers, ".def"));

 928         int[] indexForDebug = Arrays.copyOf(attrIndexLimit, ATTR_CONTEXT_LIMIT);
 929         for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
 930             int header = ((Integer)defs[i][0]).intValue();
 931             Attribute.Layout def = (Attribute.Layout) defs[i][1];
 932             attrDefsWritten[i] = def;
 933             assert((header & ADH_CONTEXT_MASK) == def.ctype());
 934             attr_definition_headers.putByte(header);
 935             attr_definition_name.putRef(ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry(;
 936             String layout = def.layoutForPackageMajver(getPackageMajver());
 937             attr_definition_layout.putRef(ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry(layout));
 938             // Check that we are transmitting that correct attribute index:
 939             boolean debug = false;
 940             assert(debug = true);
 941             if (debug) {
 942                 int hdrIndex = (header >> ADH_BIT_SHIFT) - ADH_BIT_IS_LSB;
 943                 if (hdrIndex < 0)  hdrIndex = indexForDebug[def.ctype()]++;
 944                 int realIndex = (attrIndexTable.get(def)).intValue();
 945                 assert(hdrIndex == realIndex);
 946             }
 947             if (dump != null) {
 948                 int index = (header >> ADH_BIT_SHIFT) - ADH_BIT_IS_LSB;
 949                 dump.println(index+" "+def);
 950             }
 951         }
 952         if (dump != null)  dump.close();
 953     }
 955     void writeAttrCounts() throws IOException {
 956         // Write the four xxx_attr_calls bands.
 957         for (int ctype = 0; ctype < ATTR_CONTEXT_LIMIT; ctype++) {
 958             MultiBand xxx_attr_bands = attrBands[ctype];
 959             IntBand xxx_attr_calls = getAttrBand(xxx_attr_bands, AB_ATTR_CALLS);
 960             Attribute.Layout[] defs = new Attribute.Layout[attrDefs.get(ctype).size()];
 961             attrDefs.get(ctype).toArray(defs);
 962             for (boolean predef = true; ; predef = false) {
 963                 for (int ai = 0; ai < defs.length; ai++) {
 964                     Attribute.Layout def = defs[ai];
 965                     if (def == null)  continue;  // unused index
 966                     if (predef != isPredefinedAttr(ctype, ai))
 967                         continue;  // wrong pass
 968                     int totalCount = attrCounts[ctype][ai];
 969                     if (totalCount == 0)
 970                         continue;  // irrelevant
 971                     int[] bc = backCountTable.get(def);
 972                     for (int j = 0; j < bc.length; j++) {

 441 // Because a typical delta usees much less data than a byte, the savings after
 442 // zipping is even better:  A zipped delta-encoded package is 8% smaller than
 443 // a zipped non-delta-encoded package.  Thus, in the zipped file, a banded,
 444 // delta-encoded constant pool saves over 11% (of the total file size) compared
 445 // with a zipped unbanded file.
 447     void writeConstantPool() throws IOException {
 448         IndexGroup cp = pkg.cp;
 450         if (verbose > 0)"Writing CP");
 452         for (int k = 0; k < ConstantPool.TAGS_IN_ORDER.length; k++) {
 453             byte  tag   = ConstantPool.TAGS_IN_ORDER[k];
 454             Index index = cp.getIndexByTag(tag);
 456             Entry[] cpMap = index.cpMap;
 457             if (verbose > 0)
 458       "Writing "+cpMap.length+" "+ConstantPool.tagName(tag)+" entries...");
 460             if (optDumpBands) {
 461                 try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(getDumpStream(index, ".idx"))) {
 462                     printArrayTo(ps, cpMap, 0, cpMap.length);
 463                 }
 464             }
 466             switch (tag) {
 467             case CONSTANT_Utf8:
 468                 writeUtf8Bands(cpMap);
 469                 break;
 470             case CONSTANT_Integer:
 471                 for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) {
 472                     NumberEntry e = (NumberEntry) cpMap[i];
 473                     int x = ((Integer)e.numberValue()).intValue();
 474                     cp_Int.putInt(x);
 475                 }
 476                 break;
 477             case CONSTANT_Float:
 478                 for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) {
 479                     NumberEntry e = (NumberEntry) cpMap[i];
 480                     float fx = ((Float)e.numberValue()).floatValue();
 481                     int x = Float.floatToIntBits(fx);
 482                     cp_Float.putInt(x);
 483                 }

 906         int numAttrDefs = defList.size();
 907         Object[][] defs = new Object[numAttrDefs][];
 908         defList.toArray(defs);
 909         Arrays.sort(defs, new Comparator() {
 910             public int compare(Object o0, Object o1) {
 911                 Object[] a0 = (Object[]) o0;
 912                 Object[] a1 = (Object[]) o1;
 913                 // Primary sort key is attr def header.
 914                 int r = ((Comparable)a0[0]).compareTo(a1[0]);
 915                 if (r != 0)  return r;
 916                 Object ind0 = attrIndexTable.get(a0[1]);
 917                 Object ind1 = attrIndexTable.get(a1[1]);
 918                 // Secondary sort key is attribute index.
 919                 // (This must be so, in order to keep overflow attr order.)
 920                 assert(ind0 != null);
 921                 assert(ind1 != null);
 922                 return ((Comparable)ind0).compareTo(ind1);
 923             }
 924         });
 925         attrDefsWritten = new Attribute.Layout[numAttrDefs];
 926         try (PrintStream dump = !optDumpBands ? null
 927                  : new PrintStream(getDumpStream(attr_definition_headers, ".def")))
 928         {
 929             int[] indexForDebug = Arrays.copyOf(attrIndexLimit, ATTR_CONTEXT_LIMIT);
 930             for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
 931                 int header = ((Integer)defs[i][0]).intValue();
 932                 Attribute.Layout def = (Attribute.Layout) defs[i][1];
 933                 attrDefsWritten[i] = def;
 934                 assert((header & ADH_CONTEXT_MASK) == def.ctype());
 935                 attr_definition_headers.putByte(header);
 936                 attr_definition_name.putRef(ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry(;
 937                 String layout = def.layoutForPackageMajver(getPackageMajver());
 938                 attr_definition_layout.putRef(ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry(layout));
 939                 // Check that we are transmitting that correct attribute index:
 940                 boolean debug = false;
 941                 assert(debug = true);
 942                 if (debug) {
 943                     int hdrIndex = (header >> ADH_BIT_SHIFT) - ADH_BIT_IS_LSB;
 944                     if (hdrIndex < 0)  hdrIndex = indexForDebug[def.ctype()]++;
 945                     int realIndex = (attrIndexTable.get(def)).intValue();
 946                     assert(hdrIndex == realIndex);
 947                 }
 948                 if (dump != null) {
 949                     int index = (header >> ADH_BIT_SHIFT) - ADH_BIT_IS_LSB;
 950                     dump.println(index+" "+def);
 951                 }
 952             }
 953         } // TODO TWR: relies on new null handling behavior of TWR close()
 954     }
 956     void writeAttrCounts() throws IOException {
 957         // Write the four xxx_attr_calls bands.
 958         for (int ctype = 0; ctype < ATTR_CONTEXT_LIMIT; ctype++) {
 959             MultiBand xxx_attr_bands = attrBands[ctype];
 960             IntBand xxx_attr_calls = getAttrBand(xxx_attr_bands, AB_ATTR_CALLS);
 961             Attribute.Layout[] defs = new Attribute.Layout[attrDefs.get(ctype).size()];
 962             attrDefs.get(ctype).toArray(defs);
 963             for (boolean predef = true; ; predef = false) {
 964                 for (int ai = 0; ai < defs.length; ai++) {
 965                     Attribute.Layout def = defs[ai];
 966                     if (def == null)  continue;  // unused index
 967                     if (predef != isPredefinedAttr(ctype, ai))
 968                         continue;  // wrong pass
 969                     int totalCount = attrCounts[ctype][ai];
 970                     if (totalCount == 0)
 971                         continue;  // irrelevant
 972                     int[] bc = backCountTable.get(def);
 973                     for (int j = 0; j < bc.length; j++) {