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rev 14279 : [mq]: 8140281-deprecation-optional.get

4805     }
4807     private static void checkLoop1a(int i, MethodHandle in, MethodHandle st) {
4808         if (in.type().returnType() != st.type().returnType()) {
4809             throw misMatchedTypes("clause " + i + ": init and step return types", in.type().returnType(),
4810                     st.type().returnType());
4811         }
4812     }
4814     private static List<Class<?>> buildCommonSuffix(List<MethodHandle> init, List<MethodHandle> step, List<MethodHandle> pred, List<MethodHandle> fini, int cpSize) {
4815         final List<Class<?>> empty = List.of();
4816         final List<MethodHandle> nonNullInits = init.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList());
4817         if (nonNullInits.isEmpty()) {
4818             final List<Class<?>> longest = Stream.of(step, pred, fini).flatMap(List::stream).filter(Objects::nonNull).
4819                     // take only those that can contribute to a common suffix because they are longer than the prefix
4820                     map(MethodHandle::type).filter(t -> t.parameterCount() > cpSize).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4821                     reduce((p, q) -> p.size() >= q.size() ? p : q).orElse(empty);
4822             return longest.size() == 0 ? empty : longest.subList(cpSize, longest.size());
4823         } else {
4824             return nonNullInits.stream().map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4825                     reduce((p, q) -> p.size() >= q.size() ? p : q).get();
4826         }
4827     }
4829     private static void checkLoop1b(List<MethodHandle> init, List<Class<?>> commonSuffix) {
4830         if (init.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4831                 anyMatch(pl -> !pl.equals(commonSuffix.subList(0, pl.size())))) {
4832             throw newIllegalArgumentException("found non-effectively identical init parameter type lists: " + init +
4833                     " (common suffix: " + commonSuffix + ")");
4834         }
4835     }
4837     private static void checkLoop1cd(List<MethodHandle> pred, List<MethodHandle> fini, Class<?> loopReturnType) {
4838         if (fini.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::returnType).
4839                 anyMatch(t -> t != loopReturnType)) {
4840             throw newIllegalArgumentException("found non-identical finalizer return types: " + fini + " (return type: " +
4841                     loopReturnType + ")");
4842         }
4844         if (!pred.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().isPresent()) {
4845             throw newIllegalArgumentException("no predicate found", pred);

4805     }
4807     private static void checkLoop1a(int i, MethodHandle in, MethodHandle st) {
4808         if (in.type().returnType() != st.type().returnType()) {
4809             throw misMatchedTypes("clause " + i + ": init and step return types", in.type().returnType(),
4810                     st.type().returnType());
4811         }
4812     }
4814     private static List<Class<?>> buildCommonSuffix(List<MethodHandle> init, List<MethodHandle> step, List<MethodHandle> pred, List<MethodHandle> fini, int cpSize) {
4815         final List<Class<?>> empty = List.of();
4816         final List<MethodHandle> nonNullInits = init.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList());
4817         if (nonNullInits.isEmpty()) {
4818             final List<Class<?>> longest = Stream.of(step, pred, fini).flatMap(List::stream).filter(Objects::nonNull).
4819                     // take only those that can contribute to a common suffix because they are longer than the prefix
4820                     map(MethodHandle::type).filter(t -> t.parameterCount() > cpSize).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4821                     reduce((p, q) -> p.size() >= q.size() ? p : q).orElse(empty);
4822             return longest.size() == 0 ? empty : longest.subList(cpSize, longest.size());
4823         } else {
4824             return nonNullInits.stream().map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4825                     reduce((p, q) -> p.size() >= q.size() ? p : q).getWhenPresent();
4826         }
4827     }
4829     private static void checkLoop1b(List<MethodHandle> init, List<Class<?>> commonSuffix) {
4830         if (init.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::parameterList).
4831                 anyMatch(pl -> !pl.equals(commonSuffix.subList(0, pl.size())))) {
4832             throw newIllegalArgumentException("found non-effectively identical init parameter type lists: " + init +
4833                     " (common suffix: " + commonSuffix + ")");
4834         }
4835     }
4837     private static void checkLoop1cd(List<MethodHandle> pred, List<MethodHandle> fini, Class<?> loopReturnType) {
4838         if (fini.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(MethodHandle::type).map(MethodType::returnType).
4839                 anyMatch(t -> t != loopReturnType)) {
4840             throw newIllegalArgumentException("found non-identical finalizer return types: " + fini + " (return type: " +
4841                     loopReturnType + ")");
4842         }
4844         if (!pred.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().isPresent()) {
4845             throw newIllegalArgumentException("no predicate found", pred);

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