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 124     static final short ShiftJISEncoding = 2;
 125     static final short GBKEncoding      = 3;
 126     static final short Big5Encoding     = 4;
 127     static final short WansungEncoding  = 5;
 128     static final short JohabEncoding    = 6;
 129     static final short MSUnicodeSurrogateEncoding = 10;
 131     static final char noSuchChar = (char)0xfffd;
 132     static final int SHORTMASK = 0x0000ffff;
 133     static final int INTMASK   = 0xffffffff;
 135     static final char[][] converterMaps = new char[7][];
 137     /*
 138      * Unicode->other encoding translation array. A pre-computed look up
 139      * which can be shared across all fonts using that encoding.
 140      * Using this saves running character coverters repeatedly.
 141      */
 142     char[] xlat;

 144     static CMap initialize(TrueTypeFont font) {
 146         CMap cmap = null;
 148         int offset, platformID, encodingID=-1;
 150         int three0=0, three1=0, three2=0, three3=0, three4=0, three5=0,
 151             three6=0, three10=0;

 152         boolean threeStar = false;
 154         ByteBuffer cmapBuffer = font.getTableBuffer(TrueTypeFont.cmapTag);
 155         int cmapTableOffset = font.getTableSize(TrueTypeFont.cmapTag);
 156         short numberSubTables = cmapBuffer.getShort(2);
 158         /* locate the offsets of all 3,*  (ie Microsoft platform) encodings */
 159         for (int i=0; i<numberSubTables; i++) {
 160             cmapBuffer.position(i * 8 + 4);
 161             platformID = cmapBuffer.getShort();
 162             if (platformID == 3) {
 163                 threeStar = true;
 164                 encodingID = cmapBuffer.getShort();
 165                 offset     = cmapBuffer.getInt();
 166                 switch (encodingID) {
 167                 case 0:  three0  = offset; break; // MS Symbol encoding
 168                 case 1:  three1  = offset; break; // MS Unicode cmap
 169                 case 2:  three2  = offset; break; // ShiftJIS cmap.
 170                 case 3:  three3  = offset; break; // GBK cmap
 171                 case 4:  three4  = offset; break; // Big 5 cmap
 172                 case 5:  three5  = offset; break; // Wansung
 173                 case 6:  three6  = offset; break; // Johab
 174                 case 10: three10 = offset; break; // MS Unicode surrogates
 175                 }

 176             }
 177         }
 179         /* This defines the preference order for cmap subtables */
 180         if (threeStar) {
 181             if (three10 != 0) {
 182                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three10, null);
 183             }
 184             else if  (three0 != 0) {
 185                 /* The special case treatment of these fonts leads to
 186                  * anomalies where a user can view "wingdings" and "wingdings2"
 187                  * and the latter shows all its code points in the unicode
 188                  * private use area at 0xF000->0XF0FF and the former shows
 189                  * a scattered subset of its glyphs that are known mappings to
 190                  * unicode code points.
 191                  * The primary purpose of these mappings was to facilitate
 192                  * display of symbol chars etc in composite fonts, however
 193                  * this is not needed as all these code points are covered
 194                  * by Lucida Sans Regular.
 195                  * Commenting this out reduces the role of these two files

 245                 else {
 246                     cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three4,
 247                                       getConverterMap(Big5Encoding));
 248                 }
 249             }
 250             else if (three5 != 0) {
 251                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three5,
 252                                   getConverterMap(WansungEncoding));
 253             }
 254             else if (three6 != 0) {
 255                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three6,
 256                                   getConverterMap(JohabEncoding));
 257             }
 258         } else {
 259             /* No 3,* subtable was found. Just use whatever is the first
 260              * table listed. Not very useful but maybe better than
 261              * rejecting the font entirely?
 262              */
 263             cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, cmapBuffer.getInt(8), null);
 264         }

 265         return cmap;
 266     }
 268     /* speed up the converting by setting the range for double
 269      * byte characters;
 270      */
 271     static char[] getConverter(short encodingID) {
 272         int dBegin = 0x8000;
 273         int dEnd   = 0xffff;
 274         String encoding;
 276         switch (encodingID) {
 277         case ShiftJISEncoding:
 278             dBegin = 0x8140;
 279             dEnd   = 0xfcfc;
 280             encoding = "SJIS";
 281             break;
 282         case GBKEncoding:
 283             dBegin = 0x8140;
 284             dEnd   = 0xfea0;

 407             subtableLength = buffer.getInt(offset+4) & INTMASK;
 408         }
 409         if (offset+subtableLength > buffer.capacity()) {
 410             if (FontUtilities.isLogging()) {
 411                 FontUtilities.getLogger().warning("Cmap subtable overflows buffer.");
 412             }
 413         }
 414         switch (subtableFormat) {
 415         case 0:  return new CMapFormat0(buffer, offset);
 416         case 2:  return new CMapFormat2(buffer, offset, xlat);
 417         case 4:  return new CMapFormat4(buffer, offset, xlat);
 418         case 6:  return new CMapFormat6(buffer, offset, xlat);
 419         case 8:  return new CMapFormat8(buffer, offset, xlat);
 420         case 10: return new CMapFormat10(buffer, offset, xlat);
 421         case 12: return new CMapFormat12(buffer, offset, xlat);
 422         default: throw new RuntimeException("Cmap format unimplemented: " +
 423                                             (int)buffer.getChar(offset));
 424         }
 425     }

 427 /*
 428     final char charVal(byte[] cmap, int index) {
 429         return (char)(((0xff & cmap[index]) << 8)+(0xff & cmap[index+1]));
 430     }
 432     final short shortVal(byte[] cmap, int index) {
 433         return (short)(((0xff & cmap[index]) << 8)+(0xff & cmap[index+1]));
 434     }
 435 */
 436     abstract char getGlyph(int charCode);
 438     /* Format 4 Header is
 439      * ushort format (off=0)
 440      * ushort length (off=2)
 441      * ushort language (off=4)
 442      * ushort segCountX2 (off=6)
 443      * ushort searchRange (off=8)
 444      * ushort entrySelector (off=10)
 445      * ushort rangeShift (off=12)
 446      * ushort endCount[segCount] (off=14)

1042     public static final NullCMapClass theNullCmap = new NullCMapClass();
1044     final int getControlCodeGlyph(int charCode, boolean noSurrogates) {
1045         if (charCode < 0x0010) {
1046             switch (charCode) {
1047             case 0x0009:
1048             case 0x000a:
1049             case 0x000d: return CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID;
1050             }
1051         } else if (charCode >= 0x200c) {
1052             if ((charCode <= 0x200f) ||
1053                 (charCode >= 0x2028 && charCode <= 0x202e) ||
1054                 (charCode >= 0x206a && charCode <= 0x206f)) {
1055                 return CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID;
1056             } else if (noSurrogates && charCode >= 0xFFFF) {
1057                 return 0;
1058             }
1059         }
1060         return -1;
1061     }

1062 }

 124     static final short ShiftJISEncoding = 2;
 125     static final short GBKEncoding      = 3;
 126     static final short Big5Encoding     = 4;
 127     static final short WansungEncoding  = 5;
 128     static final short JohabEncoding    = 6;
 129     static final short MSUnicodeSurrogateEncoding = 10;
 131     static final char noSuchChar = (char)0xfffd;
 132     static final int SHORTMASK = 0x0000ffff;
 133     static final int INTMASK   = 0xffffffff;
 135     static final char[][] converterMaps = new char[7][];
 137     /*
 138      * Unicode->other encoding translation array. A pre-computed look up
 139      * which can be shared across all fonts using that encoding.
 140      * Using this saves running character coverters repeatedly.
 141      */
 142     char[] xlat;
 143     UVS uvs = null;
 145     static CMap initialize(TrueTypeFont font) {
 147         CMap cmap = null;
 149         int offset, platformID, encodingID=-1;
 151         int three0=0, three1=0, three2=0, three3=0, three4=0, three5=0,
 152             three6=0, three10=0;
 153         int zero5=0; // for Unicode Variation Sequences
 154         boolean threeStar = false;
 156         ByteBuffer cmapBuffer = font.getTableBuffer(TrueTypeFont.cmapTag);
 157         int cmapTableOffset = font.getTableSize(TrueTypeFont.cmapTag);
 158         short numberSubTables = cmapBuffer.getShort(2);
 160         /* locate the offsets of all 3,*  (ie Microsoft platform) encodings */
 161         for (int i=0; i<numberSubTables; i++) {
 162             cmapBuffer.position(i * 8 + 4);
 163             platformID = cmapBuffer.getShort();
 164             if (platformID == 3) {
 165                 threeStar = true;
 166                 encodingID = cmapBuffer.getShort();
 167                 offset     = cmapBuffer.getInt();
 168                 switch (encodingID) {
 169                 case 0:  three0  = offset; break; // MS Symbol encoding
 170                 case 1:  three1  = offset; break; // MS Unicode cmap
 171                 case 2:  three2  = offset; break; // ShiftJIS cmap.
 172                 case 3:  three3  = offset; break; // GBK cmap
 173                 case 4:  three4  = offset; break; // Big 5 cmap
 174                 case 5:  three5  = offset; break; // Wansung
 175                 case 6:  three6  = offset; break; // Johab
 176                 case 10: three10 = offset; break; // MS Unicode surrogates
 177                 }
 178             } else if (platformID == 0) {
 179                 encodingID = cmapBuffer.getShort();
 180                 offset     = cmapBuffer.getInt();
 181                 if (encodingID == 5) {
 182                     zero5 = offset;
 183                 } 
 184             }
 185         }
 187         /* This defines the preference order for cmap subtables */
 188         if (threeStar) {
 189             if (three10 != 0) {
 190                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three10, null);
 191             }
 192             else if  (three0 != 0) {
 193                 /* The special case treatment of these fonts leads to
 194                  * anomalies where a user can view "wingdings" and "wingdings2"
 195                  * and the latter shows all its code points in the unicode
 196                  * private use area at 0xF000->0XF0FF and the former shows
 197                  * a scattered subset of its glyphs that are known mappings to
 198                  * unicode code points.
 199                  * The primary purpose of these mappings was to facilitate
 200                  * display of symbol chars etc in composite fonts, however
 201                  * this is not needed as all these code points are covered
 202                  * by Lucida Sans Regular.
 203                  * Commenting this out reduces the role of these two files

 253                 else {
 254                     cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three4,
 255                                       getConverterMap(Big5Encoding));
 256                 }
 257             }
 258             else if (three5 != 0) {
 259                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three5,
 260                                   getConverterMap(WansungEncoding));
 261             }
 262             else if (three6 != 0) {
 263                 cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, three6,
 264                                   getConverterMap(JohabEncoding));
 265             }
 266         } else {
 267             /* No 3,* subtable was found. Just use whatever is the first
 268              * table listed. Not very useful but maybe better than
 269              * rejecting the font entirely?
 270              */
 271             cmap = createCMap(cmapBuffer, cmapBuffer.getInt(8), null);
 272         }
 273         // For Unicode Variation Sequences
 274         if (cmap != null && zero5 != 0){
 275             cmap.createUVS(cmapBuffer, zero5);
 276         }
 277         return cmap;
 278     }
 280     /* speed up the converting by setting the range for double
 281      * byte characters;
 282      */
 283     static char[] getConverter(short encodingID) {
 284         int dBegin = 0x8000;
 285         int dEnd   = 0xffff;
 286         String encoding;
 288         switch (encodingID) {
 289         case ShiftJISEncoding:
 290             dBegin = 0x8140;
 291             dEnd   = 0xfcfc;
 292             encoding = "SJIS";
 293             break;
 294         case GBKEncoding:
 295             dBegin = 0x8140;
 296             dEnd   = 0xfea0;

 419             subtableLength = buffer.getInt(offset+4) & INTMASK;
 420         }
 421         if (offset+subtableLength > buffer.capacity()) {
 422             if (FontUtilities.isLogging()) {
 423                 FontUtilities.getLogger().warning("Cmap subtable overflows buffer.");
 424             }
 425         }
 426         switch (subtableFormat) {
 427         case 0:  return new CMapFormat0(buffer, offset);
 428         case 2:  return new CMapFormat2(buffer, offset, xlat);
 429         case 4:  return new CMapFormat4(buffer, offset, xlat);
 430         case 6:  return new CMapFormat6(buffer, offset, xlat);
 431         case 8:  return new CMapFormat8(buffer, offset, xlat);
 432         case 10: return new CMapFormat10(buffer, offset, xlat);
 433         case 12: return new CMapFormat12(buffer, offset, xlat);
 434         default: throw new RuntimeException("Cmap format unimplemented: " +
 435                                             (int)buffer.getChar(offset));
 436         }
 437     }
 439     private void createUVS(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset) {
 440         int subtableFormat = buffer.getChar(offset);
 441         if (subtableFormat == 14) {
 442             long subtableLength = buffer.getInt(offset + 2) & INTMASK;
 443             if (offset + subtableLength > buffer.capacity()) {
 444                 if (FontUtilities.isLogging()) {
 445                     FontUtilities.getLogger().warning("Cmap UVS subtable overflows buffer.");
 446                 }
 447             }
 448             this.uvs = new UVS(buffer, offset);
 449         }
 450         return;
 451     }
 453 /*
 454     final char charVal(byte[] cmap, int index) {
 455         return (char)(((0xff & cmap[index]) << 8)+(0xff & cmap[index+1]));
 456     }
 458     final short shortVal(byte[] cmap, int index) {
 459         return (short)(((0xff & cmap[index]) << 8)+(0xff & cmap[index+1]));
 460     }
 461 */
 462     abstract char getGlyph(int charCode);
 464     /* Format 4 Header is
 465      * ushort format (off=0)
 466      * ushort length (off=2)
 467      * ushort language (off=4)
 468      * ushort segCountX2 (off=6)
 469      * ushort searchRange (off=8)
 470      * ushort entrySelector (off=10)
 471      * ushort rangeShift (off=12)
 472      * ushort endCount[segCount] (off=14)

1068     public static final NullCMapClass theNullCmap = new NullCMapClass();
1070     final int getControlCodeGlyph(int charCode, boolean noSurrogates) {
1071         if (charCode < 0x0010) {
1072             switch (charCode) {
1073             case 0x0009:
1074             case 0x000a:
1075             case 0x000d: return CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID;
1076             }
1077         } else if (charCode >= 0x200c) {
1078             if ((charCode <= 0x200f) ||
1079                 (charCode >= 0x2028 && charCode <= 0x202e) ||
1080                 (charCode >= 0x206a && charCode <= 0x206f)) {
1081                 return CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPH_ID;
1082             } else if (noSurrogates && charCode >= 0xFFFF) {
1083                 return 0;
1084             }
1085         }
1086         return -1;
1087     }
1089     static class UVS {
1090         int numSelectors;
1091         int[] selector;
1093         //for Default UVS Table
1094         int[] numUnicodeValueRanges;
1095         int[][] startUnicodeValue;
1096         byte[][] additionalCount;
1097         //for Non-Default UVS Table
1098         int[] numUVSMapping;
1099         int[][] unicodeValue;
1100         char[][] glyphID;
1102         UVS(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset) {
1103             numSelectors = buffer.getInt(offset+6);
1104             selector = new int[numSelectors];
1105             numUnicodeValueRanges = new int[numSelectors];
1106             startUnicodeValue = new int[numSelectors][];
1107             additionalCount = new byte[numSelectors][];
1108             numUVSMapping = new int[numSelectors];
1109             unicodeValue = new int[numSelectors][];
1110             glyphID = new char[numSelectors][];
1112             for (int i = 0; i < numSelectors; i++) {
1113                 buffer.position(offset + 10 + i * 11);
1114                 selector[i] = (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16; //UINT24
1115                 selector[i] += (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8;
1116                 selector[i] += buffer.get() & 0xff;
1118                 //for Default UVS Table
1119                 int tableOffset = buffer.getInt(offset + 10 + i * 11 + 3);
1120                 if (tableOffset == 0){
1121                     numUnicodeValueRanges[i] = 0;
1122                 }else{
1123                     buffer.position(offset+tableOffset);
1124                     numUnicodeValueRanges[i] = buffer.getInt() & INTMASK;
1126                     startUnicodeValue[i] = new int[numUnicodeValueRanges[i]];
1127                     additionalCount[i] = new byte[numUnicodeValueRanges[i]];
1129                     for (int j = 0; j < numUnicodeValueRanges[i]; j++) {
1130                         int temp = (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16; //UINT24
1131                         temp += (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8;
1132                         temp += buffer.get() & 0xff;
1133                         startUnicodeValue[i][j] = temp;
1134                         additionalCount[i][j] =  buffer.get();
1135                     }
1136                 }
1138                 //for Non-Default UVS Table
1139                 tableOffset = buffer.getInt(offset + 10 + i * 11 + 7);
1140                 if (tableOffset == 0){
1141                     numUVSMapping[i] = 0;
1142                 } else {
1143                     buffer.position(offset+tableOffset);
1144                     numUVSMapping[i] = buffer.getInt() & INTMASK;
1145                     unicodeValue[i] = new int[numUVSMapping[i]];
1146                     glyphID[i] = new char[numUVSMapping[i]];
1148                     for (int j = 0; j < numUVSMapping[i]; j++) {
1149                         int temp = (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16; //UINT24
1150                         temp += (buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8;
1151                         temp += buffer.get() & 0xff;
1152                         unicodeValue[i][j]= temp;
1153                         glyphID[i][j]= buffer.getChar();
1154                     }
1155                 }
1156             }
1157         }
1159         private int cachedCode;
1160         private int targetCachedCode;
1161         private int targetCachedSelector = -1;
1163         /* getGlyph for Variation selector
1164            return value:
1165             0: A special glyph for the variation selector is Not found
1166            -1: Default glyph should be used
1167            0>: A special glyph is found
1168         */
1169         int getGlyph(int charCode, int variationSelector) {
1170             synchronized(this){
1171                 if (charCode == targetCachedCode && variationSelector == targetCachedSelector) {
1172                     return cachedCode;
1173                 }
1174             }
1176             int targetSelector = -1;
1177             int result;
1178             for (int i = 0; i < numSelectors; i++) {
1179                 if (selector[i] == variationSelector) {
1180                     targetSelector = i;
1181                     break;
1182                 }
1183             }
1184             if (targetSelector == -1){
1185                 result = 0;
1186                 storeCache(charCode, variationSelector, result);
1187                 return result;
1188             }
1189             if (numUnicodeValueRanges[targetSelector] > 0) {
1190                 int index = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(
1191                                 startUnicodeValue[targetSelector], charCode);
1192                 if (index >= 0){
1193                     result = -1; //pass through default table in actual CMAP
1194                     storeCache(charCode, variationSelector, result);
1195                     return result;
1196                 } else {
1197                     index = -index - 2;
1198                     if (index >=0
1199                         && charCode >= startUnicodeValue[targetSelector][index]
1200                         && charCode <= startUnicodeValue[targetSelector][index]
1201                                        +additionalCount[targetSelector][index]) {
1202                         result = -1; //pass through default table in actual CMAP
1203                         storeCache(charCode, variationSelector, result);
1204                         return result;
1205                     }
1206                 }
1207             }
1208             if (numUVSMapping[targetSelector] > 0){
1209                 int index = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(
1210                                 unicodeValue[targetSelector], charCode);
1211                 if (index >= 0){
1212                     result = glyphID[targetSelector][index];
1213                     storeCache(charCode, variationSelector, result);
1214                     return result;
1215                 }
1216             }
1217             result = 0;
1218             storeCache(charCode, variationSelector, result);
1219             return result;
1220         }
1222         private synchronized void storeCache(int charCode, int variationSelector, int glyph) {
1223             cachedCode = glyph;
1224             targetCachedCode = charCode;
1225             targetCachedSelector = variationSelector;
1226         }
1228         boolean hasVariationSelectorGlyph(int charCode, int variationSelector) {
1229             int result= getGlyph(charCode, variationSelector);
1230             if (result == 0) {
1231                 return false;
1232             } else {
1233                 return true;
1234             }
1235         }
1236     }
1238     public char getGlyph(int charCode, int variationSelector) {
1239         if (uvs == null) {
1240             return 0;
1241         }
1242         int result = uvs.getGlyph(charCode, variationSelector);
1243         if (result == -1) {
1244             result = this.getGlyph(charCode);
1245         }
1246         return (char)(result & 0xFFFF);
1247     }
1249     public boolean hasVariationSelectorGlyph(int charCode, int variationSelector) {
1250         if (uvs == null) {
1251             return false;
1252         }
1253         return uvs.hasVariationSelectorGlyph(charCode, variationSelector);
1254     }
1256 }
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