/* * Copyright (c) 1996, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.awt.windows; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.peer.*; import java.beans.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger; import sun.awt.*; import sun.java2d.pipe.Region; public class WWindowPeer extends WPanelPeer implements WindowPeer, DisplayChangedListener { private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.windows.WWindowPeer"); private static final PlatformLogger screenLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.windows.screen.WWindowPeer"); // we can't use WDialogPeer as blocker may be an instance of WPrintDialogPeer that // extends WWindowPeer, not WDialogPeer private WWindowPeer modalBlocker = null; private boolean isOpaque; private TranslucentWindowPainter painter; /* * A key used for storing a list of active windows in AppContext. The value * is a list of windows, sorted by the time of activation: later a window is * activated, greater its index is in the list. */ private final static StringBuffer ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY = new StringBuffer("active_windows_list"); /* * Listener for 'activeWindow' KFM property changes. It is added to each * AppContext KFM. See ActiveWindowListener inner class below. */ private static PropertyChangeListener activeWindowListener = new ActiveWindowListener(); /* * The object is a listener for the AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED property. */ private final static PropertyChangeListener guiDisposedListener = new GuiDisposedListener(); /* * Called (on the Toolkit thread) before the appropriate * WindowStateEvent is posted to the EventQueue. */ private WindowListener windowListener; /** * Initialize JNI field IDs */ private static native void initIDs(); static { initIDs(); } // WComponentPeer overrides @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void disposeImpl() { AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(target); synchronized (appContext) { List l = (List)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l != null) { l.remove(this); } } // Remove ourself from the Map of DisplayChangeListeners GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration(); ((Win32GraphicsDevice)gc.getDevice()).removeDisplayChangedListener(this); synchronized (getStateLock()) { TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.flush(); // don't set the current one to null here; reduces the chances of // MT issues (like NPEs) } } super.disposeImpl(); } // WindowPeer implementation @Override public void toFront() { updateFocusableWindowState(); _toFront(); } private native void _toFront(); @Override public native void toBack(); private native void setAlwaysOnTopNative(boolean value); public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean value) { if ((value && ((Window)target).isVisible()) || !value) { setAlwaysOnTopNative(value); } } @Override public void updateAlwaysOnTopState() { setAlwaysOnTop(((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTop()); } @Override public void updateFocusableWindowState() { setFocusableWindow(((Window)target).isFocusableWindow()); } native void setFocusableWindow(boolean value); // FramePeer & DialogPeer partial shared implementation public void setTitle(String title) { // allow a null title to pass as an empty string. if (title == null) { title = ""; } _setTitle(title); } private native void _setTitle(String title); public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { _setResizable(resizable); } private native void _setResizable(boolean resizable); // Toolkit & peer internals WWindowPeer(Window target) { super(target); } @Override void initialize() { super.initialize(); updateInsets(insets_); Font f = ((Window)target).getFont(); if (f == null) { f = defaultFont; ((Window)target).setFont(f); setFont(f); } // Express our interest in display changes GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration(); ((Win32GraphicsDevice)gc.getDevice()).addDisplayChangedListener(this); initActiveWindowsTracking((Window)target); updateIconImages(); Shape shape = ((Window)target).getShape(); if (shape != null) { applyShape(Region.getInstance(shape, null)); } float opacity = ((Window)target).getOpacity(); if (opacity < 1.0f) { setOpacity(opacity); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { // default value of a boolean field is 'false', so set isOpaque to // true here explicitly this.isOpaque = true; setOpaque(((Window)target).isOpaque()); } } native void createAwtWindow(WComponentPeer parent); private volatile Window.Type windowType = Window.Type.NORMAL; // This method must be called for Window, Dialog, and Frame before creating // the hwnd void preCreate(WComponentPeer parent) { windowType = ((Window)target).getType(); } @Override void create(WComponentPeer parent) { preCreate(parent); createAwtWindow(parent); } @Override final WComponentPeer getNativeParent() { final Container owner = ((Window) target).getOwner(); return (WComponentPeer) WToolkit.targetToPeer(owner); } // should be overriden in WDialogPeer protected void realShow() { super.show(); } @Override public void show() { updateFocusableWindowState(); boolean alwaysOnTop = ((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTop(); // Fix for 4868278. // If we create a window with a specific GraphicsConfig, and then move it with // setLocation() or setBounds() to another one before its peer has been created, // then calling Window.getGraphicsConfig() returns wrong config. That may lead // to some problems like wrong-placed tooltips. It is caused by calling // super.displayChanged() in WWindowPeer.displayChanged() regardless of whether // GraphicsDevice was really changed, or not. So we need to track it here. updateGC(); realShow(); updateMinimumSize(); if (((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTopSupported() && alwaysOnTop) { setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque) { updateWindow(true); } } // See https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-32570 WComponentPeer owner = getNativeParent(); if (owner != null && owner.isLightweightFramePeer()) { Rectangle b = getBounds(); handleExpose(0, 0, b.width, b.height); } } // Synchronize the insets members (here & in helper) with actual window // state. native void updateInsets(Insets i); static native int getSysMinWidth(); static native int getSysMinHeight(); static native int getSysIconWidth(); static native int getSysIconHeight(); static native int getSysSmIconWidth(); static native int getSysSmIconHeight(); /**windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/ * Creates native icon from specified raster data and updates * icon for window and all descendant windows that inherit icon. * Raster data should be passed in the ARGB form. * Note that raster data format was changed to provide support * for XP icons with alpha-channel */ native void setIconImagesData(int[] iconRaster, int w, int h, int[] smallIconRaster, int smw, int smh); synchronized native void reshapeFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height); public boolean requestWindowFocus(FocusEvent.Cause cause) { if (!focusAllowedFor()) { return false; } return requestWindowFocus(cause == FocusEvent.Cause.MOUSE_EVENT); } private native boolean requestWindowFocus(boolean isMouseEventCause); public boolean focusAllowedFor() { Window window = (Window)this.target; if (!window.isVisible() || !window.isEnabled() || !window.isFocusableWindow()) { return false; } if (isModalBlocked()) { return false; } return true; } @Override void hide() { WindowListener listener = windowListener; if (listener != null) { // We're not getting WINDOW_CLOSING from the native code when hiding // the window programmatically. So, create it and notify the listener. listener.windowClosing(new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } super.hide(); } // WARNING: it's called on the Toolkit thread! @Override void preprocessPostEvent(AWTEvent event) { if (event instanceof WindowEvent) { WindowListener listener = windowListener; if (listener != null) { switch(event.getID()) { case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING: listener.windowClosing((WindowEvent)event); break; case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED: listener.windowIconified((WindowEvent)event); break; } } } } synchronized void addWindowListener(WindowListener l) { windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(windowListener, l); } synchronized void removeWindowListener(WindowListener l) { windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(windowListener, l); } @Override public void updateMinimumSize() { Dimension minimumSize = null; if (((Component)target).isMinimumSizeSet()) { minimumSize = ((Component)target).getMinimumSize(); } if (minimumSize != null) { int msw = getSysMinWidth(); int msh = getSysMinHeight(); int w = (minimumSize.width >= msw) ? minimumSize.width : msw; int h = (minimumSize.height >= msh) ? minimumSize.height : msh; setMinSize(w, h); } else { setMinSize(0, 0); } } @Override public void updateIconImages() { java.util.List imageList = ((Window)target).getIconImages(); if (imageList == null || imageList.size() == 0) { setIconImagesData(null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); } else { int w = getSysIconWidth(); int h = getSysIconHeight(); int smw = getSysSmIconWidth(); int smh = getSysSmIconHeight(); DataBufferInt iconData = SunToolkit.getScaledIconData(imageList, w, h); DataBufferInt iconSmData = SunToolkit.getScaledIconData(imageList, smw, smh); if (iconData != null && iconSmData != null) { setIconImagesData(iconData.getData(), w, h, iconSmData.getData(), smw, smh); } else { setIconImagesData(null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); } } } native void setMinSize(int width, int height); /* * ---- MODALITY SUPPORT ---- */ /** * Some modality-related code here because WFileDialogPeer, WPrintDialogPeer and * WPageDialogPeer are descendants of WWindowPeer, not WDialogPeer */ public boolean isModalBlocked() { return modalBlocker != null; } @Override public void setModalBlocked(Dialog dialog, boolean blocked) { synchronized (((Component)getTarget()).getTreeLock()) // State lock should always be after awtLock { // use WWindowPeer instead of WDialogPeer because of FileDialogs and PrintDialogs WWindowPeer blockerPeer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor() .getPeer(dialog); if (blocked) { modalBlocker = blockerPeer; // handle native dialogs separately, as they may have not // got HWND yet; modalEnable/modalDisable is called from // their setHWnd() methods if (blockerPeer instanceof WFileDialogPeer) { ((WFileDialogPeer)blockerPeer).blockWindow(this); } else if (blockerPeer instanceof WPrintDialogPeer) { ((WPrintDialogPeer)blockerPeer).blockWindow(this); } else { modalDisable(dialog, blockerPeer.getHWnd()); } } else { modalBlocker = null; if (blockerPeer instanceof WFileDialogPeer) { ((WFileDialogPeer)blockerPeer).unblockWindow(this); } else if (blockerPeer instanceof WPrintDialogPeer) { ((WPrintDialogPeer)blockerPeer).unblockWindow(this); } else { modalEnable(dialog); } } } } native void modalDisable(Dialog blocker, long blockerHWnd); native void modalEnable(Dialog blocker); /* * Returns all the ever active windows from the current AppContext. * The list is sorted by the time of activation, so the latest * active window is always at the end. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static long[] getActiveWindowHandles(Component target) { AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(target); if (appContext == null) return null; synchronized (appContext) { List l = (List)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l == null) { return null; } long[] result = new long[l.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { result[j] = l.get(j).getHWnd(); } return result; } } /* * ----DISPLAY CHANGE SUPPORT---- */ /* * Called from native code when we have been dragged onto another screen. */ void draggedToNewScreen() { SunToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread((Component)target,new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { displayChanged(); } }); } public void updateGC() { int scrn = getScreenImOn(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Screen number: " + scrn); } // get current GD Win32GraphicsDevice oldDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice)winGraphicsConfig .getDevice(); Win32GraphicsDevice newDev; GraphicsDevice devs[] = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getScreenDevices(); // Occasionally during device addition/removal getScreenImOn can return // a non-existing screen number. Use the default device in this case. if (scrn >= devs.length) { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice)GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); } else { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice)devs[scrn]; } // Set winGraphicsConfig to the default GC for the monitor this Window // is now mostly on. winGraphicsConfig = (Win32GraphicsConfig)newDev .getDefaultConfiguration(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { if (winGraphicsConfig == null) { screenLog.fine("Assertion (winGraphicsConfig != null) failed"); } } // if on a different display, take off old GD and put on new GD if (oldDev != newDev) { oldDev.removeDisplayChangedListener(this); newDev.addDisplayChangedListener(this); } AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(). setGraphicsConfiguration((Component)target, winGraphicsConfig); } /** * From the DisplayChangedListener interface. * * This method handles a display change - either when the display settings * are changed, or when the window has been dragged onto a different * display. * Called after a change in the display mode. This event * triggers replacing the surfaceData object (since that object * reflects the current display depth information, which has * just changed). */ @Override public void displayChanged() { updateGC(); } /** * Part of the DisplayChangedListener interface: components * do not need to react to this event */ @Override public void paletteChanged() { } private native int getScreenImOn(); // Used in Win32GraphicsDevice. public final native void setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(boolean state); /* * ----END DISPLAY CHANGE SUPPORT---- */ public void grab() { nativeGrab(); } public void ungrab() { nativeUngrab(); } private native void nativeGrab(); private native void nativeUngrab(); private final boolean hasWarningWindow() { return ((Window)target).getWarningString() != null; } boolean isTargetUndecorated() { return true; } // These are the peer bounds. They get updated at: // 1. the WWindowPeer.setBounds() method. // 2. the native code (on WM_SIZE/WM_MOVE) private volatile int sysX = 0; private volatile int sysY = 0; private volatile int sysW = 0; private volatile int sysH = 0; @Override public native void repositionSecurityWarning(); @Override public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height, int op) { sysX = x; sysY = y; sysW = width; sysH = height; super.setBounds(x, y, width, height, op); } @Override public void print(Graphics g) { // We assume we print the whole frame, // so we expect no clip was set previously Shape shape = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().getShape((Window)target); if (shape != null) { g.setClip(shape); } super.print(g); } private void replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(Component c) { if (c instanceof Container) { for (Component child : ((Container)c).getComponents()) { replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(child); } } final Object cp = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(c); if (cp instanceof WComponentPeer) { ((WComponentPeer)cp).replaceSurfaceDataLater(); } } public final Graphics getTranslucentGraphics() { synchronized (getStateLock()) { return isOpaque ? null : painter.getBackBuffer(false).getGraphics(); } } @Override public void setBackground(Color c) { super.setBackground(c); synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque && ((Window)target).isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } } private native void setOpacity(int iOpacity); private float opacity = 1.0f; @Override public void setOpacity(float opacity) { if (!((SunToolkit)((Window)target).getToolkit()). isWindowOpacitySupported()) { return; } if (opacity < 0.0f || opacity > 1.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The value of opacity should be in the range [0.0f .. 1.0f]."); } if (((this.opacity == 1.0f && opacity < 1.0f) || (this.opacity < 1.0f && opacity == 1.0f)) && !Win32GraphicsEnvironment.isVistaOS()) { // non-Vista OS: only replace the surface data if opacity status // changed (see WComponentPeer.isAccelCapable() for more) replaceSurfaceDataRecursively((Component)getTarget()); } this.opacity = opacity; final int maxOpacity = 0xff; int iOpacity = (int)(opacity * maxOpacity); if (iOpacity < 0) { iOpacity = 0; } if (iOpacity > maxOpacity) { iOpacity = maxOpacity; } setOpacity(iOpacity); synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque && ((Window)target).isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } } private native void setOpaqueImpl(boolean isOpaque); @Override public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (this.isOpaque == isOpaque) { return; } } Window target = (Window)getTarget(); if (!isOpaque) { SunToolkit sunToolkit = (SunToolkit)target.getToolkit(); if (!sunToolkit.isWindowTranslucencySupported() || !sunToolkit.isTranslucencyCapable(target.getGraphicsConfiguration())) { return; } } boolean isVistaOS = Win32GraphicsEnvironment.isVistaOS(); if (this.isOpaque != isOpaque && !isVistaOS) { // non-Vista OS: only replace the surface data if the opacity // status changed (see WComponentPeer.isAccelCapable() for more) replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(target); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { this.isOpaque = isOpaque; setOpaqueImpl(isOpaque); if (isOpaque) { TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.flush(); painter = null; } } else { painter = TranslucentWindowPainter.createInstance(this); } } if (isVistaOS) { // On Vista: setting the window non-opaque makes the window look // rectangular, though still catching the mouse clicks within // its shape only. To restore the correct visual appearance // of the window (i.e. w/ the correct shape) we have to reset // the shape. Shape shape = target.getShape(); if (shape != null) { target.setShape(shape); } } if (target.isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } native void updateWindowImpl(int[] data, int width, int height); @Override public void updateWindow() { updateWindow(false); } private void updateWindow(boolean repaint) { Window w = (Window)target; synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (isOpaque || !w.isVisible() || (w.getWidth() <= 0) || (w.getHeight() <= 0)) { return; } TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.updateWindow(repaint); } else if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Translucent window painter is null in updateWindow"); } } } /* * The method maps the list of the active windows to the window's AppContext, * then the method registers ActiveWindowListener, GuiDisposedListener listeners; * it executes the initilialization only once per AppContext. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void initActiveWindowsTracking(Window w) { AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); synchronized (appContext) { List l = (List)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l == null) { l = new LinkedList(); appContext.put(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY, l); appContext.addPropertyChangeListener(AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED, guiDisposedListener); KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); kfm.addPropertyChangeListener("activeWindow", activeWindowListener); } } } /* * The GuiDisposedListener class listens for the AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED property, * it removes the list of the active windows from the disposed AppContext and * unregisters ActiveWindowListener listener. */ private static class GuiDisposedListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { boolean isDisposed = (Boolean)e.getNewValue(); if (isDisposed != true) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine(" Assertion (newValue != true) failed for AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED "); } } AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); synchronized (appContext) { appContext.remove(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); appContext.removePropertyChangeListener(AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED, this); KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); kfm.removePropertyChangeListener("activeWindow", activeWindowListener); } } } /* * Static inner class, listens for 'activeWindow' KFM property changes and * updates the list of active windows per AppContext, so the latest active * window is always at the end of the list. The list is stored in AppContext. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static class ActiveWindowListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { Window w = (Window)e.getNewValue(); if (w == null) { return; } AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(w); synchronized (appContext) { WWindowPeer wp = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(w); // add/move wp to the end of the list List l = (List)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l != null) { l.remove(wp); l.add(wp); } } } } }