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4013         /**
4014          * Size of the back buffers.  (Note: these fields were added in 6.0
4015          * but kept package-private to avoid exposing them in the spec.
4016          * None of these fields/methods really should have been marked
4017          * protected when they were introduced in 1.4, but now we just have
4018          * to live with that decision.)
4019          */
4021          /**
4022           * The width of the back buffers
4023           */
4024         int width;
4026         /**
4027          * The height of the back buffers
4028          */
4029         int height;
4031         /**
4032          * Creates a new flipping buffer strategy for this component.
4033          * The component must be a <code>Canvas</code> or <code>Window</code>.

4034          * @see Canvas
4035          * @see Window

4036          * @param numBuffers the number of buffers
4037          * @param caps the capabilities of the buffers
4038          * @exception AWTException if the capabilities supplied could not be
4039          * supported or met
4040          * @exception ClassCastException if the component is not a canvas or
4041          * window.
4042          * @exception IllegalStateException if the component has no peer
4043          * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code numBuffers} is less than two,
4044          * or if {@code BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping} is not
4045          * {@code true}.
4046          * @see #createBuffers(int, BufferCapabilities)
4047          */
4048         protected FlipBufferStrategy(int numBuffers, BufferCapabilities caps)
4049             throws AWTException
4050         {
4051             if (!(Component.this instanceof Window) &&
4052                 !(Component.this instanceof Canvas))

4053             {
4054                 throw new ClassCastException(
4055                     "Component must be a Canvas or Window");
4056             }
4057             this.numBuffers = numBuffers;
4058             this.caps = caps;
4059             createBuffers(numBuffers, caps);
4060         }
4062         /**
4063          * Creates one or more complex, flipping buffers with the given
4064          * capabilities.
4065          * @param numBuffers number of buffers to create; must be greater than
4066          * one
4067          * @param caps the capabilities of the buffers.
4068          * <code>BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping</code> must be
4069          * <code>true</code>.
4070          * @exception AWTException if the capabilities supplied could not be
4071          * supported or met
4072          * @exception IllegalStateException if the component has no peer
4073          * @exception IllegalArgumentException if numBuffers is less than two,
4074          * or if <code>BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping</code> is not
4075          * <code>true</code>.

4013         /**
4014          * Size of the back buffers.  (Note: these fields were added in 6.0
4015          * but kept package-private to avoid exposing them in the spec.
4016          * None of these fields/methods really should have been marked
4017          * protected when they were introduced in 1.4, but now we just have
4018          * to live with that decision.)
4019          */
4021          /**
4022           * The width of the back buffers
4023           */
4024         int width;
4026         /**
4027          * The height of the back buffers
4028          */
4029         int height;
4031         /**
4032          * Creates a new flipping buffer strategy for this component.
4033          * The component must be a <code>Canvas</code> or <code>Window</code> or
4034          * <code>Applet</code>.
4035          * @see Canvas
4036          * @see Window
4037          * @see Applet
4038          * @param numBuffers the number of buffers
4039          * @param caps the capabilities of the buffers
4040          * @exception AWTException if the capabilities supplied could not be
4041          * supported or met
4042          * @exception ClassCastException if the component is not a canvas or
4043          * window.
4044          * @exception IllegalStateException if the component has no peer
4045          * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code numBuffers} is less than two,
4046          * or if {@code BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping} is not
4047          * {@code true}.
4048          * @see #createBuffers(int, BufferCapabilities)
4049          */
4050         protected FlipBufferStrategy(int numBuffers, BufferCapabilities caps)
4051             throws AWTException
4052         {
4053             if (!(Component.this instanceof Window) &&
4054                 !(Component.this instanceof Canvas) &&
4055                 !(Component.this instanceof Applet))
4056             {
4057                 throw new ClassCastException(
4058                     "Component must be a Canvas or Window or Applet");
4059             }
4060             this.numBuffers = numBuffers;
4061             this.caps = caps;
4062             createBuffers(numBuffers, caps);
4063         }
4065         /**
4066          * Creates one or more complex, flipping buffers with the given
4067          * capabilities.
4068          * @param numBuffers number of buffers to create; must be greater than
4069          * one
4070          * @param caps the capabilities of the buffers.
4071          * <code>BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping</code> must be
4072          * <code>true</code>.
4073          * @exception AWTException if the capabilities supplied could not be
4074          * supported or met
4075          * @exception IllegalStateException if the component has no peer
4076          * @exception IllegalArgumentException if numBuffers is less than two,
4077          * or if <code>BufferCapabilities.isPageFlipping</code> is not
4078          * <code>true</code>.

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