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 981         }
 982         return tx;
 983     }
 985     private static boolean equalNonTranslateTX(AffineTransform lhs, AffineTransform rhs) {
 986         return lhs.getScaleX() == rhs.getScaleX() &&
 987             lhs.getShearY() == rhs.getShearY() &&
 988             lhs.getShearX() == rhs.getShearX() &&
 989             lhs.getScaleY() == rhs.getScaleY();
 990     }
 992     // called by setupGlyphImages (after needsPositions, so redundant match check?)
 993     private void setRenderTransform(double[] devTX) {
 994         assert(devTX.length == 4);
 995         if (!matchTX(devTX, dtx)) {
 996             resetDTX(new AffineTransform(devTX)); // no translation since devTX len == 4.
 997         }
 998     }
1000     // called by getGlyphsPixelBounds
1001     private final void setDTX(AffineTransform tx) {
1002         if (!equalNonTranslateTX(dtx, tx)) {
1003             resetDTX(getNonTranslateTX(tx));
1004         }
1005     }
1007     // called by most functions
1008     private final void setFRCTX() {
1009         if (!equalNonTranslateTX(frctx, dtx)) {
1010             resetDTX(getNonTranslateTX(frctx));
1011         }
1012     }
1014     /**
1015      * Change the dtx for the strike refs we use.  Keeps a reference to the at.  At
1016      * must not contain translation.
1017      * Called by setRenderTransform, setDTX, initFontData.
1018      */
1019     private final void resetDTX(AffineTransform at) {
1020         fsref = null;
1021         dtx = at;
1022         invdtx = null;
1023         if (!dtx.isIdentity()) {
1024             try {
1025                 invdtx = dtx.createInverse();
1026             }
1027             catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
1028                 // we needn't care for rendering
1029             }
1030         }
1031         if (gti != null) {
1032             gti.strikesRef = null;
1033         }
1034     }
1036     /**
1037      * Utility used by getStandardGV.
1038      * Constructs a StandardGlyphVector from a generic glyph vector.
1039      * Do not call this from new contexts without considering the comment

 981         }
 982         return tx;
 983     }
 985     private static boolean equalNonTranslateTX(AffineTransform lhs, AffineTransform rhs) {
 986         return lhs.getScaleX() == rhs.getScaleX() &&
 987             lhs.getShearY() == rhs.getShearY() &&
 988             lhs.getShearX() == rhs.getShearX() &&
 989             lhs.getScaleY() == rhs.getScaleY();
 990     }
 992     // called by setupGlyphImages (after needsPositions, so redundant match check?)
 993     private void setRenderTransform(double[] devTX) {
 994         assert(devTX.length == 4);
 995         if (!matchTX(devTX, dtx)) {
 996             resetDTX(new AffineTransform(devTX)); // no translation since devTX len == 4.
 997         }
 998     }
1000     // called by getGlyphsPixelBounds
1001     private void setDTX(AffineTransform tx) {
1002         if (!equalNonTranslateTX(dtx, tx)) {
1003             resetDTX(getNonTranslateTX(tx));
1004         }
1005     }
1007     // called by most functions
1008     private void setFRCTX() {
1009         if (!equalNonTranslateTX(frctx, dtx)) {
1010             resetDTX(getNonTranslateTX(frctx));
1011         }
1012     }
1014     /**
1015      * Change the dtx for the strike refs we use.  Keeps a reference to the at.  At
1016      * must not contain translation.
1017      * Called by setRenderTransform, setDTX, initFontData.
1018      */
1019     private void resetDTX(AffineTransform at) {
1020         fsref = null;
1021         dtx = at;
1022         invdtx = null;
1023         if (!dtx.isIdentity()) {
1024             try {
1025                 invdtx = dtx.createInverse();
1026             }
1027             catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
1028                 // we needn't care for rendering
1029             }
1030         }
1031         if (gti != null) {
1032             gti.strikesRef = null;
1033         }
1034     }
1036     /**
1037      * Utility used by getStandardGV.
1038      * Constructs a StandardGlyphVector from a generic glyph vector.
1039      * Do not call this from new contexts without considering the comment

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