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  90             {"appletviewer.main.debug.cantfindmain", "Can''t find main method in the debugger!"},
  91             {"appletviewer.main.debug.exceptionindebug", "Exception in the debugger!"},
  92             {"appletviewer.main.debug.cantaccess", "Can''t access the debugger!"},
  93             {"appletviewer.main.nosecmgr", "Warning: SecurityManager not installed!"},
  94             {"appletviewer.main.warning", "Warning: No applets were started. Make sure the input contains an <applet> tag."},
  95             {"appletviewer.main.warn.prop.overwrite", "Warning: Temporarily overwriting system property at user''s request: key: {0} old value: {1} new value: {2}"},
  96             {"appletviewer.main.warn.cantreadprops", "Warning: Can''t read AppletViewer properties file: {0} Using defaults."},
  97             {"appletioexception.loadclass.throw.interrupted", "class loading interrupted: {0}"},
  98             {"appletioexception.loadclass.throw.notloaded", "class not loaded: {0}"},
  99             {"appletclassloader.loadcode.verbose", "Opening stream to: {0} to get {1}"},
 100             {"appletclassloader.filenotfound", "File not found when looking for: {0}"},
 101             {"appletclassloader.fileformat", "File format exception when loading: {0}"},
 102             {"appletclassloader.fileioexception", "I/O exception when loading: {0}"},
 103             {"appletclassloader.fileexception", "{0} exception when loading: {1}"},
 104             {"appletclassloader.filedeath", "{0} killed when loading: {1}"},
 105             {"appletclassloader.fileerror", "{0} error when loading: {1}"},
 106             {"appletclassloader.findclass.verbose.openstream", "Opening stream to: {0} to get {1}"},
 107             {"appletclassloader.getresource.verbose.forname", "AppletClassLoader.getResource for name: {0}"},
 108             {"appletclassloader.getresource.verbose.found", "Found resource: {0} as a system resource"},
 109             {"appletclassloader.getresourceasstream.verbose", "Found resource: {0} as a system resource"},
 110             {"appletpanel.runloader.err", "Either object or code parameter!"},
 111             {"appletpanel.runloader.exception", "exception while deserializing {0}"},
 112             {"appletpanel.destroyed", "Applet destroyed."},
 113             {"appletpanel.loaded", "Applet loaded."},
 114             {"appletpanel.started", "Applet started."},
 115             {"appletpanel.inited", "Applet initialized."},
 116             {"appletpanel.stopped", "Applet stopped."},
 117             {"appletpanel.disposed", "Applet disposed."},
 118             {"appletpanel.nocode", "APPLET tag missing CODE parameter."},
 119             {"appletpanel.notfound", "load: class {0} not found."},
 120             {"appletpanel.nocreate", "load: {0} can''t be instantiated."},
 121             {"appletpanel.noconstruct", "load: {0} is not public or has no public constructor."},
 122             {"appletpanel.death", "killed"},
 123             {"appletpanel.exception", "exception: {0}."},
 124             {"appletpanel.exception2", "exception: {0}: {1}."},
 125             {"appletpanel.error", "error: {0}."},
 126             {"appletpanel.error2", "error: {0}: {1}."},
 127             {"appletpanel.notloaded", "Init: applet not loaded."},
 128             {"appletpanel.notinited", "Start: applet not initialized."},
 129             {"appletpanel.notstarted", "Stop: applet not started."},
 130             {"appletpanel.notstopped", "Destroy: applet not stopped."},
 131             {"appletpanel.notdestroyed", "Dispose: applet not destroyed."},
 132             {"appletpanel.notdisposed", "Load: applet not disposed."},
 133             {"appletpanel.bail", "Interrupted: bailing out."},
 134             {"appletpanel.filenotfound", "File not found when looking for: {0}"},
 135             {"appletpanel.fileformat", "File format exception when loading: {0}"},
 136             {"appletpanel.fileioexception", "I/O exception when loading: {0}"},
 137             {"appletpanel.fileexception", "{0} exception when loading: {1}"},
 138             {"appletpanel.filedeath", "{0} killed when loading: {1}"},
 139             {"appletpanel.fileerror", "{0} error when loading: {1}"},
 140             {"appletpanel.badattribute.exception", "HTML parsing: incorrect value for width/height attribute"},
 141             {"appletillegalargumentexception.objectinputstream", "AppletObjectInputStream requires non-null loader"},
 142             {"appletprops.title", "AppletViewer Properties"},
 143             {"appletprops.label.http.server", "Http proxy server:"},
 144             {"appletprops.label.http.proxy", "Http proxy port:"},
 145             {"", "Network access:"},
 146             {"", "None"},
 147             {"", "Applet Host"},
 148             {"", "Unrestricted"},
 149             {"appletprops.label.class", "Class access:"},
 150             {"appletprops.choice.class.item.restricted", "Restricted"},
 151             {"appletprops.choice.class.item.unrestricted", "Unrestricted"},
 152             {"appletprops.label.unsignedapplet", "Allow unsigned applets:"},
 153             {"", "No"},
 154             {"appletprops.choice.unsignedapplet.yes", "Yes"},
 155             {"appletprops.button.apply", "Apply"},
 156             {"appletprops.button.cancel", "Cancel"},
 157             {"appletprops.button.reset", "Reset"},
 158             {"appletprops.apply.exception", "Failed to save properties: {0}"},
 159             /* 4066432 */
 160             {"appletprops.title.invalidproxy", "Invalid Entry"},
 161             {"appletprops.label.invalidproxy", "Proxy Port must be a positive integer value."},

  90             {"appletviewer.main.debug.cantfindmain", "Can''t find main method in the debugger!"},
  91             {"appletviewer.main.debug.exceptionindebug", "Exception in the debugger!"},
  92             {"appletviewer.main.debug.cantaccess", "Can''t access the debugger!"},
  93             {"appletviewer.main.nosecmgr", "Warning: SecurityManager not installed!"},
  94             {"appletviewer.main.warning", "Warning: No applets were started. Make sure the input contains an <applet> tag."},
  95             {"appletviewer.main.warn.prop.overwrite", "Warning: Temporarily overwriting system property at user''s request: key: {0} old value: {1} new value: {2}"},
  96             {"appletviewer.main.warn.cantreadprops", "Warning: Can''t read AppletViewer properties file: {0} Using defaults."},
  97             {"appletioexception.loadclass.throw.interrupted", "class loading interrupted: {0}"},
  98             {"appletioexception.loadclass.throw.notloaded", "class not loaded: {0}"},
  99             {"appletclassloader.loadcode.verbose", "Opening stream to: {0} to get {1}"},
 100             {"appletclassloader.filenotfound", "File not found when looking for: {0}"},
 101             {"appletclassloader.fileformat", "File format exception when loading: {0}"},
 102             {"appletclassloader.fileioexception", "I/O exception when loading: {0}"},
 103             {"appletclassloader.fileexception", "{0} exception when loading: {1}"},
 104             {"appletclassloader.filedeath", "{0} killed when loading: {1}"},
 105             {"appletclassloader.fileerror", "{0} error when loading: {1}"},
 106             {"appletclassloader.findclass.verbose.openstream", "Opening stream to: {0} to get {1}"},
 107             {"appletclassloader.getresource.verbose.forname", "AppletClassLoader.getResource for name: {0}"},
 108             {"appletclassloader.getresource.verbose.found", "Found resource: {0} as a system resource"},
 109             {"appletclassloader.getresourceasstream.verbose", "Found resource: {0} as a system resource"},

 110             {"appletprops.title", "AppletViewer Properties"},
 111             {"appletprops.label.http.server", "Http proxy server:"},
 112             {"appletprops.label.http.proxy", "Http proxy port:"},
 113             {"", "Network access:"},
 114             {"", "None"},
 115             {"", "Applet Host"},
 116             {"", "Unrestricted"},
 117             {"appletprops.label.class", "Class access:"},
 118             {"appletprops.choice.class.item.restricted", "Restricted"},
 119             {"appletprops.choice.class.item.unrestricted", "Unrestricted"},
 120             {"appletprops.label.unsignedapplet", "Allow unsigned applets:"},
 121             {"", "No"},
 122             {"appletprops.choice.unsignedapplet.yes", "Yes"},
 123             {"appletprops.button.apply", "Apply"},
 124             {"appletprops.button.cancel", "Cancel"},
 125             {"appletprops.button.reset", "Reset"},
 126             {"appletprops.apply.exception", "Failed to save properties: {0}"},
 127             /* 4066432 */
 128             {"appletprops.title.invalidproxy", "Invalid Entry"},
 129             {"appletprops.label.invalidproxy", "Proxy Port must be a positive integer value."},