1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 # include "incls/_precompiled.incl"
  26 # include "incls/_jniHandles.cpp.incl"
  29 JNIHandleBlock* JNIHandles::_global_handles       = NULL;
  30 JNIHandleBlock* JNIHandles::_weak_global_handles  = NULL;
  31 oop             JNIHandles::_deleted_handle       = NULL;
  34 jobject JNIHandles::make_local(oop obj) {
  35   if (obj == NULL) {
  36     return NULL;                // ignore null handles
  37   } else {
  38     Thread* thread = Thread::current();
  39     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj), "sanity check");
  40     return thread->active_handles()->allocate_handle(obj);
  41   }
  42 }
  45 // optimized versions
  47 jobject JNIHandles::make_local(Thread* thread, oop obj) {
  48   if (obj == NULL) {
  49     return NULL;                // ignore null handles
  50   } else {
  51     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj), "sanity check");
  52     return thread->active_handles()->allocate_handle(obj);
  53   }
  54 }
  57 jobject JNIHandles::make_local(JNIEnv* env, oop obj) {
  58   if (obj == NULL) {
  59     return NULL;                // ignore null handles
  60   } else {
  61     JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(env);
  62     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj), "sanity check");
  63     return thread->active_handles()->allocate_handle(obj);
  64   }
  65 }
  68 jobject JNIHandles::make_global(Handle obj) {
  69   assert(!Universe::heap()->is_gc_active(), "can't extend the root set during GC");
  70   jobject res = NULL;
  71   if (!obj.is_null()) {
  72     // ignore null handles
  73     MutexLocker ml(JNIGlobalHandle_lock);
  74     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj()), "sanity check");
  75     res = _global_handles->allocate_handle(obj());
  76   } else {
  77     CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS_ONLY(Thread::current()->clear_unhandled_oops());
  78   }
  80   return res;
  81 }
  84 jobject JNIHandles::make_weak_global(Handle obj) {
  85   assert(!Universe::heap()->is_gc_active(), "can't extend the root set during GC");
  86   jobject res = NULL;
  87   if (!obj.is_null()) {
  88     // ignore null handles
  89     MutexLocker ml(JNIGlobalHandle_lock);
  90     assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj()), "sanity check");
  91     res = _weak_global_handles->allocate_handle(obj());
  92   } else {
  93     CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS_ONLY(Thread::current()->clear_unhandled_oops());
  94   }
  95   return res;
  96 }
  98 jmethodID JNIHandles::make_jmethod_id(methodHandle mh) {
  99   return (jmethodID) make_weak_global(mh);
 100 }
 104 void JNIHandles::change_method_associated_with_jmethod_id(jmethodID jmid, methodHandle mh) {
 105   MutexLocker ml(JNIGlobalHandle_lock); // Is this necessary?
 106   Handle obj = (Handle)mh;
 107   oop* jobj = (oop*)jmid;
 108   *jobj = obj();
 109 }
 112 void JNIHandles::destroy_global(jobject handle) {
 113   if (handle != NULL) {
 114     assert(is_global_handle(handle), "Invalid delete of global JNI handle");
 115     *((oop*)handle) = deleted_handle(); // Mark the handle as deleted, allocate will reuse it
 116   }
 117 }
 120 void JNIHandles::destroy_weak_global(jobject handle) {
 121   if (handle != NULL) {
 122     assert(!CheckJNICalls || is_weak_global_handle(handle), "Invalid delete of weak global JNI handle");
 123     *((oop*)handle) = deleted_handle(); // Mark the handle as deleted, allocate will reuse it
 124   }
 125 }
 127 void JNIHandles::destroy_jmethod_id(jmethodID mid) {
 128   destroy_weak_global((jobject)mid);
 129 }
 132 void JNIHandles::oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
 133   f->do_oop(&_deleted_handle);
 134   _global_handles->oops_do(f);
 135 }
 138 void JNIHandles::weak_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* f) {
 139   _weak_global_handles->weak_oops_do(is_alive, f);
 140 }
 143 void JNIHandles::initialize() {
 144   _global_handles      = JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block();
 145   _weak_global_handles = JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block();
 147   // We will never reach the CATCH below since Exceptions::_throw will cause
 148   // the VM to exit if an exception is thrown during initialization
 149   klassOop k      = SystemDictionary::Object_klass();
 150   _deleted_handle = instanceKlass::cast(k)->allocate_permanent_instance(CATCH);
 151 }
 154 bool JNIHandles::is_local_handle(Thread* thread, jobject handle) {
 155   JNIHandleBlock* block = thread->active_handles();
 157   // Look back past possible native calls to jni_PushLocalFrame.
 158   while (block != NULL) {
 159     if (block->chain_contains(handle)) {
 160       return true;
 161     }
 162     block = block->pop_frame_link();
 163   }
 164   return false;
 165 }
 168 // Determine if the handle is somewhere in the current thread's stack.
 169 // We easily can't isolate any particular stack frame the handle might
 170 // come from, so we'll check the whole stack.
 172 bool JNIHandles::is_frame_handle(JavaThread* thr, jobject obj) {
 173   // If there is no java frame, then this must be top level code, such
 174   // as the java command executable, in which case, this type of handle
 175   // is not permitted.
 176   return (thr->has_last_Java_frame() &&
 177          (void*)obj < (void*)thr->stack_base() &&
 178          (void*)obj >= (void*)thr->last_Java_sp());
 179 }
 182 bool JNIHandles::is_global_handle(jobject handle) {
 183   return _global_handles->chain_contains(handle);
 184 }
 187 bool JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle(jobject handle) {
 188   return _weak_global_handles->chain_contains(handle);
 189 }
 191 long JNIHandles::global_handle_memory_usage() {
 192   return _global_handles->memory_usage();
 193 }
 195 long JNIHandles::weak_global_handle_memory_usage() {
 196   return _weak_global_handles->memory_usage();
 197 }
 200 class AlwaysAliveClosure: public BoolObjectClosure {
 201 public:
 202   bool do_object_b(oop obj) { return true; }
 203   void do_object(oop obj) { assert(false, "Don't call"); }
 204 };
 206 class CountHandleClosure: public OopClosure {
 207 private:
 208   int _count;
 209 public:
 210   CountHandleClosure(): _count(0) {}
 211   virtual void do_oop(oop* unused) {
 212     _count++;
 213   }
 214   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* unused) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
 215   int count() { return _count; }
 216 };
 218 // We assume this is called at a safepoint: no lock is needed.
 219 void JNIHandles::print_on(outputStream* st) {
 220   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
 221   assert(_global_handles != NULL && _weak_global_handles != NULL,
 222          "JNIHandles not initialized");
 224   CountHandleClosure global_handle_count;
 225   AlwaysAliveClosure always_alive;
 226   oops_do(&global_handle_count);
 227   weak_oops_do(&always_alive, &global_handle_count);
 229   st->print_cr("JNI global references: %d", global_handle_count.count());
 230   st->cr();
 231   st->flush();
 232 }
 234 class VerifyHandleClosure: public OopClosure {
 235 public:
 236   virtual void do_oop(oop* root) {
 237     (*root)->verify();
 238   }
 239   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* root) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
 240 };
 242 void JNIHandles::verify() {
 243   VerifyHandleClosure verify_handle;
 244   AlwaysAliveClosure always_alive;
 246   oops_do(&verify_handle);
 247   weak_oops_do(&always_alive, &verify_handle);
 248 }
 252 void jni_handles_init() {
 253   JNIHandles::initialize();
 254 }
 257 int             JNIHandleBlock::_blocks_allocated     = 0;
 258 JNIHandleBlock* JNIHandleBlock::_block_free_list      = NULL;
 259 #ifndef PRODUCT
 260 JNIHandleBlock* JNIHandleBlock::_block_list           = NULL;
 261 #endif
 264 void JNIHandleBlock::zap() {
 265   // Zap block values
 266   _top  = 0;
 267   for (int index = 0; index < block_size_in_oops; index++) {
 268     _handles[index] = badJNIHandle;
 269   }
 270 }
 272 JNIHandleBlock* JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(Thread* thread)  {
 273   assert(thread == NULL || thread == Thread::current(), "sanity check");
 274   JNIHandleBlock* block;
 275   // Check the thread-local free list for a block so we don't
 276   // have to acquire a mutex.
 277   if (thread != NULL && thread->free_handle_block() != NULL) {
 278     block = thread->free_handle_block();
 279     thread->set_free_handle_block(block->_next);
 280   }
 281   else {
 282     // locking with safepoint checking introduces a potential deadlock:
 283     // - we would hold JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock and then Threads_lock
 284     // - another would hold Threads_lock (jni_AttachCurrentThread) and then
 285     //   JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock (JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block)
 286     MutexLockerEx ml(JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock,
 287                      Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 288     if (_block_free_list == NULL) {
 289       // Allocate new block
 290       block = new JNIHandleBlock();
 291       _blocks_allocated++;
 292       if (TraceJNIHandleAllocation) {
 293         tty->print_cr("JNIHandleBlock " INTPTR_FORMAT " allocated (%d total blocks)",
 294                       block, _blocks_allocated);
 295       }
 296       if (ZapJNIHandleArea) block->zap();
 297       #ifndef PRODUCT
 298       // Link new block to list of all allocated blocks
 299       block->_block_list_link = _block_list;
 300       _block_list = block;
 301       #endif
 302     } else {
 303       // Get block from free list
 304       block = _block_free_list;
 305       _block_free_list = _block_free_list->_next;
 306     }
 307   }
 308   block->_top  = 0;
 309   block->_next = NULL;
 310   block->_pop_frame_link = NULL;
 311   // _last, _free_list & _allocate_before_rebuild initialized in allocate_handle
 312   debug_only(block->_last = NULL);
 313   debug_only(block->_free_list = NULL);
 314   debug_only(block->_allocate_before_rebuild = -1);
 315   return block;
 316 }
 319 void JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock* block, Thread* thread) {
 320   assert(thread == NULL || thread == Thread::current(), "sanity check");
 321   JNIHandleBlock* pop_frame_link = block->pop_frame_link();
 322   // Put returned block at the beginning of the thread-local free list.
 323   // Note that if thread == NULL, we use it as an implicit argument that
 324   // we _don't_ want the block to be kept on the free_handle_block.
 325   // See for instance JavaThread::exit().
 326   if (thread != NULL ) {
 327     if (ZapJNIHandleArea) block->zap();
 328     JNIHandleBlock* freelist = thread->free_handle_block();
 329     block->_pop_frame_link = NULL;
 330     thread->set_free_handle_block(block);
 332     // Add original freelist to end of chain
 333     if ( freelist != NULL ) {
 334       while ( block->_next != NULL ) block = block->_next;
 335       block->_next = freelist;
 336     }
 337     block = NULL;
 338   }
 339   if (block != NULL) {
 340     // Return blocks to free list
 341     // locking with safepoint checking introduces a potential deadlock:
 342     // - we would hold JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock and then Threads_lock
 343     // - another would hold Threads_lock (jni_AttachCurrentThread) and then
 344     //   JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock (JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block)
 345     MutexLockerEx ml(JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock,
 346                      Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 347     while (block != NULL) {
 348       if (ZapJNIHandleArea) block->zap();
 349       JNIHandleBlock* next = block->_next;
 350       block->_next = _block_free_list;
 351       _block_free_list = block;
 352       block = next;
 353     }
 354   }
 355   if (pop_frame_link != NULL) {
 356     // As a sanity check we release blocks pointed to by the pop_frame_link.
 357     // This should never happen (only if PopLocalFrame is not called the
 358     // correct number of times).
 359     release_block(pop_frame_link, thread);
 360   }
 361 }
 364 void JNIHandleBlock::oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
 365   JNIHandleBlock* current_chain = this;
 366   // Iterate over chain of blocks, followed by chains linked through the
 367   // pop frame links.
 368   while (current_chain != NULL) {
 369     for (JNIHandleBlock* current = current_chain; current != NULL;
 370          current = current->_next) {
 371       assert(current == current_chain || current->pop_frame_link() == NULL,
 372         "only blocks first in chain should have pop frame link set");
 373       for (int index = 0; index < current->_top; index++) {
 374         oop* root = &(current->_handles)[index];
 375         oop value = *root;
 376         // traverse heap pointers only, not deleted handles or free list
 377         // pointers
 378         if (value != NULL && Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(value)) {
 379           f->do_oop(root);
 380         }
 381       }
 382       // the next handle block is valid only if current block is full
 383       if (current->_top < block_size_in_oops) {
 384         break;
 385       }
 386     }
 387     current_chain = current_chain->pop_frame_link();
 388   }
 389 }
 392 void JNIHandleBlock::weak_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
 393                                   OopClosure* f) {
 394   for (JNIHandleBlock* current = this; current != NULL; current = current->_next) {
 395     assert(current->pop_frame_link() == NULL,
 396       "blocks holding weak global JNI handles should not have pop frame link set");
 397     for (int index = 0; index < current->_top; index++) {
 398       oop* root = &(current->_handles)[index];
 399       oop value = *root;
 400       // traverse heap pointers only, not deleted handles or free list pointers
 401       if (value != NULL && Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(value)) {
 402         if (is_alive->do_object_b(value)) {
 403           // The weakly referenced object is alive, update pointer
 404           f->do_oop(root);
 405         } else {
 406           // The weakly referenced object is not alive, clear the reference by storing NULL
 407           if (TraceReferenceGC) {
 408             tty->print_cr("Clearing JNI weak reference (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", root);
 409           }
 410           *root = NULL;
 411         }
 412       }
 413     }
 414     // the next handle block is valid only if current block is full
 415     if (current->_top < block_size_in_oops) {
 416       break;
 417     }
 418   }
 419 }
 422 jobject JNIHandleBlock::allocate_handle(oop obj) {
 423   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj), "sanity check");
 424   if (_top == 0) {
 425     // This is the first allocation or the initial block got zapped when
 426     // entering a native function. If we have any following blocks they are
 427     // not valid anymore.
 428     for (JNIHandleBlock* current = _next; current != NULL;
 429          current = current->_next) {
 430       assert(current->_last == NULL, "only first block should have _last set");
 431       assert(current->_free_list == NULL,
 432              "only first block should have _free_list set");
 433       current->_top = 0;
 434       if (ZapJNIHandleArea) current->zap();
 435     }
 436     // Clear initial block
 437     _free_list = NULL;
 438     _allocate_before_rebuild = 0;
 439     _last = this;
 440     if (ZapJNIHandleArea) zap();
 441   }
 443   // Try last block
 444   if (_last->_top < block_size_in_oops) {
 445     oop* handle = &(_last->_handles)[_last->_top++];
 446     *handle = obj;
 447     return (jobject) handle;
 448   }
 450   // Try free list
 451   if (_free_list != NULL) {
 452     oop* handle = _free_list;
 453     _free_list = (oop*) *_free_list;
 454     *handle = obj;
 455     return (jobject) handle;
 456   }
 457   // Check if unused block follow last
 458   if (_last->_next != NULL) {
 459     // update last and retry
 460     _last = _last->_next;
 461     return allocate_handle(obj);
 462   }
 464   // No space available, we have to rebuild free list or expand
 465   if (_allocate_before_rebuild == 0) {
 466       rebuild_free_list();        // updates _allocate_before_rebuild counter
 467   } else {
 468     // Append new block
 469     Thread* thread = Thread::current();
 470     Handle obj_handle(thread, obj);
 471     // This can block, so we need to preserve obj accross call.
 472     _last->_next = JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(thread);
 473     _last = _last->_next;
 474     _allocate_before_rebuild--;
 475     obj = obj_handle();
 476   }
 477   return allocate_handle(obj);  // retry
 478 }
 481 void JNIHandleBlock::rebuild_free_list() {
 482   assert(_allocate_before_rebuild == 0 && _free_list == NULL, "just checking");
 483   int free = 0;
 484   int blocks = 0;
 485   for (JNIHandleBlock* current = this; current != NULL; current = current->_next) {
 486     for (int index = 0; index < current->_top; index++) {
 487       oop* handle = &(current->_handles)[index];
 488       if (*handle ==  JNIHandles::deleted_handle()) {
 489         // this handle was cleared out by a delete call, reuse it
 490         *handle = (oop) _free_list;
 491         _free_list = handle;
 492         free++;
 493       }
 494     }
 495     // we should not rebuild free list if there are unused handles at the end
 496     assert(current->_top == block_size_in_oops, "just checking");
 497     blocks++;
 498   }
 499   // Heuristic: if more than half of the handles are free we rebuild next time
 500   // as well, otherwise we append a corresponding number of new blocks before
 501   // attempting a free list rebuild again.
 502   int total = blocks * block_size_in_oops;
 503   int extra = total - 2*free;
 504   if (extra > 0) {
 505     // Not as many free handles as we would like - compute number of new blocks to append
 506     _allocate_before_rebuild = (extra + block_size_in_oops - 1) / block_size_in_oops;
 507   }
 508   if (TraceJNIHandleAllocation) {
 509     tty->print_cr("Rebuild free list JNIHandleBlock " INTPTR_FORMAT " blocks=%d used=%d free=%d add=%d",
 510       this, blocks, total-free, free, _allocate_before_rebuild);
 511   }
 512 }
 515 bool JNIHandleBlock::contains(jobject handle) const {
 516   return ((jobject)&_handles[0] <= handle && handle<(jobject)&_handles[_top]);
 517 }
 520 bool JNIHandleBlock::chain_contains(jobject handle) const {
 521   for (JNIHandleBlock* current = (JNIHandleBlock*) this; current != NULL; current = current->_next) {
 522     if (current->contains(handle)) {
 523       return true;
 524     }
 525   }
 526   return false;
 527 }
 530 int JNIHandleBlock::length() const {
 531   int result = 1;
 532   for (JNIHandleBlock* current = _next; current != NULL; current = current->_next) {
 533     result++;
 534   }
 535   return result;
 536 }
 538 // This method is not thread-safe, i.e., must be called whule holding a lock on the
 539 // structure.
 540 long JNIHandleBlock::memory_usage() const {
 541   return length() * sizeof(JNIHandleBlock);
 542 }
 545 #ifndef PRODUCT
 547 bool JNIHandleBlock::any_contains(jobject handle) {
 548   for (JNIHandleBlock* current = _block_list; current != NULL; current = current->_block_list_link) {
 549     if (current->contains(handle)) {
 550       return true;
 551     }
 552   }
 553   return false;
 554 }
 556 void JNIHandleBlock::print_statistics() {
 557   int used_blocks = 0;
 558   int free_blocks = 0;
 559   int used_handles = 0;
 560   int free_handles = 0;
 561   JNIHandleBlock* block = _block_list;
 562   while (block != NULL) {
 563     if (block->_top > 0) {
 564       used_blocks++;
 565     } else {
 566       free_blocks++;
 567     }
 568     used_handles += block->_top;
 569     free_handles += (block_size_in_oops - block->_top);
 570     block = block->_block_list_link;
 571   }
 572   tty->print_cr("JNIHandleBlocks statistics");
 573   tty->print_cr("- blocks allocated: %d", used_blocks + free_blocks);
 574   tty->print_cr("- blocks in use:    %d", used_blocks);
 575   tty->print_cr("- blocks free:      %d", free_blocks);
 576   tty->print_cr("- handles in use:   %d", used_handles);
 577   tty->print_cr("- handles free:     %d", free_handles);
 578 }
 580 #endif