1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 class CompileTask;
  26 class CompileQueue;
  28 class SimpleThresholdPolicy : public CompilationPolicy {
  29   int _c1_count, _c2_count;
  31   // Check if the counter is big enough and set carry (effectively infinity).
  32   inline void set_carry_if_necessary(InvocationCounter *counter);
  33   // Set carry flags in the counters (in methodOop and MDO).
  34   inline void handle_counter_overflow(methodOop method);
  35   // Call and loop predicates determine whether a transition to a higher compilation
  36   // level should be performed (pointers to predicate functions are passed to common_TF().
  37   // Predicates also take compiler load into account.
  38   typedef bool (SimpleThresholdPolicy::*Predicate)(int i, int b, CompLevel cur_level);
  39   bool call_predicate(int i, int b, CompLevel cur_level);
  40   bool loop_predicate(int i, int b, CompLevel cur_level);
  41   // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level.
  42   CompLevel common(Predicate p, methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level);
  43   // Transition functions.
  44   // call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different
  45   // level with a regular invocation entry.
  46   CompLevel call_event(methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level);
  47   // loop_event checks if a method should be OSR compiled at a different
  48   // level.
  49   CompLevel loop_event(methodOop method, CompLevel cur_level);
  51 protected:
  52   int c1_count() const     { return _c1_count; }
  53   int c2_count() const     { return _c2_count; }
  54   void set_c1_count(int x) { _c1_count = x;    }
  55   void set_c2_count(int x) { _c2_count = x;    }
  57   enum EventType { CALL, LOOP, COMPILE };
  58   void print_event(EventType type, methodHandle mh, methodHandle imh, int bci, CompLevel level);
  59   // Print policy-specific information if necessary
  60   virtual void print_specific(EventType type, methodHandle mh, methodHandle imh, int bci, CompLevel level) { }
  61   // Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary
  62   void compile(methodHandle mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
  63   // Submit a given method for compilation
  64   virtual void submit_compile(methodHandle mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
  65   // Simple methods are as good being compiled with C1 as C2.
  66   // This function tells if it's such a function.
  67   inline bool is_trivial(methodOop method);
  69   // Predicate helpers are used by .*_predicate() methods as well as others.
  70   // They check the given counter values, multiplied by the scale against the thresholds.
  71   template<CompLevel level> static inline bool call_predicate_helper(int i, int b, double scale);
  72   template<CompLevel level> static inline bool loop_predicate_helper(int i, int b, double scale);
  74   // Get a compilation level for a given method.
  75   static CompLevel comp_level(methodOop method) {
  76     nmethod *nm = method->code();
  77     if (nm != NULL && nm->is_in_use()) {
  78       return (CompLevel)nm->comp_level();
  79     }
  80     return CompLevel_none;
  81   }
  82   virtual void method_invocation_event(methodHandle method, methodHandle inlinee,
  83                                        CompLevel level, TRAPS);
  84   virtual void method_back_branch_event(methodHandle method, methodHandle inlinee,
  85                                         int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
  86 public:
  87   SimpleThresholdPolicy() : _c1_count(0), _c2_count(0) { }
  88   virtual int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level) {
  89     if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return c1_count();
  90     if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return c2_count();
  91     return 0;
  92   }
  93   virtual void do_safepoint_work() { }
  94   virtual void delay_compilation(methodOop method) { }
  95   virtual void disable_compilation(methodOop method) { }
  96   // TODO: we should honour reprofiling requests in the future. Currently reprofiling
  97   // would happen but not to the extent we would ideally like.
  98   virtual void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr) { }
  99   virtual nmethod* event(methodHandle method, methodHandle inlinee,
 100                          int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, TRAPS);
 101   // Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or NULL.
 102   virtual CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
 103   // Tell the runtime if we think a given method is adequately profiled.
 104   virtual bool is_mature(methodOop method);
 105   // Initialize: set compiler thread count
 106   virtual void initialize();
 107 };