1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  30 // Class Stack (below) grows and shrinks by linking together "segments" which
  31 // are allocated on demand.  Segments are arrays of the element type (E) plus an
  32 // extra pointer-sized field to store the segment link.  Recently emptied
  33 // segments are kept in a cache and reused.
  34 //
  35 // Notes/caveats:
  36 //
  37 // The size of an element must either evenly divide the size of a pointer or be
  38 // a multiple of the size of a pointer.
  39 //
  40 // Destructors are not called for elements popped off the stack, so element
  41 // types which rely on destructors for things like reference counting will not
  42 // work properly.
  43 //
  44 // Class Stack allocates segments from the C heap.  However, two protected
  45 // virtual methods are used to alloc/free memory which subclasses can override:
  46 //
  47 //      virtual void* alloc(size_t bytes);
  48 //      virtual void  free(void* addr, size_t bytes);
  49 //
  50 // The alloc() method must return storage aligned for any use.  The
  51 // implementation in class Stack assumes that alloc() will terminate the process
  52 // if the allocation fails.
  54 template <class E> class StackIterator;
  56 // StackBase holds common data/methods that don't depend on the element type,
  57 // factored out to reduce template code duplication.
  58 class StackBase
  59 {
  60 public:
  61   size_t segment_size()   const { return _seg_size; } // Elements per segment.
  62   size_t max_size()       const { return _max_size; } // Max elements allowed.
  63   size_t max_cache_size() const { return _max_cache_size; } // Max segments
  64                                                             // allowed in cache.
  66   size_t cache_size() const { return _cache_size; }   // Segments in the cache.
  68 protected:
  69   // The ctor arguments correspond to the like-named functions above.
  70   // segment_size:    number of items per segment
  71   // max_cache_size:  maxmium number of *segments* to cache
  72   // max_size:        maximum number of items allowed, rounded to a multiple of
  73   //                  the segment size (0 == unlimited)
  74   inline StackBase(size_t segment_size, size_t max_cache_size, size_t max_size);
  76   // Round max_size to a multiple of the segment size.  Treat 0 as unlimited.
  77   static inline size_t adjust_max_size(size_t max_size, size_t seg_size);
  79 protected:
  80   const size_t _seg_size;       // Number of items per segment.
  81   const size_t _max_size;       // Maximum number of items allowed in the stack.
  82   const size_t _max_cache_size; // Maximum number of segments to cache.
  83   size_t       _cur_seg_size;   // Number of items in the current segment.
  84   size_t       _full_seg_size;  // Number of items in already-filled segments.
  85   size_t       _cache_size;     // Number of segments in the cache.
  86 };
  88 #ifdef __GNUC__
  89 #define inline
  90 #endif // __GNUC__
  92 template <class E>
  93 class Stack:  public StackBase
  94 {
  95 public:
  96   friend class StackIterator<E>;
  98   // segment_size:    number of items per segment
  99   // max_cache_size:  maxmium number of *segments* to cache
 100   // max_size:        maximum number of items allowed, rounded to a multiple of
 101   //                  the segment size (0 == unlimited)
 102   inline Stack(size_t segment_size = default_segment_size(),
 103                size_t max_cache_size = 4, size_t max_size = 0);
 104   inline ~Stack() { clear(true); }
 106   inline bool is_empty() const { return _cur_seg == NULL; }
 107   inline bool is_full()  const { return _full_seg_size >= max_size(); }
 109   // Performance sensitive code should use is_empty() instead of size() == 0 and
 110   // is_full() instead of size() == max_size().  Using a conditional here allows
 111   // just one var to be updated when pushing/popping elements instead of two;
 112   // _full_seg_size is updated only when pushing/popping segments.
 113   inline size_t size() const {
 114     return is_empty() ? 0 : _full_seg_size + _cur_seg_size;
 115   }
 117   inline void push(E elem);
 118   inline E    pop();
 120   // Clear everything from the stack, releasing the associated memory.  If
 121   // clear_cache is true, also release any cached segments.
 122   void clear(bool clear_cache = false);
 124   static inline size_t default_segment_size();
 126 protected:
 127   // Each segment includes space for _seg_size elements followed by a link
 128   // (pointer) to the previous segment; the space is allocated as a single block
 129   // of size segment_bytes().  _seg_size is rounded up if necessary so the link
 130   // is properly aligned.  The C struct for the layout would be:
 131   //
 132   // struct segment {
 133   //   E     elements[_seg_size];
 134   //   E*    link;
 135   // };
 137   // Round up seg_size to keep the link field aligned.
 138   static inline size_t adjust_segment_size(size_t seg_size);
 140   // Methods for allocation size and getting/setting the link.
 141   inline size_t link_offset() const;              // Byte offset of link field.
 142   inline size_t segment_bytes() const;            // Segment size in bytes.
 143   inline E**    link_addr(E* seg) const;          // Address of the link field.
 144   inline E*     get_link(E* seg) const;           // Extract the link from seg.
 145   inline E*     set_link(E* new_seg, E* old_seg); // new_seg.link = old_seg.
 147   virtual E*    alloc(size_t bytes);
 148   virtual void  free(E* addr, size_t bytes);
 150   void push_segment();
 151   void pop_segment();
 153   void free_segments(E* seg);          // Free all segments in the list.
 154   inline void reset(bool reset_cache); // Reset all data fields.
 156   DEBUG_ONLY(void verify(bool at_empty_transition) const;)
 157   DEBUG_ONLY(void zap_segment(E* seg, bool zap_link_field) const;)
 159 private:
 160   E* _cur_seg;    // Current segment.
 161   E* _cache;      // Segment cache to avoid ping-ponging.
 162 };
 164 template <class E> class ResourceStack:  public Stack<E>, public ResourceObj
 165 {
 166 public:
 167   // If this class becomes widely used, it may make sense to save the Thread
 168   // and use it when allocating segments.
 169   ResourceStack(size_t segment_size = Stack<E>::default_segment_size()):
 170     Stack<E>(segment_size, max_uintx)
 171     { }
 173   // Set the segment pointers to NULL so the parent dtor does not free them;
 174   // that must be done by the ResourceMark code.
 175   ~ResourceStack() { Stack<E>::reset(true); }
 177 protected:
 178   virtual E*   alloc(size_t bytes);
 179   virtual void free(E* addr, size_t bytes);
 181 private:
 182   void clear(bool clear_cache = false);
 183 };
 185 template <class E>
 186 class StackIterator: public StackObj
 187 {
 188 public:
 189   StackIterator(Stack<E>& stack): _stack(stack) { sync(); }
 191   Stack<E>& stack() const { return _stack; }
 193   bool is_empty() const { return _cur_seg == NULL; }
 195   E  next() { return *next_addr(); }
 196   E* next_addr();
 198   void sync(); // Sync the iterator's state to the stack's current state.
 200 private:
 201   Stack<E>& _stack;
 202   size_t    _cur_seg_size;
 203   E*        _cur_seg;
 204   size_t    _full_seg_size;
 205 };
 207 #ifdef __GNUC__
 208 #undef inline
 209 #endif // __GNUC__